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Golden Retriever: description of the breed. Golden (Golden) Retriever How much does a retriever weigh?

  • Height at withers: Males: 51-56 cm, females: 51-56 cm
  • Weight: Males: 26-41 kg, females: 25-37 kg
  • Color: Golden in different shades from reddish to almost white.
  • Lifespan: 10 - 13 years
  • Other names: GOLDEN RETRIEVER

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Soft character
  • There is no aggression towards other dogs or people
  • Endurance, activity
  • Loyalty to the owner
  • The average size
  • Can live on the street
  • Very photogenic
  • Often timid and cowardly
  • Requires long walks and exercise
  • Needs coat care
  • Allergic
  • Incapable of guarding and protecting the owner

Description of the breed

Golden Retriever breed standard

The current breed standard No. 111 was adopted by the FCI on July 26, 2009. There is also an AKC standard that describes the breed as American breeders see it. American dogs are brighter, smarter and slightly taller than European dogs.

Reliability, ability to work, intelligence, lack of aggression towards people and dogs or timidity are the main qualities of the Golden Retriever. The desire to bring something to the owner is innate in these dogs and can only be polished with special training. In fact, the breed is named for its purpose - to find and bring prey. It is curious that on the continent the function of supplying killed game from the water was always performed by continental pointers. For a long time, the main job of retrievers was to search for wounded game and retrieve it, for which the dogs needed their lower senses. In addition, such dogs had to be tireless, strong, and loving to work in water. To work successfully, retrievers also needed sharp vision and soft carriage - that is, the ability to minimally damage the game during its delivery to the hunter.

Goldens are dogs with a well-defined sexual type. Males are more massive, big-headed and larger than bitches. Bitches are more feminine, with more elegant heads and light bones.

Goldens are dogs of a somewhat elongated format; their format index ranges from 106 to 110. This means that the oblique length of the body exceeds the height at the withers by 6-10%.

Dogs of this breed are very friendly. They are characterized by an affectionate expression and a confident, friendly attitude towards people. Nervous, aggressive and cowardly individuals should be excluded from breeding regardless of their conformation.

The coat of these retrievers should be thick, have a well-developed undercoat and repel water. It forms feathers on the tail and limbs, longer on the chest, body, and ears. The FCI standard allows golden color of all shades, except bright mahogany and too light, almost white.

The Golden's head should be quite massive, well sculpted, with a pronounced, but not sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The skull is slightly convex and somewhat rounded on the sides. The muzzle is straight, long, well filled under the eyes. The nose is black, the muzzle tapers somewhat towards the nose, the lips are of medium density, dry, and tight-fitting. The eyes should be large, round, dark, set wide and deep, with a calm and friendly expression. The eyelids are dry, tight fitting and well pigmented. The ears are located slightly above eye level, hanging. Their base is wide and their tips are rounded. The fur on the edge of the ears forms a characteristic fringe. The teeth are white, large, complete. The absence of P1 and M3 is considered a disadvantage, but not a defect.

The golden's neck should be high, muscular, powerful, without signs of dampness - folds and dewlap. Ideally, the length of the neck is equal to the length of the head. The position of the neck depends on the correct structure of the shoulder girdle of the dog’s limbs.

The forelegs are strong, straight and parallel, with good bone. The lengths of the shoulder blade and shoulder are equal. Pasterns are short and strong.

The Golden's chest should have good width and depth. It is believed that a man's hand should be freely placed between the front paws along with the first finger.

As for the waist of the hind limbs, the loin of this dog should be short and well muscled. The inclination of the pelvic bone relative to the horizontal is about 30 degrees. Corner hip joint- straight. The hocks are short and vertical.

The paws are round, with short hoops, “cat-like”, well assembled. The tail continues the line of the back, reaching the hock joints. There should be no bend at the end of the tail. Temperamental dogs may raise their tail above the level of their back, but the tail should be pulled out correctly.

The movements are sweeping and free.

Coat with straight or wavy hair, close to the body. The undercoat is dense and waterproof. A soft, harsh or silky coat is undesirable.

The Golden's color gradually darkens with age. It shouldn't be deep red. A warm golden tone is preferred.

    Ambling, heavy trot.

    Undershot, overshot, slanted jaw.

    Barrel-shaped rear position.

    A wolf tail, like a log, thrown in a ring over the back.

    Narrow, excessively short or long, straight or sloping croup.

    High rear, straight rear, long metatarsals, disproportion of the lower leg and thigh.

    Kozinets, free elbows.

    Small or bulging, light eyes, damp eyelids.

    Sheep, swan, deer neck, pendant.

    Wrinkling, poorly pigmented nose, upturned or downturned muzzle.

    Narrow jaws.

    White spots on the paws, a dent on the head, a white collar.

    Malice, aggression, cowardice

    Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism in males.

Character and characteristics of the golden retriever

Those who are thinking about purchasing a Golden Retriever should understand that this is a hunting dog that requires regular exercise. Moreover we're talking about not just about physical activity. Training has a positive effect on these dogs; they become more balanced, attentive, and self-confident. That is, the retriever's brain must work as often as its body.

A warm atmosphere in the family is very important for goldens. These dogs are very worried about quarrels and can become stressed if their beloved owners abandon them for a long time. They need to be gently taught to be alone at home from an early age. It is very good if the Golden is not the only pet in the house. Dogs of this breed are sociable and quickly find a common language with other dogs. It is important to choose the right companion for your Golden. An aggressive dominant dog will constantly try to train this soft and docile dog, which will negatively affect its character. It is better if two goldens live in one house. Dogs of other hunting or ornamental breeds, balanced service dogs with low and medium levels of intraspecific aggression.

Dogs of this breed are not prone to aggression. Moreover, they are very friendly to both people and dogs. This trait has been maintained by leading breeders for centuries. That is, the Golden is incapable of actually protecting his apartment or house. He is ready to interact with any people and will never become a good watchman. At the same time, goldens can voice when detecting strangers. But this is the maximum that these dogs are capable of in terms of protection.

Another feature of golden retrievers is the need for close contact with the owner and gentle training. Military methods are not suitable for these dogs. They learn much better positive reinforcement and positive emotions. The use of harsh training, punishment, a strict collar and other antediluvian means of training can lead to complete loss contact with the dog, after which its training will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible.

The emphasis on non-conflict and exterior characteristics has led to the fact that there are many cowardly dogs in the breed. Life with such a dog will bring little pleasure to the owner, so if the mother of your prospective puppy is nervously hiding from you and does not want to communicate, it is better to take the baby elsewhere. Cowardly, insecure puppies grow up even in the absence of proper socialization. However, a strong nervous system allows such babies to become good, balanced dogs over time, while puppies that are cowardly from birth will no longer improve.

