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Burning and stinging in the eyes, causes and treatment. Why it hurts the eyes: causes and treatment of the disease

One of the common complaints in ophthalmological practice- burning in the eyes. As a rule, a person reaches a specialist only after unsuccessful attempts at self-medication, often with complications.

Burning eyes are an extremely unpleasant symptom that reduces the quality of life. Faced with this problem, a person wonders why it stings his eyes?

Unfavorable environmental situation

IN major cities where industry is developed, people experience burning sensations and... This is caused increased content in the atmosphere of toxic substances, vapors, soot, exhaust gases, emissions from factories. Workers in hazardous industries are required to wear a protective mask.

Climatic conditions

Strong wind, dust or smoke, swimming in the sea - all this can cause the eyes to burn, watery and red. Unfavorable factors environment dry out the mucous membrane, causing unpleasant symptoms.

Office work

Long-term work at the computer frequent use smartphones lead to tension visual organ and the occurrence of dry eye syndrome. The syndrome is manifested by dryness, redness, and rapid fatigue of the organ of vision.

Allergic diseases

Redness of the conjunctiva, sclera, discomfort, burning, feeling of sand in the eyes - the cause of these symptoms may be allergies. There is a clear relationship: symptoms appear after contact with an allergen (animal fur, flowering plants, medications, etc.) and disappear when it is excluded.

Cosmetical tools

New cosmetical tools may cause burning and signs of dryness. Try eliminating makeup remover decorative cosmetics, eye creams. If the symptoms disappear, then that is the cause. Start introducing funds one by one. This way you can figure out which one is not right for you.

Foreign bodies

Specks of dust, midges, shavings, and others that enter the organ of vision can cause lacrimation, a burning sensation, and inflammation of the mucous membrane. Remove foreign body, then use medications.

The eye also perceives contact lenses as a foreign body. Irritation, dryness, and discomfort are caused by prolonged wearing of lenses. Recommendations for proper use should be followed.

Eye diseases

Most frequent infectious diseases organs of vision, in which the eyes water and burn - blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, stye. Additionally, signs of inflammation are noted: redness of the sclera, conjunctiva; mucous or purulent discharge; photophobia, lacrimation.

Non-communicable diseases:

  • In glaucoma, the burning sensation is caused by degenerative processes.
  • In case of injuries, burns - damage to the structures of the visual organ. The eyes hurt, it burns, there is lacrimation, redness of the sclera, fear of light, swelling of the eyelids. Injuries threaten the development of strabismus and increased IOP.
  • With (bulging eyes) and Sjögren's syndrome (decreased gland function external secretion) the reason is increased dryness.


When a person complains of redness and burning in the eye, the ophthalmologist finds out the factors causing the problem, conducts inspection under side lighting.

For a more in-depth examination, the doctor examines the organ of vision using a slit lamp (biomicroscopy) and an ophthalmoscope (ophthalmoscopy).

If present, bacterial culture is performed to assess the nature of the microflora and determine sensitivity to antibiotics.


The burning sensation, at first glance, minor symptom. But he can call severe complications: decreased visual acuity, up to blindness. What to do when your eyes are watery and burning? Preparations:

  • "Floxal", antibacterial drops or ointment. Used for infectious causes. Dosage of drops: 1 drop, 2–4 times a day. Ointment dosage: 1.5 cm of ointment behind the lower eyelid, 2–3 times a day. Course up to 2 weeks.
  • Instillation of “Ophthalmoferon” - drops with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, regenerating effects, and antiviral activity. Prescribed to relieve irritation when viral diseases. Recommended dosage: 1–2 doses, 6–8 times a day, as inflammation subsides, 2–3 times a day.
  • Taufon drops based on taurine improve metabolic processes in cells, healing. Recommended for overwork of the visual organ, injuries, dystrophic processes that cause burning. Instill 1–2 drops, 2–4 times a day. Use drops until cure, but no more than 3 months.
  • Visine, an alpha-adrenergic agonist. Relieves redness and burning caused by exposure to smoke, wind, cosmetics, and lenses. Effective for allergic reactions. Instill 1–2 drops, 2–3 times a day.
  • “Artificial tears” – moisturizing drops. They give good effect for dry eye syndrome. Directions for use: instill 1-2 drops, 4-8 times a day.
  • Allergodil drops will relieve the symptoms of burning and redness due to allergies. 1 dose 2 times a day until symptoms subside.

