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How to treat headaches and migraines? Ayurveda about headaches

Headaches are a very complex phenomenon. Ayurveda talks a lot about the etiological factors of headaches and their diverse manifestations.
Headaches can be of the vata, pitta, or kapha type. In people with a vata constitution anxiety, fear, nervousness, various stresses, constipation, excessive physical activity etc. can excite vata, causing it to spread beyond the colon into the skeletal, muscular or nervous systems, and cause headaches. Caused by excited vata headache, as a rule, is localized in the occipital region or on the left side.

U pitta individuals headache may occur due to increased acidity of saliva and gastric juice, acid dyspepsia, excess pitta in the small and large intestines, overheating, and also when consuming large quantity foods that irritate pitta. This headache is localized more in the vertex or temporal regions

Because of poor nutrition leading to the formation of kapha, its amount in the stomach increases, as a result of which excess kapha can enter the circulatory system and stagnate in the sinuses of the nasopharynx, causing kapha-type headaches. Such pain is usually concentrated in the forehead and nose.
In addition, headaches can be caused by diseases of the ears and eyes, insomnia, food allergies, cold, neck strain, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, for example when working at a computer. Even using two pillows in bed instead of one can cause headaches.

The causes of headaches are therefore extremely varied. As already noted, in Ayurveda the nature of treatment is determined by the specifics of each specific situation. Therefore, to successfully treat a headache, you need to know as much as possible about its cause.

Doshas in Ayurveda

Vata headaches

These headaches are concentrated in the back of the head. The pain moves, pulsates, comes from the back of the head and can reach the forehead. Vata headaches may cause tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, back stiffness, constipation and sciatica. The pain gets worse when standing on high altitude above sea level. It intensifies with body movement and subsides at rest.
Enemas. Vata headaches are often caused by the accumulation of toxins in the colon. To free the intestines from feces It is recommended to do an enema with warm water and systematically clean large intestine from toxins, taking for several weeks triphala(1/2 teaspoon before bedtime with 0.5 - 1 cup warm water).
Probably the most best way calm the vata - do an oil enema (basti), Inject half a cup of warm water into the colon sesame oil and hold for at least 5 - 10 minutes. (See Appendix 3 for more information on enemas.)
Oil massage. For tension in the neck and shoulders, massage the shoulder and neck muscles, rubbing sesame oil into the skin, and then take hot shower.
Nasya Putting 3-5 drops of warm ghee in each nostril also reduces vata and helps to quickly soothe headaches.
Massage the scalp and feet before bed. Before going to bed, lightly rub some sesame oil into your scalp and soles of your feet. This is one of effective ways regulate the cotton wool.
Notallowdehydration. Vata headaches are often associated with dehydration, especially when you go to high altitudes. In this case, prepare a sugar-salt solution: mix a tablespoon of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and about 10 drops of lime (or lemon) juice in 0.5 liters of water and drink. Vata headache will go away completely or as it recovers water balance, will weaken significantly.
Soothing paste. Place 1/4 teaspoon of powder on your palm nutmeg and add water to make a paste when ground. Apply the paste to your forehead and leave for half an hour and then wash off. This should help calm vata headaches.
Nature of nutrition. Remember that if you are prone to headaches and other vata-type disorders such as insomnia and constipation, following a vata-pacifying diet will greatly help you.

Pitta headaches

Pitta headaches begin in the temples and spread to the central part of the head. It is characterized by shooting, boring, burning or piercing painful sensations. The pain is aggravated by bright light, hot sun or high temperature air, when consuming sour fruits, marinades or very spicy food. It may be accompanied by nausea and/or burning in the eyes, extreme irritability. Pitta headaches often feel like they are behind the eyes and are sometimes accompanied by dizziness.
Pitta headaches are affected by the condition gastrointestinal tract.
Aloe. If you have pitta type headache, take 2 tbsp. aloe gel/juice up to three times a day.
Cooling tea. Drinking cumin and coriander tea (in equal proportions, about a teaspoon of the mixture per cup of water) can help relieve pitta headaches. Cool the tea to room temperature before drinking.
Cooling paste. A paste prepared from sandalwood powder (a teaspoon) with a small amount of water may help you quickly relieve pitta headaches. Apply the paste to your forehead and/or temples for about half an hour and then rinse off.
Soothing nasya with ghee. Putting a few drops of warm ghee into the nostrils is useful for soothing pitta headaches.
Eat something sweet. Sometimes a pitta headache will go away if you eat something sweet, such as a piece of sweet fruit or some ice cream.
Massage before bed. Before going to bed, rub a small amount of bhringraj or brahmi oil on your scalp and soles of your feet. (Be careful not to stain your laundry with oil.)
Cover your head. If you are predisposed to pitta headaches, do not walk or work in the sun with bareheaded. This excites pitta.

