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What are the effects of low testosterone in men? What does testosterone affect in men and women?

Testosterone provides a huge impact for the life of the strong half of humanity.

The amount of this androgen in the blood intensively affects man's health, appearance and even character. Therefore, it is important to know whether there is enough of it in the body, and how, if necessary, to increase or decrease the levels.

Later in the article we will look in more detail next questions: what happens if testosterone levels are low? What if it’s overpriced? How to measure level male hormone? What does this androgen do? How to increase testosterone levels?

Effect of testosterone

Testosterone affects both the physiological side of a man and the mental side. The low timbre of the voice, rich hair on the body and face, the shape of the head, broad shoulders - all these peculiar features of the strong half of humanity are formed by testosterone. Also, high testosterone levels directly affect sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

Men are more likely to have such character traits as courage, fighting spirit, confidence and determination. Of course, we can say that culture and upbringing cultivate these traits, but this statement is controversial. The fact is that culture cultivates and maintains character, but testosterone itself generates the mentioned traits. Therefore, we can safely assume that men with high level testosterone levels are more successful in achieving certain heights in business, politics, sports and in other areas where competitiveness and competition are important.

On the other hand, when a man suffers from a lack of this hormone, he becomes depressed, lacking initiative and depression. And this will certainly affect both his career and the quality of his personal life.

The male hormone is important. Its blood level certainly needs to be monitored.

How to measure male hormone levels?

The amount of testosterone in the blood can be easily measured using special tests. If a man feels depressed sexual desire, depression, etc. troubles, then he should seriously think about turning to a specialist.

How to increase testosterone levels?

Let's start with the fact that the level of the male hormone itself changes over time. After the age of 20, testosterone levels in men begin to decline. But tangible problems begin to appear on average after 40-45 years. In this regard, in some European countries, regular testosterone injections are considered normal practice for men over 40 years of age.

The level of male hormone varies even throughout the day. In the morning at 4 o'clock it is highest, but by 5 o'clock in the evening its level decreases.


As we mentioned above, the level of male hormone can be increased by using medical supplies. But this is only recommended in extreme cases, since an overdose of this androgen is just as harmful as its deficiency. Sometimes athletes allow themselves to take doses of the male hormone in order to quickly build muscle mass and develop an athletic figure, but many of them experience serious problems with health after 40 years: infertility, impotence, heart disease, etc.

Of course, there are alternatives to medications - these are the right way human life, which includes improving the quality of the diet, as well as some physical activity.

A few words about diet

Important role Vitamins A, B, and E play a role in the production of testosterone. Vitamin C prevents the conversion of the male hormone into the female hormone (estrogen). You can help yourself with a course of vitamins, but it is best to eat as many fruits, vegetables and nuts as possible.

Zinc, like vitamin C, prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Moreover, it helps the female hormone turn into a male one. A lot of zinc is found in seafood, eggs, dairy products, seeds and nuts.

Physical exercise

Moderate, regular strength exercise helps increase testosterone levels. During physical activity You should use heavy weights first, so that you do approximately 4 sets of 5 reps. It must be remembered that vigorous physical activity for more than 50 minutes leads to an increase in cortisol and a decrease in testosterone.

Physical activity for men is also important because it helps reduce fat. After all, the more fat in the body, the more often the male hormone turns into a female one. But you don’t need to torture yourself with exhausting diets, as the body will think that you are starving and will lower your already low testosterone levels. The above-mentioned strength exercises and also running in the morning will be quite enough.


The male hormone is produced at night, so it is important to have sound and long sleep (7-8 hours). In the morning, men often feel increased sexual desire. This is because testosterone levels after sleep are 30% higher than the daily value. Loss of morning erection indicates a decrease in hormones.

Good mood and calmness

Inner peace And good mood - best prevention stress. And stress, in turn, is directly related to the production of cortisol. We already know the consequences of this.

