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Proper nutrition for schoolchildren: basic diet and principles of menu planning. School meals

Any dining room, no matter where it is located and on what principle it operates, belongs to the places Catering. For this reason, it is subject to legislation that also applies to restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and coffee shops. There is no separate SanPiN for canteens for 2018. The main document regulating the work of dispensing bistros is SanPiN dated November 8, 2001. These rules cover the work of all food enterprises in all its many aspects. The last time changes were made to the document was in 2016, so any later version can be considered current.

The differences between food establishments are described in detail in the State Standard Classification of Public Catering Enterprises. According to this document, the canteen can be publicly accessible or open only to a certain contingent, for example, to employees of one company, students of one school or guests of one hotel. The dining room may also differ from cafes, restaurants and other places in the following ways:

  • Meals throughout the week are prepared according to a specific menu, which necessarily changes from day to day.
  • Payment is made by the client at the checkout before he sits down at the table and starts eating.
  • You can get a plate with the required dish by moving along the food display and telling the canteen employee your choice in each department.
  • Buffet catering is possible
  • Meals are served on a first-come, first-served basis
  • From the cash register to the table, the visitor himself carries the food on an individual tray
  • Cutlery and napkins must be taken from the cash register or at the very beginning of the delivery line
  • In some cases, for example, in holiday homes, sanatoriums and hotels, waiters can bring dishes and clear dishes
If the establishment meets most of these criteria, then high probability it can be argued that this is a dining room. If from the point of view of organizing the catering process it differs from cafes, bars, restaurants and other similar places, then in terms of the legislative framework of work the differences are minimal. SanPiN for canteens regulates the following areas in the activities of enterprises of this profile:
  • Where can you build or open a canteen?
  • How and where to install water supply, sewerage, electricity
  • What rooms are needed in the dining room, what are they intended for?
  • How to equip them
  • Necessary equipment and utensils
  • Rules for working with raw materials and products
  • Vacation rules ready meals and drinks
  • Rules for transportation and acceptance of products
  • Requirements for personal hygiene of personnel
  • Production control rules
  • Planning and carrying out treatments against rodents, insects and bacteria

SanPiN for school canteens for 2018

A separate SanPiN has been developed specifically for schools. He doesn't contradict common document for catering establishments, but has significant additions due to the narrowness of its profile. SanPiN for school canteens for 2018 has not changed compared to previous editions, so versions from earlier years are also relevant. One of the main requirements for schoolchildren’s nutrition is its benefits for growing organisms. An approximate menu should be developed approximately 10-14 days in advance. This applies not only full breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks and dinners, but also food that children can buy at at will during recess. If the school is a boarding school where students are present 24 hours a day, then the diet should fully cover the need for nutrients for every age. The exact amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, names of products, options for their combinations and replacements are contained in the annexes to SanPiN for 2018 for school canteens. There is no need to specifically look for them. Tables are located at the end of the main text part.

Any public catering establishment is sometimes subject to inspection by Rospotrebnadzor. If the premises, employees or any work processes do not comply with the legal requirements recorded in SanPiN, the organization may receive a fine, an order to correct the inconsistencies, or in the most critical cases, such as mass poisoning, be closed. In order to avoid any unfavorable outcome, it is enough to conduct your activities on an ongoing basis in full compliance with literally every point of the sanitary and epidemiological regulations. However, it is not at all necessary to put everything on your shoulders. Prepare Required documents Professional lawyers can help. Sanitation treatments can be entrusted to SES experts, who will not only carry out everything necessary procedures, but will also issue certificates that are needed during inspection by the inspection of state supervisory authorities. Knowledge of SanPiN rules for public catering and the ability to apply them in practice can save you from many problems and make your work easy, enjoyable and beneficial to other people, regardless of where exactly your establishment is located and in what mode it operates.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 N 45
"On approval of SanPiN"

2. To recognize as invalid:

- clauses 2.3.25. , 2.3.26. , 2.12. sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in educational institutions", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2002 N 44 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 5 .2002, registration N 3997);

- clauses 2.2.5. , 2.7. , Appendix 4, and sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the educational and production process in primary educational institutions vocational education", approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2003, No. 2 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 11, 2003, registration No. 4204) (as amended).

G. Onishchenko

Registration N 12085

Unified sanitary and epidemiological requirements are established for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, primary and secondary vocational education institutions.

These requirements must be observed by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing hot meals to educational institutions. Such organizations can be school canteens, pre-preparation catering organizations where semi-finished meals are prepared, buffets, etc. They must have all the necessary equipment for preparing and selling food.

The arrangement of premises for organizing meals for students can be carried out both in the main building of the educational institution and in premises attached to it. In the latter case, it is necessary to have a heated passage to such a room. When constructing food premises, specially equipped warehouses for storing food, as well as other utility rooms, must be provided. Organization of waste disposal should also be ensured. In the premises for feeding students there must be a drinking, hot and cold water supply, a sufficient number of seats, sanitary equipment, utensils, etc. To provide for students healthy eating it is necessary to develop a diet.

When a child starts going to school, the requirements for his nutrition change, because schoolchildren have quite a lot of psychological and mental stress. In addition, many children attend sport sections. At the same time, the body continues to actively grow, so the nutritional issues of a school-age child should always be given enough attention. Let's find out what products children over 7 years old need, how much a schoolchild should consume them daily, and how best to build a menu for a child of this age.

It is necessary to provide proper nutrition to the schoolchild and accustom him to healthy food

Principles of healthy eating

A child over 7 years old needs a balanced healthy diet no less than younger children.

The main nuances of nutrition for children of this age are:

  • During the day, enough calories should be supplied from food to cover the child’s energy expenditure.
  • A schoolchild's diet should be balanced in terms of essential and non-essential nutrients. To do this, it is recommended to diversify it as much as possible.
  • It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child’s body.
  • At least 60% of the protein in a schoolchild’s diet should come from animal products.
  • The amount of carbohydrates a schoolchild receives from food should be 4 times greater than the amount of protein or fat.
  • Fast carbohydrates, presented in the child's menu with sweets, should account for up to 10-20% of all carbohydrates.
  • It is important to have a meal plan so that the child eats regularly.
  • A schoolchild's diet should include bread, potatoes, and cereals. Flour products For a child, it is worth cooking with wholemeal flour.
  • The child should eat fish once or twice a week. Also, at least once in a schoolchild’s weekly menu there should be red meat.
  • It is recommended that a child of this age eat legumes 1-2 times a week.
  • Your child's diet should include five servings of vegetables and fruits every day. One serving is considered to be an orange, apple, banana or other medium fruit, 10-15 berries or grapes, two small fruits (apricot, plum), 50 g of vegetable salad, a glass of juice (only natural juice), a tablespoon of dried fruit, 3 tbsp. l. boiled vegetables.
  • Your child should consume dairy products every day. Three servings are recommended, one of which could be 30 g of cheese, a glass of milk, one yogurt.
  • Sweets and fatty foods are acceptable in a schoolchild’s diet if they do not replace healthy and healthy food, because cookies, cakes, waffles, French fries and other similar foods are very low in vitamins and minerals.
  • It is worth minimizing the intake of synthetic food additives and spices from food.

Include freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits in your child’s diet.

Needs of a schoolchild

6-9 years

10-13 years

14-17 years old

Energy requirement (in kcal per 1 kg of weight)

80 (on average 2300 kcal per day)

75 (on average 2500-2700 kcal per day)

65 (on average 2600-3000 kcal per day)

Protein requirement (g per day)

Fat requirement (g per day)

Carbohydrate requirements (g per day)

Milk and dairy products

Sugar and sweets

Bakery products

Of which rye bread

Cereals, pasta and legumes


Fruits raw

Dried fruits


Vegetable oil


The food intake of a child attending school is affected by changes in education. If a child studies in the first shift, then he:

  • He has breakfast at home at about 7-8 o'clock.
  • He has a snack at school at 10-11 o'clock.
  • He has lunch at home or at school at 1-2 p.m.
  • He has dinner at home at about 19:00.

A child whose education takes place in the second shift:

  • He has breakfast at home at 8-9 o'clock.
  • He has lunch at home before heading to school at 12-1pm.
  • He has a snack at school at 16-17 hours.
  • He has dinner at home at about 20 o'clock.

Breakfast and lunch should be the most energetically valuable and provide a total of about 60% of the daily calorie content. Your child should have dinner a maximum of two hours before he goes to bed.

A good appetite most often occurs with an established diet and significant physical activity during the day.

What are the best ways to cook food?

Schoolchildren can prepare food in any way, but it is still not recommended to get carried away with frying, especially if the child has low activity or has a tendency to gain subcutaneous fat. The most optimal types of cooking for children are stewing, baking and boiling.

What foods should you limit in your diet?

