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Preferential and free medications: where to complain about the lack? How can a beneficiary receive free medications - what to do and where to complain if the subsidized medications are not available at the pharmacy? There are no subsidized medications available, where to complain?

Good afternoon.

1. To receive discounted medications At the pharmacy you need to write out a prescription for them from your local doctor. The basis for issuing a prescription is a written recommendation (extract) received from a specialized medical institution where the patient is observed for his underlying disease.
2. The local doctor may refuse to issue a prescription due to lack of this drug at the pharmacy. This refusal is illegal, because even if the drug is not available this moment at a pharmacy, upon receipt of a prescription, the pharmacy is obliged to purchase the drug specified in the prescription within ten days. If there is no prescription, then the pharmacy is not obliged to do ANYTHING, and you will never see the medicine. Therefore, you need to “remind” your local doctor about this and continue to insist on writing out a prescription.
3. If the doctor continues to refuse to issue a prescription, demand it and write it down on the card: “the prescription was not issued due to the lack of medicine in the pharmacy.” He cannot write something like that, so he will either write out a prescription or refuse to write down on the card that he did not write it out. In this case, it is necessary that the doctor MUST make an entry in the card stating that the patient on such and such a date was at an appointment and was examined by a doctor on such and such (he will not be able to refuse this).
4. Immediately after leaving the doctor’s office, write a complaint in 2 copies addressed to the head doctor of the clinic with approximately the following content: “To the head doctor so-and-so from so-and-so... Please explain on what basis the therapist so-and-so refused to write me a prescription for medicine (name) , necessary for my life's indications. I consider this refusal illegal on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2007 N 110, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 No. 890...
5. Give one copy of the letter to the secretary of the head physician, ask the secretary to put a stamp on the second copy.
6. If the secretary refuses to accept the complaint, you must send it by mail - registered mail with a list of attachments and acknowledgment of delivery. The inventory will be given in two copies, one to be placed in the letter, the second to be attached to a copy of the complaint stored in your home. Attach the payment receipt there registered letter and a notice of receipt of the complaint signed by the secretary of the head physician.
7. In the future, act depending on the reaction of the head physician. He may offer to agree verbally, but it is necessary to insist on a written response. After this, a prescription for the medicine is usually given.
8. If formal replies begin (the Department of Health prohibits prescribing this medicine, there is no money in the budget, etc.), then you need to contact the prosecutor’s office, regional Ministry healthcare, Roszdravnadzor (you can go to 3 of these places at once). Send there COPIES (not originals) of all documents (your complaint, postal documents - list of attachments, receipt, delivery of notification; responses from the head physician). If there was no response from the head physician, you can safely complain to the prosecutor’s office. Usually, after a complaint to the prosecutor's office, doctors themselves call home and ask when it is convenient for you to come for a prescription.

According to statistics, about 20 million people in Russia have the right to free, so-called preferential, medicines. Approximately 15.5 million of these people choose medication instead monetary compensation, and only about 4 million people enjoy their right to the full.

Who is entitled to such medications in 2019 and in what cases can the state pay for treatment? First things first.

What medications are given free of charge?

The list of free medicines is regulated by the government.

The document approving their receipt is the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia “On approval of the list of medicines dispensed by prescription when providing additional medical care separate groups citizens entitled to receive state social assistance", adopted in 2006, in September.

This document is updated regularly as some drugs are added to the list and others are removed from it.

In 2019, the group of free medicines included all categories of medicines:

  • non-narcotic and opioid analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs for the treatment of allergies, gout, and parkinsonism;
  • anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic substances;
  • antidepressants, antibiotics, sleeping pills;
  • antiviral and antifungal drugs;
  • medications for the treatment of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems;
  • hormones and many other drugs.
Almost any disease can be cured exclusively with the help of free drugs.

Who is eligible for free medicines

Categories of persons who have the right to free medicines, are spelled out in Article 6.1 of Law No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999, in Article 125 of Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004.

The prescription must indicate its validity period, usually one month. This is the time within which the medicine must be obtained from the pharmacy. If the drug is not available, medication may be offered similar action. The validity of the prescription can be extended, and in this case the pharmacy is obliged to organize the issuance of the requested drug within 10 days.

If it is necessary to continue treatment, as well as in case of loss of the prescription, the doctor is obliged to prescribe the drug again.

Any person to whom the prescription is given can receive free medicine with a prescription prescribed by a doctor. This is especially important when the patient himself is not able to pick up the medicine he needs.

