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Honey on pine cones: benefits and recipes. Jam and honey from young pine cones. Recipes with photos and videos

Thanks to the beneficial substances that are released in the pine forest, you can significantly help the body recover. They stand out especially actively healing substances, however, not everyone is able to visit the forest at this time. But today it is possible to get the maximum amount of benefits even at home, simply by consuming honey from cones or from pine shoots, which is saturated with a huge number of different useful substances.

What is this?

Everyone knows that honey is obtained from flowering plants or trees. However, how is this product made from pine, since it does not belong to similar representatives of the flora?
It is prepared from young cones, which are harvested in the spring, since it is at this time that they contain a greater number of beneficial properties that will help restore the body. The composition contains iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium, vitamins, flavonoids, organic compounds and essential oils, antioxidants and other trace elements.

Did you know? Pine honey is even used in places of detention. Hestrengthens the immune system so effectively that after consumption, prisoners not only do not get colds, but also become less susceptible to tuberculosis, which is quite common in these places.

Beneficial properties of pine honey

From pine is a real sweet medicine, which is used not only in, but also in official.
Due to the presence of a large number of useful substances in its composition, it has the following qualities:

  • due to its antimicrobial properties, it suppresses pathogenic flora, relieves pain, reduces cough and accelerates the removal of phlegm from the lungs;
  • normalizes the amount of lipids, reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • urinary and choleretic qualities make it useful for problems with the genitourinary system;
  • Thanks to iron and selenium, honey from pine shoots helps cure anemia and other blood diseases, and also strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the body's resistance during an epidemic of influenza and other colds;
  • helps prolong youth and slow down the aging process thanks to antioxidants and selenium.

Important! When deciding to consume pine honey, you need to consider the following contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, hepatitis, kidney and liver diseases, digestive disorders and headaches, as well as age under 7 years and after 60.

Correct Application

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent any problems than to treat them later. In this case, pine honey comes in handy, because it can be taken not only for treatment, but also for prevention. However, in each individual case it is important correct dosage and the number of receptions - only in this case can you get the maximum amount of benefit.

For prevention

When using honey as a preventive measure, the dosage is the same as in the case of treatment, only the number of doses changes. To do this, 1 dose per day or even at intervals of two days is enough.

For treatment

Did you know? The most expensive honey in the world comes from Israel. A beekeeper feeds his charges with extract Siberian Ginseng. As a result, 1 kg of such a product costs 12.5 thousand rubles.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

You can prepare pine honey from cones and shoots yourself, which will allow you to preserve everything useful qualities pine trees Raw materials are collected in the first months of spring. Honey can be prepared using several recipes:

From pine buds . The ingredients are washed in cold water, crushed, filled with water and placed on low heat. Bring to a boil and leave on the fire for another 20 minutes. After time, add sugar and boil until the volume remains to 2/3 of the original.

From young green shoots. The shoots are cleared of needles and washed thoroughly. Place in a deep saucepan and fill with water so that the shoots are immersed in the liquid by 1 cm. Place the container on low heat and cook for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 24 hours. After the time has passed, filter and pour into another container, add sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Then they put it on the fire again and cook for several hours, stirring and skimming off the foam.

What are pine cones used for? To spread the seed? Not only for these purposes. It turns out that they can be used for other purposes. Almost everyone knows that walking is very useful, but not everyone knows why. Let's talk about the benefits pine honey hardly anyone thought about it. From this article you can learn about the beneficial properties pine cones and shoots, as well as from pine cones, recipes for its preparation.


Pine cones are highly effective remedy for coughs, therefore tasty, sweet, healing ( step by step recipe presented below), even kids will enjoy it. It has not only expectorant, but also immunomodulatory and diaphoretic properties. Based on it they make various tinctures and decoctions for internal use, compresses and external rubbing.

Resin, cones, buds and needles contain many useful substances: ascorbic acid, panipicrin, tannins, resins, essential oils and many others. This helps them to be used in the treatment of colds, rheumatism, gout and a number of others.

Beneficial features

There are many recipes for honey from honey, but they all have healing properties and are used in folk medicine in such circumstances:

  • Diseases of the throat and gums.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Flu, cold.
  • Low hemoglobin.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Polyarthritis.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Diseases respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
  • Pleurisy.

Green pine cones are, first of all, a source of iron and many other useful elements. They contain oleic and bioflavonoids, tannins, lipids, monoterpene hydrocarbons and many other nutrients and beneficial substances.

