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Prognathic distal occlusion: photos before and after braces. Complications and consequences of the anomaly. Why does malocclusion occur?

The article will talk about the most common ways to change the bite in children and adults.

The problem of malocclusion affects more than 80% of the population. An incorrect bite not only changes our appearance, but also leads to a number of health problems.

  • Crooked teeth are difficult to clean. As a result, people with malocclusion suffer more dental problems.
  • Incorrect bite leads to joint injury lower jaw. Such changes can cause pain when chewing, as well as headaches.
  • Poor chewing of food leads to digestive problems
  • An overbite causes the jaw to work unevenly, causing some teeth to wear down more than others.
  • Malocclusion can cause sleep problems and reduce performance and self-esteem

Causes of malocclusion

  • Genetic. The structure of the jaw and teeth can be inherited. This does not mean that if the father or mother had malocclusion, then the child will have 100% the same. But such a person automatically goes into the “risk group”
  • The bite can change even in early childhood. For example, the habit of thumb sucking has a bad effect on the future structure of teeth. Also, many doctors note that pacifiers do not have the best effect on the bite
  • The presence of adenoids or other breathing problems also alters the bite in children. The habit of breathing through the mouth puts the jaw in an abnormal position, which has a bad effect on development. oral cavity
  • Abrupt removal of baby teeth (for example, due to trauma)

Correct bite photo

The photo shows the types of bite.

Correction of mesial bite

  • In dentistry, occlusion is the method of closure of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws.
  • Mesial overbite is an abnormal jaw position in which the lower jaw moves forward
  • In terms of appearance, this arrangement of the jaw leads to the appearance of a “strong-willed chin.” Facial features become harder and rougher
  • For women this often becomes big problem specifically in terms of appearance. But mesial bite also leads to a number of other problems that are not related to external data
  • IN early age(up to 10-12 years) such a bite can be corrected with the help of mouthguards or plates. The sooner treatment begins, the faster the jaws will return to their normal shape.
  • At older ages, braces are used. This method of treatment is longer and more expensive.
  • IN in rare cases practice surgery

Correction of distal bite

  • The distal bite has the opposite structure. With this change, the upper jaw comes forward. The back one can fall back
  • Distal occlusion develops from early childhood. As a result, the upper jaw is fully formed, and the lower jaw is underdeveloped
  • It is much easier to correct a distal bite in childhood, when the jaws are just beginning to develop.
  • IN childhood apply various ways to stimulate the development of the lower jaw
  • For adults, braces are usually used, which should be worn for quite a long time.
  • Additionally, myotherapy is used, which is aimed at strengthening the lower jaw.
  • The course of treatment for adults can last about 3 years, deep distal bite is treated even longer

Teeth straightening with braces

  • The essence of straightening teeth with braces is to apply the right amount of pressure.
  • Depending on the age, structure of the teeth and the degree of curvature, the dentist will choose a load that will best correct the curvature
  • The pressure on the teeth should not be too strong, as this causes discomfort and can destroy bone tissue.
  • In childhood, straightening teeth with braces is much easier, since children's bones are more plastic and are in the development stage
  • With the help of braces, you can not only straighten your teeth, but also reduce or enlarge your jaw itself.
  • In this case, pressure is applied to all teeth inside or outside, depending on the purpose
  • It is not recommended to use braces under the age of 10, as the jaw is just beginning to form, and braces can disrupt this process

Braces “before” and “after” photos

Correction of bite with mouthguards

  • There are two types of mouthguards - individual and thermoplastic
  • Individual ones are made from a jaw cast for each patient separately
  • Thermoplastic ones have a standard shape, they are softened before putting on and they take the shape of the jaw
  • Mouth guards are usually used for minor jaw deformities
  • They put less pressure on the teeth and jaws than braces or plates
  • Mouthguards do not cause pain, it's easy enough to get used to them. Another plus is that they are almost invisible
  • Mouthguards are made from various types plastic or silicone

