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Program “Silver Age. Myths and reality of sanatorium holidays in Russia

If you are going for treatment and relaxation in a sanatorium in Kislovodsk and plan to take children with you, then first of all you need to find out whether the sanatorium you have chosen accepts children. If accepted, then at what age? And at what age can children receive treatment?

Sanatoriums in Kislovodsk that do not accept small children.

There are not many such sanatoriums, they include the following.

Sanatorium Red Stones accepts children over 12 years old. Children under the age of 12 are accepted only in agreement with the director of the sanatorium.

Sanatorium Ordzhonikidze Accepts children aged 7 years and older accompanied by parents.

Sanatoriums in Kislovodsk that accept children aged 3 to 4 years old for treatment, accompanied by their parents.

Acceptance of children more early age, is not provided to these sanatoriums.

Sanatorium Rodnik– Accepts children accompanied by their parents. Children under 4 years old are accepted with a 50% discount on food and accommodation. Children over 4 years of age are accepted for treatment.

Sanatorium Caucasus Kislovodsk. The sanatorium accepts for treatment children from 4 to 12 years old, accompanied by their parents.

Kislovodsk sanatorium Dimitrova. The sanatorium accepts children from 3 years old. Discount for children: on the main place - 10%, on an additional place - 20%. There is a pediatrician working at the sanatorium.

Sanatorium Victoria

Sanatorium Picket. The sanatorium accepts children from the age of 4 years old accompanied by their parents for sanatorium-resort treatment. There is a pediatrician working at the sanatorium. Children aged 7-15 years can be admitted to the sanatorium without parents.
Discounts for children: main place: up to 5 years - 30%, up to 10 years - 20%, up to 14 years - 10%;
Additional place: up to 5 years - 50%, up to 10 years - 40%, up to 14 years - 30%.

Sanatorium Semashko Accepts children from 4 years old accompanied by parents.

Sanatorium Moscow- children aged 4-14 years are accepted for sanatorium treatment accompanied by their parents. There is a pediatrician in the sanatorium.

Sanatorium Kolos Accepts children aged 3 to 12 years, accompanied by parents. The discount on a child's voucher is 20% of the full cost of the voucher.

Sanatoriums in Kislovodsk that accept children from one year old.

Sanatorium Healing Narzan Accepts children from 1 year old without treatment, from 5 – 12 years old with treatment. Children over 12 years old are accepted for treatment at the sanatorium at the full price of the voucher. The sanatorium has a children's playground and an animation room.

Sanatoriums in Kislovodsk that accept children of any age.

Sanatorium Villa Arnest- Accepts parents with children of any age. Children from 0-3 years old are admitted free of charge (without meals). If necessary, it is possible to treat a child under 3 years of age, for a fee, according to the price list for additional medical services. You will be provided with everything necessary for your baby to live: a crib, a high chair. Spa treatment for children from 3 years old, the sanatorium employs experienced pediatricians and educators. On the territory there are: children's game room, summer playground.

Sanatorium Plaza– accepts children of any age. For children under 4 years old health package. Children over 4 years of age are prescribed treatment. The sanatorium is staffed by experienced pediatricians. The resort provides cribs and high chairs. There is a children's play club. Additionally, you can arrange for babysitting services.
When arriving at the sanatorium you must have with you:
for children under 4 years of age - a certificate of epidemiological environment, a certificate of examination for enterobiasis (one month ago);
for children from 4 to 14 years old - a birth certificate, a certificate from a pediatrician or epidemiologist stating that the child has no contact with infectious patients at the place of residence at school or kindergarten, certificate of examination for enterobiasis (one month ago).

Sanatorium Solnechny Accepts children of any age accompanied by their parents; children aged 1 year and older are accepted for treatment.

Sanatorium named after Kirov from 0 accepts children aged 4 years and older accompanied by parents. Discounts for children: from 4 to 8 years old - 40%, from 8 to 14 years old - 20%.

All sanatoriums in Kislovodsk provide a system of discounts for children. A discount on a child's voucher can range from 10% to 50% of the cost of a voucher for an adult.

What documents for a child must I have with me upon arrival at the sanatorium?

Most often, when placing a child in a sanatorium, the following is required:
birth certificate, a certificate from a pediatrician or epidemiologist confirming that the child has no contact with infectious patients at the place of residence in a school or kindergarten, a certificate of examination for enterobiasis and worm eggs, certificates preventive vaccinations.

It should be borne in mind that each sanatorium in Kislovodsk has its own list of documents. Please clarify this issue with your accommodation specialist when ordering your tour.

Good luck and stay healthy!