Try to limit the following foods on your child’s menu:

  • Sugar and White bread– When consumed in excess, they cause weight gain.
  • Products containing nutritional supplements(dyes, preservatives and others).
  • Margarine.
  • Not seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Sweet soda.
  • Products with caffeine.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchups and other industrial sauces.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Fast food.
  • Raw smoked sausages.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Dishes that are deep-fried.
  • Juices in packages.
  • Chewing gum and lollipops.

Carbonated drinks and foods with harmful additives should be excluded from the diet as much as possible.

What liquids should I give?

The most optimal drinks for a school-age child are water and milk. The disadvantages of juices are great content sugar and increased acidity, so they should either be given during meals or diluted with water.

The total amount of fluid a schoolchild should drink per day is affected by his activity, diet and weather. If the weather is hot and your baby is more active, give your baby more water or milk.

Carbonated drinks and caffeinated products are not recommended for children of primary school age. It is permissible to give such drinks to older schoolchildren, but not during meals, since caffeine impairs iron absorption.

How to create a menu?

  • For breakfast, it is recommended to give 300 g of the main dish, for example, porridge, casseroles, cheesecakes, pasta, muesli. Offer it with 200 ml of a drink - tea, cocoa, chicory.
  • For lunch, it is recommended to eat a vegetable salad or other snack in an amount of up to 100 g, a first course in a volume of up to 300 ml, a second course in an amount of up to 300 g (it includes meat or fish, as well as a side dish) and a drink up to 200 ml.
  • An afternoon snack may include baked or fresh fruit, tea, kefir, milk or another drink with cookies or homemade cakes. The recommended volume of the drink for an afternoon snack is 200 ml, the amount of fruit is 100 g, and the amount of baked goods is up to 100 g.
  • The last meal includes 300 g of the main dish and 200 ml of drink. Worth cooking for dinner child's lung a protein dish, for example, from cottage cheese. Dishes made from potatoes and other vegetables, porridge, egg or fish dishes are also good for dinner.
  • You can add bread to each meal in a daily amount of up to 150 g of wheat bread and up to 75 g of rye bread.

First of all, you need to take into account what shift the child is studying, since this affects his meals. In addition, it is recommended to prepare a diet not for one day, but for the whole week, so that dishes are not repeated and that’s all. necessary products were on the weekly menu.

Discuss and create a menu for the whole week together if you are sure that the child will not be capricious. The child’s involvement in the cooking process is also encouraged.

Example of the correct menu for the week

Day of the week



Afternoon snack



Cheesecakes with apples and sour cream (300 g)

Tea (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Cabbage and carrot salad (100 g)

Borsch (300 ml)

Rabbit cutlet (100 g)

Mashed potatoes (200 g)

Compote from dried pears and prunes (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Orange (100 g)

Cookies (50 g)

Omelette with green peas (200 g)

Rosehip infusion (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Rice milk porridge with raisins (300 g)

Cocoa (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Beet salad (100 g)

Broth with egg (300 ml)

Beef patties (100 g)

Stewed cabbage with zucchini (200 g)

Apple juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bun with cottage cheese (100 g)

Fresh apple (100 g)

Potato zrazy with meat (300 g)

Tea with honey (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Omelette with cheese (200 g)

Fish cutlet (100 g)

Tea (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Eggplant caviar (100 g)

Potato soup with dumplings (300 ml)

Stewed liver (100 g)

Corn porridge (200 g)

Fruit jelly (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Baked apple (100 g)

Oatmeal cookies (50 g)

Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins (300 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Buckwheat milk porridge (300 g)

Chicory (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Radish and egg salad (100 g)

Homemade rassolnik (300 ml)

Chicken cutlet (100 g)

Boiled cauliflower (200 g)

Pomegranate juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Pie with apples (100 g)

Vermicelli and cottage cheese casserole (300 g)

Tea with jam (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Curd pancakes with honey (300 g)

Tea with milk (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Apple and carrot salad with sour cream (100 g)

Noodle broth (300 ml)

Beef Stroganoff with stewed vegetables (300 g)

Compote of grapes and apples (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Fruit jelly (100 g)

Yogurt (200 ml)

Biscuit (100 g)

Rice pudding with raisins and dried apricots (300 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Oatmeal with berries (300 g)

Cocoa (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Squash caviar (100 g)

Beetroot soup (300 ml)

Baked fish (100 g)

Boiled potatoes with green peas (200 g)

Peach juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Milk jelly (100 g)

Omelette with tomatoes (200 g)

Chicory with milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)


Millet porridge with pumpkin and carrots (300 g)

Tea with honey (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Cucumber and tomato salad (100 g)

Vegetable puree soup (300 ml)

Squid balls (100 g)

Boiled pasta (200 g)

Tomato juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Pear (100 g)

Curd cookies (50 g)

Potato cutlets with sour cream (300 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Several useful recipes

Fish zrazy with cottage cheese

Beat pieces of fish fillet (250 g) a little and add salt. Mix cottage cheese (25 g) with herbs and salt. Place a little cottage cheese on each piece of fish fillet, roll it up and roll it in flour and then in beaten egg. Fry a little in a frying pan, and then put the zrazy in the oven to finish cooking.


Peel, chop and then saute one carrot and one onion until they are yellow. Add tomato paste(2 tsp), cook for another 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat. Peel three potatoes, cut into slices and boil until half cooked. Add sauteed vegetables to the potatoes, cut into small cubes pickle and a pinch of salt. Cook the soup over low heat until tender, and before serving, add a teaspoon of sour cream to each plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Jellied meat balls

Take half a kilo of meat with bones and cook by adding a quarter of celery root and a quarter of parsley root to the water. Pour the broth into a separate container, and grind the meat in a meat grinder along with the onion fried in oil. Add sour cream (2 tbsp.), mashed, to the resulting minced meat. butter(3 tbsp), pepper and salt. Make small balls. Add pre-prepared gelatin (10 g) to the broth. Pour the broth over the balls and leave to harden. You can add chopped boiled carrots and boiled chicken eggs to the balls.

Feed your schoolchild with common table and show by example how to eat

Possible problems

In the nutrition of a school-age child there are possible different problems, which parents must be able to cope with in a timely manner.

What to do if a child does not eat the foods he needs?

A child over seven years old has already developed tastes, so he may refuse certain foods, and you should not insist that he eat them, despite disgust and rejection. So eating behavior may get even worse. Parents should try cooking foods they don't like. different ways, perhaps the child will like one of them.

Otherwise, there is no need to insist on eating any food if the child’s diet can be called varied - if his diet includes at least 1 type of dairy products, 1 type of vegetables, 1 type of meat or fish, 1 type of fruit and any dish from cereals. These food groups must be on the children's menu.

Quick snacks in the school canteen

For junior schoolchildren V educational institutions Breakfast is usually provided, and sometimes a hot lunch is provided. If a student buys baked goods in the cafeteria, parents should make sure that breakfast before school and lunch immediately after returning home are nutritious and made from healthy products. Also provide your child with a healthy alternative to school buns, such as fruit, yoghurt or homemade cakes.

Lack of appetite due to stress

Many schoolchildren experience serious psychological stress during their studies, which affects their appetite. Parents should carefully monitor their child and respond in time to a situation where stress has caused a decrease in appetite.

It is important to consider the child’s rest after returning home and on weekends, giving him the opportunity to switch his attention and do what he loves. Hobbies help relieve stress, especially those related to physical activity, for example, hiking, rollerblading, cycling, and various sports clubs.

Lack of appetite is often caused by stress. Support your child and have heart-to-heart conversations with him more often

How do you understand that lack of appetite is a symptom of illness?

The following factors will indicate that decreased appetite may be a sign of illness:

  • The child is losing weight, he is inactive and lethargic.
  • He started having problems with bowel movements.
  • The child is pale, his skin is very dry, the condition of his hair and nails has worsened.
  • The child complains about periodic appearance abdominal pain.
  • Rashes appeared on the skin.

Binge eating

Excessive food consumption leads to obesity in children, the cause of which is most often heredity and lifestyle. For an obese child, the doctor will recommend changing the diet, but parents may encounter difficulties. For example, in order not to tempt a child with sweets, the whole family will have to give them up. In addition, the child will believe that the prohibitions are unfair, and may enjoy forbidden foods in secret.

It's best if fat baby talks to the nutritionist alone, then he will more easily accept the doctor’s advice and feel more responsible. According to experts, overeating is often a sign of psychological distress, such as loneliness. Therefore, it makes sense to go with the child to a psychologist.

Poor nutrition and stress is the most common reasons increased baby weight

  • Eating together with parents will help to introduce the student to the principles of healthy eating, provided that the whole family eats properly. Teach your child more about the healthfulness of foods and the importance of nutrition in maintaining health.
  • If your child takes food with him to school, offer sandwiches with cheese, baked meat, pie, bun with cottage cheese, bagel, casserole, fruit, cheesecakes, yoghurt. Consider how the food will be packaged and how your child will be able to eat it. To do this, you should buy special containers, and also wrap the sandwiches in film.
  • Do not give children completely fat-free foods, but choose low-fat dairy products.

