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Products that cause flatulence and gas formation. Which vegetables do not cause gas?

products causing gas formation in the intestines. What foods cause gas and bloating?, and what are the dietary features of people prone to flatulence?

Products that cause gasin the intestines of adults

Flatulence brings a feeling of discomfort and is accompanied by bloating, discomfort and belching. One of the main causes of pathology is a failure in the process of digesting food. Appearancegas formation in the intestinesmay be due to the fact that some foods are not absorbed by the body.Products that cause unpleasant effectsinclude sugars, starches and carbohydrates, which sometimes remain undigested due to a lack of special enzymes. Leftover food passes into the large intestine and is exposed to bacteria, which produces carbon dioxide and hydrogen. So it turns outexcessive gas formation in the intestines.

What foods cause increased gas formation and are they the same for everyone? Heregrocery list, which lead to the appearance of gasesin the intestines of most people:

    Legumes, broccoli, cabbage (contain raffinose sugar).

    Wheat, pear, onion (contain fructose).

    Corn, potatoes (contain starch).

    Raw fruits and vegetables (garlic, sorrel, gooseberries, apples, radishes, turnips, spinach) and carbonated drinks (contain sugar sorbitol).

    Yeast baked goods.

    Red wine, beer and some other alcoholic drinks.

Products, causing gas and bloating, for each person may be different depending on individual characteristics. If you notice that someproducts formingIf you have an excessive amount of gas that is not listed on this list, be sure to inform your doctor about this so that your diet can be adjusted.

Separately worth notingproducts that cause gas, if used in mixed form. Such combinations includeAvailable: fresh bread and kefir, fruits or vegetables with grains, cereals and milk.When gas is formed inIn this case, changes should be made to the diet, but not completely eliminate any of the products.

Features of the occurrence of flatulence in adults and children

Bloating and gasmay occur in people in one of the following groups:

    Patients with insufficient bile production and reduced production of enzymes in the pancreas.

    Patients prone to constipation (slow movement of food through the intestines contributes to the growth of bacterial activity and the formation of gases).

Appears quite oftengas formation in pregnant women. This is not a disease, but a very unpleasant condition that occurs with bloating, pain in the area intestines and feeling of fullness. Atincreased gas formationduring pregnancy, it is necessary to inform your doctor about this to determine the cause of flatulence and select appropriate therapy (one of the main reasons isproducts that cause gas).

Gas formation when breastfeeding - also not uncommon. Causesgas formation in the intestines in nursing mothers may be different. This products also contribute increasing gas formation inintestines, and insufficient absorption of gases (occurs when diseases gastrointestinal organs or decreased muscle tone). Breastfeeding women are allowed to take tinctures of cumin, fennel, chamomile, as well as drugs based on simethicone (such medicines prescribed if observedconstipation and colic in newbornsand infants).

Flatulence and bloating causes severe anxiety in a baby and is a real problem for parents. The accumulation of gases in the baby’s intestines is a natural period of adaptation of the child’s gastrointestinal tract to extrauterine life. Determine what is crying in newborns It is caused precisely by excess gases, you can tell by twitching of the legs.Constipation and colicthe baby, as well as flatulence, begin to torment newborn because mom ate food,intestines. Other reasons include overfeeding, early introduction complementary feeding, changing formula, improper feeding, emotional stress, immaturity of the digestive system.

Diet for increased flatulence

Following a diet for flatulence can reduce discomfort in the intestines and relieve gas. Diet for flatulence should be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

    It is necessary thatfood for bloatingwas as complete and balanced as possible.

    Menu at flatulence should normalize peristalsis and restore the natural intestinal microflora.

    Should be excluded from the dietproducts thatcause personal intolerance in the patient.

    Diet for flatulence should reduce the amount of inflammation in the intestines, as well as reduce the number of bacteria that cause rotting and fermentation.

Nutrition for bloatingand flatulence is best discussed with your doctor in individually. But if there is no opportunity to visit a specialist, you should adhere to the basics of diet No. 5 according to the Pevzner classification.

Food, included in the diet of a patient with flatulence, should contain the daily amount of:

    Protein: 110-120 g;

    Fat: 50 g;

    Carbohydrates: maximum 200 g.

Diet for flatulence includes no more than 1600 kcal per day.

Products allowed for consumption ( reducing gas formation) is:

    Dietary fish, chicken or beef broths.

  • Vegetable stew.
  • Green vegetables and decoctions of dill and parsley.
  • Cereals, rice and buckwheat porridge.

Onion garlic, bell pepper- these are vegetables,promoting gas formation inintestines, they must be completely excluded from the diet.

Example menu for patients withincreased gas formation:

Breakfast: porridge or low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream; a little later - muesli and a glass of juice.

Lunch: a piece of boiled meat, fish broth, grated carrots, black tea sugarless.

Dinner: buckwheat with steamed cutlets or baked apple.

At night: a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Refusal of foods that strengthen gas formation, solves the problem increased flatulence. Experts sometimes recommend fasting and eating only kefir or buckwheat, as well as other foodsNot fermentative and increasedgas formation.

Dietary recommendations for patients with flatulence

The fight against bloating and increased flatulence consists not only in eliminating certainproducts: gas formationwill be significantly reduced by following these recommendations:

    You should not overeat: you should eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

    You need to eat at a strictly defined time.

    You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day, and before each meal take 2 tablespoons of dill seed decoction.

    Food should be warm (hot and cold dishes raise secretion of gastric juices,which causeirritation in the intestines).

