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Lung contusion: how to diagnose the injury, what is its danger? Symptoms, treatment and consequences of lung contusion

Which is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the lung parenchyma, as a result of which air from external environment enters the cavity between the layers of the pleura, the pressure of the cavity is balanced with atmospheric pressure, which leads to collapse damaged lung and disruption of gas exchange function.

Pathological changes in lung rupture

Normally, there is negative pressure in the pleural cavity, under the influence of which air enters the lungs from environment. The difference in indicators is main reason through which we breathe. Gas exchange is also provided by the intercostal muscles, diaphragm and abdominal muscles.

When the lung is damaged, the alveoli and bronchi rupture, and air flows freely between the layers of the pleural cavity. Diaphragm, chest muscles, abdominal wall unable to maintain normal breathing.

The lung collapses, that is, it becomes smaller in volume, as a result of which less oxygen enters the body and less carbon dioxide is eliminated, and respiratory function develops. It is this condition that is dangerous for the patient’s life, especially if there is a negative dynamics of the increase in symptoms.

Reasons for the formation of a lung rupture

Lung rupture can occur even in a state of complete rest, provided that the patient has had pathological changes from the lungs. However, traumatic rupture is more common.

Pneumothorax is identified. It develops against the background of absolute lung health. The reasons are:

  • Injury to the lung parenchyma by a bone fragment of a broken rib as a result of various injuries
  • For penetrating puncture wounds of the pleural cavity and lung acute an object from outside
  • When the chest is compressed during an accident, a building collapse, or a fall from high altitude

Secondary pneumothorax. This pathological condition is a consequence of previous lung diseases, often chronic:

  • Emphysematous changes in the lungs is a concept that refers to the expansion of the pulmonary space due to an increase in the volume of the alveoli. At the same time, their walls become thinner, and if the pathologically altered alveolus is close to the surface of the lung, it may rupture with the formation of pneumothorax.
  • Lung abscess is a purulent-destructive disease with the formation of a cavity filled with purulent contents. The outcomes of an abscess are varied, the most unfavorable is the leakage of pus into the cavity between the layers of the pleura. This condition is called pyothorax or pleural empyema. If the abscess communicates with the bronchus, then after a breakthrough a pneumothorax forms. The pressure is equalized through the draining bronchus.
  • Cancerous lung tumor. The growing tumor thins the walls of the alveoli. A lung rupture may occur in this place, the consequences of which will be disastrous for an organism weakened by cancer. Also malignant tumor may begin to disintegrate, involving lung tissue in the process. One careless movement can cause organ rupture.
  • Lung infarction - and subsequently gangrene of the organ in the absence of its blood supply. This is caused by obstruction of a pulmonary artery by a thrombus or thromboembolus.
  • Bronchiectasis - expansion of the distal part of the bronchi most often leads to a violation of the integrity of the lung parenchyma. Since purulent contents accumulate in bronchiectasis, when a lung ruptures, the pleural cavity becomes infected.
  • Sprawl connective tissue is called pneumofibrosis. Complication systemic diseases according to the type of Marfan syndrome.
  • Bronchial asthma is dangerous due to rupture of the lung when the patient develops emphysematous changes.
  • Various pneumoconioses - occupational diseases, characterized by the accumulation of various industrial wastes inhaled with air in the lungs. For example, anthracosis is the accumulation of coal dust in the structure of the lung tissue. lung as a consequence of pneumoconiosis increases the risk of spontaneous rupture.
  • Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis is a disease of autoimmune origin that leads to pneumosclerosis. The life expectancy of patients from the onset of the disease is 4-5 years. The cause of death was respiratory failure or lung rupture.
  • Tuberculosis, sarcoidosis - what these diseases have in common is the formation of granulomas, which can contribute to lung rupture.
  • Smoking and bronchitis on background bad habit increase the risk of suffering from a violation of the integrity of the lung.

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Clinical manifestations of lung rupture

The pathological process doesn't happen locally. It involves not only the affected lung, but also healthy heart, All internal organs suffer from a lack of oxygen saturation in the blood. Respiratory failure develops. Also, the symptoms depend on the reasons that caused the lung rupture.

