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Survey urography: how it is performed. Intravenous urography

Every day doctors are increasingly diagnosing various diseases kidney

To make a final diagnosis, patients undergo a number of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Doctors prescribe ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging and urography. These methods allow specialists not only to determine external kidney damage, but also their internal changes.

Urography (cystography) is an x-ray examination that studies structural changes kidneys and determining urolithiasis pathologies. Urography is performed by specialized specialists. Thanks to the results of urography, the doctor will be able to definitively make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

During diagnosis, doctors inject a contrast agent into the kidney and it is highlighted on the x-ray. Thus, when a substance enters the urinary canals, it is easy to notice, which allows you to fully study the structure genitourinary system.

Previously, this technique was used quite often, but since the procedure is not pleasant, urography is now being replaced with alternative diagnostics.

What does a survey type of urography show?

Survey urography of the kidneys is performed to determine:

  • size and weight;
  • border contours;
  • position and mobility;
  • forms;
  • general condition of the abdominal organs.

Thanks to this information, the doctor can accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

The main advantage this study The fact that all abdominal organs can be seen is considered. Thus, the doctor determines or excludes other pathological processes.

In what cases is urography prescribed?

Urography was developed so that the functionality of the kidneys could be assessed. Therefore, in almost all cases when there is suspicion of a pathological process, doctors prescribe this method diagnostics

With the help of survey urography, doctors can determine:

  • presence of benign or malignant neoplasm or tumor lesion;
  • structural changes in kidney tissue;
  • stones and small concretions in the kidneys;
  • abnormal structure of the kidneys and urine excretory system;
  • possible complications of kidney injury;
  • nephrogenic hypertension (persistent blood pressure caused by disease of the renal parenchyma), pyelonephritis ( inflammatory disease renal pelvis), glomerulonephritis (damage to the renal glomeruli), hydronephrosis (enlargement of the renal pelvis caused by impaired outflow of urine) and tuberculosis;
  • reasons for the appearance of blood in urine.

Doctors may prescribe a survey urography if they suspect the development of genitourinary infectious processes caused by renal colic. It is also possible to obtain an accurate picture of kidney function after surgery.

Urography can 100% determine the type and severity of the lesion, stage pathological process. This allows doctors to select effective treatment.

In what cases is it prohibited to conduct survey urography?

Like other x-ray examinations, urography is not performed on women during pregnancy. Experts do not recommend performing such diagnostics on patients who have recently undergone contrast gastroscopy.

In such cases, the contrast agent makes visual examination of the kidneys difficult. If there are still indications for survey urography, then it is performed a few days after the previous study.

During this time, the intestines are cleared of barium residues. It is strictly forbidden to perform survey urography:

  • women during pregnancy;
  • patients with one kidney;
  • patients with chronic radiation sickness.

Preparation for survey urography

Before starting a diagnostic study, the patient must donate blood from a vein. Thus, doctors confirm or rule out kidney failure. Also, the patient undergoes a test in advance to determine an allergic reaction to the injecting substance.

The main condition for survey urography is special diet, which includes several basic rules:

  • It is forbidden to eat two days before the diagnostic test fresh vegetables and fruits that have not been pre-heat-treated;
  • It is strictly forbidden to consume grains and beans, sweets and fresh baked goods within two days;
  • per day it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed to a minimum.

By observing these simple rules You can achieve an increased concentration of urine, which in turn increases the contrast in the image.

You should not eat too much before the diagnosis. It is better to eat 10 hours before urography, and preferably if it is a light meal.

If diagnostic test If it is scheduled for the morning, it is advisable to do an enema before going to bed and in the morning. This way it is cleared gastro- intestinal tract. It's better not to have breakfast.

Preparation for urography depends on the type of diagnosis (survey, excretory or intravenous urography). Each urography has its own specific purpose, therefore, the preparation rules are different.

When performing a survey urography, it is very important that the intestines are not filled with gases. Therefore, it is necessary to eat for several days before the study dietary products. Also, doctors prescribe Activated carbon or polyphelan.

You should not overeat before the procedure, but you should also not be hungry, as gases may form in an empty stomach. Be sure to do two enemas - in the morning and before the study.

Using excretory urography, doctors determine the morphology of the kidneys. In this case, the presence of gases in the intestines may misinform the specialist.

