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The East European Shepherd is an unflappable hard worker. East European Shepherd: history, standard, features East European dog

According to the breed description, the East European Shepherd, or VEO, is a service dog with a large size and an obedient character. Its reputation remains unshakable even with a large number of other breed lines of “servants”. The basis of breeding was the German Shepherd, but other breeds were also used in selection. In Soviet times, VEO was one of the most recognizable dogs, everyone had a respectful attitude towards her.

History of the origin of the East European Shepherd

With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks in the 20s of the last century, an urgent need for service dogs arose. German shepherds were not universal, as they could not work throughout the entire territory of the USSR. In Siberia, Karelia and Kamchatka, animals froze to death or had to be warmed up every 4 hours. In 1924, the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery was created, which was engaged in breeding the domestic VEO breed. The task of Soviet dog handlers was to obtain a universal dog with the following characteristics:

  • large;
  • controlled;
  • hardy;
  • which could work in any climate.

Got into the selection a large number of German shepherds, but Central Asian, husky and other breeds were added to them. The founder of the line was the dog Abrek, who starred in the film Gaichi in 1938. The primary standard was formed in 1964. It was approved by the Canine Council of the Ministry Agriculture THE USSR. In modern times, the breed remains popular in the territory of the former Soviet Union, but the number of purebred individuals is steadily falling.

FCI breed recognition

If we talk about world opinion, the Eastern European breed is still not recognized by the FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale. Its experts remain loyal to the German line. Only the following cynological organizations recognized the breed:

  • UCI – International Union of Kennel Clubs;
  • MKC – International Kennel Union.

What does an East European Shepherd look like?

Externally East European Shepherd similar to German. Ordinary people practically cannot distinguish them from each other. The breed belongs to the medium-large category. Males at the withers reach 66-76 cm, and females - 62-72 cm. Weight depends on the health of the dog, its gender and age. The body weight of males can be in the range of 35-60 kg, and that of females - 30-50 kg. Some representatives of the breed may weigh significantly more due to a tendency towards obesity.

How is it different from German?

Although outwardly these two beautiful breeds They have many similar features, but there are still differences between them. Representatives of the Eastern European line have larger sizes, fewer color options, thicker coats, a different back line and type of movement. VEO also differs in its mental properties. The German Shepherd's temperament is fiery, while the Eastern European's is reasonable and calm. Other characteristic differences:

  1. Wool. The German has a more elegant covering coat. It is longer, especially on the hind limbs.
  2. Addition. The Eastern European has less pronounced limb angles, a higher neck projection, a short tail and a steeper pastern.
  3. Movements. The creeping trot of the German Shepherd is not typical of the Eastern European.
  4. Wool color. A German Shepherd's paws can be any red shade, and a pronounced one. Eastern European - the owner of light fawn, gray or almost white fell.

VEO standard

Before buying a pet, you should study the breed standard in order to purchase a purebred representative. This is especially true for those who plan to participate in exhibitions and competitions. It is recommended to contact a kennel club, because German Shepherd puppies are very similar to Eastern European ones. The standard describes the following characteristics of the breed:

  1. The head is large, has the shape of a regular wedge, and is proportional in overall dimensions. Frontal part wide, rounded, smoothly blending into the muzzle. The cheekbones are muscular and rounded. When viewed from the side, the bridge of the nose is parallel to the extended line of the forehead.
  2. The lips are dry and thick, fitting tightly to the muzzle and not drooping.
  3. The teeth are straight, white, and tightly set. According to the standard, only a complete set of incisors and canines is allowed - 42 teeth. Bite without gap, scissor bite.
  4. The nose and eyes are set at an angle and have oval shape. The eyelids are dry, dense, completely covering the whites. The outer corner is raised towards the ear.
  5. The ears are medium, triangular in shape, only erect ears are allowed. Set wide apart, can't be too big.
  6. The limbs are muscular, proportional, and sinewy in the lower part. The front legs are parallel with the elbows pressed to the chest. The hips are noticeably elongated, the back is strong.
  7. The tail is saber-shaped, reaching to the hocks or below. IN natural state carried low or between the hind legs. When working, it rises to the spine or higher.

Breed defects

In dog behavior, cowardice, lethargy, unbridled aggression and indifference are considered vices. Minor faults are shortcomings in the external characteristics of the animal. More pronounced deviations, due to which the East European Shepherd loses its working qualities, are considered disqualifying defects:

  • weak ligamentous apparatus;
  • loose, rough or light constitution;
  • weak muscles;
  • light eye color;
  • brown or red tan on saddle coat;
  • curvature of the limbs;
  • weakness or deformation of the ears;
  • corkscrew tail;
  • unbalanced movements;
  • lack of teeth.

East European Shepherd color

The coat of a representative of this breed is strictly defined by the standard. The guard hair of a dog is smooth, hard, fits tightly to the body, has average length. The undercoat is well developed. It is felt-like and may differ in color from the guard hair. The standard VEO is black or scooped with a mask. Zone-red and zone-gray are also acceptable, but they are undesirable.