Mouth guards “before” and “after”

Correcting your bite and straightening your teeth without braces

  • Braces are not usually used to correct malocclusion in children. If the curvature of the teeth is significant, then special plates are used
  • The plates are made individually according to the impression of the jaw, they have special screws that regulate the pressure
  • The use of mouthguards is practiced for minor tooth curvatures.
  • Trainers are another dental device that are very similar to mouth guards, but are more effective.
  • Surgical intervention

Surgical correction of bite

  • Surgical correction of malocclusion is no longer relevant; it has been replaced by more effective and reliable methods
  • Therefore, in dental clinics, as a rule, this method is avoided.
  • The essence of the surgical method is to remove part of the teeth before changing the bite. When removed, space is freed up, which allows you to reduce the jaw to the desired size
  • Parents should regularly take their child to the dentist in order to notice the need for help in time.
  • There is no need to put off wearing the record. For a child, it is possible to correct the bite in a fairly short time
  • If the malocclusion “survived” into adulthood, then this problem also needs to be corrected. An incorrect bite can cause many health problems in the future.
  • Contact a trusted dentist. He will appoint best way to correct the bite
  • Be patient, correcting a bite in adults usually takes several years

Video: Malocclusion

Not every person these days can boast of a perfectly straight and beautiful smile. An uneven bite becomes the cause of many complexes, when a person cannot even smile without embarrassment. Often the bite deteriorates in childhood, when the child’s canines or other teeth grow unevenly for some dental reasons. An experienced orthodontist will help correct the problem by installing high-quality braces. They can be worn not only by children - the installation of structures is also prescribed for adults with an incorrect bite, which often affects the face

Braces - what are they?

Braces are a non-removable dental device for straightening canines and other teeth in adults and children. Depending on the characteristics of the curvature, the device can be attached either from the outside or from the outside. inside dentition. Briquettes are special in that each of them seems to direct the tooth in the required direction, which is prescribed in its program. The design of braces also includes an arch, characterized as orthodontic. This arc can be bent as you like, however, it will always return to its original position.

Additional parts can also act on the teeth in this system, among which are iron springs and orthodontic-type rings. Sometimes, to carry briquettes, the fours are removed. The changes in the face after wearing braces are obvious, and the result can be clearly seen in the photo.

Types of braces

There are many options for braces that change the bite; metal products are still considered the most effective. Moreover, now they have become more advanced and convenient than before.

In recent years, dentists have often offered their patients self-ligating braces. Thanks to such a system, the position of each tooth is corrected, which is extremely important. Due to this feature of self-ligating models, teeth straightening with braces occurs to the maximum. Photos of braces will help you understand their types well.


How to install and remove braces?

The process of installing a bracket system is complex and requires maximum responsibility from a specialist. Before its implementation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures, including detailed examinations of the patient’s oral cavity and its sanitation.

In order to make a plaster model of braces from the bottom and upper jaw Impressions are taken. Based on the resulting model, the dentist draws up a detailed treatment plan. Next, the bracket system is made from the material selected by the patient.


TO relative contraindications relate:

  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • metal implants;
  • periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

Concerning absolute contraindications, That we're talking about about such factors:

  • lack of many teeth;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases.

How long should you wear braces?

Many people are interested in how long they need to wear braces. good result? The process of treating a malocclusion with braces is quite lengthy. Regardless of the type of braces and the material from which they are made, tooth movement is up to 1 mm per month. If minor tooth imperfections are corrected with braces, the course of treatment can last from 2 months to 1 year. In some cases, they can be removed after six months. In other cases, namely to improve the bite and the entire smile, braces need to be worn much longer and this period ranges from one and a half to 2 years. The effectiveness and duration of treatment depends not only on the type of braces - the professionalism of the orthodontist plays a big role here.

