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Pedigree for adult dogs of large breeds. Dog food "Pedigri": composition, reviews

The official manufacturer of the offered feed is the company “Mars” from the USA. Its developments are maximally adapted to the needs of dogs and: - made from natural ingredients; - prepared according to scientifically proven recipes; - comply with current global safety standards.

Only good food

The Pedigree brand unites: - dry food for adult dogs and puppies; - canned food; - treats. One of the main advantages of Pedigree products is their wide range. This balanced, complete food is addressed to young and mature, miniature and large pets. It also has different flavors (beef, chicken, juicy turkey, lamb). The managers of our online hypermarket will be happy to help customers choose the right type of food, advising them over the phone. Pedigree crunchy granules have a beneficial effect on the condition oral cavity dogs They include meat, grains, vegetables and fiber, oils, fish fat and vitamin and mineral supplements. Thanks to them, animals' digestion improves and appearance, immunity is developed. Pedigree wet food is no less valuable: tender pates and fillets in sauce are ideal for babies and older adults.

Gourmet snacks

“Pedigree” delicacies in the form of bones, cookies, “braids” and unique “Denta Stix” chewing sticks, which prevent the deposition of tartar in dogs, are also in demand on the market. With the help of tasty treats, dog breeders encourage and train their pets. We accept orders around the clock and try to quickly deliver them to customers. In the capital, purchases are delivered by responsible couriers. And it’s convenient to pay in cash or instant transfers. Trust us and appreciate the advantages of our service right now.

At the pet store website you can inexpensively order Pedigree dog food in various flavors. This product provides complete nutrition for your pet, gives him a healthy appearance and great mood. There are food lines on sale for various breeds and ages.

Pedigree diets for puppies

The Pedigree brand assortment includes several types of dry and wet food. The line designed for puppies includes:

  • product for the first feeding of puppies aged from three weeks to two months;
  • food for animals older than two months;
  • feed for large breeds older than six months;
  • product for small breeds from the age of two months.

For adult pets, manufacturers produce separate food lines for miniature, small and large breeds. There are also universal foods on sale that are suitable for dogs of all breeds.

Pros and cons of Pedigree

The product belongs to affordable premium food. It is very popular, so you can buy Pedigree dog food in Moscow at many points of sale. Contains all the substances needed for good nutrition and animal development: meat and offal, fiber, rice, plant extracts, animal fat, vitamin supplements. TO positive qualities The product includes its high calorie content, which provides quick saturation and a charge of vivacity and energy.

There are some shortcomings of the product that should be noted. The amount of meat ingredients is inferior to other products in this class. The composition is dominated by rice and contains corn. At the same time, the price of Pedigree dog food in the online store determines it as one of the most acceptable options for daily nutrition.

Why is it profitable to order goods from us?

For 8 years our pet store has been providing better food for your pets. Our clients have already appreciated the advantages of ordering from us:

  • We organize free delivery for orders over 2000 rubles;
  • We work exclusively with official suppliers;
  • We provide free consultations by phone;
  • provide permanent discounts up to 7% of the purchase amount.

If you have any questions, our specialists will be happy to provide all necessary information and help you make your choice. Write to us by email or contact us by phone.

If there is no better one at hand

Grade: 4

The food "Pedigree" from the company "Mars" has firmly and quite comfortably gained a foothold in the market, and has a wide circle of fans. In comparison with the same "Chappy" - there are no colored granules, which is not bad. There’s not a word about meat in the ingredients, but for the price of about 130-150 rubles per kg, don’t expect it there. There is not a word about the additives in the composition, but they are there - a vitamin premix - the minimum that satisfies the dog's needs, and broth from the same deboning, which gives the granules a smell. If you don’t have anything better at hand, the food is not bad, but if possible, pamper your pet with better food and be sure to give him vitamins;)

I do not advise

Grade: 2

Pedigriya food appeared on our market, one of the first and won its place mainly thanks to advertising. They are produced by the world-famous company “Mars” and as many of my colleagues joke: “As long as there is Mars, we will not be left without work,” unfortunately, there is more truth in this joke than humor. I constantly have to argue with pet owners who claim that they feed their dog this food and everything is great, the coat is shiny, the dog is active and, in their opinion, healthy. Unfortunately, everything is not so rosy - Pedigriya food contains quite a lot of chemical additives, but at one time they will not harm the dog, since harmful substances excreted by the kidneys and liver, but each organ has its own limit of strength, when it is reached and problems begin. It is not known how much each specific animal can withstand. In addition to chemicals, Pedigria contains industrial waste, and even meat from sick animals, animals that have been euthanized, and spoiled meat industry products. I won’t scare anyone anymore, but my opinion is that unbalanced is better natural nutrition than Pedigree.

