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Ear candles for removing plugs: instructions for use, types, reviews from doctors, price. How to use ear candles

A person is provoked multiple causes. Problems arise due to colds, inflammatory processes, pathologies of neighboring organs, tumors, sulfur plugs and other factors.

Ear pain and hearing loss prompt people to immediately visit an otolaryngologist. Having made a diagnosis, he chooses a treatment method certain disease. Along with official methods of treatment, a new wellness product is being advertised - ear candles for removing plugs and eliminating some ENT diseases.

Ear diseases: symptoms and types

There are many ear diseases. A person suffers if the middle ear is injured or the eardrum is damaged. Discomfort in the ear occurs from otomycosis, otosclerosis and sulfur plugs. The ears are affected by boils, acute otitis media, otogenic sepsis, and other diseases.

Patients are bothered by the symptoms that accompany many illnesses (they experience headaches and dizziness, their body temperature is elevated). Therefore, the doctor always pays attention accompanying symptoms. Emerging human ear diseases sometimes do not occur without loss of coordination, nausea, vomiting, and deformation of facial contours.

Ear candles: description

Refers to hygienic non-medicinal products. They are designed to care for the ears. Phytocandles are made in the form of long tubes. The devices are filled with beeswax, medicinal herbs, subjected to cryogenic treatment, propolis. Essential oils are added to them. There are ear candles, the price of which is affordable, with eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint and other oils.

Burning candles create a vacuum and fill with comfortable warmth auricle. This improves hearing and makes it easier nasal breathing, wax plugs are gently removed, dizziness disappears, goes away headache, blood circulation in the ear is activated, anxiety is relieved and sleep is normalized.

A natural product with a pronounced hygienic, thermal and aromatic effect, helps clean the ear cavities. Heated wax melts and releases pleasant, soothing aromas of herbs and essential oils. Phytoncides released along with oils produce a powerful disinfecting, antispasmodic and analgesic effect, relieve stress and fatigue.

Indications for the use of ear candles

In most cases, ear candles are used to remove plugs and relieve hearing loss. They eliminate migraines and headaches. This remedy stops the course of inflammatory processes caused by diseases of the ENT organs. They are suitable for the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis.

They are used for hearing loss, frontal sinuses and pharyngitis. Ear suppositories are used for otitis media and sinusitis. They help with disturbed sleep, stressful situations, noises arising in the ear canals. The product relieves excessive nervousness and irritability, helps get rid of otosclerosis and tonsillitis.

Ear plugs: how to get rid of them

Nature has made sure that ear plugs come out on their own. However, in some people the canals are very small and curved in a special way. It is difficult for sulfur to escape from such channels, so it becomes necessary to clean them.

The size of plugs that are not removed in a timely manner increases, which leads to deafness, accumulation of moisture in the canals and the development of infection. A problem arises - how to remove the plug from the ear (an ordinary ear plug cannot cope with the task). However, like phytocandles. To remove a large plug, you need a doctor and a special tool.

Ears with normal canals protected by wax (natural lubrication) are classified as self-cleaning organs. A special cleansing mechanism removes excess wax from the ear cavity. Wax is easily removed by washing the ears and outer canal. Only that part of the passage that the little finger can penetrate is cleaned.

Situations are different, sometimes there is a need to clean an ear with normal anatomy. Moreover, a person does not really think about how to remove a plug from his ear; he has known since childhood simple ways eliminating accumulated sulfur. But he does not always know what dangers they conceal.

Cotton swabs, matches and others available funds not suitable for removing plugs. With their help, it is not always possible to remove sulfur, but to push it deeper ear canal very simple. In this case, a blockage of the passage occurs, which can cause deafness, or the development of otitis media is provoked. In addition, you can damage your eardrum and lose your hearing.

There are others, much more safe means removal of sulfur. It is removed with hydrogen peroxide, special pharmaceutical drugs, weak soda solution or ear candles.

Method of using ear candles

A small amount of wax from the ear cavities is removed with phytosuppositories. The procedure is not complete without matches, cotton swabs, baby cream, a cloth napkin, cotton swabs and a glass of water. All this should be within reach.