Rules for caring for braces

Metal braces need to be looked after no less than structures made from any other material. The basic rule of caring for this system is careful oral hygiene - teeth must be brushed after every meal. This is explained by the fact that plaque can accumulate not only on the teeth, but also on the braces themselves. If it is not removed in time, you can even get gum inflammation.

The presence of briquettes also means that their owner cannot eat solid food. If this recommendation is neglected, the structure can not only be damaged, but also torn down.


To correct bites, so-called retainers are often used, including in the treatment of children (we recommend reading:). The product is a wire bent in such a way that it straightens teeth. Wearing retainers is not as painful as constant wearing braces systems. If desired, you can install removable or non-removable, night or day retainers.

The formation of an abnormal bite leads to the fact that a person’s face looks asymmetrical and unattractive, and he begins to feel embarrassed about his smile. Aesthetic defects and psychological discomfort are not the only consequences of bite problems. When faced with a problem such as a deep bite, a person must make efforts to solve and shape it correct location teeth in the jaw.

Types of abnormal bite

If the dentition of the upper and lower jaws close tightly, the person’s face looks proportional, there is no pronounced asymmetry, which means that his bite is physiological, or correct. However, in some cases, an abnormal bite may form, which is divided into several types:

  1. mesial;
  2. distal;
  3. cross;
  4. open;
  5. deep.

Concept of deep bite

If the dentition of the upper jaw slightly overlaps lower teeth, this is considered a variant of physiological occlusion. However, in cases where the overlap is more than half of the crown of the lower jaw tooth, and a supramental fold is formed, this is already an anomaly - a deep bite. The presence of a supramental fold is sometimes the only sign of pathology. The anomaly develops with improper development of the incisors, therefore in some sources it is called deep incisal occlusion.

Causes of pathology

Bite abnormalities can appear due to the influence of various factors. The development of occlusions begins in childhood, and sometimes disturbances in the formation of occlusion begin in the prenatal period.

For example, if during pregnancy future mom experienced problems with metabolism, suffered from a viral disease, suffered from anemia, or the child had an intrauterine infection - all these factors can trigger the development of malocclusion. Also common reasons for the formation of deep incisal overlap include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • complicated childbirth (including birth injuries baby);
  • late refusal of the child from the pacifier;
  • skeletal developmental disorders or spinal abnormalities;
  • posture defects;
  • oncological diseases;
  • metabolic disease;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ENT diseases.

How dangerous is it for adults and children?

A deep bite in both a child and an adult looks very unaesthetic, often causing psychological discomfort and causing the formation of complexes about appearance. Such a malocclusion, if neglected necessary treatment, often leads to the development of a number of complications, which include:

  • bruxism (the phenomenon when a person “grinds” or “grinds” his teeth) (we recommend reading:);
  • thinning and abrasion of tooth enamel, as a result various dental diseases can develop;
  • speech defects;
  • changes in the oval of the face (its shape becomes asymmetrical);
  • damage to mucous membranes;
  • difficulty swallowing and breathing.

Features of defect elimination

For children 6-12 years old

Devices for correcting deep bites

In order to correct a deep bite, based on an examination of the patient, the orthodontist selects a suitable device for him. These can be special trainers, plates, mouth guards or regular braces. In some cases, to solve the problem you have to resort to surgical intervention. You can see what teeth look like before and after adjustment in the photo accompanying the article.


To correct a deep or open bite, special dentition pads made of silicone - trainers - can be used. If the patient’s speech, breathing or swallowing is impaired, the lower jaw is positioned incorrectly, or the teeth of the lower jaw are twisted, it is necessary to eliminate bad habits that disrupt the process correct formation bites. If there are reasons to refuse to wear braces, the orthodontist may recommend correcting the dentition using trainers.

Among the main advantages of trainers is their affordable cost. Correcting a bite with the help of trainers is much more convenient, especially from the child’s point of view. There is no need to wear the device all the time – a few hours a day is enough (the main thing is not to talk during this period).

