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Ear suppositories for the treatment of otitis media. Ear candles as a method of removing wax plugs

Many people have to use drops from ear plugs. From excess accumulation Neither adults nor children are immune from earwax. Earwax, accumulating in the ear canal and swelling, can block it.

The cause of the appearance of plugs is regular cleaning of the ear canals with cotton swabs - in this case, the wax is not so much cleaned out as compacted and shifted towards the eardrum. The formation of traffic jams is facilitated by being in a dusty environment, exposure to noise and frequent use in-ear headphones that activate the secretory function of the sulfur glands. Increased secretion and accumulation of sulfur may be due to the anatomy of the ear and diseases of the hearing organs. If there is a feeling of stuffiness or ringing, or hearing acuity has decreased, you need to contact a specialist and take measures to remove the plug.

Drops for dissolving sulfur

Most people believe that the only remedy for ear congestion is the familiar hydrogen peroxide. The 3% composition of peroxide actually softens the formations and pushes them out, however, it is not always possible to completely remove the plug blocking the ear lumen after the first instillation. Inserted into the ear more quantity drops for dissolving ear plugs than indicated in the instructions will not provide more effective impact and may even make the situation worse.

The cleansing procedure should be carried out by repeated instillation of small doses of the drug: inject ½ pipette of peroxide into the ear canal 4-6 times a day. The softened sulfur will gradually be pushed out. Instead of a pipette, you can use a syringe without a needle.

There are other drops for softening and dissolving ear plugs: “Clean-Irs”, “Vaxol”, etc. It is better if they are present in every first aid kit, like iodine or aspirin. Having them on hand is most necessary for people with increased secretion of earwax glands.

Effective preventive and remedy for ear plugs - A-cerumen drops. For prevention, it can be used indefinitely. To prevent the formation of a plug, it is enough to instill 1 ml of “A-cerumen” into each ear once every 2 weeks. To remove it, the product is used for 3-4 days, 2 times a day, 1 ml. The drug is not contraindicated in children over 2.5 years of age, but it cannot be used to treat newborns.

The product "Remo-Vax", freely sold in pharmacies, in for preventive purposes instilled once every 2-4 weeks. This is an excellent product for hygiene ear canal, but it cannot be used to eliminate painful symptoms, in case of damage to the eardrum and liquid secretions from the ear.

After introducing Remo-Vax, the ear canal is closed for half an hour to an hour with cotton wool. The procedure ends with washing it warm water. To remove wax accumulation, water is introduced into the ear canal using a syringe immersed a few mm into it. The medicine "Remo-Vax" can be used at any age.

To soften the cork, you need to instill 2 dozen drops of the product. Sometimes, as prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary reuse drug if it was not possible to remove the formation in one go.

Using phytocandles

Earwax is easily removed when special candles are inserted into the ears. Their effect can be compared to the action medical cups, which, when heated, create a vacuum. The same vacuum is obtained when the phytocandle burns, which allows the seal to be pulled out. To remove wax, ear plug candles made from wax, propolis, and a mixture of essential oils are used; medicinal herbs. Therefore, they not only cleanse, but also have a warming, healing and analgesic effect.

As with any medicine, there are a number of contraindications to the use of suppositories. They cannot be used for:

  • allergic reactions;
  • high temperature, since heating will promote activation of the inflammatory process;
  • discharge from the ears;
  • membrane damage;
  • oncological pathologies of the head.

Dense formations cannot be removed using candles. In this case, the advisability of using the product should be discussed with a specialist.
Although the procedure using phytosuppositories is not very difficult to carry out at home, it is necessary to observe special rules.

  1. You cannot light candles yourself. The procedure must be performed only with an assistant who will supervise the process.
  2. The patient should lie on his side so that the ear with the wax plug is facing upward.
  3. The head should be protected with a cloth or cap from accidental burns, but the ear hole should remain open.
  4. The ear canal must be massaged using cream. For this it is better to use a child's one.
  5. The assistant lights the candle and inserts its base slightly into the ear canal.
  6. During the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the process so that the flame does not cross the special mark. Burning and melting of a phytocandle below the limiting risk can cause burns.
  7. The cinder is pulled out of the ear and stewed in a previously prepared container with water.
  8. Lumps of wax that appear in the ear lumen are removed with a cotton swab, and a turunda is inserted into the ear for a quarter of an hour. During this time, you can conduct a session on the other ear.