    Foods that cause gas and bloating, cannot be combined with all types of dishes. You cannot eat salty and sweet, vegetables and fruits with milk at the same meal.

    Products affected heat treatment(stewing, baking, boiling), reduce the likelihood of fermentation processes occurring in the intestines.

    It is necessary to reduce salt intake (it can irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract).

Gas formation represents normal physiological process originating in the intestines. Only pathological changes and improper diet can lead to increased formation of gases, causing discomfort. So, let's look at the picture of the normal process of gas formation.

In any person in the gastrointestinal intestinal tract Gases are formed due to the swallowing of air, while in the intestines they appear as a result of the activity of many microorganisms. Usually? gases are expelled directly from the digestive system through belching, eliminated through the rectum, or absorbed into the bloodstream.

It should be noted that approximately 70% of the gases contained in the gastrointestinal tract ( or gastrointestinal tract), this is swallowed air. It has been established that with each swallow, approximately 2 - 3 ml of air enters the stomach, while the main part of it goes into the intestines, while a smaller part comes out through “air belching”. Thus, an increased amount of gas is observed in cases where there are conversations while eating, when eating quickly, when chewing gum or drinking through a straw. In addition, dryness in oral cavity or increased salivation can also cause increased gas formation.

Intestinal gases are a compound carbon dioxide with oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and not big amount methane However, the listed gases have no odor. But still, often “belching air” has bad smell.
Why? It's all about sulfur-containing substances, which are formed in fairly small quantities by bacteria that inhabit the human large intestine.

And although gas formation is a completely common and normal process, when it increases or the removal mechanisms are disrupted, very unpleasant symptoms appear. Understanding the reasons why bloating occurs helps to identify the best ways to solve this unpleasant condition.


There are two main sources of increased gas formation: swallowed air and intestinal gases. Let's take a closer look at each of these reasons.

Swallowed air is gases that are formed as a result of the functioning of normal intestinal microflora ( in other words, the colon).

Swallowing air is the main cause of bloating. Of course, everyone swallows a small amount of air when consuming food or liquid.
But there are processes in which excessive swallowing of air occurs:

  • Hasty intake of food or liquid.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Drinking carbonated drinks.
  • Pulling air through the gaps between teeth.
In these cases, the following picture is observed: the main part of the gases will be removed with belching, while the remaining amount will go into the small intestine, and, therefore, will be partially absorbed into the bloodstream. The part that was not absorbed into small intestine, enters the large intestine and is then excreted.

Let's talk about intestinal gases. And let's start with the fact that, while evolving, humans failed to adapt to the digestion of certain carbohydrates, including lignin and cellulose, pectins and chitin. These substances form the basis of feces formed in the human body. Thus, moving through the stomach and intestines, some of them, when they enter the large intestine, become a “victim” of microorganisms. It is the digestion of carbohydrates by microbes that causes gas formation.

In addition, the intestinal microflora breaks down many other food debris that enter the large intestine ( for example, proteins and fats). Basically, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are formed in the intestines. In this case, gases are released directly through the rectum ( only a small amount is absorbed directly into the bloodstream).

We should not forget that they play a huge role individual characteristics each person, for this reason the same product can have completely different effects on different people: So, gas formation may increase in some people, while in others it does not.

Mechanisms of excessive gas formation

Today, there are several underlying mechanisms for increased gas production, which can lead to flatulence ( bloating associated with increased gas formation in the intestines).

Eating foods that lead to increased gas formation.
Here is a list of such products:

  • legumes,
  • mutton,
  • black bread,
  • kvass and carbonated drinks,
  • beer.
Digestive disorders can also cause increased gas formation. This mechanism may include insufficiency of digestive enzymes, as well as all sorts of problems with absorption. Thus, undigested foods bring microorganisms into an active state, and when they break down the food, they release large quantity gas

It is impossible not to mention the violation of the bacterial composition ( or biocenosis) intestines, which is a fairly common cause of bloating. Thus, an excess of microorganisms, as well as the predominance of flora, which is not normally contained in the intestines, leads to increased processes of fermentation and putrefaction.

Finally, let's talk about motor skills disorders ( or motor function) intestines. Due to the prolonged residence of breakdown products in the intestines, gas production increases significantly.

This process is observed:

  • For abnormalities in intestinal development.
  • After operations on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Under the influence of certain medications.
In addition, various mechanical obstacles found in the intestines also lead to the formation and development of flatulence ( we are talking about tumors, polyps, adhesions). An increase in gas formation can be caused by poor circulation in the intestines, not to mention psychogenic factors.

Types of flatulence

1. Alimentary flatulence, which occurs due to the consumption of foods, during the digestion of which there is an increased release of gases in the intestine.

2. Digestive ( digestive) flatulence is a consequence of violations following processes digestion:

3. Dysbiotic flatulence, which develops due to a disturbance in the composition of the microflora, which, in turn, leads to the breakdown of products and the release of large amounts of gases that have an unpleasant odor.

4. Mechanical flatulence, which is a consequence of various mechanical disorders of the so-called evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Dynamic flatulence resulting from disturbances in intestinal motor function. An interesting fact is that with this type of gas formation, neither an increased amount of gas nor a changed gas composition is observed, while the transit of gases through the intestines is significantly slowed down.

Causes of dynamic flatulence:

  • intestinal paresis,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • abnormalities in the structure or position of the large intestine,
  • spasm of smooth muscles due to various nervous disorders and emotional overload.
6. Circulatory flatulence is a consequence of impaired formation and absorption of gases.