The patient's head is protected with a cap or scarf and he is asked to sit comfortably on his right (left) side. The area adjacent to the ear is lightly massaged with baby cream. A fabric napkin is placed on the ear, in which a slot is made that coincides with the outer ear canal.

Then they move on to a procedure that helps remove wax from the ear. The top of the candle is set on fire, and the bottom, wrapped in foil, is carefully aligned with the ear canal. The combustion of the tube is carefully observed. When it burns down to the mark, the remainder is carefully pulled out and extinguished in water.

The procedure is completed by cleaning the ear canal (a cotton swab is suitable for manipulation) and installing a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. Then a similar session is performed for the second ear. It is not recommended to wash your hair after the procedure. For chronic diseases, 5-6 sessions per week are performed, sharp forms Do not allow more than 1 procedure in 2-3 days.

Operating principle

The tube burns slowly, creating a vacuum inside the ear, pushing the wax out. The ear cavity is saturated with propolis vapor and phytoncides concentrated in herbs and oils. The slightly reduced pressure and vibrating air due to the movement of the flame perform a gentle massage of the eardrum.

There is a pleasant warmth in the ear. The pressure in the ear cavity, sinuses and forehead area is equalized. Favorable physical impact normalizes blood pressure and relieves pain, promotes free nasal breathing and activation of the olfactory sensations.

The patient hears the pleasant crackling and noise of the flame and enjoys the relaxing effect that ear candles create to remove blockages and treat at the same time.

Security measures

Such a sulfur extraction procedure requires compliance with safety measures. The session at home should be conducted by third parties, and not by the patient himself. The candle is burning, which means we need to take care of fire safety! It is necessary to control the combustion process. Burning the tube below the mark is unacceptable (it may result in a burn).

If ear plug removal candles are used carelessly, ash and wax will enter the ear canal. This will not lead to hazardous health consequences. The auricle just needs to be carefully cleared of ash and wax after the procedure.


The product should not be used by people with:

  • purulent;
  • elevated temperature;
  • disorders in the ear canal;
  • damaged eardrums;
  • head tumors;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Ear problems are unfortunately familiar to many. There are also many ways to treat ear diseases, both acute and chronic stage. Among them we can highlight funds traditional medicine, which are based on medications, And traditional methods getting rid of ear pain. But there are also remedies that are somewhere in the middle between traditional and traditional medicine. These include phytocandles. What are they? How to use them? Are there any contraindications? Let's try to figure out the answers to these and other questions.

Composition of phytocandles

The main component of such candles is beeswax. The candles also contain propolis extract with the addition of various essential oils - this can be lavender, mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus and other oils.

Therapeutic effect

If we talk about the effect such candles have on the body, there are several of them. The main ones include:

  • warming;
  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming.

The therapeutic effect is achieved through a combination of a gentle warming effect and the creation of a vacuum while the candle burns. All this helps cleanse the ear canal, improve hearing and restore nasal breathing.

Phytocandles can also be used to remove wax plugs from the ears. Due to their mild soothing effect, phytosuppositories help with migraines, headaches of a different nature, as well as dizziness.

Indications for the use of phytosuppositories

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, both acute and chronic. First of all we're talking about about otitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  2. Inflammatory processes in paranasal sinuses ah nose - sinusitis and sinusitis.
  3. Wax plugs in the ears.
  4. Tinnitus.
  5. Headaches, dizziness and migraines.
  6. Irritability, nervousness.
  7. Sleep disorders.

Method of using phytocandles

It is better to carry out treatment with such suppositories with an assistant.

You will also need to prepare some items. In addition to the phytocandles themselves, you will need a cotton scarf or napkin, a glass of water, cotton swabs, cotton wool, baby cream and matches.

The patient should lie on his side, and his head should not be positioned high (a small pillow will be enough). The head should be covered with a cotton scarf, after making a hole in it for the ear. For more effective impact phytosuppositories can be carried out preliminary light massage ear, using baby cream.

First, the upper end of the phytocandle is set on fire, and its lower end is inserted into the auricle, focusing on the mark. The duration of the procedure is determined by the burning time of the candle (to the indicated mark), after which it should be removed from the ear and extinguished using a glass of water.

