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After filling a tooth there is aching pain. Tooth hurts after root canal filling. What is included in the treatment


If a tooth is pulpless when chewing, and there is a feeling that it is a little, then the cause of this discomfort is harmful bacteria. This picture suggests that they penetrated through the root canal of the tooth into the jaw bone. As a rule, the pain is accompanied by swelling near the tooth, and sometimes swelling appears on the face. If you do not immediately consult a doctor, microorganisms will gradually destroy the bone near the root of the tooth, and this threatens its removal. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that this process may not only be fleeting, but also last for several years. In this case, this will be practically asymptomatic, only sometimes the tooth will make itself felt by pain.

Incorrect dental treatment

An extracted tooth may hurt due to incorrect treatment. So, the doctor could have performed depulpation not very well or left nerves in the canals. As a result of this, pain will not keep you waiting. Also, the cause of discomfort and severe pain can be not very well treated canals. In any case, you will have to contact your dentist so that he can examine the tooth and take action if necessary. You should not delay this, as there is a possibility that you are allergic to filling materials. The only solution in this case would be a filling and use completely different materials. Delay may lead to severe inflammation, then the question of tooth extraction will arise.

Often after visits to the dentist tooth continues to get sick. This could be due to a number of reasons. Feeling pain for 4-5 hours after installation of the seal is complete normal phenomenon, this is how nerve endings react to manipulation during treatment. If the pain continues, you should see your doctor again.

If the pain is very severe and the dental area is already closed, you can rinse your mouth with salt and take a painkiller. The pain is completely normal reaction on, which is placed before the nerve removal procedure. If sealed tooth long enough, the cause of pain is the appearance of repeated caries. This situation occurs if the doctor has not sufficiently treated the affected area. tooth with a drill and sealed it. After tooth or pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve may appear if it was not removed and the caries was deep enough. You need to see a dentist. He will remove the filling, clean out the cavity and remove the pulp. If the doctor thinks that tooth can be saved, he will prescribe treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and. Periodontitis may develop under a newly placed filling. The patient will experience pain. Eliminate this problem possible by repeating treatment. The dentist removes the placed filling, drills out the canal, the medicine and places it. After a week, the temporary filling is removed, the nerve is removed and the filling is repeated. Also tooth after treatment if a cyst appears. The doctor cuts the gum and removes the sac. Laser removal cysts are performed without an incision. In some cases, if the cyst is large enough tooth unable to save. The doctor removes and cleans out the cyst using instruments. Pain after treatment may cause allergic reaction on the filling material. There is only one way to get rid of it - remove the filling and seal it tooth other material. Even if after treatment tooth and the patient is not worried about anything, it is necessary to see a doctor in one week for an examination and, if necessary, carry out a superficial correction of the filling.


  • what medicine is put under a temporary filling?

As a rule, a “dead” tooth is one from which the pulp was removed during treatment. It contains nerve endings blood vessels and the cells that support them. As a result, according to all medical canons, a tooth cannot hurt, but it often gives its owner a lot of pain. discomfort.


If, when chewing, a “dead” tooth reminds you of itself through pain and the feeling of an “overgrown” tooth, then most likely the culprit of this discomfort is harmful microorganisms. They can enter the jaw bone through the root canal of a tooth. In addition to pain, the gums next to the tooth swell, and swelling on the face less often appears. You should not delay visiting a doctor, since microorganisms can gradually destroy the bone near the root of the tooth, which can lead to larger problems. Moreover, this process can last several months or years.

Poor root canal treatment

A fairly common reason that a “dead” tooth makes itself felt is not quality treatment root canals. Thus, modern technology puts forward a number of requirements for their filling. Absolutely all canals in the tooth must be sealed, very tightly and to the full length. As a result, there is no microflora left for development favorable conditions, which means there will be no inflammation. However, it often happens that some canal remains unfilled, and in some cases the dentist leaves nerves in them, which become inflamed over time. You should not endure the pain for a long time, filling it with various analgesics; it is better to immediately consult a doctor.


A “dead” tooth can hurt due to the penetration of a harmful microbial agent from the so-called periodontal pockets. This phenomenon occurs when a person is diagnosed with periodontitis, and also has heavy plaque, which must be removed every six months. As a result, the disease is accompanied by bleeding. In this case, even an ideal tooth will be in serious danger. After all, harmful bacteria gradually move along the root of the tooth, destroying the ligaments that hold the tooth in the socket. For this reason, he becomes mobile, and chewing food is accompanied by pain.

In this case you will need complex treatment the entire oral cavity. First, the doctor will conduct an X-ray examination of the diseased tooth, after which a individual plan treatment. As a rule, it is prescribed ultrasonic teeth and periodontal pockets, after which medications are prescribed that will help reduce pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. You will also have to follow all the rules of hygiene, otherwise the treatment will not give results.

