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Pregnancy after removal of a cervical canal polyp. Is pregnancy possible after polyp removal?

When can you get pregnant after surgical removal of a polyp in the uterus? Before considering the problem, it is worth noting that polyps in the uterus can be different sizes, this will determine whether the woman will have children. The tumor interferes with pregnancy because it is located on the walls of the uterus.

Is it possible to have a baby?

Only a specialist can answer such a difficult question after looking at the test results.

Polyps may be benign, but they also contribute to the formation of cancer and reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

It is very important to know about the symptoms of the disease in order to consult a specialist in time. It is very easy to identify a polyp if you do ultrasonography. Hysteroscopy is performed. Even if the polyp is very small, an experienced specialist will see it and take action.

If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a specialist:

  • White discharge.
  • There are no critical days, but bloody discharge come out.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Menstrual days are off schedule.
  • Longer than usual period of such days.

If you have ever had problems of this nature and you notice these symptoms again, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Causes of polyp formation and treatment

There are several reasons, and they vary greatly from each other. There is something that unites them - this is that during critical days a woman’s inner shell uterus. This is the first reason why a polyp forms on the walls of the uterus.

When it is attached inside the uterus with its leg, difficulties arise when conceiving a child. Of course, after removal of the tumor, most often a woman is able to get pregnant. If doctors are sure that education is the very cause of infertility, then after it is eliminated, the woman will succeed. Hysteroscopy helps determine the size of the polyp and the possibility of its removal.

The most effective and popular treatment method is surgery and removal of the growth. Requires curettage. Before this, tumors are removed large sizes.

A polyp is a round formation, which in our time is removed without problems and completely. Only for this you should pass all tests during critical days and after that treatment is prescribed. And then therapy in individually. After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor, and if ultrasound therapy and tests are normal, then the woman can safely become pregnant.

How long before you can get pregnant after removal? No one will give you an exact answer, since everyone’s body is individual and unpredictable. If the uterus is ready, pregnancy will occur. Of course, this will take some time and the result will be positive. But there are situations when, after surgery, a woman is not ready for pregnancy; she can become pregnant artificially. After a full examination, the patient can become a mother; for this it is very important to find experienced specialist, who will select treatment on an individual basis.

Time to plan for conception

You shouldn’t delay it too much; you can start conceiving after the rehabilitation period. Doctors do not advise waiting a long time. Postoperative period passes and you can think about pregnancy. There are cases when, at the site where one polyp was removed, a new one grows over time. Then the previous polyp is studied individually again and an explanation is found for what is happening so that this does not happen in the future. You should pay attention to the level of hormones, and if they are not enough, then it is important to normalize the indicators in order to conceive and bear a healthy baby.

In total, the medications that the body needs in this situation must be taken for eight to twelve weeks.

After you have completed the course of treatment and the doctors have approved the result, you can start thinking about having a child. In practice, we noticed that the desired conception occurs approximately six months after the end of treatment.

Time after conception, waiting for the baby

After the operation, when a woman becomes pregnant, the pregnancy should proceed without any complications. What doctors point out is that such women are prone to the appearance of new formations in the uterus during pregnancy; this must be monitored extremely carefully. Experts are convinced that the neoplasms will not bring any harm to the unborn baby, since the growth appears on internal walls does not pose any danger to the uterus and the fetus.

This situation is not a pathology, and the pregnancy goes very well, and after childbirth this tumor is removed again.

Curettage practically does not cause any harm to the body, and after it a woman can safely become pregnant and without any doubt she will have a healthy baby.

It is very important to follow all instructions from a specialist you trust.

There are cases when, on the contrary, there is no need to rush into pregnancy, but the doctor will tell you all this on an individual basis, when the body should be restored to one hundred percent. And also, for some girls the treatment did not help to have a child the first time, neither after six months, nor after a year, they had to carry out the procedure a second time, after a successful result everything worked out. And after three months the pregnancy was going well. The main thing is to believe and not give up, then everything will work out.

