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What should I do? My hand hurts a lot. Features of various diseases. Causes of pain in the right hand

Pain in the hand is an unpleasant thing, causing a lot of inconvenience, especially if the hand is a “working” one, the one that is intended for writing and performing most everyday activities. There are quite a few reasons for this; in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

In the presence of osteochondrosis, organs that are not related to the spinal column often hurt. If your arm hurts due to the presence of a disease in the cervical spine, the pain can easily be confused with a symptom of arthrosis, and treatment for it will take a long time and without success. Also, the patient is often mistakenly diagnosed with the pathology of “tunnel syndrome”, and treatment again does not bring results.

Pain in the upper arm due to osteochondrosis is accompanied by symptoms such as numbness of the limb, aching fingers, and burning. The pain radiates to left hand or is aching in right hand However, the cause is not an injury to the joints or tendons, but to the spine.

Intervertebral hernia

This pathology is surprising in that, firstly, it is one of the most common for pain in the arm, and, secondly, it is just as rarely correctly diagnosed.

A hernia appears due to the fact that the intervertebral discs gradually wear out due to constant friction against each other. As a result, the nucleus pulposus of the disc is squeezed out. Due to degenerative processes, osteophytes or stenosis of the spinal canals appear in the intervertebral discs, which is why nearby nerve roots or the spinal cord itself are compressed or pinched, and pain appears. The weakness of certain arm muscles depends on which root is pinched. If, for example, C5 is affected, then the pain will be in the shoulder, and weakness will be observed in the deltoid muscle. If the damage is in the C6 nerve root, then the biceps will hurt, as well as the muscles that extend the wrists. But damage to the C7 root will cause the triceps muscles and those muscle groups that help to straighten the fingers to weaken.

Inflammation of tendons and elbow joint

The tendons are so close to the surface of the skin that they are easy to harm. They become inflamed as a result infectious diseases, and due to injuries and excessive loads.


It is caused by infections that affect the joint and cause inflammation in it. This disease is extremely common. Arthritis can be both acute and chronic. If the first is characterized by the presence severe pain, swelling, redness and local increase in temperature, then the second periodically makes itself felt with attacks of pain.


Wear and tear of articular cartilage causes osteoarthritis. Elderly people are more susceptible to it. Pain occurs when pressure is applied to the joints of the hands. Physical activity also causes acute pain, making it difficult to move your fingers and hands.


The inflammatory process in the periarticular bursa, which occurs as a result of a single excessive or constant repeated load, is called bursitis. It most commonly occurs in the shoulder joint, but bursitis in the elbow, knee (dubbed "maid's knee"), hip, ankle and wrist are also common.

Symptoms that accompany bursitis are: swelling of the area around the joint, increased temperature in it, as well as pain in the arm from the shoulder to the hand. The skin turns red and it is difficult, almost impossible, to move the affected limb.


The inflammatory process at the point where the tendon and bone process (radius or ulna) connect is called styloiditis. Development occurs accompanied by dystrophic-degenerative changes in the tendons.

It has two forms: wrist and elbow. The first one is more common, arising due to the abundance of work on the computer.


An inflammatory process in a tendon that occurs as a result of heavy stress on it is called tendonitis. The resulting microtraumas of the tendons contribute to the rapid development of the disease. Tendinitis is characterized by a gradual development; at first, the pain in the upper arm is tolerable and short-lived, but as the situation worsens, it becomes intense and attacks-like. different character. It is difficult to carry out even routine daily activities during this period. Accompanied by redness skin and local increase in temperature, as well as swelling.

Tendonitis can be either acute or chronic.


Tennis elbow, or lateral tendonitis, contrary to its name, does not only affect athletes. Any person is susceptible to epicondylitis (that’s what this type of tendonitis is called). Every sharp, “jerky” movement of the hand can serve as a reason for tearing the tendon in the elbow area (and this is epicondylitis).

Representatives of any profession associated with regular repetition of the same type of hand movements are at risk for this disease. For example, seamstresses, painters, massage therapists, and, of course, tennis players are “candidates” for this diagnosis.

Epicondylitis can be lateral (and then the pain extends from the outside of the elbow) and medial (the pain is concentrated on its inner surface). The pain is tolerable and is mainly detected when certain points are pressed. However, when the hand experiences physical stress (and even a bag of groceries can become a load), the pain intensifies and becomes difficult to bear.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This pathology has occurred very often in the last few years, because everything more people works at the computer for a long time. Occurs due to compression peripheral nerve, located in a canal of muscles, tendons and bones. Carpal tunnel syndrome affects both the wrist and the elbow joint, and there are about three dozen types of it.

Anterior scalene syndrome (ASMS)

SLM is part of the group of neurovascular compression syndromes. It is also called Naffziger syndrome. This pathology is characterized by pain in the neck, radiating to the ulnar edge of the arm. Accompanied by swelling on one side of the neck, pain when pressing, the anterior neck muscle is thickened.


With this pathology, calcium salts are deposited in the joint cavity. Why chondrocalcinosis appears and what contributes to its development has not yet been established by science. Its clinical manifestations are similar to gout, which is why it is called “pseudogout”. It occurs in paroxysms; during attacks, severe pain is typical, and joint mobility is limited.

Chondrocalcinosis can be either a disease that arises on its own for unknown reasons (idiopathic form), or one that develops against the background of another disease (secondary). In addition, it may be a hereditary disease.


If the joints of your hands hurt or your hand just hurts without apparent reason, you should contact the clinic and briefly explain the essence of your complaint at the reception desk. Medical worker will decide to send to initial examination to a doctor who will either begin treatment or refer you to another doctor according to his specialization.

If you don’t want to stand in line at the reception desk, you can make an appointment with a traumatologist or surgeon (preferably an orthopedist).


For correct setting Diagnosis requires a number of studies in addition to a superficial examination of the hand. Thus, x-rays will help to exclude the presence of injuries and fractures, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging examine the condition of blood vessels, joints and tendons, and a neurological examination is aimed at studying the condition of the limb from the point of view of degenerative neurological processes.

In addition, the patient is given an electrocardiogram to exclude the presence of heart disease.


Hand diseases may require both conservative and surgical treatment. It all depends on the diagnosis given to the patient, as well as on the form in which the disease occurs.


Self-prescription and uncontrolled use of medications are unacceptable; the name and quantity of medications is indicated only by the attending physician.