Then you will need to use cotton swabs to clean the outer ear canal. If necessary, the procedure is carried out similarly with the second ear.

It is not recommended to get up immediately after the procedure; it is better to cover your ear with something to keep warm and lie in the same position on your side for another 15 minutes. There are also restrictions on washing your hair; it is best to refrain from it for 12 hours after this procedure .

Frequency of use of phytosuppositories in medicinal purposes should be 1 time within 2-3 days. This concerns acute diseases. At chronic course For any processes in the ENT organs, it is recommended to use phytosuppositories once a week for 1.5 months. But these terms are very conditional; before using phytosuppositories, you should consult with a specialist and get his approval for this type of treatment, including the terms.


Not everyone can use phytocandles, as they have their own contraindications.

  • Firstly, their use is strictly prohibited if there is purulent discharge from the ear.
  • Secondly, damage to the eardrum is also a direct contraindication to the use of phytosuppositories.
  • If there are allergic reactions to any beekeeping products, then this method of treatment should also be abandoned.
  • Tumor processes in the head area are also a contraindication to the use of phytosuppositories.

But even if you do not have the above conditions, then do not rush to resort to this method treatment - consult your doctor.

Types of phytocandles

Phytocandles and phytofunnels Reamed (Samara)

This manufacturer offers handmade products

made of cotton fabric. If we compare phytofunnels and phytocandles, the former have more intense combustion and, accordingly, a shorter duration of the procedure.

Reamed offers the following types of phytocandles and phytofunnels:

Phytosuppositories Dias (Ukraine, Artemovsk)

This manufacturer offers phytocandles and phytofunnels made on the basis of beeswax with the addition of essential oils. Products are divided into the following types:

  • phytosuppositories for adults are used for inflammatory processes in the ENT organs, and also as a mild relaxant;
  • phytosuppositories for children (aged 5 to 12 years) are also indicated for inflammation of the ear, nose and throat;
  • phytosuppositories "Aquamir" are intended for water getting into the ear;
  • phytofunnels for adults;
  • phytofunnels for children.

Wax plugs in the ears often cause discomfort, which is impossible to cope with without the help of a specialist. Not everyone knows how to such a case rinse your ears properly. After all, in home medicine cabinet there is no suitable professional tool, and the patient does not have the necessary skills.

Considering the prevalence of such a problem as ear plugs, pharmacies are increasingly interested in ear phytocandles.

Ear candles

Ear candles are considered very effective therapy many problems that arise in the ears. This medicine became popular for the reason that it wide range actions. Candles do an excellent job with the following problems:

  • different forms of sinusitis;
  • recurring ear infections;
  • sinusitis.

Ear candles are lit after they are inserted into the ear. During combustion, a draft and vacuum are formed. They are able to remove small plugs and dirt. Essential oils, which are part of the suppositories we are considering, relieve inflammation of the ear, paranasal sinuses, and throat.

Candles are made from natural substances, so there are no side effects when using them. They can relieve pain, relieve spasms, and inflammation.

Vacuum therapy, the pleasant warmth emanating from the burning of a candle, improves blood microcirculation, improves hearing, and facilitates nasal breathing.


Experts do not classify ear suppositories as medications; they almost never recommend them to their patients. But those people who tried them on themselves and their family members were satisfied and recommend them to everyone they know.

An ear candle is a tube made of calico/cotton fabric. It must be impregnated with beeswax. The composition of phytocandles for ears varies slightly, but in all cases the main component is beeswax. Such candles may contain the following substances:

  • essential oils (eucalyptus, fir, cinnamon, pine, mint, lavender, clove, sage);
  • medicinal herbs, crushed;
  • propolis.

Some candles consist only of fabric soaked in beeswax, without any additives. Impregnation with wax is necessary to ensure that the fabric burns slowly, creating the necessary vacuum-thermal effect.

When a candle burns, air vibrates inside it and the pressure decreases. These effects reduce pressure on the eardrum. The patient not only feels the pleasant warmth from warming up, but also feels a light massage effect. The heat softens the wax plug, which is removed due to the backdraft inside the candle.

