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Causes of blurry vision. The image blurs and becomes cloudy in the eyes: the main reasons

The condition, which involves blurred vision, can begin suddenly and just as suddenly go away on its own. This may indicate, for example, accumulated fatigue or excessive exposure to the sun. But if the image begins to blur unexpectedly or, conversely, regular changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus are observed, then you must immediately sign up for an examination. Perhaps in this way the body signals a serious eye disease or another no less dangerous disease.

When a person is completely healthy, blurry vision will not bother you. Unfortunately, there are many more people who turn to ophthalmologists for help, because eye problems make it difficult to perform many tasks. necessary actions.

Blurred vision can be explained by physiological reasons:

  1. Changes in blood pressure. When the pressure changes frequently, the image may become blurry or even briefly black out. A similar phenomenon can be encountered if you quickly sit down or stand up, or make a sharp turn or tilt of your head. Weather-sensitive people are the first to know about weather changes, and their vision blurs quite often. If blurriness occurs in such cases, it is advisable to check how much the pressure reading has changed. Often, based on the measurement results, you can find out about an increase in indicators, however, as a rule, they quickly return to normal. The main thing is to achieve inner peace. If your blood pressure fluctuates too often, it is better to consult a therapist.
  2. Low level blood glucose. Lack of glucose is usually the result of physical labor under difficult conditions. Blurred vision can also be observed, for example, in athletes who deal with heavy loads.

If the objects in question become blurry, it means that the body requires a new dose of glucose.

In such a situation, you must immediately:

  • take a break from work;
  • eat food that contains carbohydrates.

Fastest way to replenish supplies required substance You can use sweet tea. Sugar that is in liquid will enter the blood faster than that that is in solid food. Thus, in a short period of time the visual apparatus will restore its functions.

Neither the first reason nor the second are dangerous for the body. The main thing is that if the image becomes blurry, stop working and do everything necessary to restore clarity of vision.

Impact of eye diseases

If factors of a physiological nature should not cause any particular concern, then in case of long-term changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus due to certain diseases, you should definitely see an ophthalmologist.

A blurry look occurs due to:

  1. Destruction of the structure of the vitreous body of the eye.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the eyes.
  3. Retinal disorders.

Most common pathological cause, which results in blurred vision - destruction of the vitreous body. The condition is caused by chemical or physical damage. When such negative changes occur, the eye loses clarity, the picture turns out hazy, blurry, and opaque areas appear that do not allow light rays to pass through.

Changes in the vitreous body lead to:

  • severe myopia;
  • entry of foreign bodies;
  • shell problems;
  • impaired material metabolism.

Don't expect the vagueness to go away on its own. In order for the original clarity and clarity of vision to be restored, it may even be recommended surgery. However, the ophthalmologist will make such a prescription only in case of emergency, having analyzed the degree of damage to the eye after examination.

Inflammation in the eyes can be accompanied by the release of large amounts of pus, which interferes with normal vision. Thanks to timely and correct drug intervention, such a problem can be eliminated in just a few minutes. short term.

However, if such infections are not treated or the wrong technique is used, the spread of the inflammatory process to the cornea (keratitis) cannot be ruled out. The situation can turn into a cataract.

When the retina is damaged, changes cannot be immediately noticed. If certain areas peel off, blurred and distorted vision occurs. Special devices will help determine why the violations occurred. In some cases, the patient is prescribed laser surgery.

Other common causes

Factors that significantly affect the ability to see clearly include: a large number of.

For example, the image turns out blurry under the following factors:

  1. Presbyopia. People over 40 often need to use glasses or multifocal lenses to be able to recognize nearby objects. Such changes are age-related and are not considered a visual defect.
  2. Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis). Artificial tears - drops - help with blurred vision.
  3. Carrying a child. Because of hormonal changes The shape and thickness of the cornea may change, causing the image to become blurry. Also, the above syndrome is often observed in pregnant women. The doctor should be aware of such symptoms.
  4. Migraines. The disease is accompanied by temporary blurred vision, halos, and flickering light.
  5. Using certain eye medications. You should be careful when using drops that contain preservatives. Substances often cause irritation and blurriness. This can also happen when taking allergy pills.
  6. Wearing contact lenses longer than expected. If you do not follow the instructions for using lenses and exceed their service life, proteins and other debris can build up on them. In addition to being blurry, the patient is at risk of getting a serious eye infection.

Thus, blurry vision may be the result of temporary physiological process, and as a consequence of the development of serious pathology. Only through examination by a qualified ophthalmologist can one determine the degree of blurred vision, as well as identify the cause of the condition using special instruments and prescribe, if necessary. correct treatment.

Many have experienced an unpleasant feeling when it seems that everything is floating before their eyes. Usually the symptom goes away on its own and does not cause much harm to the body, however, it may indicate existing health problems. In the article we will look at what this symptom may be associated with, and how to get rid of this unpleasant sensation.

Physiological reasons

Note that swimming before your eyes can be various reasons- Let's consider the most likely “culprits” of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Sudden change of posture

If a man for a long time was in one specific position: for example, lying down or enthusiastically working at the computer, when trying to rise sharply, he may well have the feeling that everything is floating before his eyes. As a rule, slight dizziness also occurs at the same time. But what are the causes of dizziness and double vision, you can see

Therefore, doctors categorically do not recommend making sudden movements if you have previously been in one calm position for a long time. Get up smoothly, without jerking, without rushing - this measure will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant sensation.

An interesting video explaining why it floats before your eyes and darkens in your vision when you suddenly change position

Receptor sensitivity

This individual feature the body, and it leads to the feeling of “floating” of surrounding objects in front of the eyes in a person while riding in public transport and even in an elevator. In this case, it is especially difficult for travelers: it is difficult to combine the need to constantly travel and the regular occurrence of an annoying symptom.

Carousel ride

Underdeveloped vestibular apparatus sometimes leads to unpleasant feeling dizziness, nausea and blurred vision during or immediately after riding on swings, merry-go-rounds, even driving in a car.


This is also one of the likely causes of the unpleasant sensation. The feeling that everything is floating before your eyes can arise as a result of systematic lack of sleep, lack of good rest, poor diet.

Many young mothers, for example, became familiar with this feeling after the birth of a child. But what eye drops for fatigue and redness should be used first will help you understand


Various nervous shocks lead to a lack of oxygen in the body, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling of blurriness before the eyes.


If blood pressure levels have dropped significantly, a person can literally walk while holding onto the walls. Everything is blurry before my eyes, my brain is working intermittently: all these are symptoms of low blood pressure. In this case, blood pressure should be measured and, if necessary, every effort should be made to increase it.

