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Cough oil compress for children. A compress with honey will help your child get rid of a cough quickly. Warming compress for children

The use of medications does not always help to quickly relieve a child of a cough. For treatment to be most effective, pediatricians advise seeking help traditional medicine. One of the most effective means considered a cough compress for a child. It will help relieve the baby from similar condition in a matter of days. In addition, the use of compresses is absolutely safe.

Cough compress for children with honey

One of the most effective ways To get rid of the disease, use a compress for a child’s cough with honey. This procedure has a warming effect. Thanks to such a compress, the mucus in the bronchi becomes liquid and comes out better. How to properly carry out such treatment?

You need to take plastic film (thick) and put it on chest baby. Then honey, mixed with vodka in equal proportions, is applied to the cellophane. To make the product more effective, you can add a little “Star” balm to it. Essential oils, contained in its composition, will have a warming effect. And the vapors that will be released when the compress is heated from body temperature will help make breathing easier.

This compress does not need to be covered with anything. The baby should lie down with this structure for half an hour. Then the compress is carefully removed, and the child is covered with a warm blanket. It is best to carry out similar procedure before bedtime.

Honey compress for cough for children with mustard

An equally effective folk remedy is a honey compress for a child’s cough with mustard. Mustard has an effective warming effect, due to which the disease recedes very quickly. Honey should be slightly warmed before use. As for mustard, it can be used in both liquid and dry form. The procedure for performing the compress will be as follows:

Take 7 tbsp. liquid mustard or 4 tbsp. dry. If the second option was chosen, then the powder is mixed with an equal amount warm water.

Add the same amount of liquid honey. This component can be dissolved in a water bath or in microwave oven.

Mix mustard with honey and spread evenly onto cling film. Place it on the baby's chest and cover it with another layer of polyethylene. It should be remembered that any cough compress for a child should not be applied to the area where the heart is located. Failure to comply with this prohibition may affect the baby's health. After 15-20 minutes have passed, the compress can be removed.

It should be remembered that it is unacceptable to use products and substances in compresses that can cause allergies. Therefore, before installing them, it is necessary to conduct a special test. To do this, you need to take a small part of the compress and place it on the baby’s wrist. If it doesn't start in 20 minutes allergic reaction(rash or itching), then this remedy can be safely used.

Compress with dimexide for cough for a child

The main active component of this folk remedy is dimexide. Just like vodka and mustard, this substance has a warming effect. To quickly cure a cough and help phlegm come out of the bronchi, you need to take 5 tbsp. such a liquid. Mix with the same amount of sunflower oil and soak the gauze. It should be folded in several layers (at least 4).

Then the compress with Dimexide for cough is applied to the child on cling film (it should be very dense). The structure is secured with another layer of polyethylene. To do this, it is wrapped around the baby's body.

After this, a layer of cotton wool (approximately 3 cm) is placed on the compress and wrapped with cotton cloth. It is enough for a child to lie down with a similar design for an hour so that the cough becomes much less. To enhance therapeutic effect You can put this compress on at night.

Cabbage compress with honey for a child’s cough

This product does not require plastic film. She will be replaced cabbage leaf. In order for this compress to work, you must follow the following steps:

Take a large head of cabbage. Separate one sheet. Then it needs to be brought to softness. To do this, boil the leaf in boiling water for 2 minutes. You can place the cabbage in the microwave at maximum power (at least 4 minutes).

Cool the sheet and coat with liquid honey. This treat can also be placed in the microwave or dissolved in a water bath.

When the cabbage leaf and honey have cooled, you need to put them on the baby’s chest. It should be remembered that the honey should be at the bottom.

The cabbage and honey included in such a compress for a child’s cough draws out all the toxins and warms the bronchi. It is best to leave the product to work overnight. To prevent it from falling apart, you can wrap it in a cotton rag or gauze.

Parents should remember that they should consult their pediatrician before using any compress. Only a specialist can authorize or prohibit such a procedure, based on clinical picture diseases.