Sanatoriums in Kislovodsk prices 2012…

22 thousand people have already submitted applications for participation: Zelenograd was the first

Moscow has begun accepting applications from pensioners to participate in a program dedicated to physical and creative improvement. “As a result of the implementation of this significant complex project, which will develop over more than one day, more than one month, we really must create a large-scale infrastructure and system for the elderly, for people of the older generation. As a result, the city should become kinder, more soulful, more open,” said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

On March 1, all interested elderly people can submit an application at any territorial center social services and choose an activity to suit your taste.

The project has just started, and Muscovites are already showing great interest in it. As the head of the Department of Labor and social protection Vladimir Petrosyan, local residents began submitting applications in advance - and more than 22 thousand people have already expressed their desire to take part in the program. The most active was the Eastern administrative District, more than eight thousand pensioners have already responded there. This means that the project turned out to be truly in demand and necessary. Those who have not yet decided, still have time to think: registration is open throughout the year. Joining the project is very simple: you need to come to the nearest territorial social service center with a passport, a Muscovite social card and SNILS.

Any Muscovite (person permanently registered in Moscow) of retirement age can take part: women over 55 and men over 60. You do not need to have any prior preparation, except that participation in some classes may be limited for health reasons.

“For older people, personal communication is very important. Often they come to an appointment just to talk. Therefore, first of all, we invite them to our place in order to personally tell the person how he can change his lifestyle. It is important for us not to lose people. So that every citizen who has shown interest in this project will be included in it,” notes Petrosyan.

This is the goal of the project - to involve older citizens in active life, show them that retirement is just the beginning. For this purpose, classes will be organized in three areas. Arts and crafts, singing and dancing classes will be held in the creative laboratories. As part of the sports program, pensioners will be able to practice Nordic walking, gymnastics, and also take the “Living Healthy” course, where doctors will tell you how to eat properly and take care of your health. And of course, there will be training sessions - courses in English and computer literacy, checkers, chess and other games. In general, for the mind, and for the body, and for the soul. Any pensioner will be able to choose courses to suit their taste and, most importantly, enjoy spending time and communicating with friends. And also demonstrate your successes at city competitions and festivals, for example “Supergrandmother” and “Supergrandfather”, in the dance marathon “Vozrast.net”.

In our country, unfortunately, older people at some point found themselves without attention, completely abandoned. They have disappeared from the streets, you will no longer see them in cafes and restaurants. And this is wrong. This should not be the case so that only those between 20 and 35 years old are considered in demand. Life has changed so much that the older generation can give a head start to the younger ones and teach a lot,” says Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Oleshko. - In addition, it is important to unite people in groups. Many people would like to visit exhibitions and theaters, but they feel uncomfortable alone. And having united, they could, for example, go to the theater, and then get together and discuss the production, they would be told about the actors, directors...

By the way, the project started in Zelenograd a month ago! The organizers noticed that the most popular among the participants were yoga, aerobics, fitness, Nordic walking (this is called pensioners! They will definitely give young people a head start), as well as computer literacy and English courses. Since February 1, 800 people have already been training.

“I can say with confidence that people are very interested in the program. In Zelenograd alone, more than 2,300 residents applied to territorial social service centers with applications to participate in the pilot project, which provides training for pensioners,” said the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection.

Especially for the older generation (age 55+), we offer a unique sanatorium-resort program " Silver age", developed by our company back in 2009-2010 and implemented on the basis of the sanatorium "Knowledge", Sochi resort since 2011. Currently, the program operates in 7 health resorts of the Sochi resort.

Silver age

What are the benefits of this offer?

Firstly, this is a truly specialized program that takes into account the characteristics of the body of people in adulthood. It's running a little slower now metabolic processes in organism. It is no longer possible to prescribe too many serious procedures during the day that strain the heart and other organs. And the very fact of being in one’s own circle already has a very beneficial effect on the guests of the resort.
Secondly, special, especially favorable prices– from 1600 rubles per day per person!
This price includes accommodation in a standard double room, three meals a day with the possibility of consultation with a nutritionist, use of a swimming pool, diagnostics and healing procedures(usually no more than three procedures per day).

What does a guest receive as a result of the Silver Age program?

Many years of experience show that people who have visited sanatoriums under the “Silver Age” program have significantly improved general health, rises vitality. It becomes easier to wake up in the morning at a more early time(sometimes a person begins to get up an hour or an hour and a half earlier than usual). More strength and energy appears in daytime and towards evening. The quality of sleep improves.
Of course, during their stay at the sanatorium, the guest gets the opportunity to correct the most problematic areas in his body. Traditionally, the Sochi resort treats such types of diseases as problems of cardio-vascular system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system. But most health resorts also have doctors on their staff - narrow specialists. For example: ENT, endocrinologist, gastroentorologist, dermatologist, psychologist, acupuncturist, etc., although consultations with these doctors are not always included in the list of services provided under the “Silver Age” program. We recommend checking this when booking your tours!