It is often difficult to get proper concentration from a Golden. These dogs are too distracted by toys and treats, and they easily get lost and wander off strangers. Therefore, obedience classes with your Golden should begin as early as possible, achieving maximum attention to yourself with the help of positive reinforcement.

And, of course, all retrievers love water. This is their nature - after all, these dogs were bred to retrieve killed game from the water. It is not always convenient that a washed and combed golden plops into the water of a dirty pond. Therefore, near water, goldens need to be controlled, taken on a leash, or occupied with games or treats.

The Golden Retriever is a shedding dog that requires regular brushing, especially during periods when their coat is actively changing. Spring shedding is especially pronounced, during which the dog sheds its abundant winter fur.

Golden puppies are often plumper than adult dogs and lighter in color. The abundance of puppy fluff is not a disadvantage. By two years, it is completely replaced by adult, elastic and elastic wool, to which burrs and other seeds do not cling.

Show goldens need a special haircut that emphasizes the dog's strengths and hides its shortcomings. After special training, every owner who spends his time attending a master class can trim a golden dog for participation in the exhibition after special training. Otherwise, your golden retriever will have to be cut by a groomer, and this procedure cannot be called cheap.

If you provide your dog with enough solid food, his teeth won't require any special care. However, when feeding soft foods and feeds, plaque will most likely be present on the teeth. It is removed weekly using a special toothbrush, as well as powder or paste. To soften plaque before brushing, you can use lemon or tomato juice.

Goldens feel great both in a city apartment and in a private house. Apartment dogs should take more walks to avoid gaining excess weight and support sports uniform. Dogs living in the yard need more frequent grooming. This is especially true for show dogs. To participate in exhibitions, hunters' dogs need periods of rest to acquire exhibition condition.

Feeding a Golden Retriever

Golden retriever puppies

Golden Retriever puppies are active, very friendly and cheerful dogs. Their coat is lighter and softer than that of adult dogs, which should be taken into account when choosing a dog. They should not be timid and hide when strangers appear. Sociability and friendliness are the main breed characteristics of goldens, and they manifest themselves already in puppyhood.

When choosing a puppy, it is important to know exactly what the purpose of purchasing it is. And of course, before going for a baby, you need to read the breed standard so as not to become a victim of dog breeding scammers. Pet-class dogs sold “for the sofa” may have smaller bones, a simpler head, extensive spots on the chest and paws, or too red color (which is undesirable for european dog, but is welcome, for example, in the USA). However, such a Golden will be an excellent companion, therapist and athlete, although it will not become a show star. He must have all the necessary documents, puppy registration and vaccinations according to age. Buying a puppy without documents risks purchasing a dog that will grow up to only vaguely resemble the breed.

However, if you want your Golden Retriever to become a successful show dog, you should not buy a small puppy. A responsible breeder will never give you guarantees that a two-month-old toddler will grow into a show dog. Therefore, if you want to be guaranteed to buy a champion, buy an adult titled dog. If you want to promising puppy– buy it at the age of 6-7 months, when the dog’s teeth have already changed and the exterior has formed.

Golden Retriever Training

Goldens are easy to train dogs. The main problem is that many of them are very distracted by various stimuli and, at the sight of food, are able to forget about the owner and his commands. Concentration on the owner in puppies of this breed begins to develop from a very early age.

You should not expect protective qualities from your Golden. This breed is not intended for protection. Her element is the field and forest, fetching game from the water, retrieving, fussing with children and other dogs. A retriever's love for water is very strong; these dogs bathe selflessly.

History of the breed

The popularity of the breed always gives rise to a lot of legends, most of which, upon closer examination, are not documented. This happened to a golden retriever. For a long time it was written about the breed that it comes from Russian circus dogs, allegedly purchased for a lot of money by the author of the breed, Dudley Margerybanks, who later became Lord Tweedmouth. The fact that this version is untenable became obvious as soon as Lord Tweedmouth's book, published by his descendants, was published. In it, he carefully documented his breeding, recording where and when the dogs that participated in the creation of the breed were purchased. Naturally, it did not talk about any Russian circus dogs.

But there is a mention of a yellow dog named Nous, obtained from a shoemaker for debts. The dog was the only yellow puppy in a litter of black, curly-haired dogs. He was a good hunter in Gisachene, where he was taken for breeding. He was subsequently bred to a soft-haired water spaniel female. 4 bitches from this mating marked the beginning of a new breed. Their names were Ada, Primrose, Crocus and Lily of the Valley. Interestingly, Lord Tweedmouth carefully maintained the Lily of the Valley line, tracking its descendants for 20 years. To improve hunting abilities, the Irish Setter and primitive hunting retrievers with wavy hair participated in breeding. A little later, the blood of sandy-colored cops began to flow.

Puppies bred by Lord Tweedmouth were given to people interested in the breed who would like to participate in breeding work and hunt with their dog. Gradually the breed spread, and separate lines appeared. There is no information about whether they crossed with the lord's dogs.

The wavy-coated retrievers that helped create the first Goldens were also the ancestors of today's smooth-coated retrievers. Most of them were black. They are believed to be descendants of St. John's Newfoundland dogs brought from Maerica and setters. Thus, we can say that modern Newfoundlands and Landzeer retrievers have common roots. And it is to them that these dogs owe their love for water. The soft-coated water spaniels that helped create the Golden are now an extinct breed. The first Goldens recorded in the studbook of England were Brass and Copper, descendants of Tweedmouth dogs.

· The Golden Retriever is a breed that ranks second in popularity in Europe among kennel clubs, including being recognized as competitors of Labradors;

· A retriever can become an excellent healer, since in most countries these dogs are found in schools where they teach children with cerebral palsy and other mental disorders;

· Thanks to the love of Romanian President Ceausescu for his retriever, this dog received the rank of colonel, and also rides in a limousine and eats certain foods.

Goldens are frequent guests on film sets different countries. They star in fairy tales, children's and adult films. Thus, it was Prince Wendel from the Tenth Kingdom who turned into a golden retriever, and faithful Bailey from the film “The Life and Purpose of a Dog,” based on the book of the same name by Bruce Cameron, was also a golden retriever. Photogenicity and the ability to pick up new skills on the fly turned the golden retriever into a successful fashion model.

Among Goldens there are a lot of guide dogs and therapy dogs. Retrievers can detect cancer by smelling the air from their lungs or feces. These dogs are irreplaceable in nursing homes and for children with special needs. They help people with autism feel more confident in the outside world.

Owner-oriented and completely devoid of aggression towards people and their own kind, golden retrievers remain reliable and trouble-free helpers for people.


