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The use of pine buds in folk medicine, recipes. Tincture of young pine shoots with vodka

Medicinal properties pine buds help reduce anxiety, strengthen the immune system, treat diseases respiratory tract. The resinous acids and B vitamins contained in the kidneys have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect on the human body. In folk medicine, pine buds are most often used in the preparation of decoctions, infusions, syrups and alcohol tinctures.

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    Procurement of raw materials

    Young pine shoots are harvested around the beginning of March, when the awakening buds begin to grow. Cut them with sharp pruning shears, grabbing branches up to 5 cm long. Pay attention to the fact that the resinous scales fit the buds tightly on all sides.

    There are no problems with finding unique raw materials, since Scots pine has a wide growing area. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is recommended to collect buds in places far from roads and populated areas.

    For drying, the raw materials are laid out on paper in well-ventilated rooms - verandas, sheds, attics. During drying, it is necessary to constantly stir the shoots.

    You cannot force the process using ovens, electric dryers and furnaces, because when heated, valuable essential oil evaporates.

    Dried pine buds must be placed in closed containers - glass jars, wooden boxes.

    Medicinal properties of pine cones - use in folk medicine and contraindications


    IN structural formula The following elements were identified from pine buds:

    • resinous acids;
    • phytoncides;
    • tannins;
    • unique essential oil;
    • complex of minerals;
    • carotene;
    • vitamins B and C;
    • starch;
    • alkaloids;
    • bitter substance.

    Among valuable substances terpenes are released: limonene - aromatic fragrance, pinene - component turpentine, cadinene - a component of essential oil, borneol - an intermediate product of camphor.

    Beneficial features

    In folk medicine, the following medicinal properties of pine shoots awakening after winter are known:

    • immunostimulating;
    • expectorants;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antiviral;
    • diuretic;
    • diuretics;
    • antiseptic;
    • calming;
    • antimicrobial;
    • blood purifying;
    • secretory.

    When using pine buds, the blood is cleansed, metabolism is normalized, and immunity is increased. During a cold, cough is softened and restored free breathing, there is a decrease in pain, and the condition of the skin improves.


    It is necessary to include in the treatment decoctions, infusions and other remedies from pine shoots in order to speed up recovery for the following diseases:

    • muscle inflammation;
    • rheumatism;
    • bronchitis – acute, chronic;
    • dropsy;
    • diseases of the pancreas;
    • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
    • catarrh of the respiratory tract;
    • gallstones, peptic ulcer;
    • pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
    • joint diseases, radiculitis, neuralgia;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • hypertension;
    • liver pathologies;
    • gastritis.

    Thanks to effective liquefaction and the removal of sputum, there is a priority use of pine buds for cough. They are used for treatment dermatological diseases- psoriasis, eczema, lichen. They also help to recover after a stroke. Infusions are used to treat the skin with external lesions - burns, wounds, ulcers, ulcers.

    Dosage forms

    From pine shoots you can prepare various healing agents which must be used correctly.


    To create a decoction you will need a tablespoon of raw materials, which must be crushed and poured into an enamel pan. Then add water - two glasses, boil for one minute. Remove the drink from the stove, cover the pan with a towel and leave for half an hour to infuse. Take the product three times a day, 50 ml.

    In therapeutic practice, decoctions are used for inhalation for inflammation of the throat and pharynx. They are used to rinse oral cavity to get rid of stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, and also used for lesions skin.


    Since the infusion does not involve boiling, it retains a lot useful substances. To prepare, you need to take a glass of boiling water and pour it over a tablespoon of shoots. The infusion is kept under a towel for two hours. After 8 hours, take two tablespoons of it as a diuretic, antipyretic, and expectorant.

    Pine honey

    Pine honey is perfect for treating colds accompanied by cough. A kilogram of fresh kidneys is infused in a liter cool water about six hours, then simmer on low heat for 30 minutes and squeeze through folded cheesecloth.

    If necessary, add boiling water to the mixture. Place the pan on the fire, after adding 2 kg of sugar with the addition of citric acid powder. After boiling for ten minutes, the mass is poured into sterile jars and covered with plastic lids. Medicine prepared for future use is stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take it before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 20 ml. The dosage for children is halved.

    There is another way to prepare pine honey. Young fresh shoots are rinsed with water, placed in an enamel pan, adding water, and boiled under the lid for 20 minutes. After removing the pan from the heat, leave it for a day to infuse.

    The resulting broth is filtered into another pan, after which sugar is added in the proportions of 1 kg per 1 liter. The infusion is boiled for 1.5 hours over medium heat, periodically removing the foam. While hot, the mixture is poured into sterilized jars and cooled, covered with plastic lids. This honey will not spoil even in room conditions.


