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Syntomycin ointment 10 percent instructions for use. Ointment "Synthomycin Liniment": use in medicine. In what cases is synthomycin ointment used?

Since their introduction, antibiotics have not ceased to be considered a “panacea”.

But really, the list possible application The number of drugs in this group is very large and is expanding every day.

Syntomycin ointment belongs to the group of antibiotics, and is considered one of the most accessible and cheapest drugs.

What is the ointment for?

The composition of the ointment is one of the most highly effective and determines the areas of its application. For example, ointment can be used for burns varying degrees(it is applied to the burn under sterile bandage and helps prevent infection), the ointment is also used for mechanical damage to the skin (scratches, open wounds, abrasions, rash, etc.). In fact, the range of possible applications is very wide. The ointment is prescribed:

  • with a runny nose;
  • herpes and many other diseases.

Since the drug is considered one of the most powerful antibiotics in its spectrum, it can, without much difficulty, correct use, fight various types of inflammation, pigmentation and eliminate their consequences.

There are several ways to use it:

  1. Pointed. Apply to each spot or inflammation using your hands or cotton swab as needed;
  2. For the entire area. More frequent use. Apply a thin layer to the entire face, back, neck, arms, etc.;
  3. Long lasting. Similar to the previous point, but applied in a thicker layer for a limited time (about half an hour) and removed (using warm water);

A remarkable fact is that in terms of its effectiveness and low cost, the product is on par with more expensive drugs and cosmetic products.

Another common application is gynecology. For example, syntomycin ointment for genital infections is used as one of auxiliary drugs, prescribed during the course of treatment of the cervix in women. The ointment can be used in children and for preventive purposes.

However, during pregnancy, a mandatory consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary, since studies have proven that the drug is not blocked by the placenta and can enter the fetus’s body.

The drug is quite effective for hemorrhoids. During treatment, not only ointment is used, but also suppositories or tampons with ointment. Treatment of the affected area and administration of suppositories is carried out up to 3 times a day. At advanced disease is considered ineffective and is not prescribed.

The drug is used in the treatment of eye injuries (mechanical). Effective for, especially at its first signs. Processing is carried out up to 2 times a day.

Another common area of ​​application is synthomycin ointment for colds on the lips. The damaged area of ​​the lip is treated 4 times a day.

The drug not only provides pain relief or antimicrobial effect, but also reduces the likelihood of scars and cicatrices. The ointment is not used in the treatment of facial skin burns. For this, an emulsion form is used.

Use for inflammation sweat glands similar to burns. But a prerequisite is pre-treatment of the affected area:

  1. Complete hair removal;
  2. Treatment with an antiseptic, alcohol or iodine;
  3. Applying a bandage with 10% synthomycin ointment;

The bandage is applied at night before going to bed, in the morning it must be removed, and the area should be washed with soap and treated with iodine.

And in order to cure skin pigmentation with the help of ointment, you must first cleanse the skin very thoroughly using soap-containing products, then apply the drug to the skin in a thick layer and leave for a while (no more than 3 hours) and rinse with water. The ointment is not effective as a means to even out the relief or color of the skin and is not recommended for use.

Features and dosage forms

Syntomycin ointment is not addictive with long-term use and therefore is successfully used in the absence of effectiveness of drugs containing penicillin and sulfonamide.

There are several dosage forms:

  • Ointment. Available in an aluminum tube, the content of the active substance may vary: 1%, 5%, 10%. Average price 60r;
  • Candles. average cost about 100r;

The color is white, but a yellowish tint is allowed; the composition has practically no odor. Main active substance is chloramphenicol, and depending on the manufacturer, the composition contains various emulsifiers, auxiliary ingredients and preservatives;


The ointment is classified as an antibiotic drug. One of the main purposes is the treatment of inflammation and the fight against bacteria and microorganisms.

The main ingredients of the drug (chloramphenicol and Castor oil) when entering the body, they block the ability of bacteria to reproduce by disrupting the process of protein formation, which leads to their death.

The drug enters the body through the skin. The time and process of elimination from the body have not been studied. It has been proven that with repeated use it can have a pain-relieving effect on the body.

What does syntomycin ointment help with? Full list indications for use exceed 40 positions. The main indications are:

  • Burns of varying degrees;
  • Infectious skin diseases (impetigo, etc.);
  • Demodicosis (skin lesions caused by mites);
  • Hidradenitis (sweat gland infections);

Instructions for use

Method of application: external. Convenient application method. Can be used under a bandage (for burns).