Kapha headaches

If the headache occurs in winter or spring, in the morning or evening, and gets worse when you bend over, then most likely it is a kapha-type headache. In this case, congestion in the nasopharynx and nasal congestion are often observed, and often cough, cold, hay fever and other manifestations of allergies. For kapha headaches painful sensations, as a rule, dull, coming from the depths. They begin in the upper and anterior region of the skull, spreading to the forehead and sometimes to the sinuses.
Inhalation. To quickly relieve a kapha headache, add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. This helps get rid of congestion in the nasopharynx and often completely eliminates headaches. Ginger inhalations have the same effect. Boil fresh ginger or dry ginger powder and breathe over this decoction.
Warming paste. Warming ginger paste may help with kapha headaches. Take a teaspoon of ginger powder, mix with a little water to form a paste and apply on your forehead. You can also apply a little paste to the bridge of your nose and cheekbones. Calamus powder paste also helps and is more preferable for Vata individuals as paste with ginger may burn their sensitive skin. Leave the paste on the skin for about half an hour and then wash off. Be careful when washing off the ginger paste - don't let it get into your eyes!
NOTE: Ginger paste can sometimes cause a burning sensation on the skin, especially in pitta individuals. It is not dangerous, but if you feel a strong burning sensation, wash off the paste with warm water.
For headaches due to inflammation of the sinuses (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis), which is usually caused by excess kapha, prepare a cinnamon paste (1/2 teaspoon) with a little water and apply it as described above.
Salt water. Sometimes a kapha-type headache can be quickly relieved with the help of very simple remedy. Mix a teaspoon of warm water and at least 1/8 teaspoon of rock or sea ​​salt to obtain a saturated solution. Place 3-5 drops of salt water into each nostril. This helps clear the sinuses and relieve headaches.
Yoga poses. For headaches of all three types, you should do the Moon Salutation. Boat, Hidden Lotus, Bow, Back Twist, Palm Tree and Toe Standing poses are helpful. Inverted poses such as Headstand, Shoulderstand and Plow Pose are not recommended.

When to see a doctor?

As a rule, headaches can be relieved with the help of Ayurvedic remedies. However, if the headache continues for several days, it is accompanied by elevated temperature and tension in the neck muscles, if any neurological symptoms such as blurred vision, difficulty coordinating or speaking, memory loss, numbness or weakness in the arms or legs, if you wake up with a headache at night and feel like the headache is getting worse with each attack, please consult your doctor.

Headaches can be caused by a number of reasons - indigestion, constipation, colds, flu, poor posture or muscle tension. The most severe headache occurs with migraine, which is often caused by hereditary factors.

Headaches can be caused by a number of reasons - indigestion, constipation, colds, flu, poor posture or muscle tension. Often headaches are of neurogenic origin.

The most severe headaches occur with migraines, which are often caused by hereditary factors.

Causes and treatment of headaches and migraines

In many cases, headaches accompany hypertension and increased intracranial pressure. Many of the treatments for hypertension are also used for headaches.

Features of the manifestation (types) of headaches

Headache is one of the disorders associated primarily with vata.

Vata headache usually severe, accompanied by anxiety, depression, constipation and dry skin. It can be triggered by lack of sleep, irregular diet, excessive physical and mental stress, anxiety and stress.

Pitta headache often accompanies liver disease or toxic blood conditions and is manifested by a burning sensation, redness of the face and eyes, photophobia, anger, irritability and nosebleeds.