The composition of the drug intended for children does not differ from the composition for adult patients. Ear candles for children include beeswax and propolis. Coniferous oil may also be included, as in the drug “Children’s Ear Candles” (Dr. Vera).

Children are allowed to have ear candles from the moment they become conscious and able to lie still.


Ear candles are designed to clean the ear. They are used for the following indications:

  • spicy chronic diseases ENT organs (rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • ear plugs;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • nervousness, increased irritability.

If suppositories are used in treatment acute processes, you need to carry out the procedure every four days. During therapy chronic forms diseases, you need to perform 2 procedures per week for a month. When using ear candles as a preventive measure, 1 – 2 procedures per month are sufficient.


Despite the fact that ear candles are classified as folk medicine, there are clear instructions for their use. It may change slightly when treating various diseases. Ear candles should be placed following these rules:

  1. An assistant will be required to carry out the procedure.
  2. The following items must first be prepared: water (glass), wax candles (2 pcs.), towel, matches, cotton swabs, protective circle that comes with the candles.
  3. The patient is asked to lie on his side. Cover the area adjacent to the ear (hair, clothes) with a towel.
  4. The upper end of the candle is set on fire.
  5. A lit candle is placed in vertical position into the ear canal with the non-burning end. The wax candle should be installed in the ear through the hole in the protective circle. When the candle is installed correctly, the patient hears a slight crackling sound and the sound of a flame.
  6. The candle must be monitored and the patient must not be left unattended.
  7. When the candle has burned down to the mark, it must be extinguished in a previously prepared glass of water.
  8. After the procedure, the auricle should be cleaned with a cotton swab.
  9. The procedure must be performed on both ears.
  10. After the procedure, it is advisable to rest for 15–20 minutes.
  11. It is forbidden to wet your hair after using wax candles.
  12. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a week.

The photo shows instructions for using ear candles


There are also a number of contraindications for carrying out the procedure with ear candles. This medicine should not be used in the following cases:

  1. If there is purulent discharge from the ear, which may be due to sinusitis,.
  2. If there is an external auditory canal.
  3. In the absence of an eardrum.
  4. If the patient has .
  5. If the patient is allergic to bee products.

Video instructions for using ear candles:

How to make at home

Ear candles are available in pharmacies. They can also be prepared at home. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of creating an ear candle.

Otitis media can be treated both traditionally and unconventional methods. Today, ear phytocandles are becoming increasingly popular, used as an auxiliary remedy with otitis. The candles are made from natural ingredients, the main ones being beeswax and propolis. As excipients products may contain fir, eucalyptus, clove, and lavender extracts.

Suppositories can be used not only for the treatment of ENT diseases, but also for their prevention. Please note that phytocandles are not medicine, it makes no sense to use them for monotherapy.

Due to the fact that the composition of the candles is exclusively natural ingredients they do not provoke the occurrence side effects and are approved for use by children.

Complex impact

Using ear candles in the treatment of otitis media, positive impact turns out to affect the entire body as a whole (as manufacturers claim).

With otitis, an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effect is achieved. Against the background of general warming in combination with vacuum therapy, nasal breathing is restored and auditory function is normalized.

Bactericidal effect

In addition, thanks to the action of beeswax, a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, vitaminization and softening of the affected area are achieved. In conjunction with plant extracts Ear candles normalize blood flow in the inflamed area of ​​the ear, act as a soothing, relieving agent, thereby improving the patient's sleep and increasing local immunity.

Against pain

Wax removal

In addition to therapeutic and preventive effect, ear candles are used to remove wax plugs from the ear cavity. But even that harmless remedy It should be used exclusively for its intended purpose, taking into account all contraindications, and it is best to consult a doctor before use.


  • inflammatory diseases of the ear cavity (otitis of various types);
  • sinus infections of a viral or bacterial nature (sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, others);
  • when the ear canal is blocked with wax;
  • defeat auditory nerve resulting in partial hearing loss;
  • for frequent migraine-like headaches and dizziness.

The dry heat and vibration that ear candles create when used can improve drainage of the affected part of the ear, thereby accelerating the removal of toxins (waste products). pathogenic microorganisms, that is, viruses or bacteria), thereby the healing process goes faster.


