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Causes and treatment of salts in the bladder. Salts in the kidneys and their symptoms

The bladder is part of excretory system, performing the functions of accumulation and timely removal of urine from the body. The chemical composition of urine is quite diverse, as it includes all compounds filtered by the kidneys.

Sand formation in bladder can disrupt the normal course of this process and subsequently cause a more serious disease, such as. That is why it is useful to know the signs of the presence of sand and take timely measures to stop the development of pathology.

Physicochemical causes of salts

Without going into professional terminology, the physicochemical reasons for the formation of sand in the bladder can be explained as follows.

Blood processed and purified by the kidneys has “secondary” products, which are excreted from the body in dissolved form through urine. These are various chemical compounds, as well as many derivatives of acids or salts, for example, phosphates, urates.

With a normal urine structure, when the concentration of salts is not excessive, the pH value is at the appropriate level, the compounds are in dissolved form and are easily excreted along with urine. If for some reason changes in these parameters occur or a suspended microparticle appears in the urine, for example, rejected epithelium, then there is a risk of the formation of crystalline formations or sand.

Characteristics of the disease

The disease is diagnosed in patients of various age group, since the provoking factors for sand formation have various etiologies. In men and sand, it is diagnosed more often, especially after 55 years, which is explained physiological characteristics the structure of the genitourinary system, as well as lifestyle and bad habits.

Crystallization of salts occurs by various reasons, from genetic predisposition to disorders metabolic processes, insufficient fluid intake, poor nutrition and removal of existing stones.

Sand in the bladder has a primary form of formation, when the suspension settles directly in the organ, and a secondary form - already hardened particles come from the kidneys. They can be different in structure, depending on the acid derivatives.

At the initial stage, the disease can be successfully treated, since there are a number of techniques that promote the effective removal of salts. With absence necessary actions Once crystallized particles are eliminated, urolithiasis begins to develop, which requires great effort to combat.

Signs of pathology

On initial stages sand formation for the body is not expressed in any symptoms. Some people find out about the presence of such a pathology by chance, doing, for example, an ultrasound due to the diagnosis of other disorders or dysfunctions of the genitourinary system. With large accumulations of salts or at the stage when stones are already forming, the following symptoms may be observed:

In women with symptoms of sand in the bladder may be different: it all depends on the size and amount of sand. The symptoms become aggravated during the period of movement of crystalline particles along urethra, excretion through the urethra.

Diagnostic methods

The presence of sand in the bladder can be determined not only symptomatically, when impurities are already visually present in the urine, but also on early stages. For this, the following diagnostic procedures are used:

Based on the data obtained, a decision is made on the method of sand removal, treatment, and preventive actions to prevent new outbreaks.

Therapeutic measures

Even at the diagnostic stage, the causes of precipitation and crystallization of salts are identified. Based on this information, a treatment regimen for sand in the bladder is selected; it is usually complex and may contain the following list of treatment measures:

  1. Reception medicines to normalize the condition. If the spread of infection is detected in genitourinary system, then antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are selected. In case of metabolic disorders, drugs that improve metabolic reactions can be prescribed. It is important to eliminate provoking factors not only for successful treatment, but also prevention of new formations.
  2. Removing sand from the bladder. If the factions are relatively small, then they get rid of them naturally, stimulating urination. Medicines that dissolve salts and urological herbal remedies are actively used. If the sand has large elements that more closely resemble stones, then they can be crushed by direct action, for example, ultrasound, and subsequent forced excretion with urine.
  3. Diet. One of the important points of successful treatment. There is a dependence on the structure of salts; it is recommended to exclude certain products as one or another type of salt predominates.
  4. Using herbal tinctures.
  5. Physiotherapy.

All these points can be adjusted regarding the amount of sand, concomitant diseases the patient and the main causes of the pathology.

A sufficient amount of liquid is considered mandatory, at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Preparations that help dissolve sand

Because salts precipitate various acids, then it is necessary to select appropriate drugs to remove them. They will be prescribed by your attending physician based on urine tests. A specialist may recommend the following remedies:

  1. . , allows you to remove small fractions, reducing pain, as it helps relax the muscles.
  2. . If and are predominant in the deposits, then this drug will help dissolve them, and simply remove other salts from the body and have an analgesic effect.
  3. . Works to remove salts, as well as partially dissolve particles.
  4. . The action is aimed at calcium crystals, including phosphates and oxalates.

On your own, even on medications plant based, you should not prescribe or take it for yourself.

Dietary nutrition for illness

Sometimes it is food that provokes the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder. A diet is mandatory to remove crystallized salts, and in the future it is recommended to prevent new formations.