How to treat burning and lacrimation folk recipes? Will always be at hand regular tea, chamomile, potatoes:

  1. Black tea. Brew tea without flavorings, cool to warm temperature. Soak cotton pads and apply to eyelids for 15 minutes. You can use tea bags.
  2. Chamomile. The same method, only using chamomile.
  3. Potato. Slice raw potatoes circles, apply them to closed eyelids for 15 minutes.

If your eyes hurt, burning, redness, or a feeling of sand - this is a signal when you need to go to the doctor. Wasting time on unsuccessful self-medication can cost you your sight.

Burning eyes are a sensation of burning and dryness in the eyes. Very often a burning sensation is a symptom serious problems In eyes.

Symptoms of burning eyes

Burning sensation in the eyes may be accompanied by other eye symptoms, including:

  • discharge from the eyes
  • feeling of dry eyes
  • itching and burning in the eyes
  • redness and pain in the eyes
  • pain, lacrimation and photophobia
  • blurred vision

Causes of burning eyes

Distinguish following reasons appearance of this symptom:

1. Environmental reasons. Most often, the symptom of burning in the eyes is caused by aggressive environmental influences:

  • strong wind
  • dust or smoke
  • intense sun exposure
  • chemical irritants (soap, makeup removers, cosmetics, etc.)

Causes related to allergies

  • pollen
  • mold
  • fungus, fungal spores
  • animal dander

2. Ocular causes

  • dry eye syndrome
  • inflammation of the eye mucosa (conjunctivitis)
  • inflammation of the skin of the eyelids (blepharitis)
  • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis)
  • chronic meibomitis
  • Sjögren's syndrome
  • wearing contact lenses

3. Other reasons

  • elderly age
  • taking certain medications

When should you see a doctor urgently?

  • If the burning sensation of the eyes is accompanied by pain or hypersensitivity to the light and lacrimation
  • if you have any discharge from your eyes
  • if, along with a burning sensation, there is deterioration or blurred vision

Even if you do not have any of the listed symptoms, but have a burning sensation in your eyes, you should consult a specialist.

How to treat burning eyes

Treatment for burning eyes mainly depends on the cause that led to this symptom.

In case of exposure negative factors environment, it is necessary to avoid such situations in the first place. Cold compresses with chamomile decoction will help quickly relieve the symptoms of burning around the eyes, in case of environmental causes.

For allergies, the doctor prescribes antiallergic medications medications, which minimize the occurrence of burning in the eyes.

Burning eyes with dry eye syndrome go away with the use of moisturizing drops. It is often necessary to use artificial tears that do not contain preservatives.

What should you absolutely not do?

If you experience a burning sensation in your eyes, you should not:

  • rubbing your eyes may worsen the burning sensation
  • bury eye drops without a doctor's prescription
  • dress contact lenses

What happens if the symptom is not treated?

A burning sensation in the eyes caused by environmental reasons can go away on its own without consequences for your vision and health.

In other cases, treatment of the underlying disease that leads to the development of this symptom is necessary.


Here are some tips to help you avoid burning eyes:

  • Visit your eye doctor regularly to ensure early diagnosis of conditions that may be causing the burning sensation.
  • If you wear contact lenses, please provide your eye doctor about burning symptoms.
  • Use eye protection ( sunglasses, masks, protective glasses) when exposed to unfavorable factors environment.
  • If you suffer from a condition that causes burning (such as dry eye syndrome), use moisturizing drops to reduce symptoms.
  • Never ignore new symptoms or sensations that appear in your eyes.

Unpleasant condition When the eyelids itch, it can be caused by both skin irritation and serious malfunctions in the functioning of the body systems. If itching occurs, it is imperative to find out the cause and begin treatment.

Why do my eyelids itch?

Eye redness, flaking and itching cannot be ignored. After all, the symptoms that appear may indicate the development of various diseases.


If you have allergies, your eyelids itch and peel

At allergic reaction Redness and itching around the eyes are caused by irritants with sensitizing properties:

  • incorrectly selected hygiene and care products, decorative cosmetics;
  • dust, wool, fluff and feathers;
  • plant flowering products.