When treating inflammatory processes in the tendons, antibiotics (especially for bursitis) are also prescribed in addition to painkillers to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the entire limb.

Folk remedies

If the pain in your hand is severe, and the doctor can see you only after a few hours or the next day, you can turn to folk remedies.

  • Essential oil baths. Warm olive oil with added essential oil geranium has a warming effect, simultaneously softening dry skin on the hands. A good solution would also be to add carrot seed or white jasmine oil. This is beneficial both for joints and for nails and cuticles.
  • Anti-inflammatory infusion. Infusions of Kalanchoe or birch buds are good for inflammation. Both compositions are infused with vodka. You can also prepare a mixture of golden mustache with Vaseline or any fatty cream and rub it into sore spots.
  • Lemon dried fruits and walnuts. A vitamin mixture of these ingredients with the addition of honey is taken orally and serves as an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system. In addition, lemon can be grated along with the zest, mixed with garlic prepared in a similar way, infused and applied to sore spots.
  • Horseradish lotions. This recipe is quite hot, so people with allergic sensitive skin should use it with great caution. Horseradish root is grated on a coarse grater, the juice is squeezed out, a gauze swab is soaked in it and applied to the sore spot. Horseradish cake is placed on top, another layer of gauze or bandage, everything is covered with leaves of the same plant and wrapped in something warming. You need to hold it for 15-20 minutes, repeat at intervals of more than once every three days.


To avoid damage to the tendons of the hands, you need to correctly distribute the load on them. In addition, most tendon microtraumas occur due to their fatigue, so it is necessary to learn to relax all parts of the body and allow them good rest. If a person is engaged in physical labor while working, rest should not consist only of performing dacha duties with a shovel and rake. Required healthy sleep and complete relaxation, taking a bath with medium hot water, absence or at least a decrease in the number of stressful situations.


When writing the article, the rheumatologist used the following materials:
  • Zabolotnykh, Inga Ivanovna Joint diseases: hands. for doctors / I. I. Zabolotnykh. - St. Petersburg. : SpetsLit, 2005 (SUE Type. Science). - 220 s. ISBN 5-299-00293-9
  • Evdokimenko, Pavel Valerievich Arthritis [Text]: getting rid of joint pain: [causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, medications, therapeutic exercises, herbal medicine, diet: recommendations experienced specialist: 16+] / [Evdokimenko P.V.]. - 3rd ed., revised. - M: Peace and Education, 2015. - 255 p. ISBN 978-5-94666-632-9
  • Complete reference book for a traumatologist / [O.V. Ananyeva and others]. - M: Eksmo, 2006 - 733 p. ISBN 5-699-16187-2
  • Borshchenko Igor How to get rid of pain in the joints of the hands [Borschenko I.]. - M: Astrel: Metaphor, 2012, -130s ISBN: 978-5-271-38841-5

If your hand hurts, then most likely the first thing you will think is that you have somehow damaged it. But, in fact, pain in one part of the body can at times signal problems with other organs or structures in our body.

Possible causes of pain in the left arm

There are many causes of pain in the left hand, including complications of arthrosis and other chronic diseases.

    1) Herniated disc of the cervical spine

    Cervical disc herniation is the most common cause of pain in the left arm that lasts more than 1 week. The cause of pain in the arm is that the intervertebral disc that has protruded into the spinal canal pinches the root spinal cord, from which the nerves supplying the shoulder, arm and scapula depart.

    Pain from a herniated disc can radiate to the shoulder, arm, hand, or even fingers. You may also feel numbness, tingling, or burning in your arm. The pain may worsen when you move your arm.

    The pain is most often one-sided. It is rarely isolated, most often pain in the arm is combined with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, surges in blood pressure, pain in the neck, shoulder, and numbness in the fingers.

    If, in addition to pain in your left arm, you experience at least one of the listed symptoms, then you need to do an MRI of the cervical spine using a high-field machine and consult a doctor.

    2) Myocardial infarction

    Pain in the left arm may be a symptom of myocardial infarction.

    Blood clot or rupture coronary artery may stop blood flow to part of the heart. When this happens, the muscle can quickly become damaged. Without treatment, the heart muscle begins to die.

    Additional heart attack symptoms include:

    • chest pain or pressure;
    • back, neck, shoulder, or jaw pain;
    • nausea or vomiting;
    • shortness of breath;
    • feeling lightheaded or fainting;
    • cold sweat;
    • fatigue.
    • fear of death

    During a heart attack, some people experience acute symptoms. Others experience symptoms that go away on their own or may be completely minor, such as indigestion.

    3) Angina pectoris

    Angina is a symptom coronary disease hearts. This symptom means that the heart muscles are not receiving enough oxygenated blood.

    Angina occurs in the same way as a heart attack, but usually lasts only a few minutes. It usually increases with active movements and decreases during rest.

    4) Bursitis

    A bursa is a fluid-filled sac located between bone and the moving parts of a joint.

    Inflammation of the bursa is called bursitis. Shoulder bursitis is often the result of repetitive movements. The risk of developing bursitis increases with age.

    The pain usually gets worse when you move or lie on your arm or shoulder. Rotation of the shoulder can cause an onset of pain. Other symptoms include burning and tingling.

    5) Bone fracture

    In some cases, a broken arm or wrist is not accompanied by any other symptoms other than, of course, pain.

    A broken bone in the arm, wrist, or hand can cause pain that gets worse with movement. Other symptoms may include swelling and numbness. Sometimes when a bone in your hand or wrist is broken, your hand may look completely normal.

    6) Nerve compression or cervical radiculopathy

    Nerve compression is a pinched or inflamed nerve. The cause of nerve compression is not only a herniated disc, but also other complications of osteochondrosis - spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, secondary stenosis spinal canal.

    With spondylosis, the formation of bone growths (osteophytes) occurs, which can also compress the roots of the spinal cord. Also, osteophytes can cause secondary stenosis of the spinal canal, which significantly aggravates the course of all other complications of spinal osteochondrosis, while at the same time the stenosis itself can cause pain.

    Symptoms of compression nerve root are identical to the symptoms of a herniated disc and may include numbness, tingling or burning in the arm. Symptoms of cervical radiculopathy may also worsen with movement.

    7) Rotator cuff tear

    Climb heavy object or performing repetitive movements can cause the tendon in the rotator cuff to tear. This significantly weakens the shoulder and makes it difficult to perform most normal activities.

