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The throat hurts very much, it hurts to swallow and talk: proper treatment. Common Treatments for Sore Throat

Each of us faces such a nuisance as a sore throat from time to time. This symptom usually develops as the very first manifestation of a cold or viral infection. It can be caused by a sore throat or be the result of overstrain of the vocal cords. But regardless of the reasons that provoked painful sensations, this symptom must be dealt with. But what exactly should you do when your throat hurts and it hurts to swallow? How to treat such an unpleasant symptom at home?

What to do if your throat hurts?

If you are faced with a painful sensation in your throat, it is advisable to quickly take measures to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. Try to reduce your speech activity as much as possible - speak less, and if you need to communicate, try to use the timbre of your voice that will strain your speech apparatus minimally. Also change your diet and drinking regime. Avoid consuming foods that can have an aggressive effect on the mucous membranes of the throat. Your diet should consist of a variety of soft foods, and they should not be salty, spicy, hot or cold. It is extremely important to take as much warm liquid as possible - teas, compotes, milk, etc. You should not drink hot drinks, you should also avoid juices and fruit drinks, because they can irritate the mucous membranes and create a favorable environment for the active development of viruses and bacteria.

Treatment at home

There are many simple recipes from improvised means that will help in a short time
time to get rid of unpleasant painful sensations in the throat.

Means for oral administration

Regular warm milk with honey is an excellent drink for this symptom. You can also add a little to it butter. You can also boil a couple of dried figs in one glass of milk. After the drink has cooled slightly, drink it in small sips.

To activate the immune system and eliminate a sore throat, you can prepare an excellent honey-lemon composition. Squeeze the juice from three medium-sized lemons and combine it with one glass of quality honey. Take this mixture one teaspoon at an interval of ten minutes. Dissolve the mixture in your mouth rather than swallow it immediately - this way it will have the desired therapeutic effect on inflamed mucous membranes.

Tea made from linden color. To prepare it, you need to combine a tablespoon of plant material with one glass of boiling water. Wrap this composition and leave it for half an hour. Strain the resulting drink, cool it slightly and combine with some honey. Take this medicine fifty milliliters up to five times a day.

A tablespoon of quality apple cider vinegar dissolve in a glass warm water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the solution and stir again until dissolved. Drink in small sips. Repeat this technique three to four times a day. You can also use this composition for rinsing.


It is believed that systematic gargling of a sore throat helps eliminate aggressive particles from inflamed mucous membranes, speed up the healing process, relieve pain and activate regenerative processes. One of the most effective rinses It is considered to be a composition prepared from one glass of warm water, a teaspoon of salt and three to four drops of iodine. This product should be used warm as often as possible, literally every half hour.

You can also use a variety of herbs for rinsing, including sage and mint, chamomile flowers and calendula. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew a teaspoon of plant material with a glass of boiling water. After a few hours of infusion, the product can be filtered and used for rinsing. You can also combine all the listed herbs in equal quantities and prepare them in exactly the same way.

An excellent tool Kalanchoe juice is considered to be used to treat a sore throat. It should be diluted with water by half and used for rinsing throughout the day.

Other means

As soon as you feel an unpleasant painful sensation in your throat, take a small piece natural propolis and place it behind your cheek. This composition can be left in the mouth all night, and by the morning the discomfort should pass.

Also you can connect pharmacy tincture propolis with glycerin, maintaining an equal ratio. In the resulting composition, you need to moisten the ear stick and lubricate the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx with it.

You can use regular 3% hydrogen peroxide in the same way.

Boil three medium potatoes in their skins. Afterwards, crush them without peeling until pureed and combine with a tablespoon of soda. Wrap the resulting mixture in gauze and place it on your throat. With such a compress you need to lie in bed for a quarter of an hour to half an hour. Next, you need to remove the compress and try to sleep yourself. If you have the opportunity, do several of these procedures a day, and the next day you will wake up healthy.

At home, you can quickly cope with painful sensations in the throat. In this case, treatment can be carried out using inexpensive inexpensive means.

Discomfort and pain in the throat, painful swallowing can be caused by various inflammatory processes in the tissues oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and tonsils. Often, swelling, soreness and pain are the first signs of respiratory diseases.

Pain causes severe discomfort, interferes with eating and talking, and is often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. According to the nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms it is possible to determine which disease caused the pain. Let's try to figure out why a sore throat occurs. Let's find out what to do if your throat hurts and it hurts to swallow. Let's find out how to reduce discomfort and recover quickly.


A sore throat when swallowing may be due to normal hypothermia. Inflammation develops after drinking cold drinks, ice cream, or against the background general hypothermia body.

Also, a sore throat when swallowing occurs in the following cases:

  • respiratory infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • allergic reaction (to food, pet hair and bird fluff, pollen during flowering, low temperatures etc.);
  • organ diseases gastrointestinal tract(when casting occurs gastric juice into the esophagus);
  • unfavorable external influences (long stay in a room with dry or dusty air, active or passive smoking, consumption of food that is too hot or spicy, irritating the mucous membrane of the throat, alcohol);
  • injury to the mucous membrane by a foreign body;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the area of ​​the oral cavity and pharynx (pain and a sensation of a lump in the throat that interferes with swallowing, hoarseness appears);
  • some dental diseases(gum disease and abscess in the tooth area can lead to the spread of infection to the entire oral cavity and pharynx, resulting in pain).

Feeling of a lump that makes it difficult to swallow, sore throat, hoarseness and painful cough may be a sign of early stage cancer of the mouth or larynx. If these symptoms are accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss, hearing loss and do not go away for a long time, you must undergo a medical examination.

