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What to drink with a hangover to make it easier. Prescribing medications for headaches. What to do if you have a hangover

For many people, after a hectic party, the next morning begins very difficult. The so-called hangover syndrome, which has all sorts of manifestations, is to blame for everything. For each person, a hangover manifests itself in its own way: some have a headache from a hangover and feel dizzy, some are tormented by severe thirst, some are irritated by sounds.

Anyway severe hangover brings a lot of unpleasant sensations, especially since in this state you have to do some business or go to work.

This is when many people have a question: how to treat a hangover?

The sooner you try to prevent a hangover, the milder the symptoms will be.

Hangover symptoms

The main signs of a hangover are quite obvious, and they are difficult to confuse with something else.

The main symptoms of a hangover are:

  • Headache;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Irritability;
  • Trembling throughout the body (tremor);
  • Depression;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Pain in the limbs;
  • Vomit;
  • Nausea;
  • Increased sensitivity to noise and light;
  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Irritability.

Also when hangover syndrome a person may feel guilty for the events that happened the day before, while clearly realizing that he did not commit any shameful actions.

There is no clear alcohol limit that would cause a hangover. It all depends on the mental and physical state of the person. However, the higher the blood alcohol concentration during intoxication, the more severe subsequent symptoms will be.

Many people ask – how long does a hangover last?

There is simply no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the amount of alcohol you drink, on individual characteristics body and, finally, from a set of measures, accepted by man to cure a hangover. Below we will tell you how to cope with a hangover so that you can get into shape in just a few hours.

Hangover pills

All pharmaceuticals that help relieve a hangover can be divided into several groups:

Hangover medications to relieve intoxication

This group of medicines includes:

  1. Limontar
  2. R-ICS 1
  3. Zorex

The composition of the first preparation includes citric and succinic acids, as a result of which the oxidation time of alcohol is reduced to a minimum. Besides, succinic acid during a hangover, it improves cellular respiration, improves immunity and removes toxins from the body.

The drug with the unusual name R-ICS 1 also has a detoxifying effect. And Zorex contains calcium pantothenate and unithiol, which bind and remove toxic substances.


The drugs included in this group are very similar in their action to antitoxic drugs, but they act only at the level digestive system. Once in the body, adsorbents begin to bind and absorb the products of ethanol metabolism, which are in the stomach and in upper sections intestines.

However, drugs in this group do not have any effect on the biochemical reactions occurring in the body.

Prominent representatives of this group are:

  • Activated carbon
  • Enterosgel
  • Smecta
  • Polysorb


Drugs in this group also help overcome hangovers. In the process of drinking alcohol, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted, as a result of which a person begins to experience extreme thirst. Therefore, if you have a hangover, you should take the following solution along with detoxification medications:

  • Regidrona
  • Citraglucosolana
  • or Hydrovita Forte.

These drugs contain the required amount of potassium and sodium salts, which normalizes the water-salt balance and eliminates many signs of a severe hangover.


Whatever one may say, according to many people, aspirin and its derivatives are considered the best cure for a hangover.

Aspirin for a hangover can relieve severe headaches and a feeling of weakness. However, you should not completely discount drugs such as:

  • Nurofen
  • Pentalgin
  • Analgin, etc.

All these remedies quickly relieve pain and do not have a negative effect on the water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Hangover medications with hepatoprotective effects

This group of hangover medications includes drugs that contain essential phospholipids, which protect liver cells from the toxic effects of alcohol.

Such drugs include:

  • Livolin forte;
  • Brenziale forte;
  • Result Pro;
  • Lipostabil;
  • Phosphatidylcholine;
  • Phosphonciale;
  • Essliver forte;
  • Essentiale forte.

What helps with a hangover?

Most of our readers are interested in the question of what is the best cure for a hangover. Despite the fact that now you can find almost any hangover cure, not all pharmaceuticals equally effective. Below we present only those remedies that really help relieve a hangover.

So, the most effective hangover remedies are:

  • Zorex tablets;
  • Aspirin tablets;
  • Mineral water;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Cucumber or cabbage pickle;
  • Kvass;
  • Chicken bouillon.

Folk remedies for hangover

Many people ask how to quickly relieve a hangover without resorting to industrial drugs?

Sometimes it is enough to use simple recipes traditional medicine to get in shape.

Remedy No. 1

So, to avoid a hangover:

  • mix a tablespoon of 9% vinegar with one raw egg.
  • add salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Drink the medicine in one gulp;

If you have a very bad headache, it is better not to drink with a hangover. plain water, and brine or bread kvass.

Since ancient times, sauerkraut, cucumber pickle and kvass were considered the most effective hangover remedies, as they compensated for the lack of electrolytes phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and potassium.

Remedy No. 2

The following remedy also helps with a hangover:

  • combine 2 tablespoons cream, 5 g nutmeg, 150 ml tomato juice, 200 g of beer.
  • mix everything thoroughly and drink in one gulp;

Within a few hours after waking up, tomato juice with salt relieves hangovers well. Just drink this juice in slow sips or through a straw;

Remedy No. 3

Good hangover reliever herbal decoction based on rosehip.
To prepare it, take:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of rose hips
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of motherwort
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort.

Pour boiling water over the collection and leave for an hour. Then divide the broth into several parts and consume throughout the day.

Cocktails for hangover

If none of the above methods help, you can use one of the energy shakes below to get yourself in order.

Banana Anna

To prepare the cocktail you will need:

  • half a banana
  • 5 ml honey
  • 30 g lime juice
  • 60 g vodka.

Mix all the ingredients and drink the cocktail in one gulp.

Bermuda Triangle

To prepare a restorative cocktail you will need:

  • 60 g orange juice
  • 60 g cranberry juice
  • 45 g rum.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass, add a few ice cubes and drink in one gulp.

Sea breeze

To prepare an energy cocktail you will need:

  • 45 g lingonberry juice
  • 135 grapefruit juice
  • 45 g vodka.

Mix all the ingredients in a deep glass, add an ice cube and drink in one gulp.

How to recover from a hangover

Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity are interested in how to quickly recover from a hangover?

In addition to using medications, you can use the following tips:

  • The next morning after a wild party, get out of bed and run to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

    This procedure will give the body strength to fight toxins and help you finally wake up.

  • If you have a bad headache from a hangover, a cold compress will help. To do this, place a few ice cubes in a bag, wrap it in a towel and apply it to your head.