The main symptoms observed in all cases:

  1. Pain during lung rupture. In most cases, patients give a clear description of the pain: sharp on the affected side, radiating to the shoulder on the affected side.
  2. Shortness of breath, even at rest, increased breathing movements per minute, tachycardia (increased heart rate).
  3. Cough as a reflex manifestation of irritation of receptors on the pleura.
  4. When examining the chest, you may notice a delay in movement on the affected side.

Clinical picture respiratory failure when a lung ruptures will vary from several criteria:

  1. Area of ​​lung rupture.
  2. Location of damage, relationship with bronchi and vessels.
  3. Severity of pneumothorax. The most dangerous is the valve one. As a result of damage, a valve is formed - air leaks into the pleural cavity, but at the exit the valve prevents it. This condition threatens the rapid development of respiratory failure, lung collapse, and a shift in vital signs. important organs mediastinum to the side and squeezing them.

Clinical features for secondary lung ruptures:

  • At traumatic injury lung with ribs, the above symptoms will be accompanied by bleeding from the vessels supplying the lung and ribs, damage to the frame of the chest cavity and vital organs. This condition can be complicated by shock.
  • Pulmonary bullae have asymptomatic. They do not cause any discomfort until any force is applied to the chest. In case of injury, physical activity bullae may rupture with symptoms of pneumothorax.
  • An abscess always gives a clear clinical picture. Temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, with copious sputum discharge. When does an abscess rupture? pleural cavity, the patient experiences relief for a while, but during the formation purulent pleurisy the condition worsens sharply.
  • Cancer patients may not experience much pain syndrome due to exhaustion of the body, intoxication and ongoing pain therapy. Therefore, their condition can be monitored from objective data: respiratory rate, pulse, color skin. If the condition worsens: increased heart rate, pulse, cyanosis (blueness) of the skin, you should consult a doctor for help.
  • lung - a state with bright clinical picture. Sharply increasing shortness of breath, cough with bloody sputum, severe pain, sallow complexion. People with blood clots in the veins of the lower extremities are prone to thromboembolism.

Lung contusion this is a serious injury that causes the lungs to swell and bleed, making it difficult to main function to supply oxygen to the body and remove carbon dioxide. Such damage can even lead to the death of a person, and in severe cases require extensive treatment and rehabilitation. According to statistics, about 5% of people who have had severe degree This injury complains of breathing problems and meets the criteria for disability.

A lung contusion usually occurs when there is trauma to the chest, for example when:

  • Car and motorcycle accidents
  • Falls from great heights
  • Sports and work injuries


  • Shortness of breath, rapid or shallow breathing
  • Hemoptysis - the release of blood along with saliva and sputum during coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Decreased arterial pressure
  • Wheezing sound when exhaling
  • Bruising in the chest and back
  • Cyanosis - bluish skin color
  • Cardiopalmus
If the injury is severe and without medical assistance, more severe symptoms may appear within 24-48 hours:
  • Weakness and dizziness
  • Fever and chills
  • Excessive sweating
  • Coughing up blood
  • bluish color lips
Similar signs may also occur during an asthma attack, rib fracture, and pneumothorax (accumulation of air and gases in the pleural cavity).

First aid

In order not to aggravate the injury and reduce Negative consequences need to:
  • Call an ambulance
  • Try to avoid sudden movements and physical activity
  • Sit in a semi-sitting position
  • It is prohibited to apply a bandage to the chest
  • Refuse to take painkillers in order to avoid inaccuracies in the assessment of injury during a medical examination
  • Apply ice for no more than 15 minutes

How is a lung contusion diagnosed?

Lung contusion is usually suspected after strong blow across the chest, especially if it is accompanied by difficulty breathing. The presence of injury can only be confirmed by medical specialist and this may require:

  • Examination and questioning of the victim about the method of injury, symptoms and presence chronic diseases and bad habits.
  • Listen to the chest for wheezing.
  • Measurement blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Chest X-ray. Often, x-rays may not show the presence of a bruise until 1-2 days after the injury, so repeat images may need to be taken after this time.
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound) to show if there is fluid, bruising, or swelling of the lungs.
  • Gas analysis arterial blood, to check the amount of oxygen and carbon monoxide.
  • CT scan(CT) can show areas where bleeding and bone fractures are present with high accuracy.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used as the fastest and most accurate way to find out about the presence of damage.