Rospotrebnadzor has developed a new SanPiN, which sets out the rules regarding catering in educational institutions. This SanPiN is notable, first of all, for the fact that it covers not only schools and vocational schools (as was the case in the old rules approved in 2008), but also kindergartens, where food is this moment is regulated by the rules for the design, maintenance and maintenance of preschool educational institutions, the portal fulledu.ru reports.

Rospotrebnadzor developed new SanPiN, which sets out the rules regarding catering in educational institutions. This SanPiN is notable, first of all, for the fact that it covers not only schools and vocational schools (as was the case in the old rules approved in 2008), but also kindergartens, the food in which is currently regulated by the rules for the design, maintenance and servicing preschool educational institutions.

It should be noted that work on creating uniform requirements for organizing children’s meals began back in 2014. Now the document, in the creation of which leading Russian institutes (including research institutes) took part baby food and Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), is undergoing a discussion stage and could be put into effect as early as the next academic year.

So, how do the new requirements differ from the old SanPiN


The clarification regarding the number of students in small-scale educational organizations has disappeared from paragraph 2.7. In addition, the new requirements clearly state that a separate room for storing food, serving/meals and washing dishes can not only be allocated, but must be present.

Clause 2.12, which regulates the location of containers for collecting solid household and food waste, has also changed. If in SanPiNe The requirements are clearly stated not only for the containers themselves, but also for the size of the hard-surfaced areas for them (they must exceed the base of the containers by 1 m in all directions), but in the new requirements this clarification has been removed. The new document also reduces the distance from the site with containers to the windows/doors of the dining room and other buildings/structures (from 25 meters to 20).


Clause 3.1 of SanPiN provides for the compliance of food outlets in educational organizations with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements that apply to public catering organizations. The new rules require food stations in educational institutions is limited to their compliance with the design/construction standards of residential/public buildings. True, with the caveat that they must provide optimal parameters of the air environment and microclimate.

Clause 3.3 in the new requirements has been supplemented with clarifying requirements for faucets on sinks and washing tubs (their design must prevent re-contamination of hands after washing). It is clearly stated that the temperature hot water at the point of analysis must be at least 65 degrees.

The new SanPiN has added clause (3.4) regarding the installation of the sewerage system, which in particular prohibits the laying of sewer risers in dining halls and production/warehouse premises, as well as the discharge of untreated wastewater into the adjacent territory and into open water bodies. In addition, it is planned to equip toilets and sinks for personnel with devices that protect hands from re-contamination (pedal, elbow drives, etc.).


From paragraph 4.2 SanPiNa the 2008 edition removed the clarification regarding the sale of drinks through automatic food dispensers.

Clause 4.3 is supplemented by a requirement for tables for working with dough - they must have a special beech surface.

Clause 4.13 is supplemented with a requirement for the residence time of ready-made dishes in insulated containers - no more than 2 hours.


Point 5.9 in new edition supplemented by a ban on the operation of the catering unit if the dishwasher is out of order, and in educational organization There are no conditions for hand washing dishes and no disposable tableware.

Paragraph 5.18 clarifies that disinfectants used during general cleaning must have a virucidal effect.

In new requirements for organizing children's nutrition Clause 5.24, which prohibits deratization and disinfestation work by the personnel of an educational organization, has been excluded.


Clause 6.8 of the new SanPiN provides for coordination of a sample menu not only with the head of the educational organization, but also with the authorized federal executive body, as well as with federal state supervision in the field of consumer protection.

Clause 6.20 has been added, clarifying that dishes must be prepared in accordance with an approved set of technological cards, each of which must have a number, a link to a regulatory collection, a recipe number from the collection, a cooking technology and quality indicators of the dish.

Clause 6.25 of SanPiN (in the new edition this is clause 6.23) is supplemented by a ban on the use finished products the next day.

Clause 6.33 (in the new version - 6.27) has been supplemented with permission to sell fermented milk products, rennet hard cheeses, nuts, dried fruits, flour confectionery products (waffles, cookies, gingerbreads, mini-cakes), sugar confectionery products (marshmallows, bars, candies) through automatic dispensing machines ), chocolate.


Clause 7.3 has been supplemented with a requirement for the clothing of children on duty serving tables - they must be dressed in aprons, hats and comfortable non-slip shoes.


Clause 8.8 has been supplemented with a clarification that when child nutrition organizations It is preferable to use chilled meat. If this is not possible, then defrosting and primary processing can be carried out in two ways:

  • slow defrosting in a defroster at a temperature of 0 - +6 degrees;
  • in the meat shop on production tables.

Do not defrost food in water or near the stove and refreeze it.

Clause 8.11 has been added to limit the storage of defrosted products for 2 hours.


Clause 13.15 of SanPiN has been expanded with requirements for appearance catering workers: when preparing dishes, they must not only cut their nails short and not cover them with varnish, but also refuse to use false or extended nails. Personnel are also prohibited from storing medications for personal use in the workplace.


Clause 14.2 provides for the organization of course hygienic training/retraining of personnel according to the hygienic training program at least once a year (as amended in 2008 - at least once every 2 years).

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 7, 2008 Registration No. 12085

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 1; 2003, N 2, art. 167; N 27 (part 1), art. 2700; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2005, N 19, art. 1752; 2006, N 1, art. 10; 2006, N 52 (part 1), Article 5498; 2007, N 1 (Part 1), Article 21; 2007, N 1 (1 part), Article 29; 2007, N 27, Article 3213. 2007, No. 46, Article 5554; 2007, No. 49, Article 6070; 2008, No. 24, Article 2801; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2008, No. 153) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295; 2004, N 8, Art. 663; 2004, N47, Art. 4666; 2005 , N 39, Art. 3953) I decree:

1. Approve SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education” (Appendix).

2. To recognize as invalid:

Clauses 2.3.25., 2.3.26., 2.12. sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in educational institutions", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2002 N 44 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 5 .2002, registration N 3997);

Clauses 2.2.5., 2.7., appendices 4, 5, 6 and 7 of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the educational and production process in educational institutions of primary vocational education", approved by the resolution Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2003, No. 2 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 11, 2003, registration No. 4204) (as amended).

G. Onishchenko


Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

I. General provisions and scope

1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (part 1), article 1; 2003, N 2, article 167; N 27 (part 1), article 2700; 2004, N 35, article 3607; 2005, N 19 , Art. 1752; 2006, N 1, Art. 10; 2006, N 52 (Part 1), Art. 5498; 2007, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 21; 2007, N 1 (1 Part. ), Article 29; 2007, No. 27, Article 3213, 2007, No. 46, Article 5554; 2007, No. 49, Article 6070; 2008, No. 24, Article 2801; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2008, No. 153 ), aimed at ensuring the health of students and preventing the occurrence and spread of infectious (and non-infectious) diseases and food poisoning related to the organization of catering in educational institutions, including schools, boarding schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, cadet corps and other types, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as educational institutions).

1.2. These sanitary rules establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in educational institutions, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

1.3. These sanitary rules are mandatory for all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of hot meals to students.

1.4. Sanitary rules apply to existing, under construction and reconstructed public catering organizations of educational institutions.

1.5. In catering organizations of educational institutions, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can prepare dishes, store and sell them. Their use for other purposes is not permitted.

1.6. Monitoring the implementation of these sanitary rules carried out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, by the authorized federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, protecting the rights of consumers and the consumer market and its territorial bodies.

II. Catering organizations of educational institutions and sanitary and epidemiological requirements for their placement,

space-planning and design solutions

2.1. Food for students in educational institutions is provided by public catering organizations that produce culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products and their sale.

2.2. Catering organizations of educational institutions to serve students can be:

Basic school nutrition organizations (school nutrition factories, school canteens, etc.), which purchase food raw materials, produce culinary products, and supply them to canteens of educational institutions;

Pre-preparatory catering organizations that prepare dishes and culinary products from semi-finished products and sell them;

Canteens of educational institutions operating on food raw materials or semi-finished products, which produce and (or) sell dishes in accordance with the menu varied by day of the week;

Dispensing buffets that sell ready-made meals, culinary, flour confectionery and bakery products.

2.3. In basic school catering organizations and canteens of educational institutions that work on food raw materials and (or) semi-finished products, space-planning solutions, a set of premises and equipment must be provided to allow the preparation of safe and nutritional value-preserving culinary products and their sale.

2.4. Dispensing buffets must have space-planning solutions, a set of premises and equipment that allow for the sale of dishes, culinary products, as well as the preparation of hot drinks and individual dishes (boiling sausages, eggs, dressing salads, slicing ready-made products).

2.5. Space-planning and design solutions for premises for public catering organizations of educational institutions must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, excluding counter flows of raw materials, raw semi-finished products and finished products, used and clean dishes, as well as counter movement of visitors and staff.

