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Rhodiola rosea tablets instructions for use. Recipes with Rhodiola rosea. Rules for preparing tincture and decoction of Rhodiola rosea root

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Rhodiola rosea has long been used in folk medicine as an excellent activity stimulant nervous system and an effective adaptogen that increases the human body’s resistance to various types of adverse effects. About amazing properties This plant and its use in medicine, cosmetology and sports will be discussed in this article. In addition, on the pages of the article we will consider another type Rhodiola, which is no less widely used in medical practice - we are talking about Rhodiola quadruple .

Rhodiola rosea plant

Rhodiola rosea(popularly this plant is also called golden root) due to its stimulating effect it belongs to the ginseng group. This plant reaches 50 - 70 cm in height, and is distinguished by golden roots on the outside, which have White color. The roots have a bitter-astringent taste. The smell of freshly dug up rhizomes is similar to the aroma of a rose.

The plant got its name “golden root” due to its bronze-colored rhizome.

The plant does not require large quantity warmth and light, but moisture and flowing humidification are extremely necessary for it.

Where does Rhodiola rosea grow?

Rhodiola grows mainly at an altitude of 1500 - 2700 m above sea level, and best conditions For plant growth, areas with flowing moisture are provided, that is, valleys of mountain streams or rivers, rocky shores, lake shores, pebbles, and wet meadows.

Collection and storage

IN medical purposes Rhodiola roots and rhizomes are used, harvesting of which is carried out no earlier than three to four years after sowing. Raw materials are collected from August to September.

Rhizomes and roots are dug up and cleared of soil, washed thoroughly in running water, and then dried in the shade. Next, the raw material is cut into strips 2–5 cm long and placed in a dryer, the temperature in which should be about 50–60 degrees. It is advisable not to dry raw materials in the sun.

Important! Properly dried medicinal raw materials have a white or pinkish color at the fracture. If the fracture acquires a brown tint, it is unsuitable because it loses its medicinal properties.

The dried raw materials are stored in canvas bags in a dry and always dark place.

Dried roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola aged 3 years are suitable for use.

Rhodiola treatment

In folk and traditional medicine Rhodiola preparations are indicated as a stimulant for:
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • hypotension;
  • various forms of neurosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • women's diseases;
  • anemia.
Rhodiola rosea is also recommended for patients undergoing rehabilitation after serious illnesses of a chronic nature.


  • High degree of efficiency;
  • low toxicity;
  • wide therapeutic range of effects on the body;
  • absence side effects provided the correct dosage is taken;
  • lack of addiction.


  • Improving mental performance;
  • improvement of oxidative processes;
  • saving on high level the so-called energy potential of the brain;
  • beneficial effect on the functions of the hearing organs (especially in case of occupational hearing loss);
  • positive effect on the functions of organs such as the liver, thyroid, adrenal glands, gonads;
  • increasing the body's resistance to the influence of unfavorable chemical, biological and physical factors.

Roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea

Both rhizomes and roots of Rhodiola in scientific medicine used in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • neuroses;
  • overwork;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system.
Preparations from Rhodiola roots provide the brain with energy and help normalize metabolic processes.

It is thanks to the golden root that resistance to extreme situations increases, which prevents adrenal fatigue caused by stress. Rhodiola prevents weakening of the thymus gland.

Composition of Rhodiola rosea


Have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, since they have both cumulative and cardiotonic properties. In addition, glycosides have a diuretic and sedative effect.


Benefits of flavonoids:
  • reduce the permeability of blood vessels, making them more flexible and elastic;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • balance heartbeat;
  • reduce intraocular pressure;
  • take part in the process of bile formation;
  • regulate urine production;
  • stimulate the adrenal cortex.


Substances of this group change the structure of the protein, as a result of which a protective albuminate film is formed, which has a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms. Preparations containing tannins have astringent properties, and therefore are used externally in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, wounds and burns. Oral administration of drugs with tannins is prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders.


Strengthen immune system, helping not only the formation of cells, but also their restoration. Anthraquinones also have a laxative effect.

Essential oils

They have the following spectrum of action:
  • bactericidal;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • wound healing;
  • painkiller.
In addition, essential oils have a calming effect on the nervous system, and consequently, a person’s emotional and mental health.


Properties of coumarins:
  • antitumor (they affect the genetic apparatus of the tumor, causing chromosome breakdown and inhibiting the ability of tumor cells to metastasize);
  • anticoagulant;
  • anticoagulant.

Thus, coumarins inhibit tumor growth, which is why they found wide application in the treatment of cancer.

