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Water fasting is the correct entry and exit from the diet. Therapeutic fasting - essence, rules, preparation

Fasting is one of the most controversial topics in nutrition. It has both its ardent supporters, who cite authorities like Paul Brega, and its opponents.

Some consider fasting to be a path to a healthier body and longevity, while others consider it an unnatural state for humans.

Benefits of fasting

  1. During fasting, the gastrointestinal tract rests.

    In the entire history of mankind, there has never been such food abundance and affordable food as there is today in civilized countries.

    For many centuries, people had to work hard to get food, whether by hunting or farming, which involved heavy physical labor. Now the only effort required is to walk to the refrigerator or store.
    Because of this, the digestive system experiences excessive stress. It's good to give her a rest from time to time.
    During this period, the digestive organs will rest and use the released energy for restoration.

  2. Fasting helps cure diseases. It has been proven that fasting helps treat diseases such as allergies, neuroses, and work disorders hormonal system, cardiovascular diseases.
    Fasting slows down the growth of tumors, and there have been cases of cancer cures. And for diseases such as colds or acute respiratory viral infections, you just need to start the fasting process, the symptoms subside and the recovery process takes only a couple of days.
  3. Fasting prolongs life. The same Paul Breg died at the age of 81, although doctors had been diagnosing him since his youth and making the most unfavorable prognoses regarding his health.
    It was a set of measures, which included therapeutic fasting, that helped him gain health and live a long life. active life, in old age look much younger than your age. Laboratory studies on rats also confirmed that animals that were systematically deprived of food for a period of time lived longer than their relatives who did not have food restrictions.

The dangers of fasting

You can learn about therapeutic fasting for prevention using the Paul Bragg method from the video.

How to fast correctly to lose weight and with health benefits

The main rule of preparing for the process is that the entry period should take as much time as the process itself, or at least half.

Preparation consists of reducing the amount of food - there is no need to reduce the meals themselves, it is enough to reduce the size of portions. It is advisable to go to plant foods, juices, let's say kefir, but low-fat. Other animal products, fatty and protein foods should be avoided.

If everything is done correctly, the process will be easier, without disruptions, and there will be no problems with appetite and digestive system after.

Rules for one-day fasting

One-day fasting is most beneficial for the body and does not pose a health hazard. At the same time, one day is enough for the digestive organs to rest and the intestinal microflora to improve.

Within a day, all putrefactive microflora dies, while the beneficial flora of fermented milk fermentation is preserved. It is easier to tolerate, even compared to low calorie diet, when drinking enough water, there is no feeling of hunger.

General rules:

  1. To prepare for a daily refusal of food, you must follow all the rules for entering fasting: refuse in advance heavy food, do not overeat, drink more water, plan this process on the weekend. To enhance the effect, it is useful to do a cleansing enema on the first day.
  2. You should try to spend a lot of time on fresh air, water procedures are shown.
  3. Weakness, slight dizziness, headache, Bad mood, bad smell from the mouth and the formation of plaque on the tongue. These discomfort decrease or disappear if you practice fasting regularly.
  4. Recommended duration is 24-27 hours.

An improvement in well-being and a surge of energy and strength after exiting will be noticeable even after the first such experience; regular repetition gives a noticeable healing effect.

Three-day fasting

A three-day refusal of food is already more stress for the body than a one-day one; it requires careful preparation and compliance with all recommendations for entry and exit. It is better not to start without first trying several food refusals for a period of one day.

Practitioners also note a healing effect, improved skin condition, increased immunity - such fasting contributes to the complete disappearance of all symptoms of a cold or ARVI.

There are successful examples of getting rid of alcohol, nicotine and even drug addiction after three days of practice.

In three days there are changes in work gastrointestinal tract, digestive processes slow down, the body prepares for the transition to the so-called internal power supply, the process of breaking down your own fat starts.

In general, this is not best time refusal of food is used, as a rule, to prepare for a longer week-long process.

