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All about Thai cuisine: Lemongrass. Lemongrass: beneficial properties and contraindications

…. If you have at least once tried to cook something from Thai cuisine, then with 99.9% probability you have come across this name. Don’t know what it is and what it’s eaten with? Then this article will help you a lot. Have you already become proficient in cooking, and it doesn’t even sound like a curse word to you anymore? Great, congratulations! Still, we are sure that you will find this article useful as there are some great life hacks hidden in it.

What is lemongrass?

In Thailand, this herb is called Takrai, and it is used almost everywhere: from the top soups to tea, desserts and sauces. Based on the name, it would be logical to assume that lemongrass has a sour (lemon) taste. However, it is not. The secret is that lemongrass has no taste! It is not sour, not spicy, not salty, not bitter. Its main culinary value lies in its unique aroma. And since the aroma itself is very fresh and light, you get the feeling that the weed tastes the same: fresh, with a slight lemon flavor.

How to use lemongrass?

In stores, lemongrass is usually sold with the remains of the root system and a small upper green part. In reality, a very small part goes into the preparation of Thai dishes. When you bring lemongrass home, it is better to immediately cut off the top green part and use it, say, for cooking herbal tea or put it in the dressing room as a fragrance. It is also necessary to cut off the rhizome from below. The top dry layer must be removed.

You can beat off the remaining small part with a blunt knife and cut into small pieces 3-5 cm in length. This option is perfect for making soups (such as tom yum). In a couple of minutes, the broken lemongrass slices will give all their flavor to the broth. But you must keep in mind that you will not be able to eat the aromatic grass - it will be very tough. Therefore, before serving, you will need to remove the lemongrass (just like you remove a bay leaf from cabbage soup).

If you want to chew aromatic herb, add it to a salad or stir-fry, then you need to cut the lemongrass into finely-finely round pieces.

How to store fresh lemongrass?

If you don't plan to use fresh lemongrass within a week, it's best to freeze it. To do this, you should also separate the rhizome and the upper green part from the stem, cut the remaining stem into small pieces 3-5 cm in length, wrap them in foil, and then place them in a bag and put them in the freezer. Foil will allow you to preserve the scent of your lemongrass for 3-4 months without any changes.

What if fresh lemongrass is not available?

Let's say you live where fresh lemongrass is not sold. Can I use dried lemongrass? Answer: yes and no. Firstly, when buying dried lemongrass, you will most likely find that in the bag you will only have the upper green parts of the lemongrass (they are suitable for tea and scenting laundry, but not for food). If you are lucky enough to come across dry bottom parts of lemongrass, then grab it and run :) The bottom parts are perfectly acceptable if you are making soup (like tom yum or tom kha). But when preparing a salad, stir-fry (for example, fried tom yum) or curry paste, dried lemongrass will not help you. You will only ruin the dish if you try to replace fresh herbs with dry rind. What to do? Fortunately, almost everyone Thai pastes curries that include lemongrass can now be bought ready-made. As for stir-fries, look: you can probably use the same curry paste as long as it matches the spice composition of the stir-fries. It’s more difficult with salads: if you don’t have fresh lemongrass on hand, then most Thai salads, alas, are inaccessible to you.

How to replace lenograss?

To tell the truth, nothing. But before you despair, look carefully at the recipe: is lemongrass needed at all? Now many are trying to create fusion cuisine by adding Thai/Chinese spices to European/Russian dishes. Sometimes a recipe turns into a real supermarket shelf: the chef recommends throwing almost everything into the dish, from lemongrass to hawthorn. If the dish you are preparing already has enough spices, you may not need lemongrass: it will still be “lost” behind the aroma of other spices. But if you are still preparing something authentically Thai, then lemongrass is vital for you. It cannot be replaced with mint, onion, lemon zest, lime zest, acetic acid or anything else that might come to your mind by analogy. As a reminder, lemongrass has no taste. It is needed only because of its unique aroma. And you won’t find the scent of lemongrass anywhere else. That is why the Thais love, appreciate and are so proud of him!

Lemongrass, or lemongrass, (Symborogon) is a plant belonging to the Poaceae, or Poagrass, family. This genus includes just over fifty species that originally grew in regions with warm and tropical weather conditions.

Lemongrass looks like a common herbaceous perennial. It grows in fairly dense and abundant turf. The plant has a short rhizome of white or light purple color and a stem part in the form of a tall straw.

The foliage is linear, 3-10 mm wide, with characteristic pubescence on both sides and fairly sharp edges. The inflorescences are complex, collected on the basis of spike-shaped branches, formed on the apical part of the stem. The flowers are small in size, inconspicuous in appearance, and have a gray-white color. The fruits are represented by small elongated grains.

It is quite difficult to grow such a plant in our country. It is quite widely cultivated in the area South-East Asia, and also grows in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and America.

Lemongrass looks like a regular herbaceous perennial

Useful properties and chemical composition of lemongrass

The benefits of culture are undeniable, and The chemical composition of a useful and very unusual tropical plant is presented:

  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • chrome;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • fatty acids.

Also contains vitamin C or ascorbic acid, B vitamins and vitamin A. The essential oils of the plant differ increased amount geraniol and citral. The tropical culture not only has a fairly high nutritional value, but also improves appetite, strengthens muscle tissue, and has a positive effect on the performance of brain and heart muscle cells.