    The cold will narrow the dilated blood vessels and the pain will subside

  • Some people find a hot bath with essential oils helpful in overcoming a hangover. Fill the bath hot water, the water temperature should not be lower than 37 degrees, add lavender and rosemary essential oil. Immerse yourself in water for 20 minutes;

    A hot bath helps the kidneys remove toxins and salts from the body more efficiently, so after a hot bath, a hangover goes away faster.

  • If possible, visit the sauna. It is enough to go into the steam room 2-3 times for 5-7 minutes so that toxins and alcohol breakdown products leave your body;
  • A contrast shower also helps many people with a hangover. First, stand in a warm shower for 30 seconds, then add hot water and stand in a hot shower for 20 seconds, and then turn off the hot water altogether and stand in cold water for 5 seconds.

Speaking about ways to help cope with a hangover, I would like to say a few words about the prevention of this condition. To avoid a hangover the day after a wild party, use the following tips:

  • A couple of hours before the intended feast, take a small dose of strong alcoholic drink (50 or 100 g is enough). Vodka or cognac works well for this. This will enhance the production of enzymes in your body, which will help neutralize alcohol and prevent you from getting drunk quickly;
  • Don't lower the temperature. Low-alcohol drinks, especially carbonated ones, are easily and quickly absorbed by the body. Whiskey, vodka, and cognac take much longer, but they also hit the head harder. Imagine, if you add the vodka you just drank half an hour ago to the vodka you just drank - the person stops controlling his actions, tries to cheer himself up, but only gets worse;
  • A good snack may very well cure your hangover. However, fatty foods are not very suitable as a snack for strong alcoholic drinks. Fats coat the walls of the stomach, and alcohol is not absorbed as quickly. But at the same time, the urge to drink more appears, and everything undigested enters the liver and destroys it.

    Don't use fatty foods as a means of preventing intoxication. A fatty snack helps if you plan to drink little (about 300g) but still want to remain lucid.

    A good snack should contain a minimum of fat. The best options for snacking on strong alcoholic drinks are cucumbers, white bread, lean meat and potatoes.

  • To avoid a hangover after a stormy feast, drink as much water as you can handle, and then feel free to go to bed. If you have to go to work in the morning, get up an hour earlier. In the morning, after waking up, you will feel that there is no headache, and all thanks to the water. Your body has received the necessary amount of fluid to dissolve all alcohol oxidation products. Drink more water and rest.

But the most effective way to cure a hangover is not to get drunk at all!!!

Aug 13, 2013 LittleToxa

A hangover occurs as a result of drinking too much alcohol, usually the next day. Manifested by headache, irritability, sweating, nausea. Drinking ethanol alcohol causes dehydration and dry mouth. A person feels prostration and fatigue. The occurrence of a hangover is facilitated by the formation of acetic acid in the body, a breakdown product of alcohol.

Excess alcohol poses a problem for enzyme systems. They cannot cope with the full ethanol processing cycle, acetic acid accumulates in the body and poisons it tens of times more than alcohol itself. As a result of poisoning, a severe hangover occurs. A lot has been invented to combat this most unpleasant syndrome. folk remedies. Let's see what to drink with a hangover in order to neutralize the most powerful toxins and come to your senses.

First, let’s figure out what problems in the body’s functioning arise as a result of a hangover. The ethanol processing process produces toxins and free radicals. Synthesis is vital necessary substances is suspended or blocked. Glucose levels drop, and a lack of fluid in the blood vessels develops. The blood thickens, causing problems with the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the internal organs and brain.

The presence of alcohol in the blood instantly flushes magnesium from the body: it is excreted through the kidneys and bladder. Magnesium deficiency leads to irritability, depression, and severe headaches.

Changes in acid-base balance cause nausea, fever, intestinal disorders, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system.


Toxic substances poison the entire body. They are present in alcohol itself and are products of its breakdown. Poisons block functions vital systems. Low-quality alcohol, cheap vodka with big amount harmful impurities, fusel oils. As a result of intoxication, cardiac activity, breathing, and blood circulation are primarily impaired.

Fluid imbalance

A person loses some of the fluid in urine. The other part accumulates in the tissues, causing swelling. It is not dehydration as such that develops, but a lack of fluid in the vessels. Due to the clumping of red blood cells, the blood thickens and circulation is disrupted. Edema – main feature fluid imbalance.

Metabolic disorder

The body's energy is spent on fighting developing intoxication. There is no strength left for the synthesis of useful and vital components. Within a few days after drinking and a hangover, it is necessary to restore the lack of vitamins, organic compounds, micro- and macroelements.

Acid imbalance

The accumulation of acidic substances - acetic and lactic acid, acetaldehyde - leads to nausea, vomiting, and depression of respiratory functions. Taking alkali - baking soda - helps to partially reduce the problem.

Alcohol quickly reaches the brain through the bloodstream. Begins chemical reaction influence on nerve fibers. On the one hand, sensitivity is lost and some relaxation is achieved, on the other hand, inadequate reactions appear, such as rapid excitability, anxiety, restlessness, and aggressiveness. Even loud speech and bright light can cause discomfort.

Alcohol affects the nerve fibers in the brain, which can result in inappropriate reactions.

Sleep problems

Drinking large doses of alcohol disrupts the body's sleep mechanisms. Even after sleeping all night, a person wakes up feeling developed and tired. Sleep does not add energy.

These factors provoke a hangover. Now let’s think about what to drink with a hangover to make it feel better.

Please note that with prolonged heavy drinking, it develops withdrawal syndrome, which differs from a simple hangover and requires special tactics to overcome the condition due to significant vegetative-vascular, somatic, and neurological disorders. We will talk about what is better to drink when you have a hangover after a one-day libation.