Child cough compress with potatoes

An effective cough compress for a child with potatoes will help remove phlegm from the upper respiratory tract. The heat emanating from this structure helps to liquefy the thick secretion in the bronchi.

First you need to boil the potatoes (without skins). Grind with a masher or meat grinder. Then the vegetable is placed on gauze folded in several layers. The potatoes should be at a temperature that the baby can easily tolerate.

Then the compress is placed on the baby's chest and wrapped in a layer of cotton cloth or gauze. To make the effect even better, you can wrap the structure with plastic film. The child should keep this cough compress for at least 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your baby in a warm blanket.

Another version of this folk remedy is made from crushed warm potatoes and vodka. To do this, you need to spread a layer of thick plastic film on a table or any hard surface. Then you should put three-layer gauze on it, soaked in vodka (or diluted medical alcohol).

Place crushed warm potatoes and another layer of cellophane on top. Place the structure on the baby's chest and wrap it in a warm blanket. The duration of action of such a compress should be at least 30 minutes.

Cough compress with honey and flour

Among the effective folk remedies make a cough compress with honey and flour. To prepare it, you will need half a glass of flour and 3 tbsp. cold water. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed and heated honey added. The last component should be taken in the amount of 5 tbsp. Add vodka (3 tbsp) and mix well.

Place the medicinal mixture on a cotton cloth and smooth it out. Place on the baby's chest (avoiding the heart area) and cover with a layer of polyethylene. Wrap the compress in two more layers of film and wrap the child in a warm blanket (preferably a down one). The action time of the product is no more than 30 minutes. This recipe helps remove mucus from the bronchi in a few days. Just 3 procedures, carried out three days in a row, can put a child back on his feet. It should be remembered that it is better to apply any warm compress for cough before going to bed.

One more no less effective option compress is prepared from more honey To prepare it, you need to take 50 ml of this delicacy and mix with 2 tbsp. flour. To make this easier, you can dissolve honey in a water bath or in a microwave oven (at maximum power, no more than 2 minutes).

Then an elongated cake is formed from the mass. The compress is placed on the chest and wrapped in several layers of cellophane. The duration of action of such a remedy is at least an hour. It is best to carry out a similar procedure before the baby goes to bed at night. If a cough compress is given to a child during the day, then after that the baby must be dressed warmly. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

Sholokhova Olga Nikolaevna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Compresses for coughs: basic recipes

Cough compresses for children – effective remedy for treating even children. Their special feature is safety, because you don’t have to take anything inside. Compresses are made from different substances, providing healing property on the bronchi. But this method of treating cough has its own indications and contraindications, which must be discussed with your doctor.

The effect of the compress

A cough compress for a child is a warming way to influence the bronchi. This is a bandage applied in a certain way to heal a wound, an organ under the skin. It is believed that compresses for coughs are a physiotherapeutic remedy. They are different actions: dry, wet, hot, cold, warming. At symptomatic treatment for bronchitis, mainly warming ones are used.

Under the influence of heat, blood circulation accelerates and the removal of mucus from the bronchi improves. The therapeutic dressing has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect.

Contraindications for use

Mechanism for making a therapeutic bandage

It is not difficult to make a compress for a child; it consists of several layers. How to make a warm compress for a child's cough?

  1. The first layer contains the medicine. The fabric is soaked medicinal solution or the main active ingredient is superimposed on it.
  2. The second layer is necessary to isolate the active substance from clothing and bed linen, polyethylene or another type of paper is used for its manufacture.
  3. The third layer is necessary for warming; warm fabric is used for it: a scarf, cotton wool, a handkerchief, and so on.

How to apply compresses correctly?

Children need to make compresses according to a certain algorithm.