  1. In case of renal failure;
  2. At negative reaction body (allergy);
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. For fungal diseases;
  5. For anemia;
  6. At ;
  7. In case of impaired blood formation;
  8. In case of impaired platelet formation ();
  9. In case of impaired formation of leukocytes (leukopenia);

In some cases, side effects may occur:

  1. Weaknesses;
  2. Nausea and vomiting;
  3. Skin irritation, itching and redness;
  4. The appearance of bruises;
  5. Decreased body temperature or fever;
  6. The appearance of headaches;

Another exception in which the use of the drug becomes impossible is age. The ointment is strictly contraindicated for newborn babies. The main reason for this ban is considered to be a very vulnerable organism and a defense that has not yet been formed. The drug can only be prescribed after 1 year in a low dosage and under very careful monitoring, as it can cause “gray syndrome”, characteristic symptoms which are:

  1. Nausea and vomiting;
  2. Change in skin color to gray-blue;
  3. Progressive cyanosis (change in color of the extremities and mucous membranes);
  4. (increased accumulation of gases);
  5. Hypothermia (low body temperature, dangerous for the child, about 32°C);
  6. Progressive heart problems;

Syntomycin ointment for redness helps prevent the development of the inflammatory process. It is also permissible to use it on mucous membranes and eyes.

  • With a long course of treatment, breaks or alternating use with another drug are necessary;
  • Instructions for use are the main recommendations for use that must be followed. Application of the composition should be regular, without omissions;
  • It is recommended to apply only to the affected area (pointwise).
  • Combining the use of ointment and other drugs is not recommended (an allergic reaction is possible);


A drug analogue of syntomycin ointment must have the same active substance - chloramphenicol. List of possible analogues:

  1. Levovinisole;
  2. Sintomycin (Rusfar);
  3. Levomycetin (stearate, AKOS, Akri, Darnitsa, DIA, KMP, Rusfar, UBF, succinate);
  4. Chlorocide G;
  5. Vishnevsky ointment;

As with other medications, you should consult a doctor before using synthomycin ointment. And the process and prescription of drugs should be monitored by doctors.

One of the most effective drugs anti-inflammatory action is "Syntomycin". The ointment is intended for external use. The product belongs to the antibiotic group of chloramphenicol. It has a white or slightly yellowish color.

Composition of Sintomycin ointment

The composition of the bactericidal agent "Sintomycin" includes the following components: syntomycin, chloramphenicol, castor oil, sorbic acid, water, emulsifier. The ointment does not contain harmful chemical substances. Has a long shelf life.

How does Sintomycin ointment work?

The drug has an antimicrobial effect aimed at destroying the protein synthesis process of microorganisms. "Sintomycin" - an ointment that helps slow down reproduction harmful bacteria. The active effect of the drug occurs on streptococci, staphylococci, and gonorrhea pathogens. In addition, “Syntomycin ointment” effectively suppresses spirochetes. The drug contains a component - chloramphenicol. It is active against resistant bacteria that are not inhibited by other antibiotics (streptomycin, penicillin).

Indications for use of the drug "Sintomycin"

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases skin, soft tissues use "Syntomycin". The ointment is indicated for: skin lesions purulent in nature, furunculosis, non-healing trophic ulcers, nursing mothers, burns, painful purulent wounds.

In addition, it is observed positive effect using Sintomycin ointment for acne. The product has an advantage due to its low cost. Modern cosmetics and skin health procedures require considerable financial costs. Ointment "Sintomycin" - profitable and a good product, helping in the fight against acne. The drug is applied in a thin layer to a cleaned and dried surface. Reviews indicate positive impact ointments for the treatment of acne. The drug also helps get rid of spots - the consequences of acne. In addition, "Sintomycin" lightens the skin.

The spectrum of action of the drug also extends to the diseases kerato-conjunctivitis, blepharo-conjunctivitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, neuroparalytic conjunctivitis. The antibiotic copes with emerging infections. The ointment is applied to each eyelid. The procedure is repeated after three hours during the day.

Contraindications to the use of "Synthomycin"

Any medicine has contraindications. Sintomycin is no exception. The drug is not used during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or in case of individual intolerance. Also, the use of ointment is contraindicated for newborns, people with allergic manifestations on this remedy, for psoriasis, eczema, fungal skin infections, suppression of hematopoiesis.

Possible side effects from using Sintomycin ointment

Studies have shown that the use of Sintomycin ointment can cause side effects in the form of: fungal infection, collapse (in children under one year of age), hematopoietic disorders, rash. IN in rare cases irritation of the mucous membranes may occur. This drug should be used with caution in combination with other drugs: sulfonamides, pyrazolone derivatives, cytostatics. The combination of use may disrupt the process of hematopoiesis. Therefore, consultation and supervision of a specialist doctor is necessary.

Directions for use and doses

The drug should be applied to the affected area, apply a sterile one. You can also use another method of application: apply the ointment to the bandage, apply to the damaged surface. If there are wounds, they must be pre-treated. Then place in purulent cavity tampon with chloramphenicol. Gauze turundas containing the agent are inserted into the fistula tracts.