    A tincture is prepared from crushed buds, doused with vodka 1:10. With daily shaking, infuse for two weeks, then filter and pour into bottles with tight lids.

    Homemade vodka tincture is not used to lubricate open wounds. It is used internally in the treatment of inflammatory infections, first diluted in 50 ml of boiled water. Rubbing the tincture on diseased areas for joint diseases, bruises, and sprains is effective.


    The syrup is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. To prepare it you will need fresh spring shoots, passed through a meat grinder. A three-liter sterile jar is filled to the shoulders, pouring honey (one and a half glasses) into it. After mixing, place the liquid in a cool place. When the released syrup turns brownish, you need to squeeze out the remainder through double gauze. All the liquid is filtered through nylon again, poured into a bottle with a stopper and placed in the refrigerator.

    It should be taken half an hour before meals, one teaspoon at a time. The duration of the course is at least three weeks followed by a one-week break. The syrup removes well painful sensations arising from osteochondrosis.

July 30, 2015

Everyone is familiar with a tree like pine, which grows everywhere. Surely there is no person who would not love walks in pine forests. Even the air in them is as if you can taste it. Even a short walk among the pines can relieve all accumulated fatigue and charge a person with a lot of energy. Having been close to these unpretentious coniferous trees, which exude a unique and specific aroma, anyone will feel reborn.

Pine - a miracle tree

But the miracle tree can provide not only excellent rest and relaxation. In folk medicine, pine shoots are of particular value. Their medicinal properties are used to treat many diseases. And the air of the pine forest itself has a wonderful healing effect on humans.

With the help of the needles of this tree, especially the youngest, soft, emerald-colored needles, you can treat almost all diseases that exist. Most often, needles are used to treat diseases such as:

  • Kidney diseases;
  • Convulsions;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system.

Young pine shoots, the medicinal properties of which were well known to our grandmothers, also help with atrophy optic nerve, as well as retinal detachment. This product is capable of removing radionuclides from the body. During the war years, decoctions from the needles of this tree saved many lives, as they helped to increase immunity, which was greatly undermined by difficult times.

Composition of medicinal raw materials made from pine shoots

Pine shoots have simply excellent medicinal properties. This is facilitated by their composition. The young branches and newly formed needles of this miracle healer contain substances used in many medicines resinous substances. They are also rich in ascorbic acid, which is why in ancient times it was used as a remedy for treating such terrible disease like scurvy.

Pine shoots also do not lose their medicinal properties in alcohol due to the fact that the needles have accumulated a large number of connections that are compatible with it. Young shoots also contain numerous micro- and macroelements. Don't forget about the generated essential oil containing terpene compounds.

Video on the topic

Pine shoots and traditional medicine

This one has medicinal plant pine shoots are used. Medicinal properties have been used in folk medicine for many centuries. All kinds of decoctions and ointments are prepared from them, necessary for the treatment of many serious illnesses, and also add them to the bath.

But even in the case when a person is not sick with anything, but simply has vitamin deficiency and syndrome in the spring chronic fatigue, products prepared from young pine shoots will also come to the rescue.

But in folk medicine, not only decoctions for which pine shoots were used are used. The medicinal properties of vodka tincture eliminate both the causes and symptoms of vitamin deficiency in humans. The tincture is also an excellent antiseptic, acts well as a choleretic and diuretic, promotes expectoration of sputum and treats any inflammatory pathologies, formed in the upper respiratory tract.

Ten diseases affected by pine needles

What can completely heal this evergreen tree? Pine shoots, the medicinal properties they have, relieve many diseases. Only ten are listed below; needles can get rid of them without any problems or consequences:

  1. Any cold-related illnesses. The needles of the plant are used for this. When crushed, it helps get rid of a runny nose, and in the form of a decoction it is used for sore throats and prolonged colds;
  2. Good infusions and decoctions of young pine shoots help with atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. Skin diseases are also treated with the help of pine twigs, and the resin present on them is used to make an ointment for furunculosis, carbuncles, and ulcers;
  4. At pulmonary diseases The product prepared from the shoots helps to liquefy and better separate the mucus present in the bronchi and lungs. These remedies are also used for tuberculosis;
  5. A decoction prepared from pine shoots and pine needles also cures diseases. urinary tract, kidney;
  6. And in the case when a person is diagnosed with any disease digestive organs, this plant becomes an indispensable assistant;
  7. Young pine shoots can also cope with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, radiculitis, joint pain;
  8. Pine shoots have proven themselves well in the treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  9. In the treatment of neuroses they are used as sedative in the form of tinctures or baths;
  10. Thanks to young pine shoots, you can get rid of migraines, headaches and noise.

