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No earwax. Where does earwax come from and how to deal with earwax? Features of sulfur production

Looking into ear canal, see eardrum It's unlikely to succeed. But noticing earwax is very likely. But sometimes its color can cause concern. Black wax in the ears may be a cause for concern. Why it appears and how to eliminate the problem - a doctor can best tell you about this.

Earwax is a natural secretion produced by the glands of the external auditory canal. It contains fats, organic acids, salts, and protein molecules (immunoglobulins). Thanks to this, sulfur provides a number of important functions:

  • Protection from germs.
  • Lubrication and moisturizing.
  • Removing contaminants.

The viscous secretion prevents dust, bacteria and insects from reaching the eardrum. It binds them on its surface and brings them out during chewing movements. Thus, sulfur is an integral component of the external ear canal. Normally its color is yellow-brown.

Causes and mechanisms

If the earwax in the ear has turned black, then it is necessary to determine the source of the disturbance. And the reason similar phenomenon Several states may appear. These include:

  • Sulfur plug.
  • Foreign bodies.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Otomycosis.

One should not lose sight of such a factor as excessive contamination of the ear canal. This is observed when being in conditions of excessive dust in the air or as a result of neglect of personal hygiene.

The causes of black wax in the ear vary. What exactly became the source of disturbances in a child or adult remains to be determined by the doctor.


Those who notice that the wax in their ears has turned black are unlikely to be able to find out the cause without the intervention of a doctor. The specialist will analyze the complaints and conduct an inspection, on the basis of which he will make a preliminary conclusion. Then the situation will become significantly clearer, and the person will understand whether it was worth worrying about.

Sulfur plug

It is known that wax leaves the ears on its own. But under certain conditions this process becomes difficult. If a child has a congenital feature in the form of narrow and tortuous ear canals, then in the future he will most likely encounter a problem called cerumen plug. Long time Once in the ear, it hardens and is firmly attached to the skin. The color of sulfur becomes dark brown.

For a long time the plug is asymptomatic. If it completely blocks the lumen (for example, it gets wet after swimming), then unpleasant signs appear:

  • Feeling stuffed up.
  • Noise in the ear.
  • Feeling your own voice (autophony).
  • Reflex cough (sometimes).

When the sulfur penetrates deeper and reaches the eardrum, it clinical picture accompanied by dizziness, nausea and headaches. Upon examination, brown wax is visible, which has closed the external auditory canal.

Foreign bodies

In the ears, wax turns black even after foreign bodies (specks of dust and insects) stick to it. Other findings are often found in children (seeds, peas, plasticine, small toys). This seemingly trivial situation can cause significant suffering. An insect or other object reaches the eardrum and irritates it, causing the ear to hurt. In addition, noise and itching appear, and sound perception worsens. Sometimes cough, nausea and dizziness occur. Their origin is reflexive.

Mechanical damage

Sulfur can turn black due to the accumulation of blood. This is often observed when mechanical damage skin of the external auditory canal. Injury from a sharp object or even an ear stick is not that uncommon, especially in childhood. The following symptoms occur:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Skin hypersensitivity.
  • Ear itching.

In addition, blood can be released outside, which becomes immediately noticeable to others. And the patient himself feels as if some kind of liquid is flowing from the ear. Subsequently, the coagulated blood becomes black.


In the development of otomycosis of the external auditory canal great importance is given to the application hormonal drugs or antibiotics, immunodeficiencies, allergization of the body. The causative agent of the disease is fungi (yeast-like or mold). Black-brown color sulfur is acquired when infected with Aspergillus. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Itching and soreness.
  • Feeling of stuffiness.
  • Noise in the ear.
  • Discharges.

Examination reveals a red tint to the skin of the ear canal, the presence of caseous masses and sulfur. As the fungal pathology progresses, the symptoms increase.

After contracting otomycosis, a patient may find brownish-black masses coming out of their ear. Sulfur also takes on a similar hue.