Along with other symptoms, a sore throat can appear with some sexually transmitted diseases

Sore throat as a symptom of disease

The most common cause of sore throat when swallowing is activity pathogens– viruses and bacteria that cause various diseases of the pharynx, larynx, and tonsils.


Sore throat (otherwise tonsillitis) is an acute inflammatory process in the tonsils. At the beginning of the disease, a tickling and burning sensation is felt; some patients, due to the dryness of the mucous membrane, feel as if something is clicking in the throat when swallowing. The disease develops rapidly, and other symptoms appear: sore throat, painful swallowing, inflamed cervical lymph nodes, fever.

The tonsils swell, and a white or yellowish coating appears on their surface; purulent plugs. The throat hurts terribly, which makes it impossible to eat normally.

At chronic tonsillitis the symptoms are not so severe, but with exacerbation inflammatory process the condition worsens, symptoms characteristic of acute tonsillitis arise.

Peritonsillar abscess

It often becomes a complication of tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis. The disease develops very quickly. In this case, inflammation spreads from the tonsils to the surrounding tissue, where an abscess is formed as a result. With an abscess, the throat hurts severely, headaches appear, the temperature rises sharply, and the general health. When you swallow, the pain intensifies.

With a peritonsillar abscess, the inflammation is often unilateral (the abscess forms on the left or right), and the patient experiences slight relief by tilting his head to the affected side.

A characteristic sign of a paratonsillar abscess is a sharp increase in pain when opening the mouth, resulting from contraction of the masticatory muscles.


At acute pharyngitis– inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx ─ there is discomfort and moderate pain when swallowing, hoarseness and dry cough. The temperature may rise and the cervical lymph nodes may become enlarged.

Most often, the cause of acute inflammation is an infection (viral, less often bacterial). Chronic pharyngitis doesn't always have infectious nature– often inflammation is caused by prolonged exposure to mechanical or chemical irritants on the mucous membrane.


Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which is accompanied by hoarseness, a “barking” dry cough, and mild sore throat. In some cases, laryngitis can provoke a spasm that occurs with a sharp and unexpected contraction of the muscles of the larynx. Almost always, a spasm occurs unexpectedly and is accompanied by cold sweat, severe tension in the neck muscles, difficulty breathing and pale skin. IN severe cases the patient may temporarily lose consciousness.

To relieve an attack of spasm, the patient needs to be provided with complete rest and allowed to smell ammonia, after which the patient should drink a glass of water.

Spasm can be provoked not only by laryngitis, but also by sore throat, pharyngitis, lubrication of the mucous membrane with certain medications, the presence of a tumor, severe stress, inhalation of air with a high concentration of irritating substances (dust, harmful gases)

Respiratory infections

With acute respiratory viral infections, the throat almost always hurts when swallowing, the feeling of dryness and soreness in the throat is disturbing, a runny nose and watery eyes appear, the temperature may rise, and a cough occurs - first dry, then wet.

Other diseases

  • Infectious mononucleosis. The causative agent of the infection is a type of herpes virus. Main features – strong pain sore throat and fever.
  • Scarlet fever. An infectious disease in which, in addition to a sore throat, there is redness skin and mucous membranes, rash and small ulcers on the skin.
  • Viral pemphigus. In addition to a sore throat, it is characterized by fever and the appearance of blistering rashes on the face and limbs.
  • Candidiasis. Damage to the oral mucosa caused by fungal microorganisms. Causes discomfort and pain, a white coating appears on the mucous membrane.

Drug treatment

There are many drugs for symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing pain and inflammation. But if the throat is inflamed, you can completely get rid of the problem only after identifying and eliminating irritating factors, staging accurate diagnosis and literate complex treatment underlying disease.

Rinse solutions

If your throat hurts and it's hard to swallow, gargles may help. antiseptic solutions. Usually prescribed:

  • Miramistin;
  • products based on hexeditin (, Angilex, Hexicon);
  • herbal antiseptics (Rotokan, Chlorophyllipt);
  • furatsilin solution (ready-made or prepared independently by dissolving 2 powdered tablets in a glass of warm water).

Some drugs have a ready-made concentration, others need to be diluted independently. Therefore, before using this or that product, it is recommended to read the instructions.

Antiseptic rinses are effective for colds, dental problems and sexually transmitted diseases that are accompanied by sore throat

Throat sprays

If your throat is inflamed and hurts, you can use sprays with antiseptic effect:

  • Hexoral and Angilex are products based on hexeditine;
  • Theraflu Lar is a drug containing lidocaine, menthol and peppermint oil;
  • Stopangin is a spray with an antiseptic and anesthetic effect based on hexiditin, levomenthol, essential oils;
  • Inhalipt – herbal preparation based on eucalyptus oil.

The use of sprays is especially important for those who do not have the opportunity to gargle.

Lozenges and lozenges

If your throat is swollen and sore, it is difficult to swallow, tablets and lozenges will have a good therapeutic effect. Typically, such drugs contain a combination of active substances (herbal or synthetic) with antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.


  • Faringosept;
  • Grammidin;
  • Strepsils;
  • Angin Neo;
  • Trachisan;
  • Decathylene;
  • Septolete;
  • Travisil.

Oil compositions for lubricating the throat

If there is a sharp, stabbing pain, a feeling as if there is something stabbing in the throat, lubrication of the mucous membrane has a good effect oil compositions. Such products envelop the inflamed mucous membrane and soften unpleasant sensations (the feeling of a scratched throat goes away), form a protective layer that prevents the tissue from being exposed to additional external irritants.