Weakened state

During all these procedures and the operation itself, due to stress and anxiety, the woman’s body weakens significantly. It is possible that if there are disruptions in your critical days, this may well interfere with pregnancy. And naturally, it will be difficult for a weakened body to bear such a load as pregnancy. After surgery, it is necessary to take vitamins, both in tablets and fruits and vegetables themselves, and be sure to strengthen the body with calcium. You also need to eat right and visit often. fresh air. ABOUT bad habits It's not even worth talking about. Definitely exclude it if you want to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

Treatment and facts about it

Remember, dear girls, if you have the symptoms indicated above, you should not try to treat yourself with various medications or folk ways, there will be no sense, you will only waste time and can aggravate your situation.

  1. If pain in the lower abdomen is relieved with painkillers, the likelihood is that the pain will go away– zero. Such drugs can be taken only after surgery, and only with the permission of the doctor. Don't make things worse for yourself, contact a specialist right away.
  2. In our time surgical intervention there is no need to be afraid. Many women make the mistake of taking pills to avoid going to the doctor.
  3. Some experts believe that if the tumor in the body does not bother you, then the operation does not need to be performed. But as soon as bleeding begins and the diameter of the tumor increases, surgical intervention is simply necessary. Since excessive bleeding can lead to infertility, the specialist will do everything possible to prevent this from happening.
  4. It is also possible inflammatory process after surgery, if there was an infection in the body, and it was not treated, or there was an accumulation of pus, which was not all removed. For this purpose, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. A puncture of the uterine wall may also occur, after which it has to be sutured; unless, of course, it is large, then the puncture will heal on its own.
  5. Critical days, as a rule, after surgery, should recover within a month and proceed as usual, with the same length. But everyone’s body is different, so it also reacts to anesthesia differently, and disturbances may occur, but this does not happen for everyone.

Risk categories

Polyps are pathological growths of tissue protruding above the general surface of the mucous membrane. They can form in many organs: intestines, stomach, sinuses, uterine cavity, cervical canal, etc. In most cases, they are asymptomatic and can degenerate into malignant tumors. Endometrial polyp occurs in both young and elderly women. In addition to the main symptoms, such growths affect the ability to get pregnant.

Read in this article

Types of polyps in the endometrium of the uterus

Depending on the type of tissue from which the polyp is formed, as well as on its location and presumed cause, many types of these growths are distinguished.


Formed from glandular cells. They are found in completely different sizes and shapes, but their consistency is very soft and pliable. This functional formations, i.e. actively produce secretions, so they can more often cause some symptoms. All glandular polyps are subject to mandatory treatment, since they can subsequently change into more malignant ones - adenomatous.


Glandular fibrous polyps have a denser structure, for this reason it is sometimes difficult to grasp them with a curette or other instrument. They are the least susceptible to all sorts of transformations, so when detected in menopausal women, you can simply dynamically monitor the state of the uterine cavity.

Glandular-fibrous (mixed)

They are a combination of elements of the last two, both morphofunctional and clinical signs. They occur more often than others, especially in women during the reproductive period.

The fibrous layers of the polyp are located closer to the “leg”, in which attachment to the wall of the uterus occurs. The glandular areas are closer to the apex. This anatomical feature affects the quality of treatment.

If such growths are removed during normal RDV, then the likelihood that the dense part will remain is high. This means that the risk of relapse increases. Also, these polyps more often combine elements of inflammation.


They are the most dangerous in terms of the likelihood of occurrence in the future. malignant process. They are also sometimes difficult to distinguish from well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Therefore, all women with a detected adenomatous polyp undergo more detailed and in-depth examination and treatment.


These types of polyps form after a recent pregnancy. This may be a consequence of incomplete separation of the placenta, retention of chorion particles after an abortion, non-developing pregnancy, etc. Manifest themselves by bleeding varying intensity– from daub to very heavy discharge. They rarely go away on their own; in 98% of cases, instrumental removal is necessary.

Based possible reason, you can divide all polyps into the following groups:

  • inflammatory, resulting from a chronic infectious process;
  • neoplastic, which consist of cells that are unusual for this area;
  • hyperplastic - excessive growth of typical tissues of a particular area, more often occur against the background hormonal disorders.

Also divided by shape. The following types exist:

  • “On a leg”, their length is always greater than their width. Sometimes even such polyps can descend from the uterine cavity into the cervical canal and vagina.
  • Sessile, have a wide base with which they are attached to the wall.

Such growths can vary significantly in size: sometimes it is only a few millimeters, and sometimes more than 10 cm.