2.6. Public catering for students of educational institutions can be carried out in premises located in the main building of the educational institution, attached to the building or in a separate building connected to the main building of the educational institution, with a heated passage.

2.7. When constructing and reconstructing public catering organizations of educational institutions, it is recommended to take into account the calculated production capacity canteen in terms of the number of dishes produced and the number of seats in the dining room to ensure the provision of meals for all students in the educational institution.

In small educational institutions (up to 50 students), it is allowed to allocate one separate room intended for storing food, serving and eating food, and washing tableware.

2.8. To ensure that all students are seated in the dining hall for no more than 3 breaks, and for boarding institutions - no more than 2 breaks, separately by class, it is recommended to take the area of ​​the dining hall at a rate of at least 0.7 square meters. m. per seat.

2.9. During the construction and reconstruction of public catering organizations of educational institutions, along with the requirements of the current sanitary and epidemiological rules for public catering organizations, it is recommended to provide for:

Placement on the ground floor of warehouses for food products, production and administrative premises;

Two premises of a vegetable workshop (for primary and secondary processing of vegetables) as part of production premises;

A loading platform with a height corresponding to the vehicles used, in front of the entrances used for loading (shipping) food raw materials, food products and containers;

Canopies over entrances and loading platforms;

Air-thermal curtains over door openings;

The number of seats in the dining hall is based on the seating of all students of the educational institution in no more than two breaks.

2.10. Utility and utility rooms can be located in the basement and ground floors, provided they are provided with waterproofing and comply with the hygienic requirements for the maintenance of premises imposed on public catering organizations.

2.11. In existing buildings, food storage facilities located in the basement and ground floors can operate subject to the requirements for food storage conditions, as well as ensuring waterproofing of these premises and compliance with hygienic requirements for their maintenance, in accordance with sanitary rules for public organizations nutrition.

2.12. To collect solid household and food waste in the economic zone, separate containers with lids should be provided, installed on hard-surfaced areas, the dimensions of which exceed the base area of ​​the containers by 1 m in all directions. The distance from the site to the windows and entrances to the dining room, as well as other buildings, structures, and sports fields must be at least 25 meters.

2.13. Centralized waste removal and processing of containers must be ensured when they are filled to no more than 2/3 of their volume. Burning waste is not allowed.

III. Requirements for sanitary and technical support of catering organizations of educational institutions

3.1. Drinking cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage, ventilation and heating systems are equipped in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations.

3.2. Cold and hot water used in technological processes of food processing and cooking, washing tableware and kitchen utensils, equipment, utensils, sanitizing premises, observing personal hygiene rules, must meet the requirements for drinking water.

3.3. In all production workshops, sinks and washing baths are installed with cold and hot water supply through mixers. It is necessary to provide for the installation of backup sources of hot water supply for uninterrupted supply hot water production workshops and washing departments during periods of preventive and repair work in boiler rooms, boiler rooms and hot water supply networks.

3.4. Washbasins are installed in the dining room at the rate of 1 tap per 20 seats. An electric towel (at least 2) and (or) disposable towels should be installed next to the washbasins.

For newly constructed or reconstructed buildings of educational institutions (or separate canteens), it is recommended to install washbasins in a separate room or in an extended corridor in front of the canteen at the rate of 1 tap per 10 seats, and install them, taking into account the height and age characteristics of students, at a height of 0 .5 m from the floor to the side of the sink for students in grades 1-4 and at a height of 0.7-0.8 m from the floor to the side of the sink for students in grades 5-11.

3.5. In the absence of centralized water supply systems, an internal water supply system is installed with water intake from an artesian well, wells, and wells.

In the absence of centralized sewerage treatment facilities, wastewater is discharged into a system of local treatment facilities or by transporting wastewater to treatment facilities in agreement with territorial executive authorities authorized to exercise state control (supervision) in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

3.6. During the construction and reconstruction of public catering organizations of educational institutions, it is recommended to provide for additional installation of air conditioning systems in hot (flour) shops, warehouses, as well as in expeditions of basic catering organizations. Technological equipment and washing baths, which are sources of increased emissions of moisture, heat, and gases, should be equipped with local exhaust ventilation systems in the area of ​​maximum pollution, in addition to general supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

3.7. For artificial lighting, lamps with moisture-proof design are used. Lamps are not placed above stoves, technological equipment, or cutting tables.

IV. Requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils and containers

4.1. Equipment, inventory, utensils, containers that are objects of the production environment must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations and are made of materials approved for contact with food products in the prescribed manner.

It is recommended to equip production, warehouse and administrative premises with equipment in accordance with Appendix 1 of these sanitary rules.

4.2. When equipping production premises, preference should be given to modern refrigeration and technological equipment.

Through devices for automatic dispensing of food products in consumer containers, it is allowed to sell juices, nectars, sterilized milk and milk drinks with a packaging capacity of no more than 350 ml; bottled drinking water without gas with a capacity of no more than 500 ml, subject to product storage conditions.

4.3. All technological and refrigeration equipment installed in production premises must be in good condition.

In the event of failure of any technological equipment it is necessary to make changes to the menu and ensure compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules in the production of ready-made dishes.

Every year before the start of the new academic year, technical control of equipment compliance with passport characteristics must be carried out.

4.4. Dining rooms must be equipped with dining furniture (tables, chairs, stools and other furniture) with a coating that allows them to be processed using detergents and disinfectants.

4.5. Production tables intended for food processing must have a coating that is resistant to detergents and disinfectants and meet safety requirements for materials in contact with food.

4.6. Racks and shelves for storing food products, dishes, and equipment must have a height from the floor of at least 15 cm. The design and placement of racks and pallets must allow wet cleaning. In warehouses of basic catering organizations, it is recommended to provide multi-tiered racks and mechanical loaders.

4.7. Canteens of general education institutions are provided with a sufficient amount of tableware and cutlery, at least two sets per seat, in order to comply with the rules of washing and disinfection in accordance with the requirements of these sanitary rules, as well as cabinets for storing them near the dispensing line.

4.8. When organizing catering, porcelain, earthenware and glassware (plates, saucers, cups, glasses) that meet safety requirements for materials in contact with food are used. Cutlery (spoons, forks, knives), utensils for preparing and storing ready-made dishes must be made of stainless steel or materials with similar hygienic properties.

4.9. It is allowed to use disposable cutlery and utensils that meet safety requirements for materials in contact with food and are approved for use with hot and (or) cold dishes and drinks. Reuse of disposable tableware is not permitted.

4.10. For separate storage of raw and finished products, their technological processing and distribution, separate and specially marked equipment, cutting utensils, and kitchen utensils must be used:

Refrigeration equipment marked: “gastronomy”, “dairy products”, “meat, poultry”, “fish”, “fruits, vegetables”, “eggs”, etc.;

Production tables marked: "SM" - raw meat, "SK" - raw chicken, "SR" - raw fish, "SO" - raw vegetables, "VM" - boiled meat, "VR" - boiled fish, "VO" - boiled vegetables, "G" - gastronomy, "3" - greens, "X" - bread, etc.;

Cutting equipment (cutting boards and knives) marked: “SM”, “SK”, “SR”, “SO”, “VM”, “VR”, “VK” - boiled chickens, “VO”, “G”, "3", "X", "herring";

Kitchen utensils marked: “I dish”, “II dish”, “III dish”, “milk”, “SO”, “SM”, “SK”, “VO”, “SR”, “cereals”, “sugar” , “butter”, “sour cream”, “fruit”, “clean egg”, “side dishes”, “X”, “3”, “G”, etc.

4.11. To portion dishes, use equipment with a volume measuring mark in liters and milliliters.

4.12. It is not allowed to use kitchen and tableware that is deformed, with broken edges, cracks, chips, or damaged enamel; aluminum cutlery; cutting boards made of plastic and pressed plywood; cutting boards and small wooden utensils with cracks and mechanical damage.

4.13. When delivering hot ready-made meals and cold snacks, special isothermal containers must be used, inner surface which must be made of materials that meet the requirements of sanitary rules for materials approved for contact with food.

4.14. Warehouses for storing food products are equipped with instruments for measuring relative humidity and air temperature, and refrigeration equipment is equipped with control thermometers. Usage mercury thermometers not allowed.

V. Requirements for the sanitary condition and maintenance of premises and washing of dishes

5.1. The sanitary condition and maintenance of production premises must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations.

5.2. Production and other premises of public catering organizations must be kept in order and clean. Storing food on the floor is not permitted.

5.3. Dining areas must be cleaned after each meal. Dining tables are washed with hot water with added detergents, using specially designated rags and marked containers for clean and used rags.

At the end of work, the rags are soaked in water at a temperature not lower than 45 C, with the addition of detergents, disinfected or boiled, rinsed, dried and stored in a container for clean rags.