Treatment will depend on the severity of the lung damage and may take one to several weeks. The goal of any procedure is to prevent respiratory failure and ensure sufficient oxygen for the person. For this they can use:
  • Painkillers. To reduce pain and ease breathing.
  • Perform breathing exercises and stimulate coughing to avoid pneumonia. The patient learns how to perform it correctly from a doctor and uses gymnastics after discharge from the hospital until full recovery.
  • Supplemental oxygen if breathing difficulties are present. Usually inhaled through an oxygen mask or a nasal cannula (a tube inserted into the nose through which an oxygen mixture is supplied).
  • Drainage is the removal of blood and mucus blocking the air channels, using a special suction device and tubes inserted into the oral and nasal cavities.
  • Connecting a tube to the chest to remove fluid from areas near the heart or lungs. This will facilitate the functioning of the respiratory and cardiac systems.
  • Mechanical ventilation using a special device that helps you breathe through a tube in your throat.
  • Antibacterial therapy
In the first days after injury, it is forbidden to use aspirin, as it can increase bruising and worsen the patient's condition. Return to active work(such as driving, working, playing sports) is allowed only after the approval of a doctor.

Possible complications

After a bruise, the lungs' ability to clear and eliminate various secretions and bacteria, thereby increasing the risk of developing pneumonia. On average, 30% of victims may develop respiratory infection. Main danger is sepsis, which is the leading cause of death in late stages diseases. For this reason, treatment of bruises should be carried out under the supervision of doctors, which will allow the symptoms of pneumonia to be recognized at an early stage.


About a third of all blunt trauma chest causes lung contusion, and about 30% of these contusions are severe. Therefore, if there is characteristic symptoms, for example, after car accident, you need to immediately apply for medical assistance and begin treatment immediately, especially considering possible consequences in the form of disability and death. To prevent bruises it is recommended:
  • use of seat belts and special child car seats when driving in transport
  • wearing protective devices when playing sports and working

How is a lung contusion treated? The attending physician will answer this question.
At all times, the most dangerous and serious injury is considered to be a lung contusion. This organ is vital important part V human body, supplies the entire body with oxygen and saturates the bloodstream with it.

Causes of injuries

Minor pulmonary disorders can be fatal. Even from an unfortunate fall on chest area or a lung bruise may form on the back - the lung tissue (parenchyma) is damaged. Such damage is considered closed.

If the injury is more complex, then they are destroyed blood vessels and bronchi, hemorrhage develops.

The main causes are closed injuries to the chest during road accidents, falls from heights, and crushing of the body by heavy structures or rubble after explosions. The bruise can be aggravated by a violation of the integrity of the rib bones.

Distinctive symptoms

This type of injury is difficult to recognize in early dates after what happened, obvious signs appear after a couple of hours. Medical workers, mistakenly record the patient's history related to the slaughter of the thoracic part or fracture of the ribs, which leads to an incorrect history of the disease.

Characteristic symptoms of lung contusion:

  1. 1. Increasing shortness of breath.
  2. 2. When examining the victim, swelling and hematoma formation are observed in the injured area.
  3. 3. Moist rales are heard.
  4. 4. Externally, a person’s skin takes on a bluish tint.
  5. 5. A violation occurs heart rate, the number of heartbeats increases calm state body.
  6. 6. With a more complex degree of injury, hemoptysis develops.
  7. 7. During a deep breath, severe pain occurs, which forces the patient to breathe shallowly.

IN soft tissues cavities accumulate large quantity blood, which causes it to increase in volume rib cage.
In severe cases, complete cessation of breathing is possible, which requires immediate resuscitation measures.

Diagnostics. Only a doctor can determine a lung contusion. First of all, it is necessary to collect information about the injury from the victim himself or from eyewitnesses. Then an external examination of the injured area is carried out. The specialist uses palpation to determine the presence or absence of fractures of the chest bones.

Thorough listening to breathing is done using a stethoscope. If moist wheezing is heard in the lung, the sound resembles bursting air bubbles. Next you need additional methods research.

Chest X-ray - a picture is taken that shows specific darkening, which characterizes the presence of a hematoma, cyst, or pathological cavity formation filled with air.

Ultrasound examination - a lighter area of ​​tissue stands out on the monitor against the background of the rest, with high acoustic density, which means the presence of injury.