Process red sore throat Can:

  • Lugol's solution (contains glycerol with iodine);
  • oil solution of Chlorophyllipt ( herbal remedy contains eucalyptus extract);
  • Karotolin ( oil solution based on rose hips).

Chlorophyllipt and Karotolin oil solution are intended for external use only, but many practicing otorhinolaryngologists prescribe drugs for treating tonsils

Preparations for internal use

If your throat hurts due to an infectious disease, then symptomatic therapy is not enough. After determining the type of pathogen, doctors prescribe oral medications. Treatment is carried out accordingly with antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal drugs.

If the disease occurs with fever, headaches, aches in muscles and joints, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which also have an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Folk remedies for sore throat

If there is soreness and discomfort, throat congestion, discomfort when swallowing, pain on the right, left or both sides, and the general health does not deteriorate, the temperature does not rise, then the unpleasant symptoms are most likely not caused by serious illness(sore throat or flu), but a viral infection, that is, a common cold. In this case, you can treat your throat with proven and effective folk remedies.


Rinsing is one of the most safe ways treatment of a sore throat: procedures can be performed on both adults, children, and pregnant women. For rinsing, you can use saline or soda solution, water with the addition of tincture of calendula, eucalyptus, propolis, and other folk remedies.

  1. Saline solution. A teaspoon of salt (sea or table) is diluted in a glass of water. You can add a couple of drops of iodine solution to the solution.
  2. Soda solution. Prepared in the same proportions as saline solution.
  3. With tinctures. Add tincture of eucalyptus (15–20 drops), or propolis (2 teaspoons), or calendula (tablespoon) to a glass of warm water.
  4. With apple cider vinegar. A teaspoon is diluted in a glass of warm boiled water.
  5. With lemon juice. Add 50 ml of lemon juice to 75 ml of water.
  6. Beetroot juice. A glass of juice is acidified with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and used as directed.

Rinsing is carried out every 2-3 hours, and after the procedure you should not drink or eat food for at least half an hour.

The rinse solution should not be hot: it can burn the mucous membrane, thereby aggravating the inflammatory processes

Lubricating the throat

When the throat is swollen, inflamed and very painful, treating the mucous membranes will help:

  • sea ​​buckthorn and peach oil;
  • a mixture of glycerin and propolis tincture (proportion 2:1);
  • juice from aloe leaves.

Drink plenty of fluids

If your throat is swollen and sore, a mandatory step in treatment is drinking plenty of warm fluids. Useful:

  • Tea with lemon;
  • herbal teas (with mint, currant and raspberry leaves) and infusions (chamomile, sage, coltsfoot);
  • milk;
  • fruit drinks.

You can add honey to any drinks for a sore throat, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Features of child treatment

Not all medications can be used to treat a child’s sore throat. Some products are completely contraindicated for children, others have age restrictions.

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for young children are available in the form of suppositories and syrups; older children may be prescribed tablets in pediatric dosages.
  • Antibiotics (groups of penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins) for bacterial infections are recommended mainly in the form of suspensions.
  • Among the sprays prescribed are Orasept (from 2 years), Angilex (from 2.5 years), Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Hexoral (from three years of age).
  • If your throat really hurts, you can give your baby lollipops and lozenges: Lisobakt (children over 3 years old), Septolete (from the age of four), Strepsils (after 5 years).
  • Treatment with Lugol's solution (lubrication of the mucous membrane) in children under 5 years of age should be carried out with extreme caution, since the drug often causes allergic reactions and a gag reflex.

If a sore throat is caused by sore throat in a baby under one year old, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

Sore throat is an unpleasant symptom that accompanies many organ diseases. respiratory system. There are many pharmacological and folk remedies that help get rid of painful sensations. But in addition to symptomatic treatment, it is necessary to influence the cause of inflammation. Treatment of the underlying disease can begin only after examination by a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to find out exactly why your throat hurts and prescribe appropriate, competent treatment.

The feeling of a very sore throat even when inhaling air is familiar to every person. Most often, a sore throat occurs with a cold, but discomfort can also be caused by other reasons. If the pain is not accompanied by a significant increase in temperature and deterioration of the patient's condition, treatment can be carried out at home. But if the temperature has risen to a critical level, and the painful sensations cannot be eliminated on your own, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Main causes of severe pain

There are many causes of a sore throat, but a condition where there is just hellish pain can occur for just a few reasons. These include:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Sore throat (tonsillitis).
  • Tumor processes.
  • Diphtheria.
  • ARVI.
  • Aphthous stomatitis.


This disease is divided into hypertrophic, occupational, diphtheria, hemorrhagic, syphilitic, tuberculosis, catarrhal laryngitis. All forms of the disease are accompanied by hoarseness, soreness, and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and ligaments.

Laryngitis develops as a result of infection of the larynx, hypothermia, and prolonged strain on the vocal cords.

Some forms of laryngitis cause severe pain. For example, with hemorrhagic laryngitis, significant damage occurs blood vessels and hemorrhage in the mucous membrane of the larynx. With syphilitic laryngitis, ulcers form on the mucous membranes of the larynx, and the tuberculous process in the throat provokes the destruction of the epiglottis and laryngeal cartilage. With smoker's laryngitis, hypertrophic changes in the throat mucosa develop. All these factors cause sharp painful sensations.