Character and temperament

Initially, the Eastern European was bred as a service breed for military dog ​​breeding. She works in the police, border troops and army, because her character corresponds to the tasks performed in these structures. Other distinctive features character of the shepherd dog of the Eastern European breed type:

  1. Sensitivity. Even with this quality, VEOs are not the best guards, because they do not inform the owner about strangers.
  2. Security qualities. The pet will be the best guard. The animal protects its family and territory to the end. Anyone who wants to offend the owner will first have to deal with a powerful and purposeful dog.
  3. Goodwill. At proper socialization The dog does not show aggression towards other animals. Although it all depends on the character of a particular representative: some are not at all interested in other pets, others, on the contrary, attack any four-legged animal.

High intelligence and balanced character

The East European Shepherd is highly intelligent. They have good learning abilities, are very obedient and are not prone to escape. The pet happily obeys all commands of the owner. In terms of trainability, this dog is considered simply magnificent, otherwise it would not have been accepted into the army and special services. For an East European type shepherd, there are practically no tasks that it cannot perform. In addition to high intelligence, the dog’s character is distinguished by its complaisance and restraint. The animal experiences pleasure from serving humans.

Relationships with people

The dog is neutral towards children. If the dog is not attached to the child as to the owner, then it may even bite in response to rudeness. The pet plays with children in the same way as with adults. Some representatives of the breed cannot even tolerate small family members. Without training, dogs can be aggressive towards children. The main difference of this breed is loyalty and devotion, more often to one person. Some dogs can ignore or become accustomed to another member of their owner's family for years. The animal is affectionate towards only one person, but not servile.

Features of training

Dogs of this breed love to learn, so they are easy to train. They look into the coach's eyes to understand what is required of them. Distinctive feature– the shepherd dog equally well perceives both commands with instant reactions and those that require endurance. It is easy to train the Eastern European dog even at home, without the help of a dog handler. To do this, you should follow following rules:

  • first learn commands with the puppy at home;
  • then move the classes outside when the dog is already confidently fulfilling the requirements (if at first he doesn’t obey, it’s not scary);
  • carry the puppy until the end of quarantine only in your arms, not allowing him to communicate with other pets;
  • constantly change places of walk, walk in crowded places, take public transport or a car so that the dog can calmly react to any situation.

Service dog training

In the absence of training and control on the part of the owner, the Oriental will easily break off the leash at the first cat running nearby. For this reason, the puppy is trained with early age. Thanks to its impeccable obedience, the shepherd dog is easy to train. When training, you need to use treats and praise. The approach to education involves:

  • the beginning of serious training from 6 months of age;
  • training without application physical punishment;
  • constant support of already learned skills;
  • completing a general training course (GTC), if there is no experience working with large dogs.

Care and conditions of detention

The East European Shepherd is suitable both for keeping in an apartment and in an enclosure if the owner lives in a private house. The pet has excellent adaptive abilities in relation to any climate conditions. Although the animal is little susceptible to heat and cold, it still needs a canopy that would protect it from the sun and precipitation. An insulated booth is also required.

How to properly care for your fur

The East European Shepherd is an unpretentious animal. Thick coats need to be brushed regularly, at least once a week. During shedding, you need to do this daily. This procedure is mandatory, because VEO sheds a lot. Wool can be found on carpets, clothing and furniture. There is especially a lot of it during the changing seasons. Bathing is carried out 2-4 times a year if necessary.

Regular walks and exercise

Regardless of where the dog is kept, it requires regular physical exercise and walks. This could be swimming, cross-country, walking uphill, running in shallow water or snow. This strengthens the animal's muscles and ligaments. Every day your pet needs at least 1-2 hours of walks. They help the animal socialize and begin to better understand the owner and make friends with him.

Hygiene procedures

Eyes, ears and teeth should be examined daily and cleaned as needed. All hygiene procedures begin at an early age so that the animal gets used to them and behaves calmly. It is better to do them in the form of a game. This way the VEO puppy will accept the whole process more easily and will not react aggressively to it. You also need to take care of the claws. If you don’t grind them down on time, at least once a month, it will cause inconvenience to the dog.

What to feed your East European Shepherd

Proper feeding of puppies affects the full development, growth and appearance of the pet. In the first days in a new living space, it is worth feeding the animal in the same way as the breeders did. Most of them advise the buyer on the correct diet. During the first month, the puppy is fed 6 times, up to 2 months - 5 times, up to 3 months - 4 times, and from six months - accustom to 2 feedings a day. At an early age, the animal is fed mainly dry food. It is better to switch an adult dog to natural food.

Natural products

A large pet needs a high-calorie diet. The East European Shepherd requires a diet consisting of 70% meat. The rest consists of dairy products, fish, vegetables, porridge and greens. To brush your teeth, you should give your dog apples and carrots. The meat is used raw, gradually increasing the serving size. If the product is not trustworthy, then it must first be scalded with boiling water.

Specialized feed

The use of specialized premium feed is recommended during periods of intensive animal growth. At this time, puppy and young dogs can be given brands such as Ekanuba, Acana, Bosch, Belcando. When your pet reaches physical maturity, it is worth switching to ProPak, Pro Plan, and Dog Chow food. Such a diet must be supplemented with a sufficient amount of liquid, so keep an eye on the animal’s bowl all the time.

East European Shepherd puppies

It is better to purchase a puppy from well-known nurseries that have a good reputation. You should first call several organizations at once and study their offers and conditions. It is not recommended to buy an animal from random breeders, especially without documents from the RKF (Russian Cynological Organization). There is a high risk of purchasing an animal that is not purebred, and sometimes even a sick one. various defects mental health or hereditary pathologies. When contacting a nursery, you need to ask the breeder:

  • give the opportunity to observe the puppy;
  • look at the pet's parents;
  • provide a veterinary passport and pedigree of the puppy.