In view of the whole complex of temporary disturbances in the functioning of the body, it is also better to approach the issue using a combination of methods:

  1. Physical detoxification. If the person has not sobered up the next morning, it means there is still alcohol in the blood. Until toxins are removed from the body, it will not be possible to get rid of poor health. Gastric lavage and an enema will help you physically cleanse yourself. To lavage the stomach, it is enough to drink 2 liters boiled water room temperature and induce vomiting. An enema is also performed clean water or a weak solution of chamomile. After the procedures, drink the sorbent. 6-8 tablets of activated carbon will effectively begin to attract toxins and then remove them from the body.
  2. Biochemical detoxification. Taking succinic and citric acid will help restore the acid-base balance. Take 1 tablet of succinic acid every hour. Mix lemon juice with a glass clean water and drink it in one gulp. Fermented milk drinks help cope with the problem perfectly: ayran, tan, natural yogurt, kefir. Unpasteurized kvass is allowed if there are no stomach problems. You should not drink it if you have already taken succinic acid. Eleutherococcus tincture has a good effect. It is enough to drink 30 g of the prepared tincture on an empty stomach. Helps speed up biochemical reactions exercise stress. 50 squats or a 20-minute run is enough.
  3. Restoring fluid balance. Metabolic products come out with sweat, and the body cleanses itself faster. You can sweat properly in the bathhouse. But allowed bath procedures only with a strong cardiovascular system. It is important not to stay in the steam room for more than 10 minutes per session. If it is not possible to visit the bathhouse, good effect will provide a contrast shower. What to drink from liquids for a hangover? It is better to take mineral water, not plain water, or without gas. Cabbage and cucumber pickles and green tea are useful. Watermelon cleanses well, as does oat decoction. Oatmeal broth or jelly will relieve intoxication faster.
  4. Stabilization of the nervous system. Herbal decoctions will help reduce the negative effects of alcohol on nerve endings: St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, lemon balm. A cup of natural coffee or cocoa or freshly brewed black tea will help restore energy. Non-alcoholic energy drinks high in taurine may also help effective assistance for a hangover, but should not be abused due to the additional stress on the heart.
  5. Normalization of the condition of blood vessels. A decoction of red rowan, viburnum, and chokeberry will help strengthen cell membranes. Take a glass of the steamed drink several times a day.

Aspirin should not be taken when drunkenness, but it is possible only 8 hours after drinking drinks


There are contraindications for the recommendations described. If you have problems with blood vessels, you should not go to the bathhouse with a hangover and you should carefully take a contrast shower. You need to start with warm water, after a few minutes, reduce the temperature, stay in a cold shower for a few seconds, and finish with a warm shower again.

Physical activity and sports while hungover are also prohibited in case of heart disease. Energy drinks are contraindicated for hypertension and high blood pressure.

Aspirin, which helps thin the blood and relieve headaches, is prohibited in combination with alcohol. You can take it only 8 hours after the end of the feast.

What to drink when you have a hangover from medicines

There are several rules for taking medications for a hangover. You can't drink potent drugs so that the load on the liver does not go off scale. You cannot take medications at the same time as sorbents - this will reduce their effectiveness. You should not take alcohol to “relieve” the condition, and then take pills for headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.

Aspirin is prohibited for people with gastritis, high stomach acidity and gastrointestinal disorders. Potassium and magnesium supplements are beneficial when strictly followed in recommended doses.

Mixing medications can lead to even more negative consequences

If you need to urgently get rid of the consequences of a hangover, you can take the following medications:

  1. Alka-Seltzer. Combined drug, effervescent tablets. Accepted for symptomatic treatment: against headaches and muscle fever.
  2. A sodium and calcium preparation with hepatoprotective and antitoxic effects. Supports the liver, promotes the elimination of toxins.
  3. Zenalk. Plant-based product, dietary supplement. Prevents the accumulation of breakdown products in the liver, reduces the degree alcohol intoxication, reduces the manifestation of a hangover. Helps restore metabolism.
  4. Piel-Alko. An effective mixture of vitamins, glucose, calcium, magnesium, sodium. Improves energy metabolism, eliminates the deficiency of vital elements. Maintains normal tone of the heart muscle, relieves unpleasant symptoms hangover. Creates antioxidant protection for liver cells and has an anti-stress effect.
  5. Antipohmelin. Neutralizes toxins resulting from the conversion of alcohol. Normalizes the functioning of enzyme systems, removes poisons from the body, improves well-being.
  6. Alco-Buffer. A combined preparation based on milk thistle extract and succinic acid. Protects liver cells, helps the body cope with intoxication. It is recommended to take after gastric lavage and enema.

To reduce the acidity of urine and restore water balance in the body, take Veroshpiron. The drug protects against edema and prevents the development of potassium deficiency in the body.

Instant aspirin will help get rid of headaches and prevent blood clotting.

To restore the nervous system, eliminate anxiety, and mood swings, the following remedies are suitable:

Panangin, Magnesol, Magnesia in ampoules or powder will help improve your psycho-emotional state and eliminate the lack of magnesium in the body.

What to drink for a hangover from natural remedies

Drinking alcohol disrupts the normal distribution of fluids in the body. To eliminate hangover symptoms and provide relief general condition It is important to achieve balance, to transfer fluid from the intercellular space back into the blood. As a result, headaches and swelling will disappear.

To do this, you can act comprehensively: increasing different ways sweating (bath procedures, contrast showers) and taking healthy drinks inside. Helps “flush” the body simultaneous administration fluids and diuretics. Suitable as diuretics oat broth, watermelon juice, decoctions of bearberry, dandelion, linden color, thyme, nettle. Oregano, motherwort, flax, and lemon balm help relieve swelling.

The popular brine of cabbage and cucumbers is also suitable. But it shouldn't be a marinade. Real brine contains a lot of vitamins and organic acids that have a beneficial effect on digestion and help cope with intoxication.

Cucumber pickle - excellent remedy from hangover

Mineral water helps quickly restore blood volume. In order not to provoke flatulence, it is better to first get rid of gases in the water by easy heating.

Oatmeal decoction perfectly protects the walls of the stomach and intestines, restores water balance. You can drink a lot of it, up to one and a half liters per day.

Freshly prepared cocoa will play the role of an antidepressant. Green tea will help restore performance and slightly reduce high blood pressure.

Food for a hangover

What to eat after a hangover and is it worth doing it for a “sick head”? If there is no nausea or vomiting, and enough time has passed since the feast, some foods and dishes can alleviate the situation.


Eaten in moderation, sea fish, squid, shrimp and scallops replenish the body's needs for microelements and help restore electrolyte balance. Lecithin contained in fish improves metabolic processes. Methionine accelerates detoxification.

Dairy products

Kefir, kumiss, tan, ayran contain a large number of amino acids, vitamins, live bacteria. Taking them improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism, and protects the liver. Toxins are removed from the body faster and signs of a hangover are eliminated.



Rich in everyone essential microelements, as well as enzymes to restore the acid-base balance. Fructose helps cope with hangovers. For effective cleansing It is enough to drink a glass of water with a dissolved spoon of honey several times a day.