    • First you need to decide which ingredients to use for treatment. Is it possible to do alcohol compresses, you need to ask your doctor.
    • Before applying the bandage, the baby’s skin is subjected to special treatment - vegetable oil or massage oil.
    • Prepare a compress and apply it to your back and chest. But it is necessary to ensure that the heart area is not affected.
    • Make sure that the insulating layer is correctly applied, then wrap the child warmly.
    • A compress with honey, vinegar, and alcohol are express methods that can be used for 30-40 minutes. Basically, such cough bandages are made at night.
    • After removing the compress, the baby’s skin needs to be wiped to remove any residue. active ingredients bandages, then lubricate the skin with moisturizer.
    • After the procedure, the child should not go outside, do not stand in drafts, he must be dressed in dry clothes, and something warm should be put on in the place of the compress.

Recipes for making compresses

The main component of most warming dressings is honey. But many children have an allergic reaction to it. To know whether you can make a honey compress for a child’s cough or not, you need to check it on your hand. To do this, you need to apply a speck of honey, wait 10-15 minutes, if the skin immediately turns red, it means that there is an allergic reaction to it.

Honey compresses

Therapeutic cough dressings with honey are used for bronchitis, pharyngitis, and tracheitis. There are several recipes for their preparation.

  1. Heat the honey in a water bath (the temperature should be no more than 60 degrees, since then the honey loses its properties). For a compress you need to take 1-2 tbsp. Soak gauze with this honey and place it on the child’s chest for 30 minutes. Then cleanse the skin and apply cream. Doctors allow this dressing even for children under one year old in the absence of an allergic reaction.
  2. Take a cabbage leaf and put it in hot water to make it warm, flexible and sterile. Spread honey on it, apply it to the back, on the front of the chest, avoid the heart area. This compress can be left on all night.

You can add a few drops of black radish juice, horseradish or a little salt to cough honey compresses for children. These substances increase the absorption of honey, therefore, the effect of the compress also increases. But the risk of allergies also increases.

Potato compress for bronchitis

Improve coughing after coughing viral disease potato compresses.

  • Boil approximately 3 medium potatoes with their skins on. Place them in a bag or gauze and press them onto a hard surface to form a layer of potatoes. Prepare a cotton towel and place the flatbread on the chest, avoiding the left side, where the heart is. Wrap the child up and keep him there until the potatoes have cooled down.
  • Prepare boiled potatoes (2 pieces), alcohol or vodka (2 tbsp), honey (2 tbsp), unrefined vegetable oil (1 tbsp). Mash the potatoes and mix the remaining ingredients until smooth. Some people add it and a tablespoon of mustard powder. Apply the warm mixture evenly onto the fabric. Keep until the mixture cools. This compress is very effective for coughs if you are not allergic to honey.

Curd dressing

Let us note right away: children should not use curd cough compress together with antibacterial drugs!

Heat the cottage cheese, strain. Wrap the warm mass in cling film and place it on the baby’s chest. Then apply the remaining 2 layers. This bandage should be kept for up to 1.5 hours, then removed. The cough will become more productive, and the sputum will not be so viscous.

After medical procedure It’s better to wrap the child in something warm and put him to bed.

Oil treatment

When your child coughs, you can make a compress of oil. It is considered the most harmless, simple but effective for lingering cough. Needs to be reheated butter in a water bath, dip a cloth or napkin in it, make an insulating and warm layer. It is better to leave this medicinal bandage overnight. If it is not possible to do it at night, during the day he should be on his back for at least 3 hours.

Alcohol based compress

You need to be careful with this medicinal bandage, especially when using it for children. If there are problems with work thyroid gland, a child under 2 years old cannot use this recipe.

For treatment, you need to take vodka or alcohol, mix in the following proportions: vodka and water 3:1, alcohol and water 1:1. Heat the solution to a temperature of no more than 38 degrees. Blot the fabric in this solution, wring it out a little, and place it on your back. The duration of such treatment is no more than 30 minutes, since the alcohol base is dangerous for burns to the delicate skin of children.

