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Mantoux test or Diaskintest. How to more accurately identify tuberculosis? What is Diaskintest and why is it better than the Mantoux test? Mantoux test and Diaskintest comparative characteristics

Vaccination is a process that raises many questions among parents. At the same time, we have to constantly think about the diagnosis of certain diseases. For example, tuberculosis. More recently, in order to discover this disease in humans, done. This technique is common among children. But in 2016, an alternative to Mantoux appeared in Russia. It's called Diaskintest. What it is? How much similar diagnostics good? Does it cause any side effects? All these questions seriously concern parents. After all, innovations in the field of medicine, especially those related to vaccinations or injections, are not perceived in the best way. There is always a risk that the technique will not be the most accurate. That is why it is necessary to learn as much as possible about Diaskintest.


The first step is to figure out what it's all about we're talking about. Diaskin test is an alternative to Mantoux. What is this method for determining tuberculosis in humans? It is necessary to understand the meaning of the injection before giving it.

Diaskintest is not a vaccination, as many people think. This is a unique new method that replaced the Mantoux reaction, which has been in operation in Russia for more than 100 years. Modern way rapid detection of Koch's bacillus in active or passive phases allows, as doctors say, to indicate with almost 100% probability the presence of the disease in a person.


How does a modern alternative to Mantoux work for children? The thing is that the action of Diaskintest is based on the work of tuberculosis proteins and the human immune system.

A vaccine containing protein allergens (also called antigens) is injected under a person's skin. And then they observe the body’s reaction. If the result is positive, this means that the immune system is familiar with tuberculosis. Therefore, the disease occurs. But in the active or passive phase is unknown.

How they do it

The modern alternative to Mantoux is performed in approximately the same way as the previous tuberculosis test. Only, as doctors and parents assure, Diaskintest has distinctive features. They minimize side effects from “vaccination”.

The thing is that the vaccine is injected under the skin of a person. This drug will not be absorbed into the blood. And this makes many parents happy. A “graft” is placed in the space between the elbow and wrist. Usually the injection is given in the arm that is not the “primary” arm. That is, for right-handers - to the left, for left-handers - to the right.

Is it dangerous

IN modern world All parents can be divided into 2 categories: for vaccinations and against them. There are still doubters. Therefore, many try to look for pros and cons in every injection that is given to a child. The alternative is controversial.

The main problem here is novelty. New vaccines and methods that have not been tested by time and experience are not trusted too much. Should I do Diaskintest or not? Each parent must decide this independently. But in Russia they want to remove Manta in principle. Therefore, all parents should think about the consequences several times before “vaccination”.

There are a small number of side effects from Diaskintest, which are extremely rare. In addition, not all children can be subjected to a similar method of searching for tuberculosis. You can always find alternative methods diagnosis of the disease. But schools actively promote Diaskintest. What can you expect from this “vaccination”?


To begin with, it is worth finding out who, in principle, cannot undergo the tuberculosis diagnosis being studied. After all, the body’s reaction can bring a lot of problems to some categories of people. Until the appearance of tuberculosis in absolutely healthy people.

To people who do not have access to the Mantoux alternative being studied (as well as " old version"reactions) include:

  • citizens with severe chronic diseases;
  • people with severely reduced immunity;
  • recently recovered from illness (the immune system is weakened);
  • those who have a negative reaction to injections;
  • the presence of serious diseases (including hepatitis, polio, epilepsy);
  • temperature increase.

Accordingly, all of the above cases are direct contraindications for the test. You will have to either wait a while, or choose other methods of studying the body for the presence of tuberculosis in children and adults. What side effects may occur in those “vaccinated”?


Now it is clear that the Diaskin test is an alternative to Mantoux. Side effects, as many doctors assure, are minimized with this diagnosis. Most often they do not occur at all. But people need to be warned about even the most unlikely consequences.

In first place regarding the side effects of Diaskintest is the appearance of an injection mark. This is perhaps the most common scenario. The injection mark always remains after the injection of the corresponding vaccine under the skin. And there is no need to be afraid of this. Quite normal reaction. Within a few days (sometimes within a week) the mark will disappear. It does not bring any discomfort.


The following side effect can be easily confused with a diagnostic result. Usually the first signs positive reaction appear within 6 hours after the injection is administered under the skin. What should you not be afraid of?