Why do the vast majority of guests come again and again?

The fact is that according to the “Silver Age” program, guests of health resorts not only get the opportunity to have a good rest and improve their health at the most favorable period at the resort (this is from October to May inclusive), but also fall into special environment, where you can spend time comfortably, meet new acquaintances, and go on new interesting excursions. Guests especially appreciate the opportunity to rethink the most important aspects their lives – are actively interested in the project “From the age of survival to the age of happiness!” and the “Gathering of People’s Universities” forum, discover new meanings of adulthood.
Young people from 25 to 50 years old are actively buying “Silver Age” vouchers as gifts for their parents!

This trend has especially begun to develop well in the last 4-5 years. And more and more young people are coming to the conclusion that health is what best gift, which you can and should do for your parents and/or grandparents.

Considering the very affordable prices, approximately from 9.5 to 14 thousand rubles for a week of rest and treatment, “Silver Age” vouchers have become a popular gift among people from various regions of Russia. By the way, for themselves and for their loved ones, those who are not yet 55 years old can purchase effective programs“Anti-stress”, which easily eliminates the problems of difficult awakening in the morning, lack of energy during the day and chronic fatigue in the evenings…


1. The period of arrival under the “Silver Age” program is at least 7 days. Our experts recommend that older people come for a period of 12-14 days in order to calmly go through the acclimatization period and gently enter the treatment program.

2. The volume of procedures under the “Silver Age” program is slightly less than in the standard one sanatorium-resort voucher. This is due to the fact that most mature guests do not need to put a lot of stress on the body and, secondly, this allows you to significantly reduce the price of a trip. If necessary, obtain additional procedures, you can always get them with a doctor’s prescription directly at the sanatorium.

3. A visit to Matsesta is also not included in the “Silver Age” package (many contraindications).

4. It is advisable to have with you health resort card or fresh diagnostic results of the body. This will allow the sanatorium doctors to make more informed decisions when prescribing procedures.

Book in advance!

Due to the huge demand for trips under the “Silver Age” program, our experts recommend booking places in advance - preferably six months before the arrival date, and even earlier for April and October. In this case, you get the opportunity to choose convenient dates and get the best price.

You can find out more and book a trip under the “Silver Age” program by calling.

NaturaMed guarantees effective and painless cleansing of the body. When within means mass media We see, read, hear about what we eat, what we drink, what we breathe, and we become uneasy. And the worst thing is that these are not children's horror stories, this is really reality. How to deal with this? Yes, scientists are developing new technologies in the field of ecology, developing strategies on how to save the world, how to protect human health. But it will all be tomorrow, if not the day after tomorrow. What should we do today? How to cleanse the body of harmful microelements and various toxins? NaturaMed is ready to help everyone in this regard today. Under the name “NaturMed”, centers that have developed their own cleansing programs are united into a single health network human body. Anyone can skip this cleansing program through their body by visiting popular sanatoriums in the Moscow region and Krasnodar region, who cooperate on a partnership basis with NaturaMed. For the first time, programs for cleansing the human body were tested in 2006 in the famous sanatorium Yuzhnoye Vzmorye on the Black Sea coast. In 2010, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region received the opportunity to undergo body cleansing. NaturaMed began introducing its detox programs to cleanse the body at the Valuevo sanatorium near Moscow, which is located 10 km from the capital. In 2011, body cleansing programs were introduced into the family health course at the Golubaya Dal sanatorium (Gelendzhik), which is rightfully one of the best resorts Krasnodar region. The same programs for cleansing the human body have been successfully tested in the Parus health and sports complex, which is located in charming Sochi.

