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Zhdanov method natural vision restoration exercises. The most important thing about gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov. Nutrition and its combination with exercise

The long-standing authority of Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a serious motivation to listen to him and his ideas. People with visual impairments often look for unconventional methods, because they do not trust orthodox doctors and are afraid of surgery, but do not want to wear glasses.

But it’s not just a matter of desire or unwillingness to be “bespectacled.” Poor vision is dangerous for the body in a general sense(more details below). Methodology and advice of Professor V.G. Zhdanov will lead to results not in words, but in deeds. You just need to study all the intricacies and follow the recommendations correctly.

Why do you need to correct your vision?

In fairness, improving vision is a personal matter for each person. Some people have gotten used to glasses and have come to terms with the fact that they will never see 100% without artificial “assists.” But it turns out that in impaired vision, in glasses with lenses, there is a serious danger.

Why is poor vision dangerous?

To understand the harm of vision pathology to the body, you need to understand the following:

  • the muscles of the eyeball in people with poor vision are in constant tension;
  • the consequence is insufficient blood supply (that is, the cells experience oxygen starvation);
  • every structure of the eye is exposed to the risk of various diseases (at a minimum, cataracts and glaucoma);
  • by the eye myopic person elongated shape;
  • the retina is constantly in a tense state;
  • The greater the “minus” dioptres, the greater the chances that the matter will end in retinal detachment due to physical exertion.

IMPORTANT. For women whose vision is below minus 7-8, doctors prohibit natural childbirth. They also don’t hire people who are over 10 years old. sport sections, in circles and communities dedicated to active species leisure and self-realization.

What are the dangers of wearing glasses?

In an effort to compensate for the lack of visual capabilities, man came up with glasses - artificially designed lenses correct impaired accommodation (the ability of the lens to ensure normal focusing when displaying objects on the retina).

That is, the benefit seems to be achieved - objects are distinguishable, the person regains confidence in orientation in the surrounding space. But there is also back side medals:

  • to see objects, a person wearing glasses turns his head - the eyeball remains motionless;
  • gradually the muscles begin to weaken;
  • then the muscles inevitably atrophy (especially in those people who don’t think about anything, just wear glasses and make no attempt to keep their visual apparatus in good shape).

IMPORTANT. Atrophy eye muscles is fraught with complete loss of vision. Everyone is afraid of such blindness, but for some reason they rely on the achievements of surgery, on a miracle, on “maybe.” Method V.G. Zhdanov is a solution to problems without costs, but with results.

What is the Zhdanovsky method based on?

Throughout the day, a person’s refraction (the degree of refraction of rays through the lens of the eye) changes for various reasons:

  • psychological mood (stress, joy, despondency);
  • degree of fatigue/energy;
  • lighting conditions;
  • the quality of the waves emitted by an object (what we see with the eye is nothing more than reflected light rays with different wavelengths);
  • If a person has been prescribed glasses, he begins to wear them conscientiously, finally depriving his visual system of the ability to return to an optimal state when viewing surrounding objects.

Convincing Optimism

The professor claims that it is possible to restore vision at almost any age - if you try hard. This is much easier to do in children (since their refractive changes are more dynamic).

There are cases where people (using different ones) restored their vision in a relatively short period of time. For example, the story of academician Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov is impressive - his period of wearing glasses for farsightedness exceeded 50 years!

Zhdanov’s system includes not only a set of regular exercises, but also the concept of systematic eye care at the everyday level. Even after vision is completely restored.

  • the habit of wearing glasses is on par with addiction to alcohol and smoking;
  • reach positive effect It is possible with strabismus, and with astigmatism, and with myopia or farsightedness. Even initial stages lens opacities and glaucoma are not a reason to abandon the technique (on the contrary, they are serious reason deal with it closely);
  • the speed and depth of the result depends only on the person’s desire to work on himself and his vision.

Prevention and eye hygiene

IMPORTANT. The term “palming” was given to humanity by the famous ophthalmologist Professor William G. Bates (USA, New York). Learn this technique to place it healing power to serve your interests.

A little more history

The theory of V. G. Zhdanov is based on the developments of Bates, who:

  • found that it is not the ciliary muscle and the lens that are to blame for the refractive error, but the six muscles of the eyeball (which are weakened or too tense);
  • systematized the findings into a coherent concept;
  • in practice, I received results confirming the validity of my statements (I worked with schoolchildren and adult patients).

A little later, Vladimir Georgievich revised the conclusions of other researchers (V. M. Travinki, I. N. Afonina, G. A. Shichko). Moreover, I personally witnessed the effectiveness of new methods. He added his own developments and created the most complete, voluminous methodology.

Today Zhdanov's lectures are popular all over the world. The professor’s views are readily shared by people interested in improving the health of the population - teachers, doctors, lovers of healthy lifestyles. The author of the methodology himself emphasizes: it is more pedagogical than medical. The ultimate goal is to teach people to control their vision, restore it and maintain it for a long time in a state close to its original state.

Commercial truth

Skeptical people at first asked Zhdanov a tricky question: if your method is so wonderful, why has it not yet been widely adopted? Why do people become acquainted with it only at lectures initiated by the author and his associates, but not from the lips of orthodox physicians?

Vladimir Georgievich gives a simple answer that does not provoke any desire to argue:

  • the current commercial reality does not accept innovations that do not generate profit;
  • the powerful industry for the sale of glasses, lenses and related products is a giant monster, an all-consuming money machine, which is protected by a huge army of interested parties (investors, manufacturers, distributors of goods, tax authorities in the end).

Thus, every person with impaired vision has a choice - only his personal choice: to stay with glasses and contacts forever or try to get rid of them, showing a little patience and spending some time.