Additional diagnostics

Black wax accumulated in the ear becomes a reason for a full diagnosis. And although the doctor will receive a lot of information during a clinical examination, the value additional methods This won't make it any less. The main thing is that they allow you to identify the pathogen infectious pathology. To do this, an analysis of discharge and swabs from the ears is prescribed. They are examined under a microscope and inoculated on nutrient media.


Therapeutic measures are determined by the diagnostic results. In case of cerumen impaction, the doctor rinses the ear canal warm water from a large syringe with a capacity of 100–150 ml. Pre-hardened masses should be softened by instilling hydrogen peroxide into the ear. Foreign bodies are also removed by washing or instrumental means using a special area with a blunt hook.

For open wounds (abrasions, scratches) with bleeding, the skin of the ear canal must be treated with hydrogen peroxide by inserting a cotton swab dipped in the solution. If the doctor has diagnosed otomycosis, then treatment is carried out using specific drugs antifungal action(both local and systemic):

  • Lamisil.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Nizoral.
  • Diflucan.
  • Orungal.

The ear is also washed with antiseptics (boronic or salicylic acid). When identifying an allergic mood in the body, use antihistamines. If the infection is combined, then antibacterial agents are also included in the treatment complex.


It is worth paying attention to issues of prevention. First of all, careful ear hygiene is needed, but within the limits of what is permissible. Wax should not be removed very often - once a week will be enough. You should clean the ear canal carefully, without using hard objects that can damage the skin and cause bleeding. Any medications (especially hormones and antibiotics) should be used rationally and only on the recommendation of a doctor. And it will always help to increase the body’s resistance to diseases healthy image life.

What is wrong with the ear and why black wax suddenly began to form in it - these are questions for the doctor. Only a specialist can give a competent answer by determining the cause of the violations. Based on the diagnostic results, the patient will be prescribed therapeutic measures that will relieve the child or adult from the unpleasant phenomenon. And compliance preventive recommendations will help avoid similar situations in the future.

2. Where does it come from? earwax? Is it true that earwax is dirt?

Earwax is by no means dirt. Earwax is produced special glands, which are located in the outer third of the cartilaginous part of the auditory canal. These glands are called sulfur glands; they are modified sweat glands. There are about 2,000 sulfur glands in each ear canal, and they produce 12-20 mg of a light honey-colored substance per month. The function of earwax is to protect against bacteria, fungi and insects, as well as moisturize, lubricate and clean the ear canals. After all, the ear is one of the most sensitive areas of our body, and is also quite open to external influences and infections.

3. What does earwax consist of?

The secretion of the sulfur glands consists of proteins, fat-like substances(mainly squalene, lanosterol and cholesterol), fatty acids And mineral salts. In addition to this secretion, earwax also contains dead skin cells, hair particles from the ear canal, and sebum. Earwax is a viscous sticky substance and therefore it perfectly captures foreign objects that enter the ear - bacteria, dust, and other contaminants, and removes them out.

The protective function of earwax is provided not only by its physical properties. It has a slightly acidic reaction (pH 4-5) - just the kind that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi. The bactericidal properties of earwax are also provided by the immunoglobulins and enzyme lysozyme it contains.

Earwax is removed from the ear naturally- during movements lower jaw(during chewing, talking, coughing). Skin covering The ear canal is constantly growing. At the same time, it moves outward, starting from the eardrum. This is how the ear canal is cleansed of wax and foreign bodies.

It is interesting that earwax in people can be dry and wet, and the type of earwax is determined genetically: dry earwax predominates in people of the Mongoloid race, and in Europeans and Africans, earwax is wet. Dry sulfur is different from wet sulfur reduced content lipids (fat-like substances)

4. Do I need to clean out wax from my ears?

Cleaning wax from the ear canals is not only unnecessary, but also harmful. Just wash enough auricle and the area of ​​entrance to the ear canal, without penetrating inside.

It is especially dangerous to use cotton swabs to remove excess wax from your ears.