Organic acids

Oxalic acid:
  • increases the secretion of the stomach and pancreas;
  • participates in hematopoiesis, supplying the body with iron, potassium and magnesium;
  • improves gastrointestinal function by stimulating sluggish intestines.
Apple acid:
  • helps cope with constipation;
  • helps normalize digestion;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • strengthens vision;
  • stimulates the formation of red blood cells;
  • improves metabolism;
  • stimulates the breakdown of both fats and carbohydrates, effectively fighting extra pounds.
Succinic acid :
  • stimulates energy production;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • neutralizes free radicals;
  • reduces Negative influence long-term use of medications;
  • reduces the level of uric acid, due to which in short time joint mobility is restored;
  • increases performance;
  • has a relaxing effect on the nervous system;
  • improves coronary circulation;
  • stimulates the natural production of insulin, thereby reducing blood sugar;
  • normalizes intestinal flora;
  • improves reproductive functions.
Lemon acid:
  • increases appetite;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • breaks down fats;
  • removes toxins;
  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • strengthens the immune system.


These substances not only strengthen, but also protect circulatory system, protecting blood vessels from narrowing. Phenol also prevents the oxidation of cholesterol.


The main source of energy for humans, with the help of which metabolic processes occur, and therefore, the functioning of all body systems is normalized.

Sugar substitute plant origin, which normalizes blood sugar and strengthens the immune system.

Fructose does not release intestinal hormones that stimulate insulin production, which is why it is used in dietary products, intended for people who are sick diabetes mellitus.


Properties of sterols:
  • cholesterol reduction;
  • increasing immunity;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Plant sterols affect the number and functioning of helper cells that protect the body from various autoimmune reactions.


Alkaloids have analgesic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, sedative, and hypotensive effects.


  • Participates in the formation of bone and connective tissues;
  • normalizes the functioning of the female genital organs in particular and the reproductive system in general;
  • restores lipid metabolism;
  • accelerates the absorption of carbohydrates;
  • normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Provides protein metabolism;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • participates in the process of bone formation;
  • promotes the synthesis and absorption of insulin;
  • promotes fast healing internal and external wounds;
  • normalizes the reproductive system;
  • reduces allergic reactions.
Properties of copper:
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiseptic;
  • emetic;
  • astringent.


They enhance the peristalsis of the colon, thereby providing a laxative effect.

Properties of Rhodiola rosea

  • Antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • neuroprotective (reduces the level of anxiety);
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • adaptogenic;
  • wound healing;
  • painkiller;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • laxative;
  • antiviral;
  • stimulating;
  • anticancer;
  • cardioprotective;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-drug;
  • tonic;
  • antimetastatic.


This medicinal plant, which is an adaptogen, is used as an external remedy (lotions, compresses, ointment) in the treatment of:
  • skin diseases;
  • abscesses;
  • jaundice (as an early cleanser).
Oral preparations of Rhodiola rosea are taken for cardiovascular, gastric and intestinal diseases, for pulmonary tuberculosis, impotence, chronic fatigue, bone fractures.

Indications for use of Rhodiola rosea

Impotence in men and diseases of the female reproductive system
Preparations of Rhodiola rosea enhance the activity of the gonads and stimulate the functioning of the ovaries, due to which they are widely used in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system And early menopause. This plant helps enhance potency, and its effectiveness is superior to that of ginseng root.

Rhodiola rosea is used in the treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • oligospermia, characterized by reduced sperm production;
  • late puberty;
  • primary and secondary amenorrhea;
  • adnexitis;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
Boosting immunity
Rhodiola rosea significantly increases the body's resistance to viral and bacterial diseases. Moreover, taking this medicinal plant shown in postoperative period, as well as during recovery from serious illnesses.

Chronic fatigue
Rhodiola (due to its psychostimulating and adaptogenic properties) is recommended for people prone to asthenia, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • decreased performance;
  • difficulty falling asleep at night;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • headache.
Rhodiola rosea preparations have the following effects on the body:
  • increase mental and physical activity;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • increase the bioelectrical activity directly of the cerebral cortex;
  • normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.
Rhodiola rosea has been shown to increase blood pressure.

Diseases thyroid gland
The root of the plant activates the thyroid gland.

Rhodiola tincture reduces blood sugar, making it recommended for patients with diabetes.

Tumors and metastases
Rhodiola rosea enhances the activity of cytostatics that provoke necrosis cancer cells, as a result of which the membrane, nucleus and other components of the cell are damaged, which leads to its death.

Neuropsychiatric diseases and insomnia
Rhodiola rosea is used in psychiatry to treat functional diseases of the nervous system.

Action of Rhodiola:

  • normalization of higher nervous activity;
  • eliminating the feeling of anxiety;
  • eliminating irritability;
  • weakening discomfort, localized in the heart area;
  • improved sleep.
It should be noted that the use of Rhodiola rosea preparations increases the body’s resistance not only to various infections, but also to the effects of X-ray and ionizing radiation, not to mention the negative impact of toxic substances on the body chemical substances, including gasoline and acetone, chlorophos and some medicines.

Features of the use of Rhodiola rosea - video

How to take Rhodiola rosea?

A single dose of Rhodiola tincture, extract or decoction has a fairly strong adaptogenic, anti-stress, neuroleptic, and also stimulating effect in acute stress. With long-term use of Rhodiola rosea preparations (for example, with a course lasting 6 weeks), the symptoms of chronic stress can be eliminated.