After procedures with phytosuppositories, you should refrain from washing your hair for a day.

Now there are a huge number of similar products on the shelves in the pharmacy. These are not suppositories or the usual fat-based suppositories that melt directly in the body. Ear candles are products with a wick that are inserted into the ears and lit. Part of the medicine flows into the ear, warming it up. Ear specula differ in composition and manufacturing method.

Types of ear candles:

  • Essential. In their manufacture they use essential oils. Usually this is a piece of natural fabric soaked in a mixture of essential oils. Often the impregnation consists of wax, which helps the candle burn for a long time, creating a vacuum in the ear canal. This reduces pain and inflammation.
  • Herbal. The candles are made from crushed herbs. Medicinal plants grind and mix with paraffin or beeswax. Natural cotton fabric is impregnated with this paste and rolled into a tube. When the wax melts, such a candle gives everything away useful material present in herbs.
  • With propolis. This component is often used in the preparation of products traditional medicine. Propolis perfectly kills pathogenic flora in the area of ​​the eardrum, reducing the manifestations of otitis media. It is usually not combined with anything, but is used as the main component in making a candle. They lubricate the fabric with it and fold it into a triangle. When the funnel burns, a vacuum is created in the ear, which helps reduce pressure on eardrum.

Beneficial properties of ear candles

Despite the critical attitude of doctors towards such products, candles for ear pain are successfully used during the off-season, when there are a lot of pathogens of upper respiratory tract in the air. respiratory tract. Such candles are also used to eliminate sulfur plugs.

Benefits of ear candles:

  1. Dissolve traffic jams. Very often, a lot of wax accumulates in the ears, which clogs the ear canal and impairs hearing. Candles will help soften the contents and easily remove them using a cotton swab.
  2. Reduce inflammation. Often suppositories are used to treat otitis, which is a complication after ARVI and influenza. The heat from their combustion warms the eardrum, reducing inflammation. Essential oils and propolis kill pathogenic microorganisms in the ear.
  3. Treat sinusitis. When heated, the candles create a vacuum in the ear, which helps remove fluid and mucus from the ear. maxillary sinuses. This eliminates the need for punctures to suction out mucus.
  4. Accelerate recovery from ARVI. Essential oils and propolis contained in the candles kill viruses and bacteria, speeding up recovery.
  5. Reduce headaches due to neuralgia. Ear suppositories are indicated for trigeminal neuralgia. They warm the ear and reduce nerve inflammation. This helps reduce pain.
  6. Eliminate tinnitus. Often, extraneous sounds can cause hearing loss. Candles help dissolve sulfur deposits and improve hearing.
  7. Removes mucus from sinuses. This applies to tonsillitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. Thanks to the heat, the mucus becomes less thick and quickly leaves the sinuses.

Contraindications to the use of ear candles

Despite the benefits of such products, you should approach their use with caution. For some ailments ear candles contraindicated.

List of contraindications:

  • Violation of the integrity of the eardrum. With this disease, any suppositories are prohibited, as the medicine can be harmful.
  • Purulent discharge from the ear. For purulent otitis media, the use of suppositories is prohibited. This is due to the fact that when heated, the pus becomes less viscous and can flow into the middle ear area.
  • Tumors in the head area. For any benign and malignant tumors Ear candles cannot be used. They can accelerate the growth of tumors.
  • Allergy. If you are allergic to bee products and essential oils, ear candles should not be used. Quincke's edema or urticaria may appear.
  • Ear injuries and injuries. If there has ever been an injury to the outer ear or eardrum, candles should never be used.
  • . Since candles warm up the ear canal, they can slightly increase body temperature. Therefore, during fever, funnels are not used.
  • Hypertension. At high blood pressure ear candles are contraindicated. They may increase blood pressure.

Rules for choosing ear candles

Before purchasing the product at the pharmacy, be sure to study the composition. This way you can protect yourself from allergies. It is worth understanding that for the treatment of otitis media and ARVI, products with propolis and herbs will be the most effective. This is due to the bactericidal effect of these funnels.

