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Focus: main vision problems and ways to solve them. What can cause blurry vision and how to correct it?

Naturally, with age, the risk of developing various diseases. Eyes are no exception: age-related cataract, retinal dystrophy... Only regular examination by an ophthalmologist allows you to identify serious illnesses eye and prevent possible loss vision.

In some cases, for example, during an acute attack of glaucoma, the count is not in days, but in hours: the earlier treatment is started, the higher the chances of restoring vision. Knowing some signs eye diseases will help you seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

Sudden deterioration of vision in one eye

If you are over 60 years old, and especially if you are nearsighted, arterial hypertension, diabetes, systemic diseases, there is a risk that vision loss is caused by vascular disorders - occlusion of the central retinal artery or thrombosis of the central retinal vein.

In such cases, time is counted by the clock, and only timely assistance specialized assistance will help restore vision, otherwise irreversible blindness will occur in the affected eye.

The sensation of a black curtain in front of the eyes that obscures part of the field of vision

Sensation of a black or translucent curtain in front of the eyes from the periphery. This symptom is often observed with retinal detachment. The condition requires immediate hospitalization. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of vision restoration.

Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, possibly nausea, vomiting

These may be signs of an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma. Intraocular pressure rises sharply, which can damage the optic nerve. Immediate reduction shown intraocular pressure- up to surgical treatment. Don't wait until the pain will go away. See your doctor immediately.

Gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of view

A gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of vision, ultimately leading to the ability to see only what is located directly in front of you - the so-called “tubular” vision. You may have glaucoma, one of the main symptoms of which is a narrowing of the field of vision as a result of damage to the optic nerve.

Without appropriate conservative or surgical treatment, vision will deteriorate. Terminal stage Glaucoma is a complete loss of vision. Possible severe pain, which do not stop even after surgery and ultimately require removal of the eye.

Gradual deterioration of central vision, blurred, distorted images (straight lines appear wavy, curved)

These may be symptoms of macular degeneration - dystrophic disease the central region of the retina - the macula, which plays the most important role in providing vision. The incidence increases sharply with age.

Without supportive treatment, vision gradually deteriorates; glasses do not help. Currently there are various options treatments that are used depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Also, a sudden decrease in vision may be caused by a macular hole in the retina, i.e. retinal tear in the central zone. It is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis, since a retinal tear in the macular area, if treatment is not started in time, leads to irreversible loss of vision.

Fog before the eyes, decreased brightness and contrast

These symptoms may be caused by developing cataracts - clouding of the lens. Vision deteriorates gradually, eventually reducing to the ability to distinguish only light. In most cases, urgent medical care is not required; at a certain stage, planned surgical treatment is carried out - cataract removal with implantation of an artificial lens.

However, periodic observation by an ophthalmologist is recommended, since in some cases cataracts may be accompanied by increased intraocular pressure, which requires urgent surgical treatment. In addition, as cataracts develop, the lens becomes harder and larger in size, which can complicate the operation to remove it, so you need to visit a specialist regularly to determine the optimal time for surgical treatment.

Dark spots, floaters, fog or blurred vision

If you have diabetes, these may be signs of diabetic retinopathy - damage to the retina caused by diabetes mellitus. As diabetes progresses or becomes decompensated, the risk of eye complications increases dramatically.

It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist regularly for examination fundus, since changes in blood vessels and the retina itself, hemorrhages in the retina and vitreous body can cause irreversible loss of vision.

The ophthalmologist will prescribe you the therapy necessary specifically for your eyes, which may consist not only of taking certain medications, but is often required laser treatment, other treatment methods may also be used. Conducted on time laser coagulation retina is the only way to preserve vision in diabetes mellitus.

A burning sensation, sand in the eyes, a sensation of a foreign body, lacrimation or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

Such complaints occur with dry eye syndrome, the frequency and severity of which increases with age. Usually we're talking about primarily about discomfort and deterioration in quality of life, rather than about any danger to the eyes.

However, severe dry eye syndrome can cause some serious pathological conditions. Your ophthalmologist will tell you more about dry eye syndrome and conduct necessary examination, will recommend which moisturizing drops are best for you to use.


Double vision when looking with one or both eyes can be caused by many reasons, both from the eyes and other organs: intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases nervous system, endocrine pathology. If double vision suddenly appears, immediately contact a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

Floaters before the eyes

Usually floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are explained by destruction of the vitreous body. This is a harmless condition associated with age-related changes in the structure of the vitreous humor - the transparent gel-like content that fills the eyeball. With age, the vitreous body becomes less dense, liquefies, and is not as tightly adjacent to the retina as before; its fibers stick together, lose transparency, casting a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in our field of vision.