Fiberglass bronchoscopy is performed using flexible endoscopes with a light source that are inserted into the lumen of the trachea and bronchi. The doctor examines the condition of the bronchial mucosa: swelling, the presence of blood in the soft tissues. If it detects blood clots in areas of the bronchial tree, then this is precisely a lung bruise.

How to treat a lung contusion?

First urgent Care. When providing competent and timely assistance relief is possible for the victim general condition and eliminating future consequences. A number of actions need to be taken immediately:

  1. 1. Provide complete rest to the patient. Give a comfortable semi-sitting position.
  2. 2. Call a medical ambulance.
  3. 3. Put cold on the injured area and note the time. After 15 minutes, remove for a few minutes to warm the fabric, repeat in sessions. This procedure relieves pain and slows down the development of hematoma. Failure to comply with the periodic regimen will lead to frostbite and colds.

Treatment of lung contusion. After arriving in medical institution, where a diagnosis is made, the doctor draws up a specific course of treatment:

  1. 1. Maintaining complete rest (physical and psychological).
  2. 2. Taking painkillers. Painful sensations are observed for 5 days, which is due to the presence of a large number of nerve endings in the pleura and on the walls of the chest.
  3. 3. Anti-inflammatory drugs will relieve tissue swelling. It is forbidden to apply heat to the bruised area.

It is necessary to treat with antibiotics in order to prevent adverse consequences (the development of post-traumatic pneumonia).
Carrying out sanitation bronchoscopy - a doctor under supervision on a monitor special device pumps out contents in the bronchi.

Closed chest injuries are quite common. They can lead to conditions such as lung contusion. This pathology is accompanied unpleasant symptoms and may cause complications.

A lung contusion is damage to organ tissue without rupture. It means that outer shell the lung (visceral pleura) remains intact. Features of the bruise:

  • Can have serious and even life-threatening consequences.
  • It lasts for a long time without significant symptoms.
  • May go unnoticed by the patient in the presence of associated injuries.
  • Treatment takes a long time.
  • Accompanied by respiratory failure and hypoxia of body tissues.

These features make this type of injury quite dangerous. It is useful for everyone to know the symptoms and treatment of a lung contusion. Anything can lead to its development closed injuries chest:

  1. Road traffic accidents. Often the cause of injury is the impact of the chest on the steering wheel.
  2. A person falls from a height, especially on the chest or back.
  3. Disasters, landslides in which the body is compressed between the rubble of buildings.
  4. Explosions: Injury may be caused by shrapnel, a blast wave, or a person falling to the ground.
  5. Direct blow with a blunt object to the chest area.

All of the above situations can cause a rib fracture. Therefore, a lung contusion is often combined with this injury.

A rib fracture in some cases leads to a puncture of the lung. This injury is not a bruise, but also deserves special attention.

Symptoms of a lung contusion

Clinical manifestations of the disease allow short time detect the injury and contact qualified specialist. If you receive the injuries listed above, pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • On the skin of the chest at the site of exposure to the damaging factor, redness of the skin occurs due to local hemorrhage.
  • Often in subcutaneous tissue there is swelling of the breast tissue.
  • At deep breath occurs in one half of the chest strong pain, which usually does not radiate anywhere.
  • Pain also occurs when the affected half of the chest is compressed.
  • The patient's breathing becomes shallow and rapid.
  • Shortness of breath occurs and gradually increases, designed to compensate oxygen starvation body.
  • The doctor listens over the injured surface of the lung moist rales using a stethoscope.
  • A manifestation of respiratory failure is generalized cyanosis of the skin - cyanosis.
  • Tries to compensate for the damage the cardiovascular system. Tachycardia occurs.
  • If the blood vessels in the lungs are damaged, a cough with bloody sputum appears.

Unfortunately, these manifestations are quite nonspecific; they can varying degrees point out others pathological conditions in the lung.

Lung puncture by rib

When the chest is damaged, a lung contusion should be distinguished from other types of organ injury. One of the most dangerous is the puncture of lung tissue by a fragment of a rib. In this case, a closed pneumothorax occurs:

  1. At the time of injury, one or more ribs are fractured.
  2. Bone fragments enter the lung tissue, cutting through the visceral pleura.
  3. Bleeding and damage to the parenchyma occurs.
  4. Air escapes from damaged alveoli into the pleural cavity.
  5. Pressure builds up in this cavity and the lung is pressed towards its root.
  6. Since the chest remains intact, no additional air enters.
  7. However, half of the lung parenchyma is excluded from breathing, which inevitably leads to respiratory failure.