The presence of antioxidants effectively prevents premature aging, improves metabolic processes and lipid breakdown. Eating it allows you to quickly normalize blood sugar levels and is characterized by an antidepressant effect. This type of plant is useful if you need to boost your immunity.

Gallery: lemongrass (25 photos)

Features of growing lemon grass (video)

Features of growing cymbopogon at home:

Citronella is grown in seedlings, and seed material can be purchased at almost any garden center.

Optimal growing conditions and choice of location

The plant is quite heat-loving and sun-loving, but in the soil and climatic conditions of the central zone of our country it is not possible to grow such a crop in open ground flower beds.

The air temperature in the room cannot be less than 20-22oC. Shoots will appear as quickly and evenly as possible when growing seedlings on south-facing windowsills, with sufficiently bright sun.

Lemongrass is quite heat-loving and sun-loving.

Requirements for soil and planting pot

The tropical medicinal crop not only loves bright sunlight, but also grows best in humus soils with sufficient nutrients and constant moisture levels. The soil for growing crops must be light and sufficiently drained, preferably with plenty of medium-grained sand and a slightly acidic pH.

Seed preparation and planting technology

The seeds should be prepared by wrapping them in a damp cloth and then in a regular plastic bag, after which they should be left in a warm place for about twelve hours. Before sowing, the seeds should be dried on a paper towel, and then sowed in moist and fairly fertile soil without deep digging. The container with the crops is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. After the first shoots appear, the film cover is removed, and the sprouts are transplanted into containers, which can be taken outside in the summer.

Before planting, lemongrass seeds must be prepared

The root system must always be well moistened, so the soil around the plant must be mulched with organic matter. Watering lemongrass requires only soft and sufficiently settled water. Rain or melt water at room temperature is best suited for irrigation activities. Crops grown in containers must be brought indoors for the winter.

Determining the degree of maturity of the plant

If lemongrass is grown for food purposes, the above-ground portion can be cut at any time of the year. The foliage is cut into small pieces, after which it is laid out to dry under awnings or in a room with sufficient inflow fresh air.It is best to store plant materials in closed glass containers.

Lemongrass tea (video)

Medicinal and beneficial properties of lemon grass

The healing properties are due to the content of essential oil, the main part of which is citral. Among other things, the composition is enriched with limonene, isopulgenol, citronelic and geranic acids, as well as α-camphonene.

Application in perfumery and cosmetology

The bactericidal and general strengthening properties of lemongrass oils are used in many lines designed to care for problematic or oily skin. In India, Cymbopogon citratus is very widely used not only in medical purposes, but also in the modern perfume industry.

However, perfumes with notes of cymbopogon are not found very often in perfumery, which is due to the difficulty of selecting the most harmonious combinations. More often Frankincense and ginger are used as an effective addition to lemongrass, as well as jasmine and anise.. Particularly popular are the women's perfume Carthusia Io Capri and the men's fragrance Diesel Only The Brave Wild.

The bactericidal and general strengthening properties of lemongrass oils are used in many lines designed to care for problematic or oily skin

Healing recipes of traditional medicine

Lemongrass is traditionally used in folk medicine. The plant is used to prepare medicinal tea, tinctures and infusions, juice, essential oils, creams and ointments, and is also included in various herbal medicinal preparations.

For inhalation, gargling and oral administration, infusions of fresh or dried herbs poured with boiling water are used. To obtain the tincture, the stems are crushed in a blender, after which they are poured with alcohol in a one-to-one ratio. The tincture should be stored in a dark place.

Lemongrass in cooking

The dried seasoning is not inferior in taste and quality characteristics to many widely used aromatic herbs. Lemongrass is widely used as a seasoning in Asian and Caribbean cuisine. Delicious fresh and dried raw materials have a pronounced citrus aroma. Lemongrass is often used in cooking fish dishes, bird, as well as seafood and sauces.

Lemongrass is not inferior in taste and quality characteristics to many widespread aromatic herbs

How to brew and drink lemongrass tea correctly

Lemongrass tea, due to its unique chemical composition, is a very effective antimicrobial, antiseptic and bactericidal agent. To obtain maximum effect, it is necessary to brew healing herbal raw materials correctly. Tea is extremely useful for people working in hazardous conditions, since the drink quickly neutralizes all unpleasant consequences.

Lemongrass is an aromatic herb that belongs to Its name has 2 roots: pogon - “beard”, and cymbe - “canoe”. This plant is also called "shuttlebeard" in Russian. distributed in southeastern Asia and Australia. The most famous species are Cymbopogone flexuosus and Cymbopogone citratus.

Cymbopogone flexuosus (Cochin grass or Malabar grass) is a species of lemongrass. Grows in Thailand, Cambodia, India, Burma and Sri Lanka. The second species grows in Malaysia.

In cooking, perfumery and medicine, Cymbopogone citratus is used in most cases. From it one obtains essential oil.

The plant has thin stems, as well as long and narrow leaves, light green with a red tint, containing essential oil. Its scent is slightly reminiscent of ginger and lemon. The substance citral is the main component of the herb.

Lemongrass is a plant whose aroma is revealed in various dishes. It is actively used in Asian and Caribbean cuisines. The herb can be used fresh or dried. By finely chopping the plant's tough stem, it can be added to a variety of dishes. If you simply mash it before use, it will release essential oils and juice.


Lemongrass, the photo of which is presented in this article, is actively used in the preparation of marinades. The plant can be found on sale in dried, fresh and canned form. The dried product is soaked in water 2 hours before use. The stems are used whole, and the roots are crushed or finely chopped.