  • Firstly, by penetrating the ear canal with a stick, you violate natural process self-cleaning of the ear canal. An ear deprived of its natural protection, wax, is more susceptible to infection.
  • Secondly, by wielding a stick in your ear, you thereby stimulate the work of the sulfur glands!
  • Thirdly, with a stick you compact the sulfur and contribute to the formation of a sulfur plug.
  • Fourthly, you risk achieving the opposite effect: not cleaning out the sulfur, but pushing it inside.
  • Fifth, you can damage your eardrum and lose your hearing.

Why do our ears need wax?

For some reason, many people are sure that frequent and deep cleaning of the ears with various objects is the key to health. Let me disagree with this statement. Our body is not as simple as it seems. If we talk about the ears, they clean themselves independently, without outside help, for example, when a person chews food, coughs or talks. At this time, the movement of his jaws is sufficient to clear the ears. Sometimes we feel like something is crumbling from the ear canal from time to time. This is earwax. It represents cells that have already died, but remain in the ear canal. Mixing with secretions from the sebaceous and sulfur glands to a homogeneous mass, they turn into special remedy to cleanse our ears.

When is earwax harmful to health?

And it is harmful only in one case - when it accumulates in large quantities, causing quite discomfort accompanied by hearing loss. As a rule, this indicates a so-called wax plug that has formed in the ear. Its more detailed symptoms are as follows: itching (pain) in the ear, ringing or noise, hearing loss ( obligatory symptom), a feeling of "cotton wool" in the ears, a slight loss of balance. If these signs occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Under no circumstances should you try to remove wax plugs yourself. This may harm your eardrum or cause inflammation. Qualified specialist will do everything for you, removing the problem under water pressure. First, he will drop a special solution (for example, hydrogen peroxide) into the ear, which will soften the accumulated wax in about 15 minutes. During this time, you will feel a slight tingling or even tingling sensation in the ear canal. This is normal as the solution is being exposed. When the wax in the ears is sufficiently wet, the doctor will proceed directly to the procedure to remove it. A special syringe will be used, which will be filled with warm water. Slowly and under moderate pressure, the doctor pours water into the ear, rinsing the ear canal. Meanwhile, you hold a small tray over your appropriate shoulder into which the water from your ear flows. If everything goes well, sulfur will float in the container along with the liquid. If not, the doctor will repeat the procedure.

A lot of wax in the ears - is it good or bad?

To be honest, today doctors find it difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, it is protection for our ears, an excellent cleaner for the ear canal, and therefore an indicator of health. But on the other hand, dry earwax, contained in large quantities, is alarm signal. He should make us see an otolaryngologist as quickly as possible.

Everything is okay

So, we found out that in general, wax in the ears (i.e. its formation there) is a completely natural process, indicating that the body accurately performs certain protective functions. Remember that in the ears of a healthy person, wax is always present in the required quantities. There is absolutely no need to use it to clean them. various items: hairpins, cotton buds, dirty fingers and so on. Otherwise they may start inflammatory processes, contributing to a very rapid increase in the amount of sulfur. It becomes liquid and begins to flow out of the ears. This is no longer the norm! But in this case, you already know who to turn to. Be healthy!

Each ear canal has special glands called “sulfur glands.” In a broad sense, these are peculiar sweat glands, which instead of liquid secrete special substance...

Each ear canal has special glands called “sulfur glands.” In a broad sense, these are peculiar sweat glands that, instead of liquid, secrete a special substance - sulfur. The ears of most living organisms have the same general structure, therefore, earwax is produced not only in humans, but also in animals.

The substance, which is commonly called earwax, has complex composition. It consists of many components, each of which plays a specific role. Some substances help combat pollution, others have antibacterial properties. Harmful effects Earwax has no effect on the ear.

Earwax contains many components, including:

  • fatty acid;
  • mineral salts;
  • proteins;
  • fat-like substances;
  • sebum;
  • hair particles;
  • dead cells.