Watch the video about endometrial polyps:

Endometrial polyp and pregnancy: will you be able to conceive?

Endometrial polyps form not only in women during or after menopause. Often nulliparous young girls suffer from the disease.

Endometrial polyps are detected in different ways. Most often, girls come with the following complaints:

  • for periodic spotting after menstruation, before and in the middle of the cycle;
  • for infertility.

Polyps are also detected during routine ultrasound examinations in risk groups, for example, with concomitant polycystic disease, uterine fibroids, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Therefore, young girls are naturally concerned about the question of whether they will be able to conceive with a polyp, whether it needs to be removed or treated in some way.

It all depends on many factors. In particular, they have fundamentally important the following points.

What is the reason for education. Among the main factors that play a role in the formation are hormonal disorders. Therefore, it is not the polyp itself that can cause infertility, but the underlying causes that led to its appearance. In such situations, even removing the growths will not lead to a quick pregnancy.

What is the nature of the polyp:

  • It can act like a coil in the uterine cavity, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg. This applies to large fibrous and glandular-fibrous histological structures.
  • A placental polyp is often accompanied by inflammation and bleeding, so even if fertilization occurs, the pregnancy will either not be established or will most likely not develop.

Where is it located? The location of polyps is as important as their structure. The least favorable places are:

  • At the mouths fallopian tubes, which can become an obstacle for sperm. But even if they penetrate the egg and fertilize it, the fertilized egg itself may not get into the cavity due to its large size. This is one of the causes of ectopic pregnancy.
  • In the center of the cavity. In this case, the polyp will work like an IUD, preventing attachment anywhere ovum.
  • Closing the gap cervical canal. This will create a mechanical obstacle in the way of sperm.

Are there any concomitant diseases? Often adenomatous or mixed polyps are combined with uterine fibroids (including submucosal) and other conditions. It is they, and not the polyp, that will counteract pregnancy, for example, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching or causing its detachment.

Do I need to remove it to get pregnant?

It is not always necessary to remove such growths surgically so that it does not affect conception in any way. This is due to the fact that women experience endometrial shedding every month.

If the polyp is small and there is no chronic pathology, which provokes its appearance, then it can go away on its own. Or, with a “successful” location and small size, it may not in any way affect the process of fertilization and subsequent attachment of the fertilized egg.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether the polyp needs to be removed or not. Many doctors prefer more aggressive management and offer hysteroscopy or RDV right away. But there is another tactic. In this case, time is given to independently resolve the problem (2 - 3 months), and hormonal medications can also be prescribed for the same period.

If the polyp remains after this, the likelihood that it will go away on its own is minimal. And if a woman is trying unsuccessfully to conceive a baby, it is better to remove the tumor.

Is pregnancy possible after removal of an endometrial polyp?

Many girls worry that removal of a polyp may lead to complications, which will make the likelihood of pregnancy even lower. Of course, no specialist is immune from mistakes; uterine perforations occur during hysteroscopy and RDV. But correctly and competently carried out removal followed by preventive treatment will not reduce in any way, but will only increase the chances of pregnancy.

Polyps of the cervical canal: how they affect conception and pregnancy

Many people do not see a fundamental difference in endometrial and cervical canal polyps. In fact, these are two separate concepts with dissimilar reasons.

Polyps of the cervical canal can also be of different nature, size and location. Located inside the cervix, they create a mechanical obstacle in the path of moving sperm. Also, inflammation is often associated with these formations, and infection can literally immobilize male reproductive cells. All this reduces the likelihood of pregnancy to zero.

Decidual polyps of the cervix have a different nature and consequences. They form only during pregnancy (at any stage) and are a consequence of hormonal changes. Despite their sometimes quite impressive size, they do not pose a particular threat to pregnancy. The main complications that decidual polyps entail:

  • inflammation at the site of their localization;
  • bleeding due to injury, including during sexual intercourse or taking smears. Sometimes bloody issues quite plentiful.

The tactics for managing decidual polyps of the cervix are twofold: you can observe them throughout the entire period of gestation or remove them. Many doctors prefer not to interfere with its growth and resect it only if it is constantly injured and bleeding.

How is pregnancy going and when to try to conceive?