Where can I buy

There are several trusted kennels where fans of this breed can purchase a purebred East European Shepherd. They are especially important to know for those who plan to have not just pet, and a future winner of exhibitions and a participant in breeding shows. Among the popular nurseries are the following:

  • Lutar RKF - http://www.veolutar.ru;
  • Moncher Virsal - http://veoworld.ru;
  • National Club of the East European Shepherd Dog breed - http://www.veorkf.ru/;
  • Veovita - https://vk.com/veovita;
  • Olan Olzheks - olan-olczeks.jimdo.com.

How much does a puppy cost?

Price of a dog with good pedigree and others necessary documents cannot be low. You can buy a puppy cheaply without veterinary passport or not purebred. If you need a good, healthy and purebred pet, then you should not expect low prices. The average price of an East European Shepherd is 30 thousand rubles. This is the cost of a promising puppy with good characteristics. Most nurseries offer approximately this price.

Health and hereditary diseases

It is difficult to talk about the health of this breed. According to Soviet canine reference books, only two ailments are typical for VEO, such as:

  1. Gastric volvulus. The reason is the increased elasticity of the ligaments that support the organs. Because of this, when physical activity overlap of the intestinal loop or stomach occurs. The first symptom is swelling of the peritoneum, after which the disease develops very quickly. Due to the deprivation of circulatory organs, necrosis occurs, which leads to the death of the animal.
  2. Arthritis. This is a joint disease. Develops as a result of delayed recovery bone tissue or degenerative changes age-related.

In the first years after the collapse of the USSR, monopolists dishonestly used only their own dogs for selection, which caused damage to the breed. Such omissions in the development of the VEO breed led to an expansion of the list of characteristic diseases. It began to include:

  1. Rickets. Develops more often at an early age. Characterized by irreversible curvature of the limbs.
  2. Enteritis. The disease belongs to the acute viral category. The dog is vaccinated against it back in puppyhood.
  3. Dysplasia. This pathology is associated with age. Its cause is considered to be untimely renewal of articular tissue.

How long do East European Shepherds live?

Average duration The lifespan of a representative of this breed is 12-16 years. At good care the animal can live longer. For a dog of large stature and build, this is the optimal life expectancy. Breed-specific diseases occur in dogs of any age, so at the first symptoms you should consult a veterinarian.

Photo of an East European Shepherd


The East European Shepherd dog was bred in Russia specifically for service and rescue operations in the climatic conditions of the country. The progenitor of the representatives of the breed was the German Shepherd, brought to Soviet Union in order to improve the qualities and characteristics of the breed.

Historical reference

The East European Shepherd was created on the basis of the German Shepherd, from which it differs in its impressive physique, unpretentiousness, stable psyche and resistance to cold climatic conditions. Together with Dobermans, the dog breed was used in government agencies. The first old-type German shepherds were brought to Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. They showed themselves exceptionally smart dogs with excellent working qualities, they were used in search work and as orderlies. German Shepherds remained close to humans on the fronts of the First World War and the Russo-Japanese War.

Since 1924, organized and systematic breeding of dogs began in service dog breeding kennels. VEOs were bred in the USSR in a planned and purposeful manner and were used in economic sectors: border protection in the border troops, investigative service in the police, on the fronts of the Second World War. After the war, Vostochniks became the most common service dogs in the USSR.

It is noteworthy that opinions on the new breed, recognized in 1964 by many Russian cynological communities, were divided. Most believe that the new breed has worst qualities, than the progenitors, others tend to think and evaluate the improved skills and characteristics of the breed.

There are known attempts to “renew” the breed. Some breeders tried to cross the new breed of German Shepherds with the stereotypical "East Europeans", but not a single attempt was successful. Systematic improvement of the dog's performance characteristics and selection work to adapt to domestic climatic conditions led to a sharp difference between the VEO and the German shepherd.

In the 1990s, the breed experienced a serious crisis and found itself on the verge of extinction. A significant contribution was made by the fact that the breed did not become officially recognized by international canine organizations. Even being unrecognized, “Easterns” find a lot of fans in Russia and outside the country.

Today, the East European Shepherd Dog breed is recognized by the International Canine Union, but remains unrecognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

Description of the breed

Due to the similarity of breed descriptions, the East European Shepherd Dog and the German Shepherd individuals They confuse the two breeds with each other. In fact, there are a number of cardinal differences.

  1. Country Russia.
  2. The group is not recognized by international canine organizations.
  3. Life expectancy is 10-13 years.
  4. The physique is strong and athletic. The dog is large, the bones are strong, the muscles are well developed.
  5. The body is slightly stretched, the bones are well developed. The gender characteristics are very different in appearance. Males are much larger than bitches, With big head and developed breasts.
  6. The head is large and proportional. The bite is scissor-shaped.
  7. The ears are set high and erect.
  8. Height: at the withers, males reach 66-76 cm, and females - 62-72 cm.
  9. The average weight of females is 30-50 kg, males - 35-60 kg.
  10. The coat is thick, rough, and has a dense undercoat. The hair on the head and ears is short.
  11. Color: black, black with tan, black and tan, zone-red, zone-gray.