It is important to consider that in case of hereditary deep bite or an anomaly caused by excessively large teeth, trainers are ineffective. In addition, in case of severe anomalies, increased lateral bite or severe congestion Nose trainers cannot be worn.

Mouth guards

The term “mouthguard” is well known to all boxing fans - this is the name given to the original “covers” that protect the athlete’s teeth from damage. In orthodontics, mouthguards can be used to correct deep bites. It should be taken into account that models that require round-the-clock wearing are designed to correct the bite, and mouth guards that are worn only during night rest are needed to consolidate the achieved result. There are also children's and adult models. All of the above designs are divided into three main types:


Plates for correcting bites are more often used in orthodontic treatment of children, since in adults they do not always show high effectiveness:

  • Fixed models are used to correct dentition and consist of many clasps connected by a metal arch and can be used by adults.
  • Removable structures are simpler; they consist of a plastic plate and metal hooks, sometimes supplemented with screws or springs. Such models are recommended for use when forming a deep bite in adolescents and children.

Bracket system

In an adult bone The jaw has already completely formed and hardened, so it is often possible to solve the problem only with braces. Such orthodontic systems are divided into several main types depending on the material of manufacture and design features:

Surgical intervention

If the use of the above systems and devices does not give a tangible result, or a person needs urgent correction of deep incisal occlusion, then the doctor may recommend surgery. In addition, with a deep bite, this technique is indicated if the anomaly is of hereditary origin.

This operation is characterized by its complexity and high cost, but it allows you to quickly and significantly transform the patient - his face before and after the procedure will be strikingly different.

Correcting a formed deep bite, especially in an adult, is long, difficult and expensive. The active therapeutic period (the correction itself) takes at least three years, followed by a stage of consolidation of the result, which lasts the same amount, and sometimes longer. If signs of malocclusion appear, it is recommended to solve this problem in childhood, always paying attention to preventive measures:

  • prevention of pathologies skeletal system, including rickets in children;
  • warning premature loss baby teeth;
  • timely treatment of dental diseases;
  • posture control;
  • sleep in correct position using orthopedic mattresses and pillows;
  • fight against bad habit chew and suck foreign objects;
  • While feeding the baby, you need to monitor the correctness of the sucking process.

You can get results using special orthodontic systems. The dentist helps you choose a design based on the type of defect, the degree of its complexity, the patient’s preferences and the budget allocated for this purpose. Simultaneously with the correction of the defect, the lines of the face and its inherent contour are aligned. In what cases is it necessary to correct a dental bite, and what type of malocclusion does a dentist have to deal with, we will try to figure it out in this article.

Price for bite correction

Consultation with an orthodontist FOR FREE
Alginate impression 1000 rub.
Diagnostic model calculation 2500 rub.
Making a diagnostic model (2 pcs.) 2500 rub.
Observation during the treatment phase 1000 rub.
Treatment of malocclusions (bite correction) from 70,000 rub.
Fixation of one bracket on NO MIX material 1800 rub.
Fitting and applying the arc 500 rub.
Tying the arch to one bracket 400 rub.
Fixation of elastic traction (1 link) 500 rub.
Setting the spring 800 rub.
Making a wire retainer and fixing it 5000 rub.
Making a retention splint 5000 rub.
Manufacturing of an orthodontic plate with 2 clasps from imported plastic 11000 rub.
Manufacturing of 2-jaw apparatus, regulators, bionators and various modifications of functional apparatus 16,000 rub.
Positioner 15,000 rub.
Cementation of the orthodontic ring 850 rub.
Removing one bracket 500 rub.
Removing one ligature 300 rub.
Clinical correction of the device 1000 rub.
Repair of orthodontic apparatus (in the laboratory) 2500 rub.
Activation of the orthodontic appliance 1000 rub.
Fitting and fixing the palatal clasp 1500 rub.
Correction of teeth with the INVISALIGN system (excluding the technical part) from 70,000 rub.
Photo recording (1 photo) 250 rub.
Surgery to install an orthodontic implant 11000 rub.
Taking a one-step two-layer impression (A-silicone) 3250 rub.

