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Autumn depression - what to do? How to get rid of autumn depression

To combat depression, it is important to understand the causes of its occurrence. Some psychologists believe that autumn and the depression of a person’s psycho-emotional state are closely related. This is explained by the following factors:

  • Physiological changes associated with weather conditions. It's all about serious psychophysiological changes in the body. Plus, there are other reasons that provoke depression. One of them is a noticeable reduction in daylight hours. Rain and cloudy weather also provoke depression. Such changes lead to lethargy, apathy, sad thoughts and loss of mood. Changes also occur in the human body. The sun goes down, and, accordingly, melanin production increases significantly. It is this hormone that leads to disorders and the appearance of autumn depression. Scientists have also found that melanin is actively released at night, and its production decreases during the day. We can conclude that reducing daylight hours directly affects a person’s mood. Considering natural factors, finding a way to deal with autumn depression is not so easy.
  • Psychological aspect. Autumn is precisely the time that completes the annual cycle. Every conscious person tries to rethink his actions, correct negative sides and evaluate what can be achieved in a specific period of time. Unfortunately, not all plans can come true and be fully realized. This is especially true for those who were never able to relax either in the desired place or at all. Sometimes even tragic events happen that touch the deepest emotional wounds. All this does not have the best effect on morale. Gradually, mood may become unstable and unstable. In some cases, even anger can take the place of apathy.
  • Problems at work. Depression can be caused by abnormal sleep, work pressure, inadequate rest, and dissatisfaction with others. Even a failure with reports or projects can be a significant reason. In addition, almost all serious speeches, conferences, inspections and other moments fall precisely on autumn period. Constant nervous tension and fatigue are the worst companions during the cold season.
  • Health. Of no less importance is physical state person. A decrease in temperature provokes the development of various infectious diseases. Due to the lack of vitamins, immunity is significantly reduced, which leads to colds and other ailments. Plus, in the fall, all diseases that are in chronic form. Accordingly, all this negatively affects the human psyche.
It is important to promptly identify the symptoms of impending depression. Otherwise, you can completely immerse yourself in a depressed state, which will inevitably affect both the work process and communication with others and family.

The main symptoms of autumn depression

The term itself implies some kind of psychological deviation, and not just Bad mood. It is worth noting that this disease can occur at any time of the year, regardless of seasonal factors. But most often depression appears in the fall, which is how it got its name.

Like other diseases, depression has characteristic symptoms:

  1. Psychological manifestations. Touchiness, melancholy, apathy towards everything, reluctance to communicate with people, increased irritability.
  2. Physical manifestations. Complete refusal active method life, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, constant desire to sleep, pain in different parts body, muscle spasms.
  3. Time course of depression. Autumn blues can manifest themselves over a long period of time. It is worth noting that an abyss, just as it can arise, can occur without any particular reason.
In some severe cases without the intervention of doctors and medications there's simply no way around it. Otherwise, depression may turn into more severe form. The main symptoms of this are complete failure from eating, talking about death and unwillingness to return to reality. Such changes already indicate that a person is not able to cope with his problem on his own.

Attention! In severe cases of depression, you should immediately contact a specialist. Even if the patient himself does not want to go to the doctor, as is often the case, loved ones must take care of this. Otherwise, everything could end fatally.

Ways to overcome autumn depression on your own

It is not recommended to let the situation take its course. The fact is that few people are able to get out of depression without much damage, and the distance between mild blues and deep psycho-emotional disorder is not that great. They will come to the rescue proper nutrition, interesting image life, communication and the opportunity to devote some time to yourself.