It must be said that taking Rhodiola preparations daily is not recommended - after all, the body’s strength is not endless, and therefore it is impossible to constantly stimulate them (even with herbal preparations). Stimulant drugs are recommended to be taken when there is really an urgent need to maintain body tone. However, after 5 days of constant use, they can cause the opposite effect. For this reason, it is advisable to take a week-long break every five days of taking Rhodiola rosea.

In any case, the selection of the dosage of Rhodiola rosea preparations and the scheme of their use should be carried out exclusively by a doctor who will take into account the medical history, the severity of the disease and individual characteristics specific patient.

Preparation of Rhodiola rosea preparations


It has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system, which in its strength surpasses the effect of Ceylon, Georgian and Indian tea containing caffeine, as well as the effect of coffee. For this reason, it is not recommended to take such a decoction (or tea) every day, but only in case of urgent need.

To prepare such a tonic drink, you need 1 tsp. finely chopped Rhodiola rosea root, pour 1 liter of water, and then boil the decoction for 10 minutes, after which the drink is infused for another 40 minutes and drunk two to three glasses a day. If desired, you can add sugar or honey to the broth.


Will help cope with fatigue, pulmonary tuberculosis, impotence, and female diseases.

50 g of carefully crushed rhizomes are placed in a half-liter container, into which vodka is poured up to the neck. The container is tightly closed and left to infuse for 20 days in a dark, but not very cold place. After 20 days, the tincture can be consumed 15–20 drops twice a day, and the rhizomes are not removed from the container until the tincture is finished. The tincture is stored in the refrigerator.


Indicated in the treatment of stomach diseases, malaria, nervous disorders, high blood pressure. In addition, Rhodiola infusion helps preserve brain energy by increasing glucose levels directly in the blood, which ensures brain activity during prolonged physical activity.

To prepare the infusion, pour 10 g of Rhodiola roots and rhizomes into 200 ml of boiling water, then leave the product for 4 hours, then strain it and consume 150 - 200 ml two to three times a day.

This form of the drug is widely used externally as an effective wound-healing agent for lubricating wounds and cuts, as well as for rinsing the mouth for sore throat.

Extract (drops)

Pharmaceutical extract of Rhodiola rosea is prescribed as a stimulating and adaptogenic agent to improve mental and physical activity. The extract is taken 10 drops, no more than three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of Rhodiola rosea

Taking Rhodiola rosea preparations is contraindicated for:
  • pronounced symptoms of increased nervous excitability;
  • depletion of cortical cells;
  • fever;
  • individual intolerance;
  • post-influenza encephalitis.
It is recommended to take Rhodiola preparations 4 to 5 hours before going to bed, which will help avoid problems with falling asleep.

If you have strong emotional arousal, you should also not take Rhodiola, which can aggravate the condition. It is better to sleep for a few hours, and only then take 5–10 drops of Rhodiola rosea tincture, or 100–150 ml of decoction.

Since Rhodiola has high biological activity, it should not be taken for severe organic diseases (we are talking about severe cardiovascular diseases and serious disorders of the central nervous system).

Side effects

When using Rhodiola rosea preparations, the side effects listed below are extremely rare (their main cause is overdose):
  • excitation;
  • increased irritability;
  • unpleasant sensation in the heart area;
In patients suffering from hypotension provoked by vegetative-vascular dystonia, menopause or diencephalitis, Rhodiola preparations can sharply reduce or, on the contrary, increase arterial pressure, which entails a deterioration in overall health. In such cases, use of the drug should be stopped immediately.

Rhodiola rosea for children

All forms of Rhodiola rosea preparations and preparations that contain this plant are not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age. In them, the plant can provoke the appearance skin rash, nausea, vomiting.

Rhodiola rosea in cosmetology

The positive effect of Rhodiola rosea on sensitive and aging skin has been clinically proven, thanks to which this plant has found wide use in cosmetology. Today, Rhodiola is included in many anti-wrinkle creams.

The thing is that Rhodiola rosea has stimulating and adaptogenic effects, which affect the skin as follows:

  • slow down the skin aging process;
  • increase the resistance of the body in general, and the skin in particular, to various external unfavorable factors environment;
  • stimulate metabolic processes directly in tissues;
  • restore skin cells and tone it;
  • deeply moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • improve cellular respiration;
  • provide tissue regeneration;
  • smoothes wrinkles, preventing their re-formation;
  • neutralize the effects of free radicals;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promote recovery physiological properties skin.
Rhodiola creams are especially effective for overwork and stress, which negatively affect the skin, causing irritation, wrinkles, and acne. Creams with Rhodiola rosea normalize metabolic processes, thereby improving energy metabolism, which significantly accelerates the process of skin regeneration. In addition, cosmetic products with Rhodiola rosea reduce transepidermal water loss, thereby increasing protective functions skin that is hydrated and rejuvenated.

It must be said that Rhodiola rosea preparations have a warming effect: thus, by increasing the temperature of the skin, Rhodiola prevents hypothermia. The undeniable advantage of Rhodiola is that (unlike many warming drugs) this plant does not dilate blood vessels, which is why it is included in products that protect the skin from frost.