Slight swelling. It is usually pinkish in color, almost colorless, like Mantoux. Ideally, apart from the injection mark, there should be no other side effects. But it’s worth considering that swelling does form. The main thing is that they are not papules or that the color of the skin area near the injection site is not clearly pink. If such signs and effects are visible, then this is a positive result for tuberculosis.


The modern alternative to Mantoux receives varied reviews. Parents pay great attention to side effects. It has already been said that this type of diagnosis usually does not cause any negative reaction from the body. But there are exceptions.

The norm, in addition to everything previously listed, is the appearance of a small bruise in the injection area. Its size usually reaches 2 centimeters. Even if it has a bluish or purple tint, there is no need to panic. This is a normal reaction of the body, albeit a frightening one. After all, the main thing is that the diagnostic result does not indicate the presence of tuberculosis. Then we can assume that the child is 100% healthy and is not familiar with the disease.


It is also worth paying attention to the fact that (the Mantoux alternative) receives varied reviews from parents. The main problem is that this type Diagnosis of tuberculosis has not been tested by time. And parents simply do not know what to expect after the introduction of the “vaccine”.

You need to understand that sometimes the result can lie. Doctors do not deny that after administration of the drug, Diaskintest is capable of indicating a false positive result. Similar cases have occurred; they force parents to not react to the innovation in the best way.

When can you doubt the presence of tuberculosis? If there is redness at the injection site or papule. There's no need to panic. It is enough to consult a doctor for advice, and also do fluorography and a number of additional research. Diaskintest is allowed to be repeated only 2 months after the initial “vaccination”. This is not a side effect, but every parent should be aware of this reaction of the body.

Other complications

The alternative to Mantoux being studied is, like any other injection, an intervention in the human body. Therefore, one or another reaction to the injected protein cannot be ruled out. It has already been said that ideally Diaskintest does not imply the presence of side effects or any serious consequences. The corresponding drug should not be administered to people with weakened immune systems. This may lead to infection. It is for this reason that it is necessary to pay maximum attention to contraindications.

  1. Temperature increase. This is a normal reaction to almost any injection. Usually there is no need to bring down the temperature of a child or adult. The likelihood of a strong increase in body temperature is as low as possible. But if this happens, repeated Diaskintest is not recommended. The temperature at which it is necessary to refrain from repeating the procedure is about 38-38.5 degrees Celsius. If she holds on for a long time, then this will also be a direct contraindication for diagnostics in the future.
  2. General malaise. This is also a common scenario. It is not only the alternative to Mantoux that entails a similar result. The weakness usually goes away after a few hours. Don't overload and stress your child. If he is weak after the “vaccination,” then it is necessary to allow him to rest a little.
  3. Headache. Quite often, children complain that after Diaskintest they have a headache. This phenomenon should not frighten parents. This is how the body often reacts to the introduction of protein. Like all other effects, headache does not require any treatment. If it develops into a migraine or interferes with normal functioning, you should take a pain reliever. ABOUT similar cases It will be necessary to warn doctors during subsequent injections.

All this, as doctors assure, is a normal reaction of the body to the administered drug. Therefore, in Russia they want to abandon Mantoux. An alternative test called Diaskintest is becoming widespread.

Medicine is developing rapidly and new methods for diagnosing various diseases appear almost every day. Didn’t stay away from this “evolution” either.

There is an alternative to traditional vaccination called Diaskintest. The drug for this test is also administered subcutaneously, but many doctors consider this method of determining tuberculosis to be more accurate. Parents of many children are wondering what to choose, Mantu or Diaskintest? Let's consider the positive and negative sides each sample.

Mantoux test

This is a procedure during which a special drug, which determines the presence of tuberculosis bacillus. It consists of tuberculin, which is inactivated Koch bacilli.

Three days after administration of the drug, the body's reaction to it is assessed. It can be used to judge how ready the immune system is to resist bacteria.

Even the smallest children can make Mantu, since only 0.2 milliliters of the drug is used for the test and the procedure is almost painless.

The Mantoux reaction does not always give a clear answer about the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body. In case of a positive result, additional studies are required, such as x-rays, blood tests, sputum tests, and others. Many factors influence the accuracy of a sample.

False results can be obtained in the presence of chronic or acute illnesses The child has. In addition, the baby can independently damage the injection site, causing some local reaction. In this regard, the reliability of such a test is only 60-70%.