Ear Candles Review:

  1. Phytocandles REAMED. This product is made on the basis of beeswax. The funnels contain cinnamon, lavender and eucalyptus oils. Gently warms the ear and has a bactericidal effect. Cinnamon relieves swelling, and eucalyptus reduces inflammation. Lavender calms the nervous system. Indicated for otitis media and chronic headaches.
  2. Phytocandles Relax. This product is indicated for migraines and inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The impregnation contains sedative herbs that calm the nervous system. After use, the body is relaxed, so it is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. Suppositories are recommended for insomnia and increased nervous excitability.
  3. Phytocandles for children. These are products that are made from beeswax. There are no essential oils or other herbal additives in the candles. This avoids the occurrence of an allergic reaction. In addition, the products are equipped with “No-drops”. This is a kind of limiter that prevents wax from penetrating into the external auditory canal. This makes the procedure safe.
  4. Phytocandles Lux. These are products made from beeswax and essential oils. Equipped with a limiter that prevents wax from penetrating into the ear. Accordingly, after manipulation, unnecessary components will not enter the auditory canal.
  5. Classic phytocandles. Made using beeswax, propolis and cinnamon, eucalyptus and juniper oils. Shown when inflammatory diseases ears, migraines, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and neuralgia.
  6. Candles Diaz. Classic herbal funnels made using bee products and essential oils. The impregnation contains cinnamon, eucalyptus, and juniper oil. These components relax and help relieve headaches. There are two candles in the package.
  7. Phytocandles "Aquamir". Used when water gets into the ear. This is a real salvation for parents of small children. These funnels will help remove water from the ear canal and prevent inflammation. The funnels are made using propolis and herbs.
  8. Candles Doctor Vera. These are baby candles made from beeswax. There are no other additives in the composition. This prevents allergies to herbs and essential oils.
  9. Candles IP Sergeants. Candles are available in packs of 10 pieces. Made with the addition of propolis and ground herbs. Burning time increased to 10-12 minutes. This helps to warm up the auditory canal and ear well.

Rules for making ear candles with your own hands

The products are quite simple to manufacture. Everything you need can be purchased at the pharmacy. It’s very simple for beekeepers, since the main component, wax, is always at hand.

Instructions for making phytocandles at home:

  • Cut a small kona out of wood. It should be strong and smooth. Surface porosity will impair the release of candles from the mold.
  • Grease the mold with oil. Melt some beeswax in a water bath, you can add propolis and a few drops of essential oil.
  • Cut the linen fabric into pieces and soak the flaps in the solution. While it's hot, wrap it around the cone. Once the wax has hardened, carefully remove the candle from the mold.
Store funnels in a dry place, wrapped in film.

How to use ear candles correctly

You cannot use ear candles for plugs on your own. You need an assistant who can carry out the procedure. The patient lies on his side in a relaxed state, and the assistant sets up and lights the candle. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 days.

Instructions for ear candles:

  1. Prepare everything you need. To carry out the procedure, you will need a towel, funnels, baby cream, a glass of water and cotton swabs.
  2. Place the patient on his side. Make sure in advance that there is no purulent discharge from the ear. Place a cap on the patient; a plastic shower cap will do. It is necessary to hide all hair under a cap.
  3. Massage the outer part of the ear and the area around it using a small amount of cream. Place a cloth with a slit on your ear.
  4. Set it on fire top part funnels, and place the part with foil to the external auditory meatus. It is necessary that the candle burns down to the foil. When it burns, you will feel a pleasant warmth.
  5. When the funnel burns out, carefully remove the remainder from the ear and clean the shell of wax using cotton swab.
  6. Place dry cotton wool in your ear for 15-20 minutes. This will help keep you warm for a long time.

Remember, funnels cannot be used at temperatures. Be sure to measure your temperature before the procedure.

Precautions when using ear candles

Since a candle works when it comes into contact with a flame, you should protect yourself and the patient as much as possible. There are frequent cases of inflammation of the hair on the face and head.