A characteristic feature of the distal bite is the protruding front teeth of the upper row. Dentists recommend correcting the bite when the upper jaw seems overdeveloped compared to the lower jaw. In this case, the person’s chewing load on the teeth is disrupted, as a result of which the posterior lateral sections become susceptible to increased risk development of caries, and soft fabrics development of periodontal disease. From the outside, it appears that the patient's face has a small chin. By correcting dental malocclusion, orthodontists achieve an even distribution of proportions to all parts of the face. To select defect correction designs, dentists take into account the patient’s age. IN early childhood They use methods of correcting the bite that restrain the growth of the upper jaw and stimulate the development of the lower jaw. In adults, preference is most often given to braces.

People with this defect tend to have a protruding chin. If the flaw is inherent in a man, then the aesthetics may not be disturbed, since the face takes on a strong-willed and decisive expression. When a girl is susceptible to the defect, bite correction is required immediately. The consequences are as varied as with distal closure of teeth. This is the risk of early onset of periodontal diseases, the development of caries, and the complexity of prosthetics.

Mesial correction of occlusion in adults is a lengthy process. The sooner it is carried out orthodontic treatment, the sooner the result is achieved. The ideal time for this is considered to be childhood, when the development of the jaw apparatus is not yet complete. In this case, different removable structures. In adults, they are most often used, possible removal some elements of the series and orthognathic operations.

The main difference between an open bite is the presence of a gap or gap between the lateral or front teeth of the upper and lower rows. The lack of tactile contact between the jaws leads to the fact that the mouth is constantly slightly open and there is no symmetry of the facial lines. With this pathology, the bite is corrected with braces; orthodontists consider the defect to be one of the most complex.

Correction of deep bite

Ideally, the top row protrudes slightly forward and covers the bottom row by 1/3. When the teeth cover the underlying elements by more than half, we are talking about a deep form of malocclusion. Correction of dental occlusion is required due to an aesthetic defect in which the face is not elongated enough vertical axis, A underlip protrudes. The owner of such a defect also faces functional problems, due to which periodontal diseases develop, teeth become loose, gums become inflamed, and frequent mechanical damage teeth soft tissues, the enamel is quickly erased.

If teeth are not corrected on time, work will be disrupted. jaw joint, a crunching sound appears when the jaw moves. Clicking sounds may be heard and pain symptoms. When dental prosthetics is performed, this pathology is also subject to correction. Dentists use treatment based on a number of structures that increase the level. The device can be a brace system, special plates and other products.

The pathology manifests itself in the weak development of one side of the jaw. May be required surgical correction bite, although in some cases the defect is treated with removable and non-removable structures. It is observed on one or both sides of the jaw, on any zone of the row - front or side. Leads to severe impairment of chewing functionality. Frequent companions of the defect are early periodontal disease, caries, crunching and pain when opening the jaws. You can apply for correction yourself. The dentist who provides dental treatment or selects the type of prosthetics to restore the integrity of the rows may also recommend undergoing the procedure for correcting the defect.

Photos Before and After bite correction

What are the dangers of malocclusion?

People with malocclusion suffer from pathology every day. According to statistics, deficiency is observed in 80% of the world's population. In some situations, a defect carries only an aesthetic imperfection, but sometimes its presence entails functional and psychological problems. A person who has had their bite corrected looks different before and after the procedure. Along with the defect, the contour of the face is evened out, its proportions become clearer and more correct. The smile takes on perfect features.

If serious bite correction is required, a specialist may resort to surgery. For uncomplicated pathology, removable and non-removable systems are sufficient. An inharmonious bite often becomes the cause of self-doubt and complexes. On physiological level appears increased sensitivity soft tissues, increased risk of injury.