Good food

Grade: 5

When the choice was to get a dog or a cat for the apartment, at a family meeting they decided that it would be a dog, but of a small breed. That's what we did, buying a small dog - Yorkshire Terrier Anfisa. Anfisa instantly became a full member of our family and we live together in perfect harmony. We try to take good care of her and give her the best. As for nutrition, we consulted with a veterinarian about the food that can be given and he advised us to make the proportions of regular food from the table and dry store-bought food in a 50 to 50 distribution. This is what we do. And the dog has absolutely no health problems. We give preference to Pedigri in purchased food, because Anfisa immediately singled it out and does not eat other food as readily as this one. I like that the packaging lasts for for a long time and that the food is relatively inexpensive. At the same time, having analyzed the composition of Pedigree dry food, I am completely sure that it cannot harm my dog ​​in any way, because it is made from natural and useful components. It is also worth noting that after taking Pedigree, the dog becomes more energetic and cheerful, plus its coat shimmers and shines. I like these moments, so I don’t plan to change the dog’s food.

Leave a review We like it

Grade: 5

When we got a puppy, we first tried to give him different food. They offered Rex food from both well-known manufacturers and home-prepared food. As a result, we noticed that he does not eat every food equally well. He immediately refused some and went hungry, and ate some, but began to have problems with digestion. We had no problems with Pedigree food. He ate it well and felt great afterwards. Now he is growing healthy and beautiful dog. What we liked about Pedigree is that you can choose food based on individual characteristics every dog. So we are now sure that our Rex gets everything essential vitamins. At the same time, calculating the portion is also not difficult if you read the information on the packaging.
So now we understand: we and our dog have had enough of experimenting. Therefore, we do not plan to change food in the future. Moreover, we are completely satisfied with the price.
I can say that we buy various treats from Pedigree, in addition to food, and Rex is absolutely delighted with them. With their help, we train and motivate our dog. We can also recommend them to dog lovers.

The impression of the food is good!

Grade: 5

Previously, we gave the dog a completely different food, recently there were health problems, hair was falling out, the dog was itching, although there were no fleas. We decided to try to buy more natural food with vitamins and specifically from Pedigree, they have a good choice according to tastes and there are different foods for puppies and adult dogs. We have adult dog, 12 years old, small breed, picked for her suitable food and all the problems with the skin and its coat disappeared! The standards and quality of this manufacturer suit me in all respects, so I can’t complain. On average, prices are not high enough and are affordable for regular purchase.

Excellent food!

Grade: 5

We have been raising an Australian Shepherd for over a year. She was adopted as a very small puppy. Of everything that was offered in pet stores, we tried several brands of food. Pedigree suited her best. During the entire feeding period there were no intestinal disorders or allergic reactions to the food. The teeth developed according to plan, the coat was in perfect order - thick and silky.
As a little girl, she really loved the wet one with lamb and the jelly with rabbit and turkey. As soon as you put it in a bowl, it’s right there and won’t leave until you lick it dry.
As she grew older, we began to give her more dry food. The dog is not small, it is not easy to feed it. We take her packages of 2 kg or more weight. We make sure she drinks enough water. The chair is in perfect order.
We recently went to the vet for a checkup and... routine vaccinations. The doctor noted that the dog looked well-groomed and healthy, his teeth were fine, there was nothing to worry about.
The Pedigri brand produces not only dry and wet food, but also treats for dogs. We buy Denta Stix for our teeth cleaning. Thanks to this, less tartar is deposited and the gums are massaged.
We are satisfied with the food both in quality and price. We don’t plan to change it - they don’t look for good from good!