Note that both a decrease and an increase in blood pressure can cause a feeling of blurriness before the eyes. In this case, a one-time normalization of the condition will not give long-term results: it is necessary to carry out systematic treatment under the supervision of a doctor in order to stop the problem for a long time. But you can see what the symptoms of low eye pressure look like and how treatment occurs

Poor nutrition

This is also a very likely explanation for the annoying symptom. A poor diet, a lack of minerals and vitamins for a long time will sooner or later lead to troubles: the feeling that everything is floating before your eyes is one of them.

Low calorie intake is also one of the likely reasons: models walking on the leash are familiar with this phenomenon firsthand.

Lack of glucose

Often, such a fact as a lack of glucose in the body has a negative impact on vision. The hypocemia that arises in this way leads to a feeling of cloudy vision.

Symptoms of glucose deficiency are often experienced by people engaged in heavy physical labor, as well as athletes. To stop the symptom in this case, you need to rest a little and then eat something carbohydrate-containing. It is recommended to drink, for example, strong sweet tea - this drink will quickly raise blood glucose to normal levels.


In case of poisoning, clouding before the eyes is quite likely, since intoxication causes a malfunction in all internal organs. Note that intoxication also manifests itself during a hangover, when the body begins to actively remove toxic products from itself.

A similar symptom also occurs during intoxication:

Note that the state of poisoning requires urgent medical intervention, since intoxication often leads to the most dire consequences.

Smoking can also be considered a sign of toxicity: often after sleep, the first cigarette causes symptoms of blurred vision. This is how the toxic effect manifests itself - it is known that nicotine disrupts blood circulation in the brain.

Taking medications

Modern potent drugs In addition to their pronounced effectiveness, they also have a number of side effects.

The occurrence of cloudiness, dizziness, the feeling that everything is floating before the eyes - just a few of them. Note that when severe discomfort, caused by such sensations, it is better to replace the drug with another, more suitable one.


Many doctors consider vegetative-vascular dystonia to be a real scourge of our time. This disease in itself is not dangerous, but the symptoms are very unpleasant: blurred vision is one of them. If this disease is treated, vision returns to normal without the need for symptomatic therapy.


If an inflammatory process develops in the organs of vision, this usually leads to the discharge of purulent secretion from the eyes.

When released, the pus partially covers the eyes, causing blurred vision. The problem in this case can be solved by timely use of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as regular eye rinsing.


This condition of the body in women quite often leads to regular dizziness, a feeling of weakness, blurred vision. In order to similar condition cope, the doctor prescribes to the expectant mother, as a rule, vitamins and normalization of the diet.

If the cause is illness

This unpleasant symptom can be generated by various: next we will consider the most common of them.


Regularly occurring severe headaches cause a whole range of unpleasant symptoms: nausea, ripples before the eyes, spots, blurred vision.

In addition, photophobia, incoherence of speech, oversensitivity to sounds, clouding of consciousness. Here’s how ocular migraine is treated and what the most effective means are:


In this most dangerous condition, along with a feeling of blurriness of objects before the eyes, drowsiness and a general depressed state occur, headache, nausea, the ability to orientate normally in space is lost. In this case health care urgently needed.


When clogged blood vessels cholesterol plaques, blurred vision is common.

This is what atherosclerosis looks like

In addition to this symptom, the patient also experiences memory loss, insomnia, and fatigue.

Head injury

In case of head injury, brain appearance this symptom not surprising. In addition, with traumatic brain injuries, the following are also likely: lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea.

If you have a head injury, you should consult a doctor urgently, as sometimes such symptoms lead to swelling of the brain. But this will help you understand how eye injuries are treated at home:

Brain tumors

In this case, the feeling that everything is floating before your eyes will appear regularly and be paroxysmal in nature. The intensity and duration of attacks directly depends on the size of the tumor. In addition to the symptom of vagueness, the following signs also occur: loss of coordination, loss of sensitivity in some parts of the body. But what to do when the eyes fester due to a cold in adults will help you understand this

In addition, a person experiences surges in blood pressure and an increase in body temperature.


Inflammation of the middle ear can manifest itself, including a similar symptom.

This is what otitis media looks like


When attacks of rapid heartbeat occur, blurry objects appear before the eyes - common symptom. In this case, it is necessary to contact a cardiologist and pay attention to the treatment of the pathology.


Let’s find out what methods will help eliminate the unpleasant symptom of blurred vision.

If refractive error occurs as a result of ophthalmological diseases, wearing special glasses or lenses will help. A surgical intervention such as LASIK may also not help in this case, eliminating refractive problems.

If the symptom is caused by dry eye syndrome, it is necessary to use drugs that imitate natural tears. Moisturizing gels may also be suitable.

This is what dry eye syndrome looks like

If your vision is blurry due to cataracts, the problem can be corrected surgically. For glaucoma, special drops are used to lower intraocular pressure. IN severe cases Glaucoma is also treated with surgery.

Note that ophthalmological reasons Cloudiness in the eyes must be treated without fail. If some diseases are neglected, this can even lead to complete blindness: it should not be taken to such an extreme.


What measures will help prevent unpleasant feeling that floats before my eyes.

First, you should visit your ophthalmologist regularly. Every year undergo a preventive examination: the sooner dangerous processes and pathologies are identified, the faster and without any complications or discomfort symptoms will pass treatment.

When wearing contact lenses, it is especially important to maintain careful visual hygiene. You should also pay attention to the use of Opti Free contact lens solution.

If you have a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, you should visit an ophthalmologist once every six months, since these diseases are the strongest provocateurs of eye pathologies.

Here's how to use it correctly and how effective this product is. This information will help you understand.

If you need long-term intense work at the computer and if you are prone to dry eye syndrome, always use mucous moisturizer drops recommended by your doctor. But how to properly use drops for dry eyes and what their price is is described in detail

So, we have learned what causes the feeling of blurriness before the eyes, and how this problem can be dealt with. As you can see, the symptom is caused by physiological reasons, not causing direct damage to health, and various pathologies, dangerous diseases. To accurately determine the cause, be sure to visit a doctor: early detection and treating the disease will help prevent dangerous consequences.

But if the image begins to blur unexpectedly or, conversely, regular changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus are observed, then you must immediately sign up for an examination. Perhaps in this way the body signals a serious eye disease or another equally dangerous disease.

Physiological reasons

When a person is completely healthy, blurry vision will not bother you. Unfortunately, there are many more people who turn to ophthalmologists for help because eye problems make it difficult to perform many necessary actions.