7. High-altitude flatulence occurs when the atmospheric pressure. The fact is that in the process of rising to a height, the gases will expand and their pressure will increase.

Conclusion: The factors for increased gas formation in the intestines are very diverse, and often not one mechanism, but several, operates simultaneously.

Foods that cause bloating

Increased gas formation is observed when consuming foods that contain carbohydrates, while fats and proteins have a much lesser effect on this process. Carbohydrates include: raffinose, lactose, as well as fructose and sorbitol.

Raffinose is a carbohydrate found in legumes, in pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, as well as asparagus, artichokes and many other vegetables.

Lactose is a natural disaccharide that is present in milk and components containing it: ice cream, bread, breakfast cereals, salad dressings, milk powder.

Fructose is a carbohydrate found in many fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is used in the production of soft drinks and juices. Fructose is used widely and as an excipient in various medications.

Sorbitol is a carbohydrate found in vegetable and fruit crops. It is widely used to sweeten all kinds of sugar-free dietary products.

Starch, which is contained in most foods consumed by the Slavs, also provokes gas formation ( potatoes, corn, peas and wheat). The only product that does not lead to bloating and increased gas formation is rice.

Let's talk about dietary fiber, which is present in almost all products. These fibers can be soluble or insoluble. Thus, soluble dietary fiber ( or pectins) swell in water, forming a gel-like mass. Such fibers are found in oats and beans, peas and many fruits. They enter the large intestine unchanged, where the breakdown process produces gas. In turn, insoluble fibers travel through the gastrointestinal tract practically unchanged, and therefore do not entail significant gas formation.

Manifestation options

Clinical manifestations of gas formation:
  • bloating and rumbling in abdominal cavity,
  • frequent belching,
  • unpleasant smell of emitted gases,
  • development of a kind of psychoneurosis,
  • burning feeling in the heart,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • interruptions in heart rate,
  • mood disorders,
  • general malaise.
It should be noted that severe symptoms do not always depend on the volume of “excess gases”. Thus, in many people, when gas is introduced into the intestines ( one liter per hour) there is a minimum number of these symptoms. At the same time, people who have any intestinal diseases often cannot tolerate much lower gas levels at all. Thus, we can conclude that the clinical picture of gas formation is due, firstly, to the biochemical component ( namely, improper organization of the processes of gas formation and removal), secondly, increased intestinal sensitivity, which is associated with functional disorders contractile activity.

According to clinical observations, increased gas formation may occur due to emotional disorders. Most often, this kind of flatulence is diagnosed in patients who are passive by nature, are not capable of confrontation, do not have sufficient persistence in achieving their goals, and, therefore, have certain difficulties in containing anger and discontent. Such patients may develop an avoidant type of behavior, leading to conflicts at home and at work.

Today, there are two main types of manifestations of flatulence. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Option one
Main signs of gas formation:

  • a feeling of overfilling of the stomach and its significant increase due to bloating,
  • inability to pass gas due to spastic dyskinesia.
Relief general condition the patient most often occurs after defecation or the passage of gas, while the symptoms are most pronounced in the afternoon, when the activity of the digestive processes reaches its apogee.

One type of this type of gas formation is local flatulence, in which gases are concentrated in a certain area of ​​the intestine. Its symptoms, combined with certain types of pain, can provoke the development of characteristic clinical pictures inherent in the following syndromes: splenic flexure, as well as hepatic angle and cecum. Let's talk about each of the syndromes.

Splenic flexure syndrome
This syndrome is more common than others, and certain anatomical prerequisites are necessary for its formation: for example, left bend colon should be high under the diaphragm, fixed by peritoneal folds and forming an acute angle. It is this corner that can act as a trap designed for the accumulation of gas and chyme ( liquid or semi-liquid contents of the stomach or intestines).

Reasons for the development of the syndrome:

  • poor posture,
  • wearing clothes that are too tight.
This syndrome is dangerous because when gas is retained, leading to bloating, the patient feels not only overfilling, but also quite strong pressure on the left side of the chest. In this case, patients associate similar symptoms with angina pectoris. The disease can be correctly diagnosed based on data obtained during a physical examination. In addition, with increased gas formation, pain goes away after defecation, as well as after the passage of gas. An X-ray examination will also help with diagnosis, during which an accumulation of gases is noted in the area of ​​the left flexure of the intestine. The main thing is not to self-medicate.

Hepatic angle syndrome
This syndrome appears when gas accumulates in the hepatic flexure of the intestine. Thus, the intestine becomes pinched between the patient’s liver and the diaphragm. It must be said that clinical picture hepatic angle syndrome is similar to bile duct pathology. Patients often complain of a feeling of fullness or pressure observed in the right hypochondrium, and the pain spreads after some time to the epigastric region, to the chest, to right hypochondrium, radiating to the shoulder and back area.

Cecal syndrome
This syndrome is typical for patients who have increased mobility of the cecum.


  • feeling of fullness,
  • pain in the right iliac region.
In some cases, massage in the area of ​​the projection of the cecum leads to the release of gases, causing relief; for this reason, some patients massage the abdomen on their own.

Option two
This option is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • constant violent passage of gases,
  • presence of odor,
  • mild pain syndrome,
  • rumbling and transfusion in the abdomen, which is heard by both the patient himself and the people around him.
General gas formation occurs during the accumulation of gases directly in small intestine, while lateral – with the accumulation of gases already in the large intestine. It should be noted that bowel sounds in this case, they can be both strengthened and weakened, or they may be completely absent ( it all depends on the causes of bloating). During palpation ( when examining a patient using fingers) palpable cecum may indicate localization pathological process; in this case, the collapsed cecum indicates small intestinal ileus ( narrowing or closure of the intestinal lumen, causing intestinal obstruction).