Among the breed problems, the following should be noted:

    Mitral dysplasia

    Aortic stenosis

    Nasal folliculitis and furunculosis


    Solar dermatitis

    Lethal acrodermatitis

    Klein–Waardenburg syndrome


    Congenital dislocation elbow joint

    Avulsion of the tibial tuberosity

    Osteochondritis dissecans of the hock joint

    Mast cell tumors or mastocytoma

    Congenital deafness

    Cerebellar malformations

    Blepharophimosis or shortening of the palpebral fissure

    Entropion and ectropion

    Third eyelid prolapse

    Polycystic kidney disease

    Familial nephropathy

Prices for golden retriever puppies

The minimum cost of a golden retriever puppy without any special show prospects is $300-400. A young and promising show dog will cost the owner $700-1000. Like all fashionable breeds, goldens are frequent guests at poultry markets, where they are sold without documents. Such a puppy will never grow into a beautiful and purebred Golden. This should be understood by those who save on purchases and hope for a miracle. The main thing is that a dog, bought cheaply and disappointing its owners with its appearance, does not end up on the street, joining the ranks of useless mongrels.

The best hunter's assistant, the Golden Retriever, was bred by noble Englishmen precisely for these purposes. Today, this breed skillfully copes with the responsibilities of a nanny, friend, partner, guide, bloodhound, and other people necessary in life. Possessing fairly high moral qualities and developed intelligence, the dog quickly falls in love with itself even with childhood. The popularity of this breed among experienced breeders is very high, although the care and maintenance of a golden retriever requires some special conditions and significant material costs.

Many different versions about the origin of the breed have a rather mythical content, which is quite expensive when asked how much a puppy costs. In fact, the emergence of a dog comes down to banal and purely practical purposes. During the time of the only noble entertainment of the nobles - hunting, every rich man wanted to have an animal that could flawlessly carry out commands, not spoil the wool or plumage of killed game, and that could swim as well as run fast. It was possible to collect all the necessary characteristics in the Golden Retriever dog. Although for quite a long time, the yellow color of this dog effectively coped with all the responsibilities. In principle, the period of discovery of the breed as such can be attributed to the 19th century, but the formation of its standard qualities lasted right up to the middle of the 20th century.

The genetic content of these animals is based on the roots of the yellow retriever. Admixtures of other breeds still cause controversy among dog breeders. It is the golden appearance of the dog that is related to crossing already existing breed with a tweed water spaniel. What gave the world official recognition of the breed as early as 1952. Moreover, in the registration book, Lord Tweedmouth is recognized as the first creator of the breed, who, being a rather rich man, acquired several Russians for his hunting. This happened after visiting a circus performance with the participation of highly intelligent representatives of dog breeds. Amazed by the skills and abilities of the animal performers, the lord bought 8 dogs directly from the circus. But, despite the intelligent and judicious behavior of the acquired animals, the noble Englishman did not stop there. And as a result of his great love for hunting dogs and an active search for the best partner, the lord bought a yellow retriever from a street shoemaker who raised him from puppyhood.

Convinced of the abilities of the new acquisition, Tweedmouth began to hatch the idea of ​​crossing this dog with, which were actively used by every hunter. The result of this selection was golden retriever puppies, which created the basis for the adoption of official standards. Since then, black coat color has been considered a defect.

What are the recognized characteristics

The external description of such an animal as the Golden Retriever dog breed has three main varieties: American, European and Canadian. With the exception of some distinctive nuances, the description of this dog contains several basic and fundamental points.

  1. The size and weight of the animal balances depending on gender from 50 cm in girls, and 55 - 60 in boys. The weight category is accordingly distributed from 25 to 43 kg. Moreover, the American origin of the dog is somewhat larger than the European one.
  2. The coat color of a Golden Retriever should only have a golden tint, with a possible deviation towards a yellowish-cream tint. According to the variety, the coloring also tends to be darker in American dogs, while a very light, almost whitish coat is characteristic of Europeans.
  3. The quality of the coat is valued for its sufficient length and thickness, and the hair itself can be either straight or slightly wavy.

In a detailed examination of the Golden Retriever, the description of the breed contains data about its nobility and harmonious build. When choosing a purebred puppy, you should pay attention to the assessment of individual categories appearance dogs:

  • the body is strong and symmetrically proportional, with pronounced development of the sternum and a constantly tucked abdomen. The paws are straight, rounded and powerful, especially the front ones. The hind limbs are no less muscular, with well-developed knees, giving the animal a high running speed and a sharp push-off when starting. A flat back with shoulder blades laid back smoothly transitions into a fairly short lumbar arch. The high-growing tail is evenly elongated, without any curved lines. The Golden Retriever of European descent is more squat and stocky, unlike its American counterpart. Representatives Canadian breed characterized by a moderately expressed characteristic of both suits;
  • The dog's head is of medium size, not particularly prominent in relation to the entire body. Skull box quite wide, with a clearly defined transition line from the frontal part to the flat cheek of the muzzle. The ears are set high and medium in size, hanging elegantly towards the front. Oval-shaped eyes with dark eyelids are most often colored brown. Relative to the nose, the location of the eye openings does not have a pronounced width, but is not in close proximity. The drooping of the outer corner of the eyelids gives the animal a wise and somewhat sad expression. But this does not at all spoil the overall appearance of the dog. Black spot the nose with a golden tint, the muzzle is quite wide and large, with a clear line turning into a frame of the jaws of the same color. The dental bite has a scissor-like shape, and the canines themselves grow in an even line. After age, a golden retriever puppy acquires strong and sharp incisors, located strictly vertically.

Despite its external identity with setters and dogs, it is very easy for a professional breeder to distinguish a purebred retriever.

Intellectual and psychological characteristics of a dog

The Golden Retriever's character is distinguished by its endurance. The huge number of duties performed by such a dog in the service of a hunter or rescuer is striking in their clarity and correctness. The animal's excellent memory, combined with a natural intuitive sense, easily finds downed game or a lost person both in a dense forest and in the depths of the water surface. And the search for contraband goods, both at customs and in the work process of the police, helps to neutralize the calling device in time, prevent drug trafficking and other types of crimes.

With all his merits at home, with people close and dear to the dog, the Golden Retriever is a very friendly and affectionate pet. This breed's amazing ability to combine perfect obedience with a strong personality makes them good partners for the elderly or disabled. These dogs also get along well with children of all ages. Absolute calmness towards other pets is another characteristic feature.

The intellectual abilities of these dogs from the moment of their creation to this day continue to delight owners and breeders. Repeated psychological studies have brought this breed to an honorable fourth place out of 133 different dog colors. So there is no reason to doubt the intelligence and prudence of the animal. The ability to easily perceive new information and quickly accumulate life experience The Golden Retriever breed has been around since birth. As, indeed, are the foundations of intelligent behavior inherent in the nobility of his blood.