Blurred vision can be explained by physiological reasons:

  1. Changes in blood pressure. When the pressure changes frequently, the image may become blurry or even briefly black out. A similar phenomenon can be encountered if you quickly sit down or stand up, or make a sharp turn or tilt of your head. Weather-sensitive people are the first to know about weather changes, and their vision blurs quite often. If blurriness occurs in such cases, it is advisable to check how much the pressure reading has changed. Often, based on the measurement results, you can find out about an increase in indicators, however, as a rule, they quickly return to normal. The main thing is to achieve inner peace. If your blood pressure fluctuates too often, it is better to consult a therapist.
  2. Low blood glucose levels. Lack of glucose is usually the result of physical labor under difficult conditions. Blurred vision can also be observed, for example, in athletes who deal with heavy loads.

If the objects in question become blurry, it means that the body requires a new dose of glucose.

In such a situation, you must immediately:

  • take a break from work;
  • eat food that contains carbohydrates.

Neither the first reason nor the second are dangerous for the body. The main thing is that if the image becomes blurry, stop working and do everything necessary to restore clarity of vision.

Impact of eye diseases

If factors of a physiological nature should not cause any particular concern, then in case of long-term changes in the functioning of the visual apparatus due to certain diseases, you should definitely see an ophthalmologist.

A blurry look occurs due to:

  1. Destruction of the structure of the vitreous body of the eye.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the eyes.
  3. Retinal disorders.

The most common pathological cause that results in blurred vision is destruction of the vitreous body. The condition is caused by chemical or physical damage. When such negative changes occur, the eye loses clarity, the picture turns out hazy, blurry, and opaque areas appear that do not allow light rays to pass through.

Changes in the vitreous body lead to:

  • severe myopia;
  • entry of foreign bodies;
  • shell problems;
  • impaired material metabolism.

Don't expect the vagueness to go away on its own. In order for the original clarity and clarity of vision to be restored, even surgery may be recommended. However, the ophthalmologist will make such a prescription only in case of emergency, having analyzed the degree of damage to the eye after examination.

However, if such infections are not treated or the wrong technique is used, the spread of the inflammatory process to the cornea (keratitis) cannot be ruled out. The situation can turn into a cataract.

When the retina is damaged, changes cannot be immediately noticed. If certain areas peel off, blurred and distorted vision occurs. Special devices will help determine why the violations occurred. In some cases, the patient is prescribed laser surgery.

Other common causes

There are a large number of factors that significantly affect the ability to see clearly.

For example, the image turns out blurry under the following factors:

  1. Presbyopia. People over 40 often need to use glasses or multifocal lenses to be able to recognize nearby objects. Such changes are age-related and are not considered a visual defect.
  2. Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis). Artificial tears - drops - help with blurred vision.
  3. Carrying a child. Due to hormonal changes, the shape and thickness of the cornea may change, causing the image to become blurry. Also, the above syndrome is often observed in pregnant women. The doctor should be aware of such symptoms.
  4. Migraines. The disease is accompanied by temporary blurred vision, halos, and flickering light.
  5. Using certain eye medications. You should be careful when using drops that contain preservatives. Substances often cause irritation and blurriness. This can also happen when taking allergy pills.
  6. Wearing contact lenses longer than expected. If you do not follow the instructions for using lenses and exceed their service life, proteins and other debris can build up on them. In addition to being blurry, the patient is at risk of getting a serious eye infection.

there is no sharpness in the eyes of the reason

In the section Diseases, Medicines, when asked about the campaign, I put my vision on the computer! There is no clarity or sharpness, what to do, how to treat it? Can you recommend any drops? asked by the author Yoeryoga Ivanov the best answer is gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov

Go see an ophthalmologist. Get your eyes checked.

Hello. First of all, you need to go to an ophthalmologist to have your vision checked. After checking, you will see how much it has been reduced and what is best to do. Try to take breaks every hour for 5-10 minutes and switch distance vision to relax the intraocular muscle, because when working at close range for a long time, a spasm of this muscle occurs due to overwork, which leads to a decrease in distance vision. Also useful when long work at the computer, take courses of blueberry preparations to improve retinal recovery. There are special spectacle lenses for working at a computer to reduce visual strain. The sooner you contact an ophthalmologist and start preventing vision loss, the better the result will be. In our online store there is an ophthalmologist's office, you can check your eyesight for free.

Effective vitamins. Specially designed for people who strain their eyes a lot

You need to go to the ophthalmologist, and not look for the answer on the computer.

that means so. If, before you felt that you couldn’t see well, you looked at the monitor a lot and for a long time, then you have overstrain in your eye. calm down and everything will pass. An ophthalmologist is needed to clarify the diagnosis. he will prescribe treatment. maybe you need glasses for work

There is such a thing called glasses. try

Eye drops “Aloe extract according to Filatov” (10ml) - certified as a cosmetic tonic

Aloe is a “magical source” of life hidden in nature! Now in new packaging.

Eye drops “Aloe extract according to Filatov” are used to relieve eye fatigue (during visual stress), for the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the organ of vision. Filatov's Aloe Extract drops will help maintain healthy vision or significantly improve its quality, even if you regularly have to put a lot of strain on your eyes.

The use of Eye Drops “Aloe Extract according to Filatov” improves vision in patients with diabetes.

Aloe extract according to Filatov will help adults and elderly people, as well as schoolchildren who especially need care to preserve their vision.

Indications for use of “Aloe extract according to Filatov”:

Myopia of varying degrees (including progressive myopia)

Violation of the mechanisms of vision adaptation to darkness (hemeralopia)

Myopic chorioretinitis (eye disease with decreased vision)

Central and peripheral dystrophy retina

Blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids)

Conjunctivitis (inflammation outer shell eyes)

Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)

Iritis (inflammation of the iris)

Cloudiness of the vitreous (the transparent mass that fills the cavity of the eyeball)

IN complex therapy primary glaucoma

Composition of the dietary supplement “Aloe extract according to Filatov”:

Water enriched with silver ions, Aloe extract according to Filatov, high-mountain bee honey, asphodeline, acemannan, aloesin - A.

Method of use of the dietary supplement “Aloe extract according to Filatov”:

For adults and children over 12 years of age, drops are instilled into each eye 2-3 times a day. Duration of use is 2-3 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Aloe - old remedy. It was used to treat diseases of the organs of vision back in Ancient Egypt and Greece more than 3000 years ago. The concept of the biostimulating properties of aloe was first substantiated by Academician V. N. Filatov. According to the teachings of V.N. Filatov, in isolated tissues or organs located in certain conditions, substances are formed and accumulated that resist dying and mobilize all vital processes in tissues and cells aimed at preserving life. He found that if isolated plant tissue (aloe leaves) is placed in special conditions, then biochemical changes will occur in the tissue cells, as a result of which special biologically active substances. These substances were called biogenic stimulants, which are capable of activating the vital functions of the body.