The situation can be aggravated by the appearance of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since food often does not receive proper processing in the oral cavity and enters the stomach in “piecemeal” form. Today, bite treatment is used by orthodontists in any age group. With a properly prescribed set of procedures, the deficiency can be eliminated easily and painlessly. Even if used surgical method, the use of anesthesia in difficult situation neutralizes pain impulses.

Correcting a bite with braces is a time-tested classic

The use of braces is used to correct malocclusion in children, adolescents and adults. The products have become widespread due to their ability to be used different materials, designs and reliability of such treatment. If in childhood metal models of braces with a budget price are considered the most popular, then prices for correcting malocclusion in adults vary significantly. An adult can afford gold items, devices made of ceramics and medical sapphire.

Braces are built on the basis of a metal power arc made of nickel or titanium. It is threaded through locks attached to the teeth. Possessing shape memory, the arch tends to take its original position and creates directed pressure on teeth that are incorrectly located in the row. All stages of correction take place under the strict supervision of a doctor. When considering what a bite correction looks like, a photo of which can be found on the Internet or seen in a doctor’s office, pay attention to what the different systems look like:

  • metal - visible against the background of enamel, as they have a contrasting color. At the same time, they are inexpensive, reliable and strong.
  • plastic - matched to the tone of the enamel, but quickly lose their original freshness due to the fact that the porous structure of the plastic is easily pigmented and deposited plaque. This bite correction is affordable and does not require large expenses. The plastic is fragile, so its service life is not long.
  • ceramic – braces are selected to match the teeth, are not painted with food coloring and do not oxidize. However, correcting teeth bite ceramic braces is expensive. High cost Not every patient can afford the design.
  • sapphire – artificially grown crystals have a transparent base, so they are invisible on the teeth. The prices for this bite correction are the highest.

There are also vestibular products fixed on the frontal zone of the smile, and lingual systems located inside the rows. Braces are used when various pathologies, since with their help you can eliminate almost any bite defect. They are used before prosthetics and in situations where dental implantation is to be done in order to give the rows physiological correct form. Installation is carried out in stationary mode, in the clinic office. At subsequent stages of treatment, one visit to the doctor per month is enough for the specialist to monitor the correct progress of the correction process.

Bite correction without braces - mouth guards and aligners

If the aesthetic side of the issue is important to the patient or he does not like braces due to the inability to remove the structure himself right moment, then correcting the bite without braces is also possible. Most often, Russian or Russian aligners are used for these purposes. foreign production. Bite correction with mouth guards (aligners) is used in the presence of uncomplicated pathologies or to consolidate the effect previously obtained with braces.

Mouthguards are made of plastic or silicone; they are absolutely transparent and invisible from the outside. They can be removed when eating and performing hygiene. The schedule developed by the doctor involves changing the aligners independently in accordance with the treatment plan. Visits to the dentist occur on average once every four weeks. Special computer program accurately calculates the timing of correction and shows how the process is underway transformations.

An individual mouthguard for correcting occlusion is made from an impression in laboratory conditions. Wearing it requires responsibility and a serious approach from the patient, otherwise even simple forgetting to put a mouth guard on the teeth will lead to distortion of the process of treating the deficiency. Average term Correcting a defect with mouthguards and braces takes from six months to 2 years. When these systems are powerless, surgical correction of the bite is used, which is carried out in especially difficult situations.

If you need implantation or prosthetics, but require preliminary correction of the shape of the rows, please contact dental clinic"Dental-S". Experienced medical composition, modern equipment and technological materials allow us to provide services High Quality at budget prices. Be healthy and attractive. Let your smile always remain irresistible!

One of the most effective methods Correcting malocclusion is a braces system. Regardless of their type and material, these orthodontic appliances are designed to move teeth exactly as they should be positioned.