Kapha headache- more dull, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fatigue, sometimes nausea, accumulation of mucus, increased salivation or even vomiting. Typically, this type of headache is caused by stagnation of mucus in various parts of the head and may accompany pulmonary diseases.

Treatment of headaches

For headaches associated with congestion and inflammation paranasal sinuses or pain that occurs due to a cold, cough or allergy (usually kapha or vata type pain), Expectorant and decongestant herbs are used: calamus, ginger, myrtle, angelica, hoofed grass.

Can inhale calamus powder through the nose or lubricate the inside of the nasal passages with calamus ghee. The first method is more suitable for kapha type, the second - for vata. Basil tea helps, especially holy basil. You can apply ginger paste to the base of the nose and temples. Other good external remedies - essential oils from camphor, wintergreen or eucalyptus.

Laxatives are indicated because in development nervous disorders The large intestine plays a special role.

For vata headaches Valerian, jatamamsi, chamomile, calamus and brahmi, as well as saraswat powder, help. For laxatives, it is better to use triphala. Very important good sleep Therefore, it is advisable to use sedative herbs.

For pitta headaches Aloe powder or rhubarb root are recommended as a laxative. Brahmi can be used either alone or in combination with passionflower. The head is lubricated with sandalwood oil. The sun and heat should be avoided. Walking in the moonlight and aromas of flowers - roses, lotus, etc. are beneficial.

For kapha headaches The composition of trikatu has a beneficial effect. Oils containing camphor are applied to the head. Intense exercise is often helpful.

Migraines are usually associated with pitta or vata and can be triggered by lack of sleep, overwork, stress, poor digestion and muscle tension. For treatment, the methods described above are used, but in most cases, along with this, long-term tonic therapy using Chyawanprash and Brahma Rasayan is required.

Migraine is a disease nervous system. It is characterized by frequent headaches that are caused by one factor or another. This disease quite widespread in modern world. Statistics show that about 15% of the world's inhabitants suffer from this disease.

Migraines are very severe and recurring attacks of headache that are accompanied by a feeling of nausea. The frequency of attacks varies from person to person, as does their severity. In addition, there is a huge difference in the type of pain that is felt during an attack. Typically, headaches during an attack occur only on one side of the head.

Migraine is neurological disorder, that is, caused by a disease of the body’s nervous system. Unfortunately, the exact nature and causes of the disease have not yet been established.

In Ayurveda, it is considered a disorder of all three doshas.

Causes of migraine

The exact causes of migraines are unknown. This means that it is not yet known why some people are prone to this disease and others are not. Now there are several provoking factors that cause severe headaches.

Usually this is:

The reasons are related to lifestyle

  • Constant overexertion and stress
  • Financial problems
  • Continuous and prolonged exposure to toxins and chemicals, including smoke and fumes
  • Excessive smoking
  • Abrupt climate change
  • Prolonged exposure to loud noise
  • Watching TV for a long time, especially with loud sound And visual effects
  • Disturbed sleep - either too much, insufficient or interrupted sleep
  • Pubertal changes in girls
  • Pregnancy in women
  • Starvation

Diet-related reasons

  • Excessive consumption of MSG in food
  • Eating too much fatty or spicy foods
  • Fermented milk products and foods containing too much yeast
  • Saccharin
  • Drinks such as tea, coffee and cola
  • Excessive consumption dairy products
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Dry fruits such as nuts and peanuts
  • All types of alcoholic drinks

Causes associated with taking medications

According to Ayurvedic principles, migraine can cause disorder of all three doshas - Vata, Pitta or Kapha, but most common cause is an imbalance in Pitta - dilation of blood vessels occurs, resulting in a migraine attack.

In order to understand which of the doshas there is an imbalance, you need to carefully look at the external signs.

These are the signs:

Migraine due to dosha disorder Vata constitution

  • Dry skin
  • Constipation
  • The pain is very sharp

Migraine due to dosha disorder of Pitta constitution

Migraine due to Kapha dosha disorder

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Dull and throbbing headache

Phases and symptoms of migraine

A migraine attack does not occur suddenly. There are symptoms that warn of this several days in advance. A general migraine attack can be divided into four phases - prodromal, aura, pain and postdromal. Sometimes an attack of pain can begin without accompanying phases.