Aloe aqueous extract, prepared according to the method of Academician V.P. Filatov, is a complex complex, the main components of which are oxymethylanthraquinone - aloe-emodin (about 2%) and other anthra derivatives - aloin, nataloin, homonataloin, hydroxy fatty acids, aromatic acids , vitamins, enzymes, phytoncides.

The technology for making Aloe Extract according to Filatov is so complex that it is simply impossible to prepare it at home.

Scientists - developers of NNPTSTO studied all the intricacies of the process of preparing Aloe Extract, described by Academician Filatov. We use only mature fifteen-year-old leaves of tree aloe, brought to us from the regions of South America, then technologists subject them to a subtle unique process described by Academician Filatov in his monographs.

IN eye drops includes natural flower honey. Bee honey is a source of valuable compounds. It contains a complex of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs. There are proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and microelements important for eye health. Almost the entire periodic table is presented in this main product from the beehive.

Bee honey helps nourish eye tissue and is effective in reducing visual acuity as a result of many diseases, especially cataracts.

Do eye exercises. Exercises on the Internet download Mona))) Helps 99.9%

I had the same thing. I was thinking about buying glasses, etc. They advised me not to drink sweet carbonated drinks. I didn’t use it for three months, my vision was almost restored, my eyes didn’t roll up. There is a sweetener in drinks, aspartame or something like that, it affects vision.

I need to go to an ophthalmologist to have my eyes checked. astigmatism is possible, and for the eyes, vitamins blueberry forte

This is fatigue. If you spend a lot of time at the computer, take vitamins, Star Eyebright, for example.

To protect your eyes while working at a computer, you need to adhere to the following rules:

occupational hygiene in working conditions at a computer (lighting of the room and workplace, placement of the monitor, body position, color of equipment);

bringing the image on the monitor closer to natural (size and color of objects, background, brightness and contrast of the image, presence of flicker, reflections);

improvement of operating conditions visual system when working with images on a monitor screen (vision correction with glasses and contact lenses).

The main methods of treating computer visual syndrome There is:

rest from working on a PC,

optimal optical correction,

physiotherapy (gel-neon laser stimulation and hardware treatment).

Why does my vision become blurry and cloudy?

How often can you meet a person whose vision is blurry? Yes, there are quite a lot of such people. Only for most of them, this phenomenon is rare and short-term. For others, a veil before the eyes may indicate the presence of ophthalmic pathologies or their early stages of formation.

The veil before the eyes, located both in the central part and in the peripheral areas, may also be accompanied by the appearance of flies, stars, luminous dots, lines or dark circles. A person who has healthy visual organs should not experience such phenomena.

In addition to the appearance of small particles of various shapes in a person’s vision, clouding is often accompanied by:

So what are the reasons that a person has a veil before his eyes and sees everything as if in a fog?

Causes of periodic blurred vision

There are several reasons why a person may sometimes see small cloudy areas in their field of vision. The main ones are:

  1. general increase in pressure in the body;
  2. lack of glucose in the blood;
  3. dry eye syndrome;
  4. excessive tension of the visual apparatus.

General increase in pressure

Haze or dark circles in humans may appear during a surge in blood pressure. This can happen when there is a sudden change in body position, for example:

  • rapid ascent;
  • staying in poses with a bowed head for a long time;
  • movements that are accompanied by jerky turns and tilts of the head.

This is quite common in people who are healthy.

In order to check why the eyes become cloudy and whether the reason for this is really a change in the level of pressure, it is necessary to measure it. To do this you need to use a tonometer.

If a person has increased indicators, then he does not need to worry about the health of his vision. In order for the picture to stop blurring, a couple of minutes of rest is enough for him to normalize his blood pressure. The appearance of such visual abnormalities is explained by a sharp rise in pressure throughout the body, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure. It is precisely because of the increase in pressure inside the eyes that clouding occurs.

However, if you have high (or low) blood pressure and, most importantly, it does not change for a long time, then you need to see a doctor. After all, this points to general problems associated with cardiovascular system, for example, diseases such as:

When treating these diseases, dark spots disappear without contacting an ophthalmologist.

Lack of glucose in the blood

Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that is essential to the human body to obtain energy. With its deficiency, the body weakens, its condition worsens and this leads to an imbalance in the performance of all systems. This also applies to the organs of the visual apparatus.

As a result of severe weakening, due to lack of glucose, the eyes become cloudy, and there is no sharpness in visual review. To replenish energy reserves and eliminate cloudiness, it is enough to eat some sweet product. This will accelerate and improve the performance of the functions of all organs, including the visual apparatus.

Blurred vision due to a lack of glucose most often occurs in people who actively engage in physical activity, run long distances and are exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Dry eye syndrome

Another reason why a person periodically sees everything cloudy is “dry eye” syndrome. It occurs when the cornea dries out and its endothelium becomes fogged. This phenomenon is not constant and can only occur under certain conditions.

In order for a person’s vision to become clear and distinct again, moisturizing drops and gels are used.

Excessive tension of the visual organs

In the case when a person’s vision is sometimes cloudy, sometimes not, this may indicate general fatigue of the organs of the visual apparatus. Such fatigue occurs when overuse eye without proper break when:

  • working behind a monitor screen;
  • working with optical instruments (magnifying glasses, microscopes);
  • spending a long time watching TV, mobile phone;
  • intense exposure to the sun's rays on the organs of vision.

All of the above reasons can be easily eliminated without contacting an ophthalmologist, since they are more indicative of general health problems that a person has and require contact with specialists in the relevant field of medicine: a therapist, a cardiologist, etc.

Causes of persistent blurred vision

Less common are cases where a person’s vision is constantly cloudy. As a rule, such changes in health are explained by the presence of ophthalmological pathologies. These include:


This disease is characterized by clouding of the natural optical lens, i.e. lens Cloudiness from cataracts can affect one eye or both. It comes on gradually, and the clouded area spreads more and more across the person’s vision, depending on the degree of progression. With final progress, one hundred percent blindness may occur.

To treat cataracts, and therefore get rid of cloudy areas, eye drops are used that contain vitamins necessary for the visual organs. They help slow down the rate of progression of the disease.

To completely get rid of cloudy areas, it is necessary to surgery, in which the biological lens is removed and replaced with an artificial analogue.


When a person’s vision becomes cloudy, this may indicate the development of another ophthalmological pathology – glaucoma. Glaucoma, like cataracts, can affect only one eye or both. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of cloudy areas that are accompanied by headaches that are more severe on the affected side.

Getting rid of pathology implies urgent medical assistance, in the form of taking diuretics (diuretic drugs) and analgesics, using eye drops(Pilocarpine). If these procedures do not help, then the only solution to the problem is surgery.