Video - Zhdanov V. G. Course of natural vision restoration

What to do according to Zhdanov

The professor appeals to personal awareness: remember the importance of prevention. That is, follow the three rules of eye hygiene - rest, palming, down with glasses (see above for more details). And now in more detail about the methodology.


In direct translation, this term means “palming” (since in English palm means “palm”):

  • with the help of palming it is possible to relax and strengthen the eye muscles;
  • palms are crossed relative to each other in the form of an inverted English letter"V" is then applied to the eye area (without strong pressure on the eyes);
  • move your eyes under your palms, without tension and in different directions (there should be a pleasant feeling);
  • duration from 5 minutes (not less);
  • find time for palming at least twice a day - in the morning in the evening;
  • Always do palming when your eyes are tired from work.


What does the gymnastic complex consist of:

  • move your eyeballs in different directions (“figure eight”, circle clockwise and back, vertically and horizontally, draw squares);
  • quantity - repeat each action from 7 to 10 times;
  • Please note - there is no need to rotate your head following your gaze (try to keep your head fixed);
  • At the end of the gymnastics, relieve tension from your eyes - light blinking will help with this.


Turning requires a window (in daylight outside) or a lit candle (in dark time days). How to do the exercise correctly:

  • stand close to a window or candle;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • set your gaze forward, as if you were peering into the distance;
  • turn your body left and right alternately;
  • do not rush - turns should be performed smoothly;
  • at the moment when the body is rotated to the maximum, it is permissible to lift the heel of the opposite leg from the floor;
  • while turning, keep your gaze on a window or a candle (focus your attention on the fact that they “float” past you from the side);
  • number of repetitions from 30 to 50 times.

IMPORTANT. Don't strain your eyes - they should be relaxed all the time. There is no goal to look at a candle or window in detail.

Choose a moment when the sun is not very bright (not burning). Most often, noon is not suitable for performing the exercise. Now:

  • lower your eyelids;
  • rotate the body as described above;
  • number of turns - from 20 to 30;
  • Cover one eye with your palm;
  • the second must be open;
  • look down;
  • do another 20 to 30 body turns;
  • cover open eye, open another;
  • look down;
  • turn your body again the same number of times as before;
  • after that, open both eyes;
  • final rotations of the body - looking directly in front of you and exposing your face to the sun;
  • the final exercise is to blink quickly, alternately covering one or the other eye with your palm;

IMPORTANT. While getting used to sunlight make sure there is no discomfort. Zhdanov recommends starting at sunset or dawn, when the light is dim (in as a last resort Replace natural light with a dim lamp or lit candle).

Center fixation

What is the difference between a healthy and unhealthy eye:

Mindfulness is used for relaxation central fixation eye - using a check table:

  • to begin, fix your gaze somewhere close to the table on the wall;
  • take aside;
  • blink;
  • fix your gaze on;

  • take aside;
  • blink;
  • fix your gaze on the line;
  • take away - blink;
  • on any single word;
  • take away - blink;
  • on the letter;
  • take away - blink;
  • on a separate part of the same letter;
  • take away - blink;

Despite the fact that the method was not developed by the professor “from scratch” (the exercises of Bates and Shichko were taken as a basis), it remains one of the most effective. In order for the classes to give the expected result, it is important to perform all manipulations correctly.

Features of Zhdanov’s technique for vision restoration

Vision restoration using the Zhdanov method consists of several approaches, which together have a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the eyes, but also significantly improve psychological condition person.

The components of a full course of therapy according to Zhdanov are:

  • palming;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • turns;
  • sunbathing (solarization method);
  • conducting the right image life;
  • fixation method.

When performing a set of exercises to restore vision according to Zhdanov, you should completely eradicate the habit of wearing it for any occasion. The doctor thinks it's just getting in the way normal functioning eyes, besides, they negatively affect the psychological state of the patient.


One of the most popular exercises using the Zhdanov method for treating vision is “Palming”. It was developed by ophthalmologist W. Bates. In his opinion, the reason for all eye diseases is a deterioration in a person’s psychological state and excessive tension in the eye muscles. Therefore, to improve vision, rest and relaxation of the eye muscles is necessary.

The technique of performing the exercise is simple. Need to borrow comfortable position and fold your hands into a “house” so that the eyes under them can open and close calmly. Place your fingers on your forehead and cross them together, making sure that your little fingers are intertwined at the bridge of your nose.

Elbows, fingers and hands should be completely relaxed. To ensure maximum muscle relaxation, you can place your elbows on your knees or a solid base (table or chair). The fingers should be crossed so that not a single ray of light breaks through them. Keep your head straight.

You must try to see absolute darkness before your eyes, trying not to think about the position of your eyes. To do this, you can try to imagine some beautiful landscape. The duration of this procedure should be at least 3 minutes.

When performing “palming” to restore vision, Professor Zhdanov recommends following Bates’ advice and thinking about something positive and pleasant. This could be some kind of memory, favorite melody, smell, color, etc. The main thing is that thoughts do not contribute to tension in the eye muscles and have a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state.

To get out of “palming” you can use the following scheme: alternately close and open your eyes under the “house”. After this, remove your hands from your face and slightly shake your head in different directions. Open your eyes and blink them quickly for a few seconds. This simple technique will significantly improve blood circulation in the vessels. visual organs, if performed regularly after the end of “palming”.

Sometimes, while doing this exercise, a person may experience white spots in front of their eyes. To get rid of them and see absolute darkness, you should imagine objects that are black in color. You can also try to imagine a can of black paint that spreads, gradually covering up even minor light spots in front of your eyes.

Restoring vision using the Zhdanov method also involves performing other exercises, which must alternate with palming. But it’s better to start classes with it, smoothly moving on to other techniques.

Central fixation method

To restore vision naturally, Academician Zhdanov recommends conducting sessions of central fixation. They help heal the eye from the inside, which has a positive effect on the performance of its functions.