Safety rules when treating ears with candles:

  • Be sure to use a cap or scarf during the procedure. This will prevent your hair from catching fire.
  • Cover your ear with a damp cloth with a hole for a candle. It is best if your eyes are also covered with a napkin. This will prevent ash and wax from getting into them.
  • Keep a glass of water nearby and damp cloth. This will help to quickly extinguish a candle or fire.
  • Remove the remainder of the candle using a rotating motion. Take it slow. Ash should not be allowed to enter the ear canal.
  • Control the burning speed of the candle, do not allow a strong flame. The funnel should burn slowly.
  • To treat children, use special suppositories with limiters. They prevent ash and wax from getting into the ear.
  • If you feel intense heat and discomfort when burning a candle, stop the procedure. You should feel a light and pleasant warmth. There shouldn't be any burning sensation.
  • Do not leave a patient with a burning funnel unattended. You cannot go outside during the procedure.
  • Usually candles are placed at night. After the procedure, do not wash your hair or drink cold drinks. You can drink warm milk.
How to use ear candles - watch the video:

Ear candles are an affordable and simple remedy for the treatment of colds and neurological ailments. At correct use you can get rid of headaches and alleviate the condition of trigeminal neuralgia.

Discomfort in the ears quite often bothers people. Various diseases human ear provoke multiple causes. Problems arise due to colds, inflammatory processes, pathologies of neighboring organs, tumors, sulfur plugs and other factors.

Ear pain and hearing loss prompt people to immediately visit an otolaryngologist. Having made a diagnosis, he chooses a treatment method certain disease. Along with official methods of treatment, they advertise a wellness novelty - ear candles for removing plugs and eliminating some ENT diseases.

Ear diseases: symptoms and types

There are many ear diseases. A person suffers if the middle ear is injured or the eardrum is damaged. Discomfort in the ear occurs from otomycosis, otosclerosis and sulfur plugs. The ears are affected by boils, acute tubo-otitis, chronic otitis media, otogenic sepsis, cochlear neuritis and other diseases.

Patients are bothered by the symptoms that accompany many illnesses (they experience headaches and dizziness, their body temperature is elevated). Therefore, the doctor always pays attention accompanying symptoms. Emerging human ear diseases sometimes do not occur without loss of coordination, nausea, vomiting, and deformation of facial contours.

Ear candles: description

Ear candles are classified as hygienic non-medicinal products. They are designed to care for the ears. Phytocandles are made in the form of long tubes. The devices are filled with beeswax, medicinal herbs, subjected to cryogenic treatment, propolis. Essential oils are added to them. There are ear candles, the price of which is affordable, with eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint and other oils.

Burning candles create a vacuum and fill the auricle with comfortable warmth. This improves hearing and makes it easier nasal breathing, wax plugs are gently removed, dizziness disappears, goes away headache, blood circulation in the ear is activated, anxiety is relieved and sleep is normalized.

A natural product with a pronounced hygienic, thermal and aromatic effect, helps clean the ear cavities. Heated wax melts and releases pleasant, soothing aromas of herbs and essential oils. Phytoncides released along with oils produce a powerful disinfecting, antispasmodic and analgesic effect, relieve stress and fatigue.

Indications for the use of ear candles

In most cases, ear candles are used to remove plugs and relieve hearing loss. They eliminate migraines and headaches. This remedy stops the course of inflammatory processes caused by diseases of the ENT organs. They are suitable for the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis.

They are used for hearing loss, frontal sinuses and pharyngitis. Ear suppositories are used for otitis media and sinusitis. They help with disturbed sleep, stressful situations, noises arising in the ear canals. The product relieves excessive nervousness and irritability, helps get rid of otosclerosis and tonsillitis.

Ear plugs: how to get rid of them

Nature has made sure that ear plugs come out on their own. However, in some people the canals are very small and curved in a special way. It is difficult for sulfur to escape from such channels, so it becomes necessary to clean them.

The size of plugs that are not removed in a timely manner increases, which leads to deafness, accumulation of moisture in the canals and the development of infection. A problem arises - how to remove the plug from the ear (an ordinary ear plug cannot cope with the task). However, like phytocandles. To remove a large plug, you need a doctor and a special tool.

Ears with normal canals protected by wax (natural lubrication) are classified as self-cleaning organs. A special cleansing mechanism removes excess wax from the ear cavity. Wax is easily removed by washing the ears and outer canal. Only that part of the passage that the little finger can penetrate is cleaned.

Situations are different, sometimes there is a need to clean an ear with normal anatomy. Moreover, a person does not really think about how to remove a plug from his ear; he has known since childhood simple ways eliminating accumulated sulfur. But he does not always know what dangers they conceal.

Cotton swabs, matches and others available funds not suitable for removing plugs. With their help, it is not always possible to remove wax, but pushing it deep into the ear canal is very simple. In this case, a blockage of the passage occurs, which can cause deafness, or the development of otitis media is provoked. In addition, you can damage your eardrum and lose your hearing.