Let's take a look all phases of migraine:

Prodromal phase (occurs in 40 - 50% of all migraine sufferers). May begin several hours or even days before a migraine attack. Symptoms:

  • Depression
  • Frequent shifts mood
  • Unexplained cravings for certain foods
  • Fatigue and excessive yawning
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Feelings of a lump in the throat
  • Frequent urination

Perception (occurs in 20 - 30% of all migraine sufferers). Starts an hour before the onset of a migraine attack. Symptoms:

  • Visual symptoms such as blinding flashes before the eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Tingling and pain in the arm and mouth (palate)
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased sensitivity to touch

Pain phase (called Ardhaavabheda in Sanskrit). It's actually a migraine attack. Symptoms:

  • Headache that can range from mild to severe
  • Pain may start as bilateral and end as unilateral.
  • Anorexia, nausea and vomiting
  • Blurred vision
  • Nasal congestion
  • Intolerance to light and sound
  • Dizziness
  • Polyuria

Postdromal phase (this happens to all migraine sufferers). Occurs after a headache attack. Symptoms:

  • Extreme feeling of tiredness and exhaustion
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration
  • Mood swings
  • General feeling of anxiety, malaise

Migraine is chronic disease, debilitating a person for many years, so gradually a person may develop various complications:

1. Photophobia– Chronic migraine sufferers may develop a state of light intolerance. Pain during an attack forces a person to look for dark places. Over time, this tendency may worsen and he will constantly avoid brightly lit areas. IN extreme cases Blindness may develop.

2. Phonophobia- By analogy with photophobia, phonophobia is the fear of sounds. Migraine sufferers always cannot stand loud noises and look for a quiet and peaceful place.

3. Dizziness– People with severe headaches constantly experience the sensation of falling. This general symptom during migraine attacks, but chronic form the disease leads to constant such sensations.

4. Myocardial infarction- If migraine is left untreated for a long time, the chance of getting a myocardial infarction in the future increases significantly.

Migraine prevention

Migraine is a chronic disease with periodic attacks of headaches. These attacks are aggravated under the influence of various provoking factors which are already listed above. Each person has their own.

Let's look at an example. In some cases, ice cream is a trigger for a migraine attack. But sometimes it doesn't cause headaches. This is because ice cream is not the only factor causing an attack. There must be something else in the diet or conditions environment, which, in combination with ice cream, can cause headaches.

Therefore, consuming ice cream in winter can cause an attack, while in summer it can be completely harmless.

In order to prevent migraine attacks, it is recommended to keep a diary in which you need to record each attack. It will help identify triggering conditions and avoid them in the future.

Migraine treatment should not be stopped after some feeling of relief has occurred. It is necessary to continue the treatment program to the end. In case of Ayurvedic treatment, there is no reason to stop the treatment ever, since most of the herbs used for this become integral part daily diet.

Ayurvedic treatment for migraine

Migraine treatment in Ayurveda consists of three processes aimed at:

  • Restoring health after an attack
  • Reducing the impact of provoking factors
  • Preventing future attacks

Migraine is treated only with allopathic remedies, but as a rule, most medications cannot completely eliminate the attacks. Ayurveda aims not only to relieve the severity of headaches, but also to prevent recurrence of attacks in the future.

In order to prevent the recurrence of migraine attacks, the following drugs are used in Ayurveda:

  • Sootha Shekara rasa
  • Mahavaata Vidhwansana rasa
  • Dashamoolarishta
  • Chandanaadi vati
  • Shah Bindu taila

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Systematic headaches, migraines

All about the “aristocratic disease”

Known in the past under such a “noble” name, migraine today affects not only those who are associated with mental work or experience frequent nervous overload. The most people suffer from systematic headaches different people Having experienced debilitating attacks for years and decades, migraines can be caused by a number of reasons - indigestion, constipation, colds, flu, poor posture or muscle tension, etc. Often headaches are of neurogenic origin.

The most severe headaches occur with migraines, which are often caused by hereditary factors. In many cases, headaches accompany hypertension and increased intracranial pressure.