Eye exercises based on this technique are carried out in the following way. First, fix your gaze on some more or less large object, then on its smaller detail, then on the smallest part of the selected object, etc.

Let's look at an example:

  1. Go to the window and look outside, blinking your eyes frequently.
  2. Stop your gaze on one of the houses and take a closer look at it.
  3. Turn your gaze to the window of this house, then to the window frame, then to the glass, etc.

Thus, the eyes gradually begin to fixate on small details, while large objects become fuzzy and blurry. According to Dr. Zhdanov, vision restoration through regular practice of this exercise occurs by improving the functions of the so-called “macula” or macula - the part of the eye that is most sensitive to light.

Normally, the eye is always fixed only on the central part of the object under consideration, while its other details are not so clearly visible. That is, peripheral vision It’s not particularly clear, and that’s absolutely normal. But in people with refractive problems, central fixation is seriously impaired, causing the eye to try to capture all objects in the immediate vicinity at the same time. This is a serious anomaly, which can be overcome by fixation exercises to restore vision using the Zhdanov method.

Solarization method

Exercises for the natural restoration of vision according to the Zhdanov method include another technique - sunbathing, or solarization. This technique is performed in several ways.

  • Exercise with a candle or lamp . Sit up straight and place a candle or table lamp in front of you. The main light should be turned off and the curtains should be closed. Focus your gaze on the candle, and then begin to turn your head so that your eyes remain motionless, but it seems as if they are also moving. In this case, the candle should easily “sweep” in front of them. There is no need to focus your gaze on objects flashing nearby.
  • Exercise in the sun - one of the most common solarization options, recommended by Professor Zhdanov for restoring vision. Go outside and put your face under Sun rays. Closing your eyes, raise your head and begin to slowly turn it to the sides. If at first it is difficult to perform the exercise, you can help yourself with your whole body. When your eyes get used to bright sunlight, you can open one eye slightly, but the pupil should be downward. Manipulate the second eye.

At first, there may be tension in the eyes, which can be relieved by blinking quickly.

In order for such exercises to restore, and not worsen, vision, it is necessary to increase the time spent in the sun gradually and very carefully. It is especially important to do this when working with a child.

Gymnastics for the eyes

The set of exercises for vision according to Zhdanov is not limited to “palming” and solarization. There is a special gymnastic course for the eyes that helps treat various ophthalmological diseases, for example.

To begin with, you should do “palming”, and only then move on to gymnastics. You should regularly perform the following exercises to restore vision according to Professor Zhdanov’s method:

  1. Blink quickly and easily, trying not to squint – only the eyelids should move.
  2. Raise and lower eyeballs.
  3. Move your eyes right and left.
  4. Imagine that there is a dial in front of you, then fix your gaze on the imaginary number 12, then move it to number 3, then 6, then 9 and again to 12. Blink a little, then do the exercise counterclockwise.
  5. Imagine that there is a long pipe in front of you. “Reel” and then “unwind” the rope with your eyes. Repeat the procedure 5 times.

Such eye exercises to improve vision using the Zhdanov method can be performed with calm music, which will relax the muscles and allow you to concentrate on your activities.


To restore vision, Professor Zhdanov recommends doing exercises not only with your eyes, but also in different parts bodies. This is necessary to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and more. Such classes should be carried out in the morning and evening.

  1. Perform head tilts: to the right - forward, to the left - back. Carry out 4-5 approaches with smooth movements.
  2. Lower your head up and down 4-5 times.
  3. Raise and lower your shoulders 5-10 times.
  4. Rotate your shoulders forward and backward – 6-10 times.
  5. Tilt your torso to the sides 5–10 times.

A full range of exercises and activities to restore vision according to Zhdanov also involves maintaining a correct lifestyle. Without this, therapy will be of little use.

Lifestyle according to Zhdanov

Not only physical training contributes full restoration vision – for this you also need to take certain medications:

  • aqueous extract based on propolis;
  • the preparation “Blueberry”, which contains extracts of blueberries and bee bread;
  • immunomodulator "Vetom".

It is impossible to speak unequivocally about the effectiveness of Zhdanov’s technique for restoring vision, since it is influenced by a number of factors. In particular, these are:

  • the correctness of the doctor’s diagnosis;
  • tendency to self-hypnosis or suggestibility;
  • presence of desire and willpower to complete a full course of exercises to restore vision according to Zhdanov’s method.

So that such activities are truly restored visual function fully, it is necessary:

  • Give up completely bad habits.
  • Workout.
  • Use only healthy food, especially products with high content vitamin A.
  • Make sure that the light always falls from right side(for right-handers – on the left, for left-handers – on the right).

If you are confident that you can withstand the difficult trials that you will have to go through in order to fully recover, then don’t waste a minute - start practicing. Restoring vision using the method of Vladimir Zhdanov is a long and labor-intensive process, so you must be well prepared for it. Don't leave everything halfway, because we're talking about about your health.

Useful video about vision restoration according to Zhdanov

  1. Professor Zhdanov /
  2. download lectures by Professor V.G. Zhdanov
  3. Vision restoration /
  4. Articles and reviews

The lecture is given by Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov. A course on vision restoration is regularly held in Moscow.

Phone: 400-17-19 (answering machine)

Glasses are an expression of the powerlessness and helplessness of official ophthalmology.
They are the key to further deterioration of your vision.
So if you want to take off your glasses, then take them off.
Yogi Ramananthata

Vision can and should be restored. Age does not matter. Almost any eye disease recedes before Professor Zhdanov’s technique: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, strabismus, the initial stages of glaucoma and cataracts. - the structure of the eyes - how and why vision defects occur - the damage caused by glasses and much, much more you will learn from the introductory lecture of the course on vision restoration.

Professor Zhdanov's method is based on the methods of Bates and Shichko, as well as his own developments in this area.