Changing something in yourself and around you can be difficult. However, without this you will not be able to cope with depression. In order not to plunge into a difficult state of mind, just follow some simple recommendations:
  • Surround yourself only with bright things. Beautiful, colorful, they will remind you of summer, driving away the dullness autumn days. Ditch the boring palette.
  • Make some changes to your routine. You can make small repairs in your apartment, buy new clothes or go on vacation. Sometimes even small changes can keep your spirits up. Some leading psychologists claim that a small “greenhouse” will help you relax. Flower plants have a positive effect on a person's mood. Besides green color calms the nervous system.
  • Accept the situation as it is. You should not wait for the onset of cold weather and prolonged depression. Accept that autumn will definitely give way to summer; do not perceive this as a tragedy.
  • Fill your day with variety. All free time should be filled with pleasant little things, make the most of it. Depression will never appear in someone who is busy doing what they love. Spend more time outside, run, walk the dog, or breathe fresh air when you're not working or studying.
  • Find time for solitude and hobbies. Some people need to immerse themselves in work and leave only a few hours for personal improvement. In such an environment they will be happy and not subject to depression. Start reading more, learn languages, do yoga, or join a Gym. If a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, then he can pay attention to it and eliminate his shortcomings.
  • Enrich your body with tasty and healthy food . Try to eat in moderation, avoid junk food, eat more fruits and vegetables. And so that the food doesn’t look bland, come up with decorations for dishes from bright vegetables. Be sure to take vitamin complexes, because with the onset of autumn, immunity deteriorates significantly.
  • Let more light into your home. Statistics show that almost every second person on our planet is susceptible to psychological disorders with the onset of cloudy autumn. One of the main reasons for depression is the lack of sun, bright colors and daylight. IN Scandinavian countries Psychologists very often prescribe special light therapy to residents. In some domestic clinics you can already find rooms with heavy-duty lamps. There is a simpler and accessible alternative to everyone - walking during the day.
  • Don't confuse day with night. If you want to maintain a cheerful mood and healthy looking, then it’s better to give up late-night TV watching and long sittings at the computer. It is worth noting that such a pastime can cause depression. This is related to physiological processes in organism. Remember that at any time of the day or night, sanctification must be complete. Therefore, if you have to work night shifts, light the room well.
  • Communication with friends and family. Many experts strongly advise against closing yourself off and spending all your time at home. Try to communicate more with interesting people and communicate with close friends. There are plenty of places that will help you take your mind off your problems and get in a good mood.
  • Everyone needs rest! Every person sometimes has the feeling that there is very little strength left. If work does not allow you to go to the sea, then you can sign up for a massage or a spa center. This will help you relax well and relieve irritation.

Important! The ideal option in the fight against depression is to go where you have long wanted. It could be a resort or something beautiful city, the main thing is that a person there feels as harmonious and calm as possible. And ideally there should be a lot of sun there.

Antidepressant products to combat autumn depression

Antidepressant products will also help protect against the autumn blues. These include turkey, dairy products, bananas, whole grain bread and yellow-red fruits. The thing is that they contain the amino acid tryptophan. It is the precursor of the hormone Have a good mood serotonin.
  1. Spinach. He is considered the best source folic acid. Its deficiency is observed in almost all people who suffer prolonged depression.
  2. Dried apricots. Be sure to eat this product, because it is rich in magnesium and other useful microelements. In addition, it is magnesium that helps fight nervous tension and stress.
  3. Cocoa. Of course, don't forget about chocolate and milk drink with this substance, which are famous for their positive qualities in the fight against depression.
  4. Water. Be sure to drink the required amount of fluid. An organism that constantly needs moisture simply cannot be in good shape.
Many psychologists believe that even monotonous and tasteless food can trigger depression.