    When a rotator cuff injury occurs, it is painful for the patient to lie on his side. In addition, pain in the arm may increase with certain movements. This injury can result in significant weakening of the arm. The range of motion of the shoulder is also reduced.

    8) Sprained ligaments, muscles and tendons

    A sprained ligament occurs as a result of overexertion or injury. A sprained ligament can occur from a sudden fall or during active sports games. A muscle or tendon strain can occur when you twist or pull a tendon or muscle. The causes of a muscle or tendon strain may be improper lifting of a heavy object or overstrain of the muscle when holding a forced position for a long time.

    Hematoma, swelling and weakness are common additional symptoms stretching.

    9) Tendinitis

    Ligaments are bundles of elastic tissue that connect bones to muscles. Inflammation of the ligaments is called tendinitis. Tendonitis in the shoulder or elbow can lead to arm pain. The risk of tendonitis increases with age.

    Symptoms of tendinitis are identical to those of bursitis

    10) Vascular syndrome of the scalene muscle

    Vascular scalene syndrome is a condition in which the blood vessels under the collarbone become compressed as a result of injury or repeated damage. If left untreated, this syndrome can cause progressive nerve damage.

    Vascular scalene syndrome can cause numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arm. In some cases, swelling of the arm may occur.

    Other signs include a pale and cold hand and a weakened pulse in the hand.


    If you are suffering from pain in your left arm, accompanied by other signs of a heart attack, then do not hesitate. Call ambulance. A heart attack can be life-threatening.

    Emergency workers will use an electrocardiogram (ECG) to monitor your heart's function. The patient will also have an intravenous catheter placed so that they can provide you with fluids and medications if necessary. Some patients may also need oxygen therapy.

    Other diagnostic tests will help determine whether there has been a heart attack. Treatment depends on the extent of the damage.

    Other causes of left arm pain may require imaging tests. These tests may include x-rays, computed tomography(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

    Further testing depends on your symptoms and the results of previous tests.

    If you suspect osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its complications, it is necessary to do an MRI of the cervical spine using a high-field machine. You should not start with an X-ray of the spine, since with this pathology this is a low-informative study and the dose of radiation you will receive in vain.

    Treatment of pain in the left hand

    If you suffer from heart disease, treatment may include taking medicines and lifestyle changes. If you have severe heart disease, you may need surgery to clear or bypass blocked arteries.

    In case of a fracture, the bones will be returned to their natural position and fixed. Typically, the broken bone is fixed in a cast, which must be worn for several weeks. Serious fractures sometimes require surgery.

    In the treatment of disc herniation and other complications of osteochondrosis, non-stress spinal traction, therapeutic exercises, different kinds massage, hirudotherapy. Contrary to popular belief, a herniated disc can be treated with comprehensive treatment and may even decrease significantly in size.

    Physiotherapy, rest and medication may be the main treatment for:

    • bursitis;
    • rotator cuff tear;
    • tendinitis;
    • vascular syndrome of the scalene muscle.

    In some cases, patients may require surgery or treatment with corticosteroids.

    Prognosis for pain in the left arm

    If pain in the left arm is a consequence of a heart attack, then it is necessary long-term treatment heart disease. In most cases, pain in the left arm associated with injury or damage goes away with adequate treatment. Some shoulder problems can take longer to heal and even get worse over time. Older people tend to take longer to recover.

    What to do if your left hand hurts?

    A heart attack can occur suddenly or develop gradually. Either way, the most common symptom of a heart attack is chest discomfort or pain. If you think you may be having a heart attack, call an ambulance immediately. If it comes to damage to the heart muscle, then every second will count.

    Also keep in mind that:

    • if you have been diagnosed heart disease, then pain in the left hand should always be a cause for concern;
    • improperly fused bone can cause many problems. If you think you have a fracture, consult a doctor immediately;
    • If left untreated, bursitis, tendinitis and rotator cuff tears can lead to complications such as frozen shoulder, which are much more difficult to treat. If you cannot fully rotate your shoulder, elbow or wrist, consult a doctor;
    • If you strain a muscle, ligament, or tendon, rest your arm and try to keep it elevated. Apply cold for 20 minutes several times a day. Use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Although some of the above conditions are not serious, they can become serious without proper treatment. Call your doctor if home treatments don't help or if the situation gets worse.

Pain in the right arm in clinical practice is often called right-sided brachialgia (from the Greek words brachion - shoulder and algos - hurts, pain). This is a common complaint, which is one of many manifestations of the underlying disease, causing pain. It is extremely difficult to differentiate such a pain symptom, as well as to diagnose it, since its causes are very diverse.

The difficulty of diagnosis is due to the following factors:

  • Pain in the right arm as a symptom is almost identical in sensation to other algic manifestations in the shoulder or neck, since most often it is a pain syndrome of one general pathology.
  • Pain in the right hand can be a reflected, radiating symptom, the cause of which is located in almost any area of ​​the body - from the distal areas (fingers) to the spinal cord. Any pathological process, flowing in complex system The head-neck-shoulder-arm pattern can be clinically manifested in every part of this system. According to statistics, complaints of pain in the cervico-brachial region, in the arm, are among the most common among the various forms of regional myalgia, they amount to about 40%.
  • The difficulty lies in the fact that brachialgia can be accompanied by concomitant vascular, autonomic or trophic pathologies, which is understandable from the point of view of the anatomical and physiological structure of the shoulder girdle and arm. They contain many nerve endings, muscles, ligaments, joint capsules, blood vessels.

A reflected pain symptom in the arm may be a consequence of a myalgic impulse from damaged or inflamed areas upper section abdominal cavity or chest.

Causes of pain in the right hand

Right-sided brachialgia or pain in the right arm can be caused by a variety of etiological factors, which are classified into three groups:

  1. Vertebrogenic diseases and injuries are the most common causes of pain in the right arm.
  2. MBS ( myofascial syndrome) - somatogenic myalgia, characteristic appearance small painful lumps in muscle tissue.
  3. Pain of unknown etiology, often undifferentiated due to a complex combination of symptoms.