Salt in cough compress

Effective for complications after viral infection saline solution in a bandage. To prepare it you will need: 1 liter of warm water, 90 grams of salt. Dilute the salt, soak a cloth or towel in the resulting solution, wring it out and place it on your back. You can keep this solution all night and then get up in the morning.

After such treatment, the baby’s skin must be lubricated with moisturizer or baby oil. Salt can irritate and dry out a child's skin, so skin care is required after it.

Black radish medicinal bandage

Black radish can be used both internally and externally for coughs. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice out of the vegetable, moisten the cloth in warm sunflower oil, then in the juice. Keep the compress for no more than 20 minutes due to burning.

Vodka compress when coughing is one of the varieties of so-called distraction therapy. Such compresses help dilate blood vessels, provide a rush of blood to the area of ​​inflammation, and significantly reduce swelling. In this way, it is possible to avoid unwanted influence on skin covering. In addition, it is vodka compresses that can neutralize pain, which will allow them to be an ideal addition to folk methods treatment of cough in childhood.

Compresses with vodka for coughs are used quite often

What are the main indications and contraindications

The leading indication in this case is cough, runny nose and other symptoms of a cold, ARVI. The list of contraindications is much more extensive, for example, acute and purulent form bronchitis, chronic pleurisy. In addition, the list of restrictions for children includes:

  • any form of sinusitis and otitis media;
  • a disorder in the process of blood clotting, in particular hemophilia;
  • rapidly progressing cardiovascular pathologies;
  • lupus, hepatitis C and other systemic pathologies.

The list of contraindications includes childhood up to one year, the presence of damage to the skin and, in general, an increased degree of sensitivity of the epidermis. In order for the use of compresses with vodka to be 100% effective, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the most important rules.

At cardiovascular pathologies You can’t make a compress with vodka and alcohol

What you need to know about applying compresses

The dressing for a child should be vodka, not alcohol, because in the latter case the effect will be milder. Vodka compresses do not cause irritation or burns of the skin. In addition, the fabric used for treatment must be 100% natural. It's about about components such as cotton, linen or simply textile fabric.

The area of ​​skin on which the child's cough compress will be placed should not have any damage.

We are talking not only about the absence of scratches or cuts, but also about the fact that there should be no irritation and hyperemia (redness of a certain area of ​​the skin). It will be important when applying compresses to the chest for coughing in children to avoid the cardiac area if possible. Because of this, it should be placed slightly to the right of center.

If you are going to apply a compress, check that there are no injuries or rashes on the child’s back.

Celebrating additional rules, pay attention to the fact that:

  • before placing the bandage, the skin will need to be smeared with a sufficiently thick creamy composition to create ideal protection against possible irritation;
  • it will need to be carefully insulated by covering the top with cellophane film and a terry towel folded in several layers;
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure at night, because with the bandage you will need to lie down quietly and without unnecessary movements for at least 120 minutes;
  • if the compress was nevertheless placed in daytime, then after the procedure it is not recommended to leave the apartment, especially in winter or simply in bad weather.

When the bandage is removed, this area will need to be thoroughly wiped with a clean napkin and a moisturizing cream should be applied. This is necessary because vodka dries out the skin, especially for a child.

It is best to apply compresses to children before bedtime.

What else do you need to know

When using a vodka cough compress for a child, it is strongly recommended to take into account that you should not use it when coughing if the temperature is more than 37.2 degrees. This can cause not only unwanted overheating, but also a sharp increase in temperature.

If the compress with vodka was installed correctly, the child will feel a soft and enveloping warmth. It will spread evenly over the entire surface of the body. In certain situations, chills are likely to develop. If it has formed, then it is strongly recommended to abandon the procedure as soon as possible. After all, this means that the child’s temperature has increased or, for example, a spasm has formed in the vascular area.

Procedure execution algorithm

A vodka compress should be applied to a child according to a certain algorithm - this is what will achieve 100% results in the treatment of cough.