Such floating opacities are clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. The destruction of the vitreous body can lead to: arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, head injuries, eye and nose injuries, etc.

However, an unexpected spot before the eyes, a “curtain”, can be caused by a serious pathology that requires emergency treatment– for example, hemorrhages in the retina or vitreous body. If symptoms occur suddenly, on one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

If you have any previously absent visual symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a specialist. If your vision has deteriorated sharply over several hours or days, or pain bothers you, do not waste time. Even if it is not possible to consult with your ophthalmologist, you can go to the emergency eye care office, which is available in every city in multidisciplinary hospitals or eye hospitals.

IN as a last resort, many opticians employ experienced ophthalmologists who will conduct the minimum necessary examination and give recommendations for further action.

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Oksana Averyanova, PhD, doctor of the highest category,

Medical center of the highest category AILAZ

To paraphrase famous expression, alas, all organs are submissive to old age - this is true, and the eyes are no exception. Over the years, the eyes can be affected by age-related cataracts or retinal degeneration... To avoid loss of vision or other possible threats, you need to be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist - this is the only way to protect your eyes.

There are such vision diseases as, for example, acute attack glaucoma - when the clock is counting: the sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chance of maintaining your vision. So, what are the most dangerous signs of visual impairment?

1. Sharp deterioration vision in one eye

If you have already passed the 60th birthday and if you have at least one of the listed diseases: myopia, hypertension, diabetes, there is a high risk that vision loss is caused by vascular disorders. In this case, emergency health care- consult a doctor as soon as possible!

2. The feeling of a black curtain in front of the eyes that covers some part of the field of vision

This is a serious symptom that is often observed with retinal detachment. Here, as in the previous case, the sooner you start treatment, the greater the chance of keeping your eyes healthy.

3. Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, may cause nausea, vomiting

This is how an attack of angle-closure glaucoma can occur. Intraocular pressure rises sharply, and this can damage the optic nerve. There is an urgent need to reduce intraocular pressure, including surgical treatment. This will not go away on its own - you need to see a doctor.

4. Gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of view

If your field of vision gradually narrows, over time you will only be able to see what is directly in front of you. This is called “tubular” vision and may indicate glaucoma: a narrowing of the visual field due to damage to the optic nerve is one of its main signs. Treatment is also necessary here, otherwise vision will deteriorate.

Glaucoma is an insidious disease and often patients are not aware of its existence. On the site medical center AILAZ You will find glaucoma self-diagnosis questionnaire .

5. Gradual deterioration of central vision, blurred, unclear image (straight lines look wavy, curved)

This may indicate a disease in the central area of ​​the retina - the macula, which is essentially responsible for normal vision. This disease is age-related - older people are often susceptible to it. Glasses do not help; without treatment, vision steadily declines. Today, there are many treatment options depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Another reason for a sudden decrease in vision is a retinal tear in the central zone. If you do not immediately contact an ophthalmologist and begin treatment, your vision is unlikely to be restored.

6. When everything in front of your eyes is as if in a fog, the brightness and contrast of vision decreases

Thus, cataracts can develop, causing clouding of the lens. In this case, vision decreases gradually, down to the ability to only distinguish light. Here we are talking about planned surgical intervention - removal of cataracts followed by implantation of an artificial lens. At the same time, it is worth seeing an ophthalmologist, since sometimes cataracts cause intraocular pressure, and this is an indication for urgent surgical treatment. In addition, cataracts cause the lens to enlarge and harden, which can make it difficult to remove—another reason to visit an ophthalmologist regularly: to avoid wasting time.

Modern technologies make it possible to remove cataracts and replace them with transparent ones artificial lens painlessly and in a matter of minutes. Don't tolerate discomfort blurry vision. Decide to undergo examination and surgery.

7. Dark spots partial opacities, a feeling of fog or haze before the eyes

If a patient suffers from diabetes, the likelihood of eye damage is quite high, and the longer the diabetes period, the more likely changes in the eye are. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist are mandatory. If necessary, the ophthalmologist will prescribe complex treatment: not only appropriate medications, but often also laser treatment. Timely treatment will allow you to preserve your vision.

8. Burning sensation, sand in the eyes, sensation foreign body, lacrimation or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

This typical description dry eye syndrome, the symptoms of which may worsen with age. As a rule, this disease does not cause any particular danger to vision, but severe dry eye syndrome can cause some pathological conditions. An experienced ophthalmologist will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe moisturizing drops.