It is a mistake to consider earwax as ear contamination.. This substance performs exclusively protective function. Many foreign objects from dust to insects can get into the ear. Earwax has a sticky and viscous consistency, so it not only accumulates all impurities, but also prevents them from entering the ear canals. Sulfur contains the enzyme lysozyme and immunoglobulins, which can actively suppress the rapid growth of bacteria. This nuance allows you to enhance the protective function of sulfur several times.

Earwax is removed naturally from the ear. This process practically invisible to humans. Most often, excess wax is eliminated by rinsing the ears during morning hygiene, taking a shower or bath. At the same time, all accumulated impurities are removed from the ear canals.

How does earwax appear and is it necessary to get rid of it?

In a healthy person, earwax does not cause discomfort. Its release occurs during the growth of the auricle, the chewing process, or during conversation. Any movements of the jaw contribute to the natural production of a protective substance. There is no need to get rid of earwax; it is enough to carry out basic hygiene standards.

If the secretion of sulfur glands increases, then a cerumen plug forms in the ear.. Excessive sulfur levels cause discomfort. The person's hearing may be impaired. In other cases, wax may become liquid and leak out of the ear. Such changes also lead to disturbances in the perception of sounds. It is very difficult to get rid of wax plugs on your own. To do this you need to have special knowledge.

In some cases, people themselves can contribute to the formation of wax plugs. For example, when cleaning your ears with cotton swabs. If you try to cleanse the ear canal too hard, the wax will push deeper into the ear and become too dense. As a result of such manipulations, hearing will be radically impaired.

Why does a lot of wax form in people's ears?

Hygiene is an integral part of our life. A person needs to wash his face every day to look neat. Why do my ears produce a lot of wax even if they are washed daily? This is the question thousands of people who look after themselves ask themselves.

A person’s appearance is first of all noticed by those with whom he comes into contact during the day at work, at home or on vacation. And such a problem as earwax worries many people. How to solve it quickly, forget about it and feel confident all the time?

About the origin and benefits of earwax

The human ear has complex structure, and only part of this organ can be seen with the naked eye. Wax formation occurs in the ear canal. The thin layer of epithelium covering it contains ceruminal glands. They secrete a secret liquid consistency. Since the upper layers of the epithelium tend to die and be replaced by new layers, their dead part mixes with the secretion and turns into the familiar sulfur.

So sulfur is formed in all people, it can also be in animals, for example, in a cat. This is a normal process that occurs in the hearing organs. Moreover, the sulfur substance is beneficial. Firstly, it moisturizes the skin in the outer ear, and secondly, it cleanses the ear canal of dust, bacteria and other contaminants. All dirt and germs accumulate in a lump of wax, and then are removed along with it from the ear. U healthy people sulfur secretion is released easily. This occurs while eating when a person moves the jaw bones. But it happens that sulfur is formed in large quantities, and then it causes discomfort. What are the causes of excessive ear discharge and can it be treated?

About the causes of abundant sulfur discharge

Having noticed a secretion in your ears, you should not immediately panic and try to get rid of it quickly. It is better to pay attention to its color, smell, quantity and consistency. If a little wax is formed in the ears, it has practically no odor, is similar in color to honey and is not too liquid, this is normal phenomenon. In this case, you should simply rinse your ear with warm water and some soap or shampoo.

If the wax secretion is very thin and continues to leak despite the fact that you just washed your ear, this is a sign of increased wax secretion. In this case, you should see an otolaryngologist, he will advise you about the problem and prescribe treatment. There are several reasons for excessive sulfur production:

  • working with dust;
  • long-term use of hearing aids or headphones;
  • stress or anxiety;
  • inflammatory processes in the middle ear.

If you work in a grain farm, harvesting a crop, in a mine, sweeping the streets, then your work is connected with high content dust in the air. In such conditions, the sulfur glands simply do their job intensively: they protect the ears from dirt entering them.

When it gets into your ear foreign body, the ceruminal glands also try to protect the auditory canal from it and intensively produce secretions. IN modern world Such an item as headphones is a frequent guest on the ears of teenagers and young people. Listening to music for many hours a day, this age group suffers from increased production of earwax.