Of course, there are a number of indications for installing these structures. However, it is braces that have a huge advantage over other systems - the patient does not have to perform any independent manipulations with the device (remove like mouth guards, wash, adjust).

To choose which bracket system is best to install, you need to have information about each type.

general description

First of all, a few words need to be said about the need for orthodontic treatment. The fact is that straight teeth A person needs them not only for external beauty.

Incorrectly positioned teeth relative to each other, as well as in relation to the jaw, can cause serious problems with gums, enamel, the functioning of the entire jaw joint, as well as digestion.

If the bite correction was not done in childhood, this problem can be solved later. This may require more time, but as a result the patient receives not only beautiful smile, but also additional protection for the whole body.

What are braces and how do they work?

From English “bracket” is translated as bracket or lock. Title translation orthodontic system fully reflects its essence - this a set of staples that are connected using a power arc.

That is, the braces themselves are devices for holding the arch, which is the operating element of the entire system.

On this moment Many types of bracket systems have been developed, which differ from each other not only appearance, but also on the teeth.

The materials of manufacture, the method of attachment to the teeth, the method of fastening the thread, and, accordingly, the design of the brackets themselves may also differ. Moreover, the operating principle of all such systems is the same.

It is based on the fact that teeth have some mobility. They are not “tightly” fixed in the holes. Therefore, with constant exposure to forces in the same direction, they gradually shift.

After their removal, in most cases, the installation of retainers is required to consolidate the result of treatment of malocclusion.


There are two main types of systems that differ in the main thing – location. The most common and most popular type is vestibular.

It means that the system will be located on the visible – outer side of the teeth. These are the types of devices we see on those around us.

Vestibular systems are characterized by a much greater variety of materials used. This can be titanium, stainless steel, composite materials, special fiberglass, single crystals, ceramics, some types of plastics and more.

The choice of material greatly influences the properties of the device, as it reacts differently to load and so on. That is why you should not immediately give preference only to aesthetic appearance.

It is better to listen to the advice of a doctor who will recommend the best quality orthodontic appliance.

  1. Installation. The specialist selects a bracket separately for each tooth and also installs it. The result of the treatment depends on how correctly the installation was performed.
  2. Duration of treatment. It's no longer a matter of choice a certain system, and from a specific clinical picture– complexity and neglect of the abnormal arrangement of teeth.


Exactly metal braces are the most common. Moreover, this also applies to the doctors themselves, most of whom consider such systems to be the most reliable.

  • The design of classic metal braces has not changed fundamentally for quite some time.

    These are two main elements - staples and an active arch, as well as a number of additional system components with the help of which the arch is secured to each staple. These elements are ligatures - rings with locks or simply locks.

  • The arc is made of a special material that “remembers” its original shape and tries to return to it. When installed, it takes a shape that is determined by the position of the teeth, and during the treatment process it tends to the original one, which creates a certain pressure on the teeth.
  • Such structures can be installed even in difficult cases when treatment is delayed for several years. While wearing it, be sure to visit a doctor at a certain time to correct the installation.

Here are the main types of materials for making metal braces:

  • stainless steel;
  • medical titanium alloy;
  • gold.

Gold systems or those coated with this metal are much more expensive. According to the principle of operation and installation, they are no different from classical systems.

However, in many cases you cannot do without them. For example, if the patient is allergic to other metals.

In addition, the installation of such an orthodontic apparatus will emphasize the status of the patient and become an additional decoration.


This variety belongs to the so-called aesthetic systems. The plates themselves (brackets), which are attached to outside teeth are made from artificially created sapphire, which in its properties does not differ from natural.

The plates are completely transparent and practically invisible during conversation. In addition, they are not subject to oxidation, staining and other external changes.

The only thing that allows them to be noticed is a metal arc. However, it has a very light shade and is not noticeable. "Working" sapphire braces, just like the classic ones made of metal.