Acute pharyngitis

In most cases, pharyngitis develops due to viral infection mucous membrane of the pharynx. Symptoms of the disease are fever, sore and sore throat, and dry cough. Often with pharyngitis, the patient develops a runny nose. The posterior wall of the pharynx, arches and tonsils have a hyperemic surface, and are sometimes covered with a vesicular rash.


The cause of sore throat is pathogenic microorganisms. The disease is accompanied acute inflammation tonsils, which leads to severe sore throat. The patient also has inflammation cervical lymph nodes, the temperature rises.

One of the complications of tonsillitis can be a paratonsillar abscess, which is characterized by purulent lesions of the pharynx and in most cases develops against the background of tonsillitis.


As a rule, on early stages development tumor process the person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms. Over time, hoarseness of the voice appears, it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow food, and severe pain occurs.


Diphtheria is a disease caused by an acute bacterial infection that affects the mucous membranes of the pharynx and throat. This disease leads to the development severe complications Therefore, its timely detection and treatment is very important.

In addition to severe pain and sore throat, diphtheria is accompanied by headaches, drowsiness, cough, inflammation and redness of the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx, hoarseness, and fever.

Aphthous stomatitis

The disease affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, causing a violation of the integrity of their surface and the formation of aphthae (erosions). If such erosions appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx, the patient will experience severe pain and burning in the throat.


ARVI leads to the development various diseases upper respiratory tract, which often manifests itself as severe sore throat. Especially intense pain observed with influenza, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough.

In addition to the listed diseases, sore throat can occur when the laryngeal mucosa is damaged. foreign object(For example, fish bone) or any chemical. Allergies can cause discomfort. A sore throat may also bother you after vasotomy surgery.


To establish the exact cause of the pain, you need to contact an ENT doctor who, after examining the patient and familiarizing himself with his complaints, will prescribe the following types of examination:

  • Blood analysis.
  • Swabs from the throat and nose.
  • Hardware research methods - ultrasound or CT scan of the neck, radiography.

When self-treatment is not acceptable

Most colds can be successfully treated at home. However, there are diseases that require complex therapy with the use of antibiotics and other medications. Wrong and Not timely treatment some diseases can lead to the development serious complications. It is especially important to apply for medical care if diphtheria is suspected, aphthous stomatitis, development of tumor and tuberculosis processes in the larynx.

Treatment for sore throat

At acute laryngitis, pharyngitis, ARVI, tonsillitis, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx.

If the throat hurts terribly, the doctor will prescribe a pain reliever to the patient. Most of these drugs contain menthol, flurbiprofen, lidocaine or tetracaine.

Preparations in the form of sprays, as well as products containing menthol, should not be used to treat children under 3 years of age, as they can lead to the development of laryngospasm.

Effective rinsing

The simplest, and at the same time effective method treatment - weak gargling saline solution, decoctions of sage, chamomile and calendula, or special drugs which are sold in pharmacies. At severe inflammation and severe pain, you should not use solutions that irritate the already damaged mucous membranes of the throat. Thus, it is not recommended to use strong saline solutions, iodine, or concentrated lemon juice.

During rinsing, pathogenic microorganisms are washed away from the mucous membranes of the larynx and tonsils, and medicinal effect solutions help relieve inflammation. Many doctors recommend gargling before each use of medications in the form of tablets or sprays. This will clear the throat not only of germs, but also of accumulated mucus, which will significantly increase the therapeutic effect of the medications used.

To quickly remove pain and relieve inflammation, you need to gargle at least 7-8 times a day.


For sore throats, lozenges provide a good therapeutic effect. There are many such drugs sold in pharmacies, but each of them is intended to treat a specific disease.

Before using any medicine, you should consult your doctor.

After determining the cause of the pain, the doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:

  • Grammidin - tablets help eliminate discomfort due to antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The product can be used to treat children over 6 years of age.
  • Strepsils - effective tablets with an antiseptic and analgesic effect, they help quickly relieve pain and eliminate cold symptoms. Strepsils is indicated for the treatment of patients over 12 years of age.
  • Lizobact - lozenges contain natural component lysozyme This substance has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Lysobakt helps to enhance the effect of antibiotics and improve local immunity. Assign this remedy patients over 3 years of age.
  • Faringosept - has an analgesic and bacteriostatic effect. Faringosept is one of the most common and effective drugs for the treatment of throat diseases. It can be used from 6 years of age.

Herbal infusions

Apply herbal infusions Can be done both externally and internally. In the latter case, infusions are used for gargling.

The advantage of herbal medicines is their safety and minimal quantity. side effects. However, it must be remembered that some medicinal plants may have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

Medicinal plants that will help get rid of a sore throat include:

  • Willow bark.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Calendula.
  • Sage.
  • Chamomile.
  • Oak bark.
  • Plantain.
  • A series.
  • Pine needles and buds.

The listed medicinal plants can be collected independently or purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare infusions from herbs purchased at a pharmacy, follow the instructions found on outside packaging.

Aerosols and throat sprays

Sprays and aerosols are intended for atomization medicine directly to the affected areas back wall throat and tonsils. Such dosage forms They are easy to use, especially when it comes to treating children. Sprays may contain antiseptic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory components.

Most effective medications, which are available in the form of aerosols and sprays, are:

  • Hexoral - developed on the basis of hecatidine. This substance has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effect. The product has an enveloping effect and is safe when treating children.
  • Ingalipt - contains streptocide. Effectively eliminates pain from laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.
  • Iodinol - a drug based on iodine has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Effectively eliminates painful sensations in the throat. This drug should not be used during pregnancy and pregnancy, as well as for people suffering from thyroid dysfunction.
  • Cameton - contains chlorobutanol, eucalyptus oil, levomenthol and camphor. The drug is effective in the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Has an anesthetic and refreshing effect.