There are others, much more safe means removal of sulfur. It is removed with hydrogen peroxide, special pharmaceutical drugs, weak soda solution or ear candles.

Method of using ear candles

A small amount of wax from the ear cavities is removed with phytosuppositories. The procedure is not complete without matches, cotton swabs, baby cream, a cloth napkin, cotton swabs and a glass of water. All this should be within reach.

The patient's head is protected with a cap or scarf and he is asked to sit comfortably on his right (left) side. The area adjacent to the ear is lightly massaged with baby cream. A fabric napkin is placed on the ear, in which a slot is made that coincides with the outer ear canal.

Then they move on to a procedure that helps remove wax from the ear. The top of the candle is set on fire, and the bottom, wrapped in foil, is carefully aligned with the ear canal. The combustion of the tube is carefully observed. When it burns down to the mark, the remainder is carefully pulled out and extinguished in water.

The procedure is completed by cleaning the ear canal (a cotton swab is suitable for manipulation) and installing a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. Then a similar session is performed for the second ear. It is not recommended to wash your hair after the procedure. At chronic diseases 5-6 sessions per week are carried out, acute forms do not allow more than 1 procedure in 2-3 days.

Operating principle

The tube burns slowly, creating a vacuum inside the ear, pushing the wax out. The ear cavity is saturated with propolis vapor and phytoncides concentrated in herbs and oils. The slightly reduced pressure and vibrating air due to the movement of the flame perform a gentle massage of the eardrum.

There is a pleasant warmth in the ear. The pressure in the ear cavity, sinuses and forehead area is equalized. Favorable physical impact normalizes blood pressure and relieves pain, promotes free nasal breathing and activation of the olfactory sensations.

The patient hears the pleasant crackling and noise of the flame and enjoys the relaxing effect that ear candles create to remove blockages and treat at the same time.

Security measures

Such a sulfur extraction procedure requires compliance with safety measures. The session at home should be conducted by third parties, and not by the patient himself. The candle is burning, which means we need to take care of fire safety! It is necessary to control the combustion process. Burning the tube below the mark is unacceptable (it may result in a burn).

If ear plug removal candles are used carelessly, ash and wax will enter the ear canal. This will not cause any hazardous health consequences. The auricle just needs to be carefully cleared of ash and wax after the procedure.


The product should not be used by people with:

  • purulent discharge from the ears;
  • elevated temperature;
  • disorders in the ear canal;
  • damaged eardrums;
  • head tumors;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

People who have experienced the effects of phytocandles share their experiences. It would seem that for a person whose sulfur does not come out on its own, but chronic diseases they don't back down effective tool for cleaning ears. However, ear candles are not so simple and safe. Reviews from those who have used the product speak directly to this.

They should not be used for treatment, e.g. purulent otitis and removing large plugs. Carrying out the procedure carelessly can lead to injury. Of course, songs are sung to the “madness of the brave.” The only question is about whom this song will be composed - a hero who has recovered his health, or an eccentric who has lost his hearing.

Phytosuppositories help only if they are used wisely and competently. You should not take rash steps and self-medicate. Doctors are next to each of us. Consulting with them is a matter of minutes, from which the benefits are enormous. It’s even better to entrust the procedure to an otolaryngologist. It will remove sulfur “deposits” without consequences.

Ear candles for removing plugs: how to use

One of the problems associated with ear health is the formation of wax plugs. The procedure for removing the plug was previously carried out only by an otolaryngologist under conditions medical institution. However, a modern alternative to the traditional procedure has emerged that allows you to uncork sulfur plugs at home - the use of special phytocandles. Let's try to figure out how safe their use is and how to use them.

Phytocandles are products based on beeswax, essential oils and crushed herbs. They soften plugs by heating substances. This technique has no official scientific basis. Moreover, doctors are quite skeptical about this method. However, from those who have used candles for ear plugs, reviews indicate high efficiency facilities. Once you decide to undergo the procedure, you should take the following precautions:

  • do not carry out the procedure yourself;
  • make sure that hot wax does not get on the skin or in the ear canal;
  • monitor the burning process of the phytocandle and perform all actions according to the instructions;
  • To treat a child, use only special suppositories for children.

