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Discharge after implantation of the fertilized egg. Embryo implantation - is it possible to feel the beginning of a long-awaited pregnancy?

Implantation ovum- This is the very beginning of the pregnancy period. It is practically not noticeable by the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it is incredibly important for the development of the child. Its importance is confirmed by the fact that if the fertilized egg is not implanted, the child simply will not turn out.

In this article we will look at the symptoms of implantation of the fertilized egg, its timing and the sensations that a woman may experience. Many scientists argue that for the first time a woman feels something after implantation, however, discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg can say a lot.

When does implantation of the fertilized egg occur: timing

Implantation of the fertilized egg is the day on which the egg is implanted in the uterus. This usually happens four days after successful sex. The attachment period itself takes about 48 hours.

It is at this time that the body begins to produce the hormone hCG. Thus, in just a week and a half you can take a test and find out about possible pregnancy. And you don’t have to wait at all for mythical signs of implantation of the fertilized egg.

However, it must be remembered that best result will give a blood test, which can be taken in any paid clinical office.

Symptoms of fertilized egg implantation

Yes, many doctors claim that pain during implantation of the fertilized egg is simply impossible and cannot disturb any woman, since all this happens at the cellular level and the size of the fertilized egg is minimal. However, many women claim that they felt pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, and their nature is completely incomprehensible.

As for the discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg, this is a completely different matter. This may be scanty (and only such) discharge with small amounts of blood. Otherwise, the cause of such symptoms may be alarming. So, bleeding and other discharge in the middle menstrual cycle may indicate not implantation of the fertilized egg, but a deterioration physical condition women.

So, if we talk about the sensations during implantation of the fertilized egg, then we can say that this moment passes without a trace for most women. It is worth remembering that implantation of the fertilized egg, the signs of which are too obvious for a woman, most likely indicates that it was unsuccessful, and you should see a doctor.

Overview of the fertilized egg implantation process

So, what a woman feels, what discharge she may have during implantation of the fertilized egg is described. Now we can move on to the “look from the inside.” Namely, consider how the egg behaves at this time.

The egg begins to move towards the uterus. At this time, she still continues to divide. During this period, doctors no longer call it an egg, but a morula. At this moment, it consists of thirty-two cells and looks somewhat like a raspberry.

The egg moved to the uterus for three days, and then for the same amount of time it continued to move to the place of attachment. By the sixth day, the morula becomes a blastocyst. At this moment there are two hundred and fifty cells in it and its size is already one and a half millimeters. It already consists of two layers - the fleecy surface (trophoblast) and the embryo itself (embryoblast). The temperature during implantation of the fertilized egg should not exceed the norm. Therefore, if a woman plans to become a mother, she is not recommended to take very hot baths. The villi help the embryo to merge with the mother's body. And the whole process takes at least forty hours.

You can see your future baby for the first time three to four weeks after implantation of the fertilized egg. At this time it reaches a size of about a centimeter.

For pregnancy to occur, conception alone is not enough; the fertilized egg also needs to be able to implant in the uterine cavity and begin to develop. This process is called implantation. In this article we will tell you how implantation occurs, when it happens, why the egg cannot be implanted, and by what signs a woman can guess that implantation has occurred.

What it is

After the female egg meets the sperm, the intensive process of transformation of the oocyte into a zygote begins. After merging 23 female and the same number of male sex chromosomes, a full-fledged zygote cell is obtained, which contains 23 chromosomes - all the information about the future baby, including his gender, height, hair color, eyes, possible talents and hereditary diseases. The zygote is constantly fragmented and sent towards the uterus.

It takes several days to travel from the fallopian tube, where the fertilization process occurs, to the uterus. All this time, the fertilized egg grows, gradually turning into a blastocyst. On the 7-8th day after ovulation, the embryo enters the uterus, where its fate should be decided. If implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus occurs, pregnancy will occur. If this does not happen, the woman will begin her next period almost on time, and she may never know that she was just one step away from pregnancy.

After conception, the zygote develops two membranes - outer and inner. It is the external one - the trophoblast - that is responsible for the attachment of the fertilized egg. The implantation period lasts up to 40 hours during natural pregnancy and up to several days during IVF. This is exactly how long it takes for a complex process consisting of two stages to be completed completely.