Prepare everything you need for the compress in advance

Everything you need for such treatment will need to be prepared in advance. To apply a bandage, it is recommended to use:

  • no more than 100 ml of vodka;
  • fatty cream (this can be a composition for both hands and body);
  • a small piece of fabric;
  • the film is little more than a piece of fabric;
  • a large amount of cotton wool, preferably not sterile;
  • wide bandage or scarf made of natural fabric.

As noted earlier, before applying a cough compress, you need to thoroughly spread the skin with a cream with a fatty base and wait no more than two to three minutes. During this period of time, the composition will be absorbed and form a thin protective film.

Before applying the compress, apply a rich cream to the skin, for example, you can use the usual baby cream

It is recommended to apply the bandage to the sternum, excluding the area of ​​the heart, or to the back. It is strongly recommended to warm the drink a little, but not very much, to prevent the evaporation of alcohol. Next, you will need to moisten the fabric in vodka and wring it out thoroughly, because it should remain saturated with moisture, but not wet. The compress is applied to the desired area of ​​the body and covered with an already prepared film.

After this, the cough bandage for children will need to be insulated. For this purpose, cotton wool is folded into a number of layers and placed on film. The cotton wool is pressed as closely as possible with the palms to the sternum. This is necessary because if the bandage does not fit perfectly to the skin, the child will feel cold instead of warmth, and therefore the treatment will not be as effective as possible. The cotton wool, in turn, is fixed with wide bandages or, say, a scarf. Next, the child will need to take cover and lie motionless for about two to three hours. Parents should remember that:

  • in certain situations, applying a bandage can provoke forced secretion of sputum;

As soon as the compress is applied, the child should be wrapped to provide warmth

  • this is normal and you should not stop treatment, it’s just that with deep heating, the formed sputum will liquefy, and therefore it is much easier and faster to cough up;
  • It would be best to first prepare and place under your hands a certain amount of napkins and a thermos with weak black tea (or herbal infusion) so that, if necessary, you can drink drinks that are useful for coughing.

Compresses with honey

The use of cough bandages with honey deserves special attention. Speaking about this, they pay attention to the fact that a vodka compress with honey and potatoes will have a much gentler and no less effective effect. It can be placed at night, because the additional components significantly soften the irritating effect of the drink on the skin.

A compress with honey provides deeper heating and is effective for wet coughs.

The presented compress not only provides deep warming of the bronchi, but also allows you to successfully combat various inflammatory algorithms. In this regard, after consultation with your doctor, such dressings may be an excellent alternative during the treatment process. chronic form bronchitis and pneumonia in childhood.

Preparing a compress with honey is not difficult at all. It will be necessary to use such ingredients as 50 ml of vodka, two large potatoes, one tbsp. l. honey Next you will need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  • the potatoes are boiled with their skins on, peeled and mashed until smooth, that is, pureed;
  • add the required amount of honey to the uncooled potatoes, pour in vodka;
  • the composition is thoroughly mixed and spread as evenly as possible on gauze;
  • then the bandage is placed like a regular compress using vodka.

Compresses with vodka, honey and potatoes are effective for bronchitis

After the presented procedure, the skin will need to be thoroughly wiped with a napkin that has been moistened in water at room temperature. If you feel dryness or there is slight redness, then it will be possible to apply a special soothing composition. It is strongly recommended to repeat the procedure using honey no more than every 24 hours. Contraindications in this case are similar to vodka dressings.

Neck compresses

If the cause of a child’s cough is a sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis and other similar ailments, it makes sense to use a compress with vodka not on the sternum area, but on the neck.

The technology and algorithm for its use coincide with those that have already been presented earlier. However, in the presented situation, the bandage will reliably cover the entire front area of ​​the neck up to jugular vein. It will also have to lie on top, reaching the jawline and capturing the cervical lymph nodes.

Neck compresses will help relieve inflammation and relieve sore throat

Despite the fact that the technique perfectly helps to get rid of inflammatory processes and sore throat when coughing, due to the specific placement with such a bandage, it is recommended to be extremely careful. So, it should not be used when:

  • inflammation or changes in the size of the lymph nodes;
  • certain diseases of the endocrine gland;
  • purulent form of sore throat;
  • purulent otitis media;
  • bleeding in the gum area.