VEO puppies grow quickly. Changes up to 12 months. Month-old kittens are babies 22-27 centimeters tall and weigh 3-5 kilograms. Monthly healthy puppy grows by an average of two centimeters, gains weight up to 5 kilograms, by the time a matured VEO reaches 72 centimeters at the withers. An adult East European Shepherd weighs 30 - 60 kilograms, with a female weighing 30 kg, a male being much heavier and more massive.

The following are considered disqualifying faults: any bite other than a scissor bite, a non-black nose, underdeveloped testes, long, shaggy hair, short or docked tail, drooping ears. Cropping of ears is unacceptable.

The East European Shepherd is a large animal, taller than average. The dog is strong, with developed strong bones. VEO has prominent muscles, a pronounced gender characteristic - females fewer males. The shepherd has a massive head with a wedge-shaped muzzle, topped with medium-sized, high-set pointed ears, the tips of which point forward and upward. The dog moves confidently and quickly, the movements are strong and balanced.

Character of VEO

The species has clearly expressed protective reactions. TO strangers extremely distrustful. Otherwise they are balanced and self-confident. They are friendly and obedient towards their owners. VEO's defensive reaction is clearly expressed. The Shepherd is a service dog; the dog has an innate caution and unpretentiousness.

Regarding temperament, VEO:

  1. Balanced.
  2. Confident in yourself.
  3. No outsiders allowed.

The East European Shepherd shows the world the best qualities of a dog. Strength, natural beauty, loyalty, sense of duty - everything is fully expressed in the East European Shepherd Dog, or VEO, bred in the 30s in the USSR. Puppies are clumsy, but adorable, they grow quickly, and with proper care for your tiny dog, you will soon find a friend and protector. The ancestor of the East European Shepherd was the German Shepherd. Exported from Germany, the dogs served as the base breed, and the long-legged VEO was “molded” based on the variety.

Unpretentious, excellent service qualities are combined in a dog with nobility, intelligence and loyalty. She is full of inner dignity and confidence (not without reason) in own strength, will become an excellent bodyguard and a full member of the family. The East European Shepherd gets along well with children and will keep company in outdoor games. Does not strive to sort things out with other dogs in the family. Jealousy, intrigue - for the rest, the “Eastern” has no time to engage in such a waste of time.

Having decided to get an Oriental, be aware: you are taking a serious service dog, with specially instilled security qualities. The East European Shepherd passes from childhood OKD course With professional trainer. A dog is not suitable for living in an apartment; a country house with a yard is an ideal option. Dog owners are supposed to remember: the “Eastern” cannot be kept on a chain forever, at the risk of raising a dangerous and uncontrollable dog.

VEO becomes very attached to its owner. The dog is harmoniously built and has improved anatomy, which primarily affects the dog’s working qualities.

The Shepherd has excellent hearing and scent, exhibits a distrustful character and is capable of rapid acclimatization. “Vostochnik” does not lose his or her indicative reaction and soberly assesses a person’s capabilities.

VEOs accept training so easily and quickly that a novice dog breeder, even a teenager, can easily cope with dog training. VEO is strongly attached to his owner and senses his mood. Being a formidable dog for strangers, the “Eastern” takes care of and protects the owner’s family.

A valuable quality of a dog is considered to be its remarkable intelligence and intelligence; the dog perfectly distinguishes between a training area and a working situation, where it is quite capable of independently making a decision to protect the owner without receiving commands.

Caring for the East European Shepherd

Proper care of the East European Shepherd - first of all, grooming, regular examinations of the ears, eyes, and claws. There are no particular difficulties in keeping a shepherd dog. Good care is needed. You will need to comb the coat 2 times a week. During the molting period, the procedure is performed more often (daily!). The dog sheds heavily; it is especially problematic to cope with the abundance of hair during the period of intense shedding in autumn and spring.

  • The dog's fur is combed with a metal comb.
  • During the molting period, a “puffer” is added to the comb.

Clean the ears regularly and monitor the condition of the claws. If the nails do not grind down in time, they will need to be trimmed.

Hygiene procedures are introduced into at a young age. East European Shepherd puppies will get used to hygiene procedures, in adulthood they will accept manipulations calmly. Puppies need to be walked several times a day, creating the need to relieve themselves outside.

It is better to start care procedures as a game. A young individual will more easily accept the need for the process, bypassing the negativity during hygiene procedures.

You should not wash your pet frequently; it should be done as needed. When bathing, it is recommended to use special washing shampoos. For shepherds, it is advisable to use protein-based shampoos.

Disadvantages and diseases of the breed

  1. VEO is a large dog, prone to diseases of this type of dog.
  2. If raised incorrectly, a dog will show aggression towards other animals and humans.
  3. It is unacceptable to keep a dog in a small city apartment.
  4. Wool all over the house and yard.
  5. The dog is strong and large. Badly well-mannered dog A weak girl or child cannot walk, VEO tends to rush at people with a cane, an altered gait, or running athletes.

What to feed

Avid dog lovers and experienced dog handlers know the saying: “The breed enters through the mouth.” From proper feeding external data or exterior depends puppy VEO, pet health, growth and full development. Feeding the puppy is consistent with the baby's growth rate.

A puppy settling into a new living space, getting used to its owner, experiences stress. In the initial days, it is better to adhere to the feeding regime that was practiced by the breeders running the nursery. Even food and feed should be selected with an eye to feeding in the nursery. As a rule, breeders are happy to advise the owner on emerging issues.