But, despite the fact that exclusively raw materials are used for the production of phytocandles natural origin, they still have a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use the product:

  • with suppuration from the ear canal;
  • in case of perforation or mechanical damage eardrum;
  • in case of damage to the external ear cavity (external auditory canal);
  • malignant or benign neoplasms localized in the head area are a contraindication;
  • as well as individual intolerance to one or more components used to make candles.

If you decide to use phytosuppositories for otitis, be sure to read all the contraindications and remember that this is only aid and it should be used in addition to the main treatment.

Rules of application

Before using ear candles, make sure that there is no suppuration from the ear, and also measure your body temperature (if you have hyperthermia, you cannot perform a herbal procedure).

The procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • prepare a napkin with a hole cut out for a candle;
  • lie on your side, lightly massage the auricle using cream;
  • apply a previously prepared napkin to your ear;
  • Insert a lighted candle with its narrow lower end into the external auditory canal (for this it is better to use outside help);
  • when the candle burns down to the mark (each product has a limiting line), it must be extinguished;
  • The procedure is completed by cleansing the ear canal and inserting a cotton swab, which can be removed after 10-15 minutes.

For chronic diseases, a weekly course of herbal medicine is carried out, repeated three times a year. At acute course the disease is carried out in 3 sessions with an interval of 2 days.

Be extremely careful, any inaccurate movement may cause your hair to catch fire or melted wax to get into your hair. ear canal, it’s better to ask your loved ones for help.

But, despite this, the use of such a remedy is not welcomed by otolaryngologists, although many patients successfully use this remedy and highly appreciate its effectiveness. To prevent treatment from leading to a deterioration in health, it is extremely important to know how to use ear candles for ear congestion and wax plugs.

Indications and contraindications

The use of ear candles cannot be carried out without compelling reasons, otherwise you can seriously harm your health. Indications for their use at home are:

  • Diseases of the ENT organs, including the throat and nose: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.
  • Pathologies of the hearing organs. Ear suppositories are often used for otitis, but only if it has not entered the formation phase purulent exudate.
  • Diseases of the paranasal sinuses - frontal sinusitis, .
  • Blockage of the ear canal with wax.
  • Decreased hearing acuity.

In addition, wax ear suppositories are used for:

  • headaches, migraines;
  • irritability, nervous disorders;
  • bad sleep;
  • tinnitus;
  • dizziness.


  • the presence of purulent contents in the auditory or nasal passages, as well as lacunae (under the influence of heat pathogens will begin to multiply much faster, which can cause irreparable harm to the patient’s health);
  • allergy to wax, paraffin or other components;
  • injuries, cracks and wounds in the area of ​​the auditory canals;
  • the presence of tumors in the head area.

You should also not use wax candles for your ears if you have had surgery. eardrum, and the patient is still undergoing rehabilitation after it.

Harm and benefit

Before use, it is important to consider not only the benefits, but also possible harm ear suppositories.

The beneficial properties of the product are that it:

  • has a calming effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling of tissues;
  • relaxes;
  • improves psychological state;
  • relieves headaches;
  • normalizes sleep.

In addition to the benefits, ear candles can also cause harm. In particular, cause a powerful allergic reaction or lead to the spread pathological process. For this reason, beeswax or paraffin candles should be used with extreme caution when treating otitis media or removing plugs.

Contraindications to the use of ear suppositories should not be neglected, especially if they are used to remove wax plugs or treat inflammatory diseases in children.

Composition of suppositories

Candles for removing ear plugs are often also called phytocandles, since they consist mainly of natural ingredients:

  • beekeeping products (bee glue, wax);
  • essential oils;
  • herbal components.

Ear suppositories for otitis (Tentorium, Reamed) may contain only propolis or wax, although they can also be used in their manufacture aromatic oils and powdered dried flowers and leaves of medicinal plants.

Features of application

You must know how to use wax ear candles for ear plugs or ear congestion, otherwise they can cause harm to your health. For safety reasons, we recommend that you carefully read official instructions on the use of ear phytocandles.