Pharmacological properties of drugs prepared from pine

Young pine shoots are used not only in folk medicine, but also in domestic pharmacology. Their medicinal properties have long been appreciated by traditional medicine. Aqueous infusions or alcoholic extracts are mostly prepared from the young shoots of this plant. Their decoction is also added to bath water.

Good healing effect from preparations prepared from young pine twigs, is achieved thanks to the biologically active substances they contain, which can have both anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects on the body.

Also, products that are prepared on the basis of pine, in traditional medicine prescribed as an adjunct in the treatment of diseases associated with the formation of stones in the bile ducts or urinary organs, and also in the kidneys.

Ways to use pine shoots

Pine branches with young needles are usually used as follows:

  • A decoction of them is often prepared when an antitumor agent is required;
  • In the form of a paste or ointment, they have found use in the treatment of skin pathologies, burns, ulcers, boils;
  • A decoction of them added to a bath has excellent soothing properties.

Here is the simplest but most effective decoction that pine shoots give; their medicinal properties are used by many:

Take 4 cups of finely trimmed pine needles, pour cold boiled water. Add two teaspoons to the prepared mixture of hydrochloric acid. All this should stand for three days in the dark, and after that the product is filtered. You need to take half a glass twice a day, adding a little honey or sugar just before taking it.

Pine shoot jam is an excellent medicine

In addition to the above uses of pine needles, the medicinal properties of pine shoots can be used by preparing delicacies such as jam or honey from them. The recipes are quite simple and do not require special knowledge of cooking, but the benefits of using them are simply enormous. First of all, use is recommended for those people who very often suffer from colds. It is worth not forgetting about their existence even when there are chronic diseases respiratory organs.

Contraindications to the use of pine shoots

Many sources describe how they are used in alternative medicine young pine shoots, medicinal properties and contraindications to their use. Considering all this information, in a patient with a history of certain disease, there is a great opportunity to improve your well-being with the help of pine needles and prevent possible negative consequences.

  • The use of drugs prepared from young pine shoots during pregnancy, as well as feeding a child, is completely contraindicated;
  • You should refrain from using them for hepatitis, especially when it occurs in an acute form;
  • Uncontrolled use of this drug is not recommended. large quantities, since in this case pine needles can easily cause strong inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as general malaise, headache and renal parenchyma;
  • Hypertensive patients should take certain medications prepared from the needles and twigs of this tree with great caution.

All this information makes it possible to use pine shoots, their medicinal properties and contraindications for the benefit of your body. Indeed, thanks to them, it is possible not only to prolong the period of remission of some diseases, but also to achieve a complete cure.

Rules for the procurement of medicinal raw materials from pine needles

Pine needles are used for many medicinal purposes. In order for a product prepared on its basis to bring only benefits and not make a person suffer from possible negative consequences, the collection rules must be followed. The healing properties of pine shoots can manifest themselves in full force only in this case. You can harvest pine needles and branches at any time, but the most best period- This early spring when young shoots appeared on the trees. They are the ones who have the greatest healing power.

The rules for preparing them are quite simple and are as follows:

  • Young shoots are cut with a sharp knife;
  • To dry, lay out in a well-ventilated area in one row;
  • During drying, the raw materials should be turned over several times to prevent the formation of mold.

They can also be dried hanging on stretched ropes. Coniferous shoots prepared in this way should be stored in canvas bags.
Self-harvested pine shoots have medicinal properties and contraindications. But the latter, for the most part, appear when the rules for collecting this magnificent raw material were violated.

Almost all parts of the tree are used for medicinal purposes: buds, green one-year-old cones, needles, young shoots, resin and pollen.

Pine buds should be harvested before they bloom and then dried in the shade (possibly in the attic), while spreading a thin layer on paper. Young pine shoots are dried in the same way.

Pine Pollen collected from the fruits of a male plant before its eruption on the bark has passed. Collection is carried out in trays specially adapted for this purpose, in which it should harden.

It is recommended to store collected and dried raw materials (needles, buds, shoots) in paper boxes, bags, bags, and pollen in wooden container in dry, well-ventilated places. The shelf life of pine medicinal raw materials is no more than 2 years.

Medicinal properties of Scots pine. Usage

Scots pine used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, vasodilator, disinfectant, diuretic, blood purifier, anti-radiation and choleretic agent.