Lemongrass is a plant that serves as a seasoning for many dishes, including first courses, seafood and fish, and roast poultry. In addition, this herb can be used as one of the ingredients for curry sauce or tea. IN tom yum soup add pieces of chopped lemongrass stem. In Malaysian cooking, the stems of the plant are combined with other spices and coconut, and this mixture is used to season crustacean dishes. Lemongrass, a photo of which can be seen in this article, in Burma serves as a seasoning for lamb and beef dishes. However, in Indonesia this herb included in sauces and marinades for fish skewers.

This plant even gives baked goods and desserts an amazing taste. One pinch of chopped lemongrass replaces the same amount of lemon zest. Based on it, the Chinese prepare “maotai” - a classic alcoholic drink. In addition, it is used as a seasoning for meat dishes. In Africa, the herb is used as


Tea with the addition of this herb is an excellent remedy for colds. Asians have known for a long time that this plant has powerful healing properties. It is used for pain in the stomach and intestines, for gas formation, and as a diaphoretic.

Lemongrass is a wonderful aphrodisiac. Potions are prepared from the herb to stimulate potency and induce sexual desire.

Essential oil

This essential oil is considered a natural antiseptic and is also known as a natural antioxidant. The oil can be used to solve many skin problems, which are prone to inflammation and acne, and can be used for eczema. It is also used to combat cellulite.

Psycho-expansive action

Lemongrass is a natural antidepressant. The grass is rising vitality, eliminates fatigue, refreshes. In addition, it helps improve memory and mental activity, increases performance and concentrates attention. Essential oil can be used inside the car to improve the driver's response.

Mask for inflammation and acne

  • 2 drops lemongrass oil.
  • Spoon

This product can be applied pointwise to inflammation - then it can remain on the skin for up to half an hour, or for 10 minutes on the entire face.

Pore ​​reduction mask

  • 2 drops lemongrass oil.
  • Spoon of olive oil.

Apply the mixture of oils for 15 minutes on cleansed skin, then rinse with water. With regular use, the mask allows you to reduce pores and make your facial skin smoother.

Washing problem skin

  • 3 drops lemongrass oil.
  • Liter of water.

Rinsing your face with water and lemongrass essential oil allows you to get good results and make your facial skin healthier and cleaner. It is necessary to rinse your face with this mixture after cleansing your skin.

Anticellulite massage

  • 20 drops of lemongrass oil.
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil.

In this case, almond oil is the base and lemongrass oil is the secret ingredient in this mixture. It will help reduce the appearance of cellulite and make the skin more even and smooth.

Lemongrass essential oil is also used to prepare foot baths. This will help reduce their sweating to a large extent and eliminate bad smell. In addition, it can be used both for insect bites and colds for warm inhalations.

Lemongrass, which is actively used as a spice in Asian countries, is known in our country mainly among professional chefs or sophisticated gourmets. Meanwhile, this plant has such a large set of valuable qualities that it deserves to take a closer look at it. What kind of grass is this interesting? Let's figure it out.

This is a perennial cereal plant that confidently asserts itself among citrus aromas.

Lemongrass is a type of lemongrass

Despite a large number of species of this plant, only two types are actively used:

  • West Indian sorghum more common and actively used in various fields: in cooking, medicine and perfumery;
  • East Indian sorghum, which is sometimes called Cochin grass or Malabar grass, is mainly used as medicine.

These two varieties of lemongrass can be used interchangeably, but for culinary purposes the West Indian variety is better suited.

Lemongrass is a variety of lemongrass.

In our country, this species is very often confused with lemon balm. However, this is completely different plants. Lemongrass is a grass, and lemon balm is not part of the cereal family.


Lemongrass belongs to a genus of plants in the grass family (poagrass). The leaves of this herb are tall and elongated, like those of reeds or sedges. This is a plant with a thickened rhizome and a stem of 0.5 meters in length. In some species, the stem can reach a length of up to 7 meters.

The narrow green leaves of lemongrass resemble reeds in appearance.

Don't be surprised if you see lemongrass in a pot.

Lemongrass is grown in whole plantations

Lemongrass stems are arranged in dense, large bunches. Inflorescences are long panicles that ripen into spikelets at the ends. In gardening, seeds are rarely set, so this crop is bred mainly by division.

The stems come in white and reddish shades.

Red-stemmed varieties smell much more pleasant, and the essential oil of such a plant is more expensive.

Red-stemmed lemongrass is much less common, but it is more valuable than white-stemmed lemongrass.


West Indian and East Indian lemongrass are actively used in various areas of life and are a source of essential oil.

Here are a few more related species:

  • Lemongrass has red petioles and reaches two meters in height. Essential oils that make up the composition are obtained from plants of this variety. different types soaps, for adding to sprays and candles as a mosquito repellent and for use in aromatherapy. It is also often used to make tea.
  • Palmorosa- a perennial up to one and a half meters high with thin leaves and small cuttings. Palmorosa contains an oil with a sweet aroma, popular in perfumery. The oil of this plant also has calming properties and is actively used in aromatherapy.
  • Lemon beetle (Lemon grass) is a perennial plant grown primarily as an aromatic plant as a source of lemon essential oil. Can also be used for decorative purposes.

Despite the abundance of species of this plant, most of them have the same property: they are all a source for obtaining fragrant essential oils.