This condition leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms:

  • There is pain in one half of the chest that increases with inspiration.
  • The pain radiates to the arm or neck.
  • Breathing is frequent and shallow, the skin is cyanotic.
  • One of the halves of the chest does not participate in the act of breathing.
  • On auscultation breath sounds in the affected half they are completely absent.
  • With percussion, the doctor listens for tympanitis.
  • A rapid heartbeat occurs. Blood pressure increases.

These symptoms in to a large extent differ from a lung contusion, they allow you to quickly detect the problem and begin emergency care.


A lung bruise is dangerous not only because of its own clinical manifestations, but also possible complications injuries. Adverse effects can occur fairly quickly, but some develop several days after the injury.

The most typical complications:

  1. Pneumonia - any damage to organ tissue can cause inflammation to develop in it. In the damaged area, opportunistic flora is activated, which leads to the development of pneumonia. This process is observed already a week after the injury. Without treatment, pneumonia can spread and lead to severe consequences. The symptoms are elevated temperature and cough with purulent sputum. Confirm the complication using an x-ray.
  2. Pneumothorax - this complication was described above. The release of air from the lung into the pleural cavity can occur not only when the tissue is punctured by a rib. The bruise itself can cause rupture of the pleural membrane. The complication is observed in different terms after being injured.
  3. Respiratory failure always accompanies any lung damage. This condition is characterized by the inability of the organ to fully provide the body with oxygen. Manifested by shortness of breath and cyanotic coloration of the skin.
  4. Bleeding – common complication bruise. When struck, vessels of various sizes rupture in the lung, which leads to bleeding. It can be expressed to varying degrees. A small bleeding will lead to a cough with bloody sputum, a large one will lead to hemoptysis and the discharge of scarlet foamy blood from the lungs.

Bleeding in the lung can cause the development of a hematoma.

Lung hematoma

poured into lung tissue the blood doesn't always come out. If a bleeding site is organized and remains in the organ, a hematoma is formed.

This condition can lead to the development of scar or pneumonia inside the organ, so doctors try to detect a hematoma and eliminate blood from it.

The symptoms of this complication are:

  • Local, limited pain on deep inspiration.
  • Unproductive cough.
  • Sometimes, with a cough, streaks of blood come out.
  • Shortness of breath may develop.
  • With a large volume of blood, symptoms of anemia occur.
  • Heart rate increases and blood pressure decreases.

Detect hematomas using radiation methods diagnosis is not difficult. But their treatment can already be a problem.


The diagnosis of pulmonary contusion can be detected and confirmed using methods additional diagnostics. They also help to determine the presence of complications in a timely manner.

The diagnostic search begins with the collection of complaints and anamnesis of injury by the doctor. The mechanism of damage to the body can already become a clue to what specific conditions have developed in the internal organs.

The most important step in diagnosis is general examination. The doctor determines the presence of fractures of the chest bones, listens to breathing at all auscultatory points, and performs percussion of the organ. This is how the physical signs of injury listed above are revealed.

  1. Pulse oximetry - determines the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen. This can detect respiratory failure.
  2. Blood gas composition is an analysis that allows you to determine with high accuracy the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in the blood.
  3. Radiography – key method diagnosis of the disease. The bruise in the image is identified as a darkening, but it appears only 24 hours after the injury. Before this, an x-ray is taken to rule out other more serious conditions.
  4. Computed tomography is a modern and highly informative method for diagnosing the disease and its complications. With such a study, signs of a bruise are detected already on the first day, and hematomas and other associated conditions are also visible.
  5. Bronchoscopy – invasive and dangerous by development complications diagnostic method. Sometimes this research is necessary; it is used only in extreme cases. Using a camera, large bronchi are examined from the inside, and the source of pulmonary bleeding is determined.

If concomitant injuries occur or complications develop in the form of pneumonia or pneumothorax, a list diagnostic studies is seriously expanding.


All treatment for a lung contusion can be divided into first aid and specialized therapy in a hospital setting.

