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How much does a Pomeranian weigh at 6 months? Description and breed standard of the Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz. Deviations in puppy development

There is a saying: “A small dog is a puppy until old age.” She can easily be classified as an adult Pomeranian Spitz - a cute fluffy bear cub. The dream of many dog ​​owners is for their pets to be small. What size will an adult Spitz be? Read about the recognized standards of this breed further in the article.

The standards are set by 3 recognized world clubs:

  • American Kennel Club (The AKC)
  • Quennel Club (The KC)
  • International Canine Federation (The FCI). Official representative in Russia - Russian Cynological Federation (RKF)

The weight of an adult Pomeranian after one year, according to the AKC (American Quesnel Club) standard, should be in the range from 1.36 to 3.175 kg. These values ​​are averages: dogs can weigh either less or more. And there are reasons for this. We'll talk about this later. Kennel Club - English standard (The KS) allows smaller Spitz sizes: 1.8 - 2.5 kg for females and 1.8 - 2 kg for males.

FCI - International Cynological Federation I determine the breed standard not by weight, but by the height of the dog, namely height. According to their rules, size adult dog should be - from the floor to the withers 18-22 cm. This is lower than the standard AKC norm, which ranges from 20.32 - 28 cm.
To participate in the exhibition, the animal’s weight can range from 1.4 to 3.2 kg. Ideally, it weighs between 1.8 and 2.3 kg. Weight should correspond to height.

It is almost impossible to know the size of a dog until a certain age. An honest breeder will never be able to guarantee you what size the puppy will grow up, knowing these features. With the exception of unusually small puppies at birth. It is possible to understand what size an adult dog will be starting from the age of 6-7 months. A puppy can be born large, even if its parents are dwarf, and also miniature from large bitch. This happens because in the Russian Federation matings between dogs of different sizes are allowed.

Small Spitz

Some individuals are born smaller than normal. Why is this happening? Breeders involved in breeding Pomeranian Spitz periodically face the fact that at least one puppy in the litter is born smaller than the rest. This happens from time to time and is considered normal when breeding small dog breeds.
It must be borne in mind that dogs of this breed, artificially bred to smaller sizes, may have many health problems. Namely, more frequent joint dislocations and high sugar in the blood.

Large size

Just like when Pomeranian Spitz are born, the litter contains puppies that are smaller and larger than the standard. In most cases this genetics is to blame more distant relatives by pedigree.
U big dog usually larger bone structure and higher height at the withers.

Another reason for the large size of Spitz dogs may be the past of their ancestors, which periodically reminds itself. After all, these animals, before their reduction, were medium and large sized sled dogs. They had snow-white fur, and their closest relatives are the American Eskimo Spitz.

How old do Pomeranians grow?

During the growth period of up to 6 months, these babies gain height and weight quite quickly. But some of them grow rapidly even up to 9 months. Then growth slows down and gradually approaches the standard by the year. In addition, if there is a genetic predisposition to this, Spitz dogs can grow up to 15 – 18 months.


The body of Pomeranians is crispy and strong. But, undoubtedly, their pride is their thick and fluffy coat, in which each hair is located virtually perpendicular to the body, thanks to the rich undercoat. Their “looks especially advantageous” fur collar"on the neck, resembling a mane little lion cub. A cute little face with a “fox” nose, round black eyes and a wide smile, constantly brings positivity to its owners. The luxurious bushy tail, curled into a ring and lying on the back, is also worthy of admiration. The high-standing small ears and fluffy pants of the hind legs are also touching.

Starting at eight one month old, the Spitz must have its adult fur. However, the fur can continue to grow until the age of three. The coat of this dog breed consists of two layers, the outer one, with a long and smooth coat, and internal - more dense, short and woolly. Thus, fur coat care an adult animal should be aimed at maintaining good condition both layers, avoiding those products and brushes that could harm either layer.

Appearance of a toy type orange:

  • Wool on hind legs thicker and longer, as on the chest and head;
  • Small height - up to 22 cm, and weight about 3-3.5 kg;
  • Strong physique;
  • Variety of colors;
  • The ears are triangular in shape, set high, and small in size;
  • The nose is slightly snub, the chin is upturned;
  • The eyes are set close to the bridge of the nose, as well as to the nose, and have a round shape.

Features characteristic of small dogs:

  1. they love to eat and, if their diet is not controlled, they can quickly gain overweight;
  2. Spitz's baby teeth usually have long roots, which delays their loss and slows down the growth of molars, so you should monitor this process and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian;
  3. Pomeranians are suffering early loss teeth.
  4. the process of pregnancy and childbirth is often difficult;
  5. dogs are more susceptible to joint dislocations and ligament damage.