Tea rinse

Black tea contains tannin, a substance that helps relieve a sore throat. Therefore, the drink that everyone is familiar with can be used to treat a throat. Can also be used for rinsing green tea- it has a slight anti-inflammatory and calming effect. To enhance the effect, add a pinch of salt to green tea.

also in medicinal purposes You can prepare teas from twigs of raspberries, currants, elderberries, linden blossoms, and chamomile. For increase therapeutic effect It is recommended to add honey, cardamom, ginger or a small amount of lemon juice to tea.

Inhalations for severe sore throat

Very severe sore throat can be successfully treated with inhalations with the addition of essential oils of menthol, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, juniper, fir, anise or rosehip. To prepare the solution, add 10-15 drops of any of the listed oils to 100 ml of warm water.

If painful sensations in the throat are accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, inhalation should not be used.

The inhalation solution can also be prepared from the following components:

  • A decoction of sage, coltsfoot, thyme, calendula.
  • Baking soda (0.5 teaspoon per glass of water).
  • Sea salt (1 teaspoon per 2 glasses of water).
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Honey (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water).

Inhalations are done using a special device - an inhaler. If it is not available, you can use a small saucepan, into which you need to pour heated to a temperature of 60 degrees medicinal solution. The procedure is carried out under a thick terry towel for 15 minutes.


To increase the body's defenses and speed up the healing process, many doctors recommend the use of immunostimulating drugs. If the sore throat was caused by a cold, the doctor will prescribe an immunostimulating drug that has wide range actions. These drugs include Viferon and Grippferon. They contain Interferon, a protein that reduces the susceptibility of cells to viruses.

Also good effect For throat diseases, the following immunostimulants are effective:

  • Amiksin - tablets with active active substance Tiloron. The drug has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, helps to activate the production of interferons in the body. The drug is prescribed to patients over 7 years of age.
  • Arbidol - available in tablets, active substance is umifenovir. Arbidol is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of colds. It has antiviral and moderate immunomodulatory effects. Prescribed to patients over 3 years of age.
  • Anaferon is a product developed on the basis of interferon. Available in tablet form. The drug helps reduce the concentration of viruses in affected tissues and is effective in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.


Surgery is indicated when tumors of a malignant or benign nature are detected in the larynx. Surgery can also be prescribed for chronic tonsillitis in cases where treatment of the disease does not provide positive results. Besides, surgery carried out subject to availability foreign body in the larynx or pharynx, also with paratonsillar or parapharyngeal abscess.

Surgical treatment is carried out using the following methods:

  • Laser and electronic coagulation.
  • Cryodestruction.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Cutting or excision using special micro-instruments.

If your throat hurts terribly, then this indicates the development of an inflammatory process, the treatment of which must begin as early as possible.

Incorrect or untimely treatment of throat diseases can lead to the development of complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and sinusitis.

IN cold period Many of us are more likely to experience a sore throat. Experts advise first of all to determine the cause of the malaise. Causes of a sore throat may include: bacterial infections, viral infections and irritation. But only a bacterial infection should be treated with antibiotics. Doctor Sergei Agapkin gives advice on what to do in different situations.

Of course, a sore throat rarely requires calling an ambulance, but there are exceptions:

  • Your throat hurts so much that you can't swallow saliva and it comes out of your mouth.
  • The swelling in your throat is so severe that you have difficulty breathing or you hear sounds like squeaking or whistling when you breathe.

A simple trip to the doctor is enough if:

  • sore throat lasts 48 hours without cold or flu symptoms;
  • sore throat accompanied sharp jump temperature;
  • plugs or pus are visible in the back of your throat (it doesn’t matter whether you have your tonsils removed or not);
  • cervical lymph glands enlarged or painful to move the jaw;
  • lymph glands are enlarged not only in the neck, but also in the armpits or groin (this may be mononucleosis);
  • laryngitis or hoarseness for no apparent reason;
  • voice change lasting more than 2 weeks.
  • If possible, control your breathing and breathe through your nose. The air in the nose is warmed and moistened, which protects the throat and vocal cords. The throat can become sore when your nose is blocked and you have to breathe through your mouth. Treat your nose and your throat will miraculously go away on its own.
  • Change after illness toothbrush, as it may remain infected.
  • When your throat hurts, lozenges only make the situation worse: you have to swallow more often.
  • Painkillers medications They relieve, but do not cure!
  • With laryngitis, whispering can be more irritating to the vocal cords than normal speech. Try to talk less to give yourself a break vocal cords, but if you need to say something, say it normally.
  • Do not Cry. If you have to speak in front of an audience, take the microphone and speak in a normal voice so as not to strain your vocal cords.
  • Drink more fluids.
  • Oddly enough, you can eat fruit or butter ice cream and other cold treats. Cold will reduce swelling and inflammation and relieve pain. They also help prevent dehydration.
  • Gargle with warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 220 ml of water). But don't swallow the water - gargle and spit it out.
  • Humidify the air in the room (so that the humidity is at least 60%), especially in winter when the heating is on.
  • Don't smoke and avoid irritants.

Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections are the cause of a sore throat in less than half of the cases. For diagnosis, a swab is taken from the throat and cultured bacterial flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. At its core, a sore throat is the result of an inflammatory process. It can be localized in pharyngeal tonsils- this is tonsillitis or on the mucous membrane of the pharynx - pharyngitis. Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils, the cause of which can be either a bacterial or viral infection) is popularly called “tonsillitis”.