By purchasing the drug in pharmacy chain, you need to read the annotation. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Uncontrolled use of even the most seemingly harmless medicinal product, can cause harm to the body.

Syntomycin ointment is widely used today to suppress infections and neutralize foci of inflammation on the skin. In properties and correct use this sought after antibacterial drug Our article will help you figure it out. Despite the abundance of expensive, potent drugs with a similar effect, this drug remains popular because it works flawlessly and is well known to consumers. So, let's look at how syntomycin ointment works and what it is used for in modern conditions.

Active components of syntomycin ointment

Antibiotic chloramphenicol

Main active substance the drug is somewhat outdated, but still quite strong antibiotic chloramphenicol, its second name sounds like syntomycin, which is why the ointment is called synthomycin. It is known that Chemical properties and the structure of chloramphenicol are similar to those of the famous chloramphenicol. The action of the antibiotic is aimed at destroying several types of pathogenic microbes of gram-positive and gram-negative species. Others are neutralized along the way. harmful microorganisms, such as chlamydia, rickettsia and spirochetes. Reproduction pathogens in processing areas it becomes impossible, therefore skin problems are being decided.

It is believed that syntomycin is capable of killing harmful microorganisms that are completely insensitive to penicillin, and can also destroy strains that do not respond to treatment with streptomycin and sulfonamides. The active substance inhibits the activity of individual large viruses. The undeniable advantage of chloramphenicol is that microorganisms remain vulnerable for a long time and extremely slowly develop immunity to this antibiotic.

Natural castor oil

The ointment is supplemented with castor oil, which has antibacterial potential and is widely known in the cosmetology community. When applying oil to the skin, inflammation and hyperemia are quickly relieved. Thanks to the properties of castor oil, drying of the skin and the appearance of flaking are prevented.

Syntomycin ointment: cheap product for cleansing the skin of acne, demodicosis and lichen

Synthomycin ointment for acne

The effectiveness of ointment against acne

Cosmetologists know exactly what synthomycin ointment is used for and how it works with problem skin, so they often recommend including the drug in a complex curative therapy against acne. When regularly treating the skin with suitable products, moderate drying is observed, fast healing, eliminating discomfort and redness.

Rules for using syntomycin ointment

It is necessary to use synthomycin liniment strictly in accordance with the attached instructions. This way you can avoid unpleasant consequences for good health. It is advisable not to combine the use of ointment with other potent drugs. Often the combination of certain pharmaceuticals provokes allergic reaction. You need to apply the ointment to thoroughly cleansed skin. A specialist can recommend methods of cleansing the skin based on existing problems. The most common method is to use as directed good gel for washing and subsequent wiping of the skin. When using facial ointments, the skin of your hands should be perfectly clean. Spot application of the ointment is encouraged, that is, each pimple is treated separately. If large areas of the face are affected, the principle of application in dots is also maintained, without smearing adjacent areas.

Safety when treating acne with ointment

Traditionally, acne wounds are not lubricated. To avoid unwanted addiction, long courses with ointment are not practiced. When acne treatment takes too long, it is better to alternately apply different drugs without overusing any of them. Syntomycin ointment and many other acne remedies are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women - due to the deep penetration of the product into the thickness of the skin, it can enter the blood. The drug is not used in early childhood.

Other areas of application of syntomycin ointment

Treatment of herpes zoster with ointment

Dangerous and quite painful pathology called herpes zoster is also called herpes zoster because it is a subtype of herpes. Herpes cannot be cured by applying only syntomycin ointment to the skin, since it active ingredients unable to kill the virus. Despite this, the drug is part complex therapy and appears to be an effective addition to other medications. Chloramphenicol cleanses the treated surface from various bacteria, thereby preventing the addition of a secondary infection to the area affected by lichen. The product is suitable mainly for people with weak immunity.

Treatment of demodicosis with ointment

We looked at what syntomycin ointment is used for so that as much as possible more people was aware of this budgetary funds. The drug, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, has been tested for many generations and really deserves attention.

It has been medically established that many harmful bacteria that develop in human body, are very resistant to most drugs. In this regard, new means are constantly being developed to combat such pathologies. Syntomycin ointment is one of them. This is a drug for external use. The instructions for syntomycin ointment will help you use the product correctly to achieve maximum effectiveness.

The composition of the ointment is quite extensive, but the main effect on the body is exerted by the antibiotic, which is the main component. According to the principle of operation, the substance has many similarities with chloramphenicol, but in many cases it acts on the body much more effectively.