The first stage is adhesion. The fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus and sticks to it. The second stage is invasion. At this stage, trophoblast cells transform into thin villi, which begin to penetrate the endometrium of the uterus and “burrow” into it. The villi produce special enzymes that dissolve endometrial cells. It turns out to be a “cozy nest” into which the fertilized egg is buried. Now that it is securely fixed, the trophoblast villi continue to move deeper into the tissues of the uterus. It is they who form the chorion - the prototype of the placenta; from this moment on, it is they who have the responsible task of feeding the embryo useful substances and oxygen from the mother's blood.

Implantation in a particular woman can be late or early. Early is the attachment of the fertilized egg within a week after ovulation. If this fateful process is delayed and occurs only after 10 days from the moment of ovulation, then implantation is called late.

Both of these terms are the absolute norm. But there are still certain prerequisites for late implantation. Thus, some pathologies of the fallopian tubes - for example, narrowing of their lumen - can “delay” the zygote on its way for 2-3 days. Embryos that have abnormalities are also deposited into the uterus with a delay. cell division. But it is not late implantation that is dangerous, but early one.

If the fertilized egg descends into the uterus before the endometrium becomes loose enough under the influence of hormones, then implantation may not occur, or pregnancy will occur, but will be accompanied by risks of miscarriage and fetoplacental insufficiency in the future.

Due to the action of progesterone after ovulation, so-called pinopodia on the endometrium are formed in the woman’s body - cellular “protrusions” that significantly facilitate the task of implantation. They take time to form; if the fertilized egg adheres to the uterine wall earlier, then implantation again may not occur and the embryo will die. If implantation is late, then there is a risk that the pinopodia will already “resolve” and then attachment again may not take place. There are special endometrial structures that last only 24-48 hours.

After attachment of the embryo, if everything went well, the production of human chorionic gonadotropin begins - the same hCG hormone, which is so important for diagnosing pregnancy. But it can only be detected after about a week, since its concentration increases gradually.


Implantation is a rather individual process, in which much depends on the woman’s age, the condition of her endometrium, hormonal levels And general condition health. There are some peculiarities when attaching the embryo after natural conception and in the cycle of in vitro fertilization. Let's talk about this in more detail.

After natural conception

A woman cannot influence the processes after natural conception in any way. She doesn’t even know whether conception even took place on the day of ovulation. The hormonal background also remains a mystery, but almost none of the fertile and healthy women doesn't think about it. Implantation after natural conception takes less time: both during the first and during the third or fourth pregnancy, it will proceed approximately the same.

The more pregnancies and births a woman has had, the thinner functional layer her endometrium, and therefore low attachment of the fertilized egg is possible, which can then lead to placenta previa. This can only be diagnosed between 12 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.

In an IVF treatment cycle

Fertilization during IVF does not occur in fallopian tube, and in a test tube under the strict supervision of a doctor-embryologist. Eggs, the growth and maturation of which are stimulated with hormonal drugs, are collected by puncture and fertilized in a nutrient medium with the sperm of the husband or donor. For several days, doctors monitor how many eggs have been fertilized and evaluate their quality. And then a date is set for transfer of the embryos into the uterine cavity.

Three-day or five-day embryos enter the uterus through a thin catheter inserted by a doctor into cervical canal cervix. But there is no need to wait for speedy implantation. For several days they can swim freely in the uterine cavity, since at this stage they take food from the environment.

Implantation after in vitro fertilization lasts not 40 hours, but longer. Usually, the probability of attachment is discussed only starting from 3-4 days after the embryos are transferred to the uterus. After cryotransfer, the process may take even longer. Embryos in a cryoprotocol and three-day embryos take longer to implant. 5-day embryos have higher adaptive abilities. They can begin to attach to the wall of the uterus within a few hours after the transfer. The probability of successful implantation of three-day-old embryos is estimated at approximately 40%, and the probability of implantation of five-day-old embryos is approximately 50%. Two-day or six-day-old embryos take root much worse.

The implantation process itself occurs similarly to natural conception. In an IVF cycle, the thickness of the endometrium is very important. If it is less than 7 mm or more than 14 mm, then the chances of successful implantation are, alas, low. The required thickness is “increased” artificially using hormonal drugs and must be monitored using ultrasound diagnostics.