Usually, after eliminating contact with the sensitizing agent, redness, burning in the eyes and other unpleasant symptoms do not progress, but do not disappear very quickly. You should not use decorative cosmetics for two weeks; you must moisturize the skin under your eyes, ensure a comfortable indoor microclimate for your eyes, and ensure timely rest.

Be an irritant itchy century, may be medications that a person is forced to take to treat or maintain health. In this case, the doctor should prescribe an analogue or select a different course of therapy.


  • redness of the eyelids;
  • itching, which intensifies in the evening;
  • blurred vision;
  • the formation of small ulcers on the mucous membrane,
  • the appearance of foaming liquid and white deposits on the eyelashes;
  • sensation of specks under the eyelids;
  • eyelash loss.

The disease requires immediate attention medical treatment because it is fraught with complications.


This is an inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, the causes and treatment of which can only be determined by an ophthalmologist. Blepharitis may be a manifestation of some pathological process or an independent disease. Its initial stage can be determined by the main symptoms:

  • redness in the corners of the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids (they seem to swell);
  • burning in bright light;
  • the eyelids become covered with a thin crust (the skin below the eye often suffers).

Blepharitis is also characterized by peeling and itching, dry skin around the eyes, and loss of eyelashes.

Blepharitis is difficult to treat, so you need to be patient and follow all the ophthalmologist's recommendations.


The disease is transmitted by contact from sick people or animals. The virus can “hide” in bedding and personal hygiene items. Most often, conjunctivitis occurs when the immune system is weakened, long-term use antibiotics during respiratory diseases. Microbes are favorable for the progression of the disease. It is enough to rub the skin around the eyes with dirty hands, and within a day itching and peeling of the eyelids will appear. Later, the whites of the eyes will turn red and pus will appear. This problem is relevant not only for children, but also for adults.


Itchy stye does not give rest day or night

May appear with colds, dental diseases, inflammations maxillary sinuses and ear canals. The first symptom is severe itching on the upper eyelid (or lower), then a red spot appears and a hard purulent formation. It is not difficult to cure it, including traditional methods. The disease goes away in about two weeks. During treatment and immediately after recovery, it is imperative to protect the eye from the cold by covering it with a clean scarf.

Sudden temperature changes during the cold season

One of the reasons why the skin around the eye itches and peels is an aggressive external environment, sudden changes temperatures, for example, in winter. Girls often suffer from this problem. Upper eyelid turns red, flakes and itches, and can burn. This happens due to the fact that before exiting Foundation, shadows, and under the influence of low air temperatures outside, the sensitive skin of the eyelids cracks. It is recommended not to use these cosmetics until the symptoms subside. And they can be eliminated by moisturizing the eyelids with Nivea cream for sensitive skin or any other analogue. After applying it to the eyelid, you will feel a tingling sensation. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day for 3-5 days.

The cream should be applied in a thin layer and with as gentle stroking movements as possible.

Do not delay self-medication if symptoms do not disappear after a few days. Be sure to consult your doctor: a dermatologist or ophthalmologist.

Other reasons

Redness, peeling and itching under the eyes can be caused by somatic pathologies, not only congenital, but also acquired. The main reason is nervous disorders and shocks, as a result of which serious illnesses progress:

  • Glaucoma – chronic illness organ of vision.
  • Cataract is clouding of the cornea. The disease may be a consequence of previous inflammation of the eyelids, mechanical damage eyeball or a hereditary disease.
  • Diseases of the stomach, liver and gall bladder.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hormonal imbalance due to medication or stress.
  • Increased age-related dry eyes.

Traditional recipes for itchy eyelids

There are simple ways to relieve eye fatigue, eliminate peeling and redness of the skin of the eyelids caused by allergies.

Recipe 1. Brew chamomile, leave for half an hour, strain. Dip cotton pads into the infusion, squeeze lightly and apply to closed eyelids for 15 minutes. Do the procedure every morning and evening. When the redness goes away, continue the procedure for another week only before bed.

Recipe 2. When your eyelids itch, apply a compress of grated raw carrots and potatoes. The prepared gruel should be wrapped in gauze and placed on drooping eyelids for 15 minutes.