Aromatic essential oil is obtained from lemongrass

Where does it grow

The lemongrass culture is believed to have originated in Equatorial Africa. Moreover, its various types have different origins. For example, East Indian lemongrass originates in India, Cambodia, Burma, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Malaysia is the native country of West Indian lemongrass.

Now this culture is successfully cultivated in many countries:

  • in Asia,
  • Africa,
  • America,
  • Europe,
  • Australia.

Lemongrass grows best in the tropics

In tropical Africa, in particular, this plant is specially planted in areas where the tsetse fly lives, because it is not able to tolerate the smell of this grass.

This crop is also grown in the south of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. But the optimal climate for this plant is, of course, the tropics with high humidity and bright sun. Under these conditions, sorghum can be harvested up to four times a year. When the temperature drops below +10 degrees, the leaves of the plant begin to die.

Method of making spices

Currently, lemongrass spices are an integral element of Asian cuisine. The spices have a light citrus flavor with pungent undertones reminiscent of ginger.

Used to make spices bottom part plants in dried, ground or fresh. If a fresh plant is used, it is added to the dish only during cooking, and then removed, because the grass is very tough.

In our country, these spices are most often sold in finely chopped and dried form.


Lemongrass will decorate your area and repel mosquitoes

Nutritional value and calorie content

Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 104.2 kcal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are contained in this plant in the following ratio:

  • Proteins: 2.1 g (~4.2 kcal)
  • Fat: 0 g (~0 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 25 g (~100 kcal)

The value of this product is obvious:

  • it contains no fats;
  • it does not contain cholesterol;
  • low sodium content;
  • does not contain sugar;
  • high iron content;
  • high manganese content;
  • high magnesium content;
  • high potassium content;
  • high zinc content.

This is not the lowest calorie product, but very healthy

Lemongrass is rich in various micronutrients

Chemical composition

Lemongrass has the following micro- and macroelements in its chemical composition:

  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • fatty acids (myrcene, limonene, methylheptenol).

The rich content of vitamins in the composition delights

Vitamin composition rich too:

  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, biotin);
  • vitamin A, antioxidant.

The essential oil of this plant contains geraniol, and its citral content reaches 80%.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its vitamin and mineral composition, lemongrass has numerous beneficial properties:

  • has great nutritional value;
  • the presence of thiamine improves appetite, strengthens muscles, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and heart;
  • strong antioxidants contained in this plant protect the body from harmful effects environment and prevent aging;
  • vitamins H and PP improve metabolism and break down fats;
  • phosphorus helps maintain teeth and bones healthy condition, regulates metabolic processes, promotes cell growth, muscle, heart and kidney function;
  • its use normalizes sugar content and glucose production, which is very important for diabetics;
  • has antidepressant, antiseptic, antipyretic, bactericidal, antioxidant and sedative effects.

Lemongrass is very healthy and can be used in your daily diet.

Lemongrass is also indicated for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, gastrointestinal problems and neuroses.


In front of everyone valuable properties This product still has some contraindications:

  • allergy to citral;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • individual intolerance.


Fresh herbs contain 0.2-0.5% essential oil, which is of high value. The oil is obtained by distillation. It consists mainly of citral and has citrus aroma.

The oil has a pleasant citrus aroma

Sorghum essential oil will be useful:

  • as a remedy for headaches;
  • for skin diseases;
  • to fight infections;
  • as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent (for example, for diseases such as laryngitis, herpes and tonsillitis)
  • for muscle pain (given the ability of the oil to stimulate blood circulation, which increases muscle elasticity and promotes the removal of lactic acid);
  • with dizziness, darkening of the eyes, hypotension and weakness;
  • as a tonic, including to speed up recovery after a long illness;
  • to get rid of stress and insomnia;
  • as an anti-mosquito agent.

Lemongrass essential oil will help calm you down and relieve muscle pain and headaches.

There are other ways to use essential oil, such as:

  • At various infections, pain and colds, massage with essential oil helps well. To do this, mix 3 - 4 drops of lemongrass oil with 10 ml of base oil (wheat, jojoba, peach, etc. oil).
  • Aromatic baths are also good. They provide relief from skin, fungal and ENT diseases. A few drops of oil are mixed with 10 ml of emulsifier (bath salt, liquid soap, cream or honey).
  • Aromatizing the air will improve your overall well-being and emotional state. To do this, just add 2 – 4 drops to the aroma lamp for a room of 15 square meters. m. You can also add 1 – 2 drops to the aroma pendant.
  • To impart additional healing properties to cosmetic products, you can add 2 - 4 drops of essential oil per 15 ml of cream, shampoo, lotion
  • In the form of inhalations to relieve cold symptoms. For these purposes, add 1 - 2 drops of oil to a glass. hot water and breathe in pairs for up to 6 minutes.

Essential oil inhalations will help with colds


In cooking

It is difficult to imagine Asian cuisine (Vietnamese, Philippine and Thai in particular) without lemongrass as a seasoning. The most striking example is the Thai Tom Yum soup. This spice is very good in the company of cilantro, garlic and chili pepper.

Lemongrass softens the smell of seafood and adds a citrus aroma and piquant sourness to dishes.

Lemongrass goes great with seafood

As a rule, a thick, light-colored stem about 15 cm long is used as a spice.

This spice feels great in many dishes and is wide application in cooking, for example:

  • for preparing marinades;
  • for preparing dishes from fish, chicken, beef, lamb and shrimp;
  • in fish and vegetable soups;
  • often lemongrass is present in salads and curry sauce;
  • to add additional taste and aroma to desserts;
  • to add a special aroma to drinks.