Sustainability emotional state dogs are practically not susceptible to causeless attacks. Therefore, this wonderful breed is not considered a fighting or guard breed. Children and old people for such dogs are objects of protection and help.

Conditions of care and maintenance

Answering the question: how long do golden retrievers live, it is worth noting the important factor of ambiguity in the term. With proper attention and care, a dog can live up to 18 years, so before choosing a puppy to buy, you should take responsibility for the prospects of time and financial resources spent on it. Since such a breed can only live for five years, is it worth shelling out a large sum for an indifferent attitude towards the animal?

In general, the ideal living conditions for a retriever are their own home with a fairly large space for jogging and other activities. Although these dogs have long been adapted to apartment living, it is worth remembering that long-term walks are what such a pet needs most of all.

Caring for a Golden Retriever includes a small number of systematic and regular actions that can be performed by people with disabilities or a child.

  1. Taking care of your Golden Retriever's coat includes periodic grooming as needed, but not more than a couple of times a month. Combing your curls would be ideal three times a week, and during the period, which most often occurs in autumn - spring, choose also a slicker brush for care. If the dog loses hair for a long time, it means the air in the room is too dry, which requires immediate changes, as it causes harm skin pet. As for haircuts, there is no urgent and obligatory need for this. But if you participate in exhibitions, you can establish a strict frequency of such events to maintain not only the desired appearance, but also to develop the habit of cutting your hair.
  2. The puppy chosen from the seller must be at least 1.5 months old, and the information accompanying the furry child standardly contains data on its possible genetic diseases, the timing of the already carried out treatment for helminths, the vaccination form and the approximate menu to which the baby is accustomed.
  3. It is necessary to professionally care for your dog with the help of a veterinarian annually, giving it a routine medical examination. You should also regularly wipe the animal’s eyes and trim its claws.
  4. Providing adequate exercise will also help in raising a Golden Retriever. Getting used to the clear is best done in the fresh air, during a walk.
  5. Preventive measures to eliminate ticks should be carried out all year round. Moreover, a simple inspection of the wool will not be enough.

If you want to have a pet, the question is: how much do golden retrievers cost and the cost of care products for the animal? Because saving on the costs of caring for and maintaining a dog is akin to a moral crime.

The main prerequisite for the emergence of the breed was the eternal passion of English aristocrats for hunting. In the 19th century, the main pastimes of British and Scottish Esquires were game baiting and duck shooting. The venerable peers disappeared for days in the forests and swamps, showing off to each other their trophies, guns and, of course, dogs. However, if the gentlemen had complete order with the hounds, then four-legged hunters, capable of finding a shot quail in the heather thickets or swimming after a duck that had fallen into the lake, were in great short supply. Commercial demand gave rise to supply, and soon shaggy dogs with an unusual golden coat color began to roam the valleys of Scotland.

The appearance of golden retrievers as an independent breed is usually associated with the name of Dudley Marjoribanks, a Scottish lord and part-time amateur breeder. It was he who showed the world a completely new type of hunting dog, which was not afraid of water and could skillfully retrieve a shot bird. For a long time It remained a mystery whose blood flowed into the lord’s wards until the secret records of his stud books were made public in the middle of the 20th century. As it turned out, the water tweed spaniel, Labrador, bloodhound and straight-haired retriever gave their genes to the goldens. At the same time, the first offspring was obtained as a result of mating a tweed water spaniel and a straight-haired retriever, which had a yellowish coat.

By the 20s of the last century, the breed was already quite popular not only in Europe, but also among breeders in the New World. In addition, the USA and Canada have formed their own standards of appearance for Golden Retrievers. For example, overseas preference was given to individuals with more intense and dark color wool The descendants of Scottish retrievers were brought to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, all from America. The first purebred dog entered the Russian Federation in 1991.

Video: Golden Retriever

Appearance of a Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are moderately pumped-up handsome men with soulful eyes and luxurious iridescent fur. Goldens owe their recognition not so much to their own charm as to the efforts of marketers. American cinema promoted the breed especially actively. It is enough to watch a couple of comedy melodramas produced in the USA to understand: if an American family ever decides to get a dog, then in 9 cases out of 10 it will be a Golden Retriever.

The sexual type of representatives of this breed is clearly expressed. The height of the average boy ranges from 56-60 cm, and his weight can reach 41 kg. Girls are much lighter (average weight - 25-37 kg) and smaller than males (height - 51-56 cm).

Despite the presence of a single breed standard approved by the FCI, experts divide golden retrievers into three types:

  • English;
  • American;
  • Canadian.

Representatives of the first group are natives of Foggy Albion, with extremely massive paws and a wide skull. They are distinguished by a lighter coat color, up to white. It is the English type that is most common in Europe and Russia. The complexion of the wards of American breeders is less impressive, but golden retrievers “made in the USA” can boast of graceful posture and a generally more elegant appearance. At the same time, the shade of their coat is slightly darker than that of their British counterparts. A distinctive feature of Canadian retrievers is their thin build and fairly tall stature. The coat color of the “Canadians” is even more rich and dark than that of the “Americans”.


The skull is massive, convex-angular. The transition from forehead to muzzle is distinct and smooth. The occipital protuberance is smoothed, the cheeks are flat. The animal's muzzle is long, smooth, gradually tapering from the base to the nose.


Black, moderately dense and dry. Upper lip noticeably hangs over the lower one, but does not extend beyond the boundaries of the jaw. The lips completely hide the dog's teeth and gums, forming small folds at the corners of the mouth.

Jaws and teeth

The retriever's jaws are strong and quite wide, with a pronounced scissor bite. The teeth are white and large. The incisors are located along the same line.


The lobe is massive, mobile, black. The nostrils are wide open.


Moderately long, hanging, hanging along the animal’s cheeks. The base of the ear is wide, the tip is narrow, smoothly rounded. Standing - slightly above the eye line.


Large, deep-set, round in shape. The Golden Retriever has an intelligent, friendly look. The color of the iris ranges from brown to dark brown. The eyelids are black, dry, and fit tightly to the eyeball. Important condition: In a dog looking straight, the whites of the eyes should not be visible.


Massive, high set and of moderate length. Neck muscles strong, developed, no folds or sagging.


Adults have a strong, tightly knit body with prominent muscles. The back of Golden Retrievers is straight, with a convex loin and pronounced withers. The croup is massive, slightly sloping, round in shape. The chest is of moderate width and quite deep. The tucked abdominal line ends in a short and well-shaped groin area.