Free medicines for children

Today, children under three years of age have the right to free medicines in Russia, in addition, children under 6 years of age from large families. This also includes children suffering from rare life-threatening diseases whose treatment is extremely expensive.

It is enough to register the child at the place of residence and receive medical insurance and SNILS in the department pension fund in order to receive free medications in the future if necessary.

If the medicines are not available at the pharmacy

In 2018, the Ministry of Health increased the volume of allocations for public procurement of medicines for HIV-infected people to 21.6 billion rubles. Previously, 17.8 billion rubles were allocated.

According to data from a social study conducted by the All-Russian Popular Front, the majority of Russians in 2018 are not even able to afford subsidized medications, since in many populated areas There is a shortage of them in public medical institutions and pharmacies.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

For prompt solution your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

Last changes

From January 1, 2019, new Rules for organizing the provision of medicines to persons with rare diseases will be in effect, the list of which for budgetary drug provision has been expanded by Federal Law-299 of August 3, 2018. It includes the following diseases:

  • hemophilia,
  • pituitary dwarfism,
  • cystic fibrosis,
  • Gaucher disease,
  • malignant neoplasms lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues,
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • juvenile arthritis with systemic onset,
  • mucopolysaccharidosis types 1-2 and 6,
  • post-transplant period.

New INNs included in the list of free medicines:

Name of the drug Dosage form
Drugs for the treatment of liver and biliary tract diseases
Succinic acid + meglumine + inosine + methionine + nicotinamider/r for infusions
Antidiarrheal, intestinal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs
Mesalazinesuppositories, suspension, tablets
Medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
Lixisenatider/r for subcutaneous administration
Other drugs for treating diseases gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders
Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system
Valsartan + sacubitrilpills
Lipid-lowering drugs
Alirocumabr/r for subcutaneous administration
Evolocumabr/r for subcutaneous administration
Hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and their analogues
Lanreotidegel for subcutaneous administration prolong. actions
Antibacterial drugs for systemic use
Daptomycinlyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion
Antiviral drugs for systemic use
Dasabuvir; ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavirtablets set
Antitumor drugs
Brentuximab vedotinlyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Nivolumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Obinutuzumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Panitumumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Pembrolizumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Pertuzumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Trastuzumab emtansinelyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Nintedanibsoft capsules
Afliberceptconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Carfilzomiblyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion
Tumor necrosis factor alpha-1 [thymosin recombinant]*
Antitumor hormonal drugs
Degarelixlyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration
Peginterferon beta-1ar/r for subcutaneous administration
Alemtuzumabconcentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Vedolizumablyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Canakinumablyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration
Secukinumablyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration;
solution for subcutaneous administration
Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs
Dexketoprofenr/r for intravenous and intramuscular administration
Dimethyl fumarateenteric capsules
Drugs for the treatment of obstructive airway diseases
Vilanterol + fluticasone furoatedosed powder for inhalation
Glycopyrronium bromide + indacaterolcapsules with powder for inhalation
Olodaterol + tiotropium bromidedosed solution for inhalation
Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system
Beractantsuspension for endotracheal administration
Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases
Tafluprosteye drops
Afliberceptsolution for intraocular administration
Other remedies
Complex of b-iron(III) oxyhydroxide, sucrose and starchchewable tablets
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Victoria Ryzhkova. Photo: Ksenia Ivanova

"Copper people" and their misfortune

Victoria Ryzhkova is the coordinator of the St. Petersburg charitable organization Nochlezhka, which helps the homeless. But recently she had to do something that was not related to the problems of homelessness - coordinating the supply of the drug “Kuprenil” throughout Russia.

In January 2015, Victoria was found rare disease– Wilson-Konovalov disease. People with this disease do not remove copper from their bodies. If a person is not treated correctly, he will die slowly and painfully - all organs gradually fail.

There are not very many “copper people” in Russia - less than 700 people, but this does not make it any easier for them. It becomes easier only from regular use of the drug “Kuprenil”, which helps remove copper from the body.

"Kuprenil" is a vital medicine and is sold free of charge. But in March of this year it disappeared from Russian pharmacies.

It turned out that pharmaceutical company Teva, which produces the drug, moved production from Poland to Israel, and Russian legislation, re-registration of the drug was required. Because of this, government procurement fell through, and those suffering from Wilson-Konovalov disease were left alone with the question: where to get Cuprenil?

Fantastic warehouse "Kuprenila"

Victoria Ryzhikova: “I feel that my apartment will soon turn into a fantastic warehouse.” Photo: Ksenia Ivanova

Victoria Ryzhkova had a supply of medicine - she bought it six months in advance. Therefore, she began to share with those “copper people” who had nowhere to get “Kuprenil” - the only way to get it at that time was delivery from abroad.