Some parents have heard about: many of them are unconfirmed horror stories. The safety of this test is on par with X-ray or PCR analysis.

Also, many parents think that the introduction of inactivated bacteria can lead to their baby becoming infected with tuberculosis. This is an erroneous opinion, since in tuberculin the Koch bacilli are in a destroyed state and cannot cause illness. However, it is possible for a child to become infected at the dispensary where the vaccination is given.

Therefore, administer tuberculin to children better at home or at the school health center. The test can only be dangerous for weakened children, for example, if the child suffers from a cold during the test. Therefore, it is important to do the test during the absence of illness.

Many parents think that the injection site should not be wet. This stereotype has existed since Soviet times. He is fundamentally wrong. Getting water into this area will not affect the result in any way. The Mantoux test can be performed on all children who are healthy at the time of the procedure. A contraindication to the administration of tuberculin, in addition to reduced immunity, is the presence of epileptic seizures.

The first test should be carried out at 1 year of age. If no unusual reaction was observed afterwards, the test is repeated annually until age 14.

If the test result is positive, a additional examinations. The result is assessed 3 days after the administration of the tuberculin drug. The absence of redness means that there have never been mycobacteria in the body before. If a papule appears at the injection site, its size is measured with a regular stationery ruler.

A size of 4-16 mm is considered normal. It's just a reaction immune system, which began to produce antibodies against the tuberculosis bacillus.

A papule size greater than 17 mm indicates a possible infection with tubercle bacilli. Some children may also develop a sore or ulcer in the injection area. This indicates an allergic reaction to tuberculin or additional components of the drug.

DST began to be made in 2009. To carry out Diaskintest, use completely new drug, which is considered more advanced in comparison with tuberculin and makes it possible to diagnose both active and. Its basis is a tuberculosis recombinant allergen, which contains two interconnected antigens. If the body is infected with Koch's bacillus, they will certainly determine this.

Diaskintest and Mantoux test involve the subcutaneous injection of a special solution. It can be done at any age, starting from 1 year.

The child sits on a chair, after which the doctor wipes the skin at the injection site with alcohol and injects 0.1 ml of the drug. After 3 days, the area is examined and the body’s reaction is assessed. Moreover, you can do Mantu and Diaskintest at the same time. The main thing is not to inject both drugs under the skin on one arm.

Unlike the Mantoux test, the reliability of the result is close to 100%. Diaskintest almost always gives correct result. The drug for the test passed thorough clinical researches. It was administered to both children and adults infected with Koch's bacillus, and healthy people. It was on the basis of these data that such a high reliability of the test was declared.

The drug for Diaskin does not contain active mycobacteria, so it is completely safe, and there is no chance of getting tuberculosis after its administration. But, like Mantoux, it can have some side effects.

These include:

  • general weakness;
  • poor appetite;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • feeling overwhelmed;
  • headache;
  • sometimes a skin rash. But this is no longer side effect, A allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug.

Such symptoms are not considered specific, since they can occur even after taking painkillers or antipyretic tablets. They do not pose any danger to the body and will soon pass.

The test can be carried out only after consultation with a phthisiatrician. He should also observe the patient in the near future after the procedure. Diaskintest is carried out for all children and people at high risk of developing tuberculosis. In many cases, the test is combined with other examinations. After how long to do it again depends on the first result.

If the reaction is negative, the test in children under 18 years of age is repeated once a year.

The test done is evaluated after three days. Some parents think that the result may be distorted if the child has recently taken anti-allergy medications. This is not entirely true. No pills affect the reliability of the test.

The measurement of the papule is carried out in the same way as after the Mantoux test. A rounded area of ​​redness with a diameter of up to 5 mm is considered normal. However, a positive result is not yet a reason to panic. In some cases, doctors advise taking pills and repeating the test after a few months.

Many people are interested in what is less traumatic - the Mantoux test or the Diaskintest? In both the first and second cases, it is injected under the skin small dose drug. However, with Diaskintest it is literally negligible, therefore the traumatic nature of such a procedure will be the least.

What is better for children, Diaskintest or Mantoux? This question is relevant for most parents. Both tests are similar, but Diaskintest is considered a more modern alternative to the Mantoux test, as it almost always gives the correct result and is much less likely to cause side effects. Therefore, if possible, this is what you should do for your child.