The day before, doctors recommend drinking 30 grams castor oil(about three teaspoons). This allows you to reduce gas formation in the intestines. Get rid of increased gas formation You can use activated carbon. To do this, you need to take six tablets in the morning and six in the evening.

Before intravenous urography, it is enough to stick to it for several days. proper nutrition. Avoid fatty, spicy and sweet foods. This cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and makes the images clearer and more accurate.

How is kidney urography performed?

Observational urography does not take much time and is easy to perform. The patient assumes a supine position, and a pillow is placed under the head. This is the most comfortable position for the patient in which the main muscle groups are not strained. Before the diagnosis itself, the doctor talks with the patient, finding out the severe discomfort and unpleasant sensations that the patient has been experiencing recently.

If the doctor does not ask, the patient must tell him about all the medications he has taken over the past month. The doctor directs the X-ray beam so that it is slightly lower than the xiphoid process.

The beam should pass strictly perpendicular to the body. at the moment when the device takes the picture, the patient must not breathe. If you breathe during this period, then in the picture you can see how the doubling occurs collecting system or stones.

Is survey urography harmful?

The human body may react negatively to the fact that a urographic examination was performed, namely:

  • burning sensation in the veins into which the contrast agent was injected;
  • nausea;
  • hot flash;
  • dizziness;
  • iron taste in the mouth.

These conditions are considered normal and do not require special treatment. They will go away on their own in a few hours. To quickly remove the contrast agent from the body, doctors recommend drinking more, preferably freshly squeezed juices, green tea or milk.

If the patient has no contraindications to this research technique, then adverse reactions respectively. It is possible that short-term x-ray exposure will occur.

Also, doctors can perform survey urography on young children, since this type research - absolutely safe. Dosage only contrast agent determined by the child’s weight and the functionality of the liver and kidneys. Since it is very difficult to force a child to lie in one position for a long time, the diagnosis is carried out at an accelerated pace. So that it doesn't happen allergic reaction, children additionally take an antihistamine drug.

It is strictly forbidden to use this diagnostic method for children under one month. Before the procedure, parents should mentally prepare the baby so that it is not a surprise for him. Then diagnostics will pass quickly and painlessly.

How are plain urography analyzes interpreted?

The results of survey urography are deciphered by a specialist. Experts use two types of interpretation of results. When performing a survey urography, healthy kidneys look like clear clouds. Wherein left kidney slightly below the right.

The abdominal organs are turned towards the spine. The ureters and bladder were not detected on the image. If the patient has urolithiasis, then the stones are clearly identified. A “humpbacked” kidney is considered normal. In 42% of patients, one kidney is not visible.

Otherwise, the contrast agent should clearly visualize the kidneys. The bladder and ducts should be in a visible place. A healthy kidney has a homogeneous structure.

Doctors need to determine whether the contrast agent is leaving the kidneys. If it comes out, then this indicates a rupture of the ureters.

If the patient has diseased kidneys, the doctor will immediately determine this.

Survey urography designed to identify diseases of the urinary organs.

A urologist sends a kidney x-ray if his patient complains of certain ailments.

A diagnostic study allows you to obtain a clear image of the urinary organs, assess their condition and find out why the patient has one of the following clinical pictures and how exactly it is expressed:

  • chronic pyelonephritis (urinary organs have long been infected with infection);
  • hematuria (urine comes out with blood);
  • pain syndrome (due to impaired urine outflow);
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • blockage of the urinary organ by a pathological formation;
  • abnormalities of the organs of the urinary system, inherited (violation of the form of the urinary system or hydronephrosis);
  • displacement of the kidneys (for example, their extension beyond the lumbar zone);
  • organ damage as a result of injury;
  • complications after surgery.

An urgent urography is necessary for those who experience sharp pain in the lower back.

An obstacle to urography may be bleeding, decreased blood clotting, and pheochromocytoma.

X-rays of the urinary organs are also prohibited for those undergoing curative therapy from diabetes mellitus, that is, they take Glucophage tablets.

If there are contraindications, then instead of urography, the doctor prescribes another examination for the patient.

This is an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and Bladder, magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

Sometimes after undergoing urography, patients may experience side effects.

According to those examined, after injection of a contrast agent into a vein, it seems that warmth is spreading throughout the body, and after irradiation, a bitter taste appears on the tongue.