Signs and symptoms

If you ask a doctor a question about whether it is possible to feel the moment of embryo implantation, it is unlikely that he will be able to confidently answer at least something intelligible. Official medical sources do not describe any reliable sign implantation But many women are sure of the opposite and claim that they quite clearly felt changes in their condition and well-being. From a medical point of view, this is possible, because already at the stage of invasion (immersion of the fertilized egg into the endometrium) the body of the fair sex begins hormonal changes, and it is their consequences that a woman can theoretically feel.

Theoretically, this means that not every lady will notice unusual sensations; much depends on individual sensitivity. During the second or third pregnancy, the chances of feeling at least something are higher than during the first, when the woman simply does not identify minor changes in well-being with pregnancy due to the lack of relevant experience.

So, what sensations may accompany implantation:

  • minor discomfort lower abdomen (the abdomen may “tug”, as before menstruation, but a little weaker);
  • body temperature rises to subfebrile values ​​(37.0-37.5 degrees);
  • feeling mild nausea, headaches, severe weakness, chills (while women in most cases sincerely believe that they have a cold);
  • increased drowsiness, fatigue, slight irritability, anxiety;
  • the appearance of a peculiar taste in the mouth, which women compare to the taste of a metal coin.

You should especially pay attention to such a sign as the appearance of slight bleeding from the genital tract. This is the so-called implantation bleeding. We already know that invasion of the ovum is associated with the destruction of endometrial cells. The integrity of small vessels - capillaries is compromised; the blood that comes out must leave female body. And most often she does this naturally - through the vagina.

Implantation discharge sometimes confuses a woman, because there is still about a week before the expected date of her period. But many treat them calmly and believe that menstruation simply began ahead of schedule according to the most various reasons(stress, quarrel, illness, fatigue, etc.). But this is not menstruation. The bleeding stops within a day or two at most. And no more unusual discharge is observed.

Implantation bleeding is not dangerous for either the mother or the fetus, and it does not affect the subsequent course of pregnancy. Not everyone experiences this, which is also completely normal. The mechanism of its appearance or absence is not fully understood.

After implantation, the basal temperature rises and remains at a fairly high level. This occurs due to the increased concentration of progesterone, which ensures the development of pregnancy. Typically, the temperature after embryo attachment is set at 37.0-37.5 degrees. A higher basal temperature is a sign of inflammation rather than pregnancy. Low temperature indicates insufficient progesterone levels. Even if implantation is successful, the pregnancy can be terminated at any time precisely because of this hormonal factor.

A woman can feel special sensations in the chest during pregnancy only a few days after implantation, when the level of human chorionic gonadotropin becomes quite high.

The cervix after implantation may slightly change its color - from pink to bluish, which is due to increased blood supply to the female reproductive organ.

Within a week, the gynecologist can determine some softening of the cervix, cervical mucus under the influence of progesterone, it becomes thick and forms that same mucous plug, the release of which will signal the onset of labor.

Why doesn't attachment occur?

Women who have been planning a pregnancy for a long time and have so far been unsuccessful should definitely visit a doctor to find out at what stage there is a problem - conception does not occur or implantation does not occur. Very often, the problem of infertility lies precisely in the inability of the fertilized egg to implant and attach to the wall of the uterus.

Unsuccessful implantation may result from:

  • hormonal disorders (insufficient levels of female sex hormones, due to which the endometrium does not mature and grow to the required 7-14 mm);
  • violations immune status women (when her own immunity perceives the embryo as a foreign object and seeks to destroy it);
  • non-viability of the embryo (spontaneous genetic errors occurred during conception, fertilization occurred with two sperm at once, the egg contained an inferior set of chromosomes, development slowed down);
  • pathologies of the endometrium (thinning of the functional layer after several abortions, surgical curettage, inflammatory process, for example, endometriosis);
  • tumors in the uterine cavity (endometrium for any tumor process deformed, which may interfere with the attachment and development of the embryo).

Embryo implantation uterine wall, or its implantation, completes embryogenesis. From this moment on, a fetus is formed from the embryo. This is an important stage of development, on which the successful outcome of pregnancy largely depends.