Headache is one of the most common complaints. Although most often a headache is not a sign serious illnesses, yet there are times when it requires medical care. If your headache is worse than ever before, you urgently need help from a doctor. About 90% of all headaches fall into one of three categories:

Tension headaches,

Headaches associated with high blood pressure

Cluster headaches and migraines.

Tension headaches are often accompanied by muscle tension in the back and shoulders. They can be caused by emotional and psychological stress, depression and anxiety.

Blood pressure problems are the most common cause of headaches. If you have chronic headaches (three or more times a week for several months), see your doctor.

Cluster (also called histamine-dependent) headaches are usually very severe. Most often they occur in middle-aged men. Cluster headaches quickly intensify and last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. There are no signs that indicate the onset or end of a cluster headache attack.

Migraine - neurological disease, the most common and characteristic symptom which are episodic or regular strong and painful attacks headache in one (rarely in both) half of the head.

Migraines can cause severe throbbing pain or a throbbing sensation. It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine attacks can cause significant pain over several hours and days.

Typically, migraine attacks have the following phases: prodromal phase, perception, pain phase and postdromal phase.

Prodromal phase (occurs in 40 - 50% of all migraine sufferers). May begin several hours or even days before a migraine attack. Its usual symptoms are:


Frequent mood swings

Unexplained cravings for certain foods

Fatigue and excessive yawning

Excessive sleepiness

Diarrhea or constipation

Feelings of a lump in the throat

Frequent urination

Perception (occurs in 20 - 30% of all migraine sufferers). Starts an hour before the onset of a migraine attack. Symptoms:

Visual symptoms such as blinding flashes before the eyes

Blurred vision

Tingling and pain in the arm and mouth (palate)




Increased sensitivity to touch

Pain phase. It's actually a migraine attack. Symptoms:

Headache that can range from mild to severe

Pain may start as bilateral and end as unilateral.

Pain that throbs with increasing intensity

Pain that gets worse from walking or any activity;

Anorexia, nausea and vomiting

Blurry, blurred vision

Nasal congestion

Light and sound intolerance

Dizziness, sometimes accompanied by fainting

Mood changes, irritability

Depression or euphoria


Excessive sleepiness

Cravings for certain foods

Muscle stiffness (especially in the neck)

Constipation or diarrhea

Increased volume of urine excreted

Postdromal phase (this happens to all migraine sufferers). Occurs after a headache attack. Symptoms:

Extreme feeling of tiredness and exhaustion


Lack of concentration

Mood swings

General feeling of anxiety, malaise

Migraine is a chronic disease that debilitates a person over many years, so gradually a person may develop various complications: the accompanying symptoms, known as an aura, can occur before or with the headache. They may include flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling on one side of the face, or in an arm or leg. Most people experience migraines without an aura.

Migraines may be infrequent or occur several times a month.

Unfortunately, the real nature of the disease has not yet been established. Exact causes of migraine modern medicine unknown. This means that, while it is not yet known why, some people are prone to this condition and others are not. There are now a number of factors that can cause headaches.

Usually this is:

· Reasons related to lifestyle:

o Constant overexertion and stress

o Financial problems

o Excessive smoking

o Abrupt climate change

o Watching TV for a long time, especially with loud sound and visual effects

o Disturbed sleep - either too much, insufficient or interrupted sleep

· Sensory stimuli:

o Prolonged exposure to loud noise.

o Bright lights and sun glare can trigger migraines.

o Strong odors- including perfume, paint thinner, passive smoking and other irritants

· Physical factors:

o Intense physical stress, including sexual activity

· Changes in the environment:

o Change in weather or change in barometric pressure

o Continuous and prolonged exposure to toxins and chemicals, including smoke and fumes

· Hormonal changes in women

o Pubertal changes in girls

o Changes in estrogen levels seem to cause headaches in many women.

o Pregnancy

Diet-related reasons:

o hunger can also provoke attacks

o Food products:

§ Cheeses made from unpasteurized milk, salty foods and processed foods

§ Eating too much fatty or spicy foods

§ Fermented milk products and products containing too much yeast

§ Grapes and raisins

§ Dry fruits, nuts and peanuts

o Nutritional supplements,

§ Sweetener aspartame

§ Preservative monosodium glutamate (MSG), found in many food products

§ Excessive consumption of monosodium glutamate in food

§ Saccharin

o Alcohol, especially wine and highly caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee and cola

· Causes associated with taking medications:

o Blood vessel dilators such as nitroglycerin

o Taking large doses of painkillers

o Refusal of painkillers

o Birth control pills

o Aminophylline used in patients with bronchial asthma

o Reserpine, nifedipine and diuretics in patients with high blood pressure

o Oral contraceptives

o Hormonal drugs and hormone replacement therapy

Traditionally, migraine is treated only with the help of various allopathic drugs, but, as a rule, the therapy used and most medications cannot completely eliminate attacks.

Since you are now reading this article, most likely you are not able to completely get rid of your headaches using traditional means.

Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that the methods described above do not consider the source of headaches in isolation from general condition all systems of the body, as happens in the case of treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurveda doctors have reliable methods for eliminating headaches of a wide variety of nature.

Headache and migraine, from the point of view of Ayurveda, are just a painful symptom of one of the diseases known to it, and not the disease itself. They are associated with the exit of the body, by various reasons, from a state of natural balance.

Depending on the cause and nature of the imbalance, Ayurveda applies, respectively, various methods treatment.

In the treatment of migraines and headaches, Ayurveda has three goals:

Relieving an attack and restoring health after an attack;

Reducing the impact of provoking factors in the future;

Preventing recurrence of painful attacks.

Thus, Ayurvedic treatment for headaches does not simply focus on relieving pain, but aims to eliminate its causes.

The causes of headaches, according to Ayurvedic principles, are extremely varied, but the most common are imbalances in the nervous system and various digestive disorders.

In Ayurveda, the nature of treatment is determined by the specifics of each specific situation. Therefore, in order to successfully treat a headache, you need to diagnose it as accurately as possible and know as much as possible about the condition of the body and its cause.

In the treatment process, Ayurveda always uses only natural natural remedies plant, animal or mineral origin.

Together with drugs for the treatment of headaches and migraines, Ayurvedic procedures are used, such as:

Complex deep cleansing of the body (Panchakarma) is a very effective means treatment in most cases

Massage of the head, neck, collar area and biologically active points with herbal medicinal oils(Mukha Abhyanga) - effective for normalizing the functioning, first of all, of the nervous systems

Ayurvedic full body four-hand massage with medicinal oils (Abhyanga) - has a beneficial effect on the condition of all systems of the body.

The procedure for cleaning the nasal sinuses with herbal oils (Nasya) is one of the mandatory and most effective ways in Ayurveda to influence the source of headaches.

Oil enemas with medicinal herbs(Vasti) are effective if certain types of headaches are due to the accumulation of toxins in the colon. Laxative therapy with medicinal herbs (Vicherana) is also effective.

Yoga therapy exercises help improve the body's oxygen supply and regulation metabolic processes in the body

Breathing exercises (Sitali Pranayama) directly help calm headaches.

For a patient suffering from systematic headaches, the doctor conducts an Ayurvedic diagnosis of the body and prescribes a comprehensive course of procedures and Ayurvedic medications. Thus, the doctor and the patient fight headaches not only at the level of symptom relief - but also thoroughly eliminate all possible reasons headaches.

The Ayurveda doctor determines an individual diet for the patient, depending on his condition, severity and nature of the disease, and gives recommendations for changing diet and lifestyle to reduce the impact of provoking factors and prevent the recurrence of leftist attacks.

To get rid of migraines and headaches under the guidance of Ayurvedic doctors, a course of therapy lasting from 10 to 28 days is usually sufficient. By following all the doctor’s recommendations, most patients overcome migraine symptoms, which disappear forever or are significantly weakened.


Ask a question to an Ayurveda doctor on our website or call the Clinic - and today you can take a step towards a new life in which there will be no room for headaches!