In some patients, the body was covered small rash(due to contrast substance). It happened that those who underwent urography experienced a drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing.

Sometimes renal failure occurred, and patients were prescribed drugs that suppress the action of free histamine.

How to prepare for urography?

Preparation for urography requires that the patient first donate blood from a vein to rule out renal failure.

You should also take a test in advance to help determine if you have an allergic reaction to the contrast agent.

Following the passage biochemical analysis You need to prepare physically for the x-ray - go on a diet temporarily.

Within 48 hours before urography, you need to prohibit yourself from eating fruits and vegetables without heat treatment, legumes, cereals, sweets and rye baked goods.

When there are less than 24 hours left before the x-ray of the kidneys, you need to limit yourself to drinking. This will increase the concentration of urine, which means it will provide high contrast in X-ray images.

The last dinner before the procedure should be light and not late (before 6 pm).

When there is only one night left before visiting the urography office, it is necessary to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract by performing an enema. The same action will have to be repeated in the morning; breakfast should be completely abandoned.

Preparation for urography includes some more nuances, since this study of the kidneys can be different.

It is divided into three types: review, excretory and. Each type of procedure has its own goals, so the doctor must provide moral support to the patient by telling him how to prepare correctly.

Survey urography requires preparation so that gases do not form in the intestines.

When preparing for the procedure, it is better to have your last meal at lunchtime the day before the procedure.

But in the morning it is advisable to have a light sandwich, because empty stomach may cause gas. You cannot go for examination without an evening and morning enema.

Excretory urography assumes that the patient has cleared his bowels of waste and gases, as this may interfere with the determination of functional and morphological structure kidney

Before this x-ray (in the evening), it is advisable to drink three teaspoons of castor oil. To reduce gas formation, you need to take 6 tablets of activated carbon in the evening and in the morning.

Only diet will help you prepare for a study such as intravenous urography. By giving up fatty and sweet food and by cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, you can take clear and accurate pictures of the urinary organs.

Features of urography

During survey urography, the doctor receives an image of the pelvic organs in a 30x40 cm image. It should reflect pubic part and the upper poles of the paired urinary organs.

To take such a picture, the patient is asked to remove all metal objects from the body and position himself vertically at a special stand.

X-rays are directed to the lumbar region, where the third vertebra is located. The remaining areas of the body are protected from the penetration of rays, as they are covered with protective agents.

There are some rules for this procedure. The beam of rays should pass to the kidneys through the abdomen and be directed downwards.

To prevent the image from being distorted, the patient should not make any movements. After just 5 minutes, the patient is lifted from the examination table and sent to the doctor to decipher the resulting film.

After an overview urography of the kidneys, the patient can learn about the nature of the deformation of the urinary organs and pelvic bones.

Intravenous urography is performed provided that the patient has freed himself from clothing covering the lower back and abdomen.

He must lie on a special table and allow doctors to inject a contrast agent into the vein.

While the substance reaches the tissues of the kidneys and ureter, the patient may feel a tingling sensation throughout the body.

Intravenous urography requires more time than review. It is carried out with a short break to create several images.

To obtain the last image, the patient will have to stand up and empty his bladder. Most often, such urography lasts half an hour.

After performing intravenous urography, the attending physician gets an idea of ​​how the kidneys work. It is possible to find out whether there are stones or tumors in the urinary organs.

A doctor may diagnose hydronephrosis, organ deformation, or hyperplasia.

Excretory urography begins with the injection of a contrast agent into a vein. The first images are taken during the 5th and 6th minutes of the study, that is, at the moment of accumulation of contrast in the urinary organs.

Excretory urography involves obtaining the last images at 15 and 21 minutes.

The procedure is based on the excretory function of the kidneys, so sometimes excretory urography is performed for more than 40 minutes.

It allows you to obtain accurate data on the time it takes to fill the bladder with fluid. Excretory urography will accurately indicate the size and shape of stones, cysts and neoplasms.

Each type of study involves searching for specific problems in the functioning of the urinary organs. Using the images, the doctor will determine the causes of the patient’s illness and prescribe treatment.

If your kidneys are acting up, they definitely need to be examined. Often, in the diagnostic plan drawn up by the doctor, you can see urography. Along with other instrumental tests, it will help visualize the kidneys and identify their main problems. What is kidney urography using a contrast agent, what indications and contraindications does this procedure have, and how can a patient prepare for it: let’s figure it out.