Restrictions for planning pregnancy are directly related to the chosen treatment method. If you neglect them, the likelihood of miscarriage, fading, placental abruption in the future is higher. If all recommendations are followed, the risks are the same as for other women.

After hysteroscopy of endometrial polyp

Hysteroscopy is the most optimal option for removing polyps, especially for young people nulliparous girls or suffering from infertility. This is due to several reasons:

  • This is the least traumatic method, since everything is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  • You can precisely remove the polyp, and then check whether its “leg” is completely gone.
  • Helps determine whether this growth really caused infertility and other complaints.
  • Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are often combined. This allows you to additionally check the patency of the fallopian tubes and verify the presence/absence of other pathology (endometriosis, cysts, etc.).

After curettage of an endometrial polyp

If the usual procedure was performed, the restrictions are the same as after hysteroscopy. Similarly, based on the results of histological examination, a course of treatment is recommended.

After hormonal treatment

If selected conservative treatment, hormonal, its average course is 3 - 6 months. After which it is necessary to perform a pelvic ultrasound control. If there is no suspicion of a polyp, you can immediately begin planning a pregnancy. If it is preserved, it is better to carry it out surgical removal. This will delay the “permission” for pregnancy for several more months.

If the girl refused to delete

If you refuse the proposed surgical and other treatment, you can plan a pregnancy without any restrictions. But women should understand that the risks of a pathological course of the gestation period are slightly higher for them than for healthy ones. Especially if, according to the results of the ultrasound, the formation remained in the uterine cavity.

Is it possible to confuse an endometrial polyp with pregnancy?

Often, against the background of endometrial polyps, girls may experience delayed menstruation. If they are actively planning a pregnancy, then sometimes these conditions can be confused, even by resorting to other research methods.

Therefore, to assess whether there is a polyp in the cavity or a fertilized egg, you should undergo several examinations:

  • , but it will not always show the correct result early on. Therefore, it is better and more informative to take a blood test for hCG. It will indicate pregnancy with 100% certainty from the 10th day after fertilization.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. In 95% of cases, the polyp can be clearly distinguished from the fertilized egg. But sometimes the presence of small inclusions in the growths is detected, which can be mistaken for a fertilized egg at a short period of time. Also, for example, in the case of a non-developing pregnancy, you can think about a polyp. To further increase the reliability of the study, in doubtful situations it is recommended to perform Doppler ultrasound to determine blood flow in this area.
  • Routine gynecological examination. In case of pregnancy, even at short stages, the doctor will see indirect signs the conception that occurred.

Endometrial polyp is a serious pathology that can not only increase the risk of developing other gynecological problems, but also cause infertility. In each specific case, it is necessary to approach treatment individually, taking into account all the nuances. Therefore, it is important to find a competent specialist in this field.

Surgical interventions, especially in the intimate sphere of a woman, are almost always stressful for the body, especially from the point of view psychological factor. However, in some cases they are able to hasten the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Even if a woman does not have obvious health problems, at the pregnancy planning stage it is advisable to undergo basic examinations, such as an examination by a gynecologist in a chair, taking smears and a vaginal ultrasound. If a pathology such as a polyp (uterine or cervical canal) is detected, it is best to carry out treatment before pregnancy rather than later carry the baby and be in constant voltage and fear. At the same time, many women are concerned about the question of when is pregnancy possible after removal of a polyp and how long after can they start planning a baby? To answer these questions, you need to understand the problem of the polyp itself, the procedure for its removal and the features of the recovery period.

Pregnancy after endometrial polyp removal

Not all women have perfect health. Polyp of the endometrium of the uterus is a pathology, unfortunately, not too rare, but, fortunately, not too dangerous.

What is an endometrial polyp

A uterine polyp (or endometrial polyp) is a benign cellular neoplasm that occurs on the mucous surface of the uterine body. Its size can vary from 1-2 mm in diameter to walnut. Most often, the polyp itself does not cause any discomfort, does not manifest itself in any way, but is discovered by chance during a routine examination.

The following main types of polyps are distinguished:

  • Glandular.
  • Fibrous.
  • Glandular-fibrous.
  • Glandular-cystic.
  • Adenomatous.