On the medical center website AILAZ you will find self-diagnosis questionnaire for dry eye syndrome .

9. When the image appears double

When you see double, there can be several reasons, and it is not necessarily a “visual” problem. The reason for this may be intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system, pathology from the endocrine system. If double vision appears, it is better to immediately be examined by several doctors: a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

10. Floaters before the eyes

As a rule, floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are caused by destruction of the vitreous body. This is due to age-related changes in its structure and does not cause danger. With age, the vitreous body loses its density, liquefies and does not fit as tightly to the retina as before. When its fibers stick together and lose transparency, they cast a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in the visual field. This is clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. Destruction of the vitreous body can be caused by arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, injuries to the head, eyes and nose.

At the same time, a spot that suddenly appears before the eyes, a “curtain,” may be the result of a serious pathology that requires surgical treatment, for example, hemorrhage in the retina or vitreous body. If symptoms appear suddenly, within one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

In any case, it is important to remember: if unknown visual symptoms occur, it is better to immediately consult an ophthalmologist. If your vision has deteriorated sharply - over a few days or even hours, or pain bothers you, do not waste time. Even if you cannot consult your doctor, you can go to an emergency eye care office, which is located in every city. As a last resort, in many optical stores there are competent ophthalmologists who will conduct primary diagnosis and advise further actions.

How often can you meet a person whose vision is blurry? Yes, there are quite a lot of such people. Only for most of them, this phenomenon is rare and short-term nature. For others, a veil before the eyes may indicate the presence of ophthalmological pathologies or their early stages formation.

The veil before the eyes, located both in the central part and in the peripheral areas, may also be accompanied by. In a person who has healthy organs sight of such phenomena should not exist.

In addition to the appearance of small particles of various shapes in a person’s vision, clouding is often accompanied by:

  • eye pain;
  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness.

So what are the reasons that a person has a veil before his eyes and sees everything as if in a fog?

Causes of periodic blurred vision

There are several reasons why a person may sometimes see small cloudy areas in their field of vision. The main ones are:

  1. general increase in pressure in the body;
  2. lack of glucose in the blood;
  3. dry eye syndrome;
  4. excessive tension of the visual apparatus.

General increase in pressure

Haze or dark circles in humans may appear during a surge in blood pressure. This can happen when there is a sudden change in body position, for example:

  • rapid ascent;
  • staying in poses with a bowed head for a long time;
  • movements that are accompanied by jerky turns and tilts of the head.

This is quite common in people who are healthy.

In order to check why the eyes become cloudy and whether the reason for this is really a change in the level of pressure, it is necessary to measure it. To do this you need to use a tonometer.

If a person has increased indicators, then he does not need to worry about the health of his vision. In order for the picture to stop blurring, a couple of minutes of rest is enough for him to normalize his blood pressure. The appearance of such visual abnormalities is explained by a sharp rise in pressure throughout the body, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure. It is precisely because of the increase in pressure inside the eyes that clouding occurs.

However, if you have high (or low) blood pressure and, most importantly, it does not change for a long time, then you need to see a doctor. After all, this indicates common problems, Related cardiovascular system, for example, diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • anemia;
  • vasospasm of the retinal surface of the eye;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

When treating these diseases, dark spots disappear without contacting an ophthalmologist.

Lack of glucose in the blood

Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that is essential to the human body to obtain energy. With its deficiency, the body weakens, its condition worsens and this leads to an imbalance in the performance of all systems. This also applies to the organs of the visual apparatus.

As a result of severe weakening, due to lack of glucose, the eyes become cloudy, and there is no sharpness in visual review. To replenish energy reserves and eliminate cloudiness, it is enough to eat some sweet product. This will accelerate and improve the performance of the functions of all organs, including the visual apparatus.

Blurred vision due to a lack of glucose most often occurs in people who are actively engaged in physical activity, run long distances and are exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Dry eye syndrome

Another reason why a person periodically sees everything cloudy is “dry eye” syndrome. It occurs when the cornea dries out and its endothelium becomes fogged. This phenomenon not constantly, and can only appear under certain conditions.

In order for a person’s vision to become clear and distinct again, moisturizing drops and gels are used.

Excessive tension of the visual organs

In the case when a person’s vision is sometimes cloudy, sometimes not, this may indicate general fatigue of the organs of the visual apparatus. Such fatigue occurs when overuse eye without proper break when:

  • working behind a monitor screen;
  • working with optical instruments(magnifying glasses, microscopes);
  • spending a long time watching TV, mobile phone;
  • intense exposure to the sun's rays on the organs of vision.