Before using ear candles to remove plugs, you need to know that this method of treating blockage of the ear canals is contraindicated in the presence of pus or injuries to the outer ear, when the integrity of the eardrum is compromised, as well as when diagnosing a tumor formation in the head. In addition, before use, you should find out whether you are allergic to the components of phytosuppositories.

Regardless of the purpose of using phytosuppositories in order to get rid of ear plugs or treat diseases, their use has general scheme, although each manufacturer can give special recommendations specified in the instructions. Let's consider the general sequence of actions for carrying out the procedure:

  • prepare the attributes of the procedure, such as ear candles for removing plugs, water, a lighter or matches, cotton wool, alcohol solution, ear sticks, a handkerchief, tweezers, baby cream;
  • lubricate outer part ear cream and give a gentle massage;
  • put the person on his side, place a scarf or napkin over the ear with an incision in the area of ​​the passage;
  • placing a phytocandle to your ear, light it from above;
  • when it burns down to a special mark, remove the cinder with tweezers and extinguish it in water;
  • clean the hole with a cotton swab using an alcohol solution;
  • Place an alcohol-soaked cotton swab in your ear for 10-15 minutes.

Even if the patient is worried about only one ear, the above steps of using ear plug suppositories should be repeated on the second one in order to prevent the development of an inflammatory process.

Ear candles: using beeswax medicinal product

Ear hygiene occupies an important place in the process of individual care for appearance and health. According to the instructions, ear candles will help relieve discomfort and ear congestion caused by wax plugs. The phytocandle has wide range use up to stress relief. This method alternative medicine has become widespread in last years.

What are ear candles

Phytocandles for the ears are a small tube that is used to treat diseases of the ENT organs. The candle is inserted into the ear and lit. The combustion process stimulates the formation inside low blood pressure, resulting in air vibrations. The pressure on the eardrum is reduced, warming up and a kind of massage begins. Under the influence of heat earwax softens, and reverse gravity facilitates its extraction.

Ear specula are sticks made of calico fabric or cotton gauze, impregnated with beeswax. Various manufacturers add essential oils of plants and beekeeping products to candles. The composition may include additional additives:

  • propolis;
  • plant extracts;
  • powdered healing herbs;
  • essential oils - lavender, fir, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon and mint.

Indications for use

Earwax removal tubes have a wide range of applications, are used at home, and are recommended as an addition to treatment for:


The instructions for use indicate that ear funnels are contraindicated for use when there is allergic reaction on spark plug components. Patients with acute form mastoiditis, otosclerosis, purulent otitis and sinusitis cannot use tubes. Skin diseases, scarring in the outer ear canal makes it difficult to use a candle. The presence of tumors of tissues and organs of the maxillofacial area is also considered a contraindication to the use of ear tubes.

Instructions for use of ear candles

Phytocandles are medicine, which must be applied exactly following the instructions, otherwise the candle may cause more harm than good. The course of treatment is 5-6 weeks. Step-by-step instruction on the use of candles is as follows:

  1. Lie on your side.
  2. Give a short massage using baby cream or moisturizer. auricle. The pressure should be light and gentle.
  3. Light the end of the stick free from foil.
  4. After establishing uniform burning of the flame, insert the opposite end of the candle strictly vertically into your ear.
  5. When the flame reaches a special mark, carefully remove the stick and extinguish it in water, try to act quickly.
  6. Clean the ear skin with a cotton swab moistened with water.
  7. Do the same manipulations with a dry stick.
  8. Cover your ear with cotton wool for 4-8 hours.
  9. Carry out the same actions with the other ear after 10-15 minutes, even if the symptoms of the disease appear on one side.

To cleanse the ears of wax, it is recommended to use candles daily. It is better to carry out the procedure at night, do not get up for at least 20 minutes after the end of the manipulations. It is recommended not to go outside for about 10 hours and not get your hair wet. If the plug does not disappear or there is no improvement in the condition after several sessions, contact a specialist.

Children's suppositories differ from their adult counterparts in diameter, so when treating a child, buy a drug marked “for children.” The diameter of the ear canal of a small patient must match the size of the medicinal suppository. The baby should not be afraid of fire, show anxiety or excitement. If the child did not tolerate the first procedure well, abandon this method of treating the disease.

For ear cleaning

Use candles to clean your ears 2-3 times a week. If there are no ear plugs, there is no need to use the product daily. Depending on your health condition, choose candles with certain additives. Follow the instructions for use exactly and handle fire carefully. It is necessary to carefully remove all dirt without immersing the cotton swab deeply.