Because It is to the uterine endometrium that the fertilized egg is attached; the presence of a polyp can pose a serious obstacle to pregnancy. The reasons for the occurrence of such growths have not been fully established. Predisposing factors are considered to be hormonal disorders, damage to the endometrium during surgical interventions (abortions), chronic foci of inflammation in the pelvis. However, even if conception does occur in the presence of a polyp, the woman will be under increased surveillance throughout the entire 9 months due to the presence of a formation in the uterus. That is why it is strongly recommended to remove polyps even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

How is a uterine polyp treated?

Treatment of polyps is prescribed only if the formation does not resolve - there are cases when a polyp discovered in the current menstrual cycle disappeared after the next menstruation. If this does not happen, treatment is carried out. Polyp therapy involves complete removal of the neoplasm—the polyp itself and its stem. Removal of the stalk is necessary to prevent regrowth of the polyp. Many women are afraid of surgical procedures for fear of unnecessary injury to the endometrium. There is no need to worry too much, because... The polyp is removed not blindly, but under the control of hysperoscopy. The doctor sees the exact location of the polyp and removes the formation “at the root.”

When to plan a pregnancy after endometrial polyp removal

When medical procedures are completed, the woman worries main question- When can you start planning for a baby? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Each case is considered individually. The decision depends both on the scale of the manipulations performed and on the availability accompanying pathologies(and the need to eliminate them). After polyp removal, if it was an independent procedure, it is recommended to abstain for at least 1 menstrual cycle(a month from the first menstruation after surgery), or better yet 3. This time is usually enough to restore the endometrium after polyp removal. A woman can become pregnant earlier - in the first cycle after the operation - the question is whether she will be able to bear such a pregnancy, because a certain area of ​​​​the inner layer of the uterus has been injured. When assessing the possibility of planning a baby, the doctor takes into account the following factors:

  • General health of the woman.
  • Whether or not her menstrual cycle has returned (although it is known that pregnancy can occur before the first period after surgery).
  • Are there any other diseases of the reproductive system?
  • Assessment in progress hormonal balance woman's body.

First of all, it is necessary to take care of restoring reproductive function female body. To do this, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist. List of accepted medicines depends on the big picture women's health and is selected individually.

The minimum “set” of components for successful conception and pregnancy after removal of a uterine polyp are:

  • Normal picture on ultrasound.
  • Absence of foci of inflammation (in the pelvic organs).
  • No gynecological infections.
  • Hormone levels are within normal limits.

If the woman does not experience discomfort and does not complain about her health, the doctor gives the go-ahead to plan a pregnancy. Excessive haste in this matter can lead to not very good consequences - problems with conception, difficulties during pregnancy, or even pregnancy failure. The latter again postpones the moment of motherhood due to the need for restoration.

You should also not unnecessarily delay planning a pregnancy after removing a uterine polyp. This pathology has a tendency to relapse, so it is recommended to start trying to get pregnant immediately after the completion of the rehabilitation process.

Pregnancy after removal of a polyp in the uterus - features and course

If pregnancy occurs after removal of the tumor and normalization of women’s health in general, its course is not particularly different from any other pregnancy in which there was no history of polyp removal. Pregnancy after removal of a glandular polyp also occurs at the same time as when removing another type of endometrial tumor of the uterus. There are also situations when the polyp is removed, the body is restored and the woman becomes pregnant. But suddenly, on an ultrasound, the doctor again discovers a polyp. Should I worry about this and can a new growth threaten pregnancy? There is no unnecessary reason for concern, especially since the polyp itself consists of the same cells that line inner surface uterus. If such a picture is detected, strict medical monitoring and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations are recommended. In the vast majority of cases, pregnancy can be carried safely to term.

Pregnancy after removal of a cervical canal polyp

A neoplasm such as a polyp can affect not only the uterus, but also its cervix.

What is a cervical canal polyp?

Excessive cell division, which underlies the formation of a polyp, can occur not only in the uterine cavity, but also in its cervix - the cervical canal. By analogy with a uterine polyp, the neoplasm in the cervical canal is attached with a pedicle. The localization of the polyp is the external os of the cervix (the transition from the vagina to the cervical canal). The most common cause of the disease is hormonal disorders. Pathology very often has undercurrent and can be detected already during pregnancy, posing a serious threat to the latter. The neoplasm can be detected both by visual examination in mirrors and during transvaginal ultrasound.