In connection with the epidemiological situation in Russia regarding tuberculosis, mass diagnostics are being carried out among students in educational institutions. Until recently, an analysis called the “Mantoux test” was used for this. Since 2015, by order of the Ministry of Health, Diaskintest has been used to diagnose tuberculosis in children and adolescents aged eight to seventeen years. The mantoux test is still performed in children under eight years of age. However, if there are contraindications or for other reasons, parents may refuse to perform Mantoux on their child or do another test instead of Mantoux.

Due to the freedom of choice provided, many parents are interested in what is different and what is better: Mantu or Diaskintest, which of these diagnostic techniques safer for the child, more effective and reliable. Famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky believes that Diaskintest provides more reliable information and is less dangerous.

Due to the similarity of the analysis, some people think that Diaskintest is an analogue of mantoux. Both injections are administered intradermally to determine the “familiarity” of the immune system with the causative agent of tuberculosis. Results are assessed within 72 hours. This is where their similarities end.

The Mantoux reaction has been used as a diagnostic method for about a hundred years. The main component of the drug for testing is tuberculin, which is a kind of protein extract, an extract from mycobacteria with a destroyed structure. The problem is that mycobacteria represent a genus of actinomycetes from a fairly large family, not all of whose representatives are pathogenic for human body. The proteins that make up the basis of Mantoux are found not only in Koch sticks. Diaskintest contains a specific protein ESAT6/SPF10, which is characteristic feature Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Reliability of results

Due to the different reagents in the composition of Mantu and Diaskintest, the results of the study differ. If the Mantoux test is positive, this indicates not only infection with tuberculosis, but also recent contact with a sick person, recent BCG vaccination, or the presence in the body of bacteria that do not cause tuberculosis.

In the case of Diaskintest, with a positive reaction, we can accurately speak about the presence of pathogens, causing disease, or about the already active progression of the disease. The results are not affected by recent vaccination or the Mantoux test. If these two analyzes are carried out simultaneously, it must be done on different hands.

Due to its characteristics, the Mantoux reaction is approximately 70% reliable. The results of Diaskintest according to tests conducted to date are approaching one hundred percent reliability.

How dangerous is it to do

Many people are afraid of the possibility of an allergic reaction, and the most terrible myth about Mantoux is that through the administration of tuberculin you can become infected with tuberculosis. This is wrong. Tuberculin, which forms the basis of the drug for the test, does not contain live, and, especially, active mycobacteria, and is not capable of infecting anyone. It is important to know what contraindications there are for performing Mantoux, and not to do the test if you have ongoing diseases or allergic reactions. Then danger unwanted effects minimal, with correct behavior child. Contrary to popular myth, soaking a swelling from an injection is not as dangerous as they would have us believe. You really don't want to let the grafting area come into contact with moisture for the first few hours. There is no need to wait three days.

Diaskintest also does not pose a threat of infection with tuberculosis, since it does not contain strains of mycobacteria, but only the protein isolated from them. This protein in itself is not dangerous, but is an allergen, a “red rag” for the cells of the immune system, which is what its principle of action is based on. This diagnostic method also has a number of contraindications for use, as well as some side effects associated with the allergenic properties of the protein. The child may exhibit symptoms such as a slight increase in temperature, weakness, headaches, and lack of appetite. As a rule, these manifestations are short-term and pass without consequences.

Evaluation of results

The results are assessed after three days in both cases.

Absence of pronounced skin manifestations the Mantoux test indicates that the body has not previously encountered the causative agent of tuberculosis, and the child is healthy.

  1. A reaction in the form of a red spot with a diameter of up to 15 mm indicates that the immune system is reacting to the pathogen and is trying to develop antibodies to the invasion of an unknown aggressor.
  2. A papule diameter of more than 15 mm indicates the need for additional test studies, since the child may be sick.
  3. If extremely severe redness, thickening, ulceration of the skin, formation of an abscess or other atypical violent manifestations are observed at the injection site, this means that an allergic reaction has occurred. The results are not assessed.

The result of the Diaskintest is not affected by either the recent BCG vaccination, the Mantoux test, or the use of antihistamines or other medications. The measurement is carried out, as in the case of Mantoux, with a transparent ruler. Diaskintest is negative if there is no reaction: redness, thickening and similar manifestations. If a spot with a diameter of 2 to 5 mm appears at the injection site, the result is considered doubtful. A test in the form of a red swollen spot with a diameter of more than 5 mm indicates positive test. The hyperergic reaction appears in the same way as with Mantoux.