Moderately long, with a wide, thickened base and a cone-shaped tip. Located below the back. A calm Golden's tail is lowered, while an excited Golden's tail is raised to the level of the back.


The front legs are muscular, dry, and stand straight. The shoulders are strong, with massive shoulder blades and elbows laid back, pressed to the body. The humeroscapular angle does not exceed 90°. The pasterns are strong, but short, set at a slight angle.

The hind legs are strong, with well-developed muscles, and are spaced at a decent distance from each other. The hock joints of Golden Retrievers are low and point backward. Front and hind legs medium size, round shape. The pads are massive, with short claws, the animal's fingers are folded into a ball.


The coat of the Golden Retriever is characterized by increased rigidity and has a water-repellent function. The hair is quite thick and lies tightly to the body, hiding the abundant undercoat. The structure of the coat can be straight or lightly waved, and its length varies depending on the part of the body. The longest coat is located in the chest, ears, body, back of all four legs, and also in the lower part of the tail. Areas of the body with short hair are the head, paws and the front side of the limbs.


All shades of gold are considered reference, up to the transition to cream color. Lighter colors are acceptable for feathering on the paws and tail feathering.

Possible defects

The list of breed defects includes any deviations from the characteristics prescribed by the standard. For example, it is undesirable for a Golden Retriever to have sparse and long hair, white stripes on the chest, and eyes that are too light and too close-set. The following defects may be grounds for not allowing an animal to compete:

  • square body;
  • long or too short legs;
  • malocclusion and distorted lower jaw;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • lips, eyelids and nose, painted in any shade except black;
  • a white “scarf” on the neck and marks on the forehead;
  • black color of the coat, as well as the presence of spots on it;
  • drooping tail.

Embittered or, conversely, cowardly individuals, animals with a small head, short ears and small teeth They won’t make a serious career either.

Photo of a golden retriever

Personality of the Golden Retriever

In terms of the number of enthusiastic reviews from owners, Golden Retrievers are almost ahead of all breeds. Indeed, only a convinced dog hater would be able to unearth the shortcomings in these good-natured intellectuals. As for ordinary animal lovers, their goldens literally charm with their softness and phenomenal memory on faces. If one of your friends treated your pet to a tasty treat or entertained him with a simple game, you can be sure that the retriever will not forget to add a fat “plus” to this friend’s karma.

Calm and balanced in Everyday life, representatives of this breed try to keep their mark even in the most delicate situations. They are completely non-confrontational and are ready to get along with any four-legged creature that does not show open aggression. Even in the most tense moments, goldens prefer to resolve matters peacefully. A golden retriever growling and clinging to an opponent with a death grip is something out of the realm of fantasy.

The breed is often recommended for keeping in families with children, since in relation to the younger generation the animals are as correct and patient as possible. Of course, entrusting a dog to babies is not the wisest decision, but it is quite possible to leave playful three-year-olds to it. Golden Retrievers are primarily people-oriented. It is with him that they want to go for walks, share their joys and sorrows. For this reason, goldens are often involved in active canistherapy. Shaggy "antidepressants" are happy to interact with patients who are in a state of prolonged depression, charging them with bright emotions and gradually returning to them the joy of existence.

Golden retrievers are typical sanguine people, who are not at all characterized by such character traits as suspicion and caution. Strangers arouse curiosity and burning interest in these simple-minded fellows, so if a golden lives in your house, accept the fact that he will not be a guardian of the territory and material assets.

Education and training

Nature has not deprived golden retrievers of intelligence and memory, so the dog grasps any lessons on the fly. The first thing to start training a Golden Retriever puppy is obedience: the animal must understand what is allowed and what is not. Do not give in to the immediate desire to remove all restrictions and pamper your baby, so to speak, as an exception. The pranks of a puppy will quickly cease to seem touchingly funny after a 40-kilogram dog begins to practice them.

In the first months of life, retriever babies try to taste the objects around them, so try to convey to your pet the meaning of the “Fu!” command as quickly as possible. Those who see a future hunter in a Golden Retriever will have to go outdoors more often. A dog can learn to find and bring back a shot bird only when it sees it in person. At first, the skill is practiced on rags and dummies: a homemade stuffed animal is thrown at the puppy to make him want to grab an unfamiliar thing and show it to his owner. Then they smoothly move on to fetching and participation in the hunt.

Six-month-old puppies can be taught swimming and obedience using a whistle, and it will be better if a professional does this. 12 months is the optimal age to start training a dog’s endurance, since when hunting she will often have to sit in ambush so as not to spook the game. The command “Lie down!” does not apply in such cases. It is enough that the pet sits next to you. Memory training exercises are considered very valuable, since a golden retriever is not always able to find game by smell alone.

Despite the fact that the main specialization of golden retrievers has always been hunting, it is completely unnecessary for today’s owners of these shaggy “servants” to take up a gun. Tiring runs through forests and swamps can be easily replaced with long walks through parks and meadows. It's great if you take your dog to a country house, away from the highway, where he can run around to his heart's content. Just don’t try to turn your pet into a mongrel and put him in a kennel: the retriever will not appreciate your impulse and will become despondent - so take the dog into the house and do not deprive him of his own company.

Keeping a Golden Retriever in an apartment is a kind of test of the owner’s responsibility and hard work, since the animal will have to compensate for the lack of free space, physical activity and impressions with regular promenades combined with physical activity. Due to their sociable nature, Golden Retrievers do not cope well with being alone. Animals express their uncertainty and fear on surrounding objects: they chew furniture and wires, and damage shoes. The worst punishment an owner can come up with for a golden dog is to lock it up within four walls and quietly go to work. For careerists, workaholics, travelers and other busy individuals, a golden retriever as a pet is not an acceptable option.

What not to do with a Golden Retriever:

  • allow children to sit on an older dog, since the pressure created by the child’s body can cause the animal’s back to bend;
  • pet the puppy on the head and put a collar over its head, which leads to incorrect ear set;
  • pull the baby by the paws or try to lift him, fixing his hand under the chest.


The main problem for the owner of a golden retriever is the fur of his pet. During the molting period, the golden leaves furry marks wherever possible, and daily scratching helps little. There are only two ways out of this situation: not to buy a golden retriever at all, or to come to terms with this peculiarity of the dog and purchase a powerful vacuum cleaner to clean up the scraps behind it from time to time.

Brush your shedding retriever twice a day using a brush and a mitt to collect hair. Dense undercoat is removed with a furminator or slicker. To remove dog smell from fur, you can moisten it with a solution prepared according to the following recipe:

  • mix a glass of water with a glass of vodka;
  • add 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence;
  • add 1 teaspoon of salt and shake.