00:00:30 Opening speech by Professor Zhdanov The course is dedicated to vision correction using the Shichko-Bates method. This is a course of general health improvement and getting rid of bad habits. “From which ones?” - you ask. Those who are lazy must first get rid of laziness, those who are irritated - from irritability, those who smoke - from tobacco. Anyone who drinks, God forbid, is from alcohol. And, in general, this method is universal and allows a person not only to restore his own health and vision, but also to get rid of a lot of stupidity in his head that prevents him from living. I called you so old - in the kind Russian word “comrades-in-arms,” because I am sure that with many we will truly be comrades-in-arms in that difficult and difficult struggle, in the struggle to restore our health and vision. In the fight to restore the health and vision of our children and grandchildren, and, by and large, in the fight for the recovery of our country.
00:01:40 Professor Zhdanov talks about himself My last name is Zhdanov, my name is Vladimir Georgievich. I am a professor at the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute, president of the International Association of Psychoanalysts. I live and work in the Novosibirsk Academic Town. Our association is part of a broad movement. Movement for spiritual and physical revival. A movement for a sober, healthy lifestyle. And within the framework of our association, we have deployed a network of similar public health universities throughout the country, where we help people improve their spiritual and mental health using non-medical methods. And as a consequence of this, improve your physical health, including restoring your vision using non-medical methods.00:02:20 Professor Zhdanov talks about his method of restoring vision It turns out that anyone who wears glasses can take them off using simple special exercises restore your vision and start seeing without glasses the same as with glasses, and even better. It is possible, it is affordable. This is what we will talk about today. Today I will tell you:
  • how does the human eye work
  • why do people's eyesight deteriorate?
  • why is it very harmful to wear glasses?
  • why is it dangerous to have poor eyesight, and how this could turn out in the future.

And, most importantly, I will show you a very simple and accessible set of exercises for the eyes, which, in principle, I repeat, allows any person who wears glasses to take off their glasses, improve their eyes and begin to see without glasses as well as with glasses, and even better. But first, a little theory, otherwise it is not clear how this could happen in principle. And why we know very little about this.

00:03:15Device human eye according to Hemholtz and Bates. Causes of visual impairment. Communication mental stress with clamping of the oculomotor muscles.
00:13:56 The ominous role of glasses in deteriorating vision. How this happens.00:14:42What does the Bates system offer for getting rid of myopia.00:15:23The first and second damage caused by glasses.
00:17:34 Why the eye muscles need to be trained and relaxed. 00:18:46Professor Zhdanov tells how he himself started wearing glasses and how he restored his vision.
00:21:21 What W. G. Bates offers for farsighted people. “Flat Eye” 00:23:32 Strabismus and the method of W. G. Bates. What are the causes of strabismus? The approach to treatment of orthodox medicine (surgical) and the method of W. G. Bates.
00:25:51 Astigmatism can only be treated using the Bates method.Causes of astigmatism according to Bates. Signs of astigmatism.
00:31:20 Zhdanov shares his experience of vision correction. Vision can be corrected at any age. Is it possible to develop 200, 300, 500 percent vision? 00:32:56 The oldest surgeon on the planet is Academician Fedor Uglov. Meeting between Professor Zhdanov and Academician Uglov. How Academician Uglov completely restored his vision in three weeks.
00:35:51 How Bates developed a system of exercises to restore vision. Why almost nothing is known about the Bates method. Three reasons that seriously hinder wide application Bates techniques
00:39:29 A few words about eye diseases glaucoma And cataract. Reasons: Professor Bates's gymnastics will help perfectly with early stages of glaucoma And catarats.Expensive surgery can and should be avoided.
00:44:40 A few words about official medicine. Attitude of doctors to the Bates technique.
00:51:30 Several exercises to restore vision. Palming - eye biophoresis - significant help for the eyes. Solarization of the eyes on a candle.
01:20:09 Why is it dangerous to have poor vision? Why is it harmful to wear glasses? What do eye doctors know, but, unfortunately, hide from patients? Why is training your eyes more important than doing exercises and brushing your teeth? Why are lenses even more dangerous than glasses?
01:26:31 Some natural preparations. Propolis and its unique properties. Blueberries. Blueberry preparations for the eyes. Blueberries with beebread. The drug “Vetom” to improve immunity.

You can download the first, introductory lecture on vision restoration for free here: download the introductory lecture on vision restoration.

Order the full course on vision restoration on 6 DVDs you can visit the website: www.Prozrey - Website good vision

If you are interested in other lectures by Professor Zhdanov, you can find out more and download them here: download lectures by Professor Zhdanov

Source: http://ex.kabobo.ru/docs/345500/index-11584.html

Lectures by Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov: treatment of alcoholism, vision correction, smoking is harmful to health - how to quit smoking!?

Restoration of vision by 100%

Did you know that it is possible to restore your vision? And at any age.
Fortunately, you don't have to believe this. This is easy to check.

Almost any eye disease recedes before Professor Zhdanov’s technique: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, strabismus, the initial stages of glaucoma and cataracts.

Eye structure
- how and why vision defects occur
- damage caused by glasses
and much, much more you will learn from the introductory lecture of the course on vision restoration.

Professor Zhdanov's method is based on the methods of Bates and Shichko, as well as his own developments in this area

Lecture Vision correction No. 1. Time 1 hour 39 minutes.

download -

Lecture Vision correction No. 2. Time 2 hours 33 minutes.

download -

Lecture Vision correction No. 3. Time 2 hours 55 minutes.

download -

Lecture Vision correction No. 4. Time 3 hours 10 minutes.

download -

Lecture Vision correction No. 5. Time 4 hours 11 minutes.

download -

Lecture Vision correction No. 6. Time 3 hours 32 minutes.

download -

Professor of the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute. President of the International Association of Psychoanalysts. In 1988 he was elected a member of the council of the Union of Spiritual Revival of the Fatherland (SDVO). He was one of the leaders of the Novosibirsk society "Fatherland". One of the founders of the International Academy of Sobriety.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is an activist in the sober lifestyle movement and a well-known publicist.