Recipe 3. Likewise, if your eyelids are itchy and flaky, you can use bread soaked in milk. Squeeze out the swollen pulp and wrap in gauze. Leave on eyelids for up to 15 minutes.

For demodicosis, use oil in addition to medications tea tree for lubricating eyelids.

If it itches under the eye when a stye appears, warm the affected area with dry heat. A boiled egg or potato will do (the food should not be hot). Thermal treatments will accelerate the ripening of barley.

Drug treatment for itching and flaking around the eyes

If the irritation does not go away after two days of self-administered therapeutic measures, you need to go to an ophthalmologist. The doctor will determine the cause and prescribe medication.

  • For barley to relieve itching upper eyelid(or lower), as well as others unpleasant symptoms prescribe eye ointments Hydrocortisone and Tetracycline, antibacterial drops Tsipromed and Levomycetin, treatment of the affected area with iodine, brilliant green.

  • For conjunctivitis - eye drops: Gentamicin, Ciprofloxacin, Vitabact, Erythromycin ointments, Tetracycline, rinsing with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacillin. In case of complications, drugs can be prescribed intramuscularly and intravenously.

  • Antiallergic drops for itching and red eyes: Okumetil, Cromohexal, Allergodil, Visin, Opatanol.

  • Cataracts and glaucoma initial stage They are treated with pharmaceutical drugs. If the disease is advanced, the only way to eliminate it is through surgery.

Homemade eyelid skin moisturizer

In order to get rid of increased dryness of the skin of the eyelids, thereby solving the problem of fatigue and redness of the eyes, follow these recommendations:

  • Be sure to drink 1.5 liters of water throughout the day. The liquid will not only moisturize the skin, but also improve the functioning of digestive system, will remove waste and toxins and prevent their accumulation.
  • To remove decorative cosmetics and cleanse your face, use care products with a moisturizing effect or replace them with cosmetic oil.
  • Install a humidifier at home or at work, or at least leave a container of water. You can use the spray bottle periodically. This is especially true during the heating season and when electric heaters are operating.
  • Apply Blefarogel to the skin of the eyelids 2-3 times a day for a week. It is better to carry out the procedure in courses.
  • To hydrate from the inside, include the following foods in your diet:
    • fresh cucumbers;
    • bananas;
    • yogurt, kefir, sour cream;
    • quail egg yolks;
    • natural honey.

Preventive actions

  • When using natural cosmetics, be sure to take into account the expiration date. Product price and famous name branding should not be a priority. This is not the case when it’s a pity to throw it away. If the expiration date has expired or is close to it, the cosmetics cannot be used.
  • Buy lenses, liquid and containers for storing them only in special departments. Change lenses on time and give your eyes rest.
  • Every hour and a half, leave the computer, TV, handicrafts and other activities, causing fatigue eye.
  • Wash off decorative cosmetics before going to bed.
  • Sleep at least 6 hours a day (but no more than 9). Provide yourself restful sleep walking in the evening, taking a relaxing bath.
  • Drink vitamins.
  • At increased irritability take sedatives, but only in courses and on the recommendation of a doctor. You can brew tea with lemon balm or mint.
  • If necessary, use eye redness drops Vizin, Montevizin, VizOptic, Octilia to relieve eye redness and remove impurities.

Whatever the cause of itching and flaking, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. If the doctor does not find a serious problem, he will simply give advice on what to do to eliminate the symptoms and how to avoid recurrence.

Video on the topic

Every day, the surface of our eyes encounters a variety of bacteria from our environment. external environment- air, water, dirty hands. Tears are a kind of protective mechanism that prevents microbes from entering and multiplying on the mucous membrane. If it hurts the eyes, there is pain, itching, swelling, redness, in which case it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. All these signs may indicate the presence of external, internal, acute or chronic diseases.

Factors influencing eye pathology

Why does it hurt your eyes? There can be many reasons: from viral origin to physical nature. A similar symptom can be caused by various ophthalmological diseases - from keratitis, uveitis, cyclitis to conjunctivitis. The discomfort itself is caused by pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms - pathogenic cocci, intestinal microorganisms or chlamydia.

The main cause of advanced inflammatory processes in the eye area may be weakened work immune system. Stressful situations, nervous tension serve as factors of reduced protective function all organs, and subsequently the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body.