The puppy’s diet depends on the age periods associated with the energy costs of the growing body. Two types of feeding are known: natural products and ready-made factory feed. In the first case, the owners will need to ensure that many foods are included in the diet and that the diet remains balanced. In the second, everything has already been thought out for the owners. Industrial quality food already contains the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your puppy needs.

  • The one-month-old puppy VEO needs to be fed 6 times a day.
  • The VEO puppy, 2 months old, receives 5 meals a day.
  • At three months of age, the puppy is fed 4 times.
  • A six-month-old puppy is taught to eat 2 meals a day.

If the puppy is active, he is trained or kept in harsh conditions (outdoors in an enclosure, even in winter), the need for food increases due to increased energy costs. But the diet of the “Eastern” is supposed to be balanced, able to replace the loss of energy after exercise and exercise. From now on, nutritious food is available to all breeds.

If, when deciding what to feed the East European Shepherd puppies, you decide to opt for dry food, do not forget to make sure there is fresh water in the animal’s bowl. Food is chosen taking into account the age and breed of the pet. Don’t forget to change your diet, reduce the number of feedings, and the size of portions as your dog gets older.

It is possible to feed a mature East European Shepherd with dry food or prefer a diet with products of natural origin. It is better to feed an adult dog twice a day.

Regardless of the method you choose, monitor and supplement your dog's diet with vitamins and mineral supplements. If your work schedule leaves little free time, it is better to prefer a diet based on dry food, selected according to the dog’s structural features. From proper nutrition The health of the pet depends. Representatives of the species are predisposed to diseases:

  • allergy;
  • joint disease;
  • If you eat improperly, stomach problems often occur.

To protect your dog from diseases, introduce the correct daily routine, with obligatory long walks and physical activity. Exclude from your diet:

  1. Sweets. It is better not to give your pet any chocolates, sweets or other goodies. Give your dog a piece of cheese as a treat, or buy special sweets for dogs at the pet store.
  2. Fat meat. Meat containing excess fat is difficult to digest. It is better to replace fatty pork with veal or boiled beef.

Pet training

The East European Shepherd is required to serve; you will need to keep the dog in shape. Training representatives of the breed is a mandatory requirement for owning dogs. Education and training of the East European Shepherd begins from early childhood in mild form games. Raising a VEO puppy is a delicate art. East European Shepherd puppies are vulnerable and sensitive, however, it is a mistake to allow a dog to sit on a person’s head.

Shepherd dogs are highly intelligent and take training easily. General physical fitness is directly related to the health of the dog. The main principle of raising a puppy is self-control and consistency in actions. If the puppy has committed a fine or, conversely, the baby’s behavior is worthy of praise, you should praise and scold immediately, without delay, otherwise the puppy will not understand why you were reprimanded, and why you patted him behind the ear and called him affectionately.

The East European Shepherd is an excellent friend, comrade and colleague: these are full members of the working team serving in the army and police, and are also positioned as good guides. The endurance of this breed can be the envy of many four-legged animals.


The first East European Shepherd standard was adopted in 1964, followed by the second in 1976. At that time, the breed was considered a subspecies of the German Shepherd and was not listed as an independent breed. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics.

Character of the East European Shepherd. The breed has a balanced temperament, but at the same time, it is characterized by distrust of strangers and a rather aggressive reaction to them.

What does an East European Shepherd look like?. The dog's color is black or black with a mask on a light silver or fawn base color.

The coat has a good down, the length of the guard hair lengthens significantly in the transition to the back of the dog's body.

Description of the breed. The height of the East European Shepherd is greater than average: when walking, the height of the cable is 66-76 centimeters, in females - 62-72 centimeters.

The dog is built large - the length of the body is 10-17% greater than the height from the withers, the back is strong and wide, the tail is saber-shaped, the paws are long and well mobile. The average weight of an individual is 35-60 kilograms.

Important! Today the breed is recognized as a full-fledged breed by the International Union of Kennel Clubs and the International Kennel Union.

History of the breed

To serve in the armed forces of a large country with different climates in different parts of it, it was necessary to develop a “universal soldier.”

Thus, in the late 1930s, a breed of service dogs appeared - the East European Shepherd (VEO). The relative on the basis of which this breed was bred is the German Shepherd.

Choosing a puppy

If, when choosing a shepherd dog, the Eastern European breed is your priority, you need to purchase a puppy only in a specialized nursery, where they can provide you with a pedigree.

The cost of a purebred “Eastern” starts from $350. When choosing a breeder from whom you will take a puppy, please note that nursery prices are this breed shouldn't be much different.

Important! If you are offered a low price, be prepared to receive a non-purebred dog.


This breed, despite its large size, gets along well both in an apartment and in the courtyard of a private house. The condition for the dog's comfort is sufficient space and the presence of his own corner.

The ideal is spacious. The main thing is to immediately decide on your pet’s place of residence, since a dog accustomed to a house or apartment will have difficulty adapting to a kennel and enclosure.



Regular brushing of the coat not only makes it more well-groomed, but also healthy in appearance. It is also necessary to carry out treatment and prevention from time to time.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Clean your dog's ears of wax at least once every two weeks. If her eyes do not bother her, then it is enough to simply wipe them with a damp cotton pad as needed.

The teeth also need to be cleaned from time to time; if this is not done, the dog is guaranteed to get tartar.