  • sore throat develops quickly;
  • general condition deteriorates greatly;
  • heat.

Other signs: there are few symptoms, the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are often enlarged. Perhaps other family members are also sick.

How to treat a sore throat?:

  • See a doctor and take the antibiotics he prescribed. Moreover, it is necessary to complete the entire course, even if the symptoms go away.
  • Gargle regularly. Scientists have found that it is the fact of mechanical cleaning that is decisive in defeating the infection. Use any gargling solution in a reasonable amount - 100 ml is enough (1 tsp salt per 200 ml water; 1 tsp soda per 200 ml water; 1 tsp chamomile and/or calendula tincture per 100 ml water; pharmaceutical drugs- “Tantum Verde”, “Octenicent”, etc.).
  • Lozenges (Lizobakt, Hexaliz, etc.).
  • Sprays with antiseptic action ("Hexoral", "Tantum Verde", "Ingalipt"). For severe pain, you can use a spray with an anesthetic (for example, Strepsils-plus).
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • At high temperature and sore throat, it is permissible to take over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, etc.).

Viral infections

A sore throat often occurs with an acute respiratory viral infection. For example, when adenovirus infection severe pharyngitis and enlarged cervical lymph nodes. In this case, the pain can be as severe as with bacterial infection. In adults, the throat may hurt with mononucleosis, so much so that it is difficult to swallow. In this case, patients often cannot drink and develop dehydration. However, the intensity of the pain does not mean the need to take antibiotics. If a sore throat is caused by a virus, then the treatment should be antiviral.


  • deterioration general condition;
  • sore throat develops gradually;
  • pain throughout the body and head;
  • fatigue, loss of strength.

Other signs: slight increase temperature (or lack thereof), often runny nose (mucous and copious discharge from the nose), other family members are also sick.

What do we have to do:

  • Contact your doctor and take the antiviral medications prescribed by him.
  • The remaining measures are the same as for bacterial infections.

Irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa

A common cause of sore throat is allergic reaction or impact tobacco smoke, polluted or too dry air.


  • pain and sore throat;
  • the general condition does not change, the temperature does not rise.

Other signs: If you have an allergy, a sore throat is accompanied by itching, watery eyes, sneezing and nasal discharge. Typically, the patient notes that a sore throat was preceded by exposure to an allergen or irritant. Sometimes a dry cough occurs.

What do we have to do:

  • Eliminate irritant or allergen.
  • Rinse with saline spray or gargle with saline solution (1 tsp. sea ​​salt per 220 ml of warm water).
  • Humidify the air in the room (up to 60% humidity).


When you cough, do you bark like a bark dog? When you want to say something, do you just wheeze? This is laryngitis - an inflammation of the larynx that spreads to the vocal cords. The disease can occur due to various reasons. Among these, the most common are viral infections or overexertion, e.g. shout at a sporting event or talking loudly in a noisy place.

Laryngitis is especially dangerous in children. Their larynx is narrow and long. Due to the high reactivity of the respiratory tract, frequent allergic reactions may occur acute attack choking (previously called "croup"). So don't do it self-treatment laryngitis in children, contact your pediatrician immediately!


  • hoarseness of voice;
  • with a viral infection - deterioration of general condition and fatigue;
  • psychological discomfort due to the inability to speak normally.

What do we have to do:

  • Give your vocal cords a rest. Talk only when necessary.
  • Do not smoke or be near smokers.
  • Drink more fluids.
  • Breathe over the steam: bend over the pan with hot water or lock yourself in the bathroom, turn on hot water and sit on a chair, breathing moist hot air. Be careful not to overdo the inhalation temperature. The steam should be warm and moist, but not scalding!
  • Treat a viral infection.

Expert opinion
Two bacterial throat infections can cause severe breathing difficulties.
Epiglottitis- a bacterial infection of the epiglottis (a structure that forms a kind of flap, protecting the airways from food entering when swallowing). If this flap becomes infected and swells, it blocks the airway instead of protecting it.
Abscess the back of the throat or tonsil area can also cause severe swelling, so that the airways will be almost completely blocked. This happens more often in children, but is also observed in adults.
These conditions are a complication of an improperly treated inflammatory process. That is why it is necessary to immediately seek help from doctors and not self-medicate.

Taking the right medicine for a sore throat

Unfortunately, there is no magic cure for a sore throat. If the doctor sprays something strong down your throat local anesthetic, then you will not be able to eat or drink, as you will not feel anything and may choke.

Local anesthetics. Most often, medications for sore throat include:

  • benzocaine,
  • dyclonine,
  • phenol.

These ingredients numb the throat and reduce pain sensitivity. But they do not suppress all sensitivity, so you will feel your throat.

Menthol. Menthol is often included in sore throat lozenges because it cools and softens the throat, relieving pain. But therapeutic effect does not possess.

Antibacterial and antiseptic sprays. Contain components that stop the proliferation of infectious agents and/or damage them. It is important to know that it is better to use single-component products, as an allergic reaction is possible. The use of complex drugs increases the risk of complications.

Lozenges. There are several groups:

  • Containing enzymes that damage bacteria and viruses (Lysobact, Hexalize, etc.) are necessarily included in complex treatment.
  • Containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Strepfen, etc.) - auxiliary drugs with severe sore throat.
  • Containing lysates (“fragments”) of pathogens that most often cause pharyngitis and tonsillitis (“Imudon”). When faced with them, the body activates local immunity. Used for sluggish and chronic forms diseases.
  • Containing various plant components. They improve blood flow and mucus production, thereby slightly alleviating symptoms.