5.4. Kitchen utensils should be washed separately from tableware.

In the washing rooms, instructions are posted on the rules for washing dishes and equipment, indicating the concentration and volume of detergents used, according to the instructions for using these products, and the temperature conditions of the water in the washing baths.

5.5. Detergents and disinfectants are stored in manufacturer’s containers in specially designated places inaccessible to students, separately from food products.

5.6. For handling dishes, cleaning and sanitization industrial environment items use detergents, cleaners and disinfectants approved for use in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the instructions for their use.

5.7. Washing baths for washing tableware must be marked with volumetric capacity and be provided with plugs made of polymer and rubber materials.

Measuring containers are used to dose detergents and disinfectants.

5.8. When washing kitchen utensils in two-section baths, the following procedure must be followed:

Wash with brushes in water at a temperature not lower than 45 C and with the addition of detergents;

Rinsing with hot running water at a temperature not lower than 65 C;

Drying overturned on wire shelves and racks.

5.9. Washing tableware using specialized washing machines is carried out in accordance with the instructions for their use.

5.10. When washing tableware by hand in three-section baths, the following procedure must be followed:

Mechanical removal of food debris;

Washing in water with the addition of detergents in the first section of the bath at a temperature not lower than 45 C;

Washing in the second section of the bath in water with a temperature not lower than 45 C and adding detergents in an amount 2 times less than in the first section of the bath;

Rinsing dishes in the third section of the bath with hot running water at a temperature of at least 65 C using a metal mesh with handles and a flexible hose with a shower head;

Drying dishes on racks, shelves, racks (on edge).

5.11. Cups, glasses, glasses are washed in the first bath with hot water at a temperature not lower than 45 C using detergents; in the second bath, rinse with hot running water at least 65 C using a metal mesh with handles and a flexible hose with a shower head.

5.12. Cutlery is washed in hot water at a temperature not lower than 45 C using detergents, followed by rinsing in running water and calcining in ovens (or dry heat) for 10 minutes.

Cassettes for storing cutlery are processed daily using detergents, followed by rinsing and baking in the oven.

5.13. Clean kitchen utensils and equipment are stored on racks at a height of at least 0.5 m from the floor; tableware - in cabinets or on racks; cutlery - in special cassette boxes with handles up; storing them in bulk on trays is not allowed.

5.14. Sanitary treatment of technological equipment is carried out daily as it becomes dirty and at the end of work. At the end of work, production tables are washed using detergents and disinfectants, washed with hot water at a temperature of at least 45 C and wiped dry with a dry, clean cloth. For detergents and disinfectants used to treat tables, a special marked container is allocated.

5.15. Washing cutting boards and small wooden utensils is carried out in the washing department (workshop) for kitchen utensils with hot water at a temperature of at least 45 C, with the addition of detergents, rinsed with hot water at a temperature of at least 65 C and scalded with boiling water, and then dried on racks at rib. After processing and drying, cutting boards are stored directly at work stations on the edge.

5.16. After use, brushes for washing dishes are cleaned, soaked in hot water at a temperature not lower than 45 C with the addition of detergents, disinfected (or boiled for 15 minutes), washed with running water, dried and stored in a special container. Brushes with mold and visible dirt should not be used.

To wash dishes, it is not allowed to use washcloths or sponge material, the quality of which cannot be processed.

5.17. Disinfection of utensils and equipment is carried out according to epidemiological indications in accordance with the instructions for the use of disinfectants.

5.18. Once a month, a general cleaning of all premises, equipment and inventory is carried out, followed by disinfection. It is recommended to use disinfectants with a virucidal effect.

5.19. When cleaning bread storage cabinets, crumbs should be swept off the shelves with special brushes and thoroughly wiped at least once a week using a 1% solution. acetic acid.

5.20. Food waste is stored in containers with lids in a specially designated place. The containers are emptied as they are filled to at least 2/3 of the volume and washed with a detergent solution.

Food waste is not allowed to be carried out through the distribution or production areas of the catering unit.

5.21. For cleaning each group of premises (raw materials shops; hot and cold shops; uncooled warehouses; refrigeration chambers; auxiliary premises; sanitary facilities), separate marked cleaning equipment is allocated. Equipment for cleaning toilets must have a signal (red) marking.

Upon completion of cleaning, at the end of the shift, all cleaning equipment must be washed using detergents and disinfectants, dried and stored clean.

5.22. To store cleaning equipment, a separate room is allocated, equipped with a shower tray and a washbasin with cold and hot water supply to them. In the absence of such premises, storage of cleaning equipment is allowed in a specially designated place. Storing cleaning equipment in production premises is not permitted. Toilet cleaning equipment should be stored separately from other cleaning equipment.

5.23. Measures to combat insects and rodents must be carried out specialized organizations in accordance with the hygienic requirements for carrying out deratization and disinfestation work.

To prevent the entry of insects, window and door openings in the dining room should be covered.

5.24. It is not allowed to carry out deratization and disinfestation work directly by the personnel of the educational institution.

5.25. It is not allowed to carry out repair work (cosmetic repairs of premises, repairs of sanitary and technological equipment) during the operation of the catering unit during the period of service for students of the educational institution.

VI. Requirements for organizing a healthy diet and creating a sample menu

6.1. To provide students with healthy nutrition, components which are the optimal quantitative and qualitative nutritional structure, guaranteed safety, physiological technological and culinary processing of products and dishes, physiologically based diet, a diet should be developed.

6.2. The students' diet provides for the formation of a set of products intended to feed children during the day or other fixed period of time.

6.3. Based on the formed diet, a menu is developed, including the distribution of a list of dishes, culinary, flour, confectionery and bakery products for individual meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner).

6.4. To provide healthy nutrition to all students of an educational institution, it is necessary to draw up a sample menu for a period of at least two weeks (10-14 days), in accordance with the recommended form for drawing up a sample menu (Appendix 2 of these sanitary rules), as well as menu layouts containing quantitative data on food recipes.

6.5. A sample menu is being developed legal entity or individual entrepreneur, providing food in an educational institution and is agreed upon by the heads of the educational institution and the territorial executive body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

6.6. A sample menu is developed taking into account seasonality, the required number of main nutrients and the required calorie content of the daily diet, differentiated by age groups of students (7-11 and 12-18 years).

A sample menu, when used in practice, can be adjusted taking into account socio-demographic factors, national, religious and territorial nutritional characteristics of the population, subject to the requirements for the content and ratio of basic nutrients in the diet.

6.7. When developing a sample menu, the following are taken into account: the length of stay of students in a general education institution, the age category and physical activity of students.

6.8. For students in educational institutions, it is necessary to organize two hot meals a day (breakfast and lunch). For children attending an extended day group, an additional afternoon snack should be organized.

During a 24-hour stay, at least five meals a day must be provided. 1 hour before bedtime, children are given a glass of fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc.) as a second dinner.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 3.5-4 hours.

6.9. Taking into account the age of the students, the sample menu must comply with the requirements of these sanitary rules regarding the weight of servings of dishes (Appendix 3 of these sanitary rules), their nutritional and energy value, daily requirement in essential vitamins and microelements for various groups students in general education institutions (Tables 1, 3 and 4 of Appendix 4 of these sanitary rules) and institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (Table 2 of Appendix 4 of these sanitary rules).

6.10. A sample menu should contain information about the quantitative composition of dishes, energy and nutritional value, including the content of vitamins and minerals in every dish. Links to the recipes of the dishes and culinary products used are required, in accordance with the collections of recipes. The names of dishes and culinary products indicated in the sample menu must correspond to their names indicated in the collections of recipes used.

6.11. The production of ready-made dishes is carried out in accordance with technological maps, which must reflect the recipe and technology of the prepared dishes and culinary products. Technological maps must be drawn up in accordance with the recommendations (Appendix 5 of these sanitary rules).

Description technological process cooking, incl. newly developed dishes must contain a recipe and technology that ensures the safety of the prepared dishes and their nutritional value.

6.12. When developing menus for students' meals, preference should be given to freshly prepared dishes that are not subject to repeated heat treatment, including reheating frozen dishes.

6.13. In the sample menu, repetition of the same dishes or culinary products on the same day or in the next 2-3 days is not allowed.

6.14. The sample menu should take into account the rational distribution of energy value among individual meals. With one, two, three and four meals a day, the distribution of caloric content among meals as a percentage should be: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 15% (for students in the second shift - up to 20-25%) , dinner - 25%. When students stay around the clock, with five meals a day: breakfast - 20%, lunch - 30-35%, afternoon snack - 15%, dinner - 25%, second dinner - 5-10%. When organizing six meals a day: breakfast - 20%, second breakfast - 10%, lunch - 30%, afternoon snack - 15%, dinner - 20%, second dinner - 5%. Deviations from calorie standards for individual meals within 5% are allowed during the day, provided that the average percentage of nutritional value for the week meets the above requirements for each meal.