Rules for a three-day fast:

  1. Preparation is very important. It is recommended to give up unhealthy and heavy foods and alcohol for a week.
    In 1.5-3 days, switch to plant foods, reduce portions, and do a cleansing enema on the day you start.
  2. Unpleasant symptoms such as headaches and dizziness are more likely. Short-term bouts of hunger are possible.
  3. You should drink plenty of water and shower more often than usual.
  4. Weight loss in three days can amount to several kg, however, half of it returns the next day after exiting. To maintain the effect, it is important to continue to exit smoothly and not overeat.
  5. If fasting is very difficult, you can stop fasting earlier; you should listen to your feelings. It's better to quit and try again later.
  6. A symptom that indicates that you need to immediately stop fasting - very cloudy or very colored dark color urine.

Weekly fasting

After seven days without food, the body completely switches to internal nutrition. It is during this period that the so-called acidotic crisis occurs, characterized by the smell of acetone from the mouth.

This type of fasting is used in medicinal purposes, since during this time diseased tissues are destroyed, the body’s ability to regenerate increases.

Weekly fasting rules:

    1. Preparation begins at least 2 weeks in advance. It is necessary to reduce the amount of animal products in the diet, eliminate alcohol, processed foods, harmful nutritional supplements, preservatives. Don't overeat.

  1. The day before the start, you should completely avoid meat and animal products.
  2. It is better to plan fasting for seven days on vacation, and preferably in the summer or autumn.
  3. In addition to cleansing the intestines, it is recommended to cleanse the liver in advance before fasting with an enema.
  4. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, mood swings are typical for the first five days. After the onset of an acidotic crisis, all practitioners observe an improvement in well-being, mood, and a surge of energy and strength.
  5. Sometimes the acidotic crisis occurs only on the seventh day or later. In this case, it is not recommended to immediately stop fasting.
    It should be extended for another 2-3 days.

How not to break down while fasting

Of course, it's hard to go hungry. Especially when it comes to practicing for more than one day.

In order not to break down, it is important to remember the motivation that prompted you to fast. It is useful to keep in mind the benefits of practice and positive impact to your health.

Drinking water will help you avoid feeling hungry. large quantities. IN cold period You can drink the water warm.

Frequent changes in activity promote switching. Walking, reading, music in the background depending on your mood will help you occupy your thoughts with something other than food.

It is important to avoid overwork and, at the slightest fatigue, lie down and rest.

Exiting fasting should be taken as seriously as entering it and should be given no less time.

During a one-day fast, it is better to plan your exit in the evening. For the first meal, eat a small amount of vegetables or fruits, a vegetable salad with olive or linseed oil or stewed vegetables.

Until the evening next day try not to eat meat and dairy products, observe plant-based diet, drink a lot clean water. After breaking the fast, it is important to try not to overeat.

Only juices, fruits, vegetables, stewed. It is advisable to stay on a plant-based diet for a week after practice.

The exit from the seven-day period without food is the longest and most responsible. During the first day, only juices are indicated; on the second day, grated fruits and vegetables are allowed.

Bread, soups, cereals are introduced into the menu no earlier than 3-4 days after release, and protein food and nuts only after a week. Then, for at least another week, they adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet and the principles of fractional nutrition in small portions.


Fasting is a serious health experiment, so this method should be used carefully and consciously.

Starve longer than a day for medicinal purposes it is better under the supervision of specialists; there are special clinics.

It is strictly contraindicated for women to fast during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Not recommended for muscle atrophy, renal failure, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure.

Fasting can be beneficial for the body if you treat it responsibly, weigh the pros and cons, choose the right period for refusing food and follow the recommendations.

You can learn about the experience of a seven-day water fast from the video.

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Read the article or watch the video How to prepare for fasting

Fasting - natural way solve many health problems.

Preparation for fasting is no less important than fasting itself.
Therefore, it is very important to prepare properly for fasting.
To make fasting less painful and bring maximum benefit, you need to follow a few simple things.

Without properly preparing for fasting, you may not be able to extract maximum benefit and moreover, the process itself can bring discomfort, expressed in headaches, intestinal problems, etc.

In preparation for fasting, there are two things to consider: factor - psychological and physical.