Deviations from the standard

According to the standard, the following are considered very serious defects:

  • anatomical defects of heredity;
  • an apple-shaped head or an overly flat skull;
  • eye size larger than standard or lighter shade;
  • noselobe of weak pigment;
  • sudden, incorrect movements.

At dog shows, Pomeranians can be disqualified for the following faults:

  • not overgrown crown by the required age;
  • the presence of a snack or undershot;
  • inversion of the lower or inversion of the upper eyelid;
  • semi-erect ears;
  • fearfulness or aggression of the dog;
  • white spots in color, socks and ties.
  • Males of any species should have two clearly developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.

Spitz video

Hello, my name is Alena. I wanted to ask, when Pomeranians grow up, do they become too heavy?


Often owners are concerned about the parameters of the Spitz, which allow them to determine whether the pet is developing correctly. If we talk about the criteria for purebred dogs, three clubs have been created in the world that have divided the standards.

  • According to the established parameters of the American Kennel Club, or "AKC", the Spitz is designed to comply established weight 1.36 – 3.175 kg. These standards apply to a fully formed animal at one year of age. Not all dogs fall into the category. Some gain more weight, some gain less.
  • Smaller parameters refer to the English Standard (“ES”). Members established weight categories: for males - 1.8 - 2.0 kg, for females - 1.8 - 2.5 kg. The standard differs from the American one; animals weigh less.
  • Finally, an organization well known in cynological circles is the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale). An organization is distinguished not by a given weight, but by its height. According to FCI standards, a Spitz reaches a length of 18 - 22 cm. Height is measured from the floor to the withers - clearly lower than AKC standards.

Fast growing up of a dog

Puppies with the right balanced diet They gain weight every day, although they are born small, weighing tens of grams. To control the weight of the offspring, it is worth weighing the dogs daily, monitoring the development of the young, growing body.

The main weight gain occurs in the first six months of an animal’s life. During the second six months there is a slight increase in body weight by half a kilogram. After the weight gain stops, the pet continues to grow.

While growing up, puppies are fed exclusively high-quality food. Otherwise, the dog grows, gaining little weight. In addition to proper feeding, you need to exercise with your pet.

Little Spitz

The animals differ in body structure, bones, and as a result weigh less than the indicated 1.36 kilograms.

A Spitz that has not gained weight of 1.36 kilograms develops a lot of health problems.

It happens that even experienced breeders are born little puppy. There is no insurance against such a surprise; the phenomenon is considered a completely normal situation when breeding small breeds.

Non-standard dogs need a special approach: the owner constantly monitors the amount of sugar in the animal’s blood, avoids jumping from heights in order to protect the pet from dysplasia or dislocations.

It can be simpler: the puppy simply does not receive enough food for normal development or the food is not balanced enough.

Large Spitz parameters

While the first owners are worried about small view animal, others care large size dogs. The process is influenced by genetics; it is impossible to resist nature. The size depends on the mother and father of the puppy, plus the sizes of the previous five generations. When talking about large pets, it does not mean large mass, it is a matter of bone structure.

The parameters depend on the ancestors that gave rise to the modern Spitz breed. Until the small breed was developed, its predecessors remained quite large sled dogs.

Sometimes it happens much simpler - overeating, as a result of which the animal gains excess weight. Gluttony is far from a harmless factor. The diet is adjusted to the individual needs of the dog.

The owner is obliged to control the puppy's maturation.

The standard for the Pomeranian has been adopted by the American Kennel Club. The peculiarities of this breed are its unique compact build and dimensions, giving the body square shape. Pomeranians are distinguished by their alert nature and great intelligence. Other basics of the breed standard pomeranian spitz you will learn from this article.

The Pomeranian Spitz breed standard includes the following features:

  • dimensions and weight;
  • head;
  • frame;
  • limbs;
  • wool cover;
  • trimming;
  • color;
  • movements;
  • temperament.


In order for a dog to be admitted to the exhibition, its weight must be between 1.4 kilograms and 3.2 kilograms. Ideally, a Pomeranian should weigh between 1.8 kilograms and 2.3 kilograms. Weight should correspond to height.

According to the standard, the height of a Spitz should be 18-22 centimeters. If the height is less than 18 cm, then this is considered a defect. The main dimensions and how much Pomeranian Spitz weigh can be examined in detail in the following table of the height and weight of an adult dog:


Harmony in coherence, dense and strong physique are the hallmarks of this breed. The paws are of medium length and distributed in proportion to the body, which together gives a good balance of stability.