Retinal dystrophy

Processes that thin the retinal surface of the eye can provoke its detachment. As a result, there is a violation of the image formation mechanism, in particular, the appearance of darkening of some areas and blurring of the image in the review.

Retinal dystrophy can usually be caused by the following reasons:

  • Impaired emmetropia (normal vision);
  • Insufficient nutrition of eye tissues.

Emmetropic disorder

Emmetropia refers to the healthy state of the organs of the visual apparatus with the refractive ability to clearly focus on both distant and nearby objects. Its disorders are the development of pathologies in the form of myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. All of them often lead to processes as a result of which the retina of the eye becomes thinner. This is due to deformation of the eyeball, which leads to stretching of the retina.

And this, in turn, is reflected in a person’s field of vision in the form of various kinds of visual manifestations, including clouding.

Insufficient nutrition of eye tissues

In situations where there is not enough supply nutrients for eye tissues, the mesh surface becomes thinner. Tears and microcracks may appear on it, through which blood flows into the vitreous. As a result, these microcracks lift the retina and tear it away from the attached surface, thereby causing its detachment. And the detachment already causes abnormal visual effects in a person’s field of vision.

Retinal vascular patency disorders

The deterioration of the patency of retinal vessels can progress until they are completely blocked. As a consequence, this leads to the body losing its ability to supply blood to the visual apparatus. As a result, a number of complications may arise that provoke the development of serious ophthalmological pathologies, which are often accompanied by clouding and blurriness of the visible image.

Problems associated with deterioration of vascular patency may appear with the manifestation of the following human diseases:

  1. Atherosclerosis;
  2. Hypertension;
  3. Diabetes mellitus, etc.

Therapeutic treatment in this case, according to the decision of the ophthalmologist, is carried out only in a hospital setting.

To summarize, we can say that if a person periodically experiences dark spots before his eyes, this does not mean that he has problems with eye health. But, nevertheless, he should still visit doctors to identify and eliminate the cause. If the darkening is observed for a long enough time, then this a clear sign any disease of the visual apparatus and you should immediately contact your doctor.

Deterioration and blurred vision

Visual impairment is a decrease in visual acuity and ability to see the world. You should definitely consult a doctor if the boundaries of your field of vision change, dizziness and headaches, bright spots of light or spots appear before your eyes. Also when in evening time objects are distinguished better than in bright daylight, the cornea appears dry, or the eyes often begin to get tired.

Types of visual impairment:

  • Violation of accommodation. The clarity of vision deteriorates when looking at objects at different distances.
  • Impaired peripheral vision. In this case, the ability to see objects located to the side of the eyes is impaired.
  • Refractive error. The ability of the eyes to clearly distinguish objects located at a distance from the eyes deteriorates.
  • Adaptation disorder. It is difficult for the eyes to adapt to lighting that changes quickly.
  • Violations color vision. Due to certain developmental features, the eyes cannot distinguish certain colors.

Characteristic visual impairments

  • With changes in the cornea and lens, various spots or clouding may appear before the eyes.
  • Double vision can be caused by a violation of the axis of the eyeballs.
  • With pathology of the retina of the back wall of the eyeball, with the light-sensitive cells located in it, a violation of visual acuity occurs.

Causes of visual impairment

There are many reasons for vision impairment.

These pathologies occur against the background of:

  1. Stressful conditions and overloads.
  2. Eye diseases: retina, cornea, lens.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Age-related changes.
  5. Injury
  6. Disturbances from the tissues that immediately surround eyeball.
  7. Common diseases that affect the nervous system.


A symptom of eye fatigue may be a temporary loss of visual acuity. This symptom does not always indicate eye disease. Most often it leads to:

  • Sitting at the computer for a long time.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Severe constant fatigue and stress.

In this case, rest and doing simple exercises to relieve tension.

Lens diseases

The lens of the eye is a transparent biconvex biological lens. It is part of the light-refracting and light-conducting system of the eye and provides the ability to focus on objects.

It is located behind the iris behind the pupil and is connected via the ligament of cinnamon to the ciliary body and its processes. If the tension of the threads changes, the shape of the lens and its refractive power change. This is precisely the process of accommodation.

The disease is one of the most common pathologies of the lens. Wherein natural lens the eyes become cloudy and vision deteriorates. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but include metabolic disorders, injury, or exposure to free radicals.

  • Visual acuity gradually decreases, to the point that blindness occurs.
  • If clouding is observed in the center of the lens, then the patient has problems seeing objects.
  • The patient's myopia increases.
  • With farsightedness, a paradoxical phenomenon occurs such as a temporary improvement in vision. The patient notes the fact that objects located nearby are better visible.
  • The light sensitivity of the eyes changes. If the lens is affected in the peripheral part, a person begins to perceive surrounding colors poorly, it seems to him that the world is becoming dull. When the center of the eye is affected, the patient seems to see well at dusk or in cloudy weather, and does not tolerate bright light well.
  • At congenital cataract, the pupil is white and strabismus develops over time.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, conservative treatment with eye drops is possible. If the lens is severely damaged, surgical intervention is performed in which the damaged lens is replaced with an artificial one.

The disease is characterized by a chronic course, therefore drug treatment continues for quite a long period. Drugs that have proven themselves include eye drops: Quinax, Taufon, Oftan-Katachrome.

Farsightedness is a pathological condition that can be a symptom of other diseases and leads to vision deterioration. With this disease, there is difficulty in examining objects that are nearby.

Farsightedness can occur when the diameter of the eyeball is too small. This can cause light rays to focus in the wrong place. Also, with age, the lens may lose its ability to change its shape.

  • Objects located nearby become difficult to see, their contours become blurry and indistinct.
  • If before this a person suffered from myopia, his vision began to improve with age.

For farsightedness, wearing glasses or contact lenses is recommended to correct vision. Can also use surgical method correction using laser.

Myopia is a pathological condition in which visual acuity deteriorates and difficulty viewing distant objects occurs. It can arise as a result of the specific structure of the eyeball, which can be transmitted genetically. Also, myopia can be a consequence of a violation of the shape of the lens, a change in its position after injury, or weakness of the muscles that are responsible for the movement of the eyeballs.

  • The patient sees distant objects as very blurry with indistinct contours.
  • In order to read a certain text, the patient must bring the book close to his eyes.
  • Over time, vision deteriorates even more.

To correct vision, use glasses or contact lenses. Conservative treatment provides virtually no improvement. IN modern world To treat myopia, laser correction or other microsurgical interventions are used.

Retinal diseases

The retina is the back part of the eye containing the nerve endings, which perceive light rays and translate them into a picture. It must be in very close contact with the choroid, otherwise visual impairment will occur.