What not to do

Alcohol is very disruptive endocrine system humans, and also contributes to the destruction of zinc. Both the first and the other - only additional problems, which do not contribute in any way to the production of male hormones. The same applies to cigarettes.

Beer deserves special attention. A popular “male” brand today directly contributes to the transformation of men into women. The fact is that when hops are boiled, the substance tarragon is released from it. It is almost identical to the female hormone estrogen. Accordingly, regular consumption of beer contributes to a shift in hormonal balance.

There is no need to overheat the testicles. Their temperature should always be lower than average temperature bodies. Therefore, it is better to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, tight-fitting underwear and jeans, no need to put a laptop on your knees, etc. If the robot requires you to sit at the computer for a long time (programmer, accountant, banker, etc.), then try to stand and walk as much as possible : give up your seat on public transport more often, take the stairs instead of the elevator, take a walk and move more during breaks between work.

Konstantin Mokanov

The male sex hormone is called testosterone. He is responsible for sex life, the growth of a specific muscle group and the ability to reproduce. The hormone influences a person’s character, sexual orientation and psychological picture, namely the occurrence of certain psycho-emotional reactions. Testosterone is known to speed up metabolism.

Increased and decreased levels of male sex hormone are not considered normal. If there is too much testosterone, then a person experiences outbursts of unmotivated aggression and a dulled sense of self-preservation. The reduced level is characterized by the formation of a psychotype characteristic of women.

Scientists involved in sports medicine research are developing methods to increase testosterone levels. Their efforts are aimed at finding products that can increase male sex hormones. This is very important, because such food will help increase the endurance of athletes.

What affects testosterone production?

Testosterone production is negatively affected by alcohol consumption. A minimal amount of alcohol can increase hormone levels, but if you abuse such drinks, the body activates the production of female sex hormones. Moreover, regular alcohol consumption negatively affects the functioning of nervous system. Strong black tea, coffee and energy drinks also cause its depletion, so it is better to avoid them.

Insufficient testosterone production can be caused by smoking and excess weight. It is known that if a person weighs 30% more than normal, the synthesis of the sex hormone is inhibited and the man begins to resemble a woman in appearance. Overeating can negatively affect male sexuality. A decrease in testosterone often occurs due to a decrease in cholesterol levels. This process occurs due to too frequent training and following a strict diet. Experts note that prolonged sexual abstinence can lead to a decrease in the level of sex hormones.

How to normalize testosterone production in men?

Full production of male sex hormone occurs through strength exercises. Proper exercise also helps increase testosterone temperature regime. It is recommended to avoid tight underwear and tight, uncomfortable trousers, which can cause the male genitals to overheat. For supporting desired temperature you should douse yourself cold water and prefer cool showers to hot baths.

Eating foods that contain zinc and selenium leads to an increase in testosterone levels. This bran bread, seaweed, lean fish, various seafood, brown or brown rice, leafy vegetables. It is also necessary to add meat and herbs to the diet, namely celery, dill and parsnips. You need to regularly consume foods rich in vitamins B6 and B12. It's about about cereals and nuts that contain a lot of protein and useful substances. Vitamin C also helps increase testosterone levels. The diet should include natural antioxidants. For this purpose, it is recommended to drink at least one cup of green tea daily.

To maintain normal testosterone levels, you should avoid foods that stimulate production. female hormones. So, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of legumes, vegetable oil, sugar and salt, fatty foods, and beer.

Of course, you can increase testosterone with hormonal drugs. However, they have one serious by-effect: The natural production of sex hormones slows down significantly.

Testosterone is one of the key male sex hormones, although it is also present in small quantities in female body. This hormone in men is synthesized by the testes and adrenal cortex. Low testosterone in men, like high testosterone, indicates a hormonal imbalance, which is important to identify and eliminate its cause in time. influences not only the sexual sphere of a person’s life, but also normal functioning generally.