All of the above reasons can be easily eliminated without contacting an ophthalmologist, since they are more indicative of general health problems that a person has and require contact with specialists in the relevant field of medicine: a therapist, a cardiologist, etc.

Causes of persistent blurred vision

Less common are cases where a person’s vision is constantly cloudy. As a rule, such changes in health are explained by the presence of ophthalmological pathologies. These include:

  1. glaucoma;
  2. retinal dystrophy;
  3. disturbances in the patency of retinal vessels.


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This disease is characterized by clouding of the natural optical lens, i.e. lens Cloudiness from cataracts can affect one eye or both. It comes on gradually, and the clouded area spreads more and more across the person’s vision, depending on the degree of progression. With final progress, one hundred percent blindness may occur.

To treat cataracts, and therefore get rid of cloudy areas, use eye drops, containing vitamins necessary for the visual organs. They help slow down the rate of progression of the disease.

To completely get rid of cloudy areas, it is necessary to surgery, in which the biological lens is removed and replaced with an artificial analogue.


When a person’s vision becomes cloudy, this may indicate the development of another ophthalmological pathology – glaucoma. Glaucoma, like cataracts, can affect only one eye or both. It is characterized sudden appearances foggy areas that are accompanied by headaches that are more severe on the affected side.

Getting rid of pathology implies urgent medical assistance, in the form of taking diuretics (diuretics medicines) and analgesics (Pilocarpine). If these procedures do not help, then the only solution to the problem is surgery.

Retinal dystrophy

Processes that thin the retinal surface of the eye can provoke its detachment. As a result, there is a violation of the image formation mechanism, in particular, the appearance of darkening of some areas and blurring of the image in the review.

Retinal dystrophy can usually be caused by the following reasons:

  • Impaired emmetropia (normal vision);
  • Insufficient nutrition of eye tissues.

Emmetropic disorder

Emmetropia means healthy condition organs of the visual apparatus with the refractive ability to clearly focus on both distant and nearby objects. Its violations are considered to be the development of pathologies in the form of astigmatism. All of them often lead to processes as a result of which the retina of the eye becomes thinner. This is due to deformation eyeball, which leads to stretching of the retina.

And this, in turn, is reflected in a person’s field of vision in the form of various kinds of visual manifestations, including clouding.

Insufficient nutrition of eye tissues

In situations where there is not enough supply nutrients for eye tissues, the mesh surface becomes thinner. Tears and microcracks may appear on it, through which blood flows into the vitreous body. As a result, these microcracks lift the retina and tear it away from the attached surface, thereby causing its detachment. And detachment already causes abnormal visual effects in a person's field of vision.

Retinal vascular patency disorders

The deterioration of the patency of retinal vessels can progress until they are completely blocked. As a consequence, this leads to the body losing its ability to supply blood to the visual apparatus. As a result, a number of complications may arise that provoke the development of serious ophthalmological pathologies, which are often accompanied by clouding and blurriness of the visible image.

Problems associated with deterioration of vascular patency may appear with the manifestation of the following human diseases:

  1. Atherosclerosis;
  2. Hypertension;
  3. Diabetes mellitus, etc.

Therapeutic treatment in this case, according to the decision of the ophthalmologist, is carried out only in a hospital setting.

To summarize, we can say that if a person periodically experiences dark spots before his eyes, this does not mean that he has problems with eye health. But, nevertheless, he should still visit doctors to identify and eliminate the cause. If the darkening is observed for a long enough time, then this a clear sign any disease of the visual apparatus and you should immediately contact your doctor.

If a person suddenly loses vision, he should be urgently taken to the eye or neurological department. When bleeding into the vitreous body, corticosteroids and fibrinolytic drugs are used. In parallel, the introduction of ascorbic acid will be required.

The course of treatment for acute optic neuritis includes taking hormonal remedy and antibiotics. It also includes medications with a diuretic effect, B vitamins and drugs to improve blood circulation.

For cataracts initial stages eye drops are prescribed to improve metabolism in the lens. If the disease is advanced, then you cannot do without surgical intervention. During the operation, the doctor removes the lens and replaces it with an intraocular lens.

For glaucoma, treatment may include medication. In severe cases, laser therapy or surgery will be required.

If a person is farsighted or nearsighted, then to restore visual functions Laser correction is considered effective. After 1.5-2 hours, the patient begins to see well without additional devices.

Bleeding in the eye should be treated with anti-inflammatory and decongestant medications. In the presence of eye infection additionally prescribed antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

As people age, most people start to get sick. Loss of visual acuity - quite common occurrence among people who have crossed the 50-year mark. Often blurred vision is observed in patients more young, significantly worsening the quality of life. What causes blurred vision and blurred vision?