The disease most often develops in people over 55 years of age. In this case, the place on the retina in which the most light-sensitive nerve receptors is affected is affected.

The causes of this disease are not fully understood. Presumably this is a lack of important vitamins and microelements in the body.

  • Difficulties when looking at letters.
  • Impaired vision clarity when looking at faces.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Fuzzy outline of objects.

A doctor can diagnose macular degeneration. The main methods of treatment: medication, laser therapy or photodynamic therapy. The disease is recurrent and can reoccur after the end of treatment.

When a retinal detachment occurs, the following characteristic symptoms occur:

  • Initially, visual acuity in one eye is lost. This is an important symptom and should be reported to your doctor at your appointment.
  • Veil before the eyes. In this case, the patient believes that the cause of the visual impairment is on the surface of the eyeball and rinses the eyes or drips with drops for a long time and without success.
  • From time to time, flashes or sparks may appear before your eyes.
  • If surrounding objects or letters appear distorted, then the lesion is located in the center of the retina.

Visual impairment may be varying degrees. The disease is treated surgically.

Vitreous detachment and retinal tear

The vitreous humor is the substance that fills the eye from the inside. It is attached to the retina, and in some cases can be separated from it. Most often this happens in old age.

The main cause of detachment is a retinal tear. Symptoms of vitreous detachment include:

  • The appearance of a veil before the eyes, which cannot be removed by washing or using eye drops.
  • Blurred vision, in which the outlines of objects become blurred.
  • Floaters before the eyes, which a person often begins to see when looking at a uniform background.
  • Light phenomena in the form of sparks or lightning, during the period when a person closes his eyes.

A retinal tear may be indicated by the appearance of floating lace before the eyes or a black veil.

Conservative treatment for retinal tears in most cases does not bring results. The main treatment method is surgery.

With posterior vitreous detachment without a retinal tear, treatment is not required; over time, interference from the “floaters” becomes less, since they can descend below the optical axis.

The disease is a complication of diabetes mellitus. In case of untimely or ineffective treatment on late stage, it appears in almost all people with diabetes.

People with type 1 diabetes are most susceptible to the disease. The disease is associated with damage small vessels fiber. Atherosclerosis develops in arterial capillaries, while blood stagnates in them when venous ones expand.

Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy:

  • In the initial stage, vision does not decrease too actively.
  • In the subsequent stage, vision deteriorates sharply, and the patient ceases to see in one or both eyes.

People with diabetes need to see a doctor regularly for preventive examinations. The disease is irreversible, so the person is assigned a disability.

Corneal disease

The cornea of ​​the eye is the most convex, transparent part of the eyeball, which is light refractive. It looks like a convex-concave lens, with its concave part facing backwards.

A cataract or clouding of the cornea is a process in which an infiltrate forms on the surface of the cornea, causing visual impairment. It resembles the formation of scars on the skin.

The cause of the disease is scar changes that occur for various reasons.

Stages of corneal opacification and their symptoms:

  • Cloud. A small cloudy spot appears in the patient’s field of vision, which does not cause any particular inconvenience and does not interfere with vision.
  • Corneal spot. With this disease, a spot appears in the central part of the eye shell, making vision difficult. In this case, the visual area behind the spot may be poorly visible or completely invisible.
  • Corneal thorn. In this case, the spot occupies a large area, and vision may be completely absent. A thorn is also a cosmetic defect.

In the initial stages, drug treatment is carried out. For this, corticosteroids are prescribed in the form of eye drops: Dexamethasone, Oftan-Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone suspension. Hormonal eye ointments and physiotherapy are also prescribed.

To resolve corneal opacities, biogenic stimulants are prescribed: FiBS, Vitreous body, Aloe extract, Peat in the form subcutaneous injections course for at least a month.

For extensive cataracts, keratoplasty is performed.

This is a hole or depression in the cornea of ​​the eye resulting from injury, crack or infectious diseases eye.

Symptoms of a corneal ulcer:

  • After suffering an infectious disease or injury to the eye, the pain does not subside, but increases, although visually the patient cannot detect any defects.
  • Deterioration of vision due to scarring of the ulcer.

The diagnosis can be made by an ophthalmologist. First of all, the reason why the ulcer formed is treated by using eye drops and hormonal medications.

Keratitis is an inflammatory process in the cornea of ​​the eye. Keratitis includes a large group of diseases with characteristic symptoms. The following types of keratitis are distinguished:

  • Bacterial keratitis. It is divided into: specific keratitis (syphilis) and nonspecific (purulent).
  • Viral keratitis.
  • Fungal keratitis.
  • Allergic keratitis.
  • Toxic keratitis.

The disease can affect one or both eyes. The following symptoms are observed with the disease:

  • Partial visual impairment.
  • Itching and burning in the eyes.
  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Dilatation of scleral vessels.
  • Redness of the conjunctiva.
  • Discharge from the eyes.
  • Gluing the eyelids in the morning.

The disease is treated with medication. The doctor prescribes medications that affect the cause of the disease. These could be eye drops, medications for internal use and eye ointments. After treatment of the disease, vision is restored, but in some cases a cataract may form.

Endocrine system diseases

Visual impairment may be a consequence of disorders in the endocrine system.

The pituitary gland is endocrine gland, which is located near the passage of the optic nerves at the base of the skull. With adenoma ( benign tumor glands), these nerves are compressed and subsequently this affects vision. Visual impairment in this case is quite specific.

Symptoms of pituitary adenoma:

  • Violation of the visual field, in which the eye begins to see half of the area visible in the room. Vision disappears either from the side of the temple or from the side of the nose.
  • The nose, ears, and tongue increase in size.
  • The patient's facial features become coarse and his height increases.

The diagnosis is made by an endocrinologist based on tomography and a blood test for growth hormone. The disease is treated by surgical intervention, after which vision is restored.

Thyroid diseases

Diffuse toxic goiter or Graves' disease, is main reason visual impairment. In this case fatty tissue, which is located inside the eye socket, grows and pushes the eye out. The axes of the eyes and their normal position are disrupted.

Symptoms of Graves' disease:

  • Bug-eyed.
  • Double vision.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Sweating.
  • Dizziness.
  • Irritability and short temper.
  • Losing weight.

With timely and competent treatment, all symptoms of the disease disappear. In some cases, surgery is required. If symptoms of the disease are detected, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Eye injuries

One of the easiest types of eye injury. It is quite difficult to determine the severity of the injury immediately after the injury itself. Therefore, after receiving it, you must definitely seek help from a doctor, because the damage can be quite serious.

Symptoms of eye injury:

  • Severe pain in the eyeball.
  • Swelling around the eye, in which. In some cases, the eye may not open.
  • Bruise.
  • Bleeding in the eye.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.