Increased gas formation is diagnosed by performing a plain X-ray of the abdominal cavity.


  • high degree of pneumatization ( the presence of air-filled cavities) not only the stomach, but also the colon,
  • the diaphragm is located quite high, especially the left dome.
The amount of gases is measured using plethysmography, a method that involves injecting argon into the intestines.

Since the symptom of excessive gas formation is quite nonspecific and can be combined with various functional and organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a thorough examination of the medical history and competent identification of dietary features are extremely important for approving a program of further examination and treatment. Young patients who do not have complaints about other diseases and do not lose weight do not have to worry about serious organic abnormalities. Elderly people whose symptoms are progressive in nature should undergo a thorough examination in order to exclude oncological pathologies and many other diseases.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of increased gas formation include:
  • belching,
  • increased gas evolution ( flatulence),
  • bloating ( flatulence), accompanied by rumbling and intestinal colic,
  • stomach ache.

But when high education gases, not everyone exhibits such signs. Everything depends, first of all, on the number of gases formed, as well as the amount of fatty acids absorbed from the intestines. An important role is played by the individual sensitivity of the colon to increased gas formation. In cases where bloating occurs very often, and the symptoms are pronounced, you must immediately consult a doctor to rule out serious disorders and diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

Belching during or after eating food is not an unusual process, since it helps to remove excess air that has entered the stomach. Very frequent belching is an indication that a person has swallowed too much air, which is removed even before it enters the stomach. But frequent belching can also signal that a person has diseases such as stomach and intestinal disorders, peptic ulcer, as well as gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis. An interesting fact is that people suffering from the listed diseases, on a subconscious level, hope that swallowing and, accordingly, belching air can alleviate their condition. This erroneous state of affairs leads to the development of an unconditioned reflex, which consists in the fact that during the intensification of unpleasant symptoms, a person swallows and regurgitates air. Most often, the manipulation performed does not bring relief, which means that pain and discomfort continue.

Frequent belching may be a symptom Meganblais syndrome, occurring mainly in older people. This syndrome is caused by swallowing a large volume of air during a meal, which entails overdistension of the stomach and a change in the position of the heart.
Result: limited mobility of the diaphragm, leading to the development of an attack of angina.

In some cases, the cause of increased gas formation and bloating of the stomach may be postoperative treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. The fact is that surgeons, in the process of eliminating the underlying disease, create a kind of one-way valve that allows food to pass exclusively in one direction, that is, from the esophagus directly to the stomach. As a result, the processes of normal belching, as well as vomiting, are disrupted.

Increased off-gassing is another sign of excessive gas formation. According to the norm, healthy person gas separation occurs about 14 - 23 times per day. With more frequent excretion of gases, we can talk about serious disorders associated with the absorption of carbohydrates, or the development of dysbiosis.

There is a misconception that bloating is caused by excess gas formation. At the same time, many people, even with a normal amount of gas, may experience bloating. This is due to improper removal of gases from the intestines.

So, the cause of bloating is most often a violation motor activity intestines. For example, with SRTC ( irritable bowel syndrome) the feeling of bloating is due to the increased sensitivity of the receptor apparatus of the intestinal walls.

In addition, any disease that results in impaired movement of feces through the intestines leads not only to bloating, but often to the appearance of pain in a stomach. The cause of bloating may be previous abdominal surgeries, the development of adhesions, or internal hernias.

It is impossible not to say about overuse fatty foods, which can also cause an uncomfortable feeling of bloating, and this is due to the slow movement of food from the stomach directly into the intestines.

Abdominal pain
Sometimes bloating is accompanied by colic, characterized by acute and cramping pain in the abdominal area. Moreover, when gas accumulates in the left part of the intestine, the pain can be mistaken for heart attack. When gas accumulates on the right side, the pain simulates an attack biliary colic or appendicitis.

Which doctor should I contact if I have gas?

If there is a problem with gas formation, please contact Gastroenterologist (make an appointment), since it is within the scope of his professional competence that the diagnosis and treatment of the causes of this unpleasant symptom. If for some reason it is impossible to get to a gastroenterologist, then in case of gas formation you should contact general practitioner (make an appointment).


Bloating, and, consequently, increased gas formation, can be caused by many serious diseases, to exclude which a comprehensive examination is carried out. First, the attending physician determines the patient’s diet and the main symptoms that cause discomfort. In certain cases, the doctor prescribes a study of the patient’s daily diet for a specific period of time. The patient must keep a special diary, entering data regarding his daily diet.

If lactase deficiency is suspected, all products containing lactose should be excluded from the diet. In addition, lactose tolerance tests are prescribed. If the cause of bloating is a violation of gas elimination, then in the diary the patient indicates, in addition to the diet, information about the time and daily frequency of gas elimination through the rectum.

The most careful study of nutritional characteristics, as well as the frequency of flatulations ( gas emissions) will help you identify foods that cause bloating.

Patients with chronic bloating should exclude ascites ( or fluid accumulation), not to mention complete cure inflammatory bowel diseases. Patients over 50 years of age must undergo a gastrointestinal examination to rule out diseases such as colon cancer. For this purpose, an endoscopic examination is performed, prescribed for people suffering from unmotivated ( causeless) weight loss, diarrhea.