An interesting pastime to overcome autumn depression

Allow yourself a little something nice. Of course, we are all different, but often the following will help cope with the blues:
  • Shopping. It is worth noting that such therapy works on almost all representatives of the fair sex, but men also do not mind visiting stores. Firstly, in the process of choosing clothes you can escape from everyday problems and worries. Secondly, a new item can transform your appearance and wardrobe. Avoid a boring palette, give preference to bright, rich shades. Thirdly, a beautiful thing cannot but please, because it makes a person more beautiful. Statistics show that people who take care of themselves and are satisfied with their reflection in the mirror are less susceptible to depression.
  • Fishing. This type of recreation will probably be more appreciated by men, but it won’t hurt girls either. Sitting in nature, enjoying the leisurely passage of time, the gentle sound of the waves, you can have a good rest and relaxation.
  • A trip to pick mushrooms, rest with tents in the forest. Merging with nature and fresh air will stimulate the production of the joy hormone, and the body will be saturated with oxygen. This type of vacation will benefit the whole family!
  • Exercise and regular moderate exercise. The thing is that in the process of activity it is stimulated nervous system. To do this, you don’t even have to go to the gym, the main thing is desire. You can simply go for a short jog, do push-ups or jump rope, sign up for a swimming pool, dancing or yoga class. It all depends on what brings you pleasure. As a result, you can get not only beautiful body, but also charge positive emotions. To this remedy It worked for sure, make a training system. The key factor for success is regular and systematic training.
  • Laughter therapy. In order not to become a hostage to autumn sadness, you need to laugh more and enjoy life. Scientists have proven that people who know how to have fun have excellent immunity and are less likely to get sick. In addition, laughter increases general tone body.

Important! Spend more time in fun companies, communicate with positive-minded people, do what you love, watch comedies and fill your soul with happiness. Even if you are not in the mood, this does not mean at all that you need to listen to sad songs and watch films with a sad plot. Try to smile even when “the cats are scratching your soul.”

How to deal with autumn depression - watch the video:

Today, a huge number of people are faced with the concept of “autumn depression,” and this fact cannot be ignored. To get around it, it is important to make some adjustments to your life. First, correct what you haven’t liked for a long time - this is a direct path to self-improvement. Never focus on problems, even if they exist. Try not to accumulate them, but solve them as they come. This way they won’t turn into a huge “snowball” ready to cover you completely. And, of course, surround yourself with loved ones who can warm your soul even on the coldest day. Warm emotions, friendly communication and soulful evenings with your other half - effective method in the fight against depression and chronic fatigue.

As autumn approaches, many people experience symptoms depressive state. Men and women complain of bad mood, insomnia, increased anxiety. There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the immune system becomes weakened, colds, migraines, and back pain occur. Many people experience loss of appetite, fatigue, and a feeling of emptiness and uselessness.

Causes of autumn blues

Autumn depression has a lot common features with common depression. However, it differs from it in that it occurs only in the fall. It is during this period that the days become shorter, natural colors fade and turn gray, sunlight almost none, and cold rains remind us of themselves more and more often. With the arrival of autumn, the holiday season ends with many interesting events. All this causes a lack of serotonin in the human body, a hormone responsible for a positive mood and improved physical activity.

How to avoid autumn depression?

Despite the good reasons for the autumn blues, you can get rid of it and also prevent its occurrence.

1. Light

Since there is not enough light in autumn, you should take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy the last rays of the sun. It is important at least on weekends and on lunch break go out for a walk. In the evening and morning you should make your apartment brighter with the help of artificial lighting. Avoid working in dim light.

2. Products

Due to the onset of cold weather, the human body requires more high-calorie food. However, it is advisable to avoid fried and fatty foods. It is not recommended to eat monotonous food. During this period, you can occasionally treat yourself to delicious sweets. It is necessary to include in your diet foods that help lift your mood. Turkey, fermented milk products, spinach, cocoa, and chocolate have these properties.

Don't forget about fruits and vegetables. Special properties have red apples and bright oranges. After all, in addition to vitamins, they can cheer up their appearance. The autumn - winter season provides an opportunity to pamper yourself with jam prepared in the summer. Such supplies will not only help you remember your summer vacation, but will also help prevent seasonal colds. Despite the fact that strong tea and coffee can eliminate fatigue for a while, experts do not recommend consuming these drinks during large quantities. Instead, it's better to drink herbal teas or rosehip decoctions. Drinking mint tea before bed is beneficial.