The menu is adjusted according to the detected type of salt crystals. For example, dairy products should be minimized if phosphates predominate in the composition of salts; for oxalates, it is better to limit greens, sour fruits, coffee, and nuts. Sand with a predominance of urates is provoked by protein foods, so there should be an optimal amount of it in the diet.

For each case, the patient is prescribed his own diet, but drinking enough clean water always remains unchanged.

The use of herbal infusions

The use of herbs in the treatment of urological pathologies is quite common, including situations where salts or stones are detected.

Mostly these drugs have a pronounced diuretic effect, but some compounds are capable of partially dissolving crystalline formations.

The leaders are plants such as: parsley, birch buds, linden, St. John's wort,.

Herbal Recipes many, it is important to understand what they are aids and will not replace primary medical treatment.


There are certain exercises that help remove stones or salts. They are carried out in consultation with a doctor and can be therapeutic or preventive. , improving blood supply and urine outflow.

Prevention and prognosis of the disease

If it is quite easy to get rid of sand in the bladder using medications and diuretics, then it is more difficult to prevent the formation of new salt formations. That is why, if similar problems have already been diagnosed, there is a predisposition, then the following measures must be observed:

  1. Watch your diet, eat salty, fried and smoked foods in moderation.
  2. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  3. Avoid stagnation of urine; if there are problems with this, take a mild diuretic, possibly of herbal origin.
  4. To give up smoking, frequent use alcohol.
  5. Take preventative measures infectious diseases genitourinary system, hypothermia, and also do not ignore the rules of intimate hygiene.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the formation of solid particles in the bladder and kidneys, but preventive measures will help reduce this likelihood.

What complications can there be?

Lack of measures to remove sand from urinary system leads to serious complications. Over time, the particles will increase in size, transform into stones, and interfere with normal operation organs, timely urine output.

The result is infections that develop in tissues, including cystitis, pathologies and kidney dysfunction. In addition, the treatment itself will be longer and more intense, and grinding the stones and then removing the fragments can be painful.

The sooner salt deposits in the genitourinary system are detected, the greater the chance of getting rid of them quickly and with minimal discomfort. In a timely manner Taken measures will help to avoid more serious pathological situations and maintain a normal bladder.

Urine, or urine, is water solution products of metabolism (metabolism), which is produced in the kidneys. Normal human urine is clear and yellowish in color. Her chemical composition depends on many factors: diet, amount of fluid drunk per day, physical activity and human gender, conditions environment. It can change when biochemical processes occurring in the body are disrupted, so urine serves as one of the indicators of health. Urine consists of 95% water and 5% organic and inorganic salts - waste products extracted from the blood plasma by the nephrons of the kidneys.

Urine contains more than one and a half hundred metabolite components. The following indicators of the content of nitrogenous compounds are considered normal:

  1. urea (carbonic acid diamide) - 2%;
  2. uric acid - 0,05%;
  3. creatinine ( final product transformation of proteins formed during energy expenditure) - 0.075%.

Of the salts in urine, the most compounds are the following acids:

  • oxalic acid (oxalates);
  • hydrochloric (chlorides);
  • sulfur (sulfates);
  • phosphorus (phosphates);
  • urinary (urate).

All these salts are soluble in water, so normal urine does not contain sediment. But since the pH of urine can fluctuate from 5 (weakly acidic reaction) to 7 (weakly alkaline reaction), and depending on the amount of liquid consumed, the concentration of salts may change and they may crystallize. So, in alkaline environment Crystals of phosphates (tripelphosphates), ammonium salts of uric acid and calcium salts of carbon dioxide form more easily. IN acidic environment urates (sodium urate, potassium, calcium, magnesium) and oxalates (calcium oxalate) precipitate faster.

When analyzing urine, the amount of salts is determined using a special comparative scale. Indicators from 0 to 2 pluses are considered acceptable; at a concentration corresponding to 3 or 4 pluses, a repeat analysis or the use of additional diagnostic methods is required.

Deviations from the norm not associated with pathologies

If increased content salts in the urine were detected in a single analysis, and there are no other deviations from the norm, this does not indicate the presence of pathology. The reason may be a change in drinking regimen, increased physical activity, or consumption of certain foods.

Thus, an increase in the amount of urate causes frequent inclusion in the menu:

  • strong broths;
  • meat;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • strong tea.

The reason for the formation of oxalates may be the presence in the diet of:

  • apples;
  • spinach;
  • sorrel;
  • tomatoes;
  • asparagus;
  • beets;
  • citrus fruits;
  • currants

Phosphates are formed when eating foods rich in phosphorus:

  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals.