Treatment of otitis media

Funnels must be placed provided there is no purulent exudate during inner ear. The principle of action of suppositories is to provide a warming effect, due to which useful substances, included in their composition, penetrate the ear tissue, thereby stopping inflammation and relieving pain.

It is necessary to use suppositories with extreme caution for children suffering from otitis media. Children are prone to allergic reactions more than adults, so before the therapeutic session you need to make sure that the child will not experience side effects caused by the suppositories.

Ear cleaning

It is better to choose suppositories for cleaning ears with a richer composition than for treating otitis media. The most famous and effective are suppositories Tentorium and Reamed. They help in case of ear congestion, help quickly clear it of wax and prevent its re-accumulation over a long period of time.

The principle of operation of ear candles for cleaning the ear canals is to create vibrations that are imperceptible to the person themselves, which seem to “push out” particles of dust and dirt, thereby ensuring cleaning of the ear canal.

Traffic jam treatment

Plug candles are no different from those that are placed in the ear when it is necessary to clean it from dust and dirt. Due to the same vibration waves and heat created, the plugs are crushed into small particles, which are easily removed from the ear canal.

Candles from ear plugs are used on the same principle as other ear funnels.

Suppositories for children

Ear suppositories are not produced specifically for children - all funnels are used to treat patients over 5 years of age. When treating a child, it is important to take precautions because children's skin is too delicate and can easily be burned.

Instructions for use

The instructions for using ear candles must be followed exactly, otherwise even a qualified specialist will not be able to guarantee the safety of the procedure.

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • ear phytocandles – 2 pcs.;
  • cotton swabs for cleaning ears – 2–4 pcs.;
  • thick cotton napkin – 1–2 pcs.;
  • matches;
  • cotton wool;
  • fatty cream (preferably for children);
  • glass of water.

Before using the product, you need to lubricate one ear with baby cream and massage it a little.

Main stages of treatment

In order for the use of beeswax ear candles to give the expected results, the procedure must be carried out in stages.

  1. Lie on your side, first placing a small pillow under your head.
  2. Cover your head with the prepared napkin, where you need to make a hole for the candle in advance.
  3. No less important is how to insert the candle into the ear. To do this, you need to carefully examine the ear funnel. On one side there is a special mark, which is an indicator when the procedure needs to be stopped. The candle should be placed in the ear with the end where this mark is located. However, it cannot be inserted deeply - it must be located in the area of ​​the external auditory canal.
  1. Insert the funnel into the care and light the top part.
  2. Wait until the fire burns down to the mark, then extinguish it in a glass filled with water.
  3. Perform manipulation with the other ear.

After both candles for cleaning the ears or treating otitis media have been used, they must be carefully removed and the ears must be cleaned of any remaining wax.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about using ear candles for children and adults. If you stick to simple rules, then you can quickly get rid of inflammatory processes and accumulated in auditory canals sulfur. As indicated in the instructions, beeswax ear candles can be used 2-3 times a week.

Review of the most popular ear specula

Let's briefly look at the most popular ear candles for removing plugs and for treating otitis media for children and adults.

Candles Tentorium

Tentorium is a company that produces ear candles, which are widely popular in the treatment of adults and children. The most famous wax candles from Tentorium are Abies and Candella-2. Each package contains 2 suppositories. Tentorium ear candles can be used for children.


Reamed ear candles also deserve a lot positive feedback satisfied patients. They quickly relieve pain, relieve inflammation and remove plugs.

Suppositories are available without a prescription, 2 pcs. in packaging. You should not use Reamed earwax candles several times - like other funnels, they are intended for single use.

Is it possible to make funnels yourself?

How to make ear candles at home? To make suppositories yourself, you need:

  1. Cut several equal-sized strips of cotton fabric (approximately 10 cm in length and 3 cm in width).
  2. Take a few pencils and grease them with vegetable oil.
  3. Melt wax or paraffin and dip the fabric into it.
  4. Wrap the oiled sticks in a cloth and wait until the wax hardens.

Remove with a gentle movement ready-made product from sticks. This algorithm is perfect if it is impossible to purchase funnels at the pharmacy, because there is nothing complicated in making ear suppositories yourself.

Useful video about ear candles