Treatment of cervical canal polyp

Unfortunately, a tumor in the cervix cannot disappear on its own. Moreover, the glandular and glandular-fibrous form of the polyp has an oncogenic risk (higher than the fibrous form).

Removal of a polyp of the cervical canal is indicated regardless of the type of neoplasm.

The safest and most painless way to remove a polyp is to perform hysteroscopy. If this type therapy is impossible, other methods of polyp removal are used:

  • Cryodestruction (use of low temperatures).
  • Cauterization (diathermocoagulation).
  • Laser excision.
  • Amputation of the cervix - indication is the presence of atypical cells, frequent relapses. Reproductive functions women are preserved.

And although polyps belong to the category of benign neoplasms, the removed material is subject to mandatory histology.

Pregnancy after removal of a cervical canal polyp - when to plan a baby

If therapy was carried out in a timely manner (before pregnancy), you can start planning for the baby after the end of the rehabilitation period. Most often, full functional recovery occurs within 1-3 months after surgery. The formation of polyps is a pathology prone to relapse, so you shouldn’t put off trying to get pregnant for too long.

Pregnancy developing after polyp removal is no different from any other pregnancy. Concerns may arise only in cases where a polyp is discovered during pregnancy. However, there is no need to worry too much. Most often, the doctor observes the pathology and may prescribe local treatment to relieve inflammation. Only large (more than 1 cm) and rapidly growing neoplasms pose a threat.

Pregnancy after polyp removal: reviews from women

Despite the seriousness of this pathology, reviews from women indicate that it can be treated quite successfully. The vast majority of women who underwent tumor removal note that pregnancy occurred in the first cycles after discontinuation of contraception and proceeded without any special features. An important factor is the reason for the lack of pregnancy. Removal of a polyp almost always leads to problem-free conception only in cases where other health indicators (not only female, but also male) are normal. If conception does not occur even after surgery to remove the polyp, it may make sense to conduct a more thorough examination of both partners.

Is pregnancy possible immediately after polyp removal?

To summarize, we can say for sure that a polyp of the uterus or cervical canal is not a death sentence. Of course, it is faster and easier to get pregnant in cases where the cause of infertility was the polyp itself, which created mechanical obstacles to conception. Problems with conception can also be of a hormonal nature (and polyps often arise precisely because of hormonal disorders). Therefore, it is very important not only to remove the tumor, but also to check hormonal background women and, if necessary, correct it. If the lack of pregnancy was caused by other factors, removal of the polyp rarely affects the success of conception. However, the presence given education is a pathology that cannot be ignored. The health of the body is an important and correct step on the path to happy motherhood.

Endometrial polyp is quite often diagnosed by gynecologists. This pathology considered one of the most common causes of infertility among women. This is due to the fact that, located in the uterine cavity, the neoplasm interferes with the attachment of a fertilized egg to its walls.

Previously, it was believed that it was impossible to become a mother with such a diagnosis. However, today doctors have proven that pregnancy after removal of an endometrial polyp is real. And more than one woman has become a happy mother after treatment.

Polyp - what is it

  1. Polyp is called benign education, which is a growth of the endometrium;
  2. In most cases, they have oval shape, and their size can vary from the size of a small pea (with a diameter of no more than 1-2 mm) to a polyp the size of a walnut;
  3. There are no signs of their appearance, and neoplasms are discovered by chance, during the next routine medical examination or, if necessary, examination after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

Although, some women with this diagnosis note some symptoms that may arise due to concomitant diseases. Most often this is:

  • A nagging pain that may appear in the lower abdomen, just before the onset or during menstruation;
  • Spotting that begins a few days before the onset of menstruation and ends a few days after it. This symptom is characteristic of the development of endometriosis;
  • Bloody discharge that may appear after sexual intercourse;
  • Scanty, but long periods. This usually occurs if you have a growth big size, which can significantly close the passage in the cervix;
  • Copious leucorrhoea discharge that has bad smell and gray color.

The reasons why polyps begin to appear have not yet been established. There are opinions that this contributes to:

  1. Hormonal disruptions that can occur in the female body;
  2. Not cured inflammatory diseases which have already become chronic;
  3. Consequences of surgical termination of pregnancy.

Usually, they are detected in women who have given birth and those who have various problems with metabolism. Many patients have a history of diseases such as diabetes or hypertension.