The stem of the plant, fresh or dried, is used as a spice. It is either cut thinly to add to a dish, or kneaded and added whole (in this case, the aromatic oils are better preserved).

Watch the Jamie Oliver TV show for a recipe for cooking fish in banana leaves using ginger, lemongrass and chilli.

Interesting application:

  • If a bunch of leaves is slightly softened by beating with a wooden hammer, it can be used as a culinary brush, which is used to brush meat and fish dishes for subsequent baking.
  • The tough stems are used as skewers for chicken skewers - another interesting dish Thai cuisine.

Stems can be used as skewers for barbecue

Lemongrass can also be used for garnishing different dishes. To do this, the stems are slightly blanched, obtaining long green strips that are great as fragrant ties. These ties can also be used to tie candles.

How do you like this fragrant decoration?

The plant can be stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment for a long time.

Thais use lemongrass to make a delicious, citrus-scented drink. For this purpose, chopped grass stems are taken and brewed in a cup with boiling water. The drink is served chilled with the addition of ice, milk and sugar.

We have a lot to learn from the Thais: this drink is very aromatic and tasty

Lemongrass and other vegetables can be used to make a delicious pureed soup.

Lemongrass is great for making creamy soup

In medicine

Of course, valuable medicinal properties could not be ignored.

This culture is actively used in medicine:

  • Eugenol in lemongrass extract has an effect similar to aspirin, i.e. it inhibits the production of serotonin and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • It is used as a diaphoretic for colds with fever (to do this, you need to mash the stem with a rolling pin or hammer, cut into pieces and brew in a thermos, let it brew and add honey; the effect will be better if you add ginger and a little cinnamon).
  • Cleanses the liver, pancreas, kidneys and intestines. Removes toxins.
  • Helps reduce the amount in the body uric acid and cholesterol.
  • Improves digestion, metabolism, burns fat.
  • Lemongrass oil is used as a remedy against fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • For neuralgia, rheumatism and sprains, lemongrass is used in ointments, infusions and oils for rubbing and compresses.
  • In India, the plant is used for high body temperature, in the treatment of infectious diseases, viral infections and even cholera.
  • Lemongrass has a tonic and rejuvenating effect on the skin, heals skin diseases, including seborrhea (massage oil with the addition of peach or olive oils is well suited for these purposes).
  • It has a healing effect on hair, restoring strength and shine.
  • Using lemongrass lotions and creams will relieve the problem of oily skin and open pores.

Among other things, it strengthens nervous system, removes headache, relieves depression and promotes overall health of the body.

Lemongrass tones, rejuvenates, detoxifies and soothes

Separately, it should be said about the use of lemongrass as herbal tea. To prepare it, the thinner upper parts of the plant are taken. You can easily get a fragrant drink by brewing 1 tsp. chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water.

Considering healing properties of this tea, it can be used as follows:

  • as a preventative against colds, especially if you add honey instead of sugar;
  • as a pain reliever;
  • as a deodorizing and bactericidal agent;
  • as a diaphoretic, diuretic;
  • to maintain tone and fill the body with energy;
  • to improve stomach function and normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • can be used as a lotion for arthritis, and in Chinese medicine Rheumatism is treated with this tea.

At home

Lemongrass, in addition to being used in cooking and medicine, has also found its use in everyday life:

  • This plant can successfully fill both the room and clothing with freshness.
  • Stuffing a mattress with lemongrass leaves will minimize the chance of unwanted “guests” - insects.
  • The smell of this herb repels mosquitoes. In tropical countries, it is planted near houses to get rid of midges. Lemon grass is also actively planted in areas where the tsetse fly lives, which is also repelled by the smell of sorghum.
  • And finally, this fluffy green bush will greatly enliven the landscape of your garden plot. A huge advantage of this grass as an ornamental plant is that it does not produce shoots that contribute to the unwanted spread of the plant throughout the area.

Considering its anti-mosquito properties, it can practically be used in our strip as natural remedy against mosquitoes: if you have a fresh plant at hand, then you need to apply its juice to open areas bodies. This is enough to forget about these unpleasant insects for 4 hours.

If fresh herbs are not readily available, then you can buy the plant in advance and prepare a tincture for the future. To do this, you need to grind the stems with a blender, squeeze out the juice and mix it with alcohol 1:1.



The plant needs constant moisture, so it grows well in marshy areas. The plant can be grown in a pot, in open ground in the garden or greenhouse.

You can grow lemongrass even in a pot on the windowsill.

Lemongrass cannot tolerate temperatures below +10 degrees, so in the fall it needs to be dug up and moved to a well-lit place indoors.

In the spring, when transplanting into the yard, the plant needs to acclimatize. To do this, the container with the plant is first placed in the shade, a little later moved to partial shade, and only then taken out into the open sun. In our region, seeds rarely ripen on the plant, so it should be propagated by division. If you do grow from seeds, then you first need to germinate the seedlings. The germinated seedlings are taken outside for one and a half to two weeks for acclimatization.

By the way, there is a much easier way to grow this crop. You just need to try to find this herb with sprouted roots in the store. Then you can simply put it in water, wait for the roots to grow and plant the plant on the site.

In spring, lemongrass must be fed with complex fertilizers.

When designing a landscape, you need to remember that lemon grass grows into a fairly lush and tall bush. Therefore, it is more logical to place it in the flowerbed in the center or behind other, lower-growing plants, for which lemongrass can provide a wonderful background.