Rhodiola rosea in sports

For many years, Rhodiola rosea has been used by professional athletes as a safe non-steroidal drug, increasing physical endurance and activity, as well as accelerating the recovery process after serious physical activity.

Rhodiola rosea preparations improve both mental and physical functions, mobilize and maintain muscle energy reserves.

Main properties of the plant:
1. Increasing the body's endurance during peak loads.
2. Acceleration of the processes of restoration of cardiovascular and muscle energy.
3. Anabolic activity.

Based on studies conducted in which professional athletes took part, the following effects of Rhodiola preparations on the body were established:

  • improvement in heart rate;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increased back muscle strength;
  • increasing endurance of arm muscles during static tension;
  • improved coordination of movements;
  • improving recovery capabilities;
  • reduction of fatigue.
It is also important that Rhodiola rosea preparations (subject to the dosage) do not cause side effects. Thus, during the studies, no deviations were noted in the functioning of the adrenal cortex, as well as the endocrine glands. Thus, Rhodiola rosea, which has the properties of synthetic anabolic steroids, does not have a negative effect on the body.

Rhodiola preparations help maintain high performance even during periods of low physical activity that precede competitions.

Recipes with Rhodiola rosea

Tincture for anemia and female diseases

100 g of crushed roots of Rhodiola rosea are poured with 400 ml of 40-proof vodka. The tincture is placed in a dark place for 7 – 10 days. Take 15 drops before eating, three times a day. Long time You cannot take the tincture, as an overdose can provoke the opposite effect of the drug.

This tincture is also indicated for the following conditions and diseases:

  • senile decline;
  • impotence;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes.

Collection for colds and gastrointestinal disorders

Ingredients (taken in equal parts):
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • bergenia (black leaves);
  • strawberry leaves;
  • blackberry leaves;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • black currant leaves;
  • St. John's wort flowers;
  • cinquefoil flowers;
3 tbsp. dry collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for an hour. In such Herb tea You can add honey or sugar to taste.

This decoction, which has tonic properties, restores metabolism in a short time.

Collection for immunity

  • Rhodiola root – 20 g;
  • zamanikha roots – 20 g;
  • fruit

It is said that “there is no herb that does not cure anything.” Therefore, let's get acquainted with healing plant, which is literally a gem among adaptogenic medicinal herbs.

It is increasingly chosen as a therapeutic agent by supporters healthy image life because it beneficial features include nonspecific support of the body’s defenses and counteracting adverse environmental influences and, therefore, reducing negative symptoms adaptive syndrome, including stress.

The herb is also classified as a plant stimulant - harmonizer. It is well known to those who have to activate the function of the thyroid gland. about what we're talking about? About Rhodiola rosea (Latin: Rhodiola rosea).

Botanical description

Rhodiola rosea, Rhodiola rosea (synonym – Sedum rhodiola, s. Rosea), or otherwise red brush, is a dioecious perennial herbaceous plant from the thistle family. The grass is very polymorphic, depending on environmental conditions, it can change its characteristics - stem height, shape and size of leaves, number of flowers, power of the root system, etc.

Rhodiola has a fleshy, thick, horizontal or vertical gray-beige rhizome with a tart taste and a golden hue, which is white when cut, and pink after drying.

The grass creates several stems 25-50 cm long, growing from a scanty leaf rosette. The leaves are ovate, oblong to lanceolate.

The inflorescence is a dense multi-colored crescent. The crown of “male” flowers is yellowish, greenish or brownish-red; in “female” flowers it hardly opens. The fruit is a red or green sac with tiny oblong ovoid brown seeds.


Rhodiola rosea is widespread over a relatively large area, especially in Russia, where it is found in the mountains of Eastern Siberia (in Yakutia) and Western Siberia(Altai, Sayan Mountains), as well as in the Far East, incl. in Kamchatka, Kuril Islands and in the northern part of Sakhalin. Another growing area is mountainous Europe (Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians), Asia Minor, Mongolia, China and eastern Kazakhstan.

Growth belts are subalpine and lower alpine. Places of distribution - the vicinity of rivers, mountain meadows, sparse deciduous and mixed forests, rocky soils at an altitude of up to 2400 m above sea level.

IN Tibetan medicine healing properties Rhodiola rosea is compared to ginseng itself High Quality. And modern research shows that it is indeed one of the most effective natural remedies against stress, to increase physical strength and body harmonization. In addition to the underground part, flowers are used in folk medicine (rarely).


For artificial cultivation Requires a sunny environment. Rhodiola does not tolerate higher level groundwater and humid environments. The ideal option is easily permeable humus soil.

Seeds are sown in spring or autumn. After spring sowing, it takes about a month for germination to occur. For vegetative propagation at the end of summer, strong seedlings are used. Place them in a pot with soil and overwinter in a frost-free room.

Collection and preparation

Rhizomes are collected during the fruiting period - in July. After digging, rinse them with cold water and leave them to dry in the shade. After they have slightly withered, cut into pieces and dry at a temperature of 50-60ºС (both natural and artificial drying can be used).