If chronic belching occurs, your doctor may order an endoscopic examination of both the esophagus and stomach. In addition, an X-ray contrast study may be prescribed.

What tests can a doctor prescribe for gas formation?

As a rule, the problem of gas formation does not present any difficulties in diagnosis, since it is associated with clear and unambiguous symptoms. However, to understand normal amount gases in a person’s intestines cause discomfort or there are a lot of gases, the doctor may prescribe plain radiograph abdominal cavity or plethysmography. Both methods make it possible to understand whether there is a lot of gas in the intestines or whether there is a normal amount of them, and painful symptoms are caused by increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane, mental factors etc. In practice and overview X-ray of the abdominal cavity (make an appointment), and plethysmography are rarely prescribed and used.


Let's consider options for getting rid of gas formation. And let's start with the fact that the most common causes of gas formation are poor diet and overeating.

In this case it is necessary:
  • Eliminate from the diet foods that cause gas formation: legumes, cabbage and apples, pears and White bread, as well as sparkling water and beer.
  • Avoid simultaneous consumption of protein and starch foods. So, avoid the meat and potatoes combination.
  • Avoid eating exotic foods that your stomach is not used to. If you are not ready to completely switch to a traditional diet, then you should limit your consumption original dishes, not inherent in Russian and European cuisine.
  • Do not overload your stomach with food ( in other words, don't overeat). Eat smaller portions of food, but do it more often.
Sometimes increased gas formation is observed after consuming various dairy products, which may indicate lactose intolerance. In this case, the only way out is to eliminate dairy products.

Also, the problem of gas formation occurs due to swallowing air when eating. So remember: " When I eat I am deaf and dumb" Take your time and chew your food thoroughly before swallowing.

Smoking and alcohol can lead to increased gas production, so avoid these bad habits, which provoke this delicate problem. To reduce the amount of air you swallow, you should reduce your use of chewing gum.

Pharmacological drugs

If we talk about the treatment of increased gas formation with the help of pharmacological drugs, then their use must be agreed with the attending physician, since their effectiveness depends, first of all, on the cause leading to the formation of gases.

For increased gas formation and bloating, it is most often prescribed the following drugs: simethicone and activated carbon, espumizan, and dicetel and various enzyme preparations.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that simethicone will not have the expected effect with increased gas formation occurring in the colon. In this case, espumisan or activated carbon is recommended.

For gastroesophageal reflux and irritable bowel syndrome, doctors prescribe: metoclopramide (Cerucal and Reglan), cisapride (Propulsid) and Dicetel.

Traditional treatment

Residents of the eastern regions of India after each meal chew a few pinches of flavored seeds of cumin, fennel, and anise, which helps eliminate gas formation. For the same purpose, a decoction of licorice root is brewed: so, 1 teaspoon of the root is poured into a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes.

Mint decoction
Mint is a carminative that prevents the increased formation of gases, any type of mint. The recipe for this decoction is simple: 1 teaspoon of mint is poured into one glass of boiling water, then simmered over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.

Slippery elm
This plant is rightfully considered an effective medicine that helps eliminate serious cases of gas formation. This plant is most often taken in powder form, and the powder is washed down with warm water or tea. The decoction recipe has a normal taste, but has the appearance of a viscous mixture, which is why many people refuse to take the unsightly looking mixture. Slippery elm is a mild laxative that makes stools slippery. To make a decoction of slippery elm, boil one glass of water and add half a teaspoon of elm bark, ground to a powder. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 20 minutes. It is necessary to take the strained mixture three times a day, one glass.

Yellow fluorspar
This stone has a huge number of beautiful shades and different shapes. Spar has an extremely positive effect on the nervous system, while the yellow stone has an excellent effect on digestion. So, if problems with increased gas formation were to some extent caused by nervous tension, then it is enough to place yellow fluorspar, shaped like an octagon, on the painful part of the body, lie down and breathe deeply for five minutes. You will feel much better.


As you know, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat it. Here are some preventive measures that will help you forget about the problem of increased gas formation.

Adjust your diet by eliminating foods that cause fermentation or gas production.
These products include:
Constant lack of sleep, untimely eating, smoking and stress are the main reasons that cause intestinal dysfunction, which, in turn, leads to increased gas formation. For this reason, you should adhere to a certain daily routine, that is, sleep at least eight hours a day, eat properly and in a timely manner, limit the amount of alcohol, and walk in the fresh air.

Nutritional culture deserves special attention: for example, you need to chew food thoroughly, excluding conversations while eating, which provoke increased swallowing of air, leading to gas formation.

Replacement therapy
Excessive gas formation may occur due to enzyme deficiency or due to impaired bile circulation. In these cases, replacement therapy is required, involving the use of choleretic and enzyme drugs.

Flatulence is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that causes some discomfort to a person. Bloating, rumbling, a feeling of fullness in the stomach are symptoms familiar to many. But increased gas formation is not always associated with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Very often the body reacts this way to the food a person eats. What products cause gas formation is the topic of the article.


Peas, beans and beans are foods that cause gas. Without exception, all legumes are not only enriched with fiber, but also contain an increased amount of sugar - complex oligosaccharides. The human digestive tract is not able to completely digest and break down molecules of complex sugars. When oligosaccharides are digested, complex chemical reactions occur in the body, which leads to the formation of gases in the stomach.

But you shouldn’t deny yourself the consumption of legumes because of this, as they are very good for health and have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Soaking the product overnight will help reduce the amount of complex sugars.