Pine needles and buds also contain a lot of useful elements. Pine buds contain a large number of tanning elements, essential oils and all kinds of vitamins. The needles contain vitamin C, ascorbic acid, carotene, and resins. Thanks to these components, the buds received their wide application in the treatment of many diseases. But for this you need to collect young and completely green cones.

When should you collect pine cones?

In this case, you should remember that you need to collect unopened pine cones. Collection time may vary slightly, it all depends on climatic conditions. In our country they can be collected from June 21 to 25. In this case, the cones should be about 4 cm wide.

In the process of collecting young cones, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention the condition of the tree on which they grow and appearance escape. It is advisable not to collect cones from trees affected by insects. The tree and cones should look beautiful, without any signs of rotting and not eaten by insects.

Pine cone honey: recipes

This is not just honey in the full sense of the word, it medicinal product, which is great for polyarthritis. It would be great to stock up on it for the whole year, because it stores well in the refrigerator. This honey can be prepared in several ways.

First way


  • Pine cones - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 10 glasses (200 ml).

Pine honey - recipe

The cones must be washed well and soaked for a day in cold water. Mix sugar with water and cook syrup. Then the cones are added to the hot syrup, and everything is boiled with constant stirring until they open. There is no need to remove the black scale formed during the cooking process. If the honey turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted boiled water. Finished product has a pleasant taste, has a dark brown tint.

Second way

Young pine cones (1 jar 0.5 l) approximately the size of a hazelnut are poured cold water and boil for 15-20 minutes so that they become soft without boiling. Remove the cones using a slotted spoon and transfer to pre-prepared syrup (2 tbsp. water, 1 kg of sugar) and boil for about 20-25 minutes.

Third way

The pine honey recipe can also be prepared this way. Young pine cones need to be washed, the roots torn off, cut into quarters or halves, depending on the size, after which everything is covered with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Then it is infused for 24 hours, the cones release juice, and then they are boiled for about 30-40 minutes, after which they are rolled into jars.

Fourth method

Introducing another recipe for pine honey. Have to take:

  • Young cones - 75-80 pcs per 1 liter of water.
  • Sugar - 1 kg per 1 liter of infusion.

For honey you need fresh cones, still green. The collected shoots must be sorted, washed and filled with water so that it covers them by about 1-2 cm. Then boil with the lid closed for 20 minutes, then the broth should be allowed to brew for about a day.

The next day, pour the infusion into another container, add sugar in the ratio of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of infusion, then cook as usual. Do not forget to remove the foam during cooking. You need to cook for at least 1.5 hours. The result should be a raspberry-colored composition, which must be poured into heated jars and tightly closed with lids. To avoid sugaring, you can add to honey citric acid(1 incomplete teaspoon).

Pine Elixir

Let's look at another recipe for pine honey. Young cones collected from June 21 to June 25 are placed in a transparent container and sprinkled tightly with sugar (1 kg per 1 3-liter jar). The neck of the container is covered with gauze, and the jar is placed under straight Sun rays(for example, on a windowsill) for the period until September 21-24. If mold suddenly begins to appear on the surface of the cones, then these fruits should be thrown away, and those located under a layer of liquid should be sprinkled with a layer of sugar.

The resulting honey elixir should be poured into a container, closed tightly with a lid and stored in a cool and preferably dark place. The shelf life of this honey is 1 year. It can be added to tea. For prevention purposes, take it 20 minutes before breakfast and 1 tablespoon before bedtime.

Pine pollen

As a rule, pine pollen is used with honey. For pulmonary tuberculosis, a composition such as milk and pine pollen with honey is very useful. The cooking recipe is as follows.

Pine pollen (1 teaspoon) is ground in a mortar and poured into hot milk, and then honey (1 teaspoon) is added.

For prostate adenoma and prostatitis, consuming pollen with honey helps improve blood flow and reduce tumors in the prostate tissue. Let's look at recipes for preparing pine pollen with honey.

  1. Natural candied honey (1 liter) is heated in a water bath, the temperature should not exceed 60 °C. Then add pine pollen (1 tablespoon) and mix thoroughly. It is necessary to take 2 teaspoons for 2 months 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Next, it is recommended to take a break for a couple of weeks, and then repeat the course again. And so on until complete recovery.
  2. Pine pollen and honey are mixed in equal quantities (1 teaspoon each) and taken twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. You can drink it with a small amount of milk or water.

Pine shoots

The juiciest shoots can be no more than 12 cm in length. From longer shoots you can collect significantly less juice. In order not to damage the tree, you do not need to collect branches from only one side; you should choose the juiciest ones and from different trees.