Therefore, if you have a choice and the necessary funds, you can install them. Besides, they practically do not cause allergic reactions.

However, such structures are considered less reliable than, for example, metal ones. This is due to the relative fragility of the material.

Of course, subject to caution, careful handling and all the doctor’s recommendations, they will work properly throughout the treatment. However, if hit or other unintended impacts (for example, biting nuts, etc.) they can be easily damaged.

Plastic (composite)

These are one of the first aesthetic bracket systems that are used along with ceramic and sapphire. They are less durable than the latter, but are not too fragile.

Such devices have an additional disadvantage - the material can be pigmented due to its properties.

However, this problem is easily solved with the help of special staining. The plates can be made in any color at the request of the client. Even apply an image to the surface.

Plus, the arcs can also be multi-colored. This feature makes plastic braces a decoration. Most often they are used for children and teenagers who want to stand out and prefer to display such decoration.

Ligature and self-regulating

Ligature braces are a classic. In them, the arc is attached to the plates using various rings, rubber bands or wire. Such designs leave more room for maneuver.

The doctor, depending on the situation, can use both passive and active ligation. That is, tighten the ligatures more or less tightly.

Self-ligating systems do not have additional fastening elements. The braces themselves contain special locks with covers that secure the arch.

There is no need to change wearable elastic components, frequent visits to the doctor for correction, the installation process is simpler and faster. Moreover, there are balanced forces at work here.

Lingual systems

This is the second type of system that is used in orthodontics. The definition of "lingual" means that they are installed on the inner “lingual” side of the teeth.

Such structures are completely invisible during communication, as they are attached quite deeply. It is because of this circumstance that they can be considered aesthetic.

Installing such a structure allows the specialist to more easily control the movement of teeth, as well as assess their location relative to the lips, tongue and jaw itself.

Thanks to the production of each element only after creating a complete 3D model and treatment forecast, it is possible to immediately, even at the planning stage, take into account all the parameters and factors necessary for quality treatment.

Another plus - minimum size each element of the system allows you to achieve maximum comfort for the patient during treatment.

There is an opinion that such constructions greatly violate diction. However, this can only happen during the first few days while the patient gets used to it.

Bite correction price

The cost of such devices directly depends on what material they are made of. However, it is possible to name the exact price only in each specific case after additional examinations and drawing up a treatment plan, since the duration of wearing and the number of visits to the dentist are determined depending on the condition of the patient’s teeth.

In addition, during the wearing process, other manipulations may be necessary, for example, repairs, restoration, etc., which are paid additionally. The choice of clinic can also affect the final cost.

The status and fame of the dental center can increase the price by 5–15%. And this, considering it’s not too much low prices for orthodontic treatment – ​​quite a lot.

Here, accordingly, only the approximate and approximate cost of correcting a bite with braces will be indicated, depending on their type.

  • Metal. The system itself with all its elements is not too expensive - only 12 thousand rubles. However, during treatment the patient will spend at least 23–25 thousand. In addition, the price may be higher depending on the choice of manufacturer.

    The cost of treatment if you choose a well-known and reliable company can reach 85 thousand rubles. This amount includes the system itself, its installation, maintenance and removal.

  • Ceramic. The cost of the device itself without maintenance is about 20 thousand rubles. Depending on the degree of complexity, the cost of the entire treatment can vary between 20-50 thousand.

    If you take braces from a well-known company, for example, the German Forestadent Aspire, then correcting the position of the teeth on both jaws will cost even more - about 90 thousand rubles.

  • Sapphire. The price of the device itself is more expensive than all previous ones - from 35,000 rubles. We add the cost of treatment (plus installation/removal) - another 30 to 50 thousand. The amount turns out to be impressive – 65–85 thousand.

    But don't forget about the manufacturer. For example, treating two jaws with sapphire system from Ormco Inspire Ice (USA) will cost even more - about 140 thousand rubles.