Toothache It can be either weak and aching or unbearable. In both cases, a visit to the dentist is required. Painful sensations in the tooth can occur simply when pressed. The reasons for this may be different.

Causes of pain when pressing

If pain occurs a few days after visiting the dentist, then its appearance may be associated with the following points:

Inflammatory phenomena beyond the apex. Emergence similar condition may be due to a violation of the canal filling technique or in case of prematureness of this process. In this case, inflammation develops outside the root apex, which creates a risk of losing the tooth.

Dental trauma. There are cases when, after tooth extraction, the neighboring one begins to bother. In this situation, the culprit may be a fracture at the root that occurred during the removal process.

Causes of toothache not associated with a visit dental office, may be as follows:

Caries. In this case, the occurrence of pain is associated with food intake. Especially if food gets into the tooth cavity. When it is cleansed, the pain stops.

If there is a cavity in the tooth, and pain appears on it, the cause may be associated with periodontitis. The process then extends beyond the apex. The disease usually appears as a result of untreated pulpitis in a timely manner.

If a tooth begins to bother you when you bite it, then caries begins to develop in it. In this situation, the tooth should be treated again.

It can hurt in appearance healthy tooth. The pain may be associated with the presence inflammatory process in the root part, diseases of the mucous membrane and jaw injury.

What to do if your tooth starts to hurt when you press it

If you experience pain when biting or biting something, it is not recommended to apply heat to the area. You should take one or two painkillers. In addition, it is necessary to brush your teeth and, if there are food particles, remove them from the cavity of the tooth. During the day, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin, soda or potassium permanganate. You should not take anti-inflammatory drugs without a doctor's prescription.

To avoid running pathological process in the tooth, you should visit the dentist whenever possible. Depending on the pain, the appropriate treatment method will be selected.

Required for complete or partial destruction tooth. This is a fairly popular procedure that is carried out in several stages. It is performed in dental clinics.

You will need

  • - filling material;
  • - pins;
  • - pin teeth;
  • - crowns;
  • - dental equipment and instruments.


Degree of destruction tooth Only a dentist can evaluate it. After this, the specialist will offer a suitable option for restoring the damaged tooth.

To restore a pulpless tooth using a pin, the destruction should not exceed a third of the volume of the coronal part tooth. It is very important to pay attention to the condition of the damaged root tooth: the root must be strong, and the root must be well sealed. There are fiberglass, carbon fiber, anchor and parapulp pins.

The procedure on the pin is carried out as follows: using a special tool, the material is partially removed from the sealed canal, after which the pin is fixed with cement (for greater stability, part of it is deepened into the bone). The tooth itself is restored using filling material, applied in small portions to the damaged surface.

When destroyed tooth(approximately half) the best option is a pin tooth, consisting of a ceramic crown part. A distinctive feature of this design is its strength: it can withstand long-term loads and at the same time does not affect negative impact on adjacent teeth.

The patient goes to the dentist mainly only when toothache occurs. And the purpose of his visit is to get rid of this pain. But it happens that they put a filling and the tooth hurts. Why does this happen? Should your teeth hurt after filling? What could be the reasons for this? Why does a tooth hurt after filling and what to do if pain occurs? A lot of questions arise in similar cases. To understand the reason, it is necessary to understand in what situations tooth pain occurs after filling. Let's start with the fact that the tooth can hurt, both during treatment while preserving the vital activity of the pulp - the dental nerve, and when it is removed after filling. Each case has its own reasons. And depending on the etiological factor, the nature and intensity of toothaches can vary. It is worth understanding in more detail why a tooth may hurt after filling?

The occurrence of pain after applying a permanent filling to a living tooth

A tooth may hurt after filling various reasons. But the most common and most dangerous of them is making an incorrect diagnosis. Very often doctors confuse the symptoms of deep caries with chronic course pulpitis or periodontitis. At the first diagnosis, a thin wall remains between the pulp and the carious cavity. The complaints are basically the same. And therefore, hoping that the tooth will remain alive, treatment is carried out as for deep caries. After some time, and maybe even that same night, severe spontaneous shooting pains appear. Why did they appear after the filling was installed? After all, the tooth had not bothered me before. When a nerve is inflamed, it swells a little. If the cavity is open, you may not feel it. But in this case, the tooth is closed and pain occurs under the pressure of the filling.

The second most common case is overheating of hard dental tissues during preparation, that is machining carious cavity. It is produced by a turbine drill, which has a large number of revolutions per second. If you do not use air-water cooling and do not take periodic breaks, this leads to heating of the tissues. The nerve reacts to this increase in temperature. Usually in such cases the tooth ache after filling. This may bother you for several days. If the nerve is not inflamed due to this effect, then the pain after filling the tooth will go away on its own.

Sometimes painful discomfort can develop gradually, that is, the patient does not immediately understand that the recently treated tooth is bothering him. Aching pain occurs, especially when biting. This is due to the fact that the supplied filling is too high. That is, it is higher than the other chewing surfaces, this tooth closes with the opposite one faster, at a time when they should all close together at the same time. The patient in the chair cannot feel this, due to the fact that the effect of the anesthesia has not yet ended, or, if there was a large cavity there, he could get used to the fact that there is emptiness and may not immediately understand whether this is normal or not. Because of this there is huge pressure on the tooth and discomfort appears. In addition, this can lead to malocclusion.

The last etiological factor is polymerization stress. Modern dentists use only light fillings. It is very rare to find a place where chemically cured materials are installed. Some fillings are larger when installed. Under influence ultraviolet lamp, they shrink as they harden. There is pressure on the walls of the teeth and aching pain occurs. No one knows how long a tooth hurts after filling in this situation. This may continue for a couple of weeks. Or maybe it won’t go away at all.

It would seem that the nerve has been removed, and there is nothing to hurt there. But nevertheless, pain occurs. Why do teeth hurt after root canal filling? Normally they can be observed. Pain will occur when biting with this tooth, wear aching character, respond to tapping, even to temperature stimuli. This occurs due to the fact that when a nerve is removed from the canals, it seems to be torn off from a larger nerve. And until this place of separation heals, these unpleasant sensations will bother you. These symptoms usually last for a week at most.

If toothache continues longer after root canal filling or increases in intensity every day, you should immediately contact your doctor. Because the cause may be something else that requires appropriate treatment.

There may be several reasons:

  • Development of infection in the periapical tissues;
  • The nerve was not completely removed from the canal;
  • Breakage of the tool in the channel during machining;
  • Incomplete obturation of root canals;
  • Perforation.

It is worth examining each reason in more detail.

The nerve remained in the canal

To remove the nerve from the canal, you need a tool such as a pulp extractor. It looks like a herringbone, its carvings capture the nerve. You need to insert the channel, twist it once and pull it out. If the nerve is alive, then once is enough. Repeat several times if necessary. But often it is twisted in the canal several times in different directions, which leads to incomplete removal. It also happens that the root canal is not completely completed. And at the end of the root, if the canal is narrow, a piece of nerve may remain. The doctor, without knowing this, fills the canals. And then the tooth ache after root canal filling. In this case, the tooth pain after filling may gradually fade away, but there is a danger of developing periodontitis. Moreover, if you leave the tooth like this, it will darken over time, acquiring a gray-black color.

It may also happen that not just a piece remains, but the whole channel remains untreated. Teeth do not have a specific number of roots and canals. This number can vary from two to six. Of course, in large molars three is more common. And many doctors make a mistake based on this figure. We found three channels, we can stop further and further. And it may happen that there are one or more channels there. This will be regarded as incorrect treatment, and the doctor will have to re-treat this tooth.

Instrument failure in the channel

The reason why a tooth hurts after canal filling can be a very serious mistake by the doctor. Each person has a different structure of teeth, canals, and their location. For some they are passable, for others they are too narrow that it is impossible to get through with the smallest tool. Some specialists, trying to expand the walls as much as possible, can break off the instrument with one awkward movement and leave a fragment there. In most cases, it cannot be removed from there. You cannot leave it, because this area will remain untreated and this can lead to serious consequences. In such cases, the tooth has to be removed. Incomplete obturation, that is, filling the entire canal, will also lead to inflammatory processes.

This process is called periodontitis. It occurs due to bacteria entering the peri-apical area, resulting in the formation of pus there. Most often, this process develops when the nerve has already disintegrated. But there are cases when periodontitis occurs with a living nerve. Some doctors think it is pulpitis and treat it accordingly, without eliminating the inflammation outside the root opening. In this case, the tooth hurts intensely after canal filling. Every day the throbbing pain in the tooth increases even more, due to the fact that the formed pus has nowhere to go. The tooth seems to be pulsating.
Can the pain go away on its own? It is unlikely that it may become smaller, but in this case there is a risk of a fistula developing on the mucous membrane in the projection of the inflamed root. Periodontitis can also develop when insufficient processing channels. Infected dentin chips remain, which lead to the development of infection.

Perforation of the tooth bottom or root canal wall

In other words, it is creating a hole in the tooth that shouldn't be there. The bottom is often perforated when looking for the mouths of canals. Unfortunately, there is no specific topography, but there are some landmarks. Many doctors may not know about this and drill through the tooth. Or, if the tooth is severely damaged due to a soft bottom, one can mistakenly assume that a canal has been found. But in fact the bottom is pierced. And the channels are punctured trying to get through them. It happens that at the end they are strongly curved or sclerotic. And a specialist, trying to open it completely, can make a hole in the canal wall.

There is also such a mistake as bringing the material beyond the top. The canal must be sealed to the physiological apex. If its hole is too wide, then there is a possibility that the filling material will come out. It can put pressure on nerve endings, causing pain. In case of periodontitis, it is specially removed beyond the apex. But only when chronic forms when bone resorption occurs around the apex. In other cases, you must try to remove the excess.

What measures to take for pain

What to do if your teeth hurt after filling? If he is alive, then you should return to your doctor and tell him about your complaints. And in cases where pain occurs after filling the tooth canals, it is necessary to monitor it. On the same day, he may start whining. This may be due to the filling material being removed or many other reasons.

If the pain decreases over time, then there is nothing to worry about. To relieve these pains, you can rinse with anti-inflammatory solutions.

When a tooth hurts badly and begins to throb, you need to go to the doctor, taking with you X-ray. After the doctor determines why the tooth began to hurt after filling the canals, he will carry out the appropriate manipulations. Ripple occurs with periodontitis, most often, and in this case the specialist will unseal the canals and prescribe treatment and rinsing. The channels should be open until the pain completely disappears. How long a tooth can hurt depends on the degree of inflammation. The same applies to other reasons - it needs to be unsealed and re-treated, now qualitatively under X-ray control.

The patient places great hopes on the dentist, who fills the tooth that has been bothering him for days and nights. Rising from the dentist's chair, a person, as a rule, still does not feel his tooth due to the action of the analgesic. And it always seems that the suffering has come to an end, and now you can forget about the tooth forever. But life sometimes works out contrary to hope, and suddenly after a short time pain appears in the tooth under the filling. The patient is shocked because the specialist took all measures: he cleaned the canals and placed a filling in the cavity. Why did the tooth hurt again after filling?

Some patients panic because of the natural pain that may occur after dental procedures. Since any intervention in the structures of the body is a kind of mini operation, you need to understand that the drill has just invaded the enamel and dentin, and long sharp instruments for a long time plowed the canals. Therefore, after dental treatment, the body’s natural response will be pain – sometimes even too much. Tissues need time to recover. As they heal, the discomfort will subside.

Filling is the restoration of the anatomical shape and physiological functions of teeth using a filling. This treatment teeth helps prevent the development of caries and preserve the tooth.

Unfortunately, sometimes the pain under the filling does not go away, but only intensifies. Dentists clearly know what signs distinguish natural pain from pathological ones. The criteria are the duration of pain and its severity, as well as the condition of the tooth before and after treatment, medical errors and unexpected complications. If the patient is aware of such signs, this will help him consult a doctor in a timely manner for advice, or stay at home and do his favorite things without unnecessary worries. And since tooth filling is a common occurrence in the life of any person, it would be useful to understand why pain sometimes appears in the tooth under the filling.

Dentist mistakes are the patient's problem

Important! A person needs a tooth alive, namely, with a tangle of blood vessels and nerves inside, which in dentist’s language is called pulp. The neurovascular bundle is localized in the canals of the tooth. Without this important plexus, the tooth will not receive enough nutrition and will soon collapse.

Many cowardly patients let tooth decay progress to such an extent that it literally becomes a matter of life and death. But in the absence of visible complications, dentists always strive to preserve the pulp and do without cleaning the canals. However, sometimes unforgivable mistakes are made with this approach.

Incorrect diagnosis

Responsibility for diagnosis and its verdict lies entirely with the dentist. But caries in running forms and chronic pulpitis sometimes have general symptoms and are very similar in appearance, and the dentist may confuse them. If such a mistake is made, and a filling is placed in the tooth directly on top of the inflamed canals, then a strong and constant pain after such treatment cannot be avoided. If the patient heroically endures the pain or is saved by analgesics, then he risks permanently losing not only the new filling, but also the tooth itself. Diseased canals must be cleaned and sealed again.

Caries is the gradual destruction of hard tooth tissues, in the absence of treatment or untimely treatment, progresses and leads to the formation of a cavity in the tissues, as well as tooth loss.

Overheating of the tooth

Patients most often encounter this problem in budget dental clinics. There, air-water cooling of the tooth may not be used in preparation for filling, or it may be used “insufficiently.” The drill overheats the tissue to the point of burns and necrosis of the pulp, and under the filling such a tooth begins to ache painfully. An inflammatory process develops in the pulp - pulpitis or periodontitis. And this is a completely new disease that will require additional financial costs and worries.

Interfering filling

It happens that the filling is ground incorrectly. Most often, this happens when the patient, after the tenth trimming, is already embarrassed to tell the doctor that the filling still interferes with biting. In some cases, the patient does not feel the protruding filling due to the action of anesthesia, which blocks sensations - everything in the mouth goes numb, and sometimes the entire row of teeth is not felt well enough. If, after filling, the tooth hurts when bitten, and the patient realizes that the filling prevents him from clenching his jaw tightly, he needs to make an appointment with the dentist again and ask for the work to be adjusted.

Attention! Among patients with filled teeth, there is an opinion that the bulging filling will eventually sharpen itself and fit organically into the opposite jaw. But this is a myth, and quite harmful to health. Each time the jaws are closed, an oversized filling injures the tissues that surround the tooth root. Traumatic periodontitis develops, which threatens tooth loss.

Shrinkage of the light seal

Light fillings are much stronger than regular ones. They are not subject to abrasion and proper care does not change color throughout wearing.

Modern filling compositions contain light-curing elements, which, although reliable, sometimes have by-effect– polymerization stress. In this case, the filling “shrinks”, and a short time after treatment, a strong pain. This condition occurs due to tension in the tooth walls when the filling material, under the influence of a special lamp, begins to harden and decrease in size. The larger the filling was placed in the cavity, the greater the stress on the tooth. The dentist is responsible for this procedure. If he is not competent enough in the technological aspects of light filling, then there is a high risk of harm to the patient. IN best case scenario the pain will last up to 2 weeks, in the worst case, it will become permanent, and the tooth will have to be re-treated.

Problems after root canal filling

Discomfort in the tooth after root canal treatment is usually very rare. Most dentists believe that if the treatment protocol is followed and there are no errors, pain should not appear at all. However, in some cases, the patient feels slight pain in the tooth that is missing the nerve. Such discomfort is usually considered normal and goes away quickly.
Filled canals can cause the following sensations:

  • Tooth pain when biting. When a temporary filling is placed over filled canals, pain may not appear immediately, but after a few days. Typically, patients notice such discomfort while eating (chewing), when even with... Only provided that the treatment was completed without medical errors, you don’t have to worry and use analgesics. The tissues that surround the tooth root often react acutely to intervention - removal of the pulp, expansion and filling of canals. Recovery period can last from 1 to 3 weeks - depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body. If the discomfort decreases every day, this indicates that recovery is proceeding favorably and the tissues are returning to normal.
  • It's a dull pain. During root canal treatment, the patient does not feel pain under anesthesia. But when the analgesic effect wears off, painful discomfort can immediately manifest itself. Usually the tooth aches for no more than 2 hours, but if the pain continues longer (up to several days) and its intensity increases, this may indicate errors in treatment, or unexpected complications. This condition cannot be tolerated; a repeat visit to the dentist is necessary.

How painful is filling?

Not all forms of caries require the patient to be given an anesthetic. If the patient consults a specialist in time, and the carious cavity is not yet so deep, then the pulp may not feel dental manipulations. Then the treatment will take place without anesthesia and without pain.
But it happens that at the beginning of the intervention in the cavity the patient does not feel any discomfort, but as soon as the doctor starts drilling, the tooth immediately reacts. In this case, freezing is necessary. With high-quality anesthesia, tooth filling takes place without any pain.

The figure shows the stages of tooth treatment: diagnosing caries, cleaning the carious cavity, removing dead pulp, sealing the canals.

As for root canal treatment, this process always requires anesthesia, since the effect is directly on the dental nerve. Filling canals is a particularly responsible procedure, where any medical error can be costly. However, understanding this fact, dentists are not immune from shortcomings in their work. The most common mistakes during canal treatment are the following:

  • Excess of material beyond the root. Even if the filling is installed correctly, any pressure on the tooth will cause pain to the patient. Moreover, the discomfort will be very long and unpleasant.
  • Lack of filling in the canal. Correct filling involves placing the material along the entire length of the canal. But if some area is left unfilled, microbes begin to accumulate in the void. Soon an inflammatory process develops at the root. Usually the patient does not immediately feel the problem, but after several days or even weeks. At first, the inflammation manifests itself as aching pain when pressing on the tooth. After which the pain intensifies, and the patient has to completely re-treat the tooth.
  • A piece of instrument in the canal. It happens that during the procedure the instrument breaks, and part of it remains inside the canal along with bacteria and grains of inflamed tissue. This problem can go undetected for many years. But often after a month the tooth begins to hurt, which forces the patient to go for a refilling.
  • Poor processing. Not all channels have the same simple structure. It happens that due to the complexity of their structure, the dentist is not able to properly treat them from the inside. But sometimes it’s a matter of the banal incompetence of the doctor himself. Every tiny section of the canal must be thoroughly cleaned - without this, it will be impossible to achieve a high-quality filling. If an infection remains inside, after a short time it will invade the surrounding tissues and start the process of inflammation.

Fighting pain under a filling at home

If your tooth hurts after root canal treatment and a filling, there are several ways to help yourself during the recovery period.

Salt plus soda

Rinsing is required when pathological conditions tooth However, no one can say with certainty whether the doctor made mistakes during treatment or whether the pain will go away. Therefore, to prevent complications, soda-salt rinses will not hurt.
Baking soda and salt act as a natural anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. They are often prescribed for complicated conditions of the mouth or throat. Whatever filling is in the tooth - temporary or permanent - rinsing with salt and soda should be started immediately upon arriving home from the dentist. The solution should be slightly warmer than room temperature; for one cup of water you will need 1 teaspoon of the two main ingredients.
In the first hour, it is recommended to rinse every 10-15 minutes. Then during the day the procedure will need to be repeated once an hour. The pain should subside by the end of the day - provided that the dentist did everything efficiently.


You can drop a little iodine (5% tincture) directly into the soda-salt solution. 3 drops will be enough. Some patients cannot tolerate iodine or have thyroid problems, so this treatment method is not suitable for everyone. Iodine helps fight microbes and improves tissue metabolism.

“First aid” at home is a rinse solution made from salt, soda, iodine, but if this does not help, you should take drugs such as ketanov, nise, pentalgin, ketorol or spazmolgon.

First aid kit items

Surely every patient has a first aid kit at home the following drugs with analgesic effect:

  • Ketorol;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Nise;
  • Ketanov;
  • Spasmalgon.

Most analgesics are not allowed to take more than 6 pieces per day. The main thing here is to carefully follow the instructions, since reckless treatment with pills can lead to a worse condition.

When to see a dentist

If, after processing the canals and placing a filling, it is impossible to predict whether everything was done correctly, then what signs can help to discern the pathology over time?
On the first day, it is impossible to objectively assess the condition of the tooth. Even in the normal course of events, the pain may last for several days. But the patient needs to listen to the sensations. If the pain intensifies, and the cheek or gums swell noticeably, then a certain pathology occurs, the cause of which only a doctor can see. The sooner the patient seeks advice, the less problems will be received later.
The doctor will conduct necessary diagnostics: gum palpation, dental x-ray, percussion, visual examination. After which a decision will be made about the need to re-treat the tooth. In some cases, it is impossible to fill the zeb again - it has to be removed and a “bridge” or artificial tooth put in its place.
If the pain under the filling subsides, but the person still feels strange discomfort, you should not be embarrassed to visit the dentist again. When it comes to your own health, reinsurance is always justified.

Many people, when visiting a dentist, hope to receive quick and high-quality treatment. However, their plans are ruined when the doctor informs them of the need to install a temporary filling. This means that you will have to spend several days with the medicine placed in the tooth.

It often happens that after filling the patient does not experience pain or other discomfort in the mouth, then the temporary filling is replaced with a permanent one. However, often the tooth hurts a lot after filling. The dentist is able to determine whether this condition is normal or we're talking about about the presence of pathology.

In what cases is a temporary filling placed on a tooth?

Dentists often use the installation of a temporary filling as a diagnostic method. When treating a tooth, it is not always possible to say with complete confidence that the nerve is not damaged, and installing a permanent filling can lead to complications. That is why the doctor places a diagnostic filling and evaluates the patient’s reaction (we recommend reading:). If nothing bothers him, then within a few days the specialist will install a permanent filling. If there are complaints, treatment will be continued.

Often, a temporary filling is necessary to fix the medication placed in the tooth cavity. This method is used in the treatment of:

  • advanced caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis.

Also, filling material is used to temporarily cover the tooth before prosthetics. The crown is then reconstructed or a prosthesis is placed on the root.

Possible causes of pain and other discomfort after installation of a temporary filling

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After placing the medicine in dental cavity for some time the patient may experience discomfort and even pain, but this does not always indicate the presence of problems. During treatment, the doctor exerts a mechanical effect on the tooth tissue, and as soon as the anesthesia stops working, a mild It's a dull pain(we recommend reading: ). The patient may experience discomfort when closing the jaws, chewing food or pressing on the tooth, and sensitivity may also increase.

Depending on the individual characteristics In the patient's body, the medicine administered may act differently. Sometimes the tooth hurts after the anesthesia wears off due to the fact that the devitalizing paste has not yet had time to be absorbed into the pulp. After some time, the pain subsides.

Pain often appears as a result of medical error:

  • Incorrect diagnosis. Caries and pulpitis require a different approach to treatment. If you do not treat the canals during pulpitis, the tooth will continue to hurt.
  • Extension of the filling outside the tooth. During pulp removal, holes may appear in the root through which filling material leaks. If the gaps are not closed with a pin, the filling will irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Loss or damage to the integrity of the filling. To prevent this from happening, you cannot check its presence with your tongue and under no circumstances should you do this with your fingers.
  • Root perforation. The doctor may pierce the root while removing the nerve endings.
  • Availability foreign body in the cavity of the tooth. Careless actions by the doctor can lead to damage to the dental instrument, and he may also forget to remove materials used during work from the tooth.
  • Poor pulp removal. For elimination pain syndrome the procedure needs to be repeated.

Also, a tooth with a temporary filling often hurts due to an allergy to its components. In this case, swelling of the mucous membranes appears next to the problem tooth, and severe pain occurs.

Sometimes the patient himself becomes the culprit of dental problems. This usually happens due to ignoring medical recommendations.

Why is medicine placed under the filling, and how long do you need to walk with it?

To remove the nerve, an arsenic-based medicine is placed into the tooth cavity, which promotes necrotization of the pulp. IN modern means may also contain an antiseptic. In all other cases, preparations with calcium hydroxide are used. The medicine disinfects the tooth cavity and accelerates metabolic processes in periodontal tissues. When the filling was placed, dental unit Normally it can hurt for about 2 weeks.

Most often, arsenic is used in the treatment of pulpitis (we recommend reading:). The medicinal paste leads to necrosis of blood vessels and nerves. When all nerve endings are removed, the risk of complications is minimal. In addition, the tooth will lose sensitivity, so all further manipulations by the doctor will be painless for the patient.

Used for pulpitis different types medicinal pastes depending on their validity period. The desired effect can be achieved in a few days, sometimes treatment takes up to 2 weeks. The doctor will tell you exactly how long to keep the medicine. If the medicine remains in the tooth cavity for too long, it will lead to necrosis of the periodontal and hard dental tissues.

When the nerve is removed, the doctor often re-installs a temporary filling after placing an anti-inflammatory drug into the hole. In this case, it is recommended to come for an appointment after 7 days. The medicine will not cause any harm to the patient’s health, even if you walk with it for 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of periodontitis requires a special approach. This disease cannot be cured in one go. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the doctor determines which medicine can relieve inflammation and how long the patient will have to walk with a temporary filling.

Many people do not understand why, before the upcoming prosthetics, dentists install a temporary filling on already filled canals. This is done in order to avoid possible problems after installing the pin. The tooth is also covered with filling material for fixation. removable design, while the temporary filling can be left for a long time.

How to eliminate pain?

While the temporary filling is in place, it is important to follow all medical recommendations. To remove unpleasant symptoms a specialist may recommend combined analgesics or drugs with paracetamol and ibuprofen (Panadol, Efferalgan, Ibufen, Nise, etc.).

Rinsing will help soothe your teeth. soda solution. Often used for this purpose alcohol tinctures, which have a pronounced antiseptic effect.

You can cope with pain using traditional medicine:

You can eliminate toothache by lubricating your gums essential oil cloves or placing a piece of unsalted lard on a sore tooth. Massaging your earlobes will also help you forget that your tooth hurts. It is enough to massage the earlobe for 5 minutes.

In what cases should you immediately consult a dentist?

Slight pain when pressing on the crown of the tooth may persist for several days, so you should not pay attention to it. If the pain intensifies, the body temperature rises, the gums are swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor (we recommend reading:). All these symptoms indicate the development of an inflammatory process occurring in the canals of the tooth and the surrounding soft tissues.

There is no need to delay a visit to the dentist if... oral cavity comes from bad smell, and when chewing and swallowing food, severe pain is felt. Weakness and malaise symbolize the development of complications, and the body spends all its strength fighting the infection.

Pain in a tooth after treatment is not uncommon. Sometimes this pain goes away after a couple of hours, sometimes after a few days, and sometimes it lingers for a long time. What to do if your tooth hurts after filling? This question can be answered in different ways. This depends on many factors, primarily on what kind of dental disease was cured: caries, pulpitis or periodontitis. Let's take a closer look at various reasons the appearance of toothache after treatment.

Toothache after caries treatment

Why does a tooth hurt after filling? Pain in a filled tooth can occur due to a violation of the filling technology. Or, this is especially true for cases of deep and extensive caries, due to the fact that many tooth tissues were injured during treatment, and they need time to return to normal.

The nature of pain in a tooth can be different: from a slight reaction to heat and cold to acute, difficult-to-bear pain.

Strong pain

If the pain in the tooth is severe, appears sharply and unexpectedly, throbbing and growing, and if it also increases at night, it is most likely acute pulpitis. If pain occurs after eating hot food, the development of chronic pulpitis can be assumed. A toothache may not hurt instantly, but after some time, and it will subside. painful sensations not immediately after it ended thermal effect, but after a certain period of time. In addition, the pain is concentrated in the area of ​​one specific tooth.

In both situations, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible for removal. inflamed nerve(pulp). In this case, the filling will need to be removed, the pulp removed, each affected tooth canal filled, and the filling put back on the dental crown.

If treatment began when the inflammation has not yet gone too far, then the option of partially preserving the pulp in the dental canals is possible. This is important because teeth that have been removed soft cloth are more susceptible to destruction and serve their owner for a shorter time.

Pain when pressing

There are situations when a tooth hurts after filling when pressed. Or tooth sensitivity to cold and hot food and even cold air increases. In this case, the tooth may begin to ache spontaneously, without external influences, but the pain is not too strong. The cause of such pain can be either overdrying or underdrying of the tooth cavity before filling.

After all tissues affected by caries have been removed from the tooth, the walls of the tooth cavity are treated with a special glue. It is necessary to secure the filling. Before applying the glue, the tooth cavity must have a certain humidity, not drier, but not more humid than required by technology.

If the surface is excessively dry, the nerve endings located in the top layer of the tooth become damaged and irritated. Sometimes the nerve endings can even die, which will lead to inflammation of the pulp, which can only be eliminated with re-treatment tooth

If the matter is only irritation, but not the death of nerve endings, then after some time the tissues will be saturated with moisture from the pulp, and the pain will subside. This process may take up to two weeks.

If the pain in the treated tooth has not subsided after two weeks, you need to go to the dentist. The same applies to cases of severe increasing pain.

If the dental tissues are not sufficiently dried, the adhesive will not penetrate to the required depth, and small areas of vacuum may form after the filling is applied. They will irritate the nerves of the tooth and cause pain. In this case, there is only one way to eliminate unpleasant sensations - replacing the filling. If the pain does not subside after two weeks, then you need to see a dentist, take pictures, understand the causes and eliminate the consequences.

Tooth pain after pulpitis treatment

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth, or pulp. When treating pulpitis, the nerve is removed and the crown of the tooth is filled. Why does a tooth hurt after nerve removal and filling?

Pain in this case is natural, because the internal parts of the tooth were injured: part of the pulp was removed and a gap formed. In addition, the antiseptics used to treat root canals, may cause irritation nerve endings and therefore pain. Painful sensations usually last from one to three days and have a positive trend, that is, they gradually subside.

If the pain increases and swelling or swelling appears, it means inflammation has occurred. Most likely this is the result improper treatment. You need to go to the dentist and take a control photo.

If swelling appears, you will be referred to a surgeon to make an incision and remove pus from the area of ​​inflammation.

Among the consequences of improper treatment of pulpitis are the development of periodontitis, gumboil, cysts (due to unfilled tooth canals), neuralgia (due to the filling being pushed beyond the top of the filling) and even tooth extraction (in case of tooth perforation or root fracture).

If your tooth hurts after nerve removal, the pain increases, or you notice swelling, consult a doctor immediately. The sooner it starts correct treatment, the greater the chance of saving the tooth and getting fewer complications.

Tooth pain after periodontitis treatment

Treatment of periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues adjacent to the tooth root) consists of cleaning, antiseptic treatment and filling of the dental canals. This treatment takes more than one day and is quite complex. The occurrence of pain during the treatment period and after its completion can be either a regularity or a consequence of a violation of the process technology.

The periodontitis treatment process includes:

  1. Preliminary filling of tooth canals medicines with calcium hydroxide for a period of one and a half to two months. This is done to prevent the development of infections and in order to increase bone tissue at the top of the tooth.
  2. Therapeutic treatment using anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. After removing the temporary fillings, the canals are filled, reaching the apex of the tooth root.

If all these points were carried out accordingly, then the pain is most likely temporary and caused by trauma to the dental tissues. Sometimes such pain can last up to two months, then disappear spontaneously.

Possible medical errors in the treatment of periodontitis include insufficient or excessive level of filling, the formation of additional holes when processing canals with instruments (perforation). There may even be a piece of dental instrument left in the tooth canal.

In all these cases, the tooth will have to be treated again. In a situation where swelling occurs, you will most likely have to make an incision in the gum and antiseptic treatment, and sometimes even treat with antibiotics.