Monitor the length of your dog's nails - very long nails can cause various infections, and will also cause inconvenience to the dog. Trim them at least once a month to avoid the above problems.


You should not wash your entire dog more than twice a year. It is highly recommended to carry out water procedures as needed, and then only partially. Brushing is enough to clean dog hair.


It is very important to give your animal regular exercise. Obesity is the number one problem in all dog breeds. Daily running and jumping is the key to animal health.

As an adult, a dog's walk should last a total of about 5 hours. It is very important to play with the dog using retrieving objects: balls, toys, sticks.


The basis of the shepherd's diet consists of protein products: eggs, meat and milk. Periodically include vegetables and herbs in your East European Shepherd's diet.

Everything should be given raw except river fish; Also make sure your dog always has fresh water. Feed the animal twice a day: morning and evening.

Education and training

The East European Shepherd lends itself well. Already as a puppy, she easily remembers her place, name and walking time. The main thing is not to demand the impossible from the puppy and teach commands gradually.

At the age of two months, they learn the command “Sit”, then “Lie down”, and soon “Stand”. From six months it is worth accustoming your dog to the commands “Fu!” and “Give”, which will help if during a walk the dog grabs an unknown object or food.

Did you know? If your dog starts wagging its tail to the left while walking-it warns you of possible danger.

Health and characteristic diseases

The East European Shepherd is a very hardy breed and suffers extremely rarely. How many years an animal will live largely depends on genetics, care and the health of the breed itself. The average lifespan of a VEO is 12-14 years, but it often lives much longer.
The following diseases are typical for this breed:

  • the first and most common is dysplasia hip joints. Its prevention should begin as early as one year of age;
  • A less common occurrence is gastric volvulus. It is very important to leave the dog alone for at least an hour and a half after eating, and reduce all physical activity to zero;
  • joint diseases. The dog is like a kind of athlete - after prolonged mobility there comes a time that is potentially dangerous for the bones.

Regular examinations of the dog and proper care will protect the animal from possible complications health. Also don't forget the importance of anthelmintic medications.

Difference from the German Shepherd

There are a number of differences between the old ancestors, the German and East European Shepherd:

  1. Dimensions. VEO is much larger and taller than a German Shepherd.
  2. Back. The angle of the back of the VEO is not as large as that of the German one.
  3. Mobility. VEO is more impetuous and its movements resemble pushes.
  4. Color. VEO has a lighter base coat color.
  5. Service. VEOs are more conservative in behavior than Germans.
  6. Temperament. VEO is calmer than easy-going German Shepherds.

Did you know? Dog from the film "Gaichi" (1938)-the founder of the first German Shepherds of the Eastern European type, Abrek.

The East European Shepherd can become a reliable friend and assistant for you. But if you want to buy a dog of this particular breed, be sure to take into account all its features.

Know that you will need a lot of effort and dedication when raising a pet, and always remember that we are responsible for those we tame.


Origin: USSR

Usage: dog for service in law enforcement agencies, dog for home protection, pet and family friend

Color: completely black or with a dark mask on a light gray to fawn background.

Dimensions: height: for males - 65-75 cm, for females 60-73 cm; weight: for males - 37-60 kg, for females - 30-55 kg

Lifespan: about 12-14 years old

The East European Shepherd is a strong, resilient, active and athletic dog that will become great friend for the whole family, protector and guard.

She is distinguished by her intelligence and intelligence, ease of communication, and devotion.

This breed is extremely easy to care for; all it needs is attention and exercise with its owner, and it will reward you with a cheerful disposition, activity and hard work.

History of the breed

The East European Shepherd is a young dog. Its breeding began on the territory of the USSR.


The East European Shepherd is a strong, hardy, but at the same time very attached to its owners dog that happily performs various commands and loves walks.

  • Intelligence. Previously, the East European Shepherd breed, like and, was used exclusively as a service dog that served in the police, guarded borders and important government facilities. Nowadays she is often used as a pet. Do not forget that you need to constantly work with the East European Shepherd, set different tasks for it and develop its intelligence. She loves active pastime and will be grateful to you.
  • Friendliness. This breed will become a devoted friend for the whole family, it loves children, and dotes on its owners. Of course, everything depends on upbringing, but the East European Shepherd dog picks up everything on the fly, is easy to train and understands the owner’s requests and commands the first time.
  • Similarly, such a dog quickly gets used to its owner and has a very difficult time withstanding even short-term separation. This is exactly the pet that will happily wait for you, often follow you, and happily wag its tail.
  • Performance. East European Shepherds are hardy, hardworking, and have been proven through years of faithful service to humans. Training an East European Shepherd is easy if you teach the puppy to follow the owner's commands from childhood. Such a pet will need to be walked often, devote a lot of time to it and constantly invest energy in its mental and physical development. In return, you will receive a smart, hardy and loyal dog that can perform a number of tasks and just be a good friend.


Initially, the East European Shepherd breed was bred to work in law enforcement and security.

Now she is bred both to participate in exhibitions and as a devoted family friend.

Despite its size, this dog can even live in an apartment, along with others, the main thing is that it has its own place and large bedding.

For those dogs that will live in the yard of the house, it is worth building a booth or enclosure.

Often those who are just planning to get a dog wonder how a German shepherd differs from an Eastern European one.