Cuts and the most common reasons

Does it hurt your eyes? Measures to prevent and relieve fatigue

  1. Quality and healthy sleep.
  2. As often as possible, you should perform simple preventative, relaxing exercises by looking out the window and alternately looking at objects at close and far distances.
  3. It is important to take care of the lighting of the workplace and the position of the computer screen in advance.
  4. One of the main rules wellness during long and monotonous work - massaging the collar area and performing light kneading physical exercises.
  5. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to take vitamins and dietary supplements in courses.
  6. When swimming in the pool, you should wear special safety glasses to protect your eyes from pathogenic bacteria and chlorinated water.
  7. IN sunny days It is preferable to wear glasses to prevent burns to the cornea of ​​the eyes.

Eye treatment with folk remedies

In some cases, traditional medicine can help, but do not forget that their effect is temporary, after which you will need to contact a qualified specialist.

If your eyelids stick together, you can apply a compress of finely grated raw potatoes to them.

If there is redness, you can make lotions from cotton cloth soaked in dill juice - apply to the reddened areas for 15-20 minutes. Also, for conjunctivitis, you can apply compresses from an infusion of dry plantain leaves for 20 minutes or wash your eyes with this solution.

Methods for relieving the condition of tearing and pain in the eyes

  • Can be used as a drink Apple vinegar, diluted in the proportion of 1 tsp. for 200 ml of water.
  • Eye strain can be neutralized by massaging the earlobes, temporal bone and areas behind the ears.
  • A compress made from infusions of mint, dill and chamomile relieves tired eyes.
  • Brewed tea bags are useful for toning the skin around the eyes.
  • The face should be washed alternating with warm and cool water, and the washing should be completed with cool, but not cold water- this will give the skin freshness and a renewed look, and cool water will reduce the risk of the development of harmful bacteria on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Watery eyes: treatment

There are many different ways to solve this problem, ranging from traditional medicine to generally accepted medical techniques. You should not be guided by the advice of relatives and friends; to preserve your vision, it is best to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease. Only an ophthalmologist can determine accurate diagnosis and consistent course of treatment necessary medications. Your eyes may need antibacterial treatment with a course of antibiotics, or the doctor will prescribe only drops with a moisturizing effect, depending on the situation. If the feeling of discomfort is caused mechanical damage, then surgery may be required.

Anyway the best method showing concern for one's vision is to avoid eye diseases and their prevention.

Pain, dryness and burning in the eyes can be signs of completely different ophthalmological diseases, many of which can cause vision impairment. If symptoms occur regularly, you should definitely consult a specialist.


A burning sensation in the eyes is usually the main sign indicating the development of pathology. However, in combination with it, the following symptoms may occur:

  • itching in the corners of the eyes;
  • pain;
  • hyperemia (redness);
  • peeling skin around the eye;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • photophobia (photophobia);
  • lacrimation.

The doctor evaluates all the symptoms as a whole and makes a diagnosis based on this.

One of the most common causes of burning and dry eyes is conjunctivitis. It refers to diseases infectious nature, and its occurrence can be triggered by the penetration of fungi, viruses, and bacteria.

If treatment is not started at the first symptoms, the disease may develop into chronic phase. Additional symptoms There may be lacrimation, a sensation of a foreign object in the eyes, and the formation of purulent discharge.

A burning sensation also occurs with keratitis. This dangerous pathology, since it causes clouding of the cornea, which can significantly reduce visual acuity.

Associated symptoms are photophobia, inability to close the eyelids, and severe pain in the eyes.

Causes of burning eyes

Several reasons why discomfort occurs:

  • mites;
  • dystonia;
  • blepharitis (inflammatory process of the eyelids);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • uveitis;
  • ulcerative lesions;
  • glaucoma.

The symptom is characteristic of blepharitis, barley, the development of inflammatory processes in tear ducts. You should not try to make a diagnosis yourself, much less begin treatment. Inadequate therapy can cause vision loss.

One of the reasons may be demodicosis - mite infestation. The disease is accompanied by discomfort in the eye area, redness, itching and pain.

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • liver diseases;
  • pathological processes affecting the nervous system.