Headaches can be caused by a number of reasons - indigestion, constipation, colds, flu, poor posture or muscle tension. Often, headache is of neurogenic origin, which is why it is discussed in this chapter, although it can also be classified into other categories of diseases. The most severe headaches occur with migraines, which are often caused by hereditary factors. In many cases, headaches accompany hypertension and increased intracranial pressure. Many of the treatments for hypertension are also used for headaches (see section "Hypertension»).

Features of the manifestation (types) of headaches

Headache is one of the disorders associated primarily with Vata. Vata headaches are usually severe and are accompanied by anxiety, depression, constipation and dry skin. It can be triggered by lack of sleep, irregular diet, excessive physical and mental stress, anxiety and stress.

Pitta headaches often accompany liver disease or toxic blood conditions and are manifested by a burning sensation, redness of the face and eyes, photophobia, anger, irritability and nosebleeds.

Kapha-type headaches are more dull, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fatigue, sometimes nausea, accumulation of mucus, increased salivation, or even vomiting. Typically, this type of headache is caused by stagnation of mucus in various parts of the head and may accompany pulmonary diseases.

Treatment of headaches

For headaches associated with congestion, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, or pain arising from a cold, cough or allergy (usually Kapha or Vata type pain), expectorant and decongestant herbs are used: calamus, ginger, myrtle , angelica, hoofed grass. You can inhale calamus powder through your nose or lubricate the inside of your nasal passages with calamus ghee. The first method is more suitable for Kapha type, the second - for Vata. Basil tea helps, especially holy basil. You can apply ginger paste to the base of the nose and temples. Other good topical remedies include essential oils from camphor, wintergreen, or eucalyptus.

Laxatives are indicated, since the large intestine plays a special role in the development of nervous disorders.

For Vata-type headaches, valerian, jatamsi, chamomile, calamus and brahmi, as well as Saraswat powder, help. As for laxatives, it is better to use Triphala. Adequate sleep is very important, so it is advisable to use sedative herbs.

For Pitta headaches, aloe powder or rhubarb root are recommended as a laxative. Brahmi can be used either alone or in combination with passionflower or in the form of a “Brahmi” composition. The head is lubricated with sandalwood oil. The sun and heat should be avoided. Walking in the moonlight and the scents of flowers - roses, lotus, etc. - are beneficial.

Headache is one of the most common symptoms problems faced by doctors. According to numerous studies, it affects about 70% of the population of developed countries. The most common forms are migraine and histamine headache.

The woodpecker doesn't have a headache

Migraines are accompanied by moderate to intense pain that lasts from 4 to 72 hours and is often felt on one side of the head. Other symptoms - oversensitivity To external stimuli, nausea and vomiting.

Histamine headaches are less common. This is a strong throbbing, boring pain concentrated on one side in the orbital area. The attacks occur daily for weeks, months, even years and last no more than an hour. To relieve headaches, there are a number of medications, which, however, do not help everyone and not always. Many Ayurvedic experts believe that medical supplies do not eliminate the cause of the disease. “Western medicine detects disease only at final stages its development, says the founder of the Ayurvedic school in New York, Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha. “But the problem arises before the appearance of pronounced symptoms.”

Element of nature

Director of the American Ayurvedic center The Raj Maharishi Ayurveda Health Nancy Lonsdorf is sure that first of all you should pay attention to the balance of the doshas. “Migraines most often affect people with a pitta constitution,” she says. - The fire element is responsible for digestion and metabolism. When there is an excess of it in the stomach and liver, acidity increases, and this affects the blood. As a result, the functioning of the nervous system is complicated and blood flow to the head is disrupted. Therefore, if pitta is imbalanced, you should reduce the consumption of foods that enhance it. These include red wine, aged cheeses, and acidic vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes and citrus fruits.” Lonsdorf also recommends putting a few drops of ghee (ghee) into your nose daily, which calms pitta.

A histamine headache indicates not only an imbalance of pitta, but also a violation of vata - the element of air, which is responsible for the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems. “To calm vata dosha, go to bed early and massage regularly using sesame or olive oil", advises Lonsdorf. To flush out toxins that are causing pain, she also recommends daily cleansing treatments, such as a 10-minute inhalation using eucalyptus oil.