Sometimes salt crystals can be found in the urine of preschool and younger children school age. If this is a one-time occurrence, it may be related to age characteristics. During the growth period, the kidneys may not be able to cope with the breakdown large quantity waste products, which causes precipitation of the salt component of urine. If sediment or salt crystals constantly appear in the child’s urine, this is an absolute reason to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of diseases causing high salt content

Often, an increase in the amount of salts in the urine is a sign of the development of some pathology. When making a diagnosis, we focus on the symptoms characteristic of a particular disease.

Kidney diseases

At inflammatory diseases kidney - nephritis or - observed elevated temperature body, pain in the lumbar region, nausea, difficulty urinating, cloudy urine. The amount of urates and oxalates has been increased.

Urolithiasis disease

For this urological disease characterized by acute paroxysmal pain in the lower back, frequent false urges to urination, as well as the presence of large amounts of creatinine and urates in the urine.


Symptoms (subjective sensations) of diabetes are constant feeling thirst and frequent urination, signs (objective evidence) - increased level sugar in the blood and oxalates in the urine.

Joint diseases

Gout and arthritis are manifested by attacks of crippling pain, inflammation and swelling of the joints. The disease is caused by the deposition of urate in the joint tissues, increased amount which are also found in the patient’s urine.

Differential diagnosis

A routine urine test can determine general content salts, special techniques are required to determine their type. They are used if excess salt levels are observed long time, and there is a suspicion that this is associated with some disease.

To determine the pathology that caused changes in the composition of urine, the patient is prescribed additional methods examinations:

  • Diagnosis of urolithiasis or inflammatory kidney diseases includes ultrasonography, urography, clinical analysis urine, biochemical research blood.
  • If the presence of joint diseases is suspected, the synovial fluid is examined for urates and x-rays of the affected joints are performed.
  • Diabetes is diagnosed by testing your blood for glucose levels and testing your urine for sugar.


If the salt composition of urine has changed according to physiological reasons, it does not pose a direct health hazard and treatment is not required. But it is necessary to eliminate these causes, since poorly soluble conglomerates that precipitate can settle in the bladder or kidneys in the form of stones.

To reduce urate concentrations, you should:

  • exclude foods containing purines from the menu;
  • include foods rich in vitamins A and B in your diet;
  • drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day;
  • Among mineral waters, give preference to alkaline ones - Borjomi, Luzhanskaya, Essentuki, Svalyava.

To avoid stone formation from phosphates, you must:

  • limit the amount of foods high in calcium in your diet;
  • increase the acidity of urine by consuming sour fruit and berry juices and compotes mineral water– glade kvasova, shayanskaya, kuyalnik.

To reduce oxalate concentrations, it is recommended:

  • eat foods high in magnesium;
  • provide the body with a sufficient amount of B vitamins;
  • observe the correct drinking regime by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;

In cases where a change in the composition of urine is a consequence pathological processes, therapy methods are selected depending on the nature of the underlying disease. Treatment is carried out by specialized specialists: urologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist. They appoint the appropriate medications and procedures, and in the process of eliminating the root cause, the concentration of salt components returns to normal.

This video will tell you in detail how to eat properly if you have high salt content in your urine.

The variety of elements present in urine must be balanced, but if some elements dominate over others, they crystallize and precipitate. This is how salts form in the urine. A single detection of salts does not affect the diagnosis and does not require treatment. If the urine is cloudy, with sediment, this indicates excess permissible quantity salts, possible education kidney stones. But this is not the only reason for such cloudiness. To confirm the disease, additional tests and ultrasound are prescribed.

What does cloudiness and sediment in urine mean?

Possible and common reasons salts in the urine - diseases such as nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, poisoning, digestive dysfunction, as well as various pathological changes.

The main causes of salts in urine

  • Infection urinary tract or genitals.
  • Insufficient amount of fluid in the body.
  • Poor nutrition. In this case, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods containing oxalic acid (tomatoes, berries, sorrel, and chocolate) and be sure to eat fruits, watermelons, prunes, and cauliflower.

Types of salts

1. Urats

This type of salt precipitates accompanied by an acid reaction. The cause of their appearance may be feverish states, physical overexertion, dehydration (due to vomiting, diarrhea, sweating), leukemia, gout, uric acid diathesis. Urates appear after overuse smoked meats, meat, herring, offal, legumes, strong tea.

2. Oxalates

Oxalates in urine are ammonium salts. This type salts precipitate during both acidic and alkaline reactions, and are most often related to diseases such as diabetes, ulcerative colitis, pyelonephritis, intestinal damage, poisoning; violation of oxalic acid metabolism; consuming foods rich in vitamin C (apples, beets, celery, parsley, citrus fruits, as well as cocoa, broth, ascorbic acid).