Another trick is to add a pinch of salt to the beans during soaking, which helps break down the oligosaccharides. Before preparing a bean product, you should rinse it thoroughly, as baking soda can give an unpleasant soapy taste.

Nutritionists offer another solution: it is recommended to include a small amount of legumes in your daily diet. Gastrointestinal tract gradually begins to get used to such food, “learn” to digest it, which subsequently eliminates the formation of excess gases.

Raw vegetables

The following category of plant products most often causes increased gas formation:

White cabbage contains a huge amount coarse fiber, sulfur and organic acids, which together help not only improve intestinal motility and cleanse it of toxins, but also irritate the intestinal tract, which leads to the formation of excess flatulence.

More “gentle” effect on digestive tract boiled vegetables have more than stewed or raw ones. Fans of this product can use it in first courses. Raw foodists may alternatively choose vegetables such as broccoli, zucchini or cauliflower, which also contain many useful substances characteristic of white cabbage ( folic acid, vitamins B, K, D1, etc.).
Potatoes contain starch and fiber. In combination, these two elements have a so-called astringent effect, which impairs intestinal motility, leading to the formation of gases. But as a rule, the vegetable does not lead to excessive flatulence, so you can eat it in small quantities and not be afraid that your stomach will begin to swell.

Radishes and radishes, like white cabbage, have an excess amount of sulfur in their composition and also contain dietary fiber, which is only partially digestible. Together, these elements, irritating the digestive tract, can contribute to the appearance of terrible flatulence. But despite this effect, you should not refuse to eat these vegetables. They contain a whole complex of vitamins, macro- and microelements that contribute to normal operation of cardio-vascular system, good digestion, maintaining youth and healthy skin, and also strengthen immune system body.

To avoid increased flatulence, immediately after eating these types of vegetables you should take drugs from the group of defoamers or sorbents.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries that cause the greatest gas formation include:

  • gooseberry;
  • grape;
  • pear;
  • apples;
  • cherries and sweet cherries;
  • peaches;
  • a pineapple;
  • mango;
  • dried apricots.

All of the above types of plant products are enriched with fructose, sucrose and acids, which irritate the digestive tract and cause fermentation processes. There is such a thing as fermentative dyspepsia (excessive flatulence, heaviness, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, rumbling, loose stools, etc.). Unlimited consumption of these products leads to this syndrome. However, under no circumstances should you completely remove fruits and berries from your diet, since they contain a record amount of vitamins that accumulate in the body and activate the body’s immune cells.

Yeast baked goods and bread

To products that cause excessive gas formation include black bread and any yeast baked goods. These foods are classified as high carbohydrate high content gluten free Carbohydrates, gluten and yeast together can cause not only fermentation, but also putrefaction. Yeast also promotes the formation of an oxidative process in the intestines. All this inevitably leads to bloating. Therefore, many doctors do not recommend overindulging in this type of food. As an alternative, yeast-free bread is offered, which is considered healthier.

Milk products

Milk and other dairy products contain large amounts of lactose, which is poorly absorbed by the intestines (especially in adults), which leads to bloating. However, do not get excited and refuse healthy food. Dairy products contain large amounts of calcium, proteins, amino acids, B vitamins, etc. All these beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous system and immunity. To avoid excessive flatulence from consuming dairy products, it is recommended to reduce the portion consumed at a time.

Carbonated drinks and alcohol

Sweet drinks containing gases inevitably lead to flatulence, and their content increased amount sugar only aggravates the condition in the intestines.

The group of drinks that increase gas formation also includes kvass and beer due to great content there is yeast in them.

What factors contribute to excess flatulence?

Not only the foods themselves, but also the wrong approach to eating leads to increased gas formation. These factors include:

  • rapid absorption of food;
  • talking while eating;
  • a large amount of food consumed at one time;
  • combination of incompatible products.

Rapid absorption of food and talking during meals lead to the swallowing of a large amount of air into the stomach, which causes bloating.

Overeating causes the digestive system to not have time to digest food in the quantity in which it was received. The habit of overeating contributes not only to flatulence, but also putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines, where undigested food is retained.

The simultaneous intake of products that cause flatulence leads to a synergistic effect, that is, gas formation only becomes stronger.

Products that promote low gas formation

Any food leads to the formation of gases in the intestinal tract, but some of them, if they contribute to this process, do so only slightly. These include:

  • buckwheat;
  • dill;
  • chicken;
  • cod.

Buckwheat and rice are easily digestible foods and never lead to bloating. In addition, these cereals are quite healthy. Rice is enriched with amino acids and B vitamins that are vital for the body, so it is recommended to include it in the daily diet. First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the health of the nervous system. In addition, it does not contain gluten and is endowed with adsorbing properties. For this reason, it is recommended to combine it with vegetables.

Buckwheat contains a large number of microelements, amino acids, vitamins and fiber, which improves intestinal motility.
Dill contains essential oils, which have antispasmodic and antifoaming properties.

Chicken and cod, when consumed in moderation, if they contribute to the formation of gases, then in a minimal amount. These food products are enriched with proteins, amino acids and other microelements that are necessary for human health.

How to deal with gas formation after eating

You can get rid of excess bloating caused by food with the help of defoamers, which include Espumisan, Bobotik, etc. Also, enterosorbents can help in solving a delicate problem: Activated carbon, Smecta, etc. These drugs do not provide a 100% guarantee of getting rid of excess gases, but they can significantly reduce them.