Sometimes during a medical examination, a woman is diagnosed with a polyp of the cervical canal. The reasons for its development are exactly the same as those for formation in the uterine cavity.


Many gynecologists claim that the presence of a polyp does not mean infertility. Although, such a neoplasm may well prevent pregnancy. Therefore, immediately after its diagnosis, the neoplasm must be removed - this is the only way to get rid of the polyp.

However, the operation is not performed immediately. Usually, after diagnosing a tumor in the uterus or cervical canal, the gynecologist will advise you to wait until the end of your next period and come for a re-examination. Sometimes after menstruation, they disappear on their own. If the growth remains in place, then you will be scheduled for surgery.

Know! The most modern and best method for removal - hysteroscopy.

If earlier an endometrial polyp was scraped out “blindly,” then hysteroscopy makes it possible to remove the stalk of the polyp without damaging the surrounding tissue. If the leg is not removed, then there is a risk of new growths appearing.

Growths in the cervical canal are removed using one of the following methods:

  • scraping;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • constriction of the leg with catgut, after which the growth is rejected;
  • cryodestruction;
  • cauterization;
  • conization of the cervix;
  • cervical amputation is used in extreme cases, if the histology result showed the presence of atypical cells.

A removed neoplasm is subject to mandatory histology, because in extremely in rare cases, polyps may have cancer cells. Once the test result is ready, the doctor will be able to prescribe further treatment. As a rule, it consists of the use of hormonal and antibacterial drugs.

The average course of treatment is 2-3 months. IN this period, you need to avoid sexual intercourse, active sports, other physical activity and any thermal procedures. This is necessary to prevent infection of the wound that appears after surgery.

When is pregnancy possible?

Every woman’s body is individual, so no doctor can definitively answer the question of when you can get pregnant after surgery. As soon as the uterus is ready, the long-awaited pregnancy will immediately occur after removal of the polyp in the uterus.

Important! But, it must be said that there is no need to delay this process too much. Since the disease is prone to relapse. As soon as it's over rehabilitation period, gynecologists recommend starting to try to get pregnant.

Pregnancy after polyp

Pregnancy after removal of a polyp in the cervical canal, as well as the formation that was in the uterine cavity, is no different from normal and passes without complications. The only thing to remember is that if you have had surgery to remove the growth, there is a high probability that it may appear again.

Know! Sometimes pregnancy can occur against the background of the growth of such formations. But, according to doctors, such a pathology cannot negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus.

Therefore, if at the next ultrasound during pregnancy you are again diagnosed with a polyp, do not worry: with constant medical supervision and following all the recommendations of the treating gynecologist, pathologies should not arise. After all, the formations themselves consist of the endometrium, which lines the walls of the uterus, so it does not pose any danger to the baby.

The removal surgery will be performed immediately after the baby is born. The only time when the doctor recommends removing the formation in the cervical canal is fast growth polyp and its size is more than 1 cm.

Prevention of polyps

To prevent the occurrence of polyps, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Visit a gynecologist at least 2 times a year;
  2. Any gynecological or endocrine disorders must be treated promptly;
  3. Do not have abortions;
  4. Maintain intimate hygiene;
  5. Having noticed any bloody discharge during the period between menstruation, or having felt a pulling painful sensations lower abdomen, you need to see a doctor.

Having a polyp is not a death sentence. Such neoplasms respond well to treatment, after which the long-awaited pregnancy occurs. Modern methods make it possible to remove them without damaging surrounding tissues and without harming the female body.

Article outline

When planning a pregnancy, women face a variety of difficulties that they had not even imagined before. After all, at the preparation stage you should devote time to a thorough examination, pass necessary tests, but even after going through all necessary procedures, it is not always possible to conceive a child.

Endometrial polyps are quite common pathological condition uterus. Most doctors are of the opinion that this particular pathology is the most common reason infertility. However, there are no official conclusions about this. Doctors believe that pregnancy after polyp removal is possible, moreover, the chances of full pregnancy very high.

What is a polyp

The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus. An endometrial polyp affects the mucous membrane of the uterus, representing a kind of outgrowth; it forms in one specific area, but there are frequent cases of multiple formations. It is discovered during regular gynecological examinations, however, provided that this formation is large and has already extended beyond the boundaries of the uterus. But forms that are in such a neglected state are quite rare, so diagnosing the disease on routine examinations very difficult.