6.15. In the daily diet, the optimal ratio of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4 or as a percentage of calories as 10-15%, 30-32% and 55-60%, respectively, and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus as 1 :1.5.

6.16. Students' nutrition must comply with the principles of gentle nutrition, involving the use of certain methods of preparing dishes, such as boiling, steaming, stewing, baking, and excluding foods with irritating properties.

6.17. Every day, 2-6 meals a day should include meat, milk, butter and vegetable oil, rye and wheat bread (with each meal). It is recommended to include fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products once every 2-3 days.

6.18. Breakfast should consist of a snack, a hot dish and a hot drink; it is recommended to include vegetables and fruits.

6.19. Lunch should include an appetizer, first, second (main hot dish of meat, fish or poultry) and a sweet dish. As a snack you should use a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh or sauerkraut, carrots, beets, etc. with the addition of fresh herbs. Portioned vegetables (additional side dish) can be used as a snack. To improve the taste, you can add fresh or dry fruits to the salad: apples, prunes, raisins and nuts.

6.21. Dinner should consist of a vegetable (curd) dish or porridge; main second course (meat, fish or poultry), drink (tea, juice, jelly). Additionally, it is recommended to include fruits or fermented milk products and bakery or confectionery products without cream as a second dinner.

6.22. The actual diet must correspond to the approved sample menu. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to replace some products, dishes and culinary products with others, provided that they comply with the nutritional value and in accordance with the food replacement table (Appendix 6 of these sanitary rules), which must be confirmed by the necessary calculations.

6.24. Every day, a menu approved by the head of the educational institution is posted in the dining room, which contains information about the volumes of dishes and the names of culinary products.

6.25. To prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious and widespread non-infectious diseases (poisonings) and in accordance with the principles of gentle nutrition, it is not allowed to use food products and prepare dishes and culinary products in accordance with the requirements of these sanitary rules specified in Appendix 7.

6.26. Reception of food products and food raw materials in catering organizations of educational institutions must be carried out in the presence of appropriate documents (for example, certificates of quality and safety of food products, documents of veterinary and sanitary examination, documents of the manufacturer, supplier of food products confirming their origin, certificate of conformity, declaration of compliance), confirming their quality and safety, as well as their belonging to a certain batch of food products in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Documentation certifying the quality and safety of products, as well as results laboratory research agricultural products must be stored in the catering organization of the educational institution until the end of use of agricultural products.

Food products that are not labeled are not allowed for sale if the presence of such labeling is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.27. Delivery of food products is carried out by specialized transport, having a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure, provided that separate transportation of food raw materials and finished food products that do not require heat treatment is ensured. It is allowed to use one vehicle for the transportation of dissimilar food products, subject to sanitary treatment of transport using disinfectants between flights.

6.28. In the nutrition of students, it is allowed to use food raw materials of plant origin grown in agricultural organizations, educational and experimental and garden plots, in greenhouses of educational institutions, in the presence of laboratory results instrumental studies of the specified products, confirming their quality and safety.

6.29. Vegetables from last year's harvest (cabbage, onion, root vegetables, etc.) in the period after March 1 may only be used after heat treatment.

6.30. For two weeks (10-14 days), it is recommended to provide students of general education institutions and institutions of primary and secondary vocational education with a set of food products in full, provided for in daily sets, at the rate of one day per person for various groups of students (Tables 1 and 2 appendices 8 of these sanitary rules).

The recommended sets of products given in Appendix 8 of these sanitary rules do not apply to socially vulnerable groups of students (orphans, children left without parental care, studying and being brought up in federal state educational institutions and other organizations), when organizing meals for which one should be guided by nutritional standards, approved by relevant acts of legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.31. Along with basic meals, it is possible to organize additional food students through the buffets of educational institutions, which are intended for the sale of flour confectionery and bakery products, food products in consumer packaging, in conditions of free choice and in accordance with the recommended present sanitary rules, assortment of additional food (Appendix 9). The range of additional food is approved by the head of the educational institution and (or) the head of the catering organization of the educational institution annually before the start of the school year and is agreed upon with the territorial executive authority authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

6.32. The sale of oxygen cocktails can only be carried out for medical reasons and subject to daily monitoring by a medical worker of an educational institution.

6.33. Sales of drinks and water through buffets should be carried out in consumer containers with a capacity of no more than 500 ml. Spilling drinks in the buffet is not permitted.

6.34. It is not allowed to replace hot meals with food in consumer packaging.

VII. Organization of serving students with hot meals

7.1. Hot meals include the presence of a hot first and (or) second course, brought to culinary readiness, portioned and decorated.

7.2. The distribution of hot meals to students must be organized by class (group) during breaks, lasting at least 20 minutes, in accordance with the schedule training sessions. In boarding institutions, meals for students are organized in accordance with the daily routine. Each class (group) in the dining room must be assigned certain dining tables.

7.3. It is recommended to organize hot meals for students by pre-setting tables and (or) using distribution lines.

Preliminary setting of tables (setting) can be carried out by children on duty over 14 years old under the guidance of the teacher on duty.

7.4. The presence of students in the industrial premises of the canteen is not allowed. It is not allowed to involve students in work related to cooking, peeling vegetables, distributing prepared food, cutting bread, washing dishes, or cleaning premises.

7.5. It is not allowed to involve personnel in the preparation, portioning and distribution of culinary products, sanitization and disinfection of equipment, utensils and utensils job responsibilities which does not include these types of activities.

VIII. Requirements for conditions and technology for manufacturing culinary products

8.1. In catering organizations, processing of food raw materials and implementation of all production processes for the preparation of culinary products must be carried out in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations and taking into account the requirements of these sanitary rules.

8.2. When preparing culinary products, which includes a set of dishes, culinary products and culinary semi-finished products, culinary food processing techniques must be used that preserve the nutritional value of the finished dishes and their safety. Prepared meals and culinary products must meet the hygienic safety and nutritional value requirements for food products.

8.3. The canteen of an educational institution operating on semi-finished products (pre-cooking) must receive semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, including peeled vegetables, from which dishes or culinary products are obtained as a result of the minimum necessary technological operations.

8.4. A semi-finished culinary product prepared from a food product or a combination of food products that has gone through one or several stages of processing without being prepared is subjected to the necessary technological operations to obtain a dish or culinary product that meets the requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products.

8.5. To preserve the nutritional value of culinary products and their safety, it is necessary to comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements of sanitary rules for public catering organizations and these sanitary rules.

8.6. For raw and processed foods, different mechanical equipment and supplies should be provided and labeled according to their intended purpose. The use of mechanical equipment (meat grinders, wipers, etc.) for processing different types of products (raw materials and processed products) is not allowed. heat treatment), equipment, washing, production baths and equipment not intended for their intended purpose.

8.7. Do not use washing baths intended for washing kitchen or tableware, returnable containers, or hand-washing sinks for processing raw products (unpeeled vegetables, meat, fish, etc.) and semi-finished products.

8.8. Defrosting (defrosting) and primary processing of meat and poultry are carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules for public catering organizations.

8.9. For processing raw poultry, separate tables, cutting and production equipment are allocated.

8.10. Fish is defrosted on production tables or in water at a temperature not exceeding + 12 C with the addition of salt at the rate of 7-10 g per 1 liter. It is not recommended to defrost sturgeon and fillets in water.

8.11. Meat, semi-finished products, fish and other products are not subject to secondary freezing and after primary processing must be submitted for heat treatment. Storage of defrosted products is not allowed.

8.12. Primary processing of vegetables includes sorting, washing and cleaning. Peeled vegetables are washed again in running drinking water for at least 5 minutes in small batches using colanders and nets. During processing white cabbage It is necessary to remove 3-4 outer leaves.

8.13. Fruits, including citrus fruits, are washed in the conditions of the primary processing of vegetables (vegetable shop), and then a second time in the cold shop in washing baths.

8.14. Egg processing is carried out in a separate room or in a specially designated area of ​​the meat and fish workshop. For these purposes, marked baths and (or) containers are used; It is possible to use perforated containers.

Eggs are processed under the condition that they are completely immersed in the solution in the following order:

I - treatment in 1-2% warm solution of soda ash;

II - treatment in a 0.5% solution of chloramine or other disinfectants approved in accordance with the established procedure;

III - rinsing with running water for at least 5 minutes and then placing in a clean, labeled container.

8.15. Cereals should not contain foreign impurities. Before use, cereals are washed with running water.

8.16. Individual packaging of canned products is washed with running water and wiped with a rag.

8.17. To ensure the preservation of vitamins in dishes, vegetables to be boiled in their purified form are peeled immediately before cooking and boiled in salted water (except for beets). Preliminary preparation of peeled potatoes and other vegetables with prolonged soaking in cold water for more than 2 hours is not allowed. Vegetables boiled for salads are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours at a temperature of plus 4 2 C.