Used for pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, colds, upper respiratory tract diseases, bronchitis and coughs as a disinfectant, expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. Inhalations and rinses from a decoction of pine buds are made for sore throat and laryngitis. In combination with other plants, a decoction of pine buds is used as a choleretic agent for gastritis, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, as well as peptic ulcers. Also, for peptic ulcers, it is recommended to take a tincture of young pine cones.

Decoctions of pine needles and buds are used as a diuretic for kidney diseases, dropsy, rheumatism, gout, urolithiasis, violation metabolic process body, radiculitis, rheumatism, and radiation exposure.

For colds, a decoction of pine needles with honey is used as a diaphoretic. If you have scurvy, you should rinse your mouth and throat with the same decoction.

Medicinal properties of Scots pine in the fight against tuberculosis

Used for cough and bronchitis medicinal properties of Scots pine in the form of a decoction of young pine shoots and buds in milk with the addition of honey. This decoction is especially useful for children.

To get rid of pulmonary tuberculosis, you need to drink boiled milk with honey and pine pollen. Take 1 teaspoon of pollen, grind it in a mortar and add to boiled milk, put 1 teaspoon there bee honey. In addition to this they use medicinal properties of Scots pine in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis by chewing pine resin three times a day after meals, one ball (the size of the ball is no larger than a pea) or take a tincture of cones. Resin is also recommended for consumption (chewing) for such ailments as hemorrhoids. Gum smoke is used to fumigate rooms in which patients are located. infectious diseases. They do this for the purpose of disinfection.

Pine pollen mixed with rye, hazel and dandelion pollen is used as a biological active substance and is taken as a general tonic, a means to restore strength and increase protective functions the body after suffering serious illnesses, infections, as well as for rejuvenation. It should immediately be noted that pine pollen can cause allergic reactions, so use it with great caution.

Almost any pine raw material has medicinal properties of Scots pine: buds, needles, resin. Prepared in the form of decoctions and lotions, it has a wonderful healing effect on allergic rashes on the skin, lichen, eczema, etc. skin diseases. But you should avoid high concentrations extracts and decoctions.

For ulcers, open wounds, calluses, gangrene, burns and psoriasis, decoctions are prepared and lotions are made from them, and patches of honey and oleoresin are also applied. Joint diseases, all kinds of neuralgic diseases and muscle strains are treated with pine baths. As you can see medicinal properties of Scots pine are very extensive and are successfully used to treat a huge number of various ailments.

Be healthy!

Applications, recipes and properties medicinal pines ordinary.

Refers to Scots pine to family: Scots pine.

Treatment plant conifer tree- Scots pine with reddish-brown bark, needles arranged in pairs and seeds located in cones on seed scales.

Scots pine. Description. The tree reaches a height of forty meters. It grows on sandy loam and sandy soils, everywhere, in all regions of Russia. Refers to Scots pine to monoecious plants: male and female cones are located on the same plant. Ripening pine seeds in the spring - a pollination field, a year later. Women's bumps- after pollination they form seeds with wing-shaped appendages.

Note! No need to be confused! Scots pine like other plants conifers, releases a colorless sticky substance (terbenthine), after oxidation, which becomes yellow-golden in air. This substance consists of essential turpentine oil (terpenes) and resins. IN Food Industry apply seaside pine, but not ordinary!


Scots pine. Preparation. ethnoscience uses pine needles, resin and young shoots (buds that have begun to grow, which have already formed two to three centimeter small shoots). For blanks they do not need to be climbed onto the crown of the tree; it is enough to pluck the shoots from low pine branches. Need to collect pine buds from March to April, while they are sticky. Rich Scots pine resin and essential oils, tannins and other biologically active substances. Essential oil, which is extracted from, is used in pharmaceuticals.


Sap plants contain thirty% esters, and in young needles many vitamins, mostly vitamin C ( ascorbic acid). In wooded areas and taiga during the spring period, the local population solves this problem this way: the station is flooded. boiling water thirty gr. young pine needles, boil under the lid over low heat for half an hour, then leave for ten minutes. and filter. After, add sugar but a little or honey and drink instead of tea all day.



FROM HEAT RECIPE FROM PINE NEEDLES. Teas are made from pine needles: spoon tbsp. crushed spruce needles pour a cup of boiling water. Boil for twenty minutes, drain, cool, add honey taste and you need to drink small sips according to Art. - twice a day. Sweatshop And anti-inflammatory action. You can drink tea whencold. It is also an expectorant and againstcoughmeans.

Tincture of pine cones. Video

Very easy way to use pine buds as decoctions.


INTERNAL APPLICATION OF PINE.To thin mucus and increase the effect of expectoration.