NaturaMed, using its own cleansing program, is able to make your body absolutely clean of toxins and waste. Many experts argue that one of the reasons serious illnesses the human body is the inability of this organism to independently get rid of the toxins and wastes accumulated in it. To help the body effectively cleanse itself, specialists at the NaturaMed Wellness Center have developed special programs for cleansing all its systems. So-called detox programs guarantee comprehensive cleansing of the body. The motto of our health center “NaturaMed” is the following slogan: “ healthy body there can only be a purified organism.” After a comprehensive procedure for cleansing the body comes fast recovery work of lymphatic, cardiovascular, endocrine systems human body. At the same time, the body is not only cleansed of toxins and waste accumulated in it, but makes the self-regulation mechanism work at full strength, which is very important for human health. Thanks to these detox programs, the desired lightness will come to a person, excellent health. In addition, a person who has undergone such a cleansing of the body will get rid of extra pounds and will get elastic and smooth skin, what many people dream about. NaturaMed detox programs are based on comprehensive cleansing of the body and the gradual removal of harmful microelements from the body. NaturaMed offers its clients not only a wellness holiday, but also a set of specially developed detox programs for cleansing the body. Completing these detox programs will provide effective cleansing body, which in turn will quickly and most importantly safely carry out the restoration work of all systems of the human body.

NaturaMed detox programs are approved by the Ministry of Health. The NaturaMed Wellness Center includes various healing and restorative procedures in its detox programs for cleansing the body. This includes dietary food, SPA treatments, saunas and hydromassages and the like. Depending on the person’s health status. NaturaMed specialists create an individual detox program for cleansing the client’s body. People often cleanse their bodies at home. Fortunately, the Internet is now filled with various detox programs to cleanse the body. Yes, but unfortunately all these detox programs should not be completely trusted. You cannot conduct experiments with your body. It is better to carry out a comprehensive cleansing of the body using detox programs under the supervision of specialists in this field. Vouchers to sanatoriums that cooperate with us on cleansing the body can be purchased at the NaturaMed Center. In each of the sanatoriums that are partners of NaturaMed, various detox programs have been developed to cleanse the body. So, in the Valuevo sanatorium near Moscow, which is located on the Kiev highway, 10 kilometers from Moscow, the following detox programs have been introduced:

  • "Step to health." The duration of this detox program is 3 days. As a result of this detox program, chronic fatigue is eliminated, skin condition improves, and vitality increases;
  • "Step to health." This detox program must be implemented for at least 7 days. As a result of this cleansing program, the client loses weight, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, improves skin condition, and increases vitality;
  • "Breathe freely." The minimum duration of this detox program is 7 days. Cleansing the body with this detox program heals bronchial asthma, allergies, cleanse Airways, prevents the development of chronic diseases;
  • "Academy of Slimness" The duration of this detox program is at least 12 days. The result of this cleansing program: the figure is corrected, weight is reduced, cellulite disappears, body elasticity increases, the body rejuvenates, varicose veins decrease, corrected eating habits, metabolism is normalized.

The following detox programs of the NaturaMed Center are implemented at the Yuzhnoye Vzmorye sanatorium:

  • "Formula of Health" As a result of this program, the the immune system, vitality increases, prevents premature aging, stress is relieved;
  • "The Perfect Line" Helps to lose weight and shape your figure, reduce swelling, get rid of cellulite, increase body elasticity, rejuvenate the body, reduce varicose veins, adjust eating habits, normalize metabolism;
  • "Down with stress." The main result of this detox program is the patient's high resistance to stress.
  • "Man's health". This body cleansing program treats prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction;
  • "Women Health". The duration of this detox program is at least 14 days. Treats infertility, inflammatory and hormonal-dependent diseases, chronic inflammation uterus, etc.;
  • "Formula for slimness." The treatment period is 7 days. The result after cleansing the body is rejuvenation of the body, lifting of the skin, getting rid of cellulite;
  • "The program is for those who have endocrine pathology" The course of treatment is at least 14 days. Expected result after cleansing the body - prevention diabetes mellitus and stroke, weight loss, vascular elasticity is strengthened, cholesterol is reduced;
  • "Exclusive SPA-Summer". The treatment period is at least 7 days. The expected result from cleansing the body is improved skin condition and increased vitality. Plus, we provide exclusive procedures.

The Golubaya Dal sanatorium together with NaturaMed provides the following treatment programs:

  • "The key to health." Recommended for married couples. The immune system is strengthened, the harmony of relationships improves;
  • "The key to a woman's health." The course of treatment is at least 12 days. Are being treated chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, climacteric syndrome, infertility.
  • "The key to a man's health." The body cleansing program is designed for 12 days or more. Chronic diseases, prostatitis, infertility are treated;
  • "Grow up healthy." Cleansing program is vital important organs prepared for children over 5 years old. As a result of treatment, the immune system is strengthened, poor posture is corrected, and chronic fatigue is eliminated;
  • "Mother and Child". The body cleansing program is intended for mothers with children over five years old. Improves general state health, prevention various diseases, is formed healthy way life.

The “Parus” sports and recreation complex offers a “Wellness” program for cleansing the body. The course of this body cleansing program should last at least 7 days.