Testosterone is one of the key male sex hormones, although it is also present in small quantities in the female body

High and low testosterone in men: symptoms, causes and effects on health

Testosterone influences the formation of sperm, regulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics and promotes normal operation skeletal muscles. The amount of this sex hormone in the blood increases as a man gets older. In children, this indicator is insignificant; it increases maximum in adolescence and middle age, and after 50 years it decreases again. The average norms for hormone levels in the blood are shown in the table.

Symptoms of Imbalance

If the hormone level is different from physiological norm, a man develops certain symptoms that are difficult to ignore. The hormone is responsible for the work reproductive sphere, affects the oiliness of the skin and the condition of the hair, a person’s mood.

Testosterone comes in three forms in the body:

  • free;
  • associated with sex hormone binding globulin;
  • connected to albumin.

The free form and those associated with albumin exhibit biological activity, while the globulin-associated variety is considered inactive and its level depends on fluctuations in the content of the protein fraction. Therefore, often instead general level hormone, the doctor prescribes an analysis for the free fraction of the hormone. This analysis is more informative and its result does not depend on the concentration of globulin (which can be increased or decreased due to concomitant diseases).

Symptoms of deficiency

Signs reduced level of this hormone in men:

  • decreased libido, potency;
  • weakness of muscle tissue;
  • penchant for speed dial excess body weight (increase in body fat);
  • lethargy and increased fatigue;
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • sleep problems;
  • weak expression of secondary sexual characteristics (insufficient hair growth on the face and body, formation of a female-type figure, in adolescents - absence of signs of puberty characteristic of men).

Testosterone gives a man specific characteristics that distinguish the stronger sex from the weaker.

Testosterone gives a man specific characteristics that distinguish the stronger sex from the weaker. If the patient for a long time ignores the symptoms and lets the pathology take its course, his mammary glands and female-type obesity develops. With a lack of this hormone, not only the body suffers, but also the psyche. Due to prolonged low levels of this substance in the body, depression develops. However, an excess of the hormone also does not bode well - ideally this substance should be enough to maintain important functions body.

Symptoms of excess testosterone

An excess of this hormone in male body manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • intensive growth muscle mass which ultimately leads to excess weight gain;
  • rapid pulse and pain in the heart area;
  • increased hair growth on the body, but problems with hair on the scalp;
  • insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • high blood pressure;
  • emotional instability (irritability, aggressiveness, which is replaced by indifference and depression).

If this sex hormone is elevated for a long period of time, it leads to diseases of cardio-vascular system and work disturbances reproductive organs

If this sex hormone is elevated for a long period of time, this leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs. Sperm lose the ability to fertilize an egg, making conception impossible. The prostate increases in size, an adenoma develops and the risk of cancer increases. The skin becomes too oily and acne appears on it.

At timely diagnosis hormonal imbalance can be treated with diet and a certain lifestyle, while serious disorders can be corrected with medications.

Causes of high and low testosterone

Low level This compound in the blood causes the following reasons:

  • dysfunction of the testicles (due to congenital pathology or previous inflammatory and infectious diseases);
  • pituitary tumor;
  • genetic diseases;
  • taking medications that block the production of androgens;
  • stress;
  • mental disorders;
  • radiation exposure;
  • alcohol, smoking and drugs.

An excess of this substance is provoked by the following factors:

  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • abnormalities in the development of the genitals;
  • tumors of the testicles and adrenal glands, causing increased secretion;
  • early sexual development.
  • Effect on conception

    Testosterone in men is lower than normal and negatively affects the process of conceiving an unborn child. If the level of this substance is greatly reduced, experts recommend taking its synthetic analogues. It is important to choose the right dosage so that the use of medications does not affect the quality of sperm, and the man retains the ability to fertilize. If the level of testosterone in the blood is higher than normal, the brain stops sending a signal to the gonads to produce sperm, which makes conception difficult.