Vladimir Georgievich’s lectures are so simple and understandable that they resonate both in the hearts of teenagers and the elderly. Boring scientific terms are replaced with bright, colorful images. It is not surprising, therefore, that Zhdanov’s lectures are interesting and educational.

Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich it is this person who can safely be called a hero of our time, it is he who opens people’s eyes to the terrible problem that exists in modern society, on the problem of the death of a nation. A nation perishes not from military action, not from natural disasters. The nation is dying from the wave of alcohol that has swept over people, the nation is dying from the fact that by the age of 14, almost every child knows what alcohol tastes like.

It all starts with the irresponsibility of parents who, on their birthday, New Year, or for any other celebration, they pour champagne for their child, and then this child turns into a completely degraded personality by the age of 20. It's scary and that's what it's trying to tell to an ordinary person Vladimir Georgievich.

The facts that he cites in his lectures are simply terrible, they make your blood freeze, because everything that happens to the nation happens with the connivance of those people in whose hands the power is. It is with their tacit consent that advertising is removed alcoholic drinks with the participation of young beautiful people, it was with their help that the alcohol industry became one of the most profitable types of business in the country.

No one is interested in the question of why pharmaceutical companies produce ten times more narcotic drugs than are needed for the needs of all hospitals and clinics combined. It’s simple, this abomination is pouring onto the streets in an endless stream, into which our children fall and in which they drown. This is exactly how a nation is destroyed, quietly, calmly, without unnecessary fuss and bloody wars.

Why attack a country if you can simply replace the ideals and the people of this country will die out on their own, from degradation, from dullness, from depravity and vulgarity. Oddly enough, among the majority of scientists, only Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov deals with the problem of education, conveying information to the masses.

It is he who opens his eyes to those problems that, not in words, but in deeds, destroy the people of a once strong power; it is this person who deserves to be imitated and become his successors in his difficult task. It is this person who serves as an example of how to live, so that when you look back and look at the years you have lived, you don’t feel pain for their aimlessness, for their emptiness. We need to give people the truth, as Vladimir Georgievich does, in his lectures, in his books and monographs.

Compatriots! After watching these videos, you will learn what a terrible danger alcohol, tobacco, and drugs pose. How they affect a person, family, society. Who and why launched this mechanism for the destruction of entire nations.

Now the main blow of these dark forces is directed at the younger generation. Huge funds have been allocated for this. It is the duty of every father and every mother to save their children.

Show these videos at home, in schools, distribute them, pass them on, talk about it!

Source: http://pravdu.net/load/zdorove/zhdanov_v_g_seminar_quot_polnoe_vosstanovlenie_zrenija_quot/4-1-0-11

Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich

Professor of the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute. President of the International

association of psychoanalysts. In 1988 there was

elected member of the Council of the Spiritual Union

Revival of the Fatherland (SDVO). He was one of the leaders of Novosibirsk society

"Fatherland". One of the founders of the International Academy of Sobriety.

Union of the Struggle for People's Sobriety (SBNT) is the first deputy

Chairman of this union Fedor Grigorievich

Uglov, the most famous and oldest

six hundred

articles in scientific medical journals. Uglov turned 102 in 2006

years, while he continues to perform operations and conduct

scientific work, listed in

Guinness Book of Records as the oldest active surgeon on the planet. Member of the Union

"Truth and lies about legal drugs."

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov - activist of the movement for a sober lifestyle, widely known


the famous “anti-alcohol report” of 1986. Travels around the country giving lectures

O healthy way life and about

international aggression against Russia, Ukraine and


Georgievich are so simple and understandable that they resonate both in the hearts

teenagers and elderly people

age. Boring scientific terms

replaced by bright colorful images. It is not surprising, therefore, that Zhdanov’s lectures


and educational.

Get your sight back.

Vision restoration course. Zhdanov V.G.

Just because you have vision problems doesn't mean

that you have to come to terms with it and wear glasses.

Yes, glasses will help you today,

but in the end, vision will only worsen.

The fact is that vision depends

from the work of the oculomotor muscles

(longitudinal, transverse).

Once you put on your glasses,

your eye muscles will stop work.

The main cause of myopia, farsightedness,

strabismus and astigmatism -

This is a disorder of the eye muscles.

(there are only six of them).


that practically anyone can

completely restore vision

with eye exercises.

Simple exercises,

but quite effective.

What does it offer today?

modern ophthalmology?

She's essentially powerless

and only offers glasses

(or worse, eye surgery).

The thing is,

that this science is based on postulates

two hundred years ago.

Meanwhile, 100 years ago

American scientist Bates

revised the theory of how the eye works.

His Researches show,

that all eye problems are one way or another

associated with the condition eye muscles.

If you see well,

it means you have eye muscles

trained and free.

If you wear glasses -

it means some muscles are compressed,

other stretched or relaxed


Nowadays, Russian professor Zhdanov

fully studied the theory of the American scientist

and confirmed it in practice.

Indeed, vision improvement can begin

after the first exercises.

What is especially important -

you must immediately stop wearing glasses,

as much as possible!

You ask,

Why is this treatment method still used?

Not distributed by?

The answer lies in the huge billions each year

profit from sales optical lenses

V. G. Zhdanov. "Alcohol and drug terror against Holy Rus'"

3 hours 44 minutes. 2004

The lecture of Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, quite widely known among the people, affects people in different ways: some even perceive it with hostility, because it really proclaims truths that are difficult to come to terms with, although it is impossible to disagree with them. But those who find the strength to think about what they heard and saw are deeply imbued with the main idea, perhaps even disagreeing with

Professor Zhdanov at some points.