3. Sleep and rest

Due to a lack of vitamins and sunlight, people get tired quickly in the fall. IN work time many feel drowsiness and apathy. Therefore it is of great importance healthy sleep. Don't stay up late. It's important to go to bed early. In addition, you should pay attention to your rest. If you have the opportunity to go on vacation during this period, then you should do so. When vacation is not possible, it is advisable to complete the main work tasks in the first half of the day, and leave easier tasks for the second half. Regular yoga, meditation, and going to fitness clubs will help you stay alert throughout the day. And dancing can energize and improve your mood.

4. Bad habits and negativity

Don't abuse it alcoholic drinks and smoking. Nicotine and alcohol only tone you up for a while.

During the autumn period, it is advisable to avoid things that do not bring positive emotions. You shouldn't spend the day listening to your friend or colleague complain about life. It is important to watch less sad films and read books with a negative plot, and avoid watching TV shows that discuss unpleasant events. Instead, it is important to fill your life with positive things. For example, look through photographs taken in the summer, go to exhibitions and theaters, and replace the wallpaper on your computer with happy ones.

5. Hobby

To get rid of the autumn blues, you should fill your free time with your favorite activity. A kind of meditation is canning the harvest. After all, at the beginning of autumn, products appear from which you can make a winter supply: tomatoes, cabbage, Bell pepper. On cold days, many women will enjoy sewing clothes or knitting warm items. In autumn you can do some creative work: embroidery, wood carving, beadwork. It is very important to be able to enjoy the autumn landscape. Therefore, many artists can show their talent, and some people will enjoy taking photographs.

Don't let autumn depression and boredom win. It is important to find pleasant little things in everyday things for yourself every day. It is worth filling life with bright colors in clothes and rooms. There is no need to be discouraged when the cold season arrives. After all, nature and people need autumn and winter to calm down from the frantic rhythm, draw certain conclusions, dream and move on towards new discoveries.

If getting up for work in the morning becomes torture, and even on a good day you don’t want to do anything, this condition is usually called "autumn depression". But is it even possible to talk about this type of depression? Do we have a correct understanding of this phenomenon?

1. Is it depression or paranoia?

There is no such thing as “autumn depression”! This is a fact confirmed by scientific research, doctors and psychologists. Of course, people suffer from depression in the fall, but correlating this problem with the time of year is an incorrect approach. People suffer from depression in winter and summer, on sunny and cloudy days. It is believed that in autumn weather, people prone to depression experience the most severe exacerbations and attacks. But in this case we're talking about about "big" real depression, which has certain signs and a regular nature.

To get rid of the problem, you need to turn to professionals - psychiatrists and psychotherapists, because a person in a state of depression cannot sensibly control his actions and independently get out of a deeply depressed state.

Well, what is popularly called “autumn depression” is only seasonal change of mood. This phenomenon can also be treated, there are even drugs to stabilize mood. But to avoid exposing your body to medications that you can completely do without, use comfortable, over-the-counter methods to improve your mood.

2. How to diagnose major depression?

First of all, if you have read this far, then you definitely do not need inpatient treatment for depression. This conclusion can be drawn because a person in a state of deep depression does not concentrate or cannot read at all, especially long texts. And for a more detailed diagnosis internal state You can use the test compiled by psychiatrist Marina Vladislavovna Markova.

To determine your mental state, you need to honestly answer 10 questions. The answer must be selected from the list: very rarely, sometimes, often and constantly. For each answer, award yourself a certain number of points: very rarely - 1 point, sometimes - 2 points, often - 3 points, constantly - 4 points.

So, you need to answer the following questions:

  • I feel despondent and melancholy.
  • I feel worse at the beginning of the day.
  • I have problems with sleep (I have trouble falling asleep, I started waking up earlier).
  • I am losing weight, although my diet has not changed (if you are currently on a diet, answer as if you were eating as usual).
  • I have a hard time solving problems and coping with typical responsibilities.
  • I have no appetite.
  • I live an unfulfilling life, and the future scares me.
  • It would be better if I wasn't there.
  • I've been irritable and worried a lot lately.