The essence of the method

Excretory urography of the kidneys - method x-ray examination, allowing you to gain visual control over the area of ​​the kidneys, ureters and bladder.

The use of a radiopaque contrast agent helps to make the image of the organs of interest clearer, and taking a series of images at certain intervals allows us to monitor the dynamic processes of urine excretion.

The essence of the procedure is intravenous administration contrast agents excreted by the kidneys:

  • Cardiotrust;
  • Urographina;
  • Triombrasta;
  • Visipaka.

Subsequently, when most of the contrast reaches the nephrons and penetrates the pyelocaliceal system, and then into the ureters and bladder, a series of x-rays is taken. It allows you to assess the filling of the internal structures of the kidneys with contrast and the presence of pathological contents in them.

Indications for urography

Using this diagnostic test, you can identify the presence of inflammatory foci, benign and malignant tumors, stones (calculi), and also find out the cause of hematuria (blood in the urine). Since kidney urography with contrast allows you to get a clear picture internal structure organ, the procedure has wide range indications:

  • neoplasms - to clarify the size, location, contours and characteristics of the blood supply of the tumor;
  • infectious-inflammatory, autoimmune and other structural changes in renal tissue;
  • stones in the pyelocaliceal system, including small ones;
  • congenital anomalies of the urinary organs;
  • possible consequences of injuries;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • kidney tuberculosis and other diseases;
  • the recovery period of patients after kidney surgery.

Using an X-ray examination of the kidneys with a contrast agent, you can reliably determine the type and extent of damage to the urinary system, as well as the stage of the pathological process. All this allows the doctor to draw up a plan for effective and complex treatment diseases.

Preparing for the study

In order for the test result to be as informative as possible, it is necessary to reduce the risk of possible errors. Preparation for urography consists of:

  1. Reduced intestinal pneumatization (for better visualization of the urinary organs). A few days before the kidney test, avoid foods that causing flatulence– bread, milk and dairy products, cabbage, potatoes, legumes. To cleanse the intestines, use sorbents (activated carbon, Polyphepan). The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, the last meal is allowed no later than 16:00 the previous day.
  2. Immediately before intravenous (excretory) urography of the kidneys, the colon is cleansed using an enema and the bladder is completely emptied.
  3. At increased nervousness or patient excitability for 3-7 days is recommended lung appointment sedative(eg Persen).
  4. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications.
  5. Before starting urography, the patient signs an informed consent for the procedure.

The urography procedure itself takes no more than 30-40 minutes and consists of several stages:

  1. preparation and completion of medical documentation;
  2. the patient takes supine position on a special table;
  3. injection of contrast into a peripheral vein (at this time, mild discomfort in the form of a burning sensation is possible);
  4. a series of sequential x-rays of the lower back every 5-10 minutes. If it is necessary to diagnose diseases of the bladder and urethra, several photographs can be taken an hour and a half after the administration of contrast.

Features of x-ray examination of the kidneys in children

If earlier x-ray examination While children presented certain difficulties and required complete immobility (even holding the breath) of the small patient, today the use of modern equipment makes it possible to take a clear and diagnostically significant picture in a fraction of a second.

However, with pronounced nervous and motor excitement, kidney urography in children can be performed under general anesthesia. In this case, in addition to the radiologist, there should be a qualified anesthesiologist in the room who will monitor the child’s condition.

Contraindications and undesirable effects of urography

There are few absolute contraindications to the procedure. These include:

  • allergies, individual intolerance to the components of the radiocontrast agent;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • acute urinary retention.

Side effects usually develop when too rapid introduction contrast. Among them are:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • feeling of heat in the face;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • hypotension (decreased blood pressure), collapse.
When discomfort Be sure to inform your doctor during the administration of a radiopaque contrast agent. The specialist will reduce the rate of administration of the substance or, if necessary, begin providing first aid.

Excretory urography remains one of the most effective methods diagnostics of the excretory system in children and adults. Its high effectiveness makes it possible to determine the development of a tumor, inflammatory or urolitic process in early stage, and start treatment on time.

June 22, 2017 Doctor

In urology, there are many methods for diagnosing diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and ureters. One of the popular instrumental methods is kidney urography. It allows you to determine the condition internal organs, reveal everything possible pathologies. Although in last years Urography is being actively replaced by CT and MRI; in many clinics it is still the leader in frequency of use, because its cost is an order of magnitude lower.