And from that very day they begin to live a new life, full life!

This lecture was recorded on May 2, 2004 in Moscow. After his story, Vladimir Georgievich answers questions from listeners, in particular, talks about what each individual person can do

for the sake of saving our own people from extinction.

Download - 702 MB

In 2006, V. G. Zhdanov and A. N. Mayurov conducted Chelyabinsk region, Russian Federation) a three-day seminar, during which students were introduced to the basic concepts of sobriology, the existing problem of alcoholization of society, as well as ways to overcome it. The seminar was held on the initiative local authorities and collected

a full hall of people interested and caring about the problem

The first day:

download the first part, 2 hours 38 minutes. - 730 MB

download part two, 2 hours 19 minutes. - 672 MB

download the first part, 2 hours 38 minutes. (reduced image quality) - 261 MB

download part two, 2 hours 19 minutes. (reduced image quality) - 230 MB

Second day:

download the first part, 2 hours 56 minutes. - 877 MB

download part two, 2 hours 14 minutes. - 581 MB

download the first part, 2 hours 56 minutes. (reduced image quality) - 292 MB

download part two, 2 hours 14 minutes. (reduced image quality) - 222 MB

Day three:

download the first part, 1 hour 51 minutes. - 488 MB

download part two, 2 hours 04 minutes. - 599 MB

download the first part, 1 hour 51 minutes. (reduced image quality) - 183 MB

download part two, 2 hours 04 minutes. (reduced image quality) - 205 MB

V.G. Zhdanov in Sevastopol, 2008

Lecture by Professor Zhdanov V.G. before students of the Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Physics, 2008

File size: 603 Mb.
Duration: 01:27:09
Permission: 720×576

How to quit smoking

This method very simple and effective. Did you know that quitting smoking is much easier than what the owners would have us believe? tobacco companies.

Become free from bad habits.

V. G. Zhdanov developed his own method of vision restoration and correction, combining two directions together: the theory of the ophthalmologist U.-G. Bates and the system of psychoanalyst G. A. Shichko. Zhdanov argues that it is impossible to improve vision in a non-medical way without improving physical, and first of all, mental health. In his course of lectures, in addition to Shichko’s methodology, he actively promotes the healing systems of Porfiry Ivanov, Paul Bragg, and Christian commandments.

The video below contains the first lecture of the course (there are six in total), in which Zhdanov explains how the structure and operation of the eye according to Helmholtz (accepted in official medicine) differ from the theory of eye functioning according to Bates, and what are the specific reasons for the development of myopia, farsightedness and strabismus. There are also some detailed exercises for the eyes.

Among the main exercises on which Zhdanov’s technique is based are the following:

Bates exercises to relax the eye muscles


According to Bates, the cause of all refractive errors is tension in the psyche and eye muscles. Therefore, the elimination of these anomalies is achieved by resting and relaxing the eyes. The word “Palming” is derived from the English “Palm” (palm). You need to cover your eyes with your palms folded in a “house” (so that your eyes can open and close freely under them). The fingers are straightened and crossed on the forehead, so that the bases of the little fingers cross on the bridge of the nose. Relax your elbows, wrists, and fingers. To do this, you can place your elbows on the table or on your knees. There should not be a single crack into which light would enter. The head should not be thrown back or tilted forward.

You need to try to see absolute blackness, but you should not pay attention to them, try to feel them, you need to imagine something pleasant, for example, a beautiful landscape.

The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes. It is recommended to perform it every time you feel tired and tired of your eyes. Even 10-second periodic procedures will give their effect over time.


To relax your visual organs faster and better, Bates advises while palming to think about something pleasant, imagine beautiful pictures. Moreover, memories can be not only visual, but belong to all senses (sounds, smells, etc.). This perfectly relaxes the psyche, and at the same time the muscles of the eyes relax.

Exit from palming can be done as follows: alternately close your eyes and relax your closed eyes under your palms, then remove your hands from your face, shake your head from side to side, then open your eyes and blink quickly. This improves blood circulation.

Mental image

Usually while palming they swim in front of their eyes closed light spots, residual light images. To see an absolutely flat black field, you can imagine various black objects. For example, a black curtain in a theater that gets darker as the lights go down, or spilled black paint that gradually spreads and covers up all the bright areas.

Central fixation

In the very center of the retina, located on back surface eyes, there is a fossa, the so-called “ yellow spot", or macula. This is the most light-sensitive part of the human eye. The normal eye always sees the central part of the object being viewed better than the rest of its parts. That is, peripheral (side) vision is less clear, and this is normal. But in all people with refractive errors, central fixation is impaired. When vision is imperfect, the eyes try to see everything in the field of vision equally well at the same time.

Fixation exercises are done as follows: first, an object is selected, then some detail of this object, then a smaller detail, etc. For example: go to the window, blink, look at the street, as if you see everything at the same time and nothing. Without stopping blinking, choose a house and start looking at it more closely. Then choose a window in this house. Then part window sash. Thus, the eye gradually becomes fixated on smaller details, and surrounding objects are seen worse. The exercise is performed without glasses!

Other exercises performed according to the same principle:

    Crowd at a bus stop - a man in a jacket - his jacket - a button on his jacket;

    A page of text - a line in the text - a word in a line - a letter in a word.

Optima and pessimums

According to Bates, there are objects that are seen well by most people and objects that are seen poorly, regardless of the state of vision. Such objects are called optima and pessimums, respectively. The vision test chart is a pessimum for most people. If a person perfectly sees all the letters in the table, then he can see almost everything.