8.18. To avoid darkening and drying out, it is recommended to store peeled potatoes, root vegetables and other vegetables in cold water for no more than 2 hours.

8.19. Raw vegetables and herbs intended for preparing cold appetizers without subsequent heat treatment are recommended to be kept in a 3% solution of acetic acid or in a 10% solution table salt for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing with running water.

8.20. Quick-frozen food may only be used if the continuity of the cold chain is guaranteed (compliance with temperature regime storage of food products established by the manufacturer, from the moment of freezing the food until they are reheated). It is necessary to provide documented monitoring of compliance with the temperature regime at all stages of its circulation, incl. including temperature control in the mass of the finished dish.

It is not allowed to sell frozen foods after the expiration date established by the product manufacturer.

8.21. Deep frying of individual ingredients for preparing dishes and culinary semi-finished products is not allowed. To fry semi-finished products, you should use baking trays with a special coating that meets safety requirements for materials in contact with food and does not require lubrication with fat (oil).

8.22. When preparing a culinary product that is a food product or a combination of products brought to culinary readiness, the following requirements must be met:

When preparing second courses from boiled meat, poultry, fish or serving boiled meat (poultry) with first courses, the portioned meat must be subjected to secondary boiling in broth for 5-7 minutes;

Meat portioned for first courses can be stored in broth on a hot stove or steam table until serving (no more than 1 hour);

When mixing ingredients included in dishes, it is necessary to use kitchen equipment without touching the product with your hands;

When making potato (vegetable) puree, mechanical equipment should be used;

Butter used for seasoning side dishes and other dishes must first be subjected to heat treatment (melt and bring to a boil);

The egg is boiled for 10 minutes after the water boils;

Omelettes and casseroles, the recipe of which includes an egg, are cooked in the oven, omelettes - for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 C with a layer of no more than 2.5-3 cm; casseroles - 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 220-280 C with a layer of no more than 3-4 cm; egg mass is stored for no more than 30 minutes at a temperature not higher than 4 2 C;

Boiled sausages, wieners and frankfurters are boiled for at least 5 minutes after boiling;

Side dishes of rice and pasta boil in a large volume of water (at a ratio of at least 1:6) without subsequent rinsing;

Salads are dressed immediately before serving.

8.23. Ready-made first and second courses can be kept on a steam table or hot plate for no more than 2 hours from the moment of production, or in isothermal containers (thermoses) - for a time that ensures that the temperature is not lower than the serving temperature, but no more than 2 hours. Heating ready-made hot dishes that have cooled below the serving temperature is not permitted.

8.24. Hot dishes (soups, sauces, drinks) when served must have a temperature of no lower than 75 C, main courses and side dishes - no lower than 65 C, cold soups, drinks - no higher than 14 C.

8.25. Cold appetizers must be displayed in portioned form in a refrigerated display counter and sold within one hour.

8.26. Ready-to-eat dishes made from raw vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 2 C for no more than 30 minutes.

8.27. Fresh herbs are added to dishes during serving.

8.28. Salads are prepared and dressed immediately before distribution. Undressed salads can be stored for no more than 3 hours at a temperature of plus 4 2 C. Storage of dressed salads is not allowed.

The use of sour cream and mayonnaise for salad dressing is not allowed. Vinegar in food recipes should be replaced with citric acid.

8.29. In catering organizations of educational institutions, the expiration dates and storage conditions of food products established by the manufacturer and specified in documents confirming the origin, quality and safety of the products must be observed.

IX. Requirements for the prevention of vitamin and microelement deficiency

9.1. When drawing up an approximate menu, it is necessary to ensure that the diet contains vitamins and mineral salts in the quantities regulated by Appendix 4 of these sanitary rules.

9.2. To provide physiological need in vitamins, additional enrichment of diets with micronutrients, including vitamins and mineral salts, is allowed.

9.3. To further enrich the diet with micronutrients, specialized food products enriched with micronutrients can be used in the menu, as well as industrially produced instant fortified drinks and fortification of third courses with special vitamin and mineral premixes.

In regions where there is an endemic deficiency of certain microelements, it is necessary to use fortified food products and industrial food raw materials in the diet.

9.4. Fortification of dishes is carried out under the supervision of a medical professional (in his absence, by another responsible person).

Heating fortified food is not allowed.

Fortification of third courses is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the use of premixes.

Instant vitamin drinks are prepared according to the accompanying instructions immediately before distribution.

9.5. When organizing additional enrichment of the diet with micronutrients, strict accounting of the total amount of micronutrients supplied with diets is necessary, which must meet the requirements contained in Appendix 4 of these sanitary rules.

9.6. Replacing the fortification of dishes with the issuance of multivitamin preparations in the form of dragees, tablets, lozenges and other forms is not allowed.

9.7. The administration of the educational institution must inform the parents of students about the measures taken at the institution to prevent vitamin and microelement deficiency.

X. Requirements for the organization drinking regime

10.1. Educational institutions must provide centralized provision of drinking water to students that meets the hygienic requirements for the water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems.

10.2. The drinking regime in an educational institution can be organized in the following forms: stationary drinking fountains; water packaged in containers.

10.3. Students must have free access to drinking water throughout their stay in the educational institution.

10.4. Design solutions for stationary drinking fountains must include a restrictive ring around a vertical water jet, the height of which must be at least 10 cm.

10.5. When organizing a drinking regime using bottled water, the educational institution must be provided with a sufficient amount of clean dishes (glass, earthenware - in the dining room and disposable cups - in educational and sleeping areas), as well as separate marked trays for clean and used glass or earthenware; containers - for collecting used disposable tableware.

10.6. When using installations with dosed bottling of drinking water packaged in containers, it is necessary to replace the container as needed, but at least once every 2 weeks.

10.7. In the absence of centralized water supply in locality Organization of the drinking regime for students is carried out only using water packaged in containers, subject to the organization of control over the bottling of drinking water.

10.8. Bottled water supplied to educational institutions must have documents confirming its origin, quality and safety.

XI. Requirements for catering in small educational institutions

11.1. In small educational institutions (up to 50 students), the number of premises may be reduced to one room for catering.

11.2. The room intended for eating includes two zones: an area for placing technological, washing and refrigeration equipment and an area for students to eat. The minimum set of equipment includes: an electric stove with an oven and a hood above it, a refrigerator, an electric water heater, a 2-section sink for washing dishes. In the dining room for students, conditions must be created for observing the rules of personal hygiene: a sink for washing hands with cold and hot water supplied to it through a mixer and connected to the sewer; soap, electric towel or disposable towels.

11.3. In order to ensure the quality and safety of the preparation and sale of ready-made dishes, a sample menu should be developed taking into account the existing conditions for catering in an educational institution.

XII. Requirements for working conditions of personnel

12.1. Working conditions for employees of catering organizations of educational institutions must meet the requirements of current regulatory documents in the field of occupational health.

Sanitary provision for workers is carried out in accordance with current sanitary rules and standards for public catering organizations for administrative and residential buildings.

12.2. The microclimate parameters of industrial premises, including when using air conditioning systems, mechanical or natural ventilation systems, must meet the requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises of public catering organizations.

12.4. Natural and artificial lighting in all premises must meet the requirements of current sanitary rules and regulations for public catering organizations.

12.5. Noise levels in production premises should not exceed hygienic standards for public catering organizations.

XIII. Requirements for compliance with personal hygiene rules by staff of catering organizations of educational institutions, undergoing preventive medical examinations and professional hygienic training

13. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases among students in educational institutions, the following measures must be taken:

13.1. The canteen must provide conditions for staff to observe personal hygiene rules.

13.2. For hand washing, washbasins with hot and hot water supply must be installed in all production workshops. cold water with faucets, equipped with a device for placing soap and individual or disposable towels. Washing hands in industrial baths is not permitted.

13.3. Personnel must be provided with special sanitary clothing (robe or jacket, trousers, hat, light non-slip work shoes) in an amount of at least three sets per employee in order to regularly replace it.

13.4. In basic catering establishments, it is necessary to organize centralized washing of special sanitary clothing for staff.

13.5. Canteen workers are required to:

Come to work in clean clothes and shoes;

Leave outerwear, hats, and personal belongings in the living room;

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before starting work, after visiting the toilet, and before each change of activity;

Keep your nails short;

When preparing dishes, culinary and confectionery products, remove Jewelry, watches and other breakable objects, cut your nails short and do not cover them with varnish, do not fasten your overalls with pins;

Work in special clean sanitary clothing, change it when soiled; tuck hair under a cap or headscarf;

Do not go outside or visit the toilet in special sanitary clothing;

Do not eat or smoke in the workplace.

13.6. In dressing rooms, personal belongings and footwear of staff should be stored separately from sanitary clothing (in different cabinets).

13.7. After processing eggs, before breaking them, workers who carried out the processing should wear clean sanitary clothing, wash their hands with soap and disinfect them with a solution of an approved disinfectant.