Pedigree just got better

Grade: 4

We ate Pedigree a long time ago, about 10 years ago. The quality of the food left much to be desired. A month ago at an exhibition we won a pack of this food marked Vital. I didn’t know where to put it, so I decided to feed it to my dog. At the same time, find out if anything has changed since those times. The pack remained just as inconvenient; it is impossible to store without large clips - the food spoils.
I noticed a good improvement in the composition! They began adding meat, cereals, and a lot of vitamins to Pedigree. What a miracle, before it only contained preservatives, enhancers and other nonsense. I think Pedigree is growing. Either really for the sake of the animals, or to improve your reputation. Or maybe all together. But I like these changes!
The dog eats great. He chews food with such pleasure that you can’t pull his ears off. This was a one-time food test. Ate well. If we suddenly decide to switch from our favorite food, Perfect Fit, then we will consider Pedigree as an option.

Cheap, tasty, but is it safe...

Grade: 3

My dogs (2 huskies) love a varied diet. They like to try and evaluate new foods, so over 6 years we have tried a lot different dryers. And Pedigree was not left out. Both my girls ate it very well, with pleasure and even some kind of greed.
The food looks decent. Large granules that smell nothing and are practically dust-free. The granules are well fried on all sides, which is why they crunch so appetizingly in your pet’s mouth. Pedigree flew away from us in no time. Both dogs ate more than 2 daily allowances. I found this very suspicious. It turns out that the poor composition of the food is to blame - there are preservatives and some other strange, difficult to pronounce chemical names. It turns out that there are more unhealthy components in Pedigree than meat, cereals, etc. The food is very cheap, easy to eat, but it is unlikely to benefit dogs.

Delicious and inexpensive food

Grade: 4

Pedigree belongs to a class of food that is inexpensive, but at the same time quite high quality and highly nutritious. I am already feeding it to my second Laika dog. The dog doesn't complain about anything. His stool is fine, his coat is shiny, and he has never had any problems with the urinary tract. I don’t know why animal activists are so angry about dry food; for me personally, Pedigree is a combination of price, quality and convenience. The composition includes cereals, meat products, vitamins and minerals. There are several Yeshek additives, but they are not prohibited in Russia. The food is sold in several packages.
I buy whole bags. This makes the price even more profitable for me. A 10 kg bag is eaten by one dog in just over a month. As soon as I bring home a new bag of food, the dog runs to the rustling of the packaging and the smell of food. She loves these crunchy bits so much. My impression is positive. The food has been tested over the years and by animals!

The dog loves

Before this dog there was another dog - a pug, we fed her pedigree, but imported, she lived happy life up to 13 years old. They didn’t take us to doctors. As I later found out, those owners whose dogs constantly eat this food speak poorly about the food. But I think this is not because the composition is completely harmful, but rather not rich enough and there is a possibility of a lack of nutrients. But this can be fixed. The same thing can happen when feeding natural food. If I cooked only chicken for my dog, without giving vegetables and fruits, then the natural chicken could be criticized as poor-quality food.

Welcome to dark side feeding! Today we will take a closer look at the composition Pedigree for small breed dogs with beef. This brand, like the infamous one, belongs to the Mars mega-corporation and has also been produced in Russia since the mid-90s.

Surprisingly, at every opportunity, domestic representatives of the manufacturer emphasize that the production line, recipes, and even the ingredients of their products are identical to those produced in the West. However, when trying to verify these words, the first thing we see is absolutely different composition the same name abroad and here.

What should I do? We will be based on information from the Russian official website (http://pedigree.ru/) and during the review we will compare a little with what is offered abroad.

Pivot table

Contents nutrients:

Composition analysis

The advertising materials colorfully describe the advantages of this “complete food”, which was created “taking into account all the needs of small dogs” (quotes from the description in quotes). Let's not make hasty conclusions and turn to the composition.

  1. Corn is a cheap filler for a dog's stomach. Although high in calories, it has modest nutritional value. Therefore, we consider the presence of this grain in the diet undesirable, especially when it is in first place, that is, it occupies the largest part.
  2. Further discrepancies: foreign food contains corn gluten meal, Russian food contains rice. Great, so be it. Rice also, in addition to its caloric contribution, does not contribute anything useful to four-legged animals.
  3. Wheat is another grain crop. Thoughts come to mind: Are we looking at compound feed for piglets? (In the West, it is instead flour made from chicken by-products.)
    Please note that the first three components are plant food, without the necessary amino acids for dogs. Moreover, allergies to these 3 products are most common.
  4. Finally, something meaty: chicken meal. We talk about its benefits and harms in dog food.
  5. Meat flour. In general, the same as the previous point, only the starting raw material is non-poultry (let alone waste from fur farms, dead livestock, or high-quality residues from large slaughterhouses). cattle- remains on the conscience of Mars). However, the label proudly says: “including 4% beef,” so we draw our own conclusions.
  6. Beet pulp. This is waste from sugar beet processing. Some consider it simply an almost free filler (like straw), others refer to the fact that the cake regulates blood sugar levels. Our opinion is simple: this ingredient is acceptable as a source of fiber, but not in significant quantities.