Colleagues in misfortune found each other through social media. “I seem to recognize most of the Wilsonites from Russia (about 400 people - Ed.),” Victoria wrote in July. – And it all started with the fact that someone monitored my post about “Kuprenil” on VKontakte. And he asked what was happening with the wheels in Belarus and Ukraine. Then I started monitoring VK. Since March, people have been looking for “Kuprenil”, they are ready to buy it for any money, just to live; many Konovalovo residents’ condition is deteriorating, severely deteriorating, even to the point of seizures. People scream for help and essentially die slowly. From my reserves I sent “Kuprenil” to Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk - very sharp. I told the others I found where to buy and how to transport them.”

The drug was delivered from Ukraine and Belarus by Victoria’s friends, stocked up in advance pink pills“Kuprenil” was shared among other “Wilsonites” - this is what Victoria calls people suffering from an excess of copper in the body. Those whose condition was not yet critical refused life important medicine for the benefit of seriously ill patients.

“I’ve never seen anything like this anywhere,” Victoria wrote on Facebook. - It would seem that there are no drugs - sit and don’t give your supplies to anyone. But no, we share them to our own detriment... I feel that my apartment will soon turn into a fantastic warehouse.”

Her apartment actually became a warehouse - from there the drug was distributed throughout the country. In addition, Victoria appealed to the prosecutor's office with a request to understand why Cuprenil disappeared from pharmacies, putting the lives of hundreds of people at risk.

In July 2016, supplies of the drug to Russia were resumed. At the end of August, the drug appeared in most Russian regions. This is how Victoria spoke about it:

“My Wilson children receive “Kuprenil” according to prescriptions in the Trans-Ural region in Saransk and Saratov, in Rostov-on-Don, in Voronezh, in Yelets, in Belgorod, in Engels, Krasnodar and Volgograd, in Samara, Kazan and Omsk and probably elsewhere -That. And yes, this is a victory. Thanks to everyone who wrote, reposted, imported and transported, everyone who wrote prescriptions, who bought pills with their own money, for the very poor. There is no need for any state when a person is a person to another.”

Now “Kuprenil” can be bought or obtained by prescription in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

What to do if the medicine is not in the pharmacy?

At the request of Victoria Ryzhkova, Nochlezhka lawyer Ekaterina Dikovskaya developed instructions for patients on what to do if a vital medicine is not in the pharmacy.

Need to put prescription for deferred care at a pharmacy. There they are required to register it in the register of unsatisfied demand. Such a magazine should be in every pharmacy that dispenses drugs on preferential prescriptions.

– If a prescription is registered in the backlog, it does not need to be left at the pharmacy. The patient takes it with him, but it must be marked with a mark indicating its acceptance for service: date of registration, pharmacy number, signature of the pharmacist.

– After registering the recipe the pharmacy must form an application for the drug to the pharmaceutical company authorized to supply subsidized drugs to the region and provide the drug to the patient within 10-15 days.

The patient can call the pharmaceutical company himself, which supplies subsidized drugs to the region, and find out whether it is in stock necessary drug, when it will be delivered to the pharmacy, for what reason it is missing. You can also notify the company that the prescription has been accepted by the pharmacy for deferred service (the pharmacy may not inform the company about the deferred prescription). The phone number of the pharmaceutical company can be found at the pharmacy.

If 16 days have passed and the drug has not yet arrived at the pharmacy, you need to write a complaint to the authorized pharmaceutical company that you never received the preferential medicine.

You need to wait for a response, which may indicate that the Ministry of Health did not hold scheduled tenders for the purchase of medicines or the medicine was not indicated in the specification for public procurement. The company's response will be the basis for going to court - based on the content of the response, the defendant is determined: the Ministry of Health and Social Development, a pharmacy, a pharmaceutical company, etc.

– Medicine provided to the patient free of charge according to a preferential prescription, can be purchased for own funds, and then demand payment of compensation from the pharmacy. To do this, you need to write a claim to the pharmacy with a request to reimburse the costs. If the pharmacy does not reimburse the money spent, you can go to court.

- Court may refuse to satisfy a claim for compensation Money , if the medicine is purchased independently and the prescription has not been put on deferred maintenance.

Everyone faces the impossibility of obtaining free medicine prescribed by the attending physician. large quantity patients. The reason for this is not only the frequent absence the necessary drugs in pharmacies, but also the dishonesty of their employees who refuse to serve beneficiaries. How to protect your rights?