This process is still little studied, since although the embryo is available to scientists (for example, with in vitro fertilization), but the process of its penetration into the wall of the uterus is impossible to see.

In many cases, despite good condition uterus and embryo, its implantation does not occur. This is especially difficult for IVF patients.

Embryogenesis phases

The egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube and moves through it into the uterine cavity within 5-7 days. At this time, it continuously divides, forming cells from which the fruit and its membranes will subsequently develop. The outside of this formation is covered with a protective layer. After entering the uterus, the blastocyst (the so-called formed embryo) must attach to its wall in order to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s body.

On what day does embryo implantation occur after conception?

The embryo enters the uterine cavity 4-5 days after fusion with the sperm. Then it is freed from the outer cells that protected the egg from re-fertilization, and after 1-2 days it penetrates the wall of the organ. Thus, general terms Embryo implantation from conception to implantation in the uterus takes 6-7 days.

During implantation, the embryo undergoes complex processes, passing from the uterine cavity into its wall. This process is conventionally divided into three phases:

  1. Apposition (attachment).
  2. Attachment.
  3. Invasion (penetration).

After the blastocyst is released from the outer cells, it becomes a freely moving ball. It approaches the surface of the endometrium and attaches to it, despite contractions of the uterine wall and the production of a mucous substance - mucin. This is made possible by highlighting chemical substances– cytokines and chemokines that are produced by both the blastocyst and the endometrium.

The production of these substances actively occurs in the first 6 days after ovulation, and in the first phase of the cycle they are practically absent. During the anovulatory cycle, the release of such adhesive substances by the uterus is also minimal.

After the initial apposition, the next stage begins - attachment. It is mediated by integrin receptors on the surface of the endometrium. As a result of their interaction with the embryo, the latter sinks into the wall of the uterus and is “covered” from above by endometrial cells. Integrins in the greatest number present in the uterus immediately after and during the 2nd phase of the cycle. However, their activity is significantly reduced in women with luteal phase deficiency, endometriosis, and infertility of unknown origin. In such patients, the blastocyst cannot penetrate the mucous membrane.

At the final stage (10–14 days after conception), the chorion begins to form, which then turns into the placenta. The cells of the embryo dissolve the walls of blood vessels, intermediate tissue and are tightly fixed in the uterine wall.

What happens after the embryo is implanted into the uterus?

At this stage, direct connections are formed between the embryo and the uterine vessels, chorionic villi develop, and joint circulation of the mother and fetus occurs. This is the embryonic period, which lasts up to 8 weeks. The placenta gradually forms, which begins to function fully from the 20th week of pregnancy.

If the invasion process is disrupted, placental anomalies develop: with deep invasion, placenta accreta is likely, and with superficial invasion, the risk of fetal developmental delays increases.

How long does the embryo implantation process take?

Three successive phases take 2-3 days.

With IVF, all these stages may be somewhat lengthened or shifted in time. Typically, embryos that are 3 and 5 days old are introduced into the uterus. However, their implementation under the mucous membrane can take up to 10 days.

WITH medical point vision implantation continues until full formation placenta, that is, until the 20th week of pregnancy. All harmful factors, valid at this time for expectant mother, can disrupt the process of placenta formation and cause further deviations in the development of the fetus.


Many women are interested in becoming pregnant and eagerly await signs of successful implantation. They are divided into subjective (feelings), objective ( external changes) and laboratory.

Is it possible to feel the implantation of an embryo?

Yes, during the invasion process the wall of the uterus and its vessels are damaged. Therefore, very light bleeding may occur. In this case, blood is released in a minimal amount and may go unnoticed.

A woman may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, pulling or aching pain spreading to the lower back, along inner surface thighs, her temperature rises to 37.5°C.

Other possible sensations during embryo implantation:

  • irritability, drowsiness, weakness;
  • general malaise and fatigue, lack of strength;
  • signs reminiscent of;
  • metallic taste in the mouth and nausea;
  • piercing or cutting pains, mild, reminiscent of itching or scratching.

Most of these signs are caused by a sudden change in hormonal levels, in particular, the production of hCG that has begun and is increasing every day. This is a physiological process.