Treatment should be carried out by an ophthalmologist after determining the severity of the injury. It can be either medicinal or surgical.

Eye burns can be chemical or thermal. The degree of vision impairment depends on how severely the eye is affected.

Symptoms of eye burns:

At chemical burns you need to rinse your eyes immediately clean water and seek help from a doctor. The consequence of a burn can be either complete loss of vision or the formation of a corneal cataract.

A foreign body can enter both the surface of the conjunctiva and the eyeball.

Symptoms of a foreign body getting into the eyes:

  • Pain and burning in the eyes.
  • Tearing.
  • It is difficult to keep the eye open; it automatically closes.
  • Redness of the eye.

At home, you can get rid of a foreign body by rinsing the eye with clean water. If this fails, you should seek help from a doctor.

An eye injury is when it is damaged by piercing or cutting objects. The injury is quite dangerous, as it can result in complete loss of vision.

If the eye is damaged, apply antibiotic eye drops and close the affected eye. sterile bandage and seek medical help immediately.

Retinal hemorrhage

Retinal hemorrhage can occur as a result of injury, physical exertion, or childbirth. Also the reason may be venous stasis, high blood pressure or blood diseases, resulting in impaired blood clotting.

  • The victim sees a spot that is frozen in his field of vision.
  • Full or partial violation vision.

Treatment of retinal hemorrhage can be conservative or surgical.

Hemorrhage into the orbit

When hemorrhaging into the orbit, blood accumulates in the cavity of the orbit. The result of this is a protrusion of the eyeball.

Symptoms of retinal hemorrhage:

  • Bug-eyed.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Double vision.
  • Violation of the location of the axes of the eyeballs.

If there is bleeding in the orbit, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.


Strabismus most often appears in childhood due to brain damage and tone disturbances eye muscles. As a result, the eyeballs cannot occupy a normal position.

  • The eyes don't work in parallel.
  • The eyes cannot perceive perspective and depth in an image.
  • One eye becomes dominant.
  • The second eye ceases to participate in the function of vision and may eventually go blind.

Due to weakness of the eye muscles, many children develop strabismus after birth. If it does not go away within two months, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The disease is treated with surgery.


This is a fairly large group of diseases with different currents. The causes of this disease have not yet been identified. With absence adequate treatment the result is atrophy optic nerve and blindness.

Most often, the disease affects older people. With glaucoma, the circulation of fluid is disrupted, it accumulates, which causes an increase in eye pressure. During the blood supply to the eye, the optic nerve experiences heavy load and atrophies over time.

  • Impaired peripheral vision.
  • Blurred and painful eyes.
  • The appearance of irises when looking at bright light.

Drug treatment is aimed at reducing eye pressure. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

Partial or complete sudden loss of vision

Vision loss can be sudden. It occurs as a result of acute pathological changes in the vessels of the retina. With complete loss of vision, a person is completely deprived of the ability to see the world around him, while his eyes do not react to light.

With partial loss of vision, the patient may lose the ability to see with one eye, or some fragments of the picture falling into the field of vision may be missing.

The cause of the disease may be a violation cerebral circulation in people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis or poisoning chemicals or medications.

  • Sudden complete loss of vision.
  • The pupil remains responsive to light.
  • There is no blink reflex.
  • The patient is disoriented in time and space.

Acute obstruction of the central retinal artery

It can occur suddenly, and it happens sudden loss vision. Most often, the disease affects one eye. The cause of the disease is spasm, thrombosis or embolism of the artery. The disease most often affects people with arterial hypertension, less often young people with endocarditis, chronic infectious diseases and heart disease.

  • A sharp drop in vision, sometimes it can be partial or complete.
  • When performing ophthalmoscopy, a dark red central fovea, which resembles a cherry pit, is clearly visible against the clouded white background of the retina.
  • The veins narrow slightly or remain unchanged, while the arteries are sharply narrowed, and intermittent columns of blood are visible in their trunks.
  • The optic disc becomes pale and grayish in color.

Poor circulation in carotid artery

A pronounced stenosis, thrombosis or embolism may occur in the carotid artery, resulting in the development of symptoms of amaurotic-hemiplegic syndrome. The cause may also be a reflex drop in pressure in regional vessels or vasospasm.

  • On the side of the affected carotid artery, vision loss or decreased vision develops sharply.
  • Pupillary reactions are absent or become very weak.
  • Hemiparesis or hemiplegia of the limbs that are on the opposite side of the affected artery.

Acute optic neuritis

This disease is one of the most common causes of sudden vision loss. It can occur due to infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the brain, non-infectious and focal infections, trauma or multiple sclerosis.

Degeneration optic fibers in the area of ​​inflammation leads to visual impairment. The cause of sudden vision loss in most cases is retrobulbar neuritis.

Symptoms of optic neuritis:

  • Sudden partial or complete loss of vision.
  • Color vision impairment.
  • Pain in the orbit that intensifies when the eyeball begins to move.
  • Headache.

At retrobulbar neuritis toxic origin, sudden loss of vision occurs due to toxic poisoning methyl alcohol or liquids that contain it.

Except easy comatose state and nausea, the visual acuity of both eyes sharply decreases, sometimes the person becomes completely blind. In this case, the pupils are dilated, and their reaction to light may be completely absent. This is caused by atrophy of the optic nerves.

Restoration of visual acuity depends on how severely the fibers are damaged.

Hemophhalmus is an extensive hemorrhage into the vitreous body, as a result of rupture of the retinal vessels or choroid. It can occur as a result of eye injury, hypertension or diabetes.

  • Sudden loss of vision to the point where a person becomes completely blind.
  • Blood is detected in the vitreous body.
  • The fundus reflex is absent and cannot be seen.
  • Destruction of the vitreous body develops.

What to do

At sudden loss vision, the patient must be urgently hospitalized in a neurological or ophthalmic department for medical care.

  • For hemophthalmia, Fibrinolysin, Streptodecase and drugs of the corticosteroid group are administered retrobulbarly or under the conjunctiva. At the same time, they inject Ascorbic acid and Dicinon.
  • At acute obstruction central retinal artery, the patient needs to take a Nitroglycerin tablet sublingually. A solution of Euffilin, Nicotinic acid, and Streptodecase is urgently administered intravenously. Retrobulbar administration of Fibrinolysin and Heparin and caffeine solution through the conjunctiva are indicated.
  • In acute optic neuritis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed and hormonal drugs. It is also necessary to take diuretics, B vitamins and medications that improve blood circulation in combination.