At the same time, among the letters there are optimal letters and pessimum letters. Each person may have their own, but there are also some general patterns. For example, optimal letters are such as O, T, R. Many people can distinguish them well even in small ones. And the pessimums are Zh, Shch, Yu, Y, M. They are easy to confuse with each other, and even a person with normal vision sees them worse than the optimal letters. Therefore, it is recommended, when leaving the palming, without opening your eyes, to draw large printed pessimum letters with your nose, the ones that you see the worst.

Light is essential for healthy eyes. Solarization can be done using candles, lamps, etc., but the most natural and optimal option is sunlight.

    Solarization on a candle. Place a candle or lamp in front of you and turn off the main light. Sit in front of a candle and turn your head and eyes from side to side, while your eyes are motionless, turning only with your head and looking straight ahead. There is no need to pay any attention to the candle and focus your gaze on objects flying past. The candle should move past freely.

    Solarization in the sun. Go out into the sun, close your eyes and expose your face to the sunlight. Turn your head to the right and left, you can help yourself with your body. When your eyes get used to bright light, you can briefly lift the upper eyelid of one eye, while looking down, so that the sun shines on the sclera. Then repeat the same with the other eye. When the slightest tension appears in your eyes, you need to blink. Solarization must be carried out strictly in doses.

After solarization you need to do palming. In general, it is recommended to end any eye exercises with palming. At the same time, people with myopia need to imagine that their transverse eye muscles relax, and those with farsightedness relax their longitudinal ones.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Any lesson should begin with palming, and then train the relaxed eye muscles. If palming can be done as long and often as desired, then eye exercises can be done no more than 3 times a day, in doses and gradually increasing the load. Gymnastics, like all exercises in general, is done without glasses. The face is motionless, only the eyes move. Sudden eye movements are prohibited.

    It’s easy and quick to blink your eyelids alone without squinting your eyes. Next, this should be done after each exercise.

    Move your eyeballs up and down.

    Move your eyes left and right.

    Raise your eyes to the right and up, then lower to the left and down. Then perform another diagonal: left-up – right-down.

    Draw a square with your eyes: left-up – right-up – right-down – left-down. Draw a square in the other direction.

    Imagine a dial in front of your eyes. Raise your eyes to “12 o’clock” and smoothly move them in a circle: “3 o’clock”, “6 o’clock”, “9 o’clock” and twelve again. Blink and perform the exercise counterclockwise.

    Draw a “snake” (sine wave) with your eyes. Move your eyes up and down, while your gaze gradually moves from left to right. Then perform the exercise from right to left.

    Draw a horizontal “figure eight” or an infinity sign with your eyes: eyes left-up – diagonal – right-up – diagonal. Then draw a figure eight in the other direction.

    “Spiral”: first draw with your eyes a small circle in the center, then a larger one, an even larger one, etc., the largest one - along the side walls, floor, ceiling. Blink.

    Imagine that in front of your eyes there is a vertical glass pipe on which a rope is wound from bottom to top. You need to make five such turns.

    Imagine that in front of your eyes is a horizontal glass pipe, on which five coils of rope are wound in a spiral in the same way.

    "Globe". Imagine that there is a large glass globe in front of your eyes, and you need to spin it, moving your eyes along the equator.


Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6

Contraindications for gymnastics


    You can start with 6-7 exercises, gradually adding new ones.

    All exercises should be done at a moderate pace, smoothly, without unnecessary effort.

    It is better to exercise less time, but more often: it is preferable 6 times a day for 5 minutes than 1 time a day for half an hour.

    If it is strong (more than -4.0 diopters), start with 3-4 repetitions of each exercise, no more.

Signs of an overdose are pain in the eyeball, a feeling of “sand” and darkening in the eyes, flashing dots and colored spots before the eyes. In this case, you cannot increase the number of exercises and repetitions. If there are no such symptoms, you can add 1 repetition every 1-2 days.

Gymnastics for the eyes can also be done under palming. To do this, you should cover your eyes with your palms, as described above, so that no light penetrates under them, then open your eyes under your palms and perform all the same exercises.

Massage is especially indicated for myopia and astigmatism. First, a preparatory massage is performed:

    Using three fingers (index, middle, ring) of each hand, smooth the forehead in a circular motion;

    The eyebrows are massaged with the same fingers of each hand, while Special attention is given to their center;

    The middle and index fingers of each hand massage the temples with stroking movements;

    Using 3 fingers, stroke the upper cheekbones under the eyes;

    Use 2 index fingers to massage the sinuses;

    2 middle fingers – bridge of the nose;

    Then the ears: the dimple in front of the ear, the tubercle in front ear canal, all Auricle whole and soft place behind the ears;

    The back of the neck is massaged.

Then the eye massage is performed directly:

    The middle and index fingers overlap upper eyelids closed eyes and produce light pulsating pressure (vibration). Do it 3 times. Do not rub or press too hard on your eyes.

    Place your middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and vibrate in the same way.

    Place your fingers on your lower eyelids and vibrate.

    Place your fingers on the inner edges of the eyelids (at the bridge of the nose) and vibrate.

    Four fingers ( thumb below, three above, except for the little finger) grab the eyes through the eyelids entirely and lightly knead them;

    Index finger right hand Press the astigmatic point on the right eye and make vibrating movements. Do the same with the left eye;

    Close your eyes tightly and make “Chinese eyes”, first to the sides, then up and down.

An astigmatic point is a point that, when pressed, the eye begins to see better. To find it, you need to look at the test chart with one eye and press your finger through the eyelid (upper and lower) on the eyeball: from below, from above, from the side, from the inside, in a circle. It happens that these points are asymmetrical in both eyes, and there may be several astigmatic points in one eye.

The fact is that modern man I constantly face problems with my vision, I have only myself to blame. There are many temptations to damage your eyesight: watching television, computers, various gadgets...

In youth, people don’t think about preserving their vision, but by the age of 30, many have to deal with acquired myopia, astigmatism, eye fatigue syndrome, glaucoma...