For purulent sore throat, compresses are contraindicated

In this regard, before starting to treat a child’s cough in this way, it is strongly recommended to coordinate rehabilitation measures with the attending physician.

You will learn how to apply a cough compress with vodka from this video:

Most modern parents, seeing manifestations of any illness in their child, rush headlong to the nearest pharmacy and buy everything that the pharmacist recommends. At the same time, they forget that they already have at hand many medicines that are useful and natural, which treated their grandparents for decades.

Good to know: using a variety of familiar products you can easily form and apply a compress, which is an excellent addition, and sometimes a substitute for medications.

Avoid compresses if...

A variety of compresses actually have many positive qualities, including:

  • absence side effects from its use;
  • Compresses give a quick result, which consists in alleviating symptoms.

Despite this, they are not a pill for all diseases. No, compresses are used exclusively in certain situations, which can be said about any other medicines and procedures.

Thus, you should avoid using compresses if:

  1. baby's temperature above 37 degrees;
  2. the integrity of the skin in the place where the compresses will be placed is compromised;
  3. child is less than 12 months old;
  4. the child has heart disease or neoplasms;
  5. manifestation of an allergic reaction to the components or conditions of application of the compress;
  6. treatment is carried out using antibiotics.

In the absence of these conditions, the use of compresses will always have a beneficial effect on the baby’s condition. At the same time, we should not forget about the need to consult a specialist, so in any case it is necessary to invite a pediatrician to check the condition of the baby and further consultation.

How to apply a compress?

The process of applying a compress, like performing any medical procedure, has its own requirements and limitations.

Good to know: only a correctly executed process can lead to receiving desired result, in the opposite situation, the patient’s condition may worsen.

Therefore, when applying a compress, you must follow the mandatory algorithm of actions:

  1. Pre-smear the baby's skin with vegetable oil or a very rich cream.. This action will help protect your baby from extreme heat exposure.
  2. Do not apply the components of the compress to the child’s naked body.. Initially, place the prepared mixture on a cloth or gauze folded in several layers, which you then apply to the skin.
  3. Avoid placing the compress in the area of ​​the heart muscle, otherwise it can cause the development of heart disease.
  4. Cover the applied compress with wax paper, which will prevent it from cooling quickly. Polyethylene is sometimes used, but its ability to retain heat is too low, so it is recommended not to replace paper with film.
  5. Insulate the compress. To do this, you can use any warm clothes: a scarf, a woolen scarf or shawl, a sweater, etc. After this, cover the patient with a blanket.
  6. The best option is using a compress at night, when most often the child is bothered by coughing more actively. Because of this, the baby sleeps poorly, and the body becomes even more tired and depleted from the disease. Apply the compress in the evening before bed and remove it in the morning.
  7. The removed compress cannot be reused- it should be thrown away. The baby's skin needs to be wiped of any remaining oil and components of the compress itself. After this, lubricate the irritated skin with baby cream.
  8. After applying the compress, you need to make sure that the child is warm. Under no circumstances should the baby go outside or in a draft. He should remain under the blanket, since cooling a hot body can lead not to relief of symptoms, but to their aggravation.

Cough compress recipes

There are many different recipes that are used by certain people. Compresses, like medications, may or may not be suitable depending on the characteristics of the human body. Therefore, when using a certain compress, monitor the reaction of the sick body. If a dry cough turns into a wet one and the dryness begins to go away, then compresses should be continued - they give visible result. If the sick child’s condition does not improve, then it is worth reviewing the compress recipe and, possibly, replacing it.