Mantoux or Diaskin

Both methods are safe to perform in the absence of contraindications. Diaskintest is good because it is more new way, more efficient and reliable. Among its advantages is a small number of false-positive reactions, which makes it possible not to expose the child to unnecessary X-ray exposure during unscheduled fluorography.

Diaskintest more modern remedy, giving accurate results. Of course, it is better to carry out such an analysis, but if for some reason this possibility is not available, the good old Mantoux reaction can still be useful in our time.

Despite all the possibilities modern medicine, the prevalence of diseases such as tuberculosis is very high. Therefore it is necessary to carry out preventive actions aimed at identifying pathology on early stages. Diaskintest (DST) is the best alternative to Mantoux, a method for diagnosing tuberculosis, which is offered by specialists. New technique is considered safer and avoids complications that may occur during a reaction with tuberculin.

Many patients do not know what DST is. Diaskintest, like, is carried out in for preventive purposes. It is a specially developed drug. It includes two antigens - proteins characteristic of the causative agent of tuberculosis:

  1. CFP10;
  2. ESA T6

An infected person's body produces antibodies in response to exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When its components are administered subcutaneously, antibodies leave the blood and bind to them. Developing inflammatory reaction, which is externally manifested by the appearance of a papule on the child’s hand.

In addition to antigenic elements, the Mantoux analogue includes additional substances:

  1. Polysorbate 80;
  2. Water for injections;
  3. Phenol.

DST as an alternative to Mantoux is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. If you suspect infection with tuberculosis bacillus;
  2. As planned during medical examinations of students;
  3. For differential diagnosis early forms tuberculosis with other pathologies.

The Mantoux test and Diaskintest are carried out in the same way. 0.5 ml of the drug is injected subcutaneously into the child's forearm. The result obtained is assessed 72 hours after the study.

It is important to determine in advance whether Mantoux and Diaskintest can be done. Doctors identify a number of contraindications for the study. These include the following diseases:

  1. Epilepsy;
  2. Exacerbations chronic processes in the body (after excluding the diagnosis of tuberculosis);
  3. Severe somatic diseases;
  4. Exacerbation of allergic reactions.

DST should not be prescribed when the patient has dermatitis, urticaria or any other skin disease. This is due to the fact that skin rashes will interfere with assessing the results of the study. Doctors may mistake the manifestations of dermatitis for an increased reaction to the administration of the drug, which can lead to an error in diagnosis.

Research with the drug Diaskintest is also not carried out during acute infectious disease. The patient’s immune system is too active during this period, which can also contribute to the appearance of false positive result. Analysis is allowed only a month after completion of treatment.

Analysis of results

After 3 days, the results of the analysis will be assessed. When examining Diaskintest, the norm does not imply the occurrence of any pathological manifestations at the injection site. The patient does not develop a papule - a formation protruding above the surface of the skin.

The doctor may notice an injection mark or a small hematoma that can occur if the needle is inserted incorrectly. This result is negative, which makes it possible to confirm the absence of active infectious process caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

A good result is also the appearance of skin hyperemia, not exceeding 2 mm in diameter. If the area of ​​redness is larger (from 2 to 4 mm), then the reaction is assessed as doubtful. In this case, the child needs to be examined to determine the cause of the increased reaction. It can be caused both by the presence of tuberculosis in the early stages of development, and hypersensitivity person to the components of the drug.

Test results are assessed as positive when the diameter of the infiltrate (papules) exceeds 5 mm. This test result indicates that the patient has an active tuberculosis process in the body, so the patient should be referred for treatment.

In some cases, a hyperergic reaction to DST is possible. A person experiences:

  1. Papules at the injection site larger than 14 mm;
  2. Fluid-filled blisters or sores on the skin;
  3. Enlargement of nearby lymph nodes (axillary, elbow).

If there is an increased reaction to the study, the patient also needs full examination to assess his condition and prescribe treatment.

Many patients argue whether it is better to use Diaskintest or Mantoux, what is the difference and how one method differs from the other. New method diagnostic method has a number of advantages over the classical Mantoux reaction. This is due to the characteristics of the drugs used in the analysis.

The Mantoux reaction uses tuberculin, a substance that is part of all mycobacteria. DST contains other substances - antigens, which are found only in pathogenic microorganisms.