When an embryo is implanted, the discharge may be in the form of a blood smear on the underwear or minor inclusions in the usual discharge from the genital tract. It's not a bleed, it doesn't require use sanitary pads. The discharge has no odor or foreign impurities.

All these signs are nonspecific and can be observed with various diseases. Therefore, if they appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

To confirm the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall, hCG testing in urine or blood is used. If necessary, these tests are repeated to ensure the normal development of pregnancy by increasing the level of this hormone.

Symptoms of embryo implantation into the uterus are normally mild. If carried out, they may be missing. When intense pain and/or bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of miscarriage and become life-threatening for the woman.

Self-determination of implantation

Define possible implantation Measuring basal temperature will help if such a procedure is carried out regularly, for 6 or more cycles. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature in the rectum is low, about 36-36.5°C. At the moment of ovulation it sharply increases to 37°C. If the cell released from the ovary has been fertilized and the embryo has implanted into the wall of the uterus, upon implantation of the embryo, the basal temperature will briefly (literally within 1 day) decrease by 1-1.5°. This usually occurs 6-12 days after ovulation. This phenomenon is called implantation retraction and with great accuracy confirms the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall.

In the following days, the temperature in the rectum will increase again and will remain within 37°C for the next 3 months. It's connected with high level progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy.

If, after a sudden decrease in the second phase of the cycle, the temperature does not rise again, this will indicate a lack of consolidation of the embryo or termination of pregnancy.

- a fairly accurate way to recognize ovulation and embryo implantation. It is used not only in the routine practice of gynecologists, but also after in vitro fertilization. In the latter case, the information content of this method is lower, because the woman’s body is under the influence of hormones.

Violations of the embryo implantation process

In some cases, the fertilized egg becomes ready to be implanted into the uterus earlier than necessary. Early implantation of the embryo occurs, ending in most cases. The embryo is freed from the outer cells and attaches to the wall of the tube, without having time to pass into the uterus. This usually occurs 4-5 days after fertilization or 6-7 days after ovulation.

While developing, the embryo maintains its existence corpus luteum pregnancy in the ovary. Then, due to the thin walls of the tube, the destruction of its vessels by the growing fertilized egg, the latter is rejected, the level of hormones drops, the mucous membrane of the uterus separates and comes out.

If the embryo still managed to get into the uterus, its walls are not yet ready to accept it, so it is expelled out, and pregnancy does not occur.

Late implantation is observed 10 or more days after fertilization and is often accompanied by moderate bloody discharge, which women mistake for regular periods. Magnification helps to diagnose pregnancy with late embryo implantation. hCG level. Late implantation of the embryo can be observed during in vitro fertilization.

Despite good ovarian activity and regular fertilization of eggs, embryos may not implant into the uterine wall, resulting in infertility. Why embryo implantation does not occur:

  • the thickness of the uterine mucosa is too thick (more than 13 mm);
  • low levels of progesterone in the blood, which is necessary to delay menstruation and maintain pregnancy (read about the causes of deficiency below);
  • lack of nutrients in the blood and, accordingly, in the endometrium;
  • genetic disorders that cause the inability of cells to divide and the death of the embryo at an early stage;
  • disorders of hemostasis, that is, increased blood clotting, leading to poor supply nutrients implanting embryo;
  • malformations of the uterus, for example, synechiae (intracavitary adhesions);
  • fragmentation of sperm DNA, leading to the impossibility of normal division of the fertilized egg.

After IVF, the implantation of the embryo does not occur for the following reasons:;

  • diet or fasting;
  • prolonged stress leading to disruption of the regulation of all hormonal system women through the effect on the brain, hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland, accompanied by insufficient production of gonadotropic hormone.
  • Preparation for implantation

    To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, every woman, after consulting a doctor, can take prenatal vitamins, medications folic acid, vitamin E.

    During IVF, reproductologists include in the patient’s management regimen special drugs for better embryo implantation:

    • gestagen derivatives;
    • Heparin or its low molecular weight forms;
    • Aspirin and others.

    For the successful development of pregnancy, the psychological comfort of the patient, especially those awaiting implantation, is important. Therefore, it is permissible to use herbal sedatives– motherwort, mint, lemon balm, which can be brewed and added to weak tea. During this period, it is recommended to give up caffeine, alcohol, smoking, and taking medications without a doctor’s prescription.