    Testosterone in men is lower than normal and negatively affects the process of conceiving an unborn child.

    Due to the fact that the body works almost to the limit of its capabilities, sperm are initially produced in huge quantities, and then this function sharply decreases. Sperm loses its properties and without treatment the patient faces infertility. Therefore, timely detection and correction of testosterone levels in men is the key to preserving the ability to conceive a child and the chance to live a normal, fulfilling life.

    It ensures a full sexual life and the ability to reproduce, stimulates the growth of specific “male” muscles. It affects character and sexual orientation, promotes faster metabolism and affects men, causing him certain type psycho-emotional reactions characteristic of this sex.

    High and low are not normal. In the first case, a man may experience unmotivated aggression, a dulling of the sense of self-preservation, and in the second he develops a female psychotype.

    In sports medicine, methods are constantly being researched to increase testosterone levels, since most athletes owe their strong muscles and endurance specifically for him. In particular, research is constantly being conducted on which foods increase testosterone.

    What interferes with testosterone production?

    The number one enemy of normal testosterone production in the body is alcohol.

    A small dose of alcohol can even slightly increase testosterone levels, but its excess, just like regular drinking, on the contrary, increases the production of female hormones. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption poses a risk of carcinogens that affect our nervous system. You should also avoid any stimulants like coffee, strong tea and energy drinks - this causes exhaustion of the nervous system.

    Another dangerous obstacle is smoking, as well as excess weight - when weight exceeds the norm by more than 30%, testosterone synthesis slows down significantly and a man becomes like a woman. Therefore, overeating can negatively affect the entire male apparatus. It is also worth noting that often a decrease in testosterone occurs due to a decrease in its carrier - cholesterol. This most often occurs as a result of strict diets or excessive training in the gym. Sexual abstinence also negatively affects testosterone levels.

    What increases testosterone?

    Firstly, strength exercises with dumbbells contribute to the full production of testosterone. Testosterone levels can also be affected by temperature. So, you should avoid overheating the male reproductive organs - do not wear tight underwear or tight, uncomfortable and too warm trousers. Regular cool showers and dousing with cold water help a lot.

    Increased testosterone levels can also be influenced by certain foods that you regularly need to include in your diet. First of all, these are foods containing zinc and selenium - wholemeal bread, seafood and fish, honey, seaweed, green leafy vegetables, fresh herbs (especially celery, parsnips, horseradish, dill, ginseng). Meat must be included in the daily diet. Consume more products, containing vitamins B6 and B12 - these are different cereals and nuts, for example, Brazilian nuts - the purest source of many useful substances and protein. An increase in testosterone levels is also observed with regular use vitamin C. You should also constantly consume foods that are natural antioxidants - for example, green tea.

    Another important point- Avoid foods that stimulate the production of female sex hormones. These are beer, soy products, legume products, fatty foods, salt and sugar, vegetable oil(except olive).

    When especially severe cases An increase in testosterone levels occurs due to the introduction of hormonal drugs into the body, but they often have Negative consequences- suppression of the body's own production of testosterone.

    Testosterone is the main male sex hormone produced by the testes. In a woman’s body, testosterone is also present and produced by the ovaries, but in much smaller quantities, and is not responsible for such a wide range of functions as in men. Low testosterone levels affect all vital systems of the male sex. What is the purpose of testosterone? What is this hormone responsible for in the male body?