Lemongrass will undoubtedly decorate any garden or apartment. The leaves of the plant can be cut off periodically for cooking or medicinal purposes.

This is such a “versatile” herb: a beautiful ornamental plant, a nutritious product with a rich vitamin and mineral composition, and a valuable medicinal product. It would be very unwise not to take advantage of such wealth.

Watch the following video from the TV show "1000 and 1 Spice of Scheherazade" about lemongrass.

Lemongrass or Cymbopogon belongs to plants of the Poaceae family, but it is also called lemongrass. Refers to perennial and evergreen plants. As a wild herb, it grows in the tropics or subtropics. Belongs to the bluegrass family.

Titles in other languages:

  • lat. Cymbopogon citrus;
  • German Westindisches Zitronengras, Lemongrass;
  • English Citron grass.


Lemongrass grows better in hotter areas. In the tropics, the height of the plant can reach up to 1.8 m, but in regions with cooler climates - 1 m and no more. He loves sunlight, but tolerates a little shade, but is afraid of the cold. He likes sand better. Because of its love for moisture, the plant can often be seen in swampy places.

The root system of the plant is so powerful that the soil is very quickly depleted. The leaves have an elongated long shape and are light in color green color. Lemongrass grows in bunches. It can be grown in a garden, greenhouse or pot. In these cases, it will have a purely decorative role. A subtle citrus aroma comes from the leaves and stem.

Lemongrass can even be grown in pots


Lemongrass has more than fifty species. They can mainly be found in India and Sri Lanka. But the regions of Africa, China and America are also popular.

You can learn more from our articles: lemongrass and citronella.

Lemongrass plantations in India

Where does it grow?

It is not very clear where cymbopogon comes from, but it tolerates tropical and subtropical climates best, so it grows in Western India, as well as hot American, African and Asian regions.

In Africa, it is actively grown in areas favored by the tsetse fly, since it cannot stand the smell of this grass.

Among the species are West Indian lemongrass (from Malaysia) and East Indian lemongrass, which is called "East Indian lemongrass" (from India and Sri Lanka).

Lemongrass in national park Morne in Seychelles

Flowering and harvest time

The flowering of grass depends on where it grows. For example, in Russia, lemongrass does not bloom. Its leaves can be cut off as needed or before cold weather. The same is done with the bases of rosettes of plants, which are often used in the preparation of various dishes.

Method of making spices

Literally freshly cut lemongrass leaves are laid out in a small layer in a room with good ventilation, where they do not fall Sun rays. The bases of plant rosettes are often used instead of vegetables, so they are wrapped in film and placed in the refrigerator, where they can remain for up to several weeks.


The plant has a subtle lemon aroma and corresponding taste. Its smell is used against mosquitoes and other insects that cannot tolerate it. Applying lemongrass juice to your skin will keep mosquitoes away for up to several hours.

Just one lemongrass bush will protect your dacha from mosquitoes

Nutritional value and calorie content

The table shows the content of nutrients in 100 grams of the edible part of the product

Chemical composition

Lemograss can be divided into the following chemical constituents:

  • citral;
  • B vitamins;
  • beta-carotene;
  • useful micro- and macroelements.

Citral is responsible for the corresponding lemon smell and taste.

Parts of lemongrass used include:

  • stem,
  • leaves,
  • socket base.

Table of vitamins and minerals in 100 grams of raw lemongrass

The energy value of 100 grams of raw lemongrass is 99 kcal.

How to choose?

Lemongrass High Quality can be easily distinguished by:

  • smoothness of leaves;
  • uniform green color of leaves;
  • subtle lemon aroma.


While the lemongrass is in use, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator. To do this, first wash it thoroughly cool water, then dry and place in a container with a tight-fitting lid. If these requirements are strictly followed, the plant will be able to remain fresh for up to several weeks. At the same time, it will not spread its smell to other food products in the refrigerator.

The stems can be frozen. Then all beneficial features will last for 3-4 months. The dried and crushed stems and leaves of the plant will be stored for the same amount of time. It is recommended to pour them into a glass jar with an airtight lid, and place the container in a dark and cool place, away from exposure to moisture and sunlight.

Fresh lemongrass can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass of water.

Dried lemongrass can be stored for up to one year.

Beneficial features

The list of beneficial properties of lemongrass is quite extensive:

  • Increases the speed of the digestive system; it is actively used for gastrointestinal diseases and flatulence.
  • Accelerates metabolism in the body.
  • Helps reduce colds high temperature bodies.
  • Essential oils from lemongrass are used in aromatherapy as antidepressants.
  • The plant is actively used against sleep disorders and stress.
  • Due to its powerful antiseptic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, lemongrass helps treat diseases respiratory tract, relieve muscle pain, tone the body, improve metabolism and blood circulation, treat skin diseases, cellulite, relieve nausea, weakness and depressive syndrome.
  • When using cymbopogon the right recipes the body will have an antifungal, astringent, healing, soothing effect.
  • Lemongrass essential oils have natural antiseptic properties. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve epithelization.
  • The fatty acids and microelements in the composition are invaluable for the human body.
  • Folk remedies made from lemongrass will help with fungal diseases and dermatitis, and will also promote wound healing.
  • The plant helps improve lactation, increase muscle endurance, strengthen blood vessels and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Everyone knows the impressive effect of cymbopogon as an antidepressant. It allows you to reduce fatigue and tone a person.
  • The plant is often used to increase concentration, improve memory and mental activity. Experts advise using lemongrass essential oil as a natural car interior fragrance. It will enhance attentiveness and improve the speed of reaction to various situations.