Turpentine baths used widely with resin in the treatment of diseases articular ( , ) and salt deposition. It is recommended by traditional medicine to give you baths with yellow or white Zemsky turpentine emulsion famous doctor Zalmanova. With the help of these baths you will get rid of diseases. Extract essential oil produced by the pharmaceutical industry with the name "Water of the forest." You can apply it like strong bactericidal agent when irrigating school, residential, hospital and other premises for refreshing purposes.

EXTERNAL USE OF SCOTTS PINE. How pain reliever apply turpentine ointment at articular pathology and diseases(grate joints, back and chest).

As bath use water turpentine emulsion(white and yellow) according to the annotations on the bottle labels.

Boil a spoonful of tbsp. Scots pine buds in Art. boiling water for twenty minutes, let stand for ten minutes. and strain while hot. Two tablespoons tbsp. several times a day at colds, for phlegm.

In half a liter milk Boil two tablespoons of tbsp for twenty minutes. kidney, let sit for ten minutes, filter. Reception for illnesses respiratory organs fifty ml.

Be healthy!

Scots pine, treatment with Scots pine. Video

Pine cones, treatment. Video

The use of Scots pine in folk medicine

Pine. Medicinal properties, use in folk medicine

● Pine (Pinus) belongs to the genus of coniferous trees, which has about 120 species scattered throughout Northern Hemisphere– from the equator to the Arctic. In subarctic and temperate climates, Scots pine forms forests on the plains, and in the subtropics and tropics, near the equator, it grows in the mountains.

Hello, dear blog readers!

● Pine is an evergreen, resin-rich coniferous tree, usually very large, rarely small, sometimes almost a shrub (rare). In Russia the most widespread Scots pine .

● Pine reaches a height of 25 to 40 and a trunk diameter of 0.5-1.2 m. But the tallest trees (45-50 m) grow on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Straight trunk, raised high, cone-shaped, and then a wide crown, rounded with branches located horizontally in whorls. In some cases, there are bends in the trunk when the shoot is damaged by a pest butterfly from the leaf roller family.

● In the lower part of the trunk, the bark is scaly, thick, gray-brown with deep cracks. Scales on the bark create irregular shape plates. The bark is thin in upper area trunk and on the branches, like flakes - flaking and colored orange-red. At first the shoots are green, but soon by the end of the first summer they acquire a gray-light brown color.

● Orange-brown, ovoid-cone-shaped buds are often covered with a thin layer of white resin, less often with a thicker one. The placement of needles is characteristic: two in a bunch (2.5-4-6 cm long, 1.5-2 mm thick). The needles of young trees are longer (5-9 cm) and shorter in old ones (2.5-5 cm).

Medicinal properties of pine, use in folk medicine

● Buds, needles and pine resin are used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. A decoction of pine buds has a powerful antitussive and expectorant effect, valued by herbalists for its ability to thin mucus and produce productive expectoration.

Pine In addition, it has a choleretic, diuretic and disinfectant effect, as well as blood purifying properties. The decoction is used for dropsy, rheumatism, as an antiscorbutic and choleretic agent. Vapors from a decoction of pine buds are a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent, provide easy breath.

● Many of you probably know that the pharmaceutical industry produces turpentine from pine needles, which is used official medicine as irritant, often used for rheumatism, gout, in the form of rubbing.

● Pine needles stand out in environment phytoncides with strong bactericidal properties. That is why patients with pulmonary profile are recommended to undergo effective treatment in pine forests. It is obtained from pine sap oleoresin– a unique disinfectant and strengthening agent.

● In addition to turpentine, other products are obtained from pine medicinal preparations: rosin, pine tar, pine paste, etc. Pine paste is used for ulcers, burns and others. The needles are useful for tuberculosis patients due to the presence of phytoncidal properties. Pine buds are included in breast and other medicinal teas, which are freely sold in pharmacies.

Traditional medicine recipes using pine to treat various diseases

- pour one tablespoon of finely chopped pine needles into 2.25 cups of cold, freshly boiled water, leave in a dark place for 2-3 hours and filter through cheesecloth; drink one glass once a day.

Pine honey from fresh pine buds with severe cough as a source of vitamin C:

- pour water over the pine buds (in a ratio of 1:3), bring to a boil, cook for twenty minutes, let cool, add two parts of sugar and bring to a boil again; Take the resulting honey three times a day, a full tablespoon.

● Inhalations for colds:

- pour 20 g of pine buds into two glasses of boiling water and bring to a boil; lean over the dishes, covering your head with a towel, and inhale the steam for a few minutes.

Get treatment for your health, my dears, God bless you!