The ratio of the dog's height to body length is 1:1, so it has a square shape.


The body of a Pomeranian, according to the standard, should be rounded, with a deep, but not too voluminous chest.


The head is in proportion to the dog's body. It has a wedge shape, reminiscent of a fox skull.

The dark-colored eyes are medium in size and are not too close, but not too far apart. U healthy dog they should shine. Monochrome representatives of the breed have blue and brown shades and there is no pigmentation around the eyes. In other cases, there is black pigmentation near the eyes.

The ears are relatively close to each other and have small size. In a Pomeranian, they should always be in a standing position, triangular in shape.

The skull is of medium size and quite wide between the ears. Tapering towards the nose, it has a well-defined transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The rounded forehead is quite voluminous.

If a Pomeranian Spitz has a domed, rounded skull, then, according to the standard, this is a defect.

The dog's non-pointed muzzle is very thin and has a pronounced transition. The length of the skull to the length of the muzzle has a ratio of 1:2. Cheekbones o round shape and should not perform.

The small, round nose is black in color. The exception is the brown Pomeranian representatives of the breed - their nose is dark brown.

Lack of pigmentation on the lips is acceptable only in Pomeranians of the same color brown and blue. In all other cases, there should be black pigmentation near the lips.

A dog's correct set of teeth should consist of forty-two small teeth. This small breed may be missing some premolars.

Scissor bite, i.e. inner surface upper jaw should barely touch outer surface lower jaw. One protruding tooth is not considered a flaw by the standard, but if the whole lower jaw protrudes - this is already a defect.


Corps of representatives Pomeranian breed Spitz dogs, according to the standard, should be stocky and round in shape. Well developed rounded ribs frame toned stomach. Tightly fitting to the body skin does not form folds.

The powerful back of short length has the shape of a straight line and is well developed. In order for a Pomeranian to lift its head high, it must have oblique shoulder blades.

The strong, small loin has a slightly convex shape.

The dog's neck is pulled back at the shoulders, continuing the straight line of the back. The fluffy undercoat makes the neck seem very small.

The chest of representatives of this breed should be deep, but at the same time not too voluminous.

The tail is one of the most distinctive features Pomeranian Spitz. According to the standard, it must be level and high above the back, thereby rounding the silhouette of the dog. The tip of the tail curls.

Males should have two well-developed testicles that are completely located in the scrotum.



The dog's well-balanced body has straight forelimbs that stand in proportion to the body. They are of medium length and stand parallel to each other.

The shoulders fit tightly to the chest and are almost the same length. They have well developed muscles.

The elbows are pressed tightly to the chest, but not too close. They have a well-developed elbow joint.

The forearms are of medium length and have a strong build and straight shape.

The pasterns are made up of a strong structure. They are located at an angle of 20 degrees relative to the vertical.

The paws of this breed resemble those of a cat, small in size and round in shape. The fingers are the same length. Pomeranians of all colors except brown have black nails and paw pads.

Hind limbs

According to the standard, the hock joints cannot be turned in any direction. From the heels to the hocks, the hind legs of representatives of this breed must be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the surface. The thighs and shins are of equal length. If there are dewclaws on the paws, they must be removed in time. The paws resemble those of a cat, with bent toes.

If the hocks are turned to any side, this is considered a defect. Also, according to the standard, too weak hind legs are considered a flaw.


The coat of the Pomeranian Spitz breed is divided into three parts, which are:

  • on the body;
  • on the tail;
  • on the limbs.

The coat on the body is of a double layer: the first layer is a thick undercoat, consisting of short and soft hair, the second layer is a coarse, shiny-looking coat with long guard hairs.

Wool richly covers the tail of the Pomeranian Spitz.

Beautiful and extremely thick hair covers the dog's front legs. On the upper thigh, down to the hocks, there is a long, fluffy hair that covers the remainder of the hind legs.


Trimming is the process of removing dead hair fibers to obtain a neat look. appearance your pet.

According to the standard, trimming the Pomeranian breed is allowed around the paws, on the hip, from the back, to the hocks. It is allowed to remove or trim unnecessary hair around the anus. You can also remove stray hairs around the edges of your ears.

If you go beyond the permitted limits, then there is a risk of being fined at the exhibition.


The classification of colors at specialized exhibitions is divided into three groups:

  • open class orange, cream, sable color;
  • open class black, brown, blue color;
  • all other open group of acceptable colors.


The movements of representatives of this breed must be correct: free, smooth and easy. The confident step of the Pomeranian Spitz becomes elastic and springy during the trot. To achieve this goal, the dog must not have turned out elbows or hocks, and the hind legs must not be too wide apart.