Among the causes of pain in the hand, the following diseases are most often identified:

  • Vertebrogenic pathologies and injuries.
    • Cervical osteochondrosis, accompanied by pain in the arm.
    • Benign or malignant spinal neoplasm (tumor).
    • Residual manifestations of whiplash injury, accompanied by radicular damage and reflected by pain in the arm.
    • Plexopathies caused by injuries, tumors, or developing as a result of radiation therapy. Among the lesions of the shoulder region there are Duchenne-Erb syndrome and partial paralysis of the hand - Dejerine-Klumpke syndrome.
    • Severance or damage to a spinal root as a result of injury or a fall (Horner's syndrome).
  • Neurovascular, neurodystrophic causes of pain in the right hand.
    • Frozen shoulder syndrome is a glenohumeral periarthrosis, in which the arm may hurt as a result of limited movement (contracture of the shoulder muscles), and then the pain symptom is caused by severe swelling of the hand and wrist joints (Paget-Schretter syndrome).
    • Anterior scalene syndrome, scalenus syndrome or Naffziger syndrome.
    • Pseudocardialgia or pectalgia, a syndrome associated with reflex disorders in pectoral muscles, manifested by pain in the left or right arm, chest pain, similar to symptoms of heart disease.
    • Idiopathic plexopathy or Persnage-Turner syndrome. Amyotrophy is symptomatically similar to radicular syndrome, and manifests itself as pain in the shoulder, right or left forearm.
  • Causes of pain in the right hand of myofascial etiology.

Pain has specific receptor triggers located in the following muscles:

  • Musculus supraspinatus - supraspinatus muscle.
  • Musculi scaleni – anterior, middle and posterior scalene muscles of the brachial plexus.
  • Musculus infraspinatus – infraspinatus muscle.
  • Biceps, musculus biceps brachii - biceps muscle.
  • Musculus coracobrachialis - coracobrachialis muscle.
  • Triceps, musculus triceps brachii - triceps muscle.
  • Musculus brachialis - shoulder muscle.
  • Forearm muscles - Musculus extensor pollicis longus, Musculus extensor digitorum manus, Musculus extensor carpi ulnaris - extensors of the fingers and wrist.
  • Musculus palmaris longus is the long muscle of the palm.
  • Musculus supinator – muscle – supinator, which provides external rotation of the forearm.

Factors that provoke myofascial pain in the arm:

  • Muscle overstrain in a static posture.
  • Prolonged immobility, immobilization.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Pressure.
  • Injuries.
  • Sprains.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a cause of compression-ischemic etiology; carpal tunnel syndrome is provoked by the following factors:

  • Work that requires maintaining a static posture and performing similar hand movements is a professional factor.
  • Prolonged immobilization due to surgery or fixation of the arm after a fracture.
  • Endocrine pathologies – acromegaly, hypothyroidism, menopause.
  • Reception hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives.
  • Metabolic disorder diabetes mellitus.
  • Impaired metabolism due to alcoholism, drug addiction.

Tunnel neuropathies, accompanied by pain in the arm, have the following types:

  • The most common type is carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Pronator syndrome (constant pressure on the palm).
  • Ulnar nerve neuropathy, Guyon's bed syndrome.
  • Neuropathy nervus radialis - radiation syndrome or Roth-Bernhardt disease, which is called “tennis elbow”.

Causes of pain in the right hand of arthrogenic etiology

Pain can be caused by the following diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Dermatomyositis.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Psoriatic arthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Neurogenic arthropathy (Charcot's disease).
  • Reiter's syndrome.

The causes of pain in the arm may be associated with polyneuropathy, visceral-radicular syndrome, pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, gallbladder, and angina.

Symptoms of pain in the right hand

Symptoms of arm pain depend on the underlying cause and can be classified by type.

  1. Radiculoalgia. Symptoms of pain in the right hand of this type are characterized by lancing (dagger, sharp) sensations. The pain is often paroxysmal, poorly localized and quickly spreads from the main source to the distal zones. For this type of pain, all manifestations of radicular damage are typical - numbness of the hand, tingling and the sensation of “crawling goosebumps” (paresthesia). The muscle strength of the arm is noticeably reduced, all reflexes are slowed (hyporeflexia).
  2. Neuralgia. The pain in the right hand is most often aching, constant, it can intensify with physical activity or when palpating the hand. Neuralgia decreases somewhat when the hand is immobilized and fixed.
  3. Myalgia. Pain symptom but is felt in the depths, in the thickness of the muscle tissue (truncal pain). The pain is constant and intensifies when the muscles are stretched.
  4. Dysaesthesia, dysesthesia - abnormal, inadequate sensations not associated with a provoking factor.
  5. Thermalgia - when a cold touch is felt, warmth is felt.
  6. Hyperpathy is a feeling of severe pain in the hand in the absence of a real painful stimulus, for example, when stroking.
  7. Polysthesia is multiple sensations in response to one specific stimulus.
  8. Paresthesia is a feeling of “pins and needles”.
  9. Allodynia is a strong, acute perception of a non-painful stimulus.
  10. Synesthesia - multiple sensations when exposed to one sense organ ( visual factor causes auditory or tactile sensations, including in the hand).

Pain in the right arm may be primary symptom, for example, in case of injury, also quite often a painful sensation is clinical manifestation reflected, radiating symptom. Depending on where the pain goes, you can determine the factor causing right-sided brachialgia.

Pain radiates to right arm

  • Steinbrocker syndrome, or shoulder-hand syndrome, most often develops as a result of glenohumeral periarthritis or trauma.
  • Complication of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (compression syndrome).
  • Spinal tumor.
  • Whiplash injury.
  • Plexopathies.
  • Diabetic neuropathy.
  • The pain radiates to the right arm with bronchopulmonary pathologies, diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts.
  • Rarely, referred pain in the arm may be due to angina.

Pain in right hand

May have reasons like this

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, characteristic intense pain at night time. As a rule, the disease manifests itself with symmetrical symptoms on both hands, but it can “start” from one, for example, the right hand.
  • Gout starting from the toes and spreading up the joints. In addition to the fact that a person experiences pain in the right hand, the wrist, elbow, and less often the shoulder suffer. The pain is very characteristic - sharp, burning, throbbing.
  • Osteoarthritis of the hand, manifested by aching, dull pain, most often in the daytime.
  • Arthritis, causing immobility or limitation of hand movements.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is a typical disease associated with occupational factors.

Pain in right elbow

May develop as a result of the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Gout.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Tumor of the elbow joint.
  • Tendinitis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Elbow carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow).
  • Medial epicondylitis (golfer's elbow).
  • Pain in the elbow of the right hand can be a signal of bursitis, inflammation of the joint capsule.
  • Neurotrophic arthropathy (Charcot's disease).
  • Intervertebral hernia and segments C5 or C6.
  • Elbow injury.