First of all, you need to prepare yourself psychologically by planning certain period fasting and be determined to complete it to the end, despite the difficulties. And the second factor is physical training.

Before fasting, at least a week in advance, it is best to switch to raw plant foods, excluding fish, meat, eggs, and even dairy products from your diet.
Mainly eat fresh vegetables and fruits. If the body is too polluted, you can switch to fresh juices.
This diet removes toxins from the body and prepares it for fasting. The day before fasting, it is necessary to clear the intestines of all feces. which are in it. There are several methods, choose the one that suits you best. This could be Esmarch's mug, Castor oil, fortrans, salt water or Shankaprakshalana procedure. The intestines must be perfectly clean if you enter a dry fast without water and food, if you are fasting on water, then intestinal cleansing can continue during the fast itself.
If you do not cleanse the intestines and go on a dry fast, then an unpleasant thing may happen: for some days you will want to go to the toilet, and since there is no water in the intestines, the process of emptying it will be very difficult, with pain and discomfort, possibly even with blood. The intestines fall asleep during dry hunger, and feces harden and turn into stones, and can injure colon.
Therefore it is necessary to do good cleaning and fast with clean intestines.

That’s all for today, if you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them in the comments.

If you also dare to undertake such a feat and decide to undergo it in Kislovodsk at the Shchennikov School of Dry Fasting, write to me and on my personal recommendation you can get a discount.

What gives you a break from food? The human body, accustomed to food, begins to intensively absorb internal reserves already on the third day after the start of fasting. To make things clearer, imagine a city that is under siege. First, during fasting, fat reserves or fatty tissue in organs and liver glycogen. Then all dirt begins to be cleaned out - everything superfluous, useless and unnecessary, and up to several kilograms of it can settle in the body. During fasting, even the most resistant toxins, metals and toxic substances come out, which cannot be expelled by anyone. physical activity, no bathhouse. How to prepare for fasting, read further in the article.

Why is fasting so beneficial?

Another important effect that fasting gives is rejuvenation of the body. When cells are hungry, they go into austerity mode, and reserves and unnecessary substances begin to be consumed. Sick and weak cells cannot withstand competition with younger and stronger ones and are the last to be eaten. Those, having absorbed the weak, begin to multiply. Scientists have found in various studies that food deficiency is natural cause restoration of the cell population of the body. And yet, how to prepare for fasting?

How to prepare for fasting or what does preparation consist of?

Moral stability.

This part is the foundation of preparing for fasting, because, first of all, you need to understand why you need to fast. An even deeper understanding appears after the first experience of fasting.

Purchasing necessary things.

To prepare for fasting, you will need to buy the following items:

  • juicer (best of all, auger);
  • water purifier (distiller or reverse osmosis filter);
  • freezer for freezing vegetables and juices winter period;
  • Esmarch mug for enemas.

To take measurements in order to record them in a diary, you need to acquire:

  • floor scales;
  • measuring cup;
  • tonometer.

formation of habits.

It must be remembered that if after fasting you continue familiar image life with eating fried, spicy, bread, fast food, sausage, etc., then there will be no result. Although, it will be. But negative. You need to forget about alcohol and smoking during the fasting period.

Cleansing the liver and intestines.

In order to understand the many methods of fasting and choose the cleansing method that is right for you, you will need to try everything on yourself - sorbitol, enema, honey solutions, olive oil and grass hay, read a lot of literature and carefully study yourself.

When should you not resort to fasting?

Hunger is not only the fastest, but also the most stressful cleansing for the body. At the beginning of fasting, “bad” cells begin to fight for life, becoming more active. The restructuring of the body is a shock to the body, which is accompanied by sharp increase acidity in the blood and its saturation with poisons that are eliminated. Almost any organism can easily tolerate fasting, except, perhaps, for a seriously ill person with advanced tuberculosis, severe hypertension, heart failure, etc. Such organisms require special care, taking into account individual characteristics.