Jellied meat, khash, meat broth

All of these dishes contain natural glycine. The substance neutralizes acetaldehyde - the cause poor condition with a hangover. Mood improves, strength and energy appear. Just don’t let the dishes be too fatty. Otherwise, the load on the liver will increase. Khash is a dish of Armenian cuisine, which is usually prepared from a cow’s leg. And consume with garlic, plenty of herbs and fresh tortillas. Since ancient times, khash has been used to combat post-alcohol depression. He regains strength, the hangover goes away.


Rice porridge or boiled side dish work as adsorbents. They attract harmful substances and take them out gastrointestinal tract. The effect is approximately the same as when taking activated carbon.

Sea kale

Possesses beneficial properties, cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes the balance of elements. Any seaweed is useful: in the form of salads or powder. This includes spirulina, a green algae that can be found in pharmacies in the form of tablets or capsules.

Fermented products

Sauerkraut and cucumbers will perfectly help cleanse the blood and intestines of toxic substances. You can prepare a salad from 2 parts sauerkraut, 1 part grated fresh carrots and 1 part cucumber pickle. The dish renders laxative effect. But experts say that the hangover completely disappears after this.

Homemade lemonade

A good vitamin remedy, especially for dry mouth and impaired water balance. Chop a cup of ice and grind in a coffee grinder. Add the juice of 1 lemon, a few mint leaves. Maybe a little sugar. Eat with a spoon or drink slowly. Eases hangover, clears thoughts, reduces headache.

A hangover is a painful condition that is caused by the intoxicating effect of alcoholic beverages on the human body. Anti-hangover pills can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription and treated at home. This article discusses the main drugs for a hangover, the features of their effect on the body and the rules of administration.

Many people are concerned about what to drink for a hangover. Medicines can help manage the main symptoms of this condition. But they should be taken with caution.

Below are tips to follow when choosing a hangover cure.

  • Carefully read the instructions for medications, the list of contraindications for them, and dosage rules.
  • Check the expiration date of the medicine. It is always indicated on the packaging. Expired medications can lead to poisoning.
  • Do not combine medications with alcohol. Alcoholic drinks can enhance the effect of the drug and lead to an overdose.
  • Pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. If the seal is broken, the drug may deteriorate and lose its properties.
  • Do not take medications to which you have previously had an allergic reaction.
  • If after taking any medicine If you feel your condition worsening, call an ambulance.

Please note that any medical drug may have a side effect. If possible, consult your family doctor or a therapist about the rules for taking anti-hangover medications.

Alarming symptoms

Treatment for hangover is usually carried out at home. But do not forget that when consuming large doses of alcohol, serious disorders and pathologies in the functioning of internal organs can develop.

Below are the main symptoms and conditions in which you should not take pills at home, but urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

  • Vomiting and diarrhea in black. These symptoms indicate the development gastrointestinal bleeding. It can occur in a person who is sick peptic ulcer or gastritis, after taking large doses of alcohol.
  • Visual impairment in the form of floaters and veils before the eyes, deterioration in clarity. This symptom is characteristic of methyl poisoning, a surrogate for alcohol. This condition can lead to complete blindness and death.
  • Impaired consciousness, convulsions, hallucinations are symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning, whose treatment is carried out in the intensive care unit.
  • Severe girdle pain in the abdomen is a sign acute pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas). This pathology requires immediate medical intervention.
  • Yellowing of the sclera, skin and visible mucous membranes. These symptoms may mean hepatitis, hemolysis of red blood cells, and kidney problems.

What drugs can be used to treat a hangover?

Anti-hangover medications are used to relieve symptoms and reduce the toxic effects of alcohol on the body. They should be taken in the morning (after waking up). Now in pharmacies you can find many drugs that are designed to eliminate the symptoms of hangover, but these drugs are not always enough.

What pill to take for a hangover? Below is a list of the best hangover remedies that you can take at home.


These substances neutralize and remove from the intestines toxins and poisons that remain in it after alcoholic drinks. They improve the functioning of the digestive system and prevent the absorption of toxins from the intestines into the bloodstream. They should be taken separately from other medications.

The most common sorbents include:

Regidron is one of the most effective means for treating intoxication syndrome and dehydration. In its composition, it resembles solutions that are administered through a dropper for a hangover.

It is produced in dosed sachets. One sachet is dissolved in a liter of plain water. You should drink 2-3 liters of this solution per day.


For nausea, drugs that affect the vomiting center in the brain can be used. They block the urge to vomit and eliminate nausea.

The drugs are available in tablet and injection form. At home you should only use tablets:

  • cerucal;
  • sturgeon;
  • metoclopramide.

These medications are taken only once in the morning. They relieve symptoms within 20-30 minutes and last all day. If nausea and vomiting does not go away, you should consult a doctor. These symptoms may be signs of alcohol poisoning, pancreatitis, or inflammation of the gallbladder.


Headache is the main symptom of a hangover. It develops as a result of increased blood pressure, vasospasm and intoxication of the body. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have an analgesic (pain-relieving) effect, will help get rid of it:

  • aspirin;
  • analgin;
  • ketorolac;
  • ketanov;
  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol.

All these medications must be taken after meals. They negatively affect the gastric mucosa and can cause gastritis or erosion.

Remember that it is prohibited to use citramon when treating a hangover. One of its components is caffeine, which increases blood pressure levels. After drinking alcohol, hypertension (increased blood pressure) develops, and medications with caffeine will aggravate the patient’s condition.


Enzyme preparations are used to improve food digestion. When drinking alcoholic beverages, the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted and its production of necessary enzymes is reduced. This leads to the development of flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea. Nutrients, coming with food, are not digested and are not absorbed into the blood. Enzymes are used to temporarily compensate for the work of the pancreas. They should be taken with meals, three times a day.

Pharmacy names of drugs in this group:

  • Creon;
  • mezim;
  • pancreatin;
  • panzinorm;
  • Pankurmen.

It is worth noting that, according to research, Creon is the most effective enzyme preparation. Thanks to protective microcapsules, it begins to act not in the stomach, but in duodenum, at the site of release of natural pancreatic enzymes.


These medications help eliminate heartburn, abdominal pain, and sour belching. These symptoms occur due to increased acidity gastric juice. Antacids lower its pH and have a good effect on the stomach itself. They are produced in the form of gels that envelop the gastric mucosa and relieve inflammation in it, these include:

  • almagel;
  • phosphalugel;
  • Maalox.

Complex drugs for treating hangovers

What pills help with a hangover? In pharmacies you can buy complex drugs designed specifically for this condition. They quickly eliminate the symptoms of hangover.

Their main representatives are discussed below.

This drug eliminates headaches, relieves heartburn, and improves electrolyte balance.