In the lively character of representatives of this breed, it is worth noting not only brilliant intelligence, but also excessive suspicion and wariness.


According to the standard, the following defects are considered very serious deviations:

  • anatomical defects of hereditary origin;
  • an apple-shaped head or a skull that is too flat;
  • large eye size or lighter shade than usual;
  • the nose is lighter than the normal color;
  • sharp, loose movements.

Judges dog shows may disqualify a Pomeranian Spitz if it has the following defects:

  • the crown of the Pomeranian Spitz did not grow over in due time;
  • snack, undershot;
  • eversion or inversion of the eyelids;
  • semi-erect ears;
  • obvious white spots in all colors except white.

Pomeranians are considered long-lived. At proper care they live up to 15 years. Some dogs of this breed reached 20 years of age. However, this indicator varies greatly depending on the quality of care, the presence of diseases, genetic and individual characteristics specific pet.

How does a Pomeranian grow?

All Pomeranians develop and grow individually. This is a breed-specific feature: even puppies from the same litter will differ greatly in different months.

Don't be alarmed if your pet is a little ahead of his peers or lags behind them. Large puppy Over time, the growth rate will decrease, and the slowly developing one will catch up with its peers.

An adult dog weighs from 1.3 kg to 3.2 kg. The indicator depends on many parameters: birth weight, gender, nutrition, activity, how large the parents were. But on average, the orange grows as follows:

  • weight on day 1 – 120 g;
  • 1st week – 210 g;
  • 2 weeks – 310 g;
  • 3 weeks – 400 g;
  • month – 450 g;
  • 2 months – 680 g;
  • 3 months – 1 kg;
  • 4 months – 1,200 kg;
  • weight after six months – 2 kg.

To what age do Pomeranian-type Spitz grow?

Pomeranian Spitz puppies develop most intensively up to 6 months. They grow rapidly and gain weight.

At about six months, babies become like adults. However, each puppy develops individually: some grow at 5 months, others at 9. It is believed that the period active growth stops per year.

Even after stabilizing their weight, dogs may gain weight or stretch out a little within 12 to 15 months. In some pets, growth stops after 1.5 years.

But this does not mean that Pomeranians become adults. They just look like that. A internal organs, bones and joints continue to form. The fur coat is also being replaced. Only by the age of 3 do Spitz dogs stop developing.

Pomeranian puppies go through the following developmental phases:

  • birth weight ranges from 85 to 155 g;
  • up to six months there is a rapid weight gain;
  • at 4 – 8 weeks the first full coat appears;
  • 3 months – the coat changes to “adult”, the muzzle and ears increase;
  • 4 – 5 months – first molt, paws become longer and thinner;
  • 6 – 7 months – babies completely change their fur coat;
  • 9 – 10 months – puppies become similar to adult dogs, from this period the pet can participate in exhibitions;
  • after 1 year – another intensive shedding occurs, full fur grows, growth slows down;
  • 2 – 3 years – formation ends.

In males, further molting occurs without “undressing”. Bitches often shed their hair after giving birth.

How long do Spitz dogs “psychologically” grow?

It is believed that Spitz females psychologically mature with their first heat, and males are ready for mating at the age of 1 year.

However, this is a misconception. Dogs should not be bred at this age. The first mating of bitches is carried out no earlier than 15 months, preferably after 2–3 heats.

It's a little easier with males. They can be untied after 1 year. It is advisable to carry out the first mating with a female who has already given birth.

It is worth considering that small breeds dogs remain puppies until old age. They are playful and active. The psyche of small Spitz dogs is less stable than that of large dogs.

But they also have their advantages. Pomeranians are naturally intelligent. Their minds are formed within six months. Therefore, the basics of obedience are taught to a puppy from 2 months of age. Basic commands can be learned in 3 – 5 months. And from 6 months they already undergo a general training course.

For comparison, in breeds with a long period of puppyhood, it is not advisable to carry out OKD or special training until one and a half years.

Pomeranian Spitz: what determines life expectancy

On average 12 – 16 years. However, age greatly depends on the following factors.


To warn possible pathologies, it is necessary to show the dog to the veterinarian once every six months. Pomeranians are prone to:

  • problems of changing the primary bite to a permanent one;
  • formation of tartar;
  • joint defects: ligament weakness, subluxation knee joint, displacements and fractures due to thin bones;
  • blockage of the paraanal glands;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, colic;
  • eye pathologies: inflammation, dry cornea;
  • alopecia – hair loss;
  • obesity: excess weight puts stress on joints and leads to diseases cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. This is especially critical considering that Pomeranians already have difficulty breathing due to their shortened muzzle with a sharp stop (the transition from the forehead to the nose).