Before treating otitis with phytosuppositories, you should consult your doctor to avoid negative complications and consequences. For this disease, the treatment procedure is carried out every other day. The instructions prohibit the use of candles for purulent stages otitis If you notice worsening symptoms of the disease, stop using this method treatment without delay.

Price for ear candles

Phytosuppositories can be bought at a pharmacy, online store, or online pharmacy. Depending on the region of the country, prices for goods will differ by several rubles. Most sales points in St. Petersburg and Moscow offer a home delivery service for candles. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase ear sticks. Before use, it is recommended to check the integrity of the product and compliance with the packaging presented on the official website of ear cleaning candles.

Although this illness is not dangerous condition, but can introduce some discomfort into daily life. Earwax plugs occur through hyperfunction of the gland, which releases sulfur into the ear canal.

How ear phytocandles work - instructions for use

The principle of operation of ear candles is based on the so-called “fireplace effect”. The candle is inserted with the narrow end into the ear canal and lit on the other side. A traction is created, due to which deposits in the ear are removed from the ear. Simultaneously with cleaning ear canal The eardrum is massaged and the pressure in the ear is adjusted.

Let's take a closer look at the step-by-step instructions for use:

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the required things for the procedure: matches, sticks with cotton wool, a vessel with water, cotton wool, an alcohol solution, moisturizer, a napkin with a hole that corresponds to the diameter of the candle, tweezers.
  2. Moisturize the ear with baby cream with a light massage.
  3. After this, lie on your side, and place the napkin so that the hole coincides with the ear canal.
  4. The candle is lit from the wide edge, and the other end is placed against the ear canal.
  5. After the phytocandle burns down to a certain point (which is closer to the narrow edge), remove the cinder and extinguish it in a tank of water.
  6. Clean the ear canal with a solution soaked in alcohol solution cotton swab.
  7. Next, lie down for 15 minutes with a cotton swab, after which the procedure is repeated for the second ear.

What is the therapeutic effect

Based on the principles of work of phytosuppositories, we can consider how they actually heal. One of the positive effects is the improvement of blood flow to the eardrum by massaging it with vibration from the draft created by the burning of the candle. By increasing the local temperature, the patient feels “therapeutic warmth.” Also, when using candles, there is an equation of pressure in the ear canal, paranasal sinuses, inner and middle ear. One more positive effect is the creation of negative pressure in the cavity of the candle, which promotes the release of sulfur masses from the ear canal.

For what diseases are ear phytocandles used?

The warming procedure can be carried out not only with accumulations of sulfur in the ear canal, but also with a number of acute diseases ear and more. Among them are acute respiratory viral infections, various inflammatory processes in the ears, such as otitis media (exclusively of a non-purulent nature), inflammation eustachian tube, sinusitis and tonsillitis, conditions accompanied by nasal congestion, migraine attacks, sensorineural hearing loss, Meniere's disease, inflammation of the auditory nerve, stress and even insomnia.

It is worth noting that treatment with ear phytocandles is not the main one and they should be used only as additional method along with traditional treatment.

Are there any contraindications to the use of suppositories?

There are diseases for which the use of ear candles is strictly prohibited. These include otitis and sinusitis with a purulent component, various changes in the eardrum, a scar in the external auditory canal, increased sensitivity to candle components, inflammatory process mastoid process, oncological processes in the jaw and face area.

Ear candles should only be used if precautions are taken.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to inspect the ear canal to exclude purulent character process ( the best option there will be an examination by the attending physician). Since fire is used in the process of using candles, it is necessary to follow the rules for handling it in order to avoid fire or burns to the patient’s skin.

How often can it be used

Frequency of application depends on pathological process. For example, for cleaning auditory canal for excess sulfur mass, you need to use ear candles every day while the plug remains (but if several unsuccessful attempts, you need to contact an otolaryngologist). For various otitises, no more than 4 procedures every 3-4 days. At chronic conditions up to 2 times a week, no more than 6 procedures. For preventive purposes, no more than 2 times a month.