Lemongrass bags for Thai massage

Chilled tonic tea with lemongrass

Lemongrass massage oil will give you magical moments of relaxation

Lemongrass oil is very useful; it is widely used in aromatherapy, facial skin and hair care. Read about this in our other article.


The use of lemongrass also has a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use the plant in cooking if you have a personal intolerance to its components.
  • Use medications and medications with caution cosmetical tools, which are based on lemongrass, test them before use.
  • If you have dry skin type, then do not use these essential oils on your skin. They will dry out the skin even more.
  • Essential oil is also contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • If you are taking tonics that contain cymbopogon as an ingredient, do not continue the treatment course for longer than 2 weeks. It is better to take a break for a while and then continue the course again.
  • People with hypertension, high excitability and children preschool age preparations containing lemongrass are contraindicated.

It is not recommended to perform aromatherapy with plant essential oils if you are engaged in professional activity, which involves your voice. Hoarseness, soreness, and contraction of the vocal cords may occur.


In cooking

Lemongrass has an unforgettable aroma, which is skillfully used in Asian dishes. The main use is in the form of a spice, for example, when preparing soup or stewing various dishes. It makes a wonderful combination with herbs and pepper. The plant is also used in cooking in the preparation of desserts. Only the lower part of the stem is used, and the leaves are cut off.

Features of use when preparing dishes:

  • Both dried and fresh stems are often used in various dishes, either chopped or whole. But since the stems of lemongrass are very hard, they must either be ground or crushed. This is not always convenient, but the benefits are absolutely obvious.
  • It is added to almost everything: meat, seafood, soups, stews, etc. Cymbopogon has found its active use in the most popular Thai dishes.
  • To reveal the aroma of the plant, the petioles are usually beaten with a knife handle before use.
  • We can say that the basis of spices in Asian cuisine is crushed and dried lemongrass. But it is also actively used in fresh form. Usually, when preparing a dish, the stems are put in whole and removed when ready. You can’t just eat them like that, they are very tough. It happens that the fresh plant is ground into a paste and added to the dish at the end. The national Thai soup uses spices with the addition of lemongrass. It can be added to sauces, marinades and even drinks.
  • Lemongrass tea has an anti-inflammatory effect and a pleasant taste.
  • The plant is suitable for fish, meat, vegetables, adding ready meals piquancy.
  • It is customary to add cymbopogon even to sweets, as it gives them unprecedented notes of taste.
  • Tea with lemongrass and cloves when chilled is incredibly tasty and perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes on a hot summer day.

Thai coconut milk soup

  • Coconut milk – 400 ml.
  • Chicken broth – 400 ml.
  • Ginger root – about 5 cm.
  • Chicken fillet – 2 pcs.
  • Shiitake mushrooms or champignons – 6 pcs.
  • Red chili pepper – 1 pc.
  • Fish sauce – 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Cilantro – 1 bunch
  • Lime – 1 pc.

Cooking process:

Heat chicken broth in a saucepan, add grated fine grater ginger and lemongrass stems. Add coconut milk and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Add diced chicken fillet, and seafood lovers can also add shrimp. We also put chopped mushrooms, chopped chili peppers, cane sugar and fish sauce into the pan. Cook for another 7-8 minutes. Remove the cymbopogon stems from the finished soup, add the juice of one lime and chopped cilantro. Bon appetit!

Salad with shrimp

Ingredients for four servings:

  • Tiger shrimps – 500 gr.
  • Lemongrass – 1 stem
  • Green onions – 3-4 feathers
  • Mint and cilantro, one bunch each
  • Ground chili pepper – 0.5 teaspoons
  • Lime – 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking process:

Boil the shrimp, peel and cool. Slice the lemongrass stem into thin rings. Cilantro, green onions Grind and mint, combine with lemongrass and season with pepper, lime juice and oil. Mix everything carefully, then add shrimp and mix again. Salad ready!

Grilled pineapple


  • Pineapple – 1 pc.
  • Lemongrass – 3 stems
  • Anise (grains) – 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Cane sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vanilla ice cream

Cooking process:

Divide the pineapple into two parts, cut out the core, peel it, and try to leave the top with the leaves. Cut the lemongrass stems in half. Insert three lemongrass stem halves horizontally into each pineapple half. Season the pineapple with anise seeds and marinate for 1 hour. After an hour, sprinkle the pineapple with cane sugar and place it on the grill, frying on both sides until light golden brown. Add ice cream to the finished pineapple, garnish with mint and the dessert is ready!

In medicine

Lemongrass is used in alternative medicine as infusions, teas, oils, creams and lotions. It has an effect on the following diseases:

Alcohol solution

In pharmacies, lemongrass is sold in the form of not only essential oil, but also alcohol tincture, which allows you to relieve tension, fatigue and stress. It also helps with colds and headaches.


An extract from the stems of the plant is added to medicines for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as varicose veins. Lemongrass can be used for medicinal purposes in the form of:

  • infusion;
  • tinctures;
  • juice

The infusion is prepared very simply: a tablespoon of finely chopped leaves is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Literally 5 minutes - and you can drink it. It has an interesting taste and invaluable benefits. They consume it both cold and hot, but not more than 400 ml per day. If you add honey to the infusion, it will become even tastier and healthier. The infusion is also used for inhalation and gargling.