Almost everyone else healthy people, you shouldn’t starve just to temporarily improve your health. Of course, fasting itself is a good thing, however, after a period of cleansing the body, returning to your favorite beer, sausages and cakes is a great evil. The thing is that long-term release from food and its breakdown products, in addition to the removal of poisons, also turns off the natural mechanism of adaptation or forced adaptation to toxins. Therefore, before you start healthy way therapeutic fasting, evaluate your moral resistance to forming a new habit and weigh the pros and cons.

Preparing for fasting is important procedure before voluntary refusal from food, which includes special diet and psychological attitude. The procedure is difficult physically and mentally, can cause harm, and requires correct entry.

To prepare for fasting, you should follow the rules of physical and psychological techniques.

Physical technique

Beginners should prepare for this practice gradually. It is much easier to physically endure fasting if you start with short-term refusals to eat: limit food intake for half a day, then for the whole day. Then, every week, practice one-day refusals to eat until the body gets used to it, increasing the number of days.

Psychological technique

It is important to mentally prepare for fasting with a positive attitude. Consider giving up food as a cleansing of dirty thoughts and emotions that cause pain. Limit your use of TV, computer, and do not read newspapers or magazines. Practice yoga, pray. At the initial stage, many people perceive the process of giving up nutrition as a difficulty; they are afraid of breaking down and not completing it. This will harm your mood and shake your self-confidence. Beginners can enter into a safe long-term abstinence from food for the purpose of recovery only with sincere desire and good thoughts.

How to start fasting correctly

The process of fasting and preparation for it depends on its purpose: for treating diseases, cleansing the body or losing weight. You should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor.


Fasting to cure diseases is common, best effect achieved by long-term failure.
Thanks to him, this happens:

  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • treatment of viral diseases;
  • prevention of infertility (resorption of adhesions);
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system.

The medicinal dry fasting, the minimum duration of which is three days. At serious illnesses abstinence from eating is effective for up to 3 weeks. After diagnosing the body, the attending physician will prescribe the required number of days.

Preparation for such treatment should take about two to three months.

Gradually, you need to limit the consumption of heavy foods, switch to light foods, introduce raw plant foods into your diet, reduce the size of portions, give up smoked, spicy, salty foods and alcohol. Then the body will not experience severe stress.

Before you start, you need to take blood tests, urine tests, and cleanse the intestines at home. Short-term treatment may give remission of the disease, but not complete relief from the disease.


Starting to fast to cleanse the body is a noble goal.

To begin refusing food to cleanse the body, it is necessary to gradually switch to herbal products. Food intake restrictions should be periodic - 1 day a month, then several days in a row, etc. Once the body gets used to the process, you can practice for long periods.

For weight loss

Many people use food refusal to lose weight. overweight. Subcutaneous fat is burned faster than with diet or exercise.

Dry and wet methods are suitable for weight loss. It is recommended to enter it by general principle, using periodic fasting days, products plant origin. Can choose combined method. For the first days, fast on water, use a laxative for good bowel movements, and for the rest, avoid contact with liquids.

Practitioners are against such a goal of fasting: if all that is needed is the loss of kilograms and beautiful photos, then it is better to choose a gentle method and physical activity.

When dry fasting, first accustom your body to liquids, drink in small sips. In the first 3 days, it is forbidden to consume foodstuffs, only water, fermented milk drinks, and freshly squeezed juices. Then start gradually standard food With light food, citrus fruits, salads, broths, soups. The diet should last a month, then introduce meat into the diet, flour products, fried, smoked, spicy dishes.

If you are at risk of fainting from hunger, you should stop losing weight so much and switch to healthier eating, observing a weekly output.

Entering hunger should begin with a seven-day diet: exclude bakery, dairy, meat products. Use fresh vegetables and fruits, their puree.

The day before the planned procedure, cleanse the intestines with an enema.


Fasting, like other methods of treatment, has contraindications. It is not recommended to start the process for people with low weight; daily refusal of food will cause weight loss.

Other contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypotension (indicator blood pressure below 90/60);
  • peptic ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology above stage 2;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas;
  • adaptation period after surgery.

If you have any of the above problems, you should consult your doctor.