Here's how to make honey from pine shoots (recipe):

  • Young pine shoots - 500 g.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Sugar - 500 g.


  1. Pine shoots are thoroughly washed with water and placed in a saucepan.
  2. Then water is added. Cook for 2 hours over low heat. Then you need to cool and leave for a day.
  3. After 24 hours, strain and squeeze. After that, the broth is poured into a clean pan and sugar is added.
  4. You need to cook uncovered over low heat for 2-3 hours.
  5. The resulting hot honey is poured into dry, clean jars. Next, you need to tightly close the lid and take it to a cool place.
  6. This pine honey recipe is designed for 2 jars of 200 ml each.


Despite the beneficial properties of pine honey, this product has contraindications. First of all, people suffering from kidney disease should be careful when treating with cones. At acute hepatitis There are also contraindications. Honey and pine cone tinctures should be used with great caution by elderly people, as well as pregnant women. In addition, honey from cones can cause allergic reactions in children.

The main thing is to remember that preparations containing pine cones should not be used in large quantities, since this can cause not only headaches, but also inflammatory processes in the stomach.

Does your throat feel sore?
Is your nose twisting?
And did you get the cough?
A familiar picture!

In winter, we all often suffer from a sore throat and sore throat. painful cough and other cold symptoms. And it’s completely in vain that we lose touch with nature.

But she gives us hers for free unique products, having the properties we need, capable of healing and improving the body without the use of chemicals.

There is something wonderful accessible remedy from sore throat and bronchitis. It is natural and very effective.

Our homemade unique means - the so-called "pine cone honey" - this is an infusion of pine cones, young and green, in sugar syrup. We inherited the recipe from our great-grandmother.

We make pine cone honey every spring. We use it all winter, with the whole family. Both as a preventive measure and as a therapeutic agent.

  • Resins from coniferous trees are rich in essential oils, tannins, and contain ascorbic acid.
  • Pine pine honey is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • The extract of cones, which forms the basis of the infusion, has bactericidal properties and affects pathogens.

How to make an infusion of pine cones?

After some time, the sugar dissolves and combines with the juice of the cones to form a sweet syrup with a tart taste and astringent properties.

What are the benefits of pine cones?

  • for colds and coughs;
  • sore throat;
  • stomatitis (oral ulcers);
  • vitamin C deficiency;
  • how useful additional remedy for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Isn’t it true that the proverb works well: “A winter day feeds the year”? It turns out that if you take care of yourself in the spring and prepare cold remedy from pine cones, then for the whole year the family will be provided with vitamin C and a remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds. And I suggest you try our pine cone jam - it’s very healthy!

To the entry "Honey from young pine cones, a cough remedy." 4 comments

    Julia, don’t scare me like that... If I hadn’t accidentally come across Katarinka’s comment about your move, I wouldn’t have known :)) Congratulations on the new thing, creative mom! What are the reasons for such changes?
    And thanks for the recipe, I haven’t tried this before :)

    Irochka, hello!!! I'm very glad to see you!!! Thanks for the comment.

    My move is connected with the decision to “start a new life”)))

    I decided to get serious about blogging and website. I redirected messages from the old blog to the new one. But so far it doesn't seem to work very well). In theory, everything should be as before, only the blog address is new.

    I’m learning website building) and getting used to my new house.

    Why rinse the cones, while washing away the pollen, which “has phytoncidal properties”?

    Svetlana, you are absolutely right! You need to choose the lesser of two evils; if you collect cones in protected forests far from civilization, then you don’t have to wash them. Otherwise, the dust needs to be washed off. In this case, some pollen remains. And of course, it is absolutely forbidden to collect pine cones along the roads.