    Must be observed simple rules, increasing the likelihood of normal implantation of the embryo:

    1. Set up good sleep, if necessary, rest during the day.
    2. Eat more fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
    3. Limit salted, smoked, fried foods.
    4. Refuse to visit the solarium and avoid being in the sun.
    5. Do not engage in sports or other strenuous physical activity.
    6. Provide emotional peace and good mood.
    7. Abstain from sexual activity for a while.
    8. Avoid contact with sick people acute infections, do not visit crowded places, do not travel on public transport.

    The most significant transformations of the fetus occur on early stages pregnancy. Within a few days from the moment of conception, it turns from one cell - a zygote - into a millimeter-sized embryo. The formation of the fertilized egg begins immediately after the fusion of the sperm and egg in the fallopian tube. After this, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Is it possible to feel the moment of implantation of an embryo into a woman’s body?

    How does conception occur?

    In order for conception to occur, the participation of two gametes is necessary - a sperm and an egg. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the oocyte matures - under the influence of the gonadotropin FSH, it is formed in the ovarian follicle. Around the middle of the cycle, usually on the 14th day, the dominant follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released. This phenomenon is called ovulation.

    After leaving the ovarian follicle, the egg travels into the fallopian tube. If sexual intercourse occurred on this day or 2-3 days before, then some of the sperm could reach the fallopian tube. It is there that the male gametes wait for the female gamete to fuse with her and fertilize her.

    If there are no sperm in the oviduct, the egg continues its movement, descends into the uterus, dies and comes out along with menstrual blood. If male gametes are present, then they all together begin to attack the surface shell of the egg - the corona radiata. One sperm cannot destroy it; the effort of several is required. However, only the one who first manages to reach the inner layer - the zona pellucida - fertilizes the oocyte.

    Zygote implantation during natural conception and IVF

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    As a result of the fusion of a sperm and an egg, a zygote is formed. This is the one-cell stage of the embryo's existence, which lasts 26–30 hours. Then, as a result of mitotic division, the zygote begins to fragment. By the 4th day of pregnancy, the embryo consists of 12–16 cells, and by the 5th day it already consists of 30. At this stage of development, it is called a blastocyst.

    At what time does the blastocyst attach to the uterine wall? During the first 5–6 days, the embryo moves along the fallopian tube and descends into the uterine cavity. During this time, progesterone, which is secreted by the corpus luteum, manages to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg - it becomes more loose. The cells of the surface layer of the blastocyst - the trophoblast - throw out finger-like processes and cling to the endometrium. This is how the embryo is implanted.

    Implantation during in vitro fertilization is carried out differently and is most often late. The transfer of a fertilized egg is done 3 or 5 days after the fusion of gametes. Due to this late transfer, the process of implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall is delayed. That is why, after the transfer of IVF embryos, late implantation of the embryo occurs. In this case, there are usually no symptoms such as spotting or implantation bleeding.

    How to understand that the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus?

    Are there certain signs of implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium? Despite the fact that this stage of gestation may be asymptomatic, some women, based on certain signs, can determine that they are pregnant even before their period is missed. The process of embryo implantation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • bloody issues;
    • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
    • change in basal temperature.

    Bloody discharge not of a menstrual nature

    Approximately 7 days after unprotected intimate contact, a woman notices spotting red- brown discharge on linen. Even before the delay of menstruation, this symptom indicates that fertilization has occurred and the implantation of the blastocyst has been successful.

    The nature of the discharge during embryo implantation:

    • scanty, spotting bleeding;
    • last no more than 48 hours;
    • color of varying intensity - from pink to brown;
    • There is no unpleasant odor.

    Why is the attachment of the embryo to the uterus accompanied by bloody smears? This is due to the fact that during the implantation of the blastocyst into the surface layer of the uterus, the smallest capillaries of the endometrium are injured. There is no need to worry, microtraumas heal very quickly.

    Not all women experience implantation bleeding, but this does not mean that implantation of the fertilized egg did not take place. Women who have gone through the IVF procedure eagerly await these signs, but ultrasound diagnostics can more accurately determine whether the embryo has taken root.