Except drink plenty of fluids compotes, tea with lemon, it is recommended to include oats, millet, seaweed, herring, squid; foods rich in vitamin B6. Decoctions of knotweed, birch buds, corn silk, and strawberry leaves are useful.

3. Phosphates

They are detected as a result of an alkaline reaction, including hyperparathyroidism, cystitis, vomiting, fever, Fanconi syndrome and due to overeating.

Other salts in urine:

  • calcium sulfate - when taking benzoin and salicylic acid, at diabetes mellitus;
  • salts of hippuric acid - with the use of antipyretic drugs, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, stone disease, putrefactive phenomena in the body;
  • ammonium urate salts - for uric acid infarction.


Treatment methods are provided depending on the nature of the disease. If the causes of salt in urine relate to excess permissible norm corresponding specified products, it is enough to reduce their quantity so that the analyzes return to normal. If you are dehydrated, just increase the amount of water. For oxaluria, sodium and potassium citrate are prescribed, which reduce the concentration of sparingly soluble calcium salts. If the cause lies in inflammation, appropriate medications and procedures are prescribed. An increased concentration of salts in the analysis of a pregnant woman, for example, may imply a malfunction of the kidneys, therefore this period a woman is prescribed a salt-free diet, necessary treatment kidneys and repeat analysis.

At microscopic examination urine sediment can contain a variety of salts, which, when the urine stands, can precipitate in the form of crystals.

If a small content of salts in the urine is detected in a single analysis, and there are no other abnormalities, then such an analysis can be considered non-indicative. In most cases, an increased content of salts in the urine does not indicate that the urine is excessively saturated with these salts, because this may be associated with changes in the colloidal composition of urine and its reaction, and may also be a consequence of eating certain foods and does not represent special diagnostic value. But if the salt deposit is significant and appears in the urine regularly, then this may be a sign of kidney dysfunction or disease gastrointestinal tract. Excessive salt content in urine can contribute to the formation of stones and the development of urolithiasis.

In children, salt crystals can often be found in the urine. This is primarily due to the child’s diet and the weak ability of the kidneys to dissolve large amounts of salts. The amount of salts in urine is often indicated by pluses from one to four. The presence of up to two plus salts in the analysis form is an acceptable norm.

Plays an important role in the formation of salts. Normal urine is slightly acidic, and sharp fluctuations pH levels can cause salts to precipitate. In acidic urine, crystals of uric acid and its salts (urates) often precipitate. In alkaline urine, crystals of ammonium urate, calcium carbonate, amorphous phosphates and tripelphosphates are formed. Oxalates can appear in both acidic and alkaline urine.

The most common oxalates found in urine sediment are oxalates, urates, and phosphates.

Urats may occur in the urine when eating foods rich in purine bases (meat, broths, offal, sprats, sardines, herring, legumes), cocoa, chocolate, strong tea, mushrooms, smoked meats.

Also, urates may appear after physical activity, with a meat diet, feverish conditions, large loss of fluid (diarrhea, vomiting, sweating), uric acid diathesis, gout, leukemia.

If a large amount of urate is detected in the urine, it is recommended to increase fluid intake to 2.5 liters, as well as a purine-free diet (eggs, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, flour products, cereals). It is useful to drink alkaline mineral waters (Essentuki, Borjomi, etc.), as well as eat foods that contain calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A and B vitamins.

Oxalates most often appear in the urine when eating foods rich in oxalic acid and vitamin C (sorrel, spinach, parsley, celery, radishes, beets, citrus fruits, sour apples, currants, rose hips, ascorbic acid, chocolate, cocoa, broths).

The appearance of oxalates in the urine may be a sign of a congenital disorder of oxalic acid metabolism, which may manifest as inflammatory kidney diseases and urolithiasis. Oxalate crystals can damage the mucosa, causing microhematuria and urinary tract irritation.

Oxalates can also be found in the urine with pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis, ethylene glycol poisoning (brake fluid, antifreeze)

To reduce the amount of oxalates in urine, it is recommended to increase the volume of fluid you drink (at least 2 liters), eat foods that contain magnesium (herring, squid, seaweed millet, oats), as well as B vitamins, especially B6.

Phosphates may be found in urine healthy people after a heavy meal as a result of decreased urine acidity. The phosphate content increases when consuming foods rich in phosphorus (fish, caviar, milk, dairy products, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, alkaline mineral waters).

The cause of increased phosphates may be an alkaline reaction of urine, cystitis, gastric lavage, vomiting, fever, Fanconi syndrome, hyperparathyroidism.

If phosphates are present in the urine, it is necessary to limit foods containing a lot of calcium and vitamin D ( fatty fish, fatty dairy products, eggs, caviar, fish liver, cheese, cottage cheese).