    The influence of testosterone levels on the male body

    1. First of all, this hormone affects the strength of sexual desire. At a low level, sexual desire noticeably decreases, and with it sexual interest in the female sex also decreases. The orgasm loses its brightness and duration, and sperm become much less active, which reduces the likelihood of fertilization. In some cases this may lead to erectile dysfunction, in other words, to impotence.
    2. Testosterone levels affect lean body mass and metabolic processes. Low testosterone slows down fat burning adipose tissue increases its deposits. But the bone, on the contrary, becomes less strong and more susceptible to damage.
    3. Secondary sexual characteristics become less characteristically expressed - this can be expressed, for example, in a decrease in the volume and density of the testicles or in changes in the voice.
    4. Along with testosterone levels, the tone of the whole body and charge decrease vital energy. In their place appear increased irritability And depressive states. And instead of vigor comes constant fatigue and increased fatigue.
    5. Testosterone levels also determine the speed of cognitive - that is, mental - processes in men. When the hormone levels are low, concentration decreases, memory deteriorates, and it becomes much more difficult to “pull yourself together” and do the necessary things and make decisions.
    6. Testosterone is also decisive in early aging of the male body - it affects the condition of the skin and even life expectancy.

    As we can see, the level of testosterone in the male body is of utmost importance. And many modern men, especially those who care about their health and future, are wondering how to increase testosterone levels? Before moving on to ways to increase the level of this hormone, it is important to first know the reasons why its level in the blood decreases. After all, in order to be healthy, it is important not only to treat the disease in a timely manner, but also to try to prevent it.

    Causes of decreased testosterone levels

    Poor nutrition

    Food should be balanced and environmentally friendly, as well as strictly rationed throughout the day. Snacking and overeating negatively affect testosterone levels.


    IN small doses it slightly increases the level of the hormone - for example, with a couple of sips of wine. However, with alcohol abuse, the hormone loses its ability to be produced. Long binges lead to an almost complete cessation of its production.


    Constant tension in the family or at work, traffic jams, quarrels, showdowns, unpleasant events - all this affects the production of the hormone.

    Taking certain types of medications

    Antiulcer drugs are especially distinguished by this - they have a strong effect on lowering testosterone levels. However, the reception of others medicines in large dosages and long courses can lead to such a side effect.


    Injuries to the genital organs themselves can lead to similar complications.

    Low physical activity

    Inactivity, lack of physical activity, especially in combination with poor nutrition- the worst enemies of men's health.

    Bad habits

    Let us repeat here about the dangers of alcohol and overeating, and also mention smoking and drug addiction.


    As you age, you have to make more and more efforts to increase testosterone levels.


    It happens. It is important to notice the symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

    So, the main reasons have become clear. What to do now if the hormone level has already dropped? How can a man increase his testosterone levels?

    Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels

    Proper nutrition

    The diet of a man striving for health and longevity must include such products as:

    • lean lean meat, especially beef;
    • various fresh vegetables, especially green ones - different types salads and greens
    • bread made from wholemeal flour, and it is better to completely avoid wheat bread;
    • seafood and fish.

    It is necessary to exclude from the diet White bread and baked goods, fast carbohydrates (such as sweets), fatty foods and carbonated drinks.

    Eliminating bad habits

    Let us repeat that alcohol reduces testosterone levels. This especially applies to beer, as it flushes out of a man’s body important elements and promotes the production of female hormones. If, nevertheless, sometimes you really want to drink something, then give preference to more strong drinks, for example, cognac or whiskey, but in small quantities. Nicotine also reduces testosterone levels; quitting cigarettes will improve and general state body.

    Physical activity

    Insufficient physical activity has a bad effect on the body in itself. However, it often also entails problems such as obesity, excess weight, blood pressure disorders, decreased muscle mass, and so on. Therefore, to maintain a man's health, it is very important to be physically active. It’s even better to attend special training sessions, and also just Gym where you can perform physical exercise with load.

    Normalized sleep

    Try to follow generally accepted biorhythms - sleep at night, stay awake during the day. Healthy sleep important at any age. It is facilitated by darkness, silence and the absence of stress during the past day. This implies the following no less important advice- avoid stress. Try to think more often about the good and do not get involved in conflicts.

    Sexual activity

    One of the most important rules. Irregular sex, lack of time for intimate life and even the absence of banal flirting have a clear negative effect on testosterone production.

    Remember healthy image life - best secret male power.