    Basal temperature

    Another symptom of implantation of the fertilized egg is changes in basal temperature. Basal is the temperature of the body in a state of complete calm. It can be used to track ovulation. Basal temperature measured immediately after waking up, women are advised to keep the thermometer by the bed so as not to get out of bed to get it. At the moment the value increases by 0.2–0.4 degrees, a woman ovulates, this is the most favorable period for sexual intercourse if the couple has a desire to conceive a child.

    The same changes occur at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium. The thermometer readings are 37.0–37.3°C. Typically, a woman does not feel unwell, as with a fever during a cold, because the body temperature quickly returns to normal.

    Nausea, weakness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen

    Some women are very sensitive. They feel the moment the follicle ruptures, when the egg comes out of it, and they feel the separation of the endometrial elements. It’s the same with the attachment of the blastocyst - the expectant mother physically feels how this happens.

    Similar sensations during embryo implantation can manifest themselves in the form of aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, closer to the pubis. Some people note that they begin to pull in the lower back on the sides.

    Usually toxicosis appears later, but despite the fact that there are general norms course of gestation, each woman's pregnancy goes through its own individual characteristics. That is why, immediately after fertilization, a pregnant woman will feel weak, drowsy, and lethargic. Some people begin to feel sick in the morning, and their taste preferences change.

    Mood swings

    With the onset of pregnancy, the hormonal levels in a woman's body change. After ovulation, progesterone begins to enter the blood, the concentration of which does not decrease after 2 weeks, as during the normal menstrual cycle, but continues to increase. After implantation of the embryo, the chorion begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin. Hormones influence all systems of the body, including the central nervous system, which affects emotional state women.

    In the morning the pregnant woman is joyful and high mood, which without visible reasons gives way to anger and irritability, and towards evening she becomes whiny and sad. Such sudden mood changes can accompany a woman throughout her entire gestation, but may also go away after she adapts to her new state.

    When will the pregnancy test show?

    All existing pregnancy tests react to the content of hCG in the urine, which begins to be secreted only after the implantation of the fertilized egg. It is pointless to carry out home tests in the past; they will give false results.

    How long is it better to wait before the test and on what day can it be done? A week after unprotected coitus It is too early to do the test, because the concentration of hCG will not be sufficient to be detected by the reagents. Depending on the type of test, it should be done 2-3 days before the expected delay or immediately after it.

    There are several types of pregnancy tests:

    • Stripes. The cheapest and most accessible test, at the same time it is one of the most unreliable. However, this does not mean that the strip gives false results; the probability of error is only 4–5%. Him low sensitivity In order for the strip to detect hCG in the urine, the concentration of the hormone must be at least 20 mIU/ml, which is achieved 2–3 weeks after sexual intercourse.
    • Tablets. This test consists of a cassette with a urinal hole and a window on which the results are displayed, and a pipette for collecting urine. This analysis is close to laboratory ones and detects the hormone at a concentration of 15 mIU/ml.
    • Electronic device. Considered the most precise method pregnancy testing at home. Susceptibility – 10–15 mIU/ml. It is allowed to carry out the analysis 10 days after intimate contact, but the more time passes between coitus and the test, the higher its accuracy.

    Why might an embryo fail to implant in the uterus?

    Some women encounter a problem when fertilization itself occurs successfully, but the embryo cannot consolidate in the uterus and is brought out. Reasons why the embryo does not attach:

    • Hormonal imbalance. For attachment to be successful, a sufficient amount of progesterone must be produced. It prepares the uterus to receive the baby, reduces immune reaction on a foreign organism so that the mother’s body does not reject the embryo. When there is not enough progesterone, conditions for attachment are not created, and the embryo comes out. The cause may be insufficiency of the corpus luteum or its absence. Similar condition treated with medications hormone therapy, for example Utrozhestan or Duphaston.
    • Endometrial changes. It happens that the embryo simply cannot be found suitable place, to gain a foothold in the uterus, because the surface of the endometrium is scarred. This condition of the endometrium can be a consequence of abortion with curettage, operations on the uterus, inflammatory, infectious diseases. Late implantation at the os of the uterus can be a consequence of such pathologies.
    • Tumor processes. New growths in the uterus - polyps, fibroids, fibroids - prevent the blastocyst from gaining a foothold in the cavity.
    • Genetic abnormalities. Due to mutations in germ cells during fertilization, a non-viable zygote is formed. For example, two sperm get inside at the same time, or one of the gametes does not carry genetic information. Such an embryo does not develop, cannot attach, and miscarriage occurs before its implantation.