Its main components:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • soda;
  • vitamin C.


Improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves headaches, heartburn, and improves digestion. Components:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • glycine;
  • soda.

This drug consists only of natural natural ingredients. It reduces body intoxication, nausea, pain in the head and stomach, regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and improves metabolism.

Main components:

  • guarana;
  • ginseng;
  • ginger;
  • liquorice root;
  • vitamins;
  • antioxidants.


Accelerates the removal of alcohol residues from the body, improves metabolic processes, liver and gall bladder function.

Active ingredients:

  • unithiol;
  • pantothenate


This medicine protects internal organs and the brain from the toxic effects of alcohol and eliminates the manifestations of hangover syndrome. Consists of various herbs and plant extracts.

Acts on the hepatobiliary system (liver and gallbladder). It reduces the intoxication of these organs and cleanses them. It also helps normalize brain function and provides it with nutritional components. The drug lowers blood pressure and relieves vasospasm.

  • glucose;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium sulfate.

Treatment of hangover syndrome can be carried out at home. Before taking any medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for it and check its expiration date. Anti-hangover medications help relieve headaches, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, dehydration and indigestion. Pharmacies offer a large number of complex medications created specifically to combat hangover syndrome. They protect the body from alcohol toxins, relieve major symptoms, and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

What to drink for a headache with a hangover

The main recommendation for severe hangover syndrome is drinking plenty of fluids . Fluid removes toxins from the body and toxic substances. To quickly improve your health, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of microelements and help the liver cope with intoxication. To do this you need to drink a large amount mineral water, cucumber pickle, tea.

Some hangover headache pills, related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, will help get rid of painful symptoms in the head. The most effective and safest are:

  • ibuprofen;
  • citramon;
  • ketorol

Painkillers in the form of effervescent tablets showed good results. Fizzy drinks have the ability to quickly dissolve in the circulatory system and saturate the organs with important microelements.


Thanks to the substances included in the composition, drug in short term removes breakdown products, relieves intoxication, relieves intense pain symptoms.


The drug contains succinic acid and soda, which have antioxidant properties. The product helps improve liver function and restore the functioning of the body after alcohol poisoning. The tablets relieve hangover symptoms and also relieve other unpleasant sensations.

good morning

Produced in the form of dry brine. The medicine restores lost magnesium in the body, normalizes water-salt metabolism . If you follow the instructions for use, you can quickly get rid of dehydration and feel better.


A well-known headache remedy that helps with hangovers. The drug reduces discomfort, if you take the tablet 2 hours before drinking alcohol, and also 6 hours after drinking. In addition, aspirin can be used to thin the blood but does not negative impact on the stomach.

Herbal preparations

Herbal remedies are also used to eliminate pain in the head. Such drugs include:

  • Drink Off;
  • Corda;
  • Zenalk.

The products consist of plant extracts that have a large amount healing properties. Medicines promote the breakdown of alcohol immediately after drinking it. They successfully eliminate pain symptoms, give strength, and remove harmful substances and decay products from internal organs.


Adsorbent substances absorb liquid and toxins, get rid of toxins, cleanse the vascular and circulatory system. One of the most popular and available funds is activated carbon, which must be taken 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Enterosgel is an excellent medicine, as well as products with white clay.

Vitamin C

Effectively replenishes the lack of lost microelements, tones the body, having general strengthening and antioxidant abilities. Has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Restoring electrolyte balance

Loss of micronutrients can lead to convulsive syndromes, increased pressure.

Asparkam and panangin can normalize the balance of electrolytes, which must be washed down with plenty of water.

The drugs contain magnesium and potassium, which are removed from the body as a result of drinking alcohol.

Restoration of the nervous system

To eliminate irritability and feelings of guilt after a stormy feast and improve the functioning of the nervous system, it is recommended to take glycine tablets. The product successfully removes increased excitability, tremor of the limbs, rendering soft sedative effect . You can also take valerian tablets.

Liver detoxification

The main load after drinking alcohol falls on the liver
. To restore its functioning, hepatoprotectors are used, for example, Essentiale, as well as fruits that contain large amounts of glucose and provide the necessary boost of energy - apples, bananas, pears.

During a hangover, an enema and artificial induction of vomiting are often used. These methods will help get rid of toxins and bring relief.

For someone suffering from a hangover, the smell of food usually makes them feel nauseous, but warm water can help make them feel better. chicken broth, which will give strength and normalize the functioning of the stomach.

Folk recipes

One of known methods To get rid of hangover symptoms is to drink cucumber pickle or tomato juice, which stabilize water-salt metabolism in the body:

  • Get rid of nausea and normalize intestinal microflora Can fermented milk drinks - kefir, fermented baked milk.
  • Restore lost glucose fruit juices– apple, pomegranate, orange juice. Fructose will help neutralize alcohol poisons and also has a diuretic effect.
  • Herbal infusions that have a mild diuretic effect, capable of distributing liquid throughout the body, can reduce the effects of alcohol. internal organs. Decoctions from plants are very effective: chamomile, rose hips, motherwort, St. John's wort, mint and lemon tea.
  • In some cases, drinking coffee and cocoa will help. Drinks have a stimulating effect on the body, give energy, but are not suitable for everyone: in some cases, their use can cause deterioration in well-being and vomiting.
  • You can cope with the symptoms of a hangover with: raw egg, which contains amino acids that can eliminate toxins and breakdown products.
  • Soda can normalize acid-base metabolism. For 1 glass of water – 1 teaspoon of the substance. You can stir a pinch of citric acid into the solution.

Folk "hangovers"

There are all kinds of traditional medicine recipes that can be used to relieve acute unpleasant symptoms after a feast:

  • Cocktail "Bloody Eye". Add egg yolk to tomato juice. The composition should be drunk in one gulp, without mixing the ingredients..
  • Juice of tomato, lemon and onion with a pinch of black pepper, salt or mint leaves.
  • Ginger cocktail. The root of the plant is brewed with boiling water and kept on fire for 10 minutes. The solution is mixed with honey, lemon, orange juice.
  • The Vivacity cocktail is prepared from yolk, ketchup, salt, pepper, and lemon juice.
  • Cabbage brine. 200 g brine and 0.5 cups olive oil mix with pepper.

Data non-alcoholic cocktails will help quickly eliminate signs of poisoning and reduce intoxication syndrome.