Its signs and methods of treatment

Due to the fact that ultrasound can only detect running form pathology, hysterosonography can help in detecting a neoplasm. In this case, it can be seen very clearly. Such an ultrasound examination consists of the following: using a special crater, a physiological solution is injected into the uterine cavity, which must be sterile. In this way, you can examine the polyp in detail, if it is present. But due to the fact that hysterosonography is performed only if there is a suspicion of endometrial disease, however, at the first examination, the research method does not always detect pathology. The polyp may not give any abnormalities, so patients do not complain of discomfort. It is not uncommon for such an examination to be prescribed only after numerous attempts to conceive a child, which were never successful.

When a woman does not see a doctor, she may not even be aware of the disease. Sometimes the formations resolve on their own, then the woman never learns about her diagnosis.

With such a disease, you should not rely on hormonal therapy; it will not give the required results. Getting rid of it is only possible with the help complete removal, and everything needs to be removed, including the leg. To perform this procedure, they resort to curettage of the uterus. Patients treat her with considerable caution, worrying that she will never conceive a child. Let's try to analyze the question described. As soon as pathology is detected, it is necessary to carry out histological examination, with its help the nature of the disease is revealed. Each stage of the further treatment process will depend on what results it shows. It is important whether the formation is benign or malignant.

As already mentioned, an endometrial polyp is an excess growth of tissue that appears in any uterine area; it is due to its fault that women often fail to get pregnant, because the fetus is attached to the endometrium, the smoothness and health of the layer are very important. If, even with such a diagnosis, the patient manages to conceive a child, then there is a high risk of early and late miscarriage. For this reason, the tumor must be removed immediately. The procedure is done under hysteroscopy control. In case of uterine curettage without this study, may occur a large number of risks. Hysteroscopy will allow you to determine the exact location of the formation and carry out its complete removal, including the stem. After removal, the growth is sent for special studies, where its appearance and the changes that have occurred in it are determined. Treatment is then prescribed, most often we're talking about O hormonal drugs which are selected on an individual basis. The most optimal method To get rid of the tumor is hysteroresectoscopy.

Possibility of pregnancy

It is possible to get pregnant after hysteroscopy, but pregnancy will not occur immediately, it must pass certain period time. While the patient, after surgery, takes mandatory medications hormonal prescription, pregnancy will not occur, this is impossible. IN given time the woman is constantly under the supervision of a doctor, undergoes all kinds of tests and goes for examinations. This necessary condition to avoid relapse of the disease, so that the formation does not reappear. For these purposes, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

After the course of taking the drugs is completed, conception occurs quickly, literally in a month and a half. Most doctors believe that only by removing the formation can the problem of infertility that has arisen due to this disease be solved. And practice really shows that this technique is effective. After consulting with the doctor and going through all necessary examinations, you can find out detailed information about pathology. The gynecologist will provide detailed information about the form of the disease, all the nuances that concern a particular patient, and will also be able to advise effective methods that can speed up the healing process.

Due to the fact that endometrial polyp is a fairly common disease, it often happens that friends have already encountered it, and some were even able to recover. You can ask them questions to better navigate the process. further actions. Curettage of the uterus today is not at all terrible operation, the risk that complications will appear after it is minimal. If the desire to have a child comes first, you need to have no doubts and do as the doctors say.

When can you get pregnant

As you might guess, after completion, you certainly cannot “delay” conception, because in the case of this disease, relapses often occur (we are talking about the formation of a new polyp, in particular, when the “leg” of the previous one was not removed). But pregnancy after removal of a polyp, which was complete and followed all the rules, occurs very easily, especially if you followed hormone therapy. Answering the question “How long does it take for pregnancy to occur,” the stories of some patients are evidence that the long-awaited conception can occur a maximum of 3 months after the operation.

It is not uncommon for a period new pregnancy accompanies new education. Modern doctors They reassure their patients that such a growth does not threaten the fetus at all. And the pregnancy can proceed calmly, no complications or vicissitudes threaten it. Immediately after birth, the tumor is removed and sent back for examination. Yes, it is possible that you will have to go through all the stages of treatment again, but the second time there will be nothing terrible or unexpected for the patient.