During the periods between moults, the animal’s fur does not require such careful care, but you will still have to go through the dog’s “fur coat” with a comb a couple of times a week. Goldens are given a bath once a month and that is quite enough. After bathing, you can slightly shorten your pet's fur. The hair is cut from bottom to top, starting from the neck. It is not forbidden to use scissors to go through the fur on the dog’s paws and “pants.” The hair growing between the toes and at the base of the tail should also be trimmed regularly.

Most Golden Retrievers have unproblematic eyes and ears, so a standard weekly checkup is sufficient. If dirt has accumulated in the ear specula, you can remove it with a napkin and boiled water. Chilled tea leaves are suitable for treating the eyes. Cleaning your Golden's teeth is a labor-intensive process, but necessary. If cleaned oral cavity If it doesn’t work the classic way, you can entrust this matter to dry food or special treats, whose hard particles act as abrasives that “erase” plaque.


Golden Retrievers can be fed both natural foods and dry food. In the first case, about 50% of the diet should come from animal protein, that is, meat. Daily norm The product is calculated as follows: 10-20 grams of meat per kilogram of dog weight. The remaining half of the retriever’s daily “menu” consists of cereals and vegetables.

Select meat for dogs that is lean, with big amount veins and cartilage. Beef, lamb, rabbit and turkey are ideal. By-products are also not prohibited, but due to the digestive upset that they can provoke, they are introduced into the diet gradually and little by little.

Important: Golden Retrievers are fed after a walk, not before it.

It is better to cook thick porridges from rice and buckwheat, to which you can add stewed vegetables. Pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, turnips and beets are especially beneficial for golden retrievers. During the season, early greens are mixed into the porridge. It is not forbidden to include in the diet adult dog And dairy products- kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. Puppies, whose skeleton is still developing, require more calcium, so for up to 4 months, the diet of small goldens must include milk (whole and as part of porridge).

Approximate daily menu for a 4-month-old baby: 300 g of meat, 100 g of sliced ​​fruits and vegetables or vegetable stew (apple + carrot), 500 g of porridge with milk.

How many times to feed

Until 4 months, golden retriever puppies receive food 5 times a day. Starting from 5 months, babies are transferred to four meals a day. Six-month-old adolescents eat three times a day, and by 8 months the puppies completely switch to twice feeding.


Walk golden retrievers at least two hours a day. However, it is not at all necessary to maintain the same duration of walks. For example, the morning promenade can be reduced to 30 minutes, and the evening promenade, on the contrary, can be increased to one and a half hours. If the animal lives in an apartment, then until four months it should not be allowed to go up and down stairs on its own. Take the puppy for a walk in your arms and bring him into the apartment in the same way.

Babies are taken outside more often than adults to develop the skill of using the outdoor toilet. First, excursions are conducted through park areas, gradually moving to busy city streets. It is very important that the dog does not fall into a stupor at the sight of people and the sounds of public transport, so the more often it encounters everyday phenomena of the urban environment, the faster it will learn to perceive them adequately.

Golden Retrievers and Water

Golden retrievers love water treatments, so during a walk the puppy will certainly try to measure the depth of the first puddle it comes across. Accordingly, if you notice a pothole filled with water on the way, it is better to prevent the animal from rushing by taking it by the collar and strengthening the prohibition with the command “No!” If the moment is missed, and the pet is already swimming in a puddle with all his might, shout at him (the same command “Ugh!” will do) and throw a leash at him. You should not go into the water and try to pull the dog out. Wait for her to obey the command and praise her for her obedience. But you shouldn’t give up swimming in open waters. Swimming in a pond, river or lake for a dog is gymnastics and psychotherapy in one bottle, so when going for a weekend in nature, feel free to take your golden dog with you.

Health and Diseases of Golden Retrievers

For veterinary clinics Goldens are one of the most profitable pets, and their owners are among the most frequent visitors. The main diseases of the Golden Retriever, mentioned in almost every reference book, are retinal degeneration and hip dysplasia. However, in fact, the breed is also associated with about a dozen different ailments. For example, dogs are often diagnosed with cancer and heart diseases, hypothyroidism, atopic dermatitis, von Willebrand disease and other dangerous ailments.

In addition, Golden Retrievers are prone to obesity. Compared to more serious illnesses, excessive weight seems like a harmless trifle, although in reality everything is not so rosy. Animals that have walked overweight, live less, and individuals with overweight bodies suffer more from the constant companion of all older dogs - arthritis. An animal’s diseased teeth also pose a serious danger. An ordinary abscess on the gum or an inflamed tooth can “spread” the infection throughout all the organs of the retriever, ultimately sending him to doggy heaven.

How to choose a puppy

  • When going to the nursery, arm yourself with a printout of the breed standard, or better yet, take with you a specialist who will help you choose a puppy. If this is not possible, contact any of the kennel clubs, where they will recommend you a reliable breeder.
  • Puppies inherit from their parents not only appearance and hunting qualities, but also the type of temperament, so when talking with the seller, insist on getting to know the mother and father of the babies. If such a favor is refused to the buyer, there is a high probability that the pedigree of the dogs is so-so.
  • For those who see a future family friend in a golden retriever, it is better to purchase bitches that are more docile and affectionate. Golden males are distinguished by their bright charisma, but their character is more serious and firm. In addition, boys are much smarter when it comes to hunting.
  • The temperaments of American and European retrievers differ significantly - take this fact into account when buying a puppy. Goldens from the USA are more energetic and emotional. Native “Europeans” are noticeably more phlegmatic and do not suffer from hyperactivity.
  • From responsible breeders who value own name, puppies are well-groomed, vaccinated and treated with anthelmintics.

Photos of golden retriever puppies

How much does a golden retriever cost?

Pet-class puppies remain the most attractive option in terms of price: from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles. Almost invisible defects in appearance significantly reduce the cost of a golden retriever, which will especially appeal to those who do not dream of exhibitions and championship titles and are not averse to saving money. Prices for show class start from 35,000 rubles. and end around 50,000 rubles. An option designed for the most generous buyers is offspring obtained from interbreeding, with the right to further breeding. The cost of such a puppy is 70,000 - 80,000 rubles.

The Golden Retriever has gained almost worldwide recognition as a companion dog and an excellent nanny for children, although it was originally bred in England for duck hunting. They say it's golden dog with a golden character. Despite all the positive features, such a piece of jewelry is not suitable for everyone.

The Golden Retriever comes from England, a country where hunting was an all-consuming fashionable hobby, and the main condition for success was the presence of reliable four-legged assistants. The word "Retrive" (when applied to a dog) means to find and retrieve game. Until the end of the 19th century, retrievers were not a separate breed; the name indicated the function.