Leave your comment

In winter, we all often suffer from a sore and sore throat, painful cough and other cold symptoms. And it’s completely in vain that we lose touch with nature! But she gives us her unique products free of charge, which have the properties we need and can heal and improve the body without the use of chemicals. There is a wonderful, affordable remedy for sore throat and bronchitis. It is natural and very effective! Our homemade unique remedy – the so-called “cone honey” is an infusion of pine cones, young and green, in sugar syrup. We inherited the recipe from our great-grandmother. We make pine cone honey every spring. We use it all winter, with the whole family. Both as a preventive measure and as a therapeutic agent. Resins from coniferous trees are rich in essential oils, tannins, and contain ascorbic acid. Pine pine honey is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. The extract of cones, which forms the basis of the infusion, has bactericidal properties and affects pathogens. How to make an infusion of pine cones? We collect pine cones, always in April-May, when the cones are still young and soft, with pollen that has phytoncidal properties. Wash thoroughly in running water and cut into small pieces. Place in a jar in layers, alternating chopped cones and sugar in a ratio of approximately 1:2 - for one part of cones, two parts of sugar. We close it with a regular plastic lid and put it in a dark place (not in the refrigerator) for a couple of months. After some time, the sugar dissolves and combines with the juice of the cones to form a sweet syrup with a tart taste and astringent properties. So, in what cases is the remedy recommended? - for colds and coughs; - sore throat; - stomatitis (oral ulcers); - vitamin C deficiency; - as a useful additional remedy for bronchitis and pneumonia. Isn’t it true that the proverb works well: “A winter day feeds the year”? It turns out that if you take care of yourself in the spring and prepare a remedy from the pine cones, then for the whole year the family will be provided with both vitamin C and a remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds. Honey from young pine cones. The first recipe is honey from young pine cones. Today I will take one kilogram of cones. We fill one kilogram of pine cones with 3 liters of water and put it on fire. Cook for four hours over low heat. Then set aside to infuse for 12 hours in a cool place. I boiled the pine cones in the afternoon, so I was able to leave them to steep overnight. In the morning I strained the decoction with the pine cones. I threw away the pine cones themselves, but I will continue to use the cloudy broth to make pine honey. My pine cones turned out whole, but I read on the Internet that they are overcooked. Although I have a hard time believing this. Next, according to the recipe, you need to add one kilogram of sugar to 1 liter of broth. I got 1.5 liters. I added one and a half kilograms of sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. I left it until evening. In the evening I let it sit for about an hour, although the recipe said 5 minutes would be enough. But even after simmering for an hour, the honey did not become transparent, and I did not like its consistency. In general, honey will be liquid unless you add more sugar to it. Pine cones in sugar This recipe will not be cooked. For the recipe I used one kilogram of young buds and two kilograms of sugar. This is probably the only recipe of all that I did not make changes to. And probably because there is no need to cook it. We just take and cut the cones into small pieces. There is no need to grind it too much; the pine cones are not so easy to cut. To cut one kilogram of pine cones, I needed 40 minutes of time, a cutting board (preferably plastic or old wooden, in any case, this board will not be used later), one rubber glove, and a good big knife. I use a rubber glove for its intended purpose; I put it on the hand on which I will pick up the pine cones. The fact is that the cones are rich in resins, and these resins are not very easy to wash off later. I chopped the pine cones into a large bowl with sugar. After cutting, I stirred everything well and put everything into jars. As you can see in the photo, I got 5 cans of 700 grams each. But a day later the pine cones sank and I scattered one jar among the other four. In the photo above you can see how big the bumps became after 24 hours. I would like to warn you that you do not need to close the lid tightly. Sugar is sugar, and when interacting with the pine cones, it ferments a little. Although it is difficult to call this fermentation, it is nevertheless better not to close the lid of the jar tightly, or simply close it nylon cover. Once our mixture of chopped pine cones and sugar is in the jars, we send them to a cool place until the fall. And from the beginning of autumn you can drink tea with tincture of pine cones and sugar, even for preventive purposes. You can simply drink it by adding hot water. You cannot eat the cones themselves; we strain them and throw them away. Jam from young pine cones The next recipe will be jam from pine cones. I took this recipe from the Internet. But judging by the experience already gained, the one who wrote, and the recipe was without photographs, never tried to make it. The recipe said that you need to fill the cones with water to cover them by 1 centimeter and let them sit for a day. After a day, drain the water and cook in new water. Bring to a boil and add sugar at the rate of 1 kilogram of sugar per liter of water. Cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. At first it seemed suspicious to me, but I still decided to try it. Firstly, it was said that during boiling, skim off the foam. And explain to me how to remove the foam if all the cones have surfaced. And it is not possible to remove the foam normally. Of course, I removed the noise as much as possible, but it’s far from perfect. Secondly, after boiling lightly for 1.5 hours, the pine jam syrup was too thin, but nice and slightly transparent Pink colour. When I decided to let it sit longer to evaporate the water, the buds began to open and the color of the syrup turned red-pink and, in addition, became cloudy. I have already decided to deviate from the recipe; next time I will be more careful about taking recipes without photographs. I added another kilogram of sugar so that I could at least store this pine cone jam in my apartment. In general, I came up with my own recipe for making pine cone jam. This recipe will now look like this. For one kilogram of young pine cones, add two liters of water. Bring to a boil. Now I would drain this water and reboil it with new water. Because when boiling green foam formed. I recommend adding 3 kilograms of sugar to the boiled cones. And simmer on the stove until thickened. This is about one and a half two hours, depending on how thick the syrup is. The result was 1 kilogram of buds, two liters of water and 3 kilograms of sugar. I would also like to warn anyone who wants to make jam from pine cones, be sure to remember. Any object that comes into contact with pine cones will then have a pine smell and, in addition, will be smeared in resin. For example, I washed the knife, I specially took a cutting board that was rarely used, but I had to tinker with the pan to wash it. The resin ingrained itself into the walls of the pan so much that I had to clean it with an iron mesh. Why did I decide to stock up on pine honey and jam this year? The fact is that last winter my children often suffered from upper respiratory tract diseases, and I don’t want this to happen again. Why pine honey and not elderberry honey? I wrote on my blog how to make elderberry honey. But my children did not like this honey, and few people except me ate it. If I just cheat a little into the tea, then they refuse the tea. But they liked pine honey. Last year I made honey from pine buds. I cooked a little, a few jars. But these few jars didn’t even survive until winter. They liked the unusual taste of this honey so much that they drank tea made from pine honey with pleasure. The recipe can be found in my article “Pine honey, recipe with photographs.” The benefits of pine honey or jam Pine honey has truly unique properties for our body. Firstly, it is rich in vitamin C, which we especially lack when viral diseases, and especially in winter. Secondly, it helps to quickly cure almost any disease of the upper respiratory tract, as if it was created for this. Has a good expectorant effect. Thirdly, it is very useful for the stomach; when taking jam or honey from pine cones, gastric secretion improves, and it is also an excellent antiviral agent. Pine honey is also useful for stagnation of bile, has diuretic effect, and has excellent tonic properties. From my experience I will say the following, it is really invigorating. I decided to check it out, and when I felt sleepy during the day, I went and made myself some tea from pine honey. The drowsiness disappeared as if by hand. I also recommend that you look at this article in winter or spring. I will try all my preparations, and probably in the comments I will describe all the recipes I prepared from pine cones and buds, which is tastier, which in my opinion had a greater effect on the body. In general, I’ll tell you my feelings. In terms of taste, honey from pine buds is still the leader, but I have not yet tried half of the prepared honey. After my children saw the pine cone jam, they immediately remembered their favorite cartoon “Masha and the Bear”. There, in one episode, Masha was making jam from everything she could get her hands on. So the children remembered that they saw pine cones there. And they asked me to turn on this cartoon and watch it again. And I suggest you watch a video about how I made pine honey and cones with sugar.