Description of the procedure

Urography refers to an instrumental technique that involves x-ray examination of the urinary system. The method has a huge diagnostic value– allows you to install on time correct diagnosis, whether it is kidney inflammation or urolithiasis.

The essence of the technique comes down to introducing circulatory system contrast agent and taking a series of photographs so that all possible deviations in the function of renal structures. Despite the use of X-rays, this diagnostic method is considered quite safe, because the dosage of rays is minimal. The method is used in patients of all ages; only in children under 1 month of life is it replaced by ultrasound.

Urography will show the following characteristics of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system:

  • circuit;
  • dimensions;
  • location;
  • exact shape;
  • functional state.

Also, when performing urography, the doctor will be able to see other organs of the abdominal cavity, which can be important in the diagnosis of related and concomitant pathologies.

Types of research

There are several methods of urography, differing in the way they are carried out:

  1. Panoramic. The simplest technique, in fact, is an ordinary X-ray kidney area. The information content of the method is lower than that of those that involve the introduction of contrast, but unpleasant effects almost absent. General characteristics kidneys and the presence of medium and large stones, this technique will show quite well.
  2. Retrograde. This method of examination is carried out under anesthesia, and a contrast agent is administered after catheterization of the bladder and ureter. The images provide a complete and detailed picture of the condition of the entire urinary system.
  3. Intravenous. Before taking pictures, the patient is given a contrast agent, most often an iodine solution in water or glucose. After a certain time, a series of images is taken, the quality of which is very high.

There are three types of intravenous urography. Excretory (excretory) involves assessing the excretory function of the kidneys based on the rate of release of the contrast agent, so pictures are taken at strictly established time intervals. Compression urography is performed with compression of the ureters in a standing position through abdominal cavity, and the picture turns out even clearer. A huge disadvantage of the procedure is its high pain. Infusion urography involves administering contrast through a catheter and is usually recommended for people who are unable to walk.

Indications for testing

The doctor prescribes this type of examination to confirm the suspected diagnosis or, on the contrary, to exclude it. The range of purposes of the procedure is very wide. First of all, it is indicated for different forms nephrolithiasis – urolithiasis, including in the presence of small stones and sand. Others possible indications to perform urography:

  • structural anomalies of the organs of the system;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • nephrogenic hypertension;
  • cysts, adenomas, hemangiomas;
  • consequences of kidney injury.
  • hematuria (blood excretion in the urine) of unknown origin;
  • pain in the kidney area combined with high fever.

Urography with contrast is often prescribed before surgery, as well as to evaluate its results and analyze the dynamics of treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

For some categories of patients, testing may have bad influence. These are pregnant and lactating women. If in the first case an X-ray examination is strictly prohibited, then in the second it is possible to refuse lactation for several days and carry out diagnostics. The following are also contraindications to radiography with contrast:

  • severe renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • previous stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting.

Occasionally, in people prone to allergic reactions, after administration of a contrast agent, urticaria, Quincke's edema, laryngospasm, anaphylactic shock. Many people experience nausea, burning and a feeling of heat in the body, dizziness, and a taste of iron when the drug is administered.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for survey urography is not difficult. You need to give up foods that increase gas formation (cabbage, legumes, milk) 3 days before the test. The intestines must be cleansed with the help of sorbents, and the evening before and the morning of the procedure, refrain from eating. You can drink for breakfast, but not a lot.

Urography with the introduction of contrast requires thorough cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract, which will help to better examine the structures of the kidneys. The preparation will be similar, but before the test they give an enema and ask you to empty your bladder. Sensitive patients and children are advised to take a sedative. Diagnostics can be performed under anesthesia or sedation.

The procedure for performing urography

An overview urography is done in a standing position using a standard X-ray machine. The rays are directed to the area of ​​the thoracolumbar segment of the spine, the chest and genitals are covered with a protective apron. The duration of the procedure is no more than a couple of minutes.

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More complex types of urography begin with the patient positioned on the table and the drug slowly injected into the vein. After a certain time, it will enter the kidney vessels and ureters. The first shot is usually taken after a minute, the second after 5 minutes, the third after 7 minutes, then every 10 minutes if necessary. The duration of the diagnosis does not exceed an hour.