When it comes into contact with the skin, the drug begins to actively act and block harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is often prescribed to eliminate inflammatory processes in organism. Sometimes synthomycin ointment works well even in cases where the disease is at late stages development. It all depends on the degree of complexity of the pathology itself.

Sintomycin ointment - for what?

The range of application of the drug is much wider than that of most analogues, which explains its popularity. In total, the ointment helps fight more than 39 types of diseases. Among skin pathologies that are treated with this remedy, it is worth highlighting the following serious illnesses, How:

  • Inflammation of the sweat glands, which can lead to a severe rash.
  • Furuncle and furunculosis - purulent pimples large sizes.
  • – a disease that affects large areas of the skin.
  • Shingles or herpes zoster.
  • Burns and other types of mechanical damage to the skin.

The specific methods of using the drug and the duration of treatment vary, depending on what kind of pathology you are struggling with. Therefore, do not self-medicate. Only a doctor can give precise instructions. Contact the hospital to get the information you need.

Synthomycin ointment is sold in several variations, which expands the range of people for whom this drug is suitable for treatment. The options differ depending on the amount of active substance (antibiotic) in the composition. It could be 1%, 5% or 10%. It is clear that the more antibiotic contained in the ointment, the stronger its effect on the entire body.

In this case, this active substance is castor oil. Additional preservatives and emulsifiers give the drug the desired consistency and enhance its effectiveness.

Standard instructions for using synthomycin ointment

The specific procedure and methods of application depend on the disease itself. Here are some of the most common instructions:

To combat skin inflammation

The affected area must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased before using the drug. The ointment is applied to the cover with a layer of medium thickness. A bandage is applied on top. This can be ordinary gauze cloth, but to achieve better efficiency For synthomycin liniment, it is recommended to combine a bandage with paper.

To eliminate burns

In principle, the drug is suitable for the treatment of any mechanical damage skin, including open wounds. It is used if skin covering for a long time does not heal on its own, or begins to fester. The latter scenario is best avoided. If you know that the damage takes a long time to heal on your body, it is better to start treatment with ointment in advance, before infection enters the body.

The principle of application is the same. Here you need Special attention pay attention to the choice of the drug itself. If a 1% remedy can be used to treat some inflammatory processes, then synthomycin liniment ointment 5% or even 10% will work better here, depending on the degree of skin damage itself.

For the treatment of inflamed mammary glands

An exclusively female problem that nursing mothers often face. After pregnancy, the body itself weakens, which affects all glands. At a minimum, this is explained by a violation hormonal levels. In the last trimester, the body begins to restore normal performance, but this process is not the fastest.

Therefore, after each feeding, unpleasant cracks may form on the nipples, which cause severe discomfort And painful sensations. In the future, the formation may remain on the nipple for a long time if treatment is not started.

Syntomycin ointment will help you get rid of this problem. Moreover, with its use, cracks heal quite quickly if you do everything according to the instructions. So, again, you need to start with the right choice type of drug. Here you need a product with average effectiveness. That is, Syntomycin 5% ointment is suitable.

First you need to clean the affected area. Gently rinse the crack itself and the affected area of ​​the nipple with regular warm water. In order not to interfere with the effects of the drug, it is not recommended to use additional moisturizers before using it. The ointment is applied to a regular sterile napkin and applied to the nipple. You can secure the napkin with a plaster or bandage.

The duration of treatment for this pathology varies, depending on the degree of damage to the skin of the nipple. As a rule, it is enough to change the napkin on time within two to five days.

The skin on the nipples is very thin and sensitive. It is quite possible that this ointment will not be suitable for you to treat cracks. Be sure to show the problem to your doctor and ask whether you can specifically use synthomycin ointment 5% for treatment. Also keep in mind that the drug can be used only after feeding.

These are standard instructions for using the drug in certain situations. But often doctors prescribe a remedy to eliminate a person’s individual problems. Perhaps you will be prescribed ointment to treat completely different pathologies. In this case, you will receive exact instructions for use from your doctor on site.

Contraindications for syntomycin ointment

The ointment has a rather strong effect on the body, so there are a number of cases in which it is not recommended to use it. This:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Skin pathologies caused by fungus.
  • Eczema.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Pathologies circulatory system: arrhythmia, leukopenia or thrombocytopenia.

Carefully study the composition of the ointment before use and make sure that you are not intolerant to certain components. Especially active substances.

Neglect of contraindications can lead to an allergy to syntomycin ointment, exacerbation of fungal inflammation or additional problems with the circulatory system.

When treating acne, synthomycin ointment can be combined with other agents and medications for achievement better effect. See the video below for more details:

Syntomycin ointment - potent remedy, which helps get rid of many skin problems. But you need to carefully consider contraindications so as not to aggravate the situation. We also recommend that you study information about alternative antibacterial ointments which you can.