Symptoms of blurred vision

Often due to fatigue or sleepless night the eyes do not see clearly. The image blurs when trying to focus on a specific subject. In this case, a person cannot see a clear picture, it as if my vision is blurry. Problems like this don't come out of nowhere. They are mainly related to certain diseases and manifestations. This happens infrequently, but gradually and regularly, so it is worth paying attention to them. Against the background of such problems, general symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • floating spots before the eyes;
  • flickering or sudden flashes of light.

If the listed symptoms appear constantly, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. After examination, the specialist will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. There are specific reasons for this, related to various diseases.

Main reasons

Blurring may occur in one or both eyes. This may be influenced infectious diseases And mechanical damage . There are also other reasons that affect visual acuity. For example, refractive errors include:

The state of vision is also affected by other good reasons associated with eye diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • cloudiness in vitreous body;
  • migraine:
  • chronic syndrome dry eye;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • pregnancy.

What to do if your vision is blurry?

Blurred vision may be caused by multiple sclerosis, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is very important to lower your blood pressure, get rid of stress and nervousness, and also consult a doctor. Cloudiness in the eyes also occurs for another reason, for example, due to eye pressure. Increased performance will negatively affect the condition of the eyes, so it is important to normalize it and be less nervous.

Those who often work at a computer or laptop also experience the problem of blurred vision. It is necessary to perform several exercises that will help you relax your eyes and concentrate your attention. One of the reasons for picture distortion is the inability to focus on one subject.

Experts recommend watch your diet. Definitely need to quit bad habits, which also negatively affect vision. Water is an essential source for many organs, including the eyes. It will moisturize them and remove accumulated toxins from the body. They usually accumulate in the liver, which is directly connected to the organ of vision.

In sunny weather it is advisable to wear Sunglasses. They are able to protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays. You should spend more time outside the city, take a break from TV, computer, to give your eyes a chance to rest and relax.


In order for a specialist to make a correct diagnosis, you need to come to him for an appointment. Eat two methods, with which you can determine the cause:

  • fundus examination;
  • biomicroscopy of the eye.

If necessary, the ophthalmologist will refer the patient to another specialist. Impaired functioning optic nerves often cause blurred vision. MRI is a reliable method that can examine the disease in early stage development. Specialists can also carry out ultrasound scanning vessels, if the cause is a pathology of the circulatory system.

An ophthalmologist makes the correct diagnosis. It is often difficult to determine after the first examination correct diagnosis. Sometimes a specialist needs to examine a patient. If necessary, he prescribes tests and, after examinations, makes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment. From a correct diagnosis and timely treatment the final result will depend.

Treatment and when is it urgent to see a doctor?

You cannot delay treatment, especially when Dangerous symptoms appear:

  • Strong headache;
  • vomiting and dizziness;
  • speech problems began and it was difficult to speak;
  • diagnosed hypertonic disease and diabetes mellitus;
  • double vision and speech impairment occurs;
  • Loss of muscle control appeared on one side of the body.

If there are signs of myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, then you need to purchase glasses or contact lenses. When such means are not suitable, you can use laser correction vision.

Cataract or glaucoma they only treat surgically. Age-related changes require constant monitoring by an ophthalmologist conservative treatment. If blurred vision is due to specific disease other organs, then you definitely need to start treating them. After the course of treatment, vision should improve.

Diabetes causes cloudy vision when blood sugar levels drop or swelling and bleeding occur in the retina. Here you need to consult two specialists:

  • endocrinologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

Prolonging any of the vision problems will gradually lead to even greater deterioration and even loss of vision. If there is cloudiness in the eyes, You shouldn’t treat yourself. You should not, at your own risk, apply eye drops or use contact lenses, pick up glasses, accept medications. It is dangerous to do this before consulting a doctor. The specialist must examine the patient and only then can he prescribe treatment and give recommendations.

It is also necessary to comply preventive measures. It is advisable to go to an ophthalmologist on time when something bothers you. Recommended in hot weather sunny days wear sunglasses and try to stay outside less in windy weather. When constantly working with a computer, you should wear safety glasses.

Now many people suffer from hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Such patients need to visit their ophthalmologist at least once every 6 months.

In order to achieve positive results and get rid of blurred vision, it is necessary complex therapy. To do this, the doctor prescribes absorbable medications, various procedures, as well as taking medications that can improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, blood vessels, nervous system. Often it is pathological processes lead to blurred vision.