If a person is often worried before exams, negotiations, a serious conversation with a boss or a loved one, then all his glands: sebaceous, sulfur, sweat - begin to work more actively. Stress has the same effect on the body.

Inflammatory processes are already more serious reason, which causes more wax to form in the ear canal of a child or adult. In this case, the skin of the passage is irritated by inflammation. more blood, which enhances the work of the sebaceous glands. If your ear itches or hurts, you need to see a specialist, he will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Many older people do not have earwax. This is also bad for the hearing organs. Elderly people are recommended to lubricate their ears with special ointments to relieve itching in the ear canal. If a person suffers from otosclerosis, virtually no sulfur is produced. Doctors recommend electrophoresis, ointments and even surgical intervention. There is little wax in the ears of cigarette lovers, but this does not mean that to eliminate excess secretion you need to become a smoker.

Thus, there should be sulfur in the hearing organs, but within reasonable limits.

A few words about the color of sulfur

There are times when the secretion flowing from the ear is not the yellowish-brown color that you are used to. Changes in the color of the discharge may indicate problems in the body. For example, the color of sulfur may turn yellow with white flecks. He testifies to purulent process. It is often accompanied by an increase lymph nodes, weakness and increased body temperature. A visit to an otolaryngologist is simply necessary here, especially if you notice such symptoms in a child. Usually the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or drugs that help fight infections.

The resulting secret white indicates a lack of a microelement such as iron in the body. Vitamin preparations decide this problem. Dark sulfur is more dangerous. If you notice that the color ear discharge darkened and at the same time you started bleeding from the nose, most likely we are talking about Randu-Osler syndrome. It's a tissue disease blood vessels is hereditary in nature. If one of the parents suffered from this syndrome, then the problem may also arise in the child. In this case, iron supplements help, but the disease can also be cured surgically.

The most unusual color sulfur is black. If the shade of the secretion has changed not because of dust or dirt getting into the ear, this color may indicate the presence of otomycosis in the body. With this disease, fungal spores can affect the change in color of the secretion. Treatment after observation by a doctor is carried out using antifungal medications.

How to deal with ear plugs?

Facing ear congestion problem a large number of of people. Ears not only become clogged, but sometimes they itch and itch. These symptoms indicate the presence of sulfur plugs in the hearing organ. If a person has excessive sulfur flow, he will try to get rid of it not only with the help of water. People often remove brown secretion with cosmetic cotton swabs, citing their ease of use. In fact, with chopsticks you can only clean the auricle, but not the ear canal, from dirt. By doing this, you only push the wax further into the ear, where it hardens. This can cause a traffic jam. Dry wax clogs the ear canal and makes hearing difficult.

If your children complain of stuffy ears, you should not clean their ear canals with cotton swabs. A child's ear is very delicate and you can damage your child's eardrum. If a child or adult has a wax plug in the ear, this is a reason to go to the doctor, who will help get rid of it by rinsing the ear canal with a stream of water. Special drops are produced that dissolve sulfur plugs and prevent them from forming again.

Prevention of increased sulfur secretions

Having learned the reasons why wax forms in the ears, I want to reduce its amount. To do this, you need to use a few tips.

  1. Many hygiene lovers try to the slightest appearance sulfuric substance to get rid of it immediately. They wash their ears several times a day. It has been established that the more often people clean their ears of wax secretion, the more of it is formed. This happens because the body begins to experience a lack of sulfur and therefore produces several times more of it. With normal activity of the ceruminal glands, it is enough to do cleansing procedures once a day.
  2. When working in dusty work, in rooms where there is a lot of dirt, it is recommended to use a headdress (scarf or cap).
  3. It is not advisable for young people to constantly use in-ear headphones; it is better to listen to music on on-ear or in-ear headphones.
  4. It is necessary to periodically contact specialists and treat diseases associated with increased sulfur production. Once you recover, you will forget about the problem.