13.8. If signs of a cold or gastrointestinal disorder, as well as suppurations, cuts, burns, the employee is obliged to inform the administration about this and seek medical help, as well as about all cases of illness intestinal infections in your family.

Persons with intestinal infections, pustular skin diseases, inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, burns or cuts are temporarily suspended from work. They can be allowed to work only after recovery, medical examination and a doctor’s report.

13.9. Persons who have appropriate professional qualifications, who have undergone preliminary, upon entry to work, and periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner, professional hygienic training and certification are allowed to work. Professional hygienic training and certification for employees is carried out at least once every two years, for heads of organizations - annually. It is recommended to carry out preventive vaccinations of personnel against infectious diseases in accordance with the national vaccination calendar.

13.10. Each employee must have a personal medical book of the established form, in which the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about transferred infectious diseases, mark of completion of professional hygienic training and certification.

13.11. The canteen must be provided with a first aid kit.

XIV. Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules and regulations

14.1. The head of the educational institution is the responsible person for the organization and completeness of hot meals for students.

14.2. Legal entities regardless of organizational legal forms and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of hot meals, in order to implement preventive measures aimed at protecting the health of students, provide:

Availability of these sanitary rules in each organization;

Compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules by all employees of the enterprise;

Proper sanitary condition of non-centralized water supply sources, if any, and the quality of the water in them;

Organization of production control, including laboratory and instrumental research;

Necessary conditions for compliance sanitary standards and rules at all stages of preparation and sale of dishes and products, guaranteeing their quality and safety for consumer health;

Hiring persons who have health clearance and have undergone professional and hygienic training and certification;

Availability of personal medical records for each employee;

Timely completion of preliminary admission and periodic medical examinations by all employees;

Organization of course hygienic training and retraining of personnel according to the hygienic training program at least once every 2 years;

Implementation of resolutions, instructions of the federal executive body authorized to exercise supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being, and its territorial bodies;

Daily maintenance of necessary documentation (ruling logs, personnel inspection logs for pustular and acute respiratory diseases and other documents in accordance with these sanitary rules);

Working conditions for workers in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, sanitary rules, hygienic standards;

Organization of regular centralized washing and repair of sanitary clothing;

Proper operation of technological, refrigeration and other equipment of the enterprise;

Availability of a sufficient amount of production equipment, utensils, detergents, disinfectants and other items of material and technical equipment;

Carrying out disinfection, disinfestation and deratization measures;

Availability of first aid kits and their timely replenishment;

Organization of sanitary and educational work with personnel through seminars, conversations, lectures.

14.3. Control over the quality and safety of food for students is carried out by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur providing food in an educational institution.

14.4. Medical workers must monitor the organization of food in a general educational institution, including the quality of incoming products, the correct placement of products and the preparation of ready-made food.

14.5. Food products products entering the catering department must comply with the hygienic requirements for food raw materials and food products, and be accompanied by documents certifying their quality and safety, indicating the date of production, terms and conditions of storage of the products. Accompanying document must be retained until the end of the product's sale.

To control the quality of incoming products, rejection is carried out and an entry is made in the rejection log of food products and food raw materials in accordance with the recommended form (Form 1 of Appendix 10 of these sanitary rules).

14.6. Dispensing of ready-made food is carried out only after a sample has been taken. The quality of food is assessed by a screening commission consisting of at least three people: a medical worker, a catering worker and a representative of the administration of the educational institution based on organoleptic indicators (the sample is taken directly from the containers in which the food is prepared). The result of the rejection is registered in the “Journal of Rejection of Finished Culinary Products” in accordance with the recommended form (Form 2 of Appendix 10 of these sanitary rules). The weight of portioned dishes must correspond to the yield of the dish indicated in the layout menu. If the cooking technology is violated, or if the dish is not ready for delivery, it is not allowed until the identified culinary deficiencies are eliminated.

14.7. Every day, before starting work, a medical worker examines employees of the catering organization of an educational institution for the presence of pustular diseases of the skin of the hands and open surfaces of the body, as well as tonsillitis, catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract.

The results of the inspection are entered into the “Health Log” daily before the start of the work shift in accordance with the recommended form (Form 3 of Appendix 10 of these sanitary rules).

14.8. Fortification of dishes is carried out under the supervision of a medical professional, and in his absence, by another responsible person. The date and time of fortification, the number of servings, the amount of the administered drug based on the daily dose and the number of children receiving food, as well as information on the amount of vitamins supplied with artificially fortified dishes are recorded in the “Fortification Journal of third and sweet dishes” in accordance with the recommended form (form 4 of appendix 10 of these sanitary rules).

14.9. To control the qualitative and quantitative composition of the diet, the range of food products and food raw materials used, the medical worker maintains a “Nutrition Control Sheet” in accordance with the recommended form (Form 6 of Appendix 10 of these sanitary rules).

At the end of each week or once every 10 days, a calculation is made and compared with the average daily nutritional intake (per day per person, on average for a week or 10 days).

14.10. In order to monitor compliance with the conditions and shelf life of perishable food products that require special storage conditions, storage temperature conditions in refrigeration equipment are monitored using thermometers (with the exception of mercury). In the absence of a recording device for monitoring temperature conditions over time, the information is entered into the “Logbook for recording the temperature conditions of refrigeration equipment” in accordance with the recommended form (Form 5 of Appendix 10 of these sanitary rules).

14.11. In order to monitor compliance with the technological process, a daily sample is taken from each batch of prepared dishes. The daily sample is taken by a catering worker (cook) in accordance with the sampling recommendations of Appendix 11 of these sanitary rules. Monitoring the correct selection and storage conditions of daily samples is carried out by a medical worker.

14.12. To determine the nutritional value (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calorie content, minerals and vitamins) in food products and confirm the safety of prepared dishes for compliance with the hygienic requirements for food products, as well as to confirm the safety of objects in the production environment that come into contact with food, laboratory and instrumental studies must be carried out.

The procedure and volume of laboratory and instrumental studies carried out is established by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur providing and (or) organizing food, regardless of the form of ownership, production profile in accordance with the recommended nomenclature, volume and frequency of laboratory and instrumental studies (Appendix 12 of these sanitary rules ).

2. Leftover food from the previous meal and food prepared the day before.

3. Fruit and vegetable products with signs of spoilage.

4. Meat, offal of all types of farm animals, fish, poultry that have not passed veterinary control.

5. By-products, except liver, tongue, heart.

6. Uneviscerated poultry.

7. Wild meat.

8. Eggs and meat of waterfowl.

9. Eggs with contaminated shells, with a notch, “tek”, “broken”, as well as eggs from farms affected by salmonella.

10. Canned food with broken cans, bombed cans, “crackers”, cans with rust, deformed, without labels.

11. Cereals, flour, dried fruits and other products contaminated with various impurities or infested with barn pests.

12. Any homemade (not industrial) food products.

13. Cream confectionery (pastries and cakes).

14. Grains, products from meat trimmings, diaphragms; meat rolls, blood sausages and liver sausages.

15. Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk, flask cottage cheese, flask sour cream without heat treatment.

16. Yogurt - "samokvas".

17. Mushrooms and products (culinary products) prepared from them.

19. Milk and dairy products from farms that are vulnerable to disease in farm animals, as well as those that have not undergone primary processing and pasteurization.

20. Raw smoked deli meats and sausages.

21. Dishes made from meat, poultry, fish that have not undergone heat treatment.

22. Deep-fried foods and products.

23. Food products not provided for in Appendix N 9.

24. Vinegar, mustard, horseradish, hot pepper (red, black) and other hot (hot) seasonings.

25. Hot sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise, canned snack foods, pickled vegetables and fruits.

26. Natural coffee; tonics, including energy drinks, alcohol.

27. Cooking fats, pork or lamb lard, margarine and other hydrogenated fats.

28. Core apricot kernel, peanuts.

29. Carbonated drinks.

30. Dairy products and ice cream based on vegetable fats.

31. Chewing gum.

32. Kumis and other fermented milk products containing ethanol (more than 0.5%).

33. Caramel, including candy.

34. Canned snacks.

35. Jellied dishes (meat and fish), jellies, herring mincemeat.

36. Cold drinks and fruit drinks (without heat treatment) from fruit and berry raw materials.

37. Okroshka and cold soups.

38. Navy pasta (with minced meat), pasta with chopped egg.

39. Fried eggs.

40. Pastes and pancakes with meat and cottage cheese.

41. First and second courses made from/based on instant dry food concentrates.

Appendix 11

Portioned dishes are selected in full; salads, first and third courses, side dishes - at least 100 g.

The sample is taken from the boiler (from the distribution line) with sterile (or boiled) spoons into labeled sterile (or boiled) glass containers with tightly closing glass or metal lids.

The selected samples are stored for at least 48 hours (not counting weekends and holidays) in a special refrigerator or in a specially designated place in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 - +6 C.