Vascular dystonia, which causes burning and itching around the eyes, can develop as a result of an allergic reaction to creams, ointments, and cosmetics used. Corneal ulcers are caused by bacteria. Another one serious reason– glaucoma. It is accompanied by severe redness of the eyes caused by increased pressure in the blood vessels.


Allergic reactions can develop at any age. The cause may be food, pollen, dust, or medications.

The diseases of an allergic nature that are most often diagnosed include:

  • hay fever conjunctivitis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • keratoconjunctivitis.

An allergic reaction may result from dry eye syndrome, the development infectious diseases, use of contact lenses.

Traumatic lesions

Injury to the mucous membrane or eyelids of any nature - mechanical, thermal, chemical - is always accompanied by severe pain, burning in the eyes, lacrimation.

The sign may indicate not only pathologies of the visual organs, but also systemic disorders in organism. It may accompany the following conditions:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis;
  • a number of skin diseases;
  • ARVI, influenza;
  • vasculitis;
  • hormonal changes.

Dry eye syndrome develops in those who work a lot of time at a computer, are in a room with dry air, or wear contact lenses.

Throughout the day, itching around the eyes and pain intensify, and over time, tearing develops. Under the influence of the changes occurring, the cornea suffers from hypoxia, resulting in the development of keratitis.

To avoid such consequences, people who have increased strain on their eyes should definitely use artificial tears.

Which doctor should I contact?

Initially, you should consult an ophthalmologist, but during the treatment process you may need recommendations from other specialists: an allergist, an endocrinologist, a therapist.

You should immediately visit a doctor in the following cases:

  • burning is combined with pain in the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation;
  • there is discharge from the eyes of any nature (purulent, serous);
  • deterioration, blurred vision.

If discomfort in the eyes is a temporary phenomenon caused by short-term exposure to factors such as strong wind, then contacting a specialist is not required.


The causes and treatment are interrelated: the treatment regimen is determined by the doctor and depends on the disease that caused the burning of the eyes. For diseases of an allergic nature, which cause itching, burning in the nose and eyes, they are prescribed antihistamines. Dry eye syndrome is eliminated with the help of artificial tears.

For infections of a bacterial nature, keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, it is necessary to use antiseptic action(Ophthalmodek), antibacterial drops (Tobrex, Tsipromed). Corticosteroids and NSAIDs may also be prescribed.

If a viral infection is detected, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs(Zovirax) in combination with immunomodulators and vitamins.

Eliminate fungal infection You can use Okomistin.

Diseases that cause burning in the eyes can be treated with the following medications:

  • Tetracycline ointment helps eliminate conjunctivitis, the consequences of mechanical and thermal injuries, and diseases caused by bacterial growth.
  • Oftalmoferon is prescribed for viral infections and dry eye syndrome.
  • To normalize blood circulation in small vessels Emoxipin is used.
  • During thermal and chemical injuries Thiotriazolin is prescribed, a drug that stimulates regenerative functions.
  • The use of Levomycetin promotes the rapid elimination of infectious diseases.

You should definitely consult a doctor, since it is not always possible to identify the cause on your own, but it is necessary to evaluate clinical picture generally.

Folk recipes

If there is burning and itching in the eyes ethnoscience advises using rinses with decoctions of St. John's wort and daisy juice. In case of development inflammatory process It is recommended to use blueberry infusion. Chamomile decoction also helps against inflammation.

One of the simple and time-tested methods is rinsing the eyes with tea leaves. You can apply tea bags to your eyes - this will eliminate irritation and redness of the eyes. However, you need to understand that the method will only eliminate the symptoms, therapeutic effect there will be no effect from the procedure.

Preventive actions

To reduce the risk of developing ophthalmic diseases, there are the following recommendations:

  • regular visits to the ophthalmologist (every year);
  • use of protective equipment under conditions of exposure to adverse factors;
  • if necessary, use eye drops for dryness;
  • Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands;
  • If your eyes are dry, you should not scratch them, as this will only worsen the situation.

As you can see, there are many diseases that can cause burning and pain in the eyes. You can't ignore this symptom or try to apply measures on your own, without diagnostics. In cases where the reasons are the penetration of infection, virus, when traumatic lesions, the consequences of self-medication can be disastrous.