Many hunters crossed and selected dogs on their own, and then jealously guarded their “breed.” One of these amateur breeders was Lord Tweedmouth, and it was thanks to his efforts that the Golden Retriever appeared. He worked on the breed from the late 1960s to 1890. Lord died in 1894, and by that time his legacy had already spread throughout England. Many dogs became honorary sires in various kennels, including Culham and Noranby (it is to them that most pedigrees descend).

For a long time it was believed that the breed began with several circus dogs from the Caucasus. Russian yellow retrievers - under this name the breed was presented at the Kraft exhibition in 1913-1915. In 1952, Tweedmouth's descendant, the Earl of Ilchester, published an article that completely destroyed the circus legend. It turns out that my uncle had a stud book with detailed records, but apparently he did not want to share them. The pedigree of the first Goldens begins with a huge number of breeds: water spaniels, Irish setters, straight-coated retrievers and Labradors. Later, the blood of bloodhounds, and sometimes mongrel dogs or mestizos, was infused.

In 1913, Noranby owner Mrs. Charlesvos founded the first Golden Retriever Club and developed a breed standard. Since then, golden hunters can be considered an independent breed. The first retrievers were dark. Over the decades, colors have become more varied. In Europe, almost white goldens are found, while in the USA they focus on breeding dogs of dark colors.

Video review about the Golden Retriever dog breed:

Appearance and standards

Golden Retrievers are harmoniously built, strong and robust with balanced movements and a friendly look. Height at the withers is 50-60 cm, weight is 25-35 kg, males are noticeably larger and more powerful. Movements are free, straightforward, with a good push.


The head is proportional to the body, all lines are well defined. The muzzle is wide, its length is approximately equal to the distance from occipital protuberance to the stop. The jaws are strong, the bite is correct. The eyes are set wide, the eyelids are dark, the color of the iris is dark brown. The drooping ears are located at eye level and are of medium size. The stop is clearly visible. The nose is pigmented.


Goldens should be harmoniously built, graceful rather than massive. The format is somewhat extended. The height at the withers is approximately equal to the distance from the shoulder blades to the tail. The chest is deep. The back is straight, the loin is short. The long tail continues the line of the back. The limbs are massive and should fit well under the body. The paws are round, similar to a cat's.

Coat and colors

Retriever coat middle length, straight or wavy with decorative hair on the chest, ears, paws and tail. The undercoat is dense and waterproof. The color can be any shade from dark gold to light cream, almost white. It is acceptable to have a few white hairs on the chest.

Character and psychological portrait

Golden Retrievers are smart, kind, calm dogs that rarely bark and love to spend time with people more than anything else. They are absolutely not prone to dominance or aggression, and therefore become excellent nannies for children. Cheerful and energetic, they charge everyone around them with positivity.

Dogs with a good-natured appearance and devoted eyes are born actors. They became the heroes of the films “Napoleon”, “The Road Home”, “King of the Air”, etc. Retrievers do not choose one owner; they love all family members equally. Very loyal, but not jealous. They feel the mood perfectly and adapt to the rhythm of family life. They treat strangers in a friendly and trusting manner. Golden – great friend and companion, he may be an excellent hunter, but he will never become a guard. Even if the owner is in danger, the pet is unlikely to rush to protect him. Only his powerful appearance and bass bark can come to the rescue. Retrievers get along well with other animals, be it a cat, dog or rodent.

Education and training

It is necessary to raise a puppy from the first day it arrives in the house. Goldens are deservedly considered highly intelligent dogs; they have a wonderful memory; what was once allowed to be done will be difficult to prohibit in the future. Many problems are associated with walking.

In a city environment, it will take a lot of effort and patience to wean your pet from picking up garbage, the remnants of other people's feasts and giving priority to the owner's commands. The main thing when working with a retriever is the absence of violence and restraint. Already from the first months of life, the pet is accustomed to simple commands: “come to me”, “sit”, “place”, etc. Golden retrievers are very trainable; they pick up commands on the fly, but are not always in a hurry to carry them out if they have found a better one for themselves. exciting activity.

From 7-9 months it is worth going through OKD or its analogues with the puppy, for example, controlled city ​​dog, and then maintain the acquired skills or switch to new level. Freestyle, agility and other sports are successfully mastered with Goldens. There is no point in taking a protective guard service course.

Retrievers are very active, they need increased physical and mental stress. From the age of 2 months, the puppy is walked up to 6 times a day for 10-20 minutes. Over time, the number of walks is reduced and the load is increased. An adult retriever is walked at least twice a day. The first time is about 30 minutes, the second walk is a full walk, about 2 hours with games and training. Representatives of the breed are wonderful companions for a morning bike ride or jog.

If a dog does not receive sufficient physical activity, its character will not change for the better, and its behavior will often become destructive.

A Golden Retriever can do well in an apartment if it gets enough exercise on walks. In this case, combing should become a daily ritual. A more acceptable option for the owner and dog would be to live in a private house with unlimited walking around the property.


It is recommended to comb your golden every day; if this is not possible, then the more often the better. They use combs with frequent and rare teeth, special mittens, and during the molting period also a slicker or furminator. Bathing is often not recommended. Water treatments with shampoo, balms and conditioners are recommended no more than 5 times a year. Frequent washing may negatively affect the condition of the skin and coat. Summer swimming in ponds, washing paws and belly after walks do not count.

Nail trimming, hyena eyes and ears

With sufficient physical activity, the claws grind down on their own to the required length. Otherwise, they need to be cut so that they do not interfere with walking and cause injury. Check your ears regularly for dirt or signs of infection, especially during the warmer months. Clean as needed auricle using special lotions. Keep the tear ducts clean and dry.


At any age, nutrition should be balanced and portioned. The dog should not eat to excess, as this can cause obesity. Feeding your pet natural food or ready-made food is an individual question. Goldens are usually not picky when it comes to food, so the choice is up to the owner. From 3 months to six months, a puppy is fed 4 times a day in small portions. By 7 one month old transferred to 3 feedings a day, from one and a half years to twice a day.

Health, breed diseases and life expectancy

Golden Retrievers are hardy and energetic dogs with good health. However, there are a number of diseases to which they are most predisposed, some of which are hereditary:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy;
  • von Willebrand's disease (a hereditary hemorrhagic disorder that causes increased bleeding);
  • Joint dysplasia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Atopic dermatitis, other skin diseases.
  • Predisposition to otitis due to poor ventilation of the auricle;

Regular examination by a veterinarian will help to recognize the disease in advance and begin treatment at an early stage.

Average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The Golden Retriever is one of the friendliest and most temperamental breeds. This dog will not only true friend for their owners, but also an excellent companion in children's fun.