Modern society is obsessed with the principles of proper nutrition and weight loss. In general, this is a very good trend leading to a healthier body. But sometimes the process of losing weight encounters advanced education gases in humans, gurgling in the stomach and flatulence. And all because dieting is not enough. You need to know which foods cause gas.

Causes of flatulence and bloating

People suffer from flatulence alone. Few people decide to complain to a gastroenterologist about their delicate problem. Meanwhile, identifying the cause and treatment increased bloating abdomen - a common occurrence for such a specialist.

Provoke increased gas formation may have digestive problems, which are usually caused by the following negative factors:

  • Enzyme deficiency in the human body.
  • Dysbacteriosis of intestinal microflora.
  • Eating foods that cause gas in the intestines.

Typically, foods that cause gas are rich in starch, sugar and carbohydrates. Enzymes are needed to break them down and remove them from the body. Bloating after eating most often occurs due to the fact that certain foods are not digested completely or partially. This happens due to a lack of necessary enzymes. Undigested food remains enter the large intestine, where they become a favorable environment for the nutrition and activity of bacteria. The latter eat leftover food and release large amounts of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which causes bloating.

Products that increase gas formation

If a person has no problems with digestion special problems not detected, but from time to time he suffers from flatulence, which means he is eating something wrong. Even healthy foods containing starch, coarse plant fiber, and carbohydrates can be difficult to digest. Therefore, if a person experiences unpleasant situations, then he needs to know which foods cause bloating.

In the product category, causing bloating abdomen, include the following:

  • All types of legumes (peas, beans, asparagus, beans, lentils).
  • Raw fruits and vegetables (they contain coarse plant fiber that is beneficial for the body, which is poorly digested by the body).
  • All types of baked goods that contain yeast.
  • Rye bread.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Milk (for most adults).
  • Alcoholic drinks.

If a person often suffers from bloating, food products must be selected carefully. For example, all types of meat, except chicken, are considered difficult to digest; this can also include fatty varieties fish, eggs, mushrooms. When breaking down foods rich in carbohydrates, a large amount of intestinal gas is formed, so after eating chocolate, sweets, bakery products My stomach is almost always swollen.

Nutritionists and gastroenterologists say that with the simultaneous consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, the likelihood of increased gas formation also increases.

Sometimes bloating may occur after eating if a person has eaten exotic foods. The fact is that digestion processes largely depend on the climate zone in which a person was born and raised. Very often, for a European, dishes from Asian and other cuisines can cause rotting and fermentation in the intestines due to the fact that there is no required type bacteria. Therefore, often products that end up on store shelves in our country from abroad cause bloating and flatulence in people.

Sometimes the cause of gas in the stomach can be the habit of eating improperly, even the permitted food. If a person is in a hurry during a meal, then he has time to swallow air along with the food. Also harmful chewing gum, because when chewing, a lot of air also enters the esophagus.

Products that do not cause gas

To avoid attacks of flatulence, you should include foods that do not cause gas in your diet. The following foods should predominate in the diet for flatulence::

  • Wheat and buckwheat porridge cooked in water.
  • Baked vegetables and fruits (during heat treatment, coarse dietary fiber softens and breaks down faster and easier in the intestines).
  • Lean meats and fish (mostly boiled, stewed or steamed).
  • All types of fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus). If a person has a persistent intolerance to dairy products, then they should be introduced into the diet little by little, gradually.
  • Wheat unleavened bread.
  • Spices (fennel, cumin, marjoram, ginger, dill).

In addition, you need to eat slowly, chewing your food well, and not swallowing air into the esophagus with food. With increased gas formation, you cannot drink any liquid through a straw - in this case, a person also swallows a large amount of air, which then wanders through the digestive tract in search of a way out.

Beneficial for the body fasting days, this helps remove stagnant masses in the intestines. Such days need to be tripled first once, and then twice a week. It is better to do unloading by drinking, for example, with kefir, so as not to burden the digestive tract. It is very important that the kefir is non-acidic, i.e. fresh. One that has been left in the refrigerator for more than a day can, on the contrary, cause constipation.

If you really want to eat something from the list of prohibited foods, then you should not abuse this dish - you should eat it only occasionally and properly prepared. For example, if you take legumes, then before cooking they should be soaked overnight in water, and before use, add fresh salad from vegetables with plenty of dill, cumin and other permitted spices.

Diet for flatulence

You can treat bloating by following the principles of proper nutrition. The diet for bloating is based on certain rules, the implementation of which helps to effectively combat such a delicate problem.

First of all, it is important to train yourself to eat small portions and not overeat. It’s better to eat about 5-6 times instead of three times a day, but little by little. This way, the food will have time to be completely digested, there will be no stagnation in the body, and already broken down masses that are not suitable for feeding intestinal bacteria will enter the large intestine.

It is very important to accustom the body to eat at the same time, then in certain period the person will produce a sufficient amount of gastric juice, which promotes the breakdown and digestion of food.

When following a diet for bloating, you need to drink about 2 liters clean water per day, not including soups, tea, compotes and juices. But you need to learn not to drink immediately after eating, but wait at least 20 minutes. This is due to the fact that if any liquid enters the stomach immediately after eating, gastric juice, which is necessary for the digestion and breakdown of food, is diluted and loses the required concentration. This slows down the digestion process and sends leftover food into the intestines undigested.

A bloating diet can actually help relieve digestive problems and, as a bonus, help you lose weight. Well, if you really want fruits or other foods from the prohibited list, then you shouldn’t mix them with other foods, it’s better to eat them separately and in small quantities.

Bloating (synonym: flatulence) – pathological condition which is caused by excess accumulation of gases in the intestines. Flatulence is a symptom, not an independent disease. In this article we will look at foods that do not cause gas and bloating.


Attention! IN international classification Diseases 10th revision, the symptom is indicated by code R14.

Causes of bloating

Components of gaseous waste products: nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds. Most intestinal gases are produced by digestion by Escherichia coli, Bacteroides vulgatus or Methanobrevibacter smithii. They produce flammable compounds of hydrogen, methane and sulfur.


Carbon dioxide is produced when food in the stomach reacts with hydrochloric acid. It was previously thought that the odor was caused by hydrogen sulfide, skatole and indole. However, gas chromatographic studies in 1984 showed that the main components causing the unpleasant odor were sulfur compounds: methanethiol, hydrogen sulfide and dimethyl sulfide.

Due to the influence of hormones during pregnancy, many women suffer from constipation and flatulence. Because the increased level progesterone relaxes organs, including the intestines, it becomes sluggish. The use of regular food provokes the formation of gases in the intestines and rotting processes. Subsequently, the abdomen becomes bloated, which leads to abdominalgia and other symptoms of flatulence.

Babies experience flatulence in the first few months of life. Aerophagia (swallowing air) plays a significant role in the development of three-month colic. Excessive gas formation causes unbearable pain in a child, but after a few weeks the flatulence goes away spontaneously. One of the most convincing explanations for infant colic is underdevelopment of the enteric nervous system.

Flatulence may be side effect various drugs. Acarbose, miglitol, hypoglycemic drugs, penicillin antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac), as well as lactulose and other laxatives can cause severe flatulence.


Anxiety and stress can trigger gastrointestinal complaints (including flatulence). Some patients sometimes eat too quickly and swallow too much air (aerophagia). In some cases, flatulence is caused by dietary habits.

Causes of gas absorption disorders:

  • Portal hypertension: portal vein carries blood from the abdominal organs to the liver. When pressure is high, blood accumulates in this vascular area. This condition has various causes and affects digestion. Hypertension is accompanied by flatulence and anorexia. One of possible reasons– liver disease;
  • Heart failure: When the right ventricle or the heart as a whole is significantly weakened, sometimes venous blood that is supposed to flow to the heart accumulates in the liver. The result is portal hypertension.

Causes of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach or intestines (chronic or acute dysmotility):

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): IBS is considered one of the most common causes of flatulence. In IBS, there is a chronic disturbance of the bowel movement pattern, and the bowel reacts to normal air content with painful signals. IBS often leads to intestinal motility disorders - diarrhea, constipation or other conditions;
  • Gastric paralysis (gastroparesis, gastric atony): muscle activity in the stomach wall is weakened or paralyzed by various reasons. Acute gastric paralysis may result from sharp fall blood sugar when diabetes mellitus With diabetic coma or at high risk of coma. Chronic disorder gastric emptying, which may be associated, in particular, with damage to the diabetic nerve, causes constant fullness, pressure, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, leading to weight problems;
  • Intestinal paralysis: When intestinal motility decreases, gas transport slows down. Sometimes this causes intestinal obstruction. However, paralysis may be a reaction to another acute event: surgery, renal colic, acute pancreatitis, or a circulatory disorder in the intestine. Symptoms include severe flatulence, but usually without loss of stool. Depending on the cause, nausea may occur, more or less severe vomiting And strong pain in a stomach.

Important! Doctors must differentiate flatulence from so-called intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Pseudo-obstruction requires urgent surgical intervention.

Many people ask, which fruits most often cause gas? In general, fruits that contain a lot of seeds are risk factors for flatulence in adult men, women and children.

Fruits are contraindicated for flatulence

Important! If you suspect acute gastrointestinal paralysis, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Drugs that eliminate gas formation

There are no highly effective carminative drugs in medicine. Therefore, the goal of therapy is to prevent bloating. In many cases, medications are not required. Many intestinal complaints that cause flatulence can be alleviated by changing your diet.

If flatulence is the result of an illness, it must be treated first. For chronic inflammatory bowel disease, treatment usually starts with anti-inflammatory agents such as cortisone or other drugs that suppress the body's immune system (immunosuppressants). For flatulence caused by dyspepsia due to a lack of digestive enzymes, enzyme preparations are used. Agents that reduce the formation of gases are not always required.

IBS is accompanied by severe flatulence. In one study, the research team found that a unique bacterial strain of B. bifidum, MIMBb75, could significantly improve symptoms of flatulence.

Issued various means that help with flatulence:

  • Defoamers prevent the accumulation of large amounts of gas in the intestines. Defoamers are available in chewable tablet form at the pharmacy;
  • Antispasmodics relieve pain from compression of the intestinal walls;
  • Some prescription drugs for depression (tricyclic antidepressants) in low doses help with abdominal pain and excess fermentation.

Allowed products for flatulence

Flatulence causes significant mental discomfort, but therapy is usually not required. First, you need to change your dietary habits and take non-gas-forming foods. A few changes can completely eliminate the symptoms of flatulence. It is recommended to avoid foods that the patient cannot tolerate and to eat small meals rather than in large portions. Regular outdoor exercise significantly improves intestinal motility and reduces the likelihood of bloating.

List of products that do not cause increased gas formation and fermentation:

  • White bread;
  • Refined sugar;
  • Flour products.


Various medicinal plants: fennel, peppermint, anise, cumin, help get rid of cramps and gas. They are suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Whenever severe flatulence With colic in children, you need to consult a doctor to find out the exact cause of the disease.