According to the requirements of Roszdravnadzor, there is a clear algorithm of actions that the pharmacist must adhere to if the pharmacy does not have the subsidized medicine needed by the patient. But not all citizens know about it. Therefore, having heard a refusal, they purchase expensive drugs at personal funds, while leaving violators of their rights without punishment.

What should a pharmacy employee do if there are no subsidized medications?

If the free drugs prescribed by the doctor are not available in the pharmacy at the time of the patient’s request, the pharmacist has the right to offer similar drugs that are available. If the client refuses to receive substitute medications, then the pharmacist is obliged to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Accept a discounted prescription from the patient.
  2. Register it in a special pharmacy journal of unmet demand, assigning it the status of deferred maintenance.
  3. Enter recipe details into electronic program institutions.
  4. Submit a written/electronic request for medications to the supplier company.

The authorized pharmaceutical organization must also register the incoming request and provide an official response to the pharmacy regarding the presence/absence and availability of this drug. If the application cannot be satisfied on its part, the pharmacy must purchase the drug itself, and the costs incurred will subsequently be compensated by the state.

If the drug is not available in the pharmacy indicated by the doctor who wrote the preferential prescription, the patient has the opportunity to get it at another social pharmacy, provided that it is located on the territory of the same municipality, and the heads of both institutions agreed on this point among themselves. If the drug is not available in the right dosage, the pharmacist can replace it with a medicine with a lower dosage, but increasing its volume to an amount that will be sufficient for therapy. At the same time, to dispense the drug in a larger dosage than prescribed, you must contact your doctor for another prescription. No pharmacy has the right to limit the volume of subsidized medicine. Only the attending doctor has this competence.

How long does it take for the pharmacy to provide medications?

Roszdravnadzor allocates 10 working (not calendar!) days for the delivery of previously unavailable medications. If the drugs were prescribed through a medical commission, then this period increases to 15 days. The client is notified of the arrival of the order often by telephone on the same day that the necessary funds arrive at the pharmacy.

Where should I file a complaint against a pharmacy?

If after specified period delivery of the missing medicine was not carried out, or the pharmacist completely refused to serve the client with a preferential prescription, you can first try to resolve the controversial situation by filing a complaint with the manager pharmacy. If the violation is not eliminated, you must file an oral or written complaint against the establishment, outlining the essence of the problem. Below are the main ways to file a complaint against a social pharmacy that violates the rights of a beneficiary to receive medicines:

  • Call on " hotline» Department of Health of your city/region. You can find out its number from the help desk operators or on the structure’s website, where you can also familiarize yourself with the specialists’ work schedule;
  • Contact the hotline operators of the Pharmacy Department of the Department of Health of your city/region, finding out its contact information in a similar way;
  • Leave a request on the official website of Roszdravnadzor, indicating your contact details, name and address of the pharmacy, detailed description the situation;
  • Contact the administration of the clinic where the preferential prescription was issued. The specialist on duty is engaged in the solution controversial issues problems encountered by patients, including the provision of subsidized medications. Information about his work schedule, as well as a contact phone number, can be obtained from the reception desk;
  • Submit an application to the prosecutor's office against the organization or official who created obstacles to the patient receiving free medicines, attaching copies of the passport, beneficiary ID, and prescription.

Each pharmacy has the right to refuse to issue a medicine to a person if the preferential prescription was not written on an official form or its validity period has expired. In this case, complaints against the pharmacy will not be considered. And the patient will need to contact his doctor with a request for a new prescription.

Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region

To the Minister of Health of the Moscow Region

Nina Vladimirovna Suslonova

Address: 143407, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Stroiteley Blvd., 1

Territorial body of Roszdravnadzor for Moscow and the Moscow region

Acting head of the territorial body
Pavlyukov Dmitry Yurievich

Address: 127206, Russia, Moscow, st. Vucheticha, 12 A

To the head of the health department of the Odintsovo municipal district, Daria Yuryevna Penionzhkevich.

Address: 143000, 127206, Russia, Moscow, st. Vucheticha, 12, Moscow region, Odintsovo. St. Marshala Biryuzova, 9.

Prosecutor of the Third Prosecutor's Office for Supervision of the Execution of Laws at High Security Facilities

Bragin Oleg Vladimirovich

Address: 143090, Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk. Pobeda, 7/1.

From ________________________________________________


(In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ

"On the procedure for considering citizens' appeals Russian Federation")

I, Petrova Galina Fedorovna, born in 1933, a WWII veteran (a copy of the document is attached), a disabled person of group II (a copy of the document is attached), I suffer from a malignant neoplasm: hormone-dependent HER2-positive (a copy of the document is attached), breast cancer, stage 2.