In addition to the fact that the latter are more hardy and resistant to harsh climatic conditions, they are also larger, taller, have good health and a balanced nervous system.

How to choose a puppy

Very often, when choosing a puppy and wanting to buy an East European Shepherd, many future owners mistakenly buy German Shepherds or half-breeds.

Therefore, if you want VEO, you should contact a special kennel of East European Shepherds, where you can find out the pedigree.

As a rule, East European Shepherd puppies can cost from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the documents, find out about the health of the puppy and its parents, and whether the latter participated in exhibitions.

If you find out about the sale of an East European Shepherd for 550 rubles, you should think that most likely you will be offered a pet whose pedigree is not known or has some shortcomings.

Features of care


The East European Shepherd breed is easy to care for and does not require.

All she needs is enough walks, regular visits to the vet and hygiene.

It is worth washing your dog 1-2 times a year if necessary. In the summer, it is worth taking your pet to a pond where he can swim, this will be useful for the ligaments.

It is worth brushing your pet several times a week, and during shedding - every day, with the help of.

It is also important to check your teeth regularly, give your dog special food that he can chew, and clean his ears every 2 weeks.


The East European Shepherd will need frequent walks from an early age.


The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems.

Characteristic diseases

Although representatives of this breed are not susceptible to eye diseases like eye diseases, they do have some ailments:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • joint diseases, arthritis;
  • The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems



    As a rule, the female is brought to the male for mating.

    She needs some time to get comfortable in a new environment, but a male who is on his territory, as a rule, immediately becomes interested in a new acquaintance.

    It is important that the mating is between representatives of the breed without similar disadvantages.

    East European Shepherd dog: a hardy protector and a loyal friend

    The East European Shepherd is a hardy and hardworking breed that will become a reliable guard for your home and a devoted family friend. She is easy to train and loves her owners.

The first representatives of this fearless and loyal breed were bred back in the Soviet Union. The East European Shepherd is still in high demand today, because such dogs have an extraordinary intelligence, exceptional devotion and rare reliability.

Origin story

The parents and grandparents of the breed were brought to our country back in 1904 from Germany. These were the best German Shepherds. At the very beginning, dogs were not used for breeding, exploiting their working qualities - excellent guarding and herding capabilities. During the First World War, animals were used as sanitary dogs. After this, it was decided to involve representatives of the breed in police work. During the revolution, almost the entire livestock was destroyed, but after civil war The required number of animals was purchased from Germany. In the first years, the new government simply used dogs without trying to breed the breed locally.

However, already in the years 24-36 the situation changed: the task was set to develop a new breed that would be more adapted to climatic conditions. For this purpose, German Shepherd males were matched with females of other breeds or even mongrels, taking into account the phenotype. The result of this selection was a dog that was called the “East European Shepherd”.

The first breed standards were developed and approved in 1955. The RKF adopted the standard for this type of shepherd dog only in 2002.

Breed characteristics

Representatives of this breed have powerful muscles and developed bones. The hind legs are located almost at right angles to the level back. The average height at the withers is 70 cm. Males are noticeably larger than females and taller, in addition, their chest is more developed and their heads are larger. Weight - about 50 kg. The coat is coarse, the undercoat is thick. The East European Shepherd, whose color does not have strict boundaries, can be black, zone-red, black-and-white, zone-gray or black and tan.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by endurance, activity and tirelessness. The standard states that the animal must be ready to obey the owner's commands at all times. Protecting the property entrusted to them or own master, these dogs can act independently, showing incredible courage. At the same time, aggression that has no basis is a reason to consider the animal defective.

By nature, the East European Shepherd, whether black or any other color, is distrustful. But this only applies strangers. Moreover, she is merciless towards her enemies and the enemies of her owner. At the same time, she is very gentle with children, being an excellent nanny for them. The dog will be happy to play any games with children, but especially loves active ones like chasing. She loves to bring objects thrown to her. A dog full of dignity and calm will become a full member of the family. A well-bred dog does not experience negative emotions towards other pets.

These shepherd dogs are very balanced, have strong nerves, keen hearing and sense of smell, and do not have the habit of raising their voices while working. These qualities are highly valued in guard duty, for which the breed is used today.

Differences with German

Despite the fact that the breed originated from the “Germans,” today the difference between the German and East European Shepherd is very significant. Of course, both breeds have fans, however, in order to decide on your preferences, you need to know exactly what the differences are.

So, first of all, the East European Shepherd is noticeably larger. Even VEO females, according to standards, are larger than the male representatives of the “Germans”. And this despite the fact that females are always smaller than males of the same breed. In addition, the “Eastern” is wider in the chest, it is deeper, with a more pronounced turn.

The girth of the pastern is also important - an “Eastern European” has a much thicker paw than a “German” of the same age and gender. It is very important to pay attention to the dog’s back - in VEO the difference between the withers and croup is about 3 cm, while the back of the German Shepherd resembles an arc, forming a large difference in the height of the withers and croup. The "Germans" have more long legs, making their movements somewhat crouching.

These dogs are also very different in temperament. “Germans” are athletes: noisy and quite cheerful, while VEOs are active but serious.


Like any other breed, the East European Shepherd has characteristics that all members of the breed must meet. These standards were adopted by the RKF on November 1, 2002.

The dog is moderately elongated, large in stature, with strong bones and well-developed muscles. The sexual type is clearly expressed. Males are more massive and larger.