    After the IVF procedure, doctors carefully monitor whether the embryos have taken root. On at this stage developments in medicine, not all embryos take root, so patients are given artificial insemination again.

    A delay in menstruation is considered the main sign of pregnancy. However, in some cases, after fertilization, bloody secretion may be observed, which women confuse with the onset of menstruation. The certain nature of the discharge during implantation of the embryo indicates the successful process of its consolidation in the uterine cavity. You should understand how to distinguish menstruation from the discharge that occurs during the attachment of the fertilized egg. It is also important to know which secretion indicates violations and pathological processes in organism.

    What does discharge look like during implantation?

    Implantation of the fertilized egg may be accompanied by some vaginal secretion. This is implantation bleeding, which is considered a physiological norm. Do not be afraid of this name, because this is not real bleeding, but slight discharge after embryo implantation.

    Below you can see a photo of such a secretion, but first you need to familiarize yourself with its main options and characteristics:

    • presence of mucous white or clear discharge where bloody veins are present;
    • a small amount of blood in the form of a few drops on the pad;
    • spotting brown discharge during embryo implantation.

    It is also important to consider secretions in relation to pregnancy symptoms. Because when an embryo is implanted into the uterus, any special sensations practically do not arise, and significant pain in the lower abdomen against the background of heavy discharge already indicates pathological processes.

    Discharge during implantation photo

    Causes of bloody secretion during implantation

    The embryo has to go a long way to be implanted into the uterine cavity, because conception occurs even in fallopian tubes. Therefore, the fertilized egg appears in the uterus only after 7-12 days. In other words, implantation bleeding most often occurs 25-30 days after the first day of the previous period. It is at this time that the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus.

    Implantation of the fertilized egg may be accompanied by a certain secretion mixed with blood. The fact is that when an embryo is implanted into the uterus, the intervention is minor, but the endometrium, which is penetrated by tiny blood vessels, is damaged. As a result, so-called implantation bleeding occurs.

    How long can bleeding last when the fertilized egg is attached?

    Implantation discharge cannot last for a long time, but everything is purely individual, as are the sensations during this process. While some women may have only isolated manifestations, others may last for several days. It is worth noting that the presence of such secretion does not affect the woman or fetus in any way, because only a tenth of patients have encountered this phenomenon. The duration of secretion ranged from several hours to 2 days.

    But if implantation bleeding lasts long enough, additional severe pain, and the secretion only becomes more, a trip to the hospital cannot be postponed. In this case, there is a possibility of spontaneous abortion and other pathologies.

    How to distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation or pathological secretion?

    It is quite difficult for an unprepared woman to recognize implantation bleeding. Therefore, the presence of blood traces sometimes causes panic and fear for one’s health. In addition, signs of implantation are often confused with expected menstruation.

    After attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus, a secretion occurs with the following characteristics:

    • meager character;
    • no odor;
    • short period of occurrence (no more than 2-3 days);
    • practically complete absence additional sensations;
    • A brownish or pinkish mark on the gasket is allowed, but not a yellow spot.

    If a woman is not sure that she is observing discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg, then she should contact her gynecologist.

    A timely visit to the hospital will not only help prevent serious consequences, but will give the woman the missing knowledge about initial stage pregnancy.

    What if there is no discharge indicating implantation?

    As already mentioned, implantation bleeding may be absent altogether, and this is not a pathology. Even some experts are of the opinion that the normal implantation process should not be accompanied by such secretion. Therefore, during the attachment of the fetus, a certain secretion is not obligatory, and its absence should not set one in a negative mood. Manifestations of conception are purely individual, but they should not arise copious discharge with heterogeneous consistency.

    Most often, doctors note that patients are afraid uterine bleeding, therefore, secretion in the presence of an implanted fetus is perceived as a serious problem. You need to remember that any worries will only worsen the situation, so doctors advise if you have any doubts, remain calm and quickly go to the hospital.