The treatment was carried out surgery and chemotherapy at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. To continue treatment, the oncologists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center” in Moscow recommended and also prescribed the drug Herceptin (INN trastuzumab). The mother received the specified drug for treatment, tolerated it well and there was no progression of the disease, she received 10 injections in total, but 17 were needed (over the course of a year) as a result of the resulting dynamic break according to oscintography dated November 16, 2015 (a copy of the document is attached), progression of the disease occurred (MTS in the spine) and the doctor prescribed Herceptin (INN trastuzumab) and denosumab (INN Prolia), lapatinib (Tayverb) and capecitabine. Unfortunately, for 2 months now they have not been able to give me Herceptin and denosumab, despite a prescription written by a doctor at the clinic, approved by the VVK, citing lack of of this medicine in M.O. An additional request for these medications was sent to the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, however - NOTHING... I also contacted the hotline and still got the same answer: “Wait,” but these medications need to be taken after a maximum of 28 days, otherwise there will be a loading dose again. With such an irresponsible attitude towards health, they doom me to a premature, martyr’s death.

I consider the actions of the regional Ministry of Health and its subordinate structures that refuse treatment to be illegal on the basis of the following:

According to Article 37 Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Fundamentals) “medical care is organized and provided on the basis of medical care standards. “The prescription and use of medications... that are not included in the relevant standard of medical care are allowed in the case of medical indications (individual intolerance, for health reasons) by decision of the medical commission” (clause 5 of Article 37 of the Fundamentals).

Trastuzumab is included in the standard of specialized medical care for stage I-III malignant breast tumors (systemic drug treatment, including chemotherapy) (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2012 N 723n ").

Denosumab is not included in this standard, but must also be provided according to medical indications on the basis of clause 5 of Art. 37 Basics

Article 16 Basis for the powers of bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection includes the organization of provision for persons suffering from socially significant diseases, medicines. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 N 715 “On approval of the list of socially significant diseases and the list of diseases that pose a danger to others,” malignant neoplasms are classified as socially significant diseases.

Pursuant to the decree, paragraph 2 of Article 81 of the Fundamentals, the responsibilities of state authorities in the field of healthcare include the formation, within the framework of the territorial program of state guarantees, of a list of medicines dispensed to the population in accordance with the List of population groups and categories of diseases, with outpatient treatment which medicines are dispensed free of charge with doctor's prescriptions.

In Appendix 3 “List of medicinal products dispensed to the population in accordance with the list of population groups and categories of diseases for the outpatient treatment of which medicinal products and products medical purposes are dispensed free of charge according to doctors’ prescriptions…” include the drugs trastuzumab, denosumab, lapatinib.

The list of population groups and categories of diseases was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 N 890 “On state support development medical industry and improving the provision of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions.” Appendix No. 1 to it “List of population groups and categories of diseases for the outpatient treatment of which medicines and medical products are dispensed free of charge according to doctors’ prescriptions” states that persons with cancer have the right to free software according to doctor's prescriptions with all medications.

According to Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ, everyone has the right to medical care in a guaranteed volume, without charging a fee in accordance with the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens.

According to Art. 4, 10, 11 Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, the main principles of health protection are the priority of the patient’s interests in the provision of medical care, the availability and quality of medical care and the inadmissibility of refusal to provide it in accordance with the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens.

Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of everyone to health care and medical care free of charge at the expense of the corresponding budget.

Thus, I am eligible to receive the drugs trastuzumab, denosumab, lapatinib as federal benefit recipient for 2016.

The lack of funding to provide medicines to privileged categories of citizens cannot serve legal basis to limit state guarantees of free medical care.

With the specified constitutional, federal and regional guarantees for drug provision patient's side medical workers there is a refusal to provide medical care to a cancer patient suffering socially - significant disease(oncology) and is also a federal beneficiary.

The drugs trastuzumab, denosumab, lapatinib are vital for my mother important, non-receipt of which in short term will lead to the progression of the disease and the onset of adverse consequences for life.

Based on the above, I request:

Take measures to provide me with Galina Fedorovna Petrova, the health authorities of the Moscow region and their subordinate structures with the drugs trastuzumab, denosumab, lapatinib for the entire course of recommended treatment.


1. A copy of the WWII veteran’s ID;

2. A copy of a document confirming disability;

3. A copy of the consultation with the chemotherapist at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the prescription of treatment;