Greater accuracy

Important! The most important advantage of using Diaskintest is the high accuracy of the study. So, if the results of the Mantoux reaction have a reliability of approximately 60-70%, then when conducting a new study the indicator is 90% accurate.

Using analogs of the study with Diaskin, it is possible to reduce the number of false negative test results that are possible when using classical diagnostic methods. Thus, if Diaskintest is used instead of Mantoux, almost all patients infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis are detected.

Sensitivity to active infectious processes

There are several groups of mycobacteria, including pathogenic microorganisms, causing tuberculosis, as well as non-pathogenic (non-pathogenic) forms. If non-pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the human body, they do not cause the development of symptoms of the disease.

When performing the Mantoux reaction, there is a high probability that these cells can be identified as pathogenic. This is the reason for the appearance of a false positive result when healthy person a diagnosis of tuberculosis is made.

Using the Diaskintest technique as an alternative to Mantoux allows you to avoid diagnostic errors. It has great specificity due to the fact that the drug contains antigens that are characteristic only of pathogenic mycobacteria. Positive result research indicates the presence of active pathological process.

This difference is especially important in cases where the pathology occurs in a latent form, with few symptoms. Often in the early stages tuberculosis has mild clinical manifestations which the patient may ignore. Timely detection of the disease through preventive medical examinations will allow you to start treatment on time and avoid progression of the disease.

Complete security

Important! Diaskintest is not harmful to humans; it is impossible to become infected with tuberculosis during the reaction. The drug does not contain whole cells of the pathogen; it contains only its proteins - antigens.

The administration of Diaskintest may be accompanied by a number of side symptoms:

  1. General weakness;
  2. Loss of appetite;
  3. Headache;
  4. Slight increase in temperature.

Their appearance is explained by the body’s reaction to the administration of the drug. Side effects usually pass quickly and have no consequences. Severity of undesirable effects during use this method significantly lower than when performing the Mantoux reaction.

The drug Diaskintest is better tolerated by the patient’s body and at the same time does not have a strong effect on his metabolism, this is more safe technique diagnostics than classical analysis. The lack of influence on the patient is another important argument in the debate whether Mantoux or Diaskintest should be used.

Lack of response to BCG vaccination

Another disadvantage that the Mantoux reaction has is its low specificity. When performed on a child who has recently undergone surgery, the test result may be false positive. This becomes a reason for a useless examination of a person who is actually healthy.

An important feature of Diaskintest is the lack of reaction to BCG vaccination. In this case, a discrepancy arises: and the Diaskintest is negative. Therefore, the use of DST allows you to obtain an accurate result.

Thus, the Diaskintest diagnostic technique has a number of important advantages that distinguish it from the Mantoux test. The use of a new method for identifying mycobacteria makes it possible to determine the presence of a pathological process in the patient’s body with almost one hundred percent accuracy. That is why it is increasingly replacing the outdated Mantoux reaction in modern medicine.

Who said that it is impossible to cure tuberculosis?

If treatment by doctors does not help to completely get rid of tuberculosis. I have to take more and more pills. Tuberculosis was accompanied by complications from antibiotics, but there was no result. Find out how our readers defeated tuberculosis...

Today, many parents are faced with a choice: Should they administer Mantoux or Diaskintest to their baby? Naturally, to answer this question it is necessary to become familiar with the properties of these medications so as not to harm the health of the child’s body.

In the modern world, science has made great progress, including in the creation of medications used to diagnose tuberculosis. So, the Mantoux test and Diaskintest help identify pulmonary tuberculosis, but which one is more effective?

This drug is a special procedure that makes it possible to identify antibodies in the body that are responsible for the protective anti-tuberculosis properties.

This procedure can be done in a clinic. Mantoux is a simple vaccination when tuberculin, which is weakened parts of mycobacteria, is injected into the layers of the skin using a syringe.

After three days, each organism exhibits an individual reaction to the medication injected into it. The reaction can be negative or positive, which is subsequently determined by the doctor using a special transparent ruler. This procedure is absolutely painless, so children are happy to give their hand with the vaccine for testing.

The results obtained indicate the ability of the body’s immunity to resist tuberculosis agents.

A child’s immunity to tuberculosis is formed from birth, and Mantoux only stimulates this process. By the way, this vaccination is injected under the skin to a slight depth, so it does not cause severe pain in children.

The reliability of the results obtained during this vaccination is not absolute; rather, there is a primary assumption here.