The importance of first aid cannot be overestimated. The life and health of the victim depends on how correctly it is provided. If a person receives the injuries described, the following must be done:

  • Place the person in a semi-sitting position.
  • Create peace for the victim and protect from additional harm.
  • Call an ambulance medical care indicating the location, age of the patient and the nature of the victim’s injuries.
  • Coldness is applied to the chest. You should not keep the ice for a long time; you need to interrupt the compresses every 15 minutes.
  • For closed injuries, no bandages, including compression ones, should be applied.
  • Painkillers can only be used for severe pain; they blur the clinic and can make diagnosis difficult for the doctor.

After the patient is taken to the hospital, doctors begin full-fledged qualified therapy. A bruise should be treated as follows:

  1. Proper pain relief is provided. For this purpose, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  2. To prevent infectious complications, it is carried out antibacterial therapy using funds wide range actions.
  3. If there is a hematoma or bleeding of unknown location, doctors perform therapeutic bronchoscopy.
  4. Artificial ventilation is necessary for severe respiratory failure.
  5. To prevent the development of atelectasis, doctors may prescribe incentive spirometry.
  6. The method of breathing exercises is always used: for the period of treatment and rehabilitation of the patient.
  7. Physiotherapy at the site of injury is prescribed to resolve the hematoma and reduce the inflammatory reaction.

Rehabilitation measures are selected individually by the attending physician. In some cases, sanatorium treatment is indicated.

A lung contusion is a closed injury to the soft tissues of the chest, which has some consequences. At the time of injury, hemorrhage develops in the lung tissue, blood vessels and bronchi are damaged. At the same time, the pleura, the natural shell of the organ, retains its integrity. Rarely, the formation of air or blood-filled cavities in the organ itself can occur.

Probable causes of injury

Closed injury occurs as a result of physical external influence- impact, compression, concussion, etc. The severity of the pathology depends on the level of damage to the blood vessels and bronchi. The most common cause of this type of injury is a traffic accident, especially for drivers. During sudden braking, the driver falls with his chest on the steering wheel. In addition, the cause may be an unsuccessful fall on a blunt object or a fall from a great height.

In other words, the obvious circumstances under which a lung contusion can occur are:

  • falling from height;
  • car accident;
  • a strong directed blow to the chest area;
  • blow with a blunt object.

It is not always possible to prevent such situations, just like wearing soft breast pads - you will look stupid. That is why, if an injury occurs, it is necessary to seek specialized help.

Clinical picture

It is not always possible to diagnose lung injury due to the fact that a bruise often accompanies more serious injuries chest - fracture of the ribs or chest, disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

Lung injury is divided into three types: mild degree, medium and heavy. The severity of the damage will depend further treatment pathology.

Early stages of injury are hidden under primary signs other injuries to the victim’s chest. Characteristic clinical symptoms appear after some time.

Symptoms of the resulting damage are as follows:

  • pronounced edema forms, the soft tissues of the breast become very swollen;
  • it is not possible to palpate - the victim experiences pain;
  • aching pain that gets worse with breathing;
  • breathing is shallow, frequent and gusty - the victim feels that he is suffocating;
  • moist rales in the lungs;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • tachycardia - increased heart rate;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hematoma or bruise at the site of injury;
  • severe state of shock;
  • sputum with blood during coughing.

Important! Having diagnosed a concomitant injury, a possible pulmonary contusion should not be ruled out. Its signs may appear several hours after the injury has occurred.

Diagnosis of pathology

The danger of such an injury lies in late detection. That is why additional complications may develop, which can be avoided by providing timely and correct therapy. The doctor must not only examine the victim, but also prescribe everything necessary examinations to establish an accurate diagnosis.

External examination reveals severe hemorrhage and extensive tissue swelling. The victim is interviewed: when and under what circumstances the injury occurred. The doctor performs auscultation - listening to the damaged lung. To do this, you can use a stethoscope, a special tool, or simply apply your ear to the bruise. The lungs exhibit moist rales, which may sound like bursting air bubbles. Simple examination and palpation is not enough to make a diagnosis, so more in-depth studies are carried out.