After drying, place the raw materials in a glass container or paper bag and store in a dry place. Shelf life is about 3 years.

Health Benefits

Medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea and positive effects wide enough for health. The grass affects both the physical and mental state of a person:

  • counteracts stress and depression, normalizes human psychological functions;
  • in states of exhaustion, insomnia and nervousness, Rhodiola preparations regulate sleep, appetite and lead to mental calm;
  • strengthens the function of the heart muscle;
  • regulates heart rhythm;
  • has a cardioprotective effect;
  • has adaptive effects and improves immunity;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • reduces the harmful effects of chemotherapy;
  • improves athletic performance;
  • improves mental functions;
  • harmonizes sexual functions;
  • harmonizes blood sugar regulation;
  • protects the liver;
  • has strong antioxidant effects at the cellular level;
  • suitable for the prevention of diseases and abnormalities associated with age;
  • normalizes body functions regardless of the existing state of the disease - corrects hypo- or hyperfunctional disorders;
  • Rhodiola rosea is a harmless and non-toxic plant for the body.


  1. Flavonoids.
  2. Heteroclicosides.
  3. Steroids.
  4. Tannins and others valuable substances.

How to use the herb?

Both in Russia and in other countries, in addition to its use in folk medicine, Rhodiola rosea is also recommended by doctors. It is present on pharmacy shelves in tablets and capsules. But in our country the most common is tincture (extract).


1 tsp Boil the chopped root for 7-10 minutes in 1 liter of water. Leave for 40 minutes, strain. Drink 2-3 glasses of tea daily.


The method for preparing the tincture is quite simple. The liquid extract is made from the roots of 3-year-old plants. The roots are crushed, poured with 40% alcohol or high-quality vodka, infused for 2 weeks and filtered.
The dry extract is formed by evaporating the liquid extract.

The instructions for use of Rhodiola rosea tincture indicate the following actions:

  • Very good results are achieved in the treatment of periodontitis by using vitamin A dissolved in oil, together with Rhodiola extract in a 1:1 ratio - compresses are applied to the gums for 3-4 hours a day (course 4-7 times);
  • another way is to apply an extract diluted with distilled water (1:10) to the gums; The compress is applied for 15-20 minutes, the course is the same as in the previous case.


The healing properties for men, in addition to the effects on sexual performance, include effects on energy in the body and soul. Rhodiola rosea is therefore suitable for athletes exposed to increased mental and physical stress. Her positive influence on physical performance has been well studied - since the 1970s, the plant has been widely used by top athletes in former USSR and other countries.

The way to take it in bodybuilding: 20-25 drops 3 times a day. The course of administration is set individually and varies from one-time use to several weeks of daily use.

In addition, it is important for men to support and harmonize the excretion of neurotransmitters, substances that detect the process of nerve impulses and therefore have a beneficial effect on mood, mental balance and emotional stability.


Medicinal properties for women, along with other positive health effects, include increased metabolism and an effect on hunger, which is why the plant tincture can be used as a supplement to a weight loss diet.

How to take it? 5-7 drops daily for 2 weeks is enough. After a week's break, it is fashionable to repeat the dose.

The next method of use, suitable for women, is external use. Rhodiola rosea is used in cosmetology - products containing it have a number of positive impacts on the skin. Among them:

  • stimulation of cellular metabolism;
  • regeneration and toning of the skin;
  • hydration and nutrition of deep layers;
  • protection against free radicals and negative environmental impacts;
  • and preventing their occurrence;
  • anti-inflammatory effects.

You can prepare a useful cosmetic product yourself. The recipe is simple: add a few drops of extract (5-7 in 75 ml of any cream).

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood


In oncology, preparations based on Rhodiola rosea (especially tincture) can inhibit tumor growth and division of pathological cells by up to 70%. Herbal remedies prevent and stop cancer metastasis and recurrence of the disease.

Helper in the fight against stress

The herb protects the body from the effects of stress and helps it cope better mental stress. At the same time, the body is strengthened and becomes less susceptible to various diseases.

Adaptogenic substances are responsible for this property, increasing the body’s resistance during a psychologically difficult period. Adaptogens stabilize all functional systems of the body.

In practice, this means that Rhodiola's effects are seen in depression, anxiety, and stress. Increases vitality and strengthens the immune system, which is important in the fight against viruses and bacteria.

Thanks to its calming effect and stabilization of mental balance, it improves sleep and relieves neuroses.
Take 10 drops 2 times a day (no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime). Treatment: 2 weeks on -> 1 week off.

Stimulating, aphrodisiac and other qualities

No traces of caffeine are found in the plant, but its stimulating effects are 60% higher than that of this known substance. In addition to providing a fresh flow of energy naturally, and concentration, the body is cleansed of free radicals and, therefore, strengthened. Rhodiola helps with low blood pressure, protects the heart, liver and increases sexual activity.

To increase libido, Rhodiola rosea extract is taken in an amount of 5-10 drops 2 times a day for 2 weeks. After a break (1 week), you can continue treatment.