How to prevent a hangover

A headache often occurs in the morning if a person does not know when to stop drinking alcohol. One of the best ways to prevent a hangover is to stop drinking alcohol. However, if this is not possible, you should follow some rules that will help avoid painful symptoms:

  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach: this can lead to rapid intoxication and problems with the stomach and digestive organs.
  • Have a snack strong alcohol fatty foods or sweets. This can slow down the dissolution of alcohol in the stomach.
  • To maintain electrolyte balance, alcohol should be washed down with mineral water.
  • To prevent a severe and painful hangover, it is necessary to avoid drinking low-quality alcoholic beverages containing fusel oils.
  • For better processing and faster breakdown of alcohol, you should combine drinking drinks with active movements, such as dancing.
  • After the party is over, you should get a good night's sleep.
  • Do not combine alcohol and smoking.
  • Do not combine different alcohol-containing drinks.
  • 2-3 hours before the feast, take vitamin C, as well as hepatoprotectors - Essentiale or Carsil. They will help the liver cope with alcohol more easily.

Red wine contains an additive - tyramine, which provokes painful sensations in my head. Therefore, if you are prone to migraines, you should stop using it.

Alcohol affects each person differently. Someone suffers from a headache when excessive consumption Alcohol, for some, even one glass is enough. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming holiday in advance and not exceed your limit.

There is probably not a single adult in the world who has never tried alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages is a traditional activity at almost all special events. Any holiday is celebrated with alcohol. Moderate consumption of alcohol-containing drinks does not lead to unpleasant consequences. However, if you wake up in the morning and feel like you drank too much yesterday, it means you have alcohol intoxication. In this article we'll talk about what proven hangover remedies are. At home, getting rid of this syndrome is quite simple. However, to do this you need to know some subtleties and secrets. You will also find out what pharmacy and folk recipes for hangover, approved for use at home.

Alcoholic drinks and their types

To begin with, it is worth saying that intoxicating drinks can be different. They all differ in taste, smell, composition, preparation method and, of course, strength. The most harmless alcohol is beer and wine. These drinks contain a minimum of ethyl alcohol (or none at all). They are made by fermenting the product.

Vermouths, sparkling wines and liqueurs are stronger. You can already find the addition in them alcohol solutions. Next come cognac, whiskey, gin and vodka. The main substance in these drinks is ethanol. At the final stage are absinthe and other drinks that are most often used to make cocktails.

The effect of alcohol on the human body

As soon as a person drinks the first portion of alcohol, an irreversible process begins in his body. Alcohol enters the stomach and is absorbed into its walls. The substance then travels through the blood to the liver. This is where active filtration begins. The liver processes the product and turns it into water and carbon dioxide, which is less harmful to your body. This organ absorbs all toxic substances. This is why people who abuse alcohol often have liver problems.

Usually a person does not stop at one dose of an alcoholic product and continues to drink the fun drink. Upon receipt large quantity substances, the liver is unable to cope with it, as a result of which alcohol begins to enter the brain unchanged. It is at this stage that a person feels a slight clouding of consciousness and an increase in mood. All this is popularly called intoxication.

Hangover: what is it?

A hangover is a condition that usually accompanies a person the day after a wild party. So, you feel a headache, tinnitus, and loss of strength. In some cases, there may be interruptions in the functioning of the heart and increased heart rate. A common consequence violent fun is a decrease in blood pressure, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting, which cannot bring relief in any way.

Many people who experience such symptoms are wondering how to get rid of a hangover at home. If your condition is not very serious, then it is quite possible to do without medical care. However, if alcohol intoxication or coma occurs, medical intervention cannot be avoided.

How to get rid of a hangover?

At home, some drugs are now approved for use that can save you from such a terrible condition. Remember that your body is dehydrated, it experiences pain and numerous cramps, and there is also weakness. Based on all this, we can conclude that you need to take medications that relieve pain, restore the balance of moisture in the body and promote a boost of energy.

Tablets that relieve the condition

Among the pharmaceutical drugs for hangovers, the following can be distinguished: “Antipohmelin”, “Alka-Seltzer”, “Zorex Morning” and others. In all similar drugs contains acetylsalicylic acid. Doctors say that Aspirin helps with a hangover at home quite well. If you don't have any medicine, take a couple of tablets acetylsalicylic acid. It will help restore vascular function and relieve spasms in the blood vessels of the head and muscles.


In addition to taking Aspirin or its analogues, you should take care of cleansing the body as quickly as possible. If you have severe poisoning, you feel nauseous and assume coming soon vomiting, then you should drink several glasses of warm water in one gulp. This homemade hangover remedy will help speed up the cleansing process. Do not hold back the urge to gag. In this way, your body tries to cleanse itself of toxins and alcohol residues in the stomach.

In addition to natural emptying of the stomach and intestines, it is worth drinking a drug that is a sorbent. This substance will help collect all harmful substances and gently remove them from your body. So, this category of drugs includes the following: “Enterosgel”, “Smecta”, “Polysorb”, activated carbon and others. Always follow the instructions when using such drugs.

Regenerating agents

An effective hangover remedy at home not only relieves spasms and cleanses the body. It is necessary that the drug also restores the balance of fluids and salts, and also energizes. If you prefer pharmacy products, then you can take a loading dose of vitamin C. A person can consume up to 1000 milligrams of this drug per day. It will increase the body's resistance and invigorate you.

Also, among the restorative methods, some people highlight coffee drinks. However, these funds have only a temporary effect. Coffee is a diuretic. That is why taking these liquids can only worsen the situation. Strong coffee and energy drinks can invigorate the body and increase performance.

Pure water

All hangover remedies (at home) should involve increased fluid intake. Almost every person with a hangover feels wildly thirsty. And that's absolutely normal.

Alcohol in large doses is able to remove the moisture your body needs. Vital important organs At this moment, fluid is removed from the skin. That is why a person during a hangover notices dry lips, face and hands.

Give preference to water containing healthy salts and minerals. However, the liquid must not contain gases. Otherwise, they can have a completely opposite effect on your body. Avoid sugary drinks. If you really want to drink something other than plain water, then pour yourself a glass cranberry juice or a cup of strong tea.

Hot food

A good hangover cure (at home) is a timely and hearty breakfast. In this state, you should consume hot fatty broths, eggs or meat. Dense food can restore the functioning of the stomach and speed up the process of removing toxins from the body.

If at such a moment you don’t feel like eating at all, then you need to do it through force. The only exceptions are those situations when a person has frequent vomiting. This type of hangover cure (at home) has only positive reviews. Many people claim that previously they had to suffer for a long time from this condition, but now it is enough to eat one bowl of fatty soup, and the condition immediately improves significantly.