Sum up the scores and compare what you get with the depression scale. If your score is less than 18 points, don’t worry, psychological condition fine. Depression is still a long way off. If the sum is from 18 to 24 points, it’s time to get down to business. It is still possible to solve everything on your own. And if you get more than 25 points, you need to see a doctor to protect your body.

3. But if “autumn depression” does not exist, why are we sad in the fall?

Autumn sadness is nothing more than a seasonal change in mood. More than half of the inhabitants of mid-latitudes are influenced and dependent on the weather. Most often, older or elderly people are susceptible to this phenomenon. This phenomenon is still being studied by scientists, but they suggest that serotonin, or rather its deficiency, is to blame. This substance is responsible for quality sleep, the body’s perception of pain and general mood and well-being. And the amount of serotonin in the body, according to researchers, is directly related to exposure to sunlight, which is scarce in autumn and winter.

4. But why didn’t they know about depression or even the “autumn blues” before?

Everyone was too distracted from analyzing themselves to diagnose the problem. The autumn-winter period from November to March was the so-called “dead” time: rural work there was no plowing and harvesting was completed, but it was too early to sow. Active life was when it was light, as soon as it got dark, people went to bed.

But with us everything is absolutely the opposite. When the busiest time for villagers is summer, we all strive to go to the sea and relax for the whole year. But when there is a lot of sun outside, there is more daylight, and it is much easier to work. But in the rainy autumn and cold winter modern man works: leaves home when it is not yet dawn, and comes when it is already dark. Hence the discomfort due to lack of light.

Autumn mood swings are often severe, and many cannot solve the problem by buying new clothes, delicious food, or jogging. fresh air. In this case, you should go to the doctor, who will suggest methods or prescribe medicines. Independent use Antidepressants can only make the situation worse. If you need medication, you should go to the doctor's office before visiting the pharmacy.

Nowadays, when technological progress is urgently rushing upward, and people cannot keep up with their ambitions, the problem of depression, which is getting younger every day, also becomes relevant. The disease worsens especially in the autumn. First of all, autumn depression affects a person’s mood, leading him to a sad state, sometimes to the point of total loss performance. By studying the reasons leading to this condition, you can find out how to fight and, most importantly, how to defeat it.

In order not to become a victim of an insidious disease, you need to get to know it better.

What is autumn depression and how does it occur?

This painful condition, which worsens in the autumn due to some factors that are specific to this time of year. As a rule, during the entire year of work a person gets tired not only physically, but also mentally. Many experience various negative feelings that torment the psyche from the inside. These are:

  • decreased activity;
  • emptiness, sadness, melancholy;
  • insomnia or excessive sleepiness;
  • desire for loneliness;
  • decreased self-esteem.

Human mood is influenced by color, light and scent. During the spring and summer we have the opportunity to replenish our impressions through nature, that is, in a natural way. Bright Sun rays, the colorful colors of summer, the scent of flowers and the clear sky give people positive comfort. But with the arrival of autumn, everything changes - the rain and slush that were once all around fade away, the sky “cries” and people experience a decline in mood. So the autumn depression begins.

What proportion of the population is affected by this disease?

Seasonal mood swings are common to almost everyone. Even people who are too cheerful sometimes experience conditions such as dissatisfaction with life and disappointment. People with a soft and gentle psyche, weakened by various stresses, are especially prone to this.

Autumn depression is dangerous because at this time the risk of suicide increases sharply, as an unsatisfied psyche looks for ways to solve problems and often finds the worst of them.

Men and women experience depression differently. Men most often hide their feelings. At the same time, they become more irritable and angry, which becomes a big problem.

For women, everything works out differently - they communicate more, talk with friends and share their problems, which brings them some relief.

How to deal with this disease?

Many people don’t know how to get rid of autumn depression. People simply suffer, aggravating their condition at a time when the ways to get rid of them are varied and do not require large financial costs.

And yet, if after all your efforts you cannot get out of despondency, contact specialists. A psychotherapist will tell you what to do if depression persists, how to get out of a depressed state, and help you regain peace of mind.