In children, urography with contrast is performed infrequently and, if possible, is replaced by other techniques. There are no differences in the methods of performing urography in adults and children, except for careful calculation of the contrast rate by weight. Due to poor tolerance of the procedure, the time required for the child is reduced by 2-3 times. To exclude allergies, children and allergy sufferers are always recommended to take an antihistamine before diagnosis.

When performing urography sequentially, the doctor receives full information about the condition of the kidneys, parenchyma, pyelocaliceal system, as well as the function of organs. Obstacles to the flow of urine, signs of inflammation, abnormalities in the structure of the organ and other problems will be visible. The specialist will have the opportunity to appoint correct treatment and will help a person recover faster.

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Kidney urography is a diagnostic study that helps determine the structural integrity of this organ. The retrograde procedure is carried out using a contrast agent, due to which the resulting image shows pathologies in the patient’s urinary system.

Thanks to this methodology, the method was called “survey urography”. It is based on the specific ability of the contrast agent: to delay the X-ray beam. After being introduced into the patient’s body, the dye accumulates in the kidneys, then it begins to be released by the organs of the genitourinary system, which gives the doctor the opportunity to find out their condition.

The use of contrast is due to the deep location of the kidneys. The kidneys are poorly visualized with non-contrast examination methods, and the diagnosis may be inaccurate.

Urography can be prescribed to any person, regardless of gender and age. The study may be considered necessary if there are the following indications: suspicion of stones, bladder infection, presence of blood and mucus in the urine, diagnosis acute inflammation And cancerous tumors. An excretory urogram is prescribed for established injuries of the urinary tract.

Excretory urography can be performed with the following symptoms:

  • Complaint about chronic pain V lumbar region which sometimes radiates to the groin and bladder area;
  • Constantly high blood pressure;
  • Swelling of the face, especially noticeable on the lower eyelids;
  • Difficulty urinating, blood or mucus;
  • Alleged kidney diseases, signs of urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis or kidney amyloidosis, tumors, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis.


Excretory urography of the kidneys is not performed:

  • After strokes and heart attacks;
  • With multiple organ failure;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • All forms of diabetes;
  • Due to individual intolerance to iodine-containing substances;
  • If the patient is in in serious condition, which does not allow him to lie down or stand in the desired position.

Preparation for the procedure

Before urography, the patient will definitely be sent for a blood test according to biochemical composition, this will help differentiate the signs renal failure. This pathology has direct contraindications to the procedure using contrast. Preparation for urography should begin at least two days before the appointed time. The patient is prescribed a diet, all foods that can cause increased gas formation are excluded from the diet.

A retrograde urogram is performed on an empty stomach; you can no longer eat three hours before it. If the doctor deems it necessary, the study includes forced bowel movement. It is extremely important that even before the retrograde procedure begins, the treating physician is aware of all the medications the person is taking. And also about possible allergies to iodide substance.

A retrograde urogram assumes that immediately before the session the patient will remove all metal objects from the body, for example, jewelry, glasses, prostheses.

The procedure itself is completely safe and does not cause pain or discomfort. Its duration is from 60 to 90 minutes. The patient is either placed on a couch or scanned in a standing position.

There are also categorical contraindications, these include pregnancy and lactation. Urography in children is carried out using a gentle principle and takes less time. The dosage of the contrast agent is calculated based on the individual parameters of the child. A starch-free diet is recommended. To prevent flatulence from complicating diagnosis, you need to do a cleansing enema the night before.

Side effects

Negative consequences of the retrograde technique occur very rarely after the procedure, but daily practice indicates the following patient complaints:

  • Feeling of discomfort in the bladder area due to heat spreading throughout the body after intravenous or catheter administration of contrast;
  • After the scan is completed, a characteristic metallic taste appears in the mouth;
  • A localized allergic reaction to an iodine-containing substance appears, in the form of a rash or swelling of the lymph nodes.

To prevent a retrograde urogram from causing such consequences, it is enough for the patient to be prescribed antihistamines before it is performed. If there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure, respiratory dysfunction occurs, or renal failure is detected, the procedure is urgently stopped.

Alternative methods

If the patient is at risk, then survey urography can be replaced with nuclear magnetic resonance diagnostics, computed tomography, and ultrasound scanning. They make it possible to study the condition of the retroperitoneal region, identify the condition of the kidneys, bladder and other pelvic organs.