These pets are completely non-aggressive. Moderately brave, obedient, cheerful retrievers are ideal family dogs.


The breed was obtained in the 19th century in Great Britain as a hunting dog.

For a long time it was believed that the Golden Retriever was just a variety of the Flat-Coated Retriever, but today it is completely independent breed, which has its own standards.

There is a beautiful legend that golden retrievers were bought by a Scottish lord from a circus, where they showed excellent skills and a clear mind in the arena.

Golden retrievers are often taught special skills that allow them to serve as guide dogs, help rescuers, border guards, and special units.

The lord began breeding the breed and popularized it in every possible way, saying that the ancestors of these beautiful dogs there were Russian Shepherds. It’s difficult to say why this story was needed, but the fact remains that the golden retriever quickly began to gain popularity.

The popularity of keeping dogs of this breed to participate in hunting does not decrease, where the main task of the golden retriever is to bring prey.


Wide harmonious muzzle with brown eyes goes well with a flexible, slender body, slightly wavy or straight coat.

Regarding color, then it should not be too dark. Classically, it is golden or cream in color.

The height of the dog does not exceed sixty centimeters.


There is hardly anyone who can say anything bad about the character of a golden retriever.

    1. They lend themselves so well training, training, so that even small flaws in behavior are instantly corrected.
    2. Besides hunting work, as well as services for the benefit of humans, golden retrievers are able to help in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, autism in children, nervous and mental disorders in adults.

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    1. Yes, and an ordinary person will feel a dog of this breed has a friend to whom you can tell about your problems and experiences.
    2. The Golden Retriever is capable of catching all the notes of the owner’s mood, truly empathize with him or sincerely rejoice together.
    3. If the owner is busy with something, then the retriever will never just lie there and watch. He will definitely take part in what is happening. Therefore, it is useful to teach the dog real actions that will be beneficial, for example, bringing some objects.
    4. Golden Retrievers don't get attached. to one family member, they equally love everyone who treats them well. All these people can equally engage in training and education.
    5. Golden retriever on a walk won't cause much trouble. They never attack dogs or other animals. Friendly by nature, they get along well with all creatures.
    6. They will not stay away from children's games, where they will happily run, jump, and fetch balls and sticks.
    7. Dogs have a very lively and quick mind, which allows them to instantly react to what is happening and quickly make decisions.

Enough is known a large number of cases where a golden retriever saved people without thinking about his own safety.

Puppy price

The Golden Retriever is perhaps one of the most popular breeds in poultry markets.

Prices there range from 4000-6500 rub..

The cost of puppies from “underground” breeders is: 6000-12000 rub..

But usually this is a problematic purchase: the animal does not have a veterinary passport and/or pedigree, the owner cannot imagine the puppy’s parents, or it is generally a “well-produced” crossbreed.

Small “golden” retriever puppies, more like bear cubs, are difficult to confuse with another breed. Nevertheless, there are enough reasons not to buy a pet without documents.

Firstly, even a thorough examination of the puppy and its parents does not guarantee a successful purchase, let alone “bird houses”.

Secondly, advertisements are teeming with offers for free “mixed-breed retrievers” - descendants of goldens and mongrels. And in the market there is a high probability of stumbling upon such puppies.

Third, a true golden retriever is a dog that can replace a human. It would be stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity to raise an excellent assistant and friend from a purebred puppy.

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Choosing a Golden Retriever Puppy– it’s not a matter of five minutes. Take the time to visit exhibitions, nurseries, and trusted breeders. Chat with them about the character and abilities of the parents of the future pet. Be sure to watch the whole family a little longer.

To be confident in your animal, purchase it from a nursery, especially since the prices for purebred non-show and market puppies are not much different.

Kennels offer goldens at the following prices:

« pet class» - puppies for home, not up to show standards - 20000-26000 rub..;
« breed class» – retriever puppy, for breeding breed – 26000-36000 rub..;
« show class" - a descendant of titled champions with the makings of a winner - 36000-65000 rub..

Price range within classes– this is a dependence on the external (compliance with the standard) and internal (mental and physical health) characteristics of the puppy, the status of the parents and sometimes the cost of maintenance.


As for choosing a place of residence for a golden retriever, both an apartment and a private house are suitable for him.

    1. Space for this dog not as important as attention and care.
    2. Retriever who will walk in a huge yard alone - an unfortunate dog, his mental health will be undermined. Therefore, the dog is categorically unsuitable for those people who cannot devote enough time to it.
    3. Taking care of a dog of this breed It won’t cause much trouble if you accustom her to a number of hygiene procedures from infancy.
    4. It is important to monitor the condition of your eyes retriever. Small periodic purulent discharge caused by sand getting into the eyes is a normal option. However, if this discharge is repeated day after day, then you need to contact your veterinarian. This symptom is characteristic of some not very pleasant diseases.
    5. It's worth looking into your ears only periodically - once a week is enough. You can clean them with a cotton swab.

Find out what it is by clicking on the picture.
Gently but confidently we wean the dog from mischief - we move on.

  1. Teeth are cleaned with a special toothbrush or a cotton swab. If the dog has been accustomed to this procedure since infancy, then the pet will not show much resistance.
  2. You shouldn't wash your retriever too often. Their fur is quite sensitive to the effects detergents, and in order to not wash off the protective substances from it, it is necessary to use only certain types of shampoo.
  3. The washing procedure itself should not be carried out more than three times a year.
  4. But you'll have to comb it out every day. If you are not lazy and perform this item of caring for your golden retriever efficiently, then its coat will always be silky and well-groomed in appearance.
  5. Exhibition specimens are subjected to trimming. It is best to trust this work to professionals, then the presence of a haircut will not be noticeable.


Like any dog, the Golden Retriever needs to eat food that includes all the necessary components.

The easiest way to feed your dog is dry food.

Premium food is suitable In addition, you must ensure that your pet always has clean water.

If the dog has just come from the kennel, there is no need to suddenly start feeding it unfamiliar food.

Can also be fed with natural food. But in this case, the diet must contain vitamin supplements, cottage cheese.

Even with a firm intention to change the animal’s diet, for some time you will have to feed what the dog is accustomed to.

And then gradually introduce new foods, carefully monitoring your mood and health.


Even though the golden retriever– the dog is unusually kind, smart, affectionate, it is still necessary to train and train it.

No matter how good the dog is by nature, he should know the words “No”, “Fu”, “Come to me”. At least to avoid scaring someone else’s child, or to prevent your pet from picking up trash on the street.

For creative people Golden Retriever is a real find. With it you can organize theatrical performances, perform magic tricks and much more.


Watch this cute video about a golden retriever puppy: