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What to do if your tooth aches at home. What to do if your tooth hurts at home. How to get rid of toothache at home during pregnancy

Of course, the most correct and logically verified path is to visit the dentist as quickly as possible in order to accurately determine the cause and begin adequate treatment. But we still have to wait until we see the dentist, and the tooth (though maybe not a tooth, but somewhere nearby) already hurts. Therefore, let's look at the measures emergency assistance, capable of at least reducing painful sensations to a tolerable level.

Yes, a little preliminary preparation is required. If possible, brush your teeth and/or rinse your mouth with a clean warm water- this will increase the effectiveness of pain relief measures.

What can be done immediately

1. Rinse your mouth with salt water...

Dissolve ¹⁄₂ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly until the solution is gone. This is one of the most popular, even grandma’s, express methods for getting rid of toothache. And this is the very case when the grandmothers were right.

Salt water is natural disinfectant, and research Rinsing with Saline Promotes Human Gingival Fibroblast Wound Healing In Vitro prove: it really helps reduce inflammation in the oral cavity.

If the cause of pain is inflammation (for example, pulpitis or infection), salt rinsing will in a good way not only to calm the pain, but also to slow down, or even completely stop the development of the unhealthy process.

In addition, vigorous rinsing of the mouth will help get rid of food particles and other small foreign objects stuck between the teeth or the surface of the tooth and the gum, which sometimes cause pain.

2. ...or hydrogen peroxide

The advice, at first glance, is strange, but effective. Like saline solution, hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant properties that can Evaluation of the effect of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash in comparison with chlorhexidine in chronic periodontitis patients: A clinical study reduce inflammation and reduce associated pain. Bonus: Hydrogen peroxide softens plaque, making it easier to remove later.

To prepare a rinse solution, mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water in a 1:1 ratio. Do not swallow it when using.

3. Apply a cold compress to your cheek

The higher the temperature, the more painful it is. Blood moves more actively, blood vessels dilate, and internal pressure on the inflamed area increases. If you attach it to cold compress, the blood vessels will narrow and the pain will become less noticeable. In addition, cold can reduce Self-care approaches to treating pain swelling and inflammation.

This solution applies to almost all types of pain. If your tooth hurts, you can do this, for example: apply it to your cheek for 10–20 minutes:

  • soaked in cold water towel;
  • an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth (if available).

If your teeth are not resistant to the cold, you can simply suck on a piece of ice like a lollipop.

Yes, unlike cold ones, warm warming compresses - bad option. Firstly, they will only dilate the blood vessels, increasing pain. And secondly, they can contribute to the development of inflammation, if it is the cause of pain.

Heat can alleviate suffering only in one case: if the pain is caused by trigeminal neuralgia (it radiates to the teeth, and therefore is often confused with dental pain). However, until you are sure that it is neuralgia we are talking about, you should not play with heat.

4. Chew the garlic

This specific seasoning has been used medicinally for centuries. And, in general, it is quite reasonable. Modern research confirm Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects medicinal properties. It not only destroys harmful bacteria that cause inflammation, but also relieves pain.

If your health allows, you can simply chew a clove or two. Another option: grind the garlic into a paste and apply it to the tooth and gum next to it.

5. Make a compress with clove oil

The method is exotic, but suddenly you happen to have a bottle of this lying around essential oil? If so, congratulations: you are the owner of a very effective Experimental evaluation of anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of clove oil in mice(By at least, for mice, whose reactions are similar to humans) remedies for toothache. Clove oil contains natural antiseptic eugenol This substance not only kills germs, but also reduces pain almost as well as the rather powerful anesthetic benzocaine. The effect of clove and benzocaine versus placebo as topical anesthetics.

Apply a few drops of clove oil (you can dilute it with a couple of drops of olive or sunflower oil) on a cotton swab and cover the affected tooth, as well as the adjacent part of the gum. Let the compress remain in your mouth for at least 10–15 minutes.

Another option is to add a few drops of clove oil to warm water, shake thoroughly and use as a mouth rinse.

6. Don't lie down

Or, if you still want to lie down, place a pillow under your back so that top part the torso, including the head, remained in an elevated position. By lowering your head to the level of your heart or below, you risk increasing pain: this will happen due to increased blood supply and dilation of blood vessels.

7. Take a pharmacy pain reliever

This is perhaps the most obvious and convenient option if pain overtakes you at work or in. Ibuprofen-based products have proven themselves well.

And here grandma's method- crush the analgin into a paste and apply it to aching tooth- It's better not to play around. Active substance analgin - metamizole sodium - can indeed have a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it must be taken into account that metamizole has an acidic structure. This means that if the pain is caused by enamel damage or mild caries, it will likely worsen the situation.

What needs to be done as quickly as possible

Keep in mind: you still need it. The described methods relieve pain, but do not eliminate its cause: diseases of the teeth, gums or neuralgia. Therefore, even if you manage to get rid of the pain, be sure to consult a dentist. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will help you.

And even more so, go to the dentist if your tooth hurts for a day or longer, and also if swelling appears and rises. Possibly an infection causing toothache, got into the blood. And this is fraught with serious consequences.

Most people are familiar with it firsthand. What to do when a tooth aches a lot, for what reasons could this happen? We will talk about this in our article, and at the same time we will publish a list of medicines and folk recipes which will help relieve pain.

Why do my teeth ache?

There are many factors that can cause this. Here is a list of the most common:

  • presence of caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • flux;
  • pain after tooth filling;
  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • removal of a tooth;
  • cracks in enamel;
  • pain under the crown;
  • dental injuries.

If you have a ache front tooth or root, the first thing that can be assumed is the presence of caries. With this disease, the protective enamel of the tooth and the dentin layer are damaged, which is why they begin to multiply at an accelerated rate in the resulting cavity. harmful microorganisms, causing inflammation. Even superficial shallow caries can provoke aching pain. Usually this is a reaction to sweet, salty, and sour substances entering the tooth cavity; A damaged tooth also reacts to hot food or, conversely, to very cold food. It is difficult to recognize the initial stage on your own, so if your tooth aches, the very first thing you need to do is go to the dentist.

Pulpitis occurs if caries is severely advanced and the heart of the tooth - its pulp - is inflamed. Few people are able to withstand the pain of pulpitis for a long time; here, willy-nilly, you have to resort to help. If this is not done, then the problem with the teeth can develop into the next stage, in which the inflammatory process already passes to the periosteum and jaw bone - flux is formed. The pain in this condition is very severe, aching character, often radiating to the ears, neck, etc. This often ends in tooth extraction.

Why does a tooth ache after filling?

It would seem that after the tooth is filled, the pain should completely disappear. However, this is not always the case. Usually after complex treatment, which was accompanied by removal of the nerve, the tooth continues to ache after the anesthesia wears off. It's okay, you'll have to be patient a little, after a while everything will get better. If your tooth aches too much, so much that you can’t bear it, then you can take some drug from the list in our article.

If the pain does not subside for a long time, you will have to visit your dentist again to find out the reasons for what is happening. Perhaps the doctor did something wrong and the inflammatory process continues to develop in the tooth cavity.

Why does a tooth ache under a crown?

This is a very unpleasant situation, which in most cases is explained by poor quality work of the dentist. Most likely, he made a mistake when treating the tooth before installing a crown on it. It's about O:

  • incomplete canal filling;
  • damage to the root canal (its wall) during pin installation;
  • presence of voids in the canal (loose filling).

If the tooth under the crown aches and hurts, then you should not wait to see what will happen next, but urgently go to the doctor who placed the crown.

Pain due to increased sensitivity of tooth enamel

It also happens: there is no caries, but your teeth still ache. What to do in this case and why does this happen? The reason may lie in the thinning of the enamel layer. The following number of reasons contribute to this:

  • endocrine and nervous diseases;
  • pregnancy or menopause - in these conditions, disturbances in mineral metabolism may be observed;
  • improper nutrition, in which the body does not receive the elements it needs;
  • poor hygiene

You can often help yourself by taking calcium supplements and vitamin complexes.


Perhaps you have heard about This disease also sometimes causes severe pain and aching in your teeth. What to do in this case, which doctor can help - a dentist or a neurologist? Let's first define what happens with neuralgia.

The main cause of neuralgic pain is that there is pressure inside the body for some reason. trigeminal nerve. Provoking extracranial factors can be inflammation in the sinuses and oral cavity, periodontitis, gingivitis, etc. intracranial causes include: displacement of veins and arteries, as well as the formation of adhesions and tumors.

With neuralgia, all teeth can hurt at once (on the upper and lower jaws) is a very painful condition that requires consultation and assistance from a neurologist. The main symptom of the disease is acute pain, which stops for a while and returns again. With neuralgia, even the most basic everyday things (washing, brushing teeth, etc.) can cause a painful attack.

Often the course of the disease is protracted. A neurologist may prescribe an appointment for vascular and sedatives. Physiotherapy works very well.

List of medications that help with toothache

If your tooth aches, you can take medicine and not have to worry about it before going to the dentist. The most effective are the following drugs:

  • "Pentalgin";
  • "Nurofen";
  • "Nimesulide";
  • "Ketorol";
  • "Ketanov";
  • "Nimesil".

The disadvantage of the listed painkillers is that they cannot be taken during pregnancy, as well as during the lactation period.

If expectant mother her teeth hurt (ache), if possible, she needs to resort to the help of some folk remedies. IN in case of emergency You can alleviate the condition by taking the following tablets allowed during pregnancy:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Analgin";
  • "Ibuprofen."

All of these medications can be taken in the second trimester of pregnancy. In the first, their use is extremely undesirable, as well as in the third.

Folk recipes

Aching tooth pain can be soothed folk remedies, of which, by the way, there are a lot. Here good recipes that you can use if your teeth hurt:

1. Clove oil soothes such pain well. Just drop it on the sore tooth or place a cotton swab dipped in oil on it.

2. On the hand between the index and thumb There is an area where massage helps with toothache. It is also good to wipe the area with a piece of ice.

3. Place a small ball of propolis on the problematic tooth. If there is a large open carious cavity, then propolis can be used as - it simultaneously relieves pain and inflammation.

4. A good remedy is a soda solution. Soda powder (2 tsp) pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, let cool and use as a rinse.

5. You can also rinse your mouth with vodka without swallowing it. In this case, part of the alcohol will directly penetrate into the gums, and through it into inner fabric tooth, which will give an anesthetic effect.

6. Fresh juice Rub garlic on the wrist where the pulse is felt. If the tooth on the right hurts, then you need to lubricate it left hand, if on the left, then vice versa. In another option, you need to tie a clove of garlic to your wrist with a bandage and walk like that for a while.

7. If you have sea salt on hand, you can use it. Dissolve two teaspoons in warm water and rinse your mouth.

1. A sick tooth does not need to be heated - this causes a rush of blood to the area of ​​inflammation, which can provoke the appearance of gumboil and increased pain.

2. B supine position the pain intensifies because the blood flow in the periodontal tissues becomes more active and the pressure on them increases, so it is better not to take a horizontal position.

3. You need to try to switch your attention from the sore tooth to something else.

4. Always clean your mouth of food debris (toothpicks and dental floss are available for this). It often happens that tiny particles of food cause severe pain.


Now you know why your teeth ache and how to calm the pain with the help of medications. Of course, this will not help you cure caries, pulpitis, gumboil, neuralgia, etc. Only a doctor can handle this. Please remember this and do not put off visiting a specialist. Modern methods Dental treatments are practically painless, so unnecessary worries and fears are absolutely groundless.

How to get rid of toothache: traditional medicine recipes and medications

Dental problems cause panic and reluctance to see a doctor for many. However, for now we are coming up with another reason why we cannot visit dental clinic, toothache can become unbearable. What should be done in this case, what medications to take and how to prevent the worst serious consequences toothache?

Causes of toothache

Pain occurs as a result of transmission along nerve fibers of an impulse generated by irritation of the receptor to certain parts of the brain. Receptors of the pulp, periodontium and sometimes dentinal tubules are responsible for toothache. The reasons for their irritation may be the following:

  • Caries. On initial stage it develops asymptomatically, destroying tooth tissue until sensitivity to mechanical, temperature or chemical influences. For example, pain can be felt if you drink a glass of cold sour juice. Untreated caries can lead to pulpitis, which means even more severe pain.
  • Pulpitis. Inflammation of the dental pulp is characterized by spontaneously occurring severe pain.
  • Periodontitis. This is an inflammation of the tissue around the root of the tooth. Severe pain occurs when pressure is applied to the tooth - for example, when chewing.
  • Mechanical damage. With cracks, chips of enamel and other damage, sensitive dentin is often exposed, which leads to pain with any impact.
  • Wisdom tooth eruption. The surrounding gums become inflamed and swollen.

Toothache always catches us unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. In this situation, the main thing is to remain calm and not make mistakes.

What to do if your tooth hurts

First, inspect your mouth and brush your teeth very gently but thoroughly. Removing stuck food debris and bacteria will help relieve your condition. Until you see the dentist, refrain from eating solid, sweet, salty, cold, or hot foods, so as not to provoke increased pain. Take your temperature and take painkillers. If the pain is unbearable, use the services of a dentist at home or go to an emergency care facility. dental care. 24-hour dental clinics usually work by appointment, and will not solve your problems in the middle of the night. If you regularly visit a particular dentist, make an appointment with him for the next date.

How to relieve toothache

You can relieve toothache at home, but you should definitely visit the dentist afterwards. There are two exceptions - when a wisdom tooth erupts or the site of tooth extraction hurts.

Traditional medicine recipes

Humanity has had to solve the problem of toothache throughout the history of its existence, and traditional medicine recipes have reached us from time immemorial. They took into account the disinfecting, antihistamine and analgesic qualities of improvised means even before such terms appeared.

  • Phytoncides. Infusion of the peel of one onion in a glass of boiling water. The liquid should be taken into the mouth and held for 15–20 minutes. This time is enough to disinfect the oral cavity. After three such procedures, the pain should subside.
  • Essential oils. Apply a cotton swab soaked in mint drops or clove oil to the sore tooth. This will help relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • Antihistamines. Ground turmeric, fried in a frying pan and carefully applied to a sore tooth when cooled, will help relieve swelling and pain by blocking histamine receptors.
  • Tannins. Soak a bag of regular black tea in warm water, squeeze out and place on the sore tooth. After 15 minutes the pain should go away.
  • Cold. An ice cube is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore tooth or gum. The numb sensation will relieve the pain.

It should be recognized that these remedies are not suitable for everyone, and the reaction to them is individual. They may not work at all or solve the problem only slightly. short term- half an hour, an hour. Their undoubted advantage is almost complete absence contraindications. However, people prone to allergies should avoid some of these recipes.


An effective and simple method of relieving pain is rinsing the mouth with lukewarm decoctions or infusions. It is characterized by the speed of treatment of the entire oral cavity, the anesthetic effect usually lasts for several hours. The method is suitable even for pregnant and nursing mothers.

  • Rinse your mouth generously with a solution of salt or soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water. This will disinfect the oral cavity, relieve swelling and help pacify pain.
  • Decoctions of sage, plantain, calendula, and chamomile have a disinfectant and soothing effect.

Be sure to check the shelf life of herbs if you plan to use them to make infusions.

A typical mistake is to warm up sore spot. Warming compresses and heating pads will only increase the pain, causing an active flow of blood to the affected tooth. Blood circulation in the periodontal tissues also increases with horizontal position body, so you shouldn’t lie down if you have a toothache.

Medicines for toothache

Official pharmaceuticals offer the most effective and convenient ways fight against toothache. However, they all have contraindications, so use medicines You should be careful without a doctor’s prescription, especially if your child has a toothache. In any case, carefully read the instructions for the drug.

  • Analgin, "Spazmalgon". Inexpensive painkillers that have been used for more than one generation. They help with mild pain, are quickly absorbed by the body, and can be given to children from the age of six.
  • "Nurofen". An effective anti-inflammatory agent that relieves pain and swelling. Available for adults and children. Not used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "Baralgin". Quickly relieves aching toothache, can be given to children.
  • "Ketanov". A powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It will help if your tooth hurts very badly. A one-time use would be optimal, but in extreme cases, you can take another tablet. Contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, children, as well as acute diseases internal organs.
  • Pregnant and lactating women may be allowed drotaverine(no-shpa).

A person forgets about all problems, focusing on one thing - how to remove pain. Painful sensations can have various variations - from mild pain to increasing throbbing pain, preventing you from thinking about anything other than it. This misfortune comes unexpectedly, but can greatly ruin the whole day.

How to soothe a toothache at home

Toothache can appear at the most inopportune moment, for example, when you are in nature, far from the civilized world and there is simply no one to help in this situation. Therefore, we will consider ways to relieve toothache yourself, at home.

The simplest and most proven method of eliminating pain is Adoption medical supplies . If a tooth begins to hurt while eating, you must immediately stop eating, clean your teeth of food particles and rinse your mouth thoroughly. After this, you need to take a painkiller, it can be analgin, ibuprofen or ketones. But when using these drugs, you should carefully study the instructions and take into account the dose and contraindications so as not to cause harm to health.

If painkillers are not at hand, you can use a cotton swab soaked in Valocordin or make soda solution for rinsing the mouth. You can add a few drops of iodine to the soda solution.

These methods will help temporarily dull the pain. But what to do if the listed medications are not at home or the pharmacy is too far away. What to do? You can try to relieve toothache at home using proven traditional medicine.

Home Remedies for Pain Relief

How to relieve toothache? To do this, you can use improvised means that are found in every home.

  • Salt and pepper. If the tooth has acquired strong sensitivity, then a mixture of pepper and garlic will help effectively. To do this, mix equal parts of spices with a drop of water and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then you need to apply the paste to the tooth and leave for five minutes. Repeat the procedure for several days.
  • Potato. Cut a small circle of potato, place it on the aching tooth and hold it until the pain or discomfort disappears.
  • Garlic. Antibiotics and many others medicinal properties This plant will be effective in fighting bacteria. So, a clove of garlic needs to be chopped and mixed with table or black salt. Next, put the mixture on the sore tooth. In addition, you can simply chew garlic, trying to get it on the disturbing tooth. It is necessary to use the product for several days.
  • Carnation. Carnation is probably the best remedy in the fight against toothache. The anesthetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect of such treatment will help speed up the process of pain relief and stop infection. Two cloves of cloves must be crushed and mixed with vegetable or olive oil. Apply the product to the tooth. The second way is to rub clove oil into a sore spot, this will dull a sharp toothache. In addition, you can dissolve five to six drops in a glass of water and rinse your mouth.
  • Onion. The antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of onions are well known to everyone. At the first sensation of pain, chew raw onion for several minutes. If the pain prevents you from chewing, then place a piece of onion on your tooth and leave it there for a while.
  • Asafoetida. This remedy has long been used to treat not only toothache, but also bleeding gums. You need to add a pinch of asafoetida to lemon juice and then just reheat. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and place it on the sore tooth. Asafoetida, which was fried in vegetable oil put in your mouth to relieve pain instantly.
  • Salted warm water. Regular glass warm water can work wonders with salt. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in two hundred ml of water and rinse your mouth with this solution. Thanks to this method, fluid will drain from the tissues and nerve swelling will decrease. The liquid will also prevent the growth of bacteria.
  • Apple vinegar. Place a swab soaked in vinegar on the sore spot in the mouth and hold for two to three minutes, the toothache should gradually subside.
  • Salo. You just need to apply a thin slice of lard to the sore tooth and wait until the pain begins to subside.
  • Guava leaves. Young guava leaves will help relieve toothache. You can simply chew them until the juice comes out, which will remove pain syndrome. You can also boil four leaves, strain the broth, add salt and use it as a mouth rinse. Raw spinach leaves can be used as a substitute for guava leaves.
  • Wheatgrass juice. Has natural antibacterial properties, and is also good remedy in the fight against caries. Wheat sprouts need to be ground, extracting the juice from them. Then rinse your mouth with the solution. Toxins from the gums will be absorbed by the juice, and bacteria will slow down their development.
  • Alcohol. After rinsing your mouth alcoholic drink, toothache may become dull.
  • Cucumber. Place a slice of cucumber on the sore spot. You can just chew it.
  • Vanilla extract. Soak a cotton swab with it and apply it to the aching area. The intensity of toothache will decrease.
  • Baking soda. Roll a soaked cotton swab in baking soda and salt and apply to the sore spot.
  • Plantain. Since childhood, the famous plantain doctor will help with this problem. Chew it well and hold it in place where the painful tooth is located.
  • Ice. Using ice will only help dull the toothache. Place the ice cube in a plastic bag and then wrap it in cotton cloth. You need to apply the resulting bundle to your cheek for a few minutes. You can put ice directly on the tooth, but this is risky because it can only increase the pain, since contact of the nerves with a cold object is highly undesirable.

Alternative ways to relieve toothache

There is also a technique for massaging certain points. To do this, rub the luda cube between your thumb and forefinger for five to seven minutes.

Some people prefer treatment homeopathic remedies, and often it gives good results. The most popular of them:

  • "Aconite"- Delightful relief for pain. It will help relieve toothache caused by a cold.
  • "Arnica"- If you hit your jaw, then this remedy will do. If a tooth has been removed, the medicine will help stop the bleeding and speed up the healing of the wound.
  • "Coffee"- If the pain is exclusively nervous in nature, experts recommend this drug.
  • "Nux vomica"– It is also a good remedy for pain. It is recommended for people who are sedentary, forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle, people who are easily excited, drink coffee and alcoholic drinks large quantities and people who often suffer from colds.
  • “Nux Moshata” - The drug is recommended for the treatment of pain in young children and pregnant women. There are also recommendations for using the medicine in cold weather conditions or when in damp areas.


Of course, each of the methods proposed above will only help relieve toothache, but in no case should you think that if the pain has subsided, then the problem no longer exists. Only a dentist can name the exact cause of the pain and finally cure the tooth. No matter how wonderful the results of self-medication may be, there is no need to postpone a visit to the dentist, because the problem may lie much deeper than you think.

Toothache is one of the most unpleasant and painful sensations that everyone has experienced at least once. Naturally, when it appears, you should consult a doctor. But on various reasons it doesn't happen. There are long weekends or various force majeure situations when help is needed here and now, but there is no way to get to the doctor.

Much depends on the individual pain threshold. Some people endure the slightest aching pain very hard, while others are ready to endure more serious trials. One way or another, there are some general, universal actions that will help reduce pain discomfort, if not get rid of it completely.

What to do if your tooth hurts

It happens that the tooth hurts suddenly. There were no signs of caries or tooth decay, but, nevertheless, he fell ill. First of all, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth - it happens that food debris that presses on the gums or gets stuck in some interdental area irritates the gums, and this pain is perceived as toothache.

You can also do salt rinses. You can use sea salt or regular soda. Dilute a teaspoon of salt or soda in a glass of water, and rinse thoroughly with this mixture. oral cavity. This action will definitely not cause any harm - salt or soda rinses can be done from time to time, even if there are no problems with your teeth.

If all else fails, you can take a pain reliever. Don't get carried away with drugs strong action, such as "Ketanov", for example. Try a moderate-impact product, for example, Nimesulide or Nurofen.

Nurofen tablets help relieve even severe toothache quite well

It happens that the pain is so severe that pills do not help, and it is impossible to get to the doctor (for example, a tooth hurts at night). In this case, you can drive to the nearest hospital, where the patient with acute pain They will give you a painkiller injection, which will ease the suffering and give you the opportunity to sleep.

How does baking soda help with toothache?

And then you can talk about each type of pain relief in more detail. Soda in folk medicine has long been used as an antiseptic. It can really help relieve pain or reduce its intensity. To a greater extent, soda helps with inflammation of the gums when a tooth hurts.

Need 1 tsp. dissolve soda in one cup of warm water, stir thoroughly. There should be no soda sediment at the bottom. You should rinse your mouth with this mixture after 3 hours. If you drop 3 drops of iodine into a glass, the effect of the solution will increase. Certainly, severe pain Soda rinses will not relieve, but relieve inflammation of the gums, soothe the area of ​​pain this procedure Maybe.

Tea-garlic composition

About the power of garlic aching pain Many people probably know their teeth. But probably not everyone knew about the healing union of garlic and green tea. Meanwhile, the recipe is effective. You need to brew 1.5 tablespoons of good green tea in a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for ten minutes.

Recipe for tea and garlic infusion

  1. Add 5 cloves of garlic, very finely grated, to a cup of brewed green tea.
  2. Stir these cloves well and let the mixture sit for another 10 minutes.
  3. The liquid must be filtered, and the resulting mixture should be rinsed in the mouth.

When rinsing, you need to make sure that the liquid acts directly on the diseased tooth. Try to ensure that the infusion penetrates as much as possible into the tooth, as if washing the space around it. This procedure can be repeated several times a day; you can rinse your mouth with tea and garlic infusion even every hour. A simple recipe, and the pain goes away quite quickly.

Garlic, sea salt and onion - a mixture for pain relief

This method is also considered effective, the effect is felt very quickly. To make a medicinal mixture, you need to take a small spoon sea ​​salt, as well as a small spoon of gruel of grated garlic and onions.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the product is applied directly to the site of pain. The top of the tooth can be covered with a cotton swab.

The pain subsides literally after 9-10 minutes. Repeat this procedure three to four times a day, controlling the intensity of pain. You can do such applications more often, strict restrictions No. This is a natural composition, so there is no need to be afraid of an overdose.

Folk remedies for toothache

There are many more recipes that can relieve toothache. It is impossible to say for sure that all of them are 100% effective: some help, others do not feel relief. And, nevertheless, it is worth highlighting some recipes in the next selection.

Product nameRecipeImpact

A small ball of mumiyo should be placed directly into the carious cavity or applied to the site of swelling. The top of the tooth is covered with cotton wool.The pain will decrease after 6-7 minutes, and after half an hour it practically disappears.

Soak a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and place it in dental cavity. You can help apply the product with a toothpick so that the cotton wool is closer to the sore spot.After 10 minutes, the pain will begin to decrease.

It is recommended to use unsalted lard. A small piece of it is applied to the sore area.The pain will subside in 10-15 minutes.

Regular bag good tea you need to put it behind the cheek, next to the inflamed area.The pain subsides after half an hour.

A small ball of propolis can also be applied to the sore spot.Maximum effectiveness – with a large carious cavity.

Used for rinsing.The procedure makes sense if the pain has not yet become severe, but is quite tolerable.

All these recipes are not treatment, but only relief of pain symptoms. How quickly the pain subsides and whether it subsides depends on the degree of tooth decay. If the root is severely damaged, the pain is unlikely to be relieved. In this situation, only emergency dental care will help.

Prevention of toothache

Of course, any situation can be prevented. As a rule, the pain is of an increasing nature. At first it is a slight discomfort, perhaps the gums are swollen. But instead of running to the doctor, the person endures, giving inflammatory process reach its climax. Sometimes it seems that the pain radiates to other teeth and is felt in several places at once.

Even if you then went to the doctor and successfully treated the tooth, you need to correct your further actions so that the situation does not repeat itself.

To prevent toothache, you need to:

As you know, you need to visit the dentist at least twice a year. Even if there is no caries or gum disease, the dentist will ultrasonic cleaning teeth, removal of dental plaque. This is an excellent prevention of caries, modern way maintain oral hygiene.

From time to time you can use special dental gels which have a beneficial effect on gum health. For 7-10 days, morning and evening, apply a little gel to thin cotton strips and then apply them to the gums. The duration of action is half an hour. You should not eat for the next hour after application. The effect is impressive; in this way you can solve the problem of gum inflammation. You can carry out a course of such procedures on the eve of prosthetics or long-term treatment teeth.

Video - How to get rid of toothache