Tinctures and juice

Lemongrass tincture is sold in pharmacies and is used in the proportions specified in the instructions. It relieves headaches, helps with coughs and runny nose. You can make a tincture at home. To do this, grind the lemongrass stems in a blender and add alcohol in equal proportions. The solution is infused in a cool, dark place.

Lemongrass juice is usually used externally. It acts as a repellent, since insects cannot stand its smell. Moreover, the juice is very effective in reducing itching after bites.

When losing weight

Lemongrass is a powerful tool in the fight against excess weight. She helps:

  • remove toxins;
  • stimulate blood flow;
  • suppress appetite;
  • act as a remedy against cellulite together with essential oils.

There are the following recipes used for weight loss:

  • Take 10 ml of tangerine and lemongrass essential oils and mix them in an aroma lamp. 15 minutes of aromatherapy twice a day will effectively suppress your appetite;
  • Mix lemongrass, geranium and rosemary essential oils and add macadamia oil. Massaging problem areas on the body using a few drops of the mixture will reduce cellulite.

In cosmetology

Use in cosmetology is quite common.

The benefits are as follows:

  • Cymbopogon is perfect for normal and oily skin care;
  • helps with fungus and sweating of the feet;
  • heals wounds and cuts;
  • products with the addition of lemongrass oil help with skin diseases;
  • products with the addition of cymbopogon oil help moisturize the skin and tighten pores.

You can add lemongrass essential oil to any cream or toner. The skin will become more elastic and tightened. The skin tone will become smoother, and the oily sheen will disappear over time.

  • repel a variety of insects and lice;
  • rid pets of ticks and fleas;
  • reduce itching and reduce redness after insect bites.
  • If you add a couple of drops of lemongrass essential oil to the water when washing floors, you will not only disinfect the floors, but also give them a pleasant smell. Combining lemongrass oil with other oils with citrus, herbal or floral notes will create a very pleasant smell in your kitchen.

    Other uses

    Lemongrass is also used for other purposes:

    • as a fragrance;
    • in food products;
    • in the production of alcohol and other drinks;
    • when citral is released;
    • when replacing oils of other plants.

    Cymbopogon fragrance is often used in perfumes and cosmetics.



    Lemongrass plants are best propagated by dividing already growing and well-rooted plants. At the beginning of spring, cut the stem from the parent plant and transplant it into a separate small pot with ordinary soil.

    It can also be propagated using seeds.

    Seed propagation

    Most favorable period for sowing seeds from early January to early March. They are sown in moist soil for sowing, and then lightly sprinkled.

    The container with the seeds should always have high humidity, so you can place it in a plastic bag, and place it in a room with a temperature of about 25 degrees. The seeds will begin to germinate in just a few days.

    As your lemongrass grows, transplant each plant into its own small pot. Potted lemongrass should be kept in a warm room with plenty of sunlight. After one and a half to two months, the plants are replanted.

    Flowers and bloom

    Under domestic conditions, lemongrass almost does not bloom. But in August-September several flowers may appear. They form inflorescences at the top of the plant.


    Cymbopogon makes good thickets, and if the plants are planted in beautiful pots, then they can be used to create interesting compositions in combination with other flowers. You can place green basil and mint nearby.

    If lemongrass grows in special containers or pots, then they need a lot of sun. Acceptable light shadow from the trees. When summer begins and the air warms up, you can plant cymbopogon in the ground, but closer to the beginning of autumn, the plants must be hidden from the cold at night and replanted again.

    In relation to other plants, lemongrass behaves modestly, without affecting its neighbors with its roots. That is why it is also suitable for greenhouse cultivation.

    Lemongrass should be grown in sandy soil with humus to allow it to accumulate moisture. The plant needs a lot of sun and moisture. If you are planting lemongrass in the ground, it would be nice if there was a pond nearby, since lemongrass itself grows closer to swamps. If the plant is planted in a pot, then it needs drainage. If the window sill is cold and the water stagnates for a long time, the roots will gradually begin to rot. IN summer period lemongrass requires frequent watering.


    While lemongrass is growing, it needs to be constantly watered and sprayed with water. If any leaves begin to wilt, cut them off. If during the hot period it grows on the veranda, then even before it gets colder, the plant needs to be hidden in warmth. It requires clay soil suitable for potted plants. The diameter of the pot should be within 12-13 cm. You can transplant the plant into a pot bigger size, if he grows noticeably.

    Watering and fertilizing

    The plant's peak continuous growth occurs between May and October. And all this time it must be constantly watered. Soil moisture must always be maintained. But in the winter season, watering should be restrained; under no circumstances should you flood the roots. At the peak of plant growth, periodically (once a month) use fertilizing and fertilizers.

    Selecting a location

    Lemongrass should be in sight, but away from wind and draft. In summer you can put it on the veranda, but so that the wind does not blow on it. In order for the plant to feel comfortable in winter, a minimum temperature of 10 degrees must be maintained. Air humidity should be average. If the apartment has a central heating system, then it is better to place the plant pot on a stand with water and pebbles.

    Very often, cymbopogon is associated with magic. Some African peoples have a belief that if you plant lemongrass around your home, it will repel snakes. They also gave the plant the name of the herb for Voodoo.

    It is believed that lemongrass helps awaken sexual attraction and surges of passion, therefore it is often used in the manufacture of certain types of drinks as an aphrodisiac.