Temperament and Behavior: This breed cannot be expected to be patient with strangers. According to the standard, the dog must be self-confident, balanced, and have a strong active-defensive reaction. You should treat strangers with distrust.

Males reach 66-76 cm at the withers, females - 62-72 cm.

The dog's head is proportional to the whole body, its length is about 40 percent of the height at the withers. Massive, slightly pointed, wide and deep. The cheekbones are rounded, the muscles are developed. The forehead is rounded.

The limbs are straight, set almost parallel. The pasterns are long and springy. Hind legs extended, parallel to each other. The thighs are muscular and set at an angle.


Until now, German Shepherd males are used in breeding, capable of adding “fresh blood” to the VEO branch. But despite all the efforts of breeders, East European Shepherd puppies may appear that have defects for which they may be discarded or simply not allowed for further breeding.

Disadvantages that can affect a dog's health:

Strong deviations from the sexual type;
- insecure behavior;
- stretched or flattened body shape;
- uncharacteristic expression of the muzzle;
- light, convex or round strips;
- absence of premolars;
- poorly erect ears;
- ring tail;
- twisted limbs or loose gait;
- depigmentation of the nose.

Defects that lead to disqualification of a dog:

Cowardice or unmotivated aggression;
- non-compliance with standards;
- deviation (except for the cases specified in the defects);
- non-scissor bite;
- drooping ears;
- eyes of different colors;
- albinism;
- short or stubby tail;
- deviations in color;
- cryptorchidism, complete or partial;
- curly, too long or too short hair;
- unsteady or non-standard gait.

An East European Shepherd dog that has at least one of these defects cannot be admitted to exhibitions, breed competitions, or put into breeding.


Today there are two types of breeding: with the participation of fresh blood of German Shepherd males or crossing only within the breed. The Eastern European type includes puppies bred in both ways. In the rings, both options can be equally successful, since judges prefer well-trained dogs, competently shown. After the end of the exhibition, analyzing the descriptions of the experts, breeders and clubs select pairs and draw up breeding plans.


Like any other breed, the price for good dog with cool ancestors it cannot be low. Of course, you can buy a shepherd puppy without documents for a thousand or two. But if you need a good, promising puppy from working parents, you need to go to the service dog breeding club. And here you should no longer expect low prices. The correct East European Shepherd, the price of which is quite reasonable, with an excellent pedigree and good data will cost from 30 thousand rubles.

Raising a puppy

Most often, there are no problems raising cubs of this breed. East European Shepherd puppies receive their first “education” at four months of age. However, one cannot rush too much, because raising any living creature is a long process that requires maximum patience.

In addition, proper and balanced feeding of the East European Shepherd puppy is very important. The diet must include meat, cottage cheese, eggs, and vegetables.


This dog - the East European Shepherd - is distinguished by its intelligence, so its training and education are quite a simple matter. The animal is able to assimilate new elements very quickly. Jumping and overcoming obstacles is the favorite part of any dog ​​of this breed. Training with a variety of tasks - The best way spend your pet's energy.

This breed needs firm management, so it is important to interest the dog - it will not perform empty tasks. It is necessary to ensure that the animal itself wants to obey, and not just because it was trained that way - then it will enjoy the exercise. It is impossible to achieve obedience and devotion from VEO through punishment.

It is very important to establish a connection with a dog from childhood - this is the only way to get a truly understanding friend. In addition to their owners, puppies should be socialized with other animals, especially dogs, to avoid further hostility toward them. It is important that the puppy goes to crowded places so as not to raise an angry, withdrawn dog.

By raising an East European Shepherd correctly, you can get an excellent bodyguard, an excellent security guard, who adores and cares for the owner and his family.

If you ask the owner what the difficulties are in keeping this breed, he will most often think about it. And this is not a pretense at all; the East European Shepherd is extremely healthy. Reviews from the owners indicate that she does not require special living conditions: she can easily get used to living both in an apartment and in the courtyard of a house. The wool is very easy to care for - just wash it when it gets dirty and brush it when shedding. Apart from a predisposition to volvulus, the breed does not have any serious transmissible diseases. To avoid this trouble, it is enough to follow the feeding rules: never feed immediately before or after a walk - at least an hour should pass. It is best to give small portions of foods that contain a lot of calories, since the larger the food, the higher the chance of bloat.

Like others large dogs, VEOs are susceptible to arthritis and other joint diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent such problems within 5-6 years, without waiting for the first signs.


The character of this shepherd is flexible, which makes it easy for the animal to adapt to various types of lifestyle. Depending on the situation, it can be either a sofa pet or a devoted guard. But still, we should not forget that these dogs were bred for service, so they need education, training, and long walks. Very important for mental health animal participation in various rings and competitions. This can be not just OKD or ZKS, but also sled dog competitions, towing, and agility.

Among other things, this dog is extremely owner-oriented - it does not tolerate not only long business trips, but even short-term separation. Even in a small space, the Easterner will follow the owner, strive to lie next to him, and constantly see him. Some people may be annoyed by such strong devotion - this must be taken into account when choosing a pet.

Breed today

Today the East European Shepherd is not the most popular breed. However, every year everything more people choose her as a pet. Despite the fact that quite recently VEO almost disappeared forever from the lists of breeds, lovers and connoisseurs prevented this from happening. That is why we have the opportunity to see the best representatives of this breed in the region at almost any exhibition.