Modern medicine to establish a diagnosis of “pulmonary contusion” practices such diagnostic methods as:

  • Ultrasound, or ultrasonography, which defines an echo as a positive shadow in the image;
  • X-ray examination - pictures are taken in several projections to exclude other types of injuries. On the images, the lungs will be polymorphically darkened at the site of damage. Various hematomas and capsules filled with air are clearly visible. This phenomenon is called “pneumatocele”;
  • the fiberoptic bronchoscopy method is used to detect internal edema mucous surfaces of the bronchi, determining the fullness of the lung tissue with blood - hyperemia. The accumulation of blood in the lumens of the bronchial network is also determined.

Important! Only timely diagnosis and treatment will help get rid of the bruise without consequences.

Urgent Care

The damage manifests itself much later after the moment of receipt, so it is not possible to provide assistance immediately. The basics of first aid for bruises, however, are not very different from the procedure for any other injury. Therefore, if a bruise accompanies a fracture or crack, then the first aid provided will be comprehensive.

How competently first aid is performed is a guarantee of the victim’s further recovery. To the main actions to provide urgent assistance The following points include:

  • Cold compress.

An effective method to reduce and relieve swelling, as well as local anesthesia. In addition, cold constricts blood vessels and prevents hemorrhages.

Cold is a kind of panacea for bruises and traumatic injuries. Dry ice used in hospitals may not always be on hand, or just ice that can be stored in the refrigerator. Therefore you can use plastic bottle With cold water. If there is no alternative, you can use frozen semi-finished products - cutlets or dumplings.

You can apply the compress for no longer than 15 minutes, after which you need to take a break for 20 minutes and apply ice again. The procedure should be repeated the first day after the injury.

Important! The cold object must be placed in soft tissue to avoid complications in the form of frostbite.

  • Immobilization.

Despite the fact that the chest is damaged, the victim must take a position of complete rest. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the absence of even the slightest movements. This is dangerous because if a bruise accompanies a displaced fracture, bone fragments can dig into and cut into internal organs.

  • Medicines.

It is strictly forbidden to give any painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use can seriously complicate subsequent treatment of a bruise, as well as making an erroneous diagnosis.

If the victim exhibits acute symptom- cough with blood, then he should be hospitalized immediately. The hospital will provide him with timely and correct treatment.

Sputum with blood may be evidence internal bleeding, which can only be stopped with the help of surgical intervention.

It is very important not to touch the damaged area, reducing contact with clothing. There is no need to heat or rub the injured area, this will increase swelling and spur inflammation in the tissues.

Therapeutic therapy for lung contusion

Treatment depends entirely on the severity of the injury, as well as what symptoms appear. The main goal of therapy is to prevent pneumonia from developing and stop pulmonary hemorrhage.

Mild bruises practically do not show dangerous symptoms, so all therapy is aimed at relieving pain. It is necessary to maintain complete rest and use painkillers. The pain usually goes away after a week or a little more, depending on the body's recovery ability. However, even with minor injury There may be consequences such as difficulty breathing, as well as expiratory shortness of breath.

Severe degree, characterizing severe bruise, comes down to anti-inflammatory drug therapy. In order to prevent concomitant pneumonia, antibiotics are prescribed intramuscularly.

Important! Pneumonia as a result of a bruise often leads to death, that is, the death of a person.

Since breathing is also very difficult due to sputum in the lungs, sanitation bronchoscopy is used - suction of sputum and blood from the bronchi.

As a rehabilitation recovery period Physiotherapy is prescribed, aimed at relieving inflammation and resolving hematomas. In addition, you should be aware that extensive hematomas formed by blood clots in soft tissues can develop into a pathology that causes tissue necrosis.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period it is prescribed physiotherapy. The set of classes mainly consists of breathing training by performing various exercises. However breathing exercises can be performed only after complete recovery of the lungs. It is recommended to additionally take long walks on foot. Coniferous air has a good effect on the restoration of the respiratory system.

Complications after injury

Like any other pathology, bruise has a number of various complications. One of the most dangerous is post-traumatic pneumonia. Pneumonia develops rapidly, often leading to death. However, cases fatal outcome They happen quite rarely, since timely treatment is provided.

If you move carelessly immediately after an injury, especially if the bruise is accompanied by a displaced fracture, the damaged lung is punctured by fragments of rib bones. Internal bleeding develops.

In most cases, with proper care, the damage goes away within two weeks. The prognosis for treatment of such injuries is only favorable. The most important thing is to seek help in time.