Is it worth using

Wax ear candles have a pronounced effect in treatment, but are not recognized traditional medicine. In any case, before using them, you should consult your doctor, as self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

Ear hygiene occupies an important place in the process of individual care for appearance and health. According to the instructions, ear candles will help relieve discomfort and ear congestion caused by wax plugs. The phytocandle has a wide range of uses, including stress relief. This method of alternative medicine has become widespread in recent years.

What are ear candles

Phytocandles for the ears are a small tube that is used to treat diseases of the ENT organs. The candle is inserted into the ear and lit. The combustion process stimulates the formation of reduced pressure inside, resulting in air vibrations. The pressure on the eardrum is reduced, warming up and a kind of massage begins. Heat softens the earwax, and the reverse gravity helps remove it.


Ear specula are sticks made of calico fabric or cotton gauze, impregnated with beeswax. Various manufacturers add essential oils of plants and beekeeping products to candles. The product may contain additional additives:

  • propolis;
  • plant extracts;
  • powdered medicinal herbs;
  • essential oils - lavender, fir, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon and mint.

Indications for use

Earwax removal tubes have a wide range of applications, are used at home, and are recommended as an addition to treatment for:

  • viral and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • wax plugs in the ears;
  • migraine pain;
  • increased irritability;
  • Acoustic neuritis, hearing loss;
  • nasal congestion with vasomotor rhinitis;
  • overexcitation of the nervous system, constant stress and overwork;
  • recurrent episodes of insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • inflammation of the ENT organs, which are accompanied by headache and ear pain: non-purulent forms of otitis, pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, constant inflammation in the paranasal sinuses.


The instructions for use indicate that ear funnels are contraindicated for use when an allergic reaction to the components of the suppositories is observed. Patients with acute forms of mastoiditis, otosclerosis, purulent otitis and sinusitis cannot use tubes. Skin diseases and scars in the outer ear canal complicate the use of a candle. The presence of tumors of tissues and organs of the maxillofacial area is also considered a contraindication to the use of ear tubes.

Instructions for use of ear candles

Phytosuppositories are a medicine that must be used exactly following the instructions, otherwise the candle may cause more harm than good. The course of treatment is 5-6 weeks. Step-by-step instructions for using candles are as follows:

  1. Lie on your side.
  2. Using baby or moisturizing cream, briefly massage the ear. The pressure should be light and gentle.
  3. Light the end of the stick free from foil.
  4. After establishing uniform burning of the flame, insert the opposite end of the candle strictly vertically into your ear.
  5. When the flame reaches a special mark, carefully remove the stick and extinguish it in water, try to act quickly.
  6. Clean the ear skin with a cotton swab moistened with water.
  7. Do the same manipulations with a dry stick.
  8. Cover your ear with cotton wool for 4-8 hours.
  9. Carry out the same actions with the other ear after 10-15 minutes, even if the symptoms of the disease appear on one side.

From traffic jams

To cleanse the ears of wax, it is recommended to use candles daily. It is better to carry out the procedure at night, do not get up for at least 20 minutes after the end of the manipulations. It is recommended not to go outside for about 10 hours and not get your hair wet. If the plug does not disappear or there is no improvement in the condition after several sessions, contact a specialist.

For children

Children's suppositories differ from their adult counterparts in diameter, so when treating a child, buy a drug marked “for children.” The diameter of the ear canal of a small patient must match the size of the medicinal suppository. The baby should not be afraid of fire, show anxiety or excitement. If the child did not tolerate the first procedure well, abandon this method of treating the disease.

For ear cleaning

Use candles to clean your ears 2-3 times a week. If there are no ear plugs, there is no need to use the product daily. Depending on your health condition, choose candles with certain additives. Follow the instructions for use exactly and handle fire carefully. It is necessary to carefully remove all dirt without immersing the cotton swab deeply.

For otitis media

Before treating otitis with phytosuppositories, you must consult a doctor to avoid negative complications and consequences. For this disease, the treatment procedure is carried out every other day. The instructions prohibit the use of suppositories during purulent stages of otitis media. If you notice a worsening of the symptoms of the disease, discontinue this method of treatment without delay.

Price for ear candles

Phytosuppositories can be bought at a pharmacy, online store, or online pharmacy. Depending on the region of the country, prices for goods will differ by several rubles. Most sales points in St. Petersburg and Moscow offer a home delivery service for candles. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase ear sticks. Before use, it is recommended to check the integrity of the product and compliance with the packaging presented on the official website of ear cleaning candles.