Bad mood, fatigue, fatigue, apathy, frequent nervous breakdowns, it is unclear for what reason, increased appetite - all of these may be symptoms of the onset seasonal depression, which can drag on for several months. And if the “dull time” is depressing and does not evoke any positive emotions, then the situation urgently needs to be taken under control!

1. More light

One of the main reasons for autumn depression is the lack of bright colors in nature, as well as sun and light. There are statistics that in autumn and winter there is depression, at least in mild degree, occurs in every second inhabitant of the Earth. In Scandinavian countries, it is proposed to combat it with the help of light therapy, for which special heavy-duty lamps are used. Light therapy rooms (sometimes also called phototherapy) have begun to appear in some Russian clinics. A more accessible and simpler alternative is daytime walks (especially if the sun is shining outside). But those who want to maintain cheerfulness and a good mood should avoid watching TV at night or sitting at a computer in a dimly lit room: constant dim lighting, especially at odd night hours, causes desynchronization of life rhythms, and also stimulates increased production of the TNF protein, which causes. So sleep as you should at night, and in the morning and evening try to ensure that there is sufficient lighting.

2. More delicious food and antidepressant products

Among them are turkey, bananas, whole grain bread and dairy products.(contain the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor to the good mood hormone serotonin; turkey is also rich in amino acids that increase the body’s anti-stress resistance); spinach ( good source folic acid, a deficiency of which is found in approximately one third of those suffering from depression); dried apricots (they are rich in magnesium, which helps us), chocolate and cocoa (they also contribute to the production of serotonin). Do not forget to drink enough fluid: a body suffering from a lack of moisture cannot be in good shape. And keep in mind that, according to the observations of nutritionists, depression can also be triggered by tasteless and monotonous food.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, presenter of the programs “Food with and without rules”, “Family Size”

Serotonin is an important biologically active substance and hormone, it increases motor activity and sociability, improves emotional mood. In addition to foods rich in tryptophan, a certain amount of carbohydrates is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin. So it turns out that lovers of sweets (within reasonable limits) are more positively disposed people than those who completely avoid eating them.

3. Less “depressing” food

Give up fast food, free food and processed foods, eat less fried food. A joint study by scientists from the Canadian Research Center Canadian Obesity Network and the Spanish University of Navarra (Universidad de Navarra), which lasted six years and involved more than 12 thousand people, proved a direct relationship between the foods we eat and our mood and mental state. With an incorrect diet big amount Trans fats increase the risk of depression by 40% or more. And vice versa: with a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated foods in the diet fatty acids, the main source of which is vegetable oils And sea ​​fish, the likelihood of depression is less. Keep in mind: in the category harmful products, rich in trans fats, also includes everything that contains margarine (primarily ready-made baked goods, since margarine for baking can contain up to 40% of such fats).

4. Avoid medications

Be careful with antidepressants and, especially, do not “prescribe” them to yourself. As shown by numerous scientific research, in the fight against seasonal autumn depression, they are useless, since they treat the effect and do not eliminate the cause. It is better to drink tea with mint in the evenings - a natural antidepressant, which, moreover, normalizes sleep. You can also take lavender before bed.

5. Rest and relax

If it becomes completely unbearable, make sure that a little summer appears in your life. If possible, take a vacation or a day off and go to warm, sunny climes for a few days, go to the SPA for some exotic aroma massage, or start growing flowers: according to scientists, even a small home “greenhouse” on a windowsill of two or three plants (most importantly, flowering ones) can prevent depression.

To learn how you can relax after work, see the story:

6. Buy yourself a new bag

And it's not just a matter of magical power shopping therapy, which almost every woman is familiar with. As follows from the recently published results of a study by scientists from the National University of Singapore and the University of Hong Kong, constant wearing a heavy bag negatively affects our subconscious and mood: the physical feeling of a “heavy burden” inevitably leads to “heaviness” in the soul. Therefore, to avoid autumn depression, we lay out everything unnecessary and switch to a smaller and lighter bag!