It is also important to remember that when your throat hurts, it becomes difficult to swallow, so dehydration may develop. If you have a fever, your risk of dehydration increases. Take this into account and drink more fluids.

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The only thing that helped my sister was having her tonsils removed. I’m not agitating anyone, I just wanted to point out that sometimes there are no other options, although many people think this operation is too radical, like it’s harmful to the immune system. But it seems to me that when pus constantly accumulates in the throat, it is even more harmful.

Grammidine helps me a lot with a sore throat. It both heals and relieves pain - it’s more convenient for me.

Usually tea with honey and linden helps a lot. favourite drink. Cocoa is also good for the throat. When my voice gets hoarse, I always drink it. (or I buy ready-made yodangin cocoa butter at the pharmacy and drink it with hot milk)

At the sanatorium, I got a draft, it’s funny to say, during physiotherapy, because there was a draft in the office, and I had wet hair after the pool. I rinsed with chamomile as best I could, and the doctor also gave me a tablet of Trachisan. It was a good pain reliever for a red throat, and it became easier on the second day. Then I went home, bought more of these records and completed my treatment.

I recently saw an article about cryo-freezing of tonsils, has anyone tried this? used in the treatment of tonsillitis like

My throat itself is almost like iron, I was born in the north, I’m used to everything, but my husband moved from Krasnodar to Krasnoyarsk and is not used to our climate, and therefore often gets a sore throat, either pharyngitis, or the usual sore throat, and sometimes even a sore throat , so I’ve known for a long time how to deal with all this, for prevention I give him tea with honey and nuts, alcohol cospress on his throat, and for treatment I already have grammidin, which takes away the sore throat in a week and my husband is healthy again, as if he were young)

10/31/2016 12:06:18, Svetlanochka2016

After the exam, my voice sank and my throat was very sore. I bought Grammidin red, took two tablets daily, 4 times. My throat stopped hurting within a few days, and my voice soon returned and I was able to go back to work.

03.10.2016 17:55:44, Jamahah

Pharyngitis is some kind of horror. Do not be ill!
Author, thanks for the article

09.22.2016 13:09:45, NonnaLavrentieva

As a child, I only ate ice cream on the street in the winter and that was all. And now I even eat at home and my throat is starting to feel sore and sore. I might even get sick, since my throat is now the weakest link in my body. So I can’t do without bioparox either. Pharyngitis used to be a constant occurrence for me (as soon as I remember, I shudder). Now such complications no longer occur thanks to this spray. By the way, children can also use it from the age of twelve.

Homeovox for laryngitis good remedy. There you have to dissolve sweet tablets. The drug flows down the throat and reaches the ligaments. A few days - and everything passes. It’s a very unpleasant thing, I just remember I didn’t speak for several days until I started taking these pills. I'm a teacher. So the ligaments are at risk and any cold completely deprives you of your voice, unfortunately. And the home mowing machine is doing a better job so far than anything I know.

Any sore associated with the throat is not good ((And the temperature can be difficult to talk and generally a state of not being able to stand. I try not to procrastinate and as soon as I start to feel a sore throat, I immediately spray Bioparox. Very effective remedy and has been proven for a long time.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to raise the topic of sore throat again. Each of us faces this problem with the onset of cold weather or changing weather conditions. Of course, we don’t want anyone to be sick for a long time, but it’s better in general when illnesses are avoided. As one of my friends jokes, let illnesses be afraid of me, not me of them. But what to do when your throat really hurts? Today in the article, I will answer this question for you.

Most often, the period of colds and infectious diseases falls in spring and autumn. Although a sore throat can also hurt in the summer, despite the fact that it is hot. Well, for example, I ate cold ice cream or drank cold water. Sore throat is accompanied by a sore throat, pain when swallowing, and hoarseness. My advice to you is, at the first sign of a sore throat, immediately start treatment in a timely manner to avoid complications. From my own experience I can say that if you start timely treatment, be it a cold or a sore throat, you will feel better within literally 2-3 days, or even the next day. If he was able to detect the approaching disease in time.

For what reasons can your throat become very sore?

The throat can hurt with a sore throat, and it hurts very much, it’s even difficult to talk. For purulent sore throat. A sore throat may be due to a viral or bacterial infection. If you have an allergy, you may experience a sore throat. Low humidity or dry air in the room can also cause a sore throat. The throat may hurt with laryngitis and pharyngitis. A sore throat can occur when the throat is irritated, for example from cigarette smoke.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for a sore throat; you can learn more about each of the reasons by reading my article “Severe Sore Throat”.

Symptoms of sore throat

Symptoms include runny nose and hoarseness. Fever bodies. There may also be a dry cough, sometimes with a small amount of light-colored sputum. With a bacterial infection, the submandibular lymph nodes may become enlarged.

Usually, when the temperature rises, whether due to a cold or sore throat, I try to bring it down with folk remedies. You can read about what folk remedies help bring down a high temperature in my article “How to bring down a fever with folk remedies.” But if you have a high temperature and all attempts to bring down the temperature have failed, then it is, of course, better to call a doctor or an ambulance. To prevent complications.