Thanks to the improvement mental health, the plant is used as complementary therapy for lung cancer, Parkinson's disease, trauma, poisoning or intoxication of the body. Recommended intake: 10 drops 2-3 times a day. Course – 20 days. Break – 1 week.


Contraindications to taking Rhodiola rosea, other than pregnancy, lactation and childhood, include the following conditions:

  1. Hypertension (especially hypertensive crisis).
  2. Strong excitement.
  3. Feverish conditions.
  4. Increased sensitivity.

Follow the prescribed dosage and do not take medications for longer than 6-8 weeks. The plant should not be used in conjunction with barbiturates (but drugs in this group are rarely prescribed today).

Consider not only the medicinal properties, but also the contraindications of Rhodiola rosea! This is the only way to get maximum benefits and minimize harm to health! Consult your doctor before use.

Rhodiola rosea tincture has been used since ancient times in folk herbal medicine and has long been recognized in official medicine. This is an excellent strengthening remedy, a panacea for many diseases. Extract prices ( alcohol tincture) Rhodiola rosea is very low in potency and is sold without a prescription; For those who like to prepare medicine with their own hands, we will tell you about this plant and how to make and how to take the tincture.

Rhodiola rosea in folk medicine

The list of diseases for which Rhodiola rosea (another name is golden root) helps is very impressive. Decoction and tincture of rhizomes treat diarrhea, headache, and fever. They are used for scurvy, fatigue, decreased performance, poor appetite. Preparations from this plant heal respiratory infections, anemia, malaria, and nervous diseases. In addition, they are drunk to treat liver diseases, toothaches, headaches, jaundice and lung problems. These medications are also believed to improve hearing.

Remember! They also use Rhodiola products externally: for abscesses, wounds, conjunctivitis, various rashes, for the treatment and strengthening of gums. A decoction from the aerial part of the plant is useful for the treatment of trachoma.

The golden root came to our pharmacology from the east. In Tibetan folk medicine it was and continues to be used for cardiovascular diseases, bone fractures, oxygen starvation, and as an antipyretic. In Tibet, Rhodiola has also found use in veterinary medicine - its decoction is given to weakened and exhausted animals. In Altai they also consider it universal remedy: they treat with it nervous diseases, uterine bleeding, fever and other ailments.

Rhodiola rosea in scientific medicine

In Russian official pharmaceuticals, tincture (extract) of the roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea also has a wide range of applications: for hypotension, neuroses, fatigue, vegetative-vascular dystonia, impotence, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, adnexitis, mastopathy, trachoma, as well as for rehabilitation after illnesses.

Rhodiola tincture has a beneficial effect on the body in many ways:

  • Increases mental performance.
  • Stimulates memory.
  • Improves resistance to adverse effects.
  • Improves the function of the reproductive system.
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and injuries.

Description of the plant

Rhodiola rosea is a low herbaceous plant, not taller than half a meter, perennial. It has powerful roots and rhizomes. The leaves are oblong, green. The flowers are usually yellow, less often reddish. Rhodiola rosea (rosea) received its name not for its color, but because of the smell on the fracture of the rhizome, reminiscent of the smell of a rose. Grows in areas with cold and temperate climates. It is undemanding to light and heat, but needs a sufficient amount of moisture, and prefers running water. Rhodiola blooms in June and July. The roots are collected in late summer - early autumn; This is due to the task of preserving the plant population, and therefore harvesting begins when the seeds have already begun to fall off.

Good to know! It should be remembered that the plant is listed in the Red Book, so it is better to grow it in the garden or on a summer cottage. Golden root propagates both by seeds and vegetatively. By the way, it can be grown as an ornamental plant - Rhodiola looks quite original and beautiful.

Harvesting roots

  1. Dig the plant out of the ground.
  2. Trim off unnecessary parts (leave roots and rhizomes)
  3. Remove soil, rinse.
  4. Remove hardened crust and rotten parts.
  5. Dry in a shady place.
  6. Cut the roots lengthwise and dry in a dryer or in a low-heat oven. The color of a properly dried root is golden; when cut, it is white, light pink or light brown.
  7. Place in linen bags or paper bags. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Instructions for preparing the tincture

  1. Finely chop 50 g of dried roots and rhizomes with a knife or chop with a grater.
  2. Place the raw material in a glass bottle, preferably dark, and fill it with 40% alcohol (vodka) in an amount of 400 ml.
  3. Leave the mixture for two weeks. It is recommended to shake the bottle periodically (every two to three days).
  4. Strain.

Ready tincture - when proper preparation The result is a dark, aromatic liquid; store in a cool place.

Mode of application

  • Rhodiola rosea tincture is taken 2-3 times a day before meals - 20-25 minutes.
  • Time of administration: first half of the day (last dose no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime).
  • Single dose: 5–10 drops, diluted in a small (about 50 ml) amount of water.
  • Duration of treatment: 10–20 days. (For psychiatric diseases – up to 50–60 days.)

An aqueous solution of the tincture is also suitable for external use - treating wounds, rashes, washing the eyes (weak solution), gargling.