The most common recipes for cough compresses are:

  • Oil. Pour into a mug sunflower oil and place in a pan of boiling water. This way the oil will warm up to desired temperature, while it will avoid direct exposure to fire. After the oil reaches the desired temperature, it is removed from the stove and a towel, gauze or other thick piece of cloth is soaked in it. Once the fabric is completely soaked, you need to squeeze it out slightly so that the oil does not drip from it. Apply the resulting compress to the baby’s skin, cover it with paper and cloth that will not allow the oil to seep through, insulate it, and put the baby to bed.
  • Black radish. To prepare a compress, you need to peel the black radish, squeeze the juice out of it using a juicer or sieve, after grating it on fine grater. Additionally, you need to heat the sunflower oil in a separate container, but do not use open fire. The prepared cloth or towel must initially be completely soaked in oil. After this, after squeezing out the excess, dip the compress cloth into the prepared juice and apply it to the skin of the sick child. Please note that it is imperative to avoid getting the compress into the area of ​​the heart muscle. Cover the compress with paper and insulate the patient. You need to apply it for no more than 30-40 minutes, and if it starts burning earlier, then you shouldn’t wait. After this, it is recommended to take a warm shower and warm up again. Besides, traditional healers If black radish is unavailable, I recommend replacing it with regular whey. She has many useful qualities and is actively used both internally, in the form of a warm drink with honey, and externally, in the form of a compress.

  • Honey. It is recommended to apply liquid honey to the skin of a sick person, lightly rubbing it in a circular motion with your hand. Place a towel or gauze on top of it and cover with paper to prevent honey from falling out of the area of ​​its influence. Next, the patient needs to be insulated and left overnight. In the morning you need to take a warm shower and warm yourself up.
  • Cottage cheese. Please note that the use of this compress is prohibited if the patient is using antibiotics. To prepare a compress, you need to mix 100 grams of warm cottage cheese with a tablespoon of honey. Please note that cottage cheese cannot be heated over direct heat, so place it on a radiator or in a switched off oven. Next, apply the resulting mixture to the patient’s skin, cover with a towel, wax paper, then with a thick cloth and insulate well. The compress is applied throughout the night and should be removed only in the morning. It is best to do this directly in the shower, then wash your body in warm water.

It is worth remembering that applying compresses is best accompanied by drinking diaphoretic teas with the addition of cough drops or herbs.

Video of cough compress for child

Children? The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, treatment must be not only effective, but also safe. In addition, there are situations when there are very few ingredients on hand from which you can prepare a remedy to relieve your baby of a cough. That is why we offer you several options for compresses; at least one of them will surely suit you!

Let us immediately make a reservation that not all doctors consider this method of treatment to be effective. Some recommend compresses, while others say that it is a placebo, allowing parents to feel that they are doing something to alleviate the baby’s condition. It’s impossible to say anything unequivocally about this, so it’s worth trying to make a compress and understand your child’s individual reaction to it.

In general, a compress is made to activate blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. It is believed that this promotes more intense production of interferon, which helps the body cope with the disease.

Onions, aloe, mustard, cabbage, potatoes and much more can be used as components for compresses. More on this below!

How are compresses generally made?

Before you start treating your baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the theory. Because incorrect use of even the most successful compress may not provide any benefit.

A cough compress (it doesn’t matter for children or adults) should consist of several layers.

  1. Internal (a kind of “filling” of the compress, which relieves cough). This layer can be gauze or a bandage soaked in alcohol, vodka, or some tincture. The “filling” can also be potatoes, onions and other components.
  2. External (in other words, warming). Its purpose is insulation. For this, a large terry towel, a down scarf, or a woolen shawl can be used. It is important that the outer layer covers the entire chest of the patient, retaining heat.
  3. Insulating layer. It is located between the inner and outer layers. This quality is usually served by special paper for compresses or oilcloth/cellophane; dry gauze or a bandage (placed in several folds on top of the inner layer) can be used.

What not to do?

  • Regardless of whether an oil compress is made for a child’s cough or, for example, a honey compress, the inner layer should never be placed in the area of ​​the heart.
  • If a child has a high temperature, then compresses should not be applied.
  • Compresses are not indicated for children under one year of age.