And it's all?

  • Sunflower oil. It's a good thing, but in English-speaking countries instead" vegetable oil"of unknown origin. Is this a translator's mistake?
  • Animal fat is a by-product without indicating the source. And again we can only guess, because expired products from hypermarkets, spoiled meat from the market, etc. may be hidden here. For this reason, we do not consider animal fat to be a quality component.
  • Brewer's yeast is a waste product from the beer industry. useful supplement, containing important minerals.

And this is where the list ends. We can only move on to conclusions.

final grade

Pedigri dry food for small breeds with beef consists of plant ingredients and meat components of unknown origin. The presence of 4 percent beef in meat flour is nothing more than an advertising gimmick for marketers; this additive does not have a noticeable effect on the product.

Official sources are most likely keeping silent about the full recipe of their product - one can only speculate about their goals.

Website output website

I would very much like to return to the beginning of the conversation and clarify with the creators what the needs are decorative dogs did they take into account here?

Reader rating

Does your family have a puppy? Congratulations, you can consider this another child who requires attention and love. How should this be expressed? Quality food and regular walks are the key correct height and development. Today we'll talk about Pedigree food for puppies. Reviews from veterinarians on this issue are mixed. Some advise switching your pet exclusively to a ready-made diet, while others, on the contrary, recommend buying natural products. Who is right, let's try to figure it out together.

The beginning of time

Today we will talk about feeding puppies. A period of active growth that begins with one month old and lasts up to about a year - this is the defining stage in the life of the animal. Making sure your puppy gets enough protein, fats, vitamins and minerals will determine how healthy he grows up. Lack of any important element will turn out in the future chronic disease, which will have to be treated long and difficult. Therefore, it is not so important whether you decide to give your puppy meat and cereal or industrial food. ready-made food. Does Pedigree puppy food meet these criteria? Reviews suggest that most veterinarians do not agree with this.

General description of feed

Before you fill your pet's bowl, loving owner I should ask what exactly the food is. And even more so if we are talking about industrial, finished products. This composition allows you to track how much nutrients your pet will receive.

"Pedigree" refers to economy class food. That is about high quality there is no question, no matter what the advertising tells us. If it contains meat, it is only in small quantities. You don't even need to perform complex analyzes to understand this. Just look at the composition. Meat components are not listed in first place, which proves their insignificant content. Usually, we're talking about about cheaper components that make this food much more accessible to buyers. At the same time, a balance of nutrients and minerals is maintained.

Features of the composition

The basis is cereals; they make the food high in calories and nutrition, and also provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. But is Pedigree food optimal for puppies in this case? Reviews from leading experts in the field of veterinary medicine emphasize that this choice is not the most suitable for children. A growing body requires a colossal amount of protein, especially when it comes to carnivorous dogs. This means that the basis of the diet should be meat.

Puppy ruler

Often it is big choice and adaptation for each specific age are noted in the reviews. Pedigri food for puppies is divided into three breed categories: for small breeds, medium and large. Each of them also differs in age:

  • For babies aged three weeks and older.
  • For menstruation and two months.
  • Six months old.
  • For teenagers aged 8 months.
  • For juniors, 12 months.

Each composition should be optimally suited to the tasks of a particular age. It is assumed that the puppy does not need to give anything else; inside the package there is everything that is needed for its development.

"First feeding"

This is dry food that can be given to babies starting from the third week of life. In most cases, puppies cannot yet chew crackers, so it is recommended to soak them in warm water. IN in rare cases You can replace water with milk, but you need to monitor your bowel movements.

The weight of the package is 600 g, in the first stages it is consumed very economically. Doctors recommend starting to offer puppies literally one granule at a time. The food is created taking into account the digestive characteristics of puppies of this age. By alternating it with porridge and fresh minced meat, you can create optimal diet, which will allow a smooth transition from mother's milk to solid food. This is very convenient for the owner, because you don’t have to prepare a small amount of fresh porridge every time.