Right wrist pain

  • Injuries – fractures of the lunate or scaphoid.
  • Dislocation, sprain of the ligaments holding the carpal bones.
  • Wrist tendinitis.
  • Pain in the right wrist can be caused by stenosing tenosynovitis, a disease of the tendon. The disease most often affects women and is characterized by severe pain and almost complete loss of ability to work.
  • Carpal tunnel or carpal tunnel syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome– this is a typical disease of the right hand, since it is the working hand. The syndrome is provoked by a purely professional factor.
  • Damage to the extensor tendons – peritendinitis.
  • Hypertrophic osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Necrosis skeletal system, involving the bones of the wrist (avascular). This is a pathological softening of bone tissue, leading to wrist deformity.

Aching pain in right arm

Most often associated with reflex neurovascular syndromes associated with cervical osteochondrosis spinal column. The source of pain, as a rule, is located in the most damaged fibrous ring, where there are many highly sensitive pain receptors. Also, a painful impulse in the arm can come from inflamed longitudinal ligaments and capsule shoulder joint. Aching pain in the right arm is localized in the shoulder, forearm or hand, but can move to the back of the head. The pain symptom intensifies when changing position, turning, moving the body or arm. Most often, right-sided brachialgia develops as a consequence of glenohumeral periarthritis or Paget-Schroetter syndrome (shoulder-hand syndrome). In addition, aching pain in the right arm may be the primary signal of developing cholelithiasis or an inflammatory process in the lungs and bronchi.

Severe pain in right arm

These are almost all types of radiculoalgia, in which the pain symptom is intense and acute. The pain is characterized as cutting, dagger-like. In addition, severe pain in the right arm can be caused by certain neuropathic syndromes, such as radial neuropathy, which causes sharp, shooting pain. Neuralgic amyotrophy, complex regional syndrome (CRPS), accompanied by burning pain, swelling of the arm, motor disorders, various arthritis, osteoarthrosis, gout - that’s far from full list diseases that can cause severe, intense brachialgia.

Sharp pain in right arm

This is a pain that is characterized as shooting or dagger-like. This may be a compression-radicular form of brachialgia; sharp pain is also characteristic of separation or damage to the spinal root due to injury, fall, or blow. The pain symptom is acute, sharp in nature, often spreads along the damaged root and completely immobilizes not only the arm, but the entire human body. In addition, sharp pain in the right arm may be associated with Personage-Turner syndrome (amyotrophy), a disease of infectious etiology that affects the shoulder and forearm. Intense, sharp pain is caused by mechanical injuries, sprains of tendons and ligaments.

Pain in the little finger of the right hand

May be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  • Dislocation, finger injury.
  • Raynaud's syndrome.
  • Neuropathy of the ulnar or wrist nerve.
  • Ganglinar cyst of the wrist.
  • Injury or fracture of the elbow joint.
  • Elbow bursitis.
  • Less commonly, carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Osteomyelitis is a purulent, necrotic process in bone tissue, usually affecting the hand and fingers, including the little finger.

Pain in the little finger of the right hand may be a manifestation of epicondylitis, a degenerative disease of the elbow joint.

Nagging pain in right arm

Most often it is provoked by brachial periarthritis, a violation of the structure of the cervical spinal column. The pain develops gradually and spreads from the shoulder to the arm, which significantly reduces motor activity upper limb. Humeral periarthritis is rarely secondary; it is a typical neurodystrophic disease. Also, a nagging pain in the right arm is the main symptom occupational disease– carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by pinching of the nerve endings in the wrist as a result of constant stress or an uncomfortable position of the hand during work. Static, long-term load on the arm muscles, performing monotonous movements leads to mechanical damage median nerve located between tendons and bones.

Diagnosis of pain in the right hand

Pain in the right arm is a rather complex symptom complex in a diagnostic sense, so the examination plan may include a variety of methods and techniques. Since the main causes of the painful symptom of brachialgia are neurological diseases associated with vertebrogenic, traumatic or neuroreflex factors, the diagnosis of pain in the right arm is carried out, as a rule, by several doctors - a vertebrologist, chiropractor, surgeon and neurologist. In order to diagnostic measures were effective, used as standard circuits examinations and paraclinical methods.

First of all, anamnesis is collected, all information about previous diseases, conditions, heredity, treatment, lifestyle, and so on. It is very important to specify the nature of the pain, its localization, distribution, trigger points and determine the list of provoking factors. The following research methods are required:

  • X-ray of the spinal column, X-ray of the limb (joints).
  • Neurological examination and tests.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electromyography (recording of electrical potentials of the muscular system).
  • Blood test (CBC, biochemical).
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels according to indications.

What to do if your right hand hurts?

Therapeutic measures directly depend on the identified cause of pain.

Treatment of pain in the right hand with an intense, acute nature of the sensations is primarily aimed at relieving the symptom. It is possible to carry out a novocaine blockade, prescribe antineuralgic drugs, local anesthesia using chloroethyl. If the pain is associated with an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, traction and fixation of the damaged area is prescribed. Also, treatment of pain in the right hand involves a long course of physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture, and massages.

To consolidate the therapeutic result, ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances and vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed, both in injections and in tablet form. B vitamins, calcium, magnesium are standard drugs for the treatment of brachialgia. Besides, special diet, especially with diagnosed gout, can significantly relieve symptoms and speed up the recovery process.

Prevention of pain in the right hand

Prevention of pain in the right hand is a set of measures that help prevent the development of the underlying, provoking disease. Compliance the following recommendations, which relate not only to the prevention of brachialgia, but also help to maintain activity and normal health in principle, do not require material or physical effort, you just need to implement them into your life in order to be healthy:

  • Refusal bad habits, this especially applies to smoking.
  • During illness and treatment, restriction of physical activity is indicated, but a complex of physical therapy exercises should be systematically performed.
  • Compliance with the rules healthy eating, which should include vitamins, microelements that support bone, muscular system in order.
  • Regular examination of the body, which must be carried out at least once a year.
  • Follow all medical recommendations and refuse to experiment with self-medication.
  • In case of static tension, which is required by the profession or work, it is necessary to take regular breaks, change positions, and do warm-ups.
  • At the first signs of discomfort or symptoms, you should contact medical care to prevent the development of the disease and its exacerbation.