Therefore, to check the data obtained, doctors, if necessary, prescribe to a small patient:

  • blood analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • X-ray examination;
  • examination of sputum;
  • urine testing in laboratory conditions.

Currently, such a vaccine is classified as “ primary diagnostics“, since it is impossible to say for sure that the body is infected only based on its results.

The reason for this is many factors, among which it is worth noting:

  • improper care of the vaccine;
  • damage to the integrity of the graft;
  • the presence of chronic pathologies;
  • accompanying diseases of the body.

All these factors, influencing the results obtained, can lead to an erroneous diagnosis, and therefore prescribing unnecessary treatment to the baby. Based on this, the doctors decided to consider the results obtained in this way to be only half reliable. The Mantoux reaction today is not a priority when determining tuberculosis infection in the body.

After a long study of the composition of this vaccine, scientists came to the conclusion that it can cause children's body some harm.

It is difficult to judge how dangerous this vaccination is, but it should be administered to children who have no contraindications for it. Then Mantoux will not pose a danger to the growing organism.

The main contraindications to the administration of this vaccination are:

  • diseases in the acute phase;
  • allergy to vaccine components;
  • cold.

To avoid unpleasant consequences This vaccination should be carried out during the absence of such factors in the body. Mantoux should also be done on days when the child does not take separate medications, which can greatly distort the results obtained. Therefore, the doctor warns parents about vaccination so that they do not allow the child to take medications on the day of vaccination, if this is permissible.

About Diaskintest

The use of Diaskintest (DST) has become real recently. It can also be used to determine the body's resistance to tuberculosis pathogens that have entered the body. On this moment this medicine is a high-quality alternative to Mantoux. Is it possible to do it if you have existing diseases, and is it dangerous for the body? Let's try to figure it out.

This drug contains a certain amount of tuberculosis recombinant allergen, which includes a pair of related antigens. Thanks to these antigens, one can judge the result of the resulting reaction. It can be positive or negative.

The use of Diaskin (Diaskintest) is quite in demand today, since the results obtained are more accurate.

The method of administering this vaccine is similar to the method of administering the Mantoux test: in sitting position no more than a tenth of a milliliter of a certain amount is injected into the baby under the skin layers medicine. This norm The drug was established as a result of long-term research and numerous experiments. The results of DST administration are also monitored after three days. Many doctors allow Mantoux and Diaskintest to be administered simultaneously, but this should be done on different hands so that the results are not distorted.

The accuracy rate of the results obtained when introducing DST is slightly higher than when using the Mantoux test. In some cases, the effectiveness of the new technique reaches one hundred percent, just like with x-rays! In other words, Diaskintest is a new breakthrough in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in children.

Three clinical sites were simultaneously tested to evaluate the effectiveness of Diaskin. The specialists working here carried out a thorough comparison of Diaskintest with the tuberculin preparation. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that the alternative to Mantoux is much more effective, and its result is more plausible. This is the norm widely used today.

The use of DST is absolutely safe and cannot lead to infection of the body with tuberculosis. After Diaskintest no adverse reactions. This has been proven by dozens of experiments and observations. Even if Diaskintest is administered to a child after Mantoux, it will not pose any danger to the body. You just need to do such vaccinations in different hands.

Diaskintest cannot be prescribed to all children without exception, as it has its own side effects.

Among them it is noted:

  • hyperemia;
  • fatigue;
  • headaches;
  • temperature jumps;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness.

What to choose?

What is more effective: Mantoux or Diaskintest? Of course, the second option gives more accurate results, so its effectiveness is much higher. Tuberculosis can be diagnosed using both of these drugs, but this should be done according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

After the administration of Diaskintest, repeated Diaskintest can be administered after some time and with the permission of a doctor, including a phthisiatrician.

The administration of the drug and the subsequent time until a reaction to Diaskintest manifests itself must be monitored by medical professionals.

The rate of administration of Mantoux or Diaskintest is determined by the attending physician, according to the age of the child.

No matter how much Diaskintest is used, the reliability of its results is always higher than that of Mantoux tests. Therefore, many parents today prefer this particular medication when diagnosing tuberculosis in their baby’s body.

Despite the lower percentage of reliability of Mantoux results, this drug is still used by many public clinics to detect immunity to tuberculosis in children. The reason for this is the long-term use of this remedy, tested on several generations.