If you smoke, then give up cigarettes for a while, as cigarette smoke A sore throat is even more annoying. Drink as much warm liquid as possible. This could be tea, dried fruit soup, or herbal decoctions. Also try to talk less. Ventilate the room, it is recommended to do this every 2-3 hours. Also create additional humidity in the room; if there is no humidifier, then a wet towel on a radiator will do just fine. Try to rest more, gain strength.

If your throat really hurts, gargling will help.

I’ll say right away, I don’t know how it is for anyone, but gargling helps me, especially if you start treatment in a timely manner, then generally the sore throat goes away within 2-3 days.

Rinse with egg white. This rinse was recommended to us last year by a friend of ours; it is indeed very good and effective remedy I recommend him to all my friends. Since we almost always treat the throat this way, without resorting to antibiotics.

Preparing the rinse is very simple. The egg white needs to be separated from the yolk, we don’t need the yolk, and lightly beat the white with a fork. Then I add one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water, mix everything well. I pour the egg white into the glass and mix everything too. I draw your attention to the fact that the water should be warm, but not hot, so that the protein does not cook. Usually I gargle 5-6 times a day. Protein coats a sore throat, salt and soda relieve inflammation.

Of course, this rinse is not pleasant, but it is very effective. Egg white has no special bad taste or smell. It simply creates foam in the mouth when rinsing. It's not very pleasant, but it's very effective.

Rinse with salt, soda and iodine. This gargle is also great for relieving a sore throat. My mother uses it very often for a sore throat. It is extremely easy to prepare. To a glass of warm water you need to add a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and 3-4 drops of iodine, mix everything thoroughly, gargle 3-4 times a day.

Gargling with eucalyptus decoction. Eucalyptus decoction helps very well if you have a sore throat. Eucalyptus is used quite often in our family. Eucalyptus leaves have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic effects. Eucalyptus decoction can be used for sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis, and sore throat.

This is how you need to prepare the decoction. I pour two teaspoons of dry eucalyptus leaves into half a liter of water and boil over low heat for about 4 minutes. I insist for about 20 minutes, then strain the broth and gargle while warm. If the broth has cooled, it needs to be heated, but be sure to rinse with warm broth.

Furacilin solution. When my grandmother has a sore throat, she gargles with a solution of furatsilin. Add a furatsilin tablet to a glass of warm water and stir until the tablet is completely dissolved.

Beet juice. For a sore throat, gargle with beetroot juice. For a glass of beet juice, you need to add a spoonful of 9% vinegar and gargle with this solution several times a day.

Chamomile and calendula decoction. If your throat really hurts, then brew yourself some chamomile or calendula. These herbs are natural antibiotics and have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Add a spoonful of chamomile or calendula flowers to a glass of water, boil for three minutes, leave for about 20 minutes. Strain the broth and rinse while warm. Gargle 3-4 times a day.

Sore throat - a warm drink will help

When we have a sore throat, we usually ask ourselves what to do? For colds, sore throat, viral and infectious diseases you usually need to drink a lot. It is also necessary to have sufficient amounts of vitamin C in our food. This vitamin helps us cope with a cold faster.

I would like to separately note that in case of colds, you can also drink drinks containing alcohol (mulled wine, grog, warm wine). But if you have a sore throat, you should avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol will only irritate you sore throat, and this will make the pain even worse.

Milk, honey, cocoa butter. If your throat hurts a lot, the best remedy This is warm milk with honey and butter, I usually buy cocoa butter at the pharmacy, it softens and envelops a sore throat. Per glass warm milk I add a spoonful of honey and a piece of cocoa butter; you need to drink the milk warm.

You can also drink viburnum tea, raspberry tea, black currant tea, cranberry tea, linden tea. You can read more about cranberries in my article “Cranberries, beneficial features". Such teas have anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. Drink tea with lemon and honey, chamomile tea, dried fruit uzvar.

Ginger tea. I often make ginger tea for myself, especially when I have a cold. This tea is a good anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic. A few slices fresh ginger and I pour a slice of lemon into 250 ml. boiling water, let it sit and add honey to taste.

It is best to drink tea not cold or hot, but warm.

Inhalations for sore throat

Inhalations are best for colds; inhalations help with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Coniferous and herbal inhalations help perfectly.

Inhalations are best done several times a day. The decoction or infusion for inhalation should be hot, be careful not to get burned by the steam. Inhalation time for adults is 10 minutes. You need to breathe over the steam covered with a towel or blanket. If you have an inhaler, you can use it.

Inhalations can be made from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, fir, pine needles, juniper, mint, and sage. All these medicinal plants can be purchased at the pharmacy. The inhalation is prepared like this. Pour two tablespoons of herbs into half a liter of boiling water, boil for about 7-10 minutes.

They do and soda inhalations, but these inhalations help with bronchitis, for sputum discharge. Two tablespoons of soda per liter of boiling water, mix everything well and inhale.

Remember, if you start treatment in a timely manner, you can avoid complications. For a sore throat, everything goes away in 2-3 days if you start treatment at the first symptoms of a sore throat.

What not to do if your throat really hurts

There is no need to try to cure your throat with vodka or alcohol; the opinion about cauterization is wrong. I've already said this, but I'll say it again. If you drink alcohol while you have a sore throat, a burn or swelling may form, which will further aggravate your situation. At high temperatures, do not put a vodka compress on yourself, do not steam your feet. For purulent sore throat vodka compresses can't bet.

You now know what to do if your throat really hurts. But, if you have a sore throat, high fever and cough, pain when swallowing, difficulty breathing, you need to see a doctor, only a doctor can diagnose you correct diagnosis. Regarding treatment with folk remedies, it is also advisable to consult a doctor.