Universal option

There is a good food "Pedigree" for puppies of all breeds. These are delicious chicken-flavored pieces. The food is specially created for puppies aged two months and older, taking into account the needs of your pet. It includes meat, vegetables and grains. Its composition is as follows:

  • chicken meal;
  • wheat;
  • beet pulp;
  • corn;
  • meat flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • animal fat;
  • additives, brewer's yeast, minerals and vitamins.

It is thanks to this that the feed contributes healthy growth And harmonious development your puppy.

Food for large breeds

It’s one thing if your pet’s genes are determined to become a tiny dog ​​weighing up to 5 kilograms. And it’s completely different when it’s Caucasian Shepherd Dog or Great Dane The growth rate is so fantastic that it requires huge amounts of nutrients. Therefore, the composition of Pedigree food for large breed puppies was created taking into account these needs.

This is a high-calorie, highly digestible diet that allows the puppy to grow healthy and strong. It is designed for dogs aged 6 months and older. It's starting now active growth and development. Let's note the main features:

  • The manufacturer monitors the balance of calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary for healthy dental development.
  • The composition includes linoleic acid, zinc and B vitamins, which are essential for healthy skin and coat.
  • The high fiber content optimizes digestion.
  • Vitamin E and zinc support the immune system.

Pedigree food for large breed puppies can be a good solution for a busy owner, but it must be remembered that there is no meat in the composition, and the stated vitamins are often only available on the packaging. Therefore, it is best if you leave your puppy dry during the day and give him quality meat in the evening. In this case, you don’t have to worry about your pet’s development.

But the quality of the food is not at all as bad as reviews sometimes claim. Pedigree food for large breed puppies includes the following ingredients:

  • corn;
  • chicken meal;
  • wheat;
  • beet pulp;
  • meat flour;
  • vitamin supplements.

Food for miniature breeds

This line includes crackers and canned goods. The choice is up to the owners. Dry food lasts longer, doesn't spoil during the day, and helps your pet's jaw develop, so it has its benefits. We will not list the ingredients; the manufacturer indicates similar ingredients.

But doubts may arise here. Miniature, pocket dogs are usually creatures with a very problematic metabolism. They physically cannot eat enough to meet their body's energy needs. Therefore they require special food, which is an energy concentrate. The composition, where corn comes first, does not fit this description.

Beef korma

Chicken-based varieties were described above. But some animals have allergic reaction for this type of meat. It doesn’t matter, there is Pedigree food for puppies with beef. The advertisement says that this is a complete formula that is created taking into account the needs of small dogs. But let’s not dwell on the promises, but consider the composition:

  • In first place is corn. Despite its high calorie content, this product is very modest in its nutritional value.
  • Rice is a source of carbohydrates, why is it beneficial features and end.
  • Wheat.
  • Chicken meal.
  • Meat flour. Only in fifth place, despite the fact that the food contains beef. And what is the raw material for it is not reported.
  • Beet pulp.

Veterinarians say that it is not recommended to completely switch a puppy to a food that contains a huge amount of grains.

Wet food

If you have become the proud owner of a baby Yorkie, you have probably thought about what you will feed him. You need to start from what the breeder fed him. But if the choice fell on buying finished products, then it is best to choose wet food Pedigree for Yorkie puppies. Reviews say that the package contains thick jelly with pieces that look like meat. At the same time, veterinarians claim that giving the baby clean meat will be cheaper and healthier for the puppy’s body.

Let's take as an example the Pedigri food for puppies with beef in sauce (85g). Reviews often note that puppies happily eat bag after bag. Does it contain meat? Studying the packaging, you can only find a proud inscription that the beef content is at least 4%. And this despite the fact that a puppy needs at least 70% meat in its diet. That's why veterinarians note that Pedigri food for puppies with beef in sauce (85g) can be used as a treat or snack on the road.

The composition of wet food cannot be called bad or harmful, but grain crops predominate in it. In addition, they contain thickeners, dyes, and flavorings, which makes them not at all as attractive as the advertisement makes them out to be. And if you count the cost of the bags needed to feed your pet for a month, then the amount is not so small. You can stock up on meat, cereals and vegetables, which will provide your pet with quality nutrition. In this case, the amount will be identical.