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8 Reviews

They say that if vision deteriorates, it is good to take special vitamins. Even regardless of what diagnosis is made. Is it so? It just crashes for me, but it's because of work. But I can’t quit - the salary is painfully good)

Why quit? They don't quit because of this. Just adjust your diet and that's it. Vitamins are good Vitrum Vision forte. In composition they are better than others. Besides medicine, and not a dietary supplement, like many others.

I think for myself that the use of dietary supplements in some situations is very effective. Especially when it comes to vision. Since our nutrition leaves much to be desired, it is very difficult to get all the vitamins through food, feeding is necessary)

Kira, I’m also in favor of eye vitamins, especially since you can’t get some elements from foods. For example, lutein and zeaxanthin help maintain visual acuity; by the way, they are contained in Okuwait Forte. And of course, you need to give your eyes a rest and don’t forget about moisturizing drops.

I am 47 years old and my vision has begun to decline, slowly but surely. It looks like there’s nothing that can be done about this, age.

It’s hard to argue with age-related changes, I agree. I'm about the same age as you, but for now I can manage without glasses. The doctor said that cartinoids can cumulatively preventively maintain eye tissue and visual acuity at the same level, for this I also take Okuvit Forte, because little of these substances enter the body from food.

The retina still deteriorates with age, which is why everyone wears glasses sooner or later.

After reading you, I also decided to buy Okuwait Forte; after all, I can’t eat so many carrots to ensure that the required amount of nutrients enters the body. And it also contains antioxidant vitamins, they also protect vision well. I am pleased.

If a person suddenly loses vision, he should be urgently taken to the eye or neurological department. When bleeding into the vitreous body, corticosteroids and fibrinolytic drugs are used. In parallel, the introduction of ascorbic acid will be required.

The course of treatment for acute optic neuritis includes taking hormonal remedy and antibiotics. It also includes medications with a diuretic effect, B vitamins and drugs to improve blood circulation.

For cataracts in the initial stages, eye drops are prescribed to improve metabolism in the lens. If the disease is advanced, then surgery cannot be avoided. During the operation, the doctor removes the lens and replaces it with an intraocular lens.

For glaucoma, treatment may include medication. In severe cases, laser therapy or surgery will be required.

If a person is farsighted or nearsighted, then to restore visual functions Laser correction is considered effective. After 1.5-2 hours, the patient begins to see well without additional devices.

Bleeding in the eye should be treated with anti-inflammatory and decongestant medications. In the presence of an eye infection, additionally prescribed antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

Fog in the eyes, blurred vision, waves, black and light spots are unpleasant phenomena with which patients come to a neurologist or ophthalmologist. Reasons this state many – infectious and non-infectious diseases of the organs of vision, nervous system, various intoxications. What to do if the picture of the world around you blurs in your eyes?

Causes of Blurry Vision

Factors leading to this phenomenon, can be divided into:

  1. Pathologies of the nervous system.
  2. Diseases of the organs of vision.
  3. Changes in blood and intracranial pressure.
  4. Metabolic disorders.
  5. Endocrine diseases.
  6. Side effects of drugs (antihypertensive drugs, cholinomimetics, anticholinergic drugs).

Black spots, white spots, blurred vision - the causes of this vision defect may be various diseases and pathological conditions of the central and peripheral nervous system. Visual artifacts also appear due to poisoning and diseases of the organs of vision.

Paired organs of vision are responsible for the perception of the surrounding world, which are optical system, which transmits light and includes the cornea, lens, and vitreous body. Signals from external environment receive sensitive receptors in the retina - rods and cones, which convert them into nerve impulses. Through the sensitive optic nerves, information about the picture from the outside is transmitted to the vision centers of the brain. With pathologies at any of these levels, visual impairment in the form of waves and dots is possible.

Diseases of the organs of vision

With many diseases of the organs of visual perception, everything in the eyes becomes blurry, white and black spots, dots, and waves may appear. Vision becomes cloudy and unclear with the following diseases:

  1. Glaucoma.
  2. Myopia (nearsightedness) or farsightedness.
  3. Cataract.
  4. Pathologies of the vitreous body.
  5. Retinal detachment, hemorrhages into it.
  6. Infectious lesions - conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, etc.

Glaucoma is a disease associated with impaired outflow of fluid in the eye and increased pressure. May result in complete blindness, although initial stages Those suffering from this pathology note visual defects.

Cataract is a lesion of the lens, which acts as a light-refracting lens. Its symptoms include the appearance of visual artifacts - artificial points, waves that do not exist in reality.

The vitreous body is a transparent gel consisting of mucopolysaccharides. Its function is color refraction. Sometimes it can develop pathological processes, leading to blurred vision and a feeling of blurriness (like waves in the eyes from the side).

Nervous system diseases

The peripheral nervous system carries information from the sensory receptors of the retina and transmits it to the visual centers of the brain, which analyze and compare the overall picture. Defects in image perception appear in the event of a lesion peripheral nerves and the central nervous system.

What diseases can lead to blurry images:

  1. of various origins– for diabetes, deficiency of B vitamins.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. Lack of glucose, fasting.
  4. Poor blood circulation in the brain due to hypertension, low blood pressure.
  5. Intoxication.
  6. Traumatic brain injuries.

Multiple sclerosis is considered an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own nerve fibers. This leads to neuropathies, including those of the optic nerve, which can lead to blurred vision. Damage to the optic nerve in a patient appears several years earlier than all other signs of the disease. Patients complain of changes in visual acuity during the day, narrowing of visual fields (especially green and red colors). During the period of remission, which lasts several months, vision can be restored.

It is a disorder in which the regulation of vascular tone by the nervous system is disrupted. In this case, artificial objects – points, waves – may appear in the field of vision, and perception becomes blurry. Changes in vision during VSD are explained by impaired blood supply, lack of nutrients, and anxiety. Making the situation worse panic attacks. After treatment of VSD vision returns to normal.

Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and glucose also affects vision. With hypovitaminosis of vitamins B and A, the picture of reality can be blurred. Vitamin A is directly involved in the processes occurring in the retinal receptors. And B vitamins affect nerve conduction.

With glucose deficiency in the brain during fasting and severe physical activity, after an insulin overdose, people may notice blurred vision before their eyes. And the reason is the energy deficiency of the central nervous system, which is sensitive to hypoglycemia - lack of glucose.

Poor blood circulation in the brain also leads to blurriness: waves appear in the eyes during transient ischemic attacks, strokes, hypertensive crises. Changes in vision are usually one of the first signs of cerebrovascular accident. Blood supply to the brain decreases when taking medications that lower blood pressure.

Methyl alcohol poisoning, poisonous mushrooms, autointoxication with intestinal obstruction may be accompanied by blurred vision. Botulism also leads to this phenomenon.

Since there are many causes of visual impairment and the appearance of blurred vision before the eyes, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated, as the condition can significantly worsen.