Genetic disorders

A puppy must be purchased only from a kennel with a good reputation. Due to the popularity of Pomeranians, they are often sold by unscrupulous breeders. Their production is on stream: they breed dogs without taking into account genetic characteristics, dogs that are related are often crossed, and bitches are often bred.

Another problem is the tendency for the breed to become smaller. Future owners try to buy the smallest dog. It is worth considering that, according to the standard, the height of a Pomeranian Spitz should not be lower than 18 cm. Smaller pets have a thin skeleton and fragile bones. Even jumping from low heights leads to dislocations and fractures.

Failure to comply with selection standards leads to genetic pathologies:

  • hypoglycemia – low blood sugar;
  • nanism - an underdeveloped pituitary gland and, as a consequence, dwarfism;
  • defective fusion of the skull bones;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • hypothyroidism - a disorder of the thyroid gland.


For a puppy that is healthy from birth, this is key factor. The owner must provide. Life expectancy directly depends on it.

When caring for Pomeranians, consider:

  • : you need to feed the dog ready-made feed premium or complete natural food containing meat, vegetables, cereals, fermented milk products, eggs, fish, vitamin complexes are given separately;
  • quantity physical activity: they should be moderate, lack of activity will lead to obesity, excessive - to problems with joints;
  • hygiene: every few days it is necessary to clean the ears, teeth, eyes, comb the pet, periodically trim the claws and bathe;
  • age: after 7 years, the diet of the Pomeranian is changed - they switch to low-calorie food with reduced content fats also reduce the intensity of physical activity.

With proper care, Pomeranians can live beyond the average age of 15 years. However, life expectancy depends on quality nutrition, care, proper development dogs. Take into account congenital features: sickly puppies purchased from hand or at the market rarely exceed the 7-8 year mark.

Everyone wants their pet to be healthy and happy. This is why you should take care of your weight and height. Take your baby to the vet in a timely manner. This will help you track possible violations V physical development dogs. Don't let problems arise in adulthood.

Puppy size standards

The Pomeranian Spitz, or Pomeranian, is one of the smallest dog breeds. It is logical to assume that Spitz puppies should be tiny. Thus, their weight at birth is on average 90 - 120 grams. This figure will double in the next two days. The dog grows, as a rule, until the age of nine months, grows a little more and stops growing at two to three years.

Mass table by month

This table will help the owner of a Pomeranian Spitz determine whether the puppy’s weight is below normal.

Note to the table: on the left is the Spitz's age, the top line is birth weight. Where these two values ​​intersect is where your pet's weight will be. at the moment.

Problems that may arise

  1. The dog's height is less than 18 cm. Such Spitz poor health, weak nervous system, thin and weak bones. Puppies need to be carefully monitored. Unfortunately, such a dog will not be able to take part in the exhibition. She cannot participate in breeding either.
  2. The dog is taller than necessary. This can no longer be corrected. This is probably due to the presence of some large ancestor in the puppy’s pedigree, which influenced the size of the descendant.
  3. The Spitz is too small and thin, its weight is less than 1.3 kg. It is quite possible that this is not a pathology or a disease, but only a feature of the dog itself, but for such a miniature breed it works important role: These pets need to constantly measure their blood sugar levels and should not jump from heights.

Adult dog sizes

Average weight figures are different for males and females. Spitz - boys weigh from 1.4 kg to 3 kg. Girls - from 1.8 to 2.3 kg.
It is customary to divide dogs into the following groups based on body weight:

  1. 1 - 2 kg - tiny sizes;
  2. 2.25 - 3.0 kg - tiny tou - sizes;
  3. 3.25 - 3.5 kg - tou - dimensions.


A cute video about how a Spitz grows and develops.

Interesting facts about oranges

  1. Spitz dogs were not well known until 1888. At that time, Queen Victoria of Great Britain got herself as many as six Spitz dogs, which greatly influenced the popularity of the breed.
  2. Pomeranians were pets of such famous people, like Michelangelo, Isaac Newton, Elvis Presley, Mozart.
  3. Since 2009, the owner of the dwarf German Spitz Boo posts funny photos on his Facebook page with captions from the dog's name, and now the furry baby has won the love of as many as 1.3 million subscribers!


Any owner is pleased when his pet is healthy and cheerful. Don't neglect your pet's health. Always contact your veterinarian or search the Internet for answers if you have any problems with your pet. Remember that any miniature breed easy to care for. Use the information wisely and let your pet be happy!