Thus, excessive earwax may appear due to various reasons. Every person who cares about the health of their ears needs to pay attention to the slightest changes in the color and consistency of sulfur secretions and visit an otolaryngologist in a timely manner. Then your ears will be clean and healthy.

Earwax- not just a substance that from time to time strangely accumulates in the ear canal to cleanse and protect the auditory canals, it is the most marker of your health! This idea may seem strange to you, but next time during hygienic cleaning, do not rush to throw away the ear stick, because it can tell a lot about your health...

"So simple!" will tell you that earwax color can tell you about your health and why this symptom cannot be ignored. Keep your eyes open!


Sulfur is produced by the sulfur glands of the external auditory canal. When dead cells, hairs and other waste products are added to this secretion, earwax is ready! This cunning yellow-brown substance serves to lubricate and clean the ear canals, and also protects the hearing organ from all kinds of bacteria, fungi and other evil spirits.

So what should it be normally, and what type of earwax should you sound the alarm about? Let's figure it out!

  1. Sulfur is too dry
    An explanation for excessive dryness of earwax may be the insufficient presence of fats in the body and their futile production. sebaceous glands. In this case, doctors recommend using any vegetable oil while cleaning your ears. Dry earwax may be a symptom skin problems, excessive dry skin in which is a typical syndrome.

  2. Gray earwax
    If, while cleaning your ears, the cotton swab turns gray and other accompanying symptoms not noted, most likely it is banal dust. There is no need to be afraid; this is a completely typical situation for city residents.

    If the unusual shade of earwax is accompanied by itching, and the earwax itself becomes brittle, then most likely you are faced with eczema. In any case, self-medication will not lead to any good!

  3. Yellow, wet and sticky sulfur
    This type of earwax is the most common and indicates healthy functioning. hearing aid. By the way, whether the sulfur will be dry or wet is determined by genetics.

    For example, most Asians have moderately dry sulfur, but Caucasians are most often yellow, rather moist and sticky. Scientists say this difference caused by climatic conditions, in which this or that race lived and evolved.

  4. Dark and dense sulfur
    Dark brown and dense sulfur is by no means a reason to worry ahead of time, although it is an unpleasant sight. Enough dark color Earwax may be the result of overproduction of secretions caused by stress.

    Also, a similar shade of sulfur may indicate its long stay in the external auditory canal, and its color is due to prolonged contact with oxygen.

  5. White earwax
    White sulfur may indicate insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. Short course vitamin therapy - and the color of sulfur, like general state the body will return to normal!

  6. Sulfur with an unpleasant odor
    An unpleasant odor from ear secretions is a reason to immediately visit an ENT doctor. This unpleasant symptom may be a sign of a fungal or bacterial infection, and can also be a companion to otitis - inflammation of the middle ear.

  7. Earwax with traces of blood
    Traces of blood on the ear stick during cleaning may indicate a traumatic injury. perforation of the eardrum. However, such a situation will be accompanied by sharp, sudden pain during hygienic cleaning. In this case, you should immediately visit an ENT specialist to provide professional assistance.

    In other cases, the presence of blood may be a consequence of trauma to the covering of the external auditory canal (scratches from low-quality or homemade ear cleaning products).

  8. Dark brown or black sulfur
    Such a frightening color of the secretion may indicate stress, or be a sign of the presence of infectious disease. However, the latter will not be limited only to the extraordinary coloring of sulfur - there is pain, itching, and bad smell. We recommend visiting a specialist!

By the way, did you know that cotton swabs are not the best device for cleaning your ears? As it turns out, instead of thoroughly cleaning the ear canal, you only push the wax plugs even deeper, and what’s worse, you can injure the eardrum.

In short, excessive hygiene with ear sticks makes your ears defenseless against infections, causing inflammation. Most doctors say that it is quite enough to wipe the auricle with a damp cloth from time to time, removing the wax that comes out naturally.

Remember that sulfur is not a problem until it accumulates in the external auditory canal in excessive quantities. In this case, you should drop a few drops of oil or hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal to help the secretions leave the ear canal naturally. Be healthy!

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