Cold and hot shower

What homemade hangover remedies help quickly? One of the recovery methods muscle tone, water balance and strength is a contrast shower. After a hearty snack and taking a few glasses of water inside, you need to treat the outer part of the body. To do this, turn on the hot water in the shower and direct the stream towards yourself. Wait about a minute. After this, turn on the cold water and repeat the procedure. Change the water temperature one at a time. It is worth noting that this method is not suitable for those people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Bath (bath)

What other hangover remedies are there that work at home? If you have a bathhouse or sauna in your home, then with their help you can quickly recover. So, active sweating occurs in the steam room. Along with the fluid, toxins and harmful substances come out of the skin. It is recommended to drink a lot of water in the steam room, as after drinking alcohol the body experiences a lack of fluid.

After leaving the bathhouse, take a contrast shower and you will feel many times better. But what to do if there is no bathhouse or sauna in the house? A bath can also help with a hangover at home. Fill the bath with hot water. The liquid temperature should be no more than 42 degrees. If desired, you can add invigorating aromatic oils and salt.

Full sleep

Yesterday you, as they say, had too much alcoholic drinks? What to do? The best way to cure a hangover at home is to rest. If you have nowhere to rush on this day, then you should stay in bed. Get a good night's sleep. During sleep, the body restores all its strength and tries to get rid of toxins. If you get enough sleep, you will already feel 50 percent better.

Wedge with wedge (hangover with alcohol)

Many people are of the opinion that the best remedy for alcohol poisoning is to drink it. It is worth noting that doctors consider such “treatment” one of initial stages alcoholism. When using this method there is vicious circle. You drink alcohol and you feel bad afterwards, and if you feel bad, then you drink alcohol.

If you really want to try this method, then you should give preference to non-alcoholic beer. One glass of this drink can quickly get you back on your feet. This method Completely unsuitable for drivers and office workers.

Folk recipe after an alcoholic party

Homemade hangover remedies can be used not only from the pharmacy. You can make them yourself. There is one proven recipe that allows you to restore strength, water balance and improve performance. To prepare it you will need one chicken or three quail eggs, 9% vinegar, salt and ketchup (can be replaced with tomato).

Beat the eggs in a blender until foam forms, add a pinch of salt and a few drops of table vinegar. Also add a little ketchup or one spoon of tomato. Mix everything thoroughly and drink in one go.

Timely care of yourself and your health

When you are just about to go to a special event, you should take care of a possible hangover in advance. Many experts advise drinking oil, but this will only bring a temporary effect and will slow down the onset of intoxication.

Potatoes, fatty foods or grains are a great way to cope with a morning hangover. So, a bowl of porridge eaten the day before will help you feel great in the morning. During the celebration, have a snack, rather than drink alcohol with sugary drinks.

After a wild party: how to prevent a hangover

If you come home after a holiday and feel that a terrible and difficult awakening awaits you tomorrow, then you should start fighting a hangover now. Lemon will help with a hangover (at home) just perfectly. Brew weak tea and put a few cloves of sour fruit in it. You can also drink a few glasses of plain water. The more fluid you drink, the easier it will be for you tomorrow.

Some people prefer to prevent a hangover by vomiting. It is worth noting that this is a fairly effective, but unpleasant method. If you get rid of some alcohol before it is absorbed into your bloodstream, your hangover will be much easier.

With a hangover, hypoglycemia and hypovolemia develop, and a deficiency of substances important for cells occurs. If you don't have it at hand special means, anti-hangover pills, selected according to symptoms, will help alleviate the condition.

There are hangovers varying degrees gravity. It usually manifests itself as headache, nausea, thirst, general weakness, anxiety, dizziness, changes in blood pressure, etc. A number of groups of drugs help eliminate symptoms:

  1. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. adsorbents;
  3. water-electrolyte balance correctors;
  4. vitamins and organic acids;
  5. nootropics;
  6. sedatives;
  7. diuretics;
  8. specialized means.

Medicines for a hangover should be taken depending on the most severe symptoms. It is worth considering that taking a large number of drugs at once has a negative impact on the functioning of organs; before taking it, consultation with a specialist is strongly recommended.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

This group of drugs is often used to relieve or relieve headaches. A headache during a hangover syndrome signals 3 problems at once:

  1. Edema meninges. The swollen tissues compress the sensitive nerve endings located around them.
  2. Violation of venous tone. The outflow of blood from the cerebral sinuses worsens.
  3. Reducing the volume of blood in the vessels. Shaped elements stick together, microthrombi form, blood circulation becomes difficult, and the brain experiences oxygen starvation.

Taking painkillers is a natural impulse for a person in such a state. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include Pyramidon or Aspirin, thin the blood and quickly block the COX-2 enzyme. As a result, it seems that these remedies save you from a hangover.

In fact, drugs in this group do not have an anti-hangover effect, but a masking effect. They dull the pain, but do not relieve intoxication. Moreover, by taking, for example, Paracetamol for a hangover, you can further burden the already overloaded liver. At the same time, the body copes with poisoning worse and more slowly.

Very often they drink Citramon with a hangover. The drug eliminates pain and significantly tones due to the action of caffeine. But when taking Citramon for a hangover, it is worth remembering: it still contains the same hepato- and neurotoxic paracetamol.

Paracetamol is incompatible with alcohol! Therefore, Citramon cannot be used for a hangover.

Sometimes they try to use Ibuprofen or Nurofen as a hangover remedy. The situation is similar with these drugs: Ibuprofen for a hangover will ease the symptoms, but make detoxification more difficult. Sometimes it can even intensify the manifestations of poisoning. Ibuprofen is not effective for hangovers.

The list of popular anti-inflammatory drugs that can and cannot be used for hangover syndrome is given in the table:

Advice! Effervescent tablets better help with a hangover. Thanks to their soluble form, they irritate the stomach less and are absorbed faster.


Adsorbents (aka sorbents) are a group of drugs that can absorb and remove toxins from the body. They are mandatory for detoxification after a hangover.

Activated carbon is successfully used for hangovers as a first aid remedy. Its disadvantage is that for effective cleaning after drinking, you need to take a large handful of tablets - at least 5 pieces. Smecta, Filtrum or Enterosgel are more convenient to use.

Filtrum is a real hangover savior. This herbal remedy with huge adsorption potential. It can be crushed into powder and taken before a meal with a large volume of water, this will reduce the degree of intoxication and prevent or alleviate a hangover in the morning.