Prevention of pain in the right hand is, first of all, prevention of osteochondrosis, which today is one of the most common diseases and factors that provoke many pain symptoms.

We all know that our body constantly signals us about the presence of any problems with our health; are no exceptions and such discomfort, like pain and numbness in the hands, which also indicate some kind of problem in our body. In this article, we decided to tell you about what can cause pain and numbness in your hands, as well as what needs to be done if your hands hurt and go numb.

Once such a problem as pain and numbness in the hands was familiar only to people of the older generation, but today these symptoms “accompany” people even in the prime of life. And it’s one thing if these painful sensations arise in the morning after being in an uncomfortable position while sleeping - in this case there is absolutely nothing to worry about, and it’s a completely different thing to feel pain and numbness in the hands for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, most of us have absolutely no desire to see a specialist, however, it is always worth remembering that the time we miss can lead to very sad consequences in the future.

Causes of pain and numbness in the hands

    A 21st century disease such as carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common cause of pain and numbness in the hands. This syndrome occurs as a consequence long stay our hands in one position, for example, at a computer. This may add symptoms such as pain and burning in the fingers.

When our hands are in the same position for a long time, the carpal tunnel nerve is compressed, which in turn leads to poor circulation;

    When the median nerve is pinched, pain and numbness appear in the fingers. The reason for this pinching is long, monotonous work, for example, knitting or embroidery. With this disease, pain and numbness most often bother the patient in the morning;

    Dysfunction of the nervous system. If there are any “failures” in the functioning of the nervous system, spasms occur in our body small vessels, which ultimately leads to numbness not only of the hands, but also of other parts of our body. In addition to numbness, the patient is usually accompanied by some external signs, indicating the presence of disorders of the nervous system. For example, bluish or unnaturally white fingers may indicate a disease such as arthritis or lupus erythematosus;

    Pregnancy is another indicator that can cause numbness in the hands. And these painful sensations arise in this situation for several reasons: firstly, during pregnancy, women are prone to rapid weight gain, and secondly, during pregnancy the female body is constantly “rebuilding” and changing hormonal background, and thirdly, the expectant mother constantly needs vitamins, and if they are lacking, the woman’s hands may regularly go numb;

Causes of pain and numbness in the right hand:

    Impaired blood flow to the brain is one of the causes of pain and numbness in the right hand. With this diagnosis, the patient also experiences increased arterial pressure and elevated blood cholesterol levels. By the way, these symptoms may indicate the development of a disease such as multiple sclerosis;

    Diseases such as intervertebral hernia and cervical osteochondrosis always accompanied by a symptom such as numbness of the right hand. With prolonged pinching of a nerve in the cervical region, it is usually not only painful for the patient to turn his neck, he also feels numbness in the forearm and right arm;

Causes of pain and numbness in the left hand:

    Thrombosis. With this disease, which, in turn, is very dangerous for our health, there is a sharp numbness of the left hand, which is accompanied by acute pain and severe swelling. In this case, it is sometimes very difficult for the patient to even raise his hand. In a situation where such symptoms do not subside within an hour, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, because untimely contact with a specialist can lead to tissue necrosis;

    Brain stroke. Very dangerous disease, which is fraught with its own negative consequences. With a cerebral stroke, in addition to pain and numbness in the left arm, the patient is accompanied by symptoms such as numbness in the left leg, difficulty speaking and a sharp decrease in vision;

    Angina pectoris. Distinctive feature of this disease - the occurrence of numbness in the left hand during any physical activity and rapid disappearance of numbness after cessation of these loads. In addition to numbness in the left arm, the patient is also worried about pain in the chest and forearm;

    Heart attack. Most often, the onset of a heart attack is completely painless for our body, and sometimes a numb left hand is the only signal that our body gives us about impending danger;

    Atherosclerosis. With this disease, a narrowing of the blood vessels occurs, which, in turn, are designed to deliver blood to our left hand. It is this narrowing that causes pain and numbness in the left arm, which is most pronounced when our limb is in an upright position.

Causes of hand numbness at night:

    Incorrect and uncomfortable posture is one of the most common causes of numbness in the hands during sleep. And the point here is that most often we choose one specific position in which we are throughout our sleep, and which blocks the access of blood to our hands. So, for example, it is not recommended to put your hands under the pillow while sleeping - it is precisely this position that we love so much that does not allow blood to rush to the hands, as a result of which they become numb in the morning;

    A lack of B vitamins in the body can also cause numbness in the hands at night. So, our diet should regularly include foods such as nuts, liver, legumes, dairy products, fish, organ meats, potatoes, beef and chicken;

    A disease such as diabetes is another cause of this disease. With diabetes, the level of glucose in our blood is significantly increased, which damages the walls of blood vessels, which, in turn, lose their “conductive” function.

What to do if your hands hurt and go numb

We think that everyone is already convinced that regularly occurring pain and numbness in the hands is quite dangerous symptoms, which may indicate various diseases, therefore, in order to determine the diagnosis, you need to visit the appropriate specialist who will prescribe a test for you necessary tests and prescribe treatment. Remember that pain and numbness in your hands is not a disease, but just a symptom that signals you about specific disease, which, in turn, can be very dangerous.

At a medical institution, you will be required to undergo the following tests and undergo the following procedures:

    X-ray of the cervical spine;

    blood sugar test;

    blood test for 18 parameters;

    detailed urine analysis;


    CT scan.

Once the diagnosis is identified, the specialist will prescribe adequate treatment, which, in addition to taking medications and vitamins, will include physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage.

Preventing pain and numbness in the hands

To ensure that the symptoms described above bother you as little as possible, you can resort to regularly performing simple exercises. They are especially relevant for those who, due to their work, must be in one position for a long time:

    take a break from work at least once an hour: shake your palms with relaxed wrists as if you are shaking water off them;

    clench and unclench your fingers; repeat this exercise for a minute;

    roll a massage ball or some other round object in your palms;

    do exercises in the morning. Pay special attention to circular movements of the hands in the forearm area;

    raise your arms up and pull yourself up well so that you can feel the tension in all joints and muscles;

    stand on the floor without shoes and clasp your hands behind your back, hold in this position for about a minute, then change hands.