It's clear that by-product fasting on water will get rid of extra pounds- this is a nice bonus. But the technique should be used under the supervision of a doctor and solely for the purpose of improving your health, helping with certain diseases, and at the same time getting rid of kilograms that the body considers unnecessary.

The main element of this type of healing is water. Don’t think that this is a diet based on apples and water. From food and liquids, you can only drink water for the allotted time and in the quantity you want. Many people say that such a water diet is much more convenient than including some product in the diet: it is much easier to just drink and not think about food at all than to treat yourself to an apple and then spend the whole day thinking about whether you can eat something else.

Advice! To make therapeutic fasting on water easier on this day, it is recommended to listen to music, walk more and take a break from food.

How to prepare

It is important not only to know how to behave during and how to eat after fasting, but also to properly prepare for this difficult period. Preparation begins about a week in advance: you should give up meat and other animal foods, switch to plant nutrition, drink three liters of water every day.

One-day water diet

You should not immediately practice long-term fasting on water; it is recommended to start from one day. According to the results of the procedure, as noted, the stomach goes away, the body becomes more cheerful, and the mood improves. Periodic refusal of food once a month is proper preparation to prolonged fasting on water.

How to go out correctly

Even a one-day fast on distilled quality water requires the right way out. Any diet requires such an approach, and the dietary option of only drinking water for one day or longer requires a mandatory correct exit without options.

The solution lasts for one day, you need to start with fruit and vegetable juices, which you squeeze yourself and be sure to dilute with water. On the third day you can already introduce it into your diet fresh fruits, vegetable salads. Then gradually appears in the menu regular food, but it is recommended to postpone the consumption of meat, fatty, salty, sweet and smoked foods.

Three days on the water

This is an even more difficult test for the body, but three days without food will allow you to trigger the internal fat burning mechanism. Drink only clean, non-mineral water. You cannot add anything to the water on hunger strike days. The scheme is to drink a glass of water every hour throughout the day. In the evening, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema to remove any remaining waste from the intestines.

On the second day, the acidity of the foods that are still in the stomach will increase. So, it is recommended to rinse the stomach with water. On the third day, drink water no longer every hour, but as needed. With such a diet, you can do everyday activities, but you should not put too much strain on your body.

You need to take it in advance before leaving special drug, restoring intestinal microflora. On the first day of going out, drink 100 ml of fresh fruit or vegetable juices every hour. At the beginning of the day, dilute them with water, and in the evening you can switch to pure juices. On the second day of release, breakfast is a glass fresh juice. Then you can drink juice every hour until lunch. For lunch, oatmeal in water without salt and sugar, banana, grated vegetables or fruits are allowed. You can make your own for dinner light vegetable stew or vegetarian soup by adding a little vegetable oil to the recipe.

On the third day, still abstain from meat, animal food and salt, but you can eat more and more actively. On the sixth day, you can gradually switch to your usual diet, but focus on your state of health.

Weekly fasting on water

This is already a complex event for which the body needs to be properly prepared. That is, a beginner must first go through a one-day stage, then move on to three-day fasting, and then think about the week. Moreover, it is important to understand that the hunger strike itself lasts a week, and then for another week it will be quite difficult to get out of this state.

On the first day you can drink up to two and a half liters warm water, do an enema in the evening. Then, on days 2 and 3, drink as much as possible, brush your teeth more often, and repeat the enema. The fourth day is already the beginning of the exit, but depending on the condition, the process of fasting on water can be extended. The doctor will tell you what to do best, but the most important thing you need to focus on is your own well-being.

The main goal is to regulate the chemical balance naturally. Because the use of people, even the most healthy food, upsets this balance. The longer the hunger strike lasts, the more the body is cleansed, but it is important to approach this matter correctly and competently, be sure to get tested first, consult a doctor and, if necessary, consult a specialist for advice during the hunger strike.

To ensure that additional inorganic minerals enter the body, you can take some vitamins, but everything is done strictly in consultation with your doctor. You should not eat anything with salt for the first few days after fasting; for this period, as is clear from the material, they are suitable fruit juices or fruits, and the salt composition of food can already be restored to its original state somewhere at the end of the week of proper recovery from water therapeutic fasting.