Smecta is a silicon sorbent. The advantage of Smecta is the ability of this medicine to relieve nausea during a hangover.

Other drugs in this group:

  • Polysorb;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • White coal;
  • Polyphepan.

Important! A few hours after taking sorbents, it is necessary to empty the intestines so that the process does not begin reverse suction toxins.

Remedies for heart pain and blood pressure

Severe pain after drinking large amounts of alcohol the cardiovascular system. Severe hangover may be accompanied high blood pressure and tachycardia.

Often they try to treat this condition in a way that is used by older people - they take Valocordin or Corvalol for a hangover. However, this is prohibited by the instructions. The problem is that both products contain phenobarbital. Even small doses This substance has a strong sedative effect. In combination with ethanol breakdown products, Corvalol can suppress the autonomic nervous system (ANS) during a hangover.

Under the control of the ANS – heart contractions, the functioning of the respiratory, digestive and other systems. Using Corvalol or Valocordin for a hangover can calm the heart rate and reduce vascular tone, but there is a risk of causing a sharp drop in blood pressure or respiratory arrest.

Another property of phenobarbital is hepatotoxicity. During withdrawal, the effect on the liver increases many times, and these drugs can provoke even more severe poisoning.

Restoration of water-electrolyte balance and vitamins

Alcohol removes many important elements from the body: potassium, magnesium, vitamins, glucose. Potassium regulates the functioning of the heart and is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium is an intracellular cation that is important for all biochemical processes. By replenishing the loss of these substances, you can normalize your heart rate and blood pressure, as well as get rid of trembling in your limbs.

Magnesia for a hangover is a medicine that is difficult to overestimate. There are release forms for taking the drug orally in the form of a suspension. Magnesia can replace many hangover pills.

An effective hangover remedy that restores electrolyte balance is Asparkam. It is both a source of potassium and magnesium in the right proportions. Asparkam is taken for a hangover 3 times a day, 1 tablet after meals. An analogue of this drug, Panangin, is also good for hangovers.

There is a fairly wide selection of such tools. For example, Regidron replenishes energy loss with dextrose. This isomer of glucose is absorbed directly into oral cavity, instantly joining the metabolism. Therefore, Regidron relieves hangover in a short time.

List of other drugs in this group:

  • Magnesol;
  • Hydrovit Forte;
  • Trihydron;
  • Citraglucosolan.

Of great value are the acids included in many special tablets for hangover: amber, lemon, ascorbic. The last one is vitamin C. By participating in the liver's production of important enzymes, vitamin C helps relieve hangover symptoms.

Amber and citric acid, as well as vitamin C are included in the hangover drug Limontar.


This group includes drugs to improve cerebral circulation. They are often used to treat alcohol poisoning, but you can only take glycine for hangovers on your own. It should be dissolved 1 tablet every hour. Glycine relieves tension during a hangover and helps neutralize the main toxin – acetaldehyde.

Other nootropics should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor:

  • Piracetam;
  • Picamilon;
  • Mexidol;
  • Mildronate.

If you have a prescription and a correctly prescribed regimen, this is enough effective means against withdrawal. For example, if you take Mexidol with a hangover, you can not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also reduce cravings for alcohol.

Another good hangover remedy is Piracetam - it restores connections between brain neurons, gives resistance to toxins and reduces hypoxia. One of the indications for its use is psychoorganic syndrome in alcoholism. Special property Piracetam – the ability to enhance the synthesis of dopamine (the hormone of happiness), due to which the need for stimulation with alcohol disappears and the depressive state goes away.

A powerful metabolic agent – ​​Mildronate. By improving oxygen delivery, Mildronate eliminates hypoxia in tissues, regulates the functioning of the heart muscle, and restores normal blood supply to the brain. Therefore, Mildronate can be considered a strong anti-hangover drug.

Fact! The drug Mildronate has a second name - Meldonium. Previously, it was used in professional sports for high performance.


Complicated withdrawal syndrome is often accompanied by depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disorders. In such cases, you cannot do without strong sedatives.

One of them is Phenibut. It is both a minor tranquilizer and a nootropic. It can be prescribed when withdrawing from a long-term binge. However, in acute phase Phenibut will not help with a hangover.

The properties of Phenibut and Piracetam are combined in the drug Phenotropil. On the one hand, it improves cerebral circulation, on the other hand, Phenotropil has a strong psychostimulating effect. This remedy can be drunk with a hangover; it is effective even with a single dose. Phenotropil is often prescribed for delirium.

In addition to Phenotropil, Afobazol copes well with irritability during a hangover. The drug has a minimum side effects, but consult your doctor before taking it.

To treat alcoholic insomnia with a hangover, people sometimes try taking Phenazepam. Narcologists do not recommend doing this. Only a doctor can prescribe Phenazepam for a hangover. This drug in combination with ethanol can cause severe conditions: delirium, lack of coordination, confusion, etc. The same applies to the drug Clonazepam.

Important! Some people use Phenotropil to avoid getting drunk. However, in combination with alcohol, the drug greatly overloads the liver.


To get rid of alcoholic edema, it is sometimes recommended to take Furosemide. This is a strong diuretic, but it has many side effects and contraindications. In some cases, Furosemide may complicate a hangover. If necessary, it is better to use Veroshpiron as a diuretic - it is much easier to tolerate than Furosemide.

To use pills less often when you have a hangover, it is useful to know how to get rid of swelling without medications. The following will have a diuretic effect:

  • mineral water;
  • green tea;
  • bearberry decoction;
  • watermelon.

Without excess fluid in the tissues, it becomes easier for the heart and blood vessels, and headaches go away.

Specialized means

Specially developed anti-hangover products are available in the form of solutions or tablets. They usually include a complex of acids, vitamins, minerals, painkillers, soda, etc.

  • Zorex and Zorex Morning - an antidote, helps remove ethanol breakdown products;
  • Alcobuffer – protects the liver, neutralizes alcohol toxins;
  • Antipohmelin – accelerates the breakdown of acetaldehyde, normalizes glucose levels;
  • Alka-Prim - relieves headaches, normalizes the metabolism of nerve tissues;
  • Alcoclean – normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, protects the liver;
  • Morning Care – improves digestion, helps with liver function, reduces bad smell.

Ordinary succinic acid in tablets is very good for hangovers; it can be found in almost every pharmacy.

Despite the large number of remedies that eliminate hangover symptoms, it is important to remember: the best hangover remedy is healthy image life.