Facilities traditional medicine for pain and numbness in the hands:

    Contrasting hand baths. Take two containers and pour into one of them hot water, in the other - cold. Alternately place your hands first in hot water, then in cold water. This procedure is recommended to be performed twice a day;

    Pour hot water into an enamel bowl, then press the bottom of the bowl with your fingertips. This procedure helps eliminate numbness in the fingers and also helps restore sensitivity in the fingers;

    Garlic tincture. To prepare it, you need to squeeze one hundred grams of fresh garlic into a glass jar, which in turn needs to be filled with 500 grams of vodka or alcohol. Let the product brew in a dark, cool place for about ten days. When the tincture is ready, you need to dilute five drops of this product in one tablespoon of water and take three times a day;

    You can also rub the sore area using ammonia or camphor alcohol. Such rubbing helps warm up the muscles;

    Black pepper ointment. For cooking this tool you need to take one liter vegetable oil, add one hundred grams of black pepper to it, the resulting mixture must be simmered over low heat for 30 minutes. Next, cool the product and rub it into your hands. By the way, black pepper is very famous for its beneficial properties. For example, it is believed that it thins the blood, improves blood circulation, and also helps cleanse our body of blood clots.

Pain in the arm can be located in various places: shoulder, forearm, hand and fingers. The reasons that provoke it are very different, ranging from injury to heart problems. The most common causes of arm pain are joint problems and mechanical injuries. They require immediate treatment from a doctor so as not to progress the disease.

This article will look at the causes and treatment of arm pain.


In the joints of the hands

What to do if your hand joints hurt? First of all, you need to learn to determine the nature and nature of the unpleasant sensations and understand whether they require urgent medical attention. People of completely different ages can get joint pain.

  1. . The hand is very complex mechanism, painful sensations appear here often, and may indicate serious changes in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disease that is usually chronic. It is often characterized by the symmetry of the lesion: if the left arm hurts, then most likely the right arm will hurt too. Spicy painful sensations it usually does not manifest itself, the sensations are usually periodic and of medium intensity.
    Gout is a metabolic disease that causes increased uric acid in tissues. The attacks are most a strong character During sleep, the pain is strong and like a burning pain, it is very difficult to endure.
    Osteoarthritis is damage and early wear of the cartilage of the hand. Painful sensations tolerable, dull, manifest themselves more clearly when playing sports or other concerns about the diseased joint.
    Infectious arthritis is a disease that has infectious nature. With arthritis, the unpleasant sensations are constant, especially intense during sleep.
  2. In the fingers. The finger joints are very sensitive and susceptible to many diseases.
    Raynaud's syndrome is a disease characterized by numbness of the fingers and pain.
    Polyosteroarthrosis of the fingers is a disease that is responsible for most pain in the fingers. The pain symptom is burning in nature.
    Rheumatoid arthritis.
    Proriatic arthritis is a disease characterized by redness and swelling of the finger joints. The inflammation is asymmetrical.
  3. . The shoulder is a very complex part of the body, and one of its most important joints. Painful sensations can be caused by various reasons.
    Tindenite. The pain is acute and constant, and is especially pronounced at night. The movement of the hand is constrained, and the disease is caused by excessive physical activity.
    Bursitis. The pain is aching, swelling and swelling appear. The patient cannot fully move the affected arm.
    Mechanical damage of different nature, starting with a muscle strain and ending with a fracture of the shoulder joint.
    Capsulitis. The pain radiating throughout the entire upper arm is chronic and of medium frequency. Inflammation in this case is rare.
    Arthritis. The pain is periodically aggravated, most of the time it is quiet and dull. There is stiffness in movements.
    Arthrosis. Traffic is also difficult late stages the pain becomes acute and constant.
    . Serious disease, which is reflected by pain throughout the entire arm area. When trying to turn the head or neck, they sharply intensify.
    Humeroscapular polyarthritis. The pain radiates to the left or right arm and is severe and burning. If the disease is not treated, the muscles can become numb and atrophy.
    . The disease, characterized by weakening of muscles, increases with sports and exercise.
    Brachial nerve neuritis. A person may mistakenly think that a joint hurts, although this is not the case. The pain is acute, occurs unexpectedly and subsides just as unexpectedly.
  4. In the elbow joint. Elbow problems are very common.
    . It is this disease that becomes the most common reason for visiting a doctor because of pain in the elbow. They usually appear when severe overvoltages, and the disease develops due to excessive stress on the arm (for example, when carrying heavy loads). Particularly severe pain occurs when rotating the elbow joint (trying to twist or turn something).
    Referred pain. In the hand it manifests itself due to damage to the cervical chest area. It is usually not limited to the elbow joint; a person feels discomfort throughout the entire arm. Pain occurs both during sports and physical exercise, and at rest.
    Arthrosis of the elbow joint. Usually the pain is not very severe, it worsens when trying to move the affected arm. In later stages of the disease, the bones may swell and become softer.
    Arthritis of the elbow joint. The disease often affects neighboring joints, and the pain is acute and sharp. If your hand is swollen and feels warm to the touch, this is one of the main signs of arthritis.

In the palms

If your hand hurts in the palm area, this may mean mechanical damage, muscle fatigue (most often the palms and fingers hurt in programmers and people who type a lot).

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

  1. Referring pain from lesions in the cervicothoracic region. Various pathologies cervicothoracic region the spine is often reflected in various parts of the arm. The pain syndrome is usually dull and aching character and is more likely to simply irritate than cause serious discomfort.
  2. Gout. Pain in the hand joint can be reflected in the palm. Very severe attacks that occur due to drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy and fatty foods.
  3. Problems with the cardiovascular system. Pain in the left arm in the area of ​​the hand and palm is often accompanied by acute pain in the chest This is the first sign of a heart attack.

In the shoulder blade and hand

One of the common reasons for seeking medical help is pain in the shoulder blade, accompanied by pain or loss of hand mobility.

Both pain in the right arm and pain in the left arm may occur.