  • An excited or nervous state.
  • Hypertensive crisis.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Feverish condition.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Children's age – up to 12 years.
  • People with constant high blood pressure prone to excessive excitability and suffering from sleep disorders.

Attention: possible side effects - headache, insomnia, nervous excitement, increase blood pressure. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to change the dosage or stop taking the medicine altogether.

Other golden root preparations


Recipe: pour 1 tsp per liter of boiling water into an enamel bowl. chopped root. Boil for 10 minutes, cool at room temperature.

Dosage: drink this decoction a glass or half a day. This drink helps well during the period of spring vitamin deficiency, helps prevent colds, for which, by the way, it is useful to gargle. You can wash your face with a decoction of the aerial part of Rhodiola - according to some reviews, it improves complexion and eliminates microdefects of the skin.

By the way, in addition to this, you can use chamomile tincture to improve the condition of your skin.

Prefabricated decoction

Take in equal parts: rhodiola root, zamanikha, rose hips and hawthorn. Pour a glass of boiling water over the finely chopped mixture (1 tablespoon) and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Leave for 3-4 hours, strain before use. Add water to the liquid - up to 1 glass. Take 1/4–1/3 cup three times a day. The decoction perfectly improves immunity and improves resistance to infections.

Remember! In addition, you can use echinacea tincture, which is also an excellent immunity booster.


Pour 10 grams of root with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours; strain before use. Take 100 ml three times a day. Useful for heart weakness and nervous diseases.

Mixed tea

Herbal tea (infusion) with Rhodiola is also highly praised. For it, they take equal parts of strawberry, currant, raspberry, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort flowers, cinquefoil, thyme grass and golden root. The tea is infused in a thermos for an hour, pouring boiling water in a ratio of 2–3 tbsp. spoons of mixture per liter of water. This tea with a pleasant spicy taste (honey or sugar is also added to it) has a tonic effect, gives strength in painful and weakened conditions, and helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rhodiola preparations are used not only for treatment. They are also useful for absolutely healthy people, especially during periods of heavy physical exertion, fatigue, or simply bad mood, as they give strength and help overcome despondency. However, you should not abuse them, so as not to get the previously mentioned side effects.

We remind you that Rhodiola rosea tincture, as well as its decoction and infusion, like other tonic and stimulant drugs, should be taken no later than 4–5 hours before bedtime. And do not forget to ask the opinion of your doctor before starting treatment.

The herbaceous perennial Rhodiola rosea is also known as golden or rose root due to the shade of the root system and the rose aroma that can be felt when the rhizome is broken.

Siberian ginseng is also the name of this medicinal plant.

Rhodiola rosea has pronounced medicinal properties

Belongs to the genus Rhodiola and the family Crassulaceae. The plant is rare and is included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Where does it grow?

Prefers cold and temperate climates. In our country, Rhodiola can be found in Altai, the Urals, beyond the Arctic Circle in Yakutia, in mountainous areas in the East and West of Siberia, the Far East, in humid areas along the shores of the White and Barents Seas.

How is it useful?

The rhizome of Rhodiola has medicinal properties. The chemical composition of the plant is very rich, so Rhodiola rosea is a storehouse of various substances and compounds.

The following were found in the composition of golden root:

  • Glycosides;
  • phenols;
  • various aromatic compounds;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • rich essential oil;
  • terpenoids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • anthraquinones;
  • alkaloids.

These substances heal the cardiovascular system, help to calm down, and are a diuretic, i.e. have a diuretic effect.

You will learn more about the benefits of Rhodiola rosea from the video:

Rhodiola rosea tincture, how to take?

An alcohol tincture is prepared based on the root of Rhodiola rosea. To make the product, you will need a piece of root weighing 50 g, which needs to be finely chopped and poured into 1/2 liter. vodka. The tincture gains strength within 3 weeks.
You need to take Rhodiola rosea tincture 1/2 hour before the main meals, 20 drops. about a month.
There is no need to strain the tincture. Store in a refrigerator.
This natural remedy provides therapeutic effect on the body in case of pulmonary tuberculosis, women's ailments, impotence in men, strengthens the entire body.

It is also an excellent way to strengthen the body. This plant is one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators used for the prevention and treatment of colds, inflammatory processes and deficiency states.

For men

Rhodiola activates the nervous system and prevents problems with potency in men, aggravates sensations, relieves erectile dysfunction, and improves the health of the genitourinary system.
The healing properties of Rhodiola rosea for men are due to the presence of flavonoids in chemical composition pink root. These valuable substances help make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and flexible, and accordingly, potency improves.
The form of administration is infusion.

Rose root helps treat prostatitis, adenoma and other male ailments. For their treatment, liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea is used in an amount of 25 drops. several r./d.
Rhodiola rosea is an excellent remedy to restore potency

Rhodiola rosea for women

The golden root also protects women's health. The plant has the ability to stop bleeding, so its use is indicated for uterine and postpartum bleeding.
Rhodiola will help with hormone imbalances, eliminate cycle disruptions, reduce the symptoms of menopause, give vigor and normal sleep, will help you recover after childbirth.