Which cough compress to choose for children?

This will depend on what type of cough your baby has.

  • Productive cough (also called “wet”, “wet”). Distinctive feature This cough is sputum production. In this case, it is advisable to make a compress from cabbage leaves and paraffin.
  • Dry (in other words, unproductive). In this case, sputum is not released when coughing. A suitable solution would be compresses made from honey, oil, potato, with alcohol, and mustard.

Note that there are also universal compresses that are suitable for getting rid of dry and wet cough. These include potato, butter, and curd.

How to make oil compresses?

Traditionally, oil is found in every home, so this treatment is very affordable and at the same time effective.

  • vegetable oil should be placed in a metal container and heated in a water bath; soak a napkin or thick towel with warm oil, then place a compress on the child’s chest, put paper for compresses or parchment on top of it (polyethylene/cellophane is strictly forbidden to be used!); Place a large towel or down/woolen scarf/shawl on top.

This compress should be kept for at least two hours; it is acceptable to leave it overnight.

There is another recipe option that is recommended for bronchitis:

  • squeeze the juice from the black radish, combine it with vegetable oil, preheated in a water bath, moisten a thick towel or napkin in this mixture; We place the compress on the baby’s chest; the further sequence of actions is exactly the same as described above.

After half an hour or an hour, the compress must be removed. A signal that the treatment time has expired is the appearance of light sweat or a burning sensation on the baby’s face.

Important! If the baby's skin is red, it should be lubricated with Vaseline.

Honey-based compresses

Before undertaking such treatment, you need to make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction to honey, otherwise the consequences may be unforeseen.

  • take in equal parts (usually one tablespoon each) the following components: honey (liquid), vodka, vegetable oil and mustard powder; mix it all and add a little flour to make a fairly stiff dough; heat the mixture in a water bath and apply it to a napkin; then put compress paper or parchment on top of it, and a warm scarf or terry towel.

Keep this compress for 15-20 minutes; if a burning sensation occurs, remove it immediately.

It is better to make a honey compress for a cough for a child under 12 years old without vodka.

Compresses based on potatoes and cabbage leaves

Such warm compresses for coughs have been made for children by many generations of parents, so there is no doubt about their usefulness.

Recipe with potatoes:

  • Boil the tubers in their uniforms until tender, then drain the water and mash the potatoes (without turning them into mashed potatoes) and put them in a plastic bag that must be tightly tied; the compress is wrapped in a towel and placed on the chest, avoiding the heart area; Remove the compress when the potatoes have cooled.

Recipe with cabbage:

  • Heat the cabbage leaves in a water bath until they become soft enough but do not burn the baby’s skin, then place them on the baby’s chest and back, with parchment or cellophane and a towel on top of them; You can leave it for 2-3 hours or for the whole night.

Alcohol compresses: why you should use them carefully

Compresses based on vodka and alcohol are quite effective in some cases; one of the recipes was described above (with honey). But these funds should be used very carefully. For example, it is better not to give a vodka compress to a child for cough if he is under three years old.

In addition, the following points should be taken into account:

  • use pure alcohol if the patient is under 12 years old (it is better to give preference to vodka or, if it is not available, alcohol that is not stronger than 45 degrees);
  • how younger child, the more water there should be in the compress, the less alcohol;
  • Alcohol-based compresses last no more than 2-3 hours (during this time the alcohol evaporates), so keeping them longer is pointless.

Child cough compress (alcohol), recipe:

  • Combine 80 ml of water with 20 ml of alcohol, apply the liquid to the flannel, put the compress on your back, covering it with polyethylene on top; so that the entire structure does not slip, it can be fixed elastic bandage(not tight!); It is better to wear warm pajamas for the child (ideally flannelette); After a couple of hours, remove the compress.

Now you know which cough compress children should use in a given situation. But, still, if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor and apply compresses with full confidence in the correctness of your actions. Good luck and good health!