  1. Spinal diseases. They are characterized by attacks that intensify when trying to move and turn the body. Another symptom of spinal problems is partial loss of mobility in the arms.
  2. Neuralgia. With these problems, the pain syndrome is localized in the costal region, sometimes reaching the scapula. It rarely appears in the hand, usually on the limb.
  3. Scapula injury. Mechanical damage occurs when there is a strong fall or impact. The pain is acute and only gets worse over time. In case of nerve damage, pain occurs in the right arm if the right shoulder blade is damaged (pain in the left arm, if vice versa).
  4. Problems with the cardiovascular system. The pain is localized under right shoulder blade, radiates to the left arm, neck. It is very sharp and sharp, accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, and panic. If these signs occur, you should immediately call an ambulance - most likely you are having a myocardial infarction.
  5. Aortic aneurysm. First, the pain is localized in the back, then begins to radiate to the arm. The development of the disease is immediate, the pain intensifies, so you should immediately seek medical help.
  6. Hepatic colic. If a person suffers from liver disease, acute back pain may occur, accompanied by numbness in the right arm.
  7. Stomach ulcer. If pain begins in the back area, numbness in the hands appears, this indicates an exacerbation of the stomach ulcer. A perforated ulcer is treated exclusively by surgical methods; its other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, sharp increase temperature.

From shoulder to elbow

In the absence of injuries, such pain syndromes are always wary, although they the causes can be many pathologies.

  1. Closed hand injuries. Remaining unnoticed, such an injury manifests itself through acute pain when moving.
  2. Inflammatory processes in muscles. Constant discomfort that worsens when playing sports.
  3. Neuralgia of the brachial nerve. Such problems may be associated with hypothermia of the nerve and is accompanied by severe pain with heat in the damaged area.
  4. Spinal diseases. If your arm hurts when you try to turn your neck or body, this is one of the signs of some kind of spinal disease.
  5. Shoulder joint diseases. Depending on the type and stage of the disease, pain can be of a different nature. As a rule, they worsen with movement and at night.
  6. Vascular diseases. With inflammatory processes in the blood vessels, the pain is constant, only worsening later.
  7. Accumulations of salts in the joints. When there is a large amount of salts in the vessels, pain occurs during intense exercise. physical activity and turning your hands.
  8. Remitting pain. Initially localized in the chest area, it radiates to other places, the most common pain being in the left arm.

From elbow to hand

If the right hand (or, accordingly, the left) in this area hurts greatly, this is can be caused by many reasons.

  1. Overvoltage. The nerve is pinched by the bones of the hand during long monotonous work with the fingers. Most often, this syndrome occurs among programmers and artists.
  2. Muscle inflammation. Due to strong sports loads, pain in the muscles may occur.
  3. Spinal diseases. Lesions of the cervicothoracic spine often cause pain and numbness in the arms.
  4. Joint diseases. Depending on the type and stage of the disease, pain can be of a different nature, but, as a rule, it intensifies with movement.
  5. . Problems with nervous system often characterized by constant pain.

Such pain is most often associated with the joint diseases discussed in detail above, or with inflammatory processes in the fingers.

If the pain is accompanied by numbness in the fingers, then this is the first sign of carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's syndrome.

Pain in the heart, radiating to the arm

  1. Heart diseases. Often the causes of pain in the heart are diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, and angina. A heart attack is accompanied by numbness of the arm and acute pain, angina pectoris (narrowing of the arteries) is accompanied by increasing pain during physical activity.
  2. Brain stroke. This serious illness can often be identified by pain in the heart and arm.
  3. Neurosis. Problems with the nervous system can be accompanied by pain throughout the body, including in the heart and arm.

My hand hurts and goes numb

Numbness of the hand is accompanied by pain when moving in case of disease of the joints and spine. Acute constant pain accompanied by numbness, may indicate heart problems.

If the joints become swollen and inflamed, this may indicate an acute infectious process.

  1. Acute pain and numbness of the hand often occur with myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease.
  2. Dumb constant pain, aggravated by movement or during sleep, indicates joint diseases.
  3. Acute throbbing pain that gets worse over time is the first sign of a hand injury. Severe loss of mobility may indicate an acute closed fracture or dislocation.


Depending on the nature of the pain, different treatments are prescribed.
Joint diseases are treated with drug therapy, advanced stages the disease has to resort to surgical methods.
Heart problems are treated by a cardiologist; in case of myocardial infarction, immediate hospitalization is required.
Injuries are treated surgical methods, applying bandages and casts, limiting physical activity.

Problems with digestive system They are treated with surgical methods (in the case of a perforated ulcer), medications and a special diet.

When to see a doctor?

A doctor should be consulted immediately in case of acute pain or severe limitation of limb mobility.

If your arm and the area under your left shoulder blade hurt severely, this is the first sign of myocardial infarction, which requires immediate medical attention.

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Briefly about the main thing

  1. Pain in the arms can be of different locations: shoulder, forearm, elbow, hand and fingers. Depending on the location, the reasons can be identified.
  2. Hand joints: rheumatoid arthritis– symmetrical pain, intensifying in the evening; gouty arthritis– attacks of severe pain, mainly at night; osteoarthritis – gradual development, aching pain, crunching, deformation of fingers, nodules; infectious arthritis– pain, fever, chills, swelling, general deterioration of health.
  3. Finger joints: Raynaud's syndrome - pain and numbness; polyosteoarthrosis – pain that increases with exercise, deformation, crunching, stiffness, nodules; rheumatoid arthritis – pain with symmetry; psoriatic arthritis– joint pain without symmetry, stiffness, skin manifestations; gout - attacks of severe and burning pain, asymmetrical.
  4. Shoulder joint: tendinitis, bursitis, injuries, capsulitis, arthritis, arthrosis, cervical osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, osteoporosis, brachial neuritis.
  5. Elbow joint: epicondylitis, referred pain, arthrosis, arthritis.
  6. Palms: mechanical damage, pathologies of the cervicothoracic spine, gout, problems with the cardiovascular system.
  7. Shoulder blade and arm: diseases of the spine, neuralgia, injury to the shoulder blade, cardiovascular diseases, aortic aneurysm, gastric ulcer, hepatic colic.
  8. From shoulder to elbow: injuries, inflammatory processes in muscles, neuralgia of the brachial nerve, diseases of the spine, vascular pathologies, shoulder joint, radiating pain.
  9. From the elbow to the hand: overexertion, muscle inflammation, spinal pathologies, joint diseases, neuralgia.
  10. Fingers: Raynaud's syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, injuries, diseases of the spine, nerves, heart disease, stroke, neurosis.
  11. Pain and numbness in the hand: injury - sharp and throbbing pain; arthritis – aching, mainly at night, swelling and redness of the joint; diseases of cardio-vascular system– acute pain and numbness radiating to the shoulder blade and chest.
  12. Prolonged and suspicious pain is a signal to consult a doctor. Treatment is prescribed depending on the established diagnosis.