Many doctors and doctors offer methods for restoring vision. traditional healers– Avetisov, Norbekov, Professor Zhdanov... Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov believes that glasses are needed only in case serious problems with the eyes, in other cases a person is able to help himself, with the help of gymnastics and mobilization of fortitude.

When developing his methodology, the professor was based on the research of psychophysiologists Bates and Shichko.

Zhdanov’s eye gymnastics is performed along with other recommendations:

  • complete cessation of bad habits;
  • separate meals;
  • limiting fat;
  • extended drinking regime.

Professor Zhdanov believes that first a person’s psychological stability should be restored, his spiritual world should be revived, and all this together will help normalize the health and function of all organic systems.

  • A set of eye exercises according to Zhdanov

    You need to turn your face to the sun - your eyes are closed. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, relaxed.

    Exercise: turn the chest and head in one direction, turn the opposite side of the leg accordingly, turn the heel up. That is, turn to the right, the heel of the left foot turns upward - the sun with right side. Turn in the opposite direction - heel up of the left foot, sun on the left side. You should repeat to yourself: the sun is on the right - the sun is on the left. After 10-12 repetitions, a sensation of flashes appears before the eyes. In total you need to make 25-27 turns.

    The sun's rays that penetrate the eyelid accelerate the blood supply to the retina and activate its functionality.

    In cloudy weather, the sun is replaced with a table lamp or a burning candle. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can simply turn your head, leaving your legs motionless.

    • Palming.

    Contraindications to palming:

    • retinal detachment;
    • period after ophthalmic surgery - the exercise can be done no earlier than 6-8 months after the end of the rehabilitation period.

    The exercise is named after "palm"- palm in English. Helps restore eye function after increased visual stress.

    Palming. You need to sit down and straighten your back. You should first rub your palms to feel the warmth. Next, the palms are folded crosswise, at right angles, forming a cage. Hands are brought to the face so that the nose is in the corner formed by the little fingers, and "cell" in the center of the forehead. The eyes are covered with palmar dimples. You need to press it so tightly that not a single ray of light penetrates your eyes. Elbows rest on the table.

    Under the palms of your hands, you need to turn your eyes to the side, close them, open them - that is, make voluntary movements, while repeating the mantra: “I love my eyes, they allow me to see all the beauty of the world around me. My vision is improving every day, I see better and better.”.

    You need to breathe calmly, only positive emotions, unpleasant moments should be completely cut off. Unpleasant memories - and there will be no benefit from the exercise.

    Exit from palming. Inhale and exhale, blink quickly.

    This exercise quickly restores visual acuity after prolonged eye strain. The entire lesson will take about 5 minutes.

    1. If the cause of eye fatigue is increased ultraviolet radiation or blurry vision after Solaris, then palming is carried out according to to the following algorithm: eyelids close:

    However, you should not sit down; the exercise is performed while standing. Once the flashes have disappeared, you need to blink.

    Exit from palming is carried out according to the method already described - rapid blinking. Next, relax your arms, bending them several times and straightening them at the elbows.

    • The near-distance exercise is designed to train the longitudinal and transverse eye muscles.

    During the lesson, you need to look at objects that are at different distances. That is, they focus their gaze on the bridge of their nose - then turn their gaze to an object approximately 5 meters from themselves, to the tip of the nose - 7-10 m from themselves, upper lip- ceiling.

    It is useful to perform while working at the computer, or after watching TV - it helps to quickly improve the quality of vision.

    • Alternating movements eyeballs. The exercise is performed once every 2 days.

    While practicing, draw figures with your eyes:

    • eyes in a circle - blinking;
    • diagonals – left and right – blinking;
    • rectangle clockwise – right/left;
    • bow - blinking;
    • snake - blinking;
    • examine the watch dial - gradually expanding circles - blinking;

    All movements help improve vision, they help speed up metabolism - normalize blood supply and improve the supply of nutrients.

    The spiral is untwisted from the tip of the nose to the walls of the room in which they are located, the globe is rotated through the equator, the eye exercise is combined with blinking and movements of the facial muscles - tension and relaxation.

    To fully conduct a lesson, 15 minutes is enough.

    You need to take a comfortable position - lie on your back, even out your breathing. Arms and legs are spread freely. Next, you should perform the movements as comfortable as possible - roll over from side to side, turn your head, open and close your mouth and eyes, blink frequently. At the same time, various figures are outlined with the nose and gaze.

    These actions normalize blood supply in cervical spine spine, which helps improve vision.

    It is advisable to supplement the training with movements of the fingers - they are squeezed and unclenched. Each movement is performed 4-6 times. Calm breathing helps you recover.

    • Zhdanov's eye exercises for farsightedness.

    The goal of the workout is to activate the eye muscles. However, not only they are involved, but also the hands.

    Extend your arm in front of you with your hand bent thumb"Class!". Then the finger is moved closer to the organ of vision - at a distance of 15 cm, then the finger is moved away, moved to a distance of 5 cm. 15 approaches.

    Now it helps to restore vision forefinger. They lift it to the distance of an outstretched arm, move it from side to side, move the hand to the right and left, deviating from the axis by 20 cm, the finger constantly performs oscillatory movements, you should concentrate on it - that is, the gaze is constantly directed at the fingers

    Gymnastics to restore vision with astigmatism is the already described palming. It should be performed immediately when, while reading or working, you feel that the image begins to blur.

    Professor Zhdanov's eye gymnastics undoubtedly helps eliminate fatigue of the eye muscles after overwork and restore visual acuity.

    The complex includes exercises developed by the author and those that are traditionally used in classes with adults and children.

    It is hardly possible to cure serious ophthalmic disease even with regular exercises, but it is quite possible to restore visual acuity to those who have just begun to lose it due to the inability to plan their own time - to establish a balanced regime of work and rest.

    Before you start doing eye exercises, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.