During the postpartum period it will also be useful to take. After childbirth, centaury promotes the speedy return of the uterus to its natural state.

Sports loads

Preparations based on Rhodiola rosea are successfully used in strength sports. The plant gives the body energy, increases its endurance, stimulates the regeneration of muscle tissue, improves coordination, and is a natural alternative to anabolic steroids.

We also recommend that athletes take. All components of bee bread are completely absorbed by the body. It is a rich source of high quality carbohydrates and protein. Therefore, beebread for athletes becomes a real lifesaver when searching for effective and safe means, increasing physical endurance and muscle mass.

The effect is achieved by consuming Rhodiola tincture in alcohol up to 2 ml 1 r./8 tsp.


Rhodiola rosea is a popular component in anti-aging creams. Suitable for sensitive skin, significantly improves its condition.
Presence of golden root extract in cosmetics provides the skin with hydration, protection from harmful external influences (UV rays, wind, cold), increasing its elasticity, suspends age-related changes skin, treats inflammation.

Rhodiola rosea will transform your skin

To cleanse the skin from acne and subsequent narrowing of pores, you can wipe problem areas with a tincture of the plant.

It will also help to get rid of acne. The product is applied locally to pimples and blackheads - the areas of inflammation quickly dry out, the skin cleanses and acquires a normal color.

Using the rose root internally will have a positive effect on the quality of the skin.
Also used in this area is an aromatic essential oil obtained from Rhodiola root.

For children

Rhodiola rosea is given to children over a year old with weak immunity, as a stimulant for inactive children, for the development of good memory and concentration, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract Externally herbal remedy promotes healing of abrasions and cuts.
Golden root decoction soothes toothache, useful in complex therapy tonsillitis.

It is also an excellent remedy for sore throat. Agrimony tea contains tannins that help fight the disease.

Before using the plant internally, consult a pediatrician.

Application in oncology

Rose root is an important component herbal preparations, used for tumor diseases due to its antimetostatic and immune-stimulating properties of the rhizome.
Siberian ginseng supports the body after chemotherapy and surgery.
It is better to prevent any disease, so Rhodiola is recommended for use if you are predisposed to oncological diseases (hereditary factor), for diseases that can lead to cancer: ulcers, colitis, gastritis, etc.

Gastrointestinal diseases can lead to cancer

At oncological problems interacts most effectively with Rhodiola rosea.
To do this, use an industrial alcohol extract of Rhodiola (20%) with a similar propolis preparation in a proportion of 10 × 10 drops. both drops. The resulting remedy is taken some time before meals. Treatment lasts 21 days, then a break is taken for 7 days.

Rhodiola rosea - vegetable source useful substances, has a number medicinal properties for healing ailments, but this remedy also has contraindications.

Among them:

  • hypertension during exacerbation;
  • fever;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • childhood up to 7 l.

In order not to harm your body, you should use Rhodiola rosea in any form only after studying the instructions for use of the product and after visiting a therapist.

Similar materials


Country of origin


Product group

Herbal, natural preparations (herbs)

General tonic of herbal origin

Release forms

  • 30 ml - orange glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs. bottle 30ml

Description of the dosage form

  • Extract for oral administration (liquid) Extract for oral administration (liquid) from light brown to dark brown with a reddish tint with a characteristic odor; During storage, sediment may appear.

pharmachologic effect

Herbal product. The extract has a general tonic effect. Increases the body's resistance to adverse effects, such as environmental pollution, exposure to pathogenic microflora and viruses, exposure to high and low temperatures. Increases physical and mental performance.

Special conditions

Do not take in the afternoon. The maximum single dose of liquid extract contains 0.63 g, daily - 1.9 g of absolute alcohol. Contraindication - children's age (up to 12 years). With caution: children over 12 years of age.


  • 1000 ml rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola rosea 1000 g Excipients: ethanol 40% - sufficient amount to obtain 1000 ml of extract. rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola rosea 1 kg/liter

Rhodiola extract liquid indications for use

  • Rhodiola liquid extract is used as a stimulant for asthenic conditions, increased fatigue, with neurasthenic conditions, vegetative-vascular dystonia. The drug can be used in patients who have had somatic or infectious diseases, in patients with functional diseases nervous system, as well as in practically healthy people with asthenia and decreased performance.

Rhodiola extract liquid contraindications

  • - hypersensitivity; - excitement; - insomnia; - arterial hypertension; - febrile syndrome; - pregnancy; - lactation period; - children's age (up to 12 years). With caution: alcoholism, head injury, brain diseases, children over 12 years of age.

Rhodiola extract liquid side effects

  • Irritability, insomnia, headache; allergic reactions.

Drug interactions

Enhances the effect of central nervous system stimulants, is an antagonist medicines CNS depressants (including antipsychotics (chlorpromazine), barbiturates, anxiolytics, antiepileptic drugs).

Storage conditions

  • store in a cool place 5-15 degrees
  • keep away from children
  • store in a place protected from light
Information provided