Pine “honey” is quite popular product, which is produced from pine buds and cones. This name is conditional, since bees are not involved in the process of its production. This unusual jam It has many beneficial properties and is therefore highly valued.

How to assemble correctly?

In order for a product made from pine buds to be beneficial, you should take the process of collecting raw materials seriously. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • the collection of raw materials should be done exclusively in the spring, since only young shoots and green cones are suitable for honey-jam;
  • before choosing a tree, you should carefully examine it, because the tree must, first of all, be healthy;
  • An excellent choice is a coniferous forest; you should avoid trees that grow near roads, since such raw materials will bring more harm than good.


“Honey” from green cones or young shoots is very useful due to great content essential oils, as well as vitamins and minerals. They have a positive effect on the body, so pine “honey” is recommended to be used for the following purposes:

  • for the treatment of various respiratory diseases: cough, bronchitis and even asthma;
  • excellent remedy for the fight against tuberculosis;
  • if you have a sore throat or oral cavity, including for the treatment of bleeding gums;
  • has a beneficial effect in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system;
  • fights vitamin deficiency and increases hemoglobin levels;
  • in the treatment of pleurisy;
  • allows you to speed up metabolism and normalize metabolism;
  • helps in removing waste, toxins and various harmful substances from the blood, therefore it is actively used to cleanse the kidneys and liver;
  • provides positive influence with polyarthritis;
  • used as a means of preventing cancer;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • increases immunity, so it is often used for colds or flu;
  • fights fatigue and also energizes you for the whole day.

Green cones are a treasure trove various vitamins and microelements, especially iron. They contain lipids, bioflavonoids, linolenic and oleic acids, tannin, as well as monoterpene hydrocarbons. But pine buds are distinguished by a high content of essential oils, tannins and a wide variety of vitamins. The needles are rich in resins, carotene, ascorbic acid and vitamin C.

Thanks to the huge number of components, pine cones have become quite popular in treatment various kinds diseases, as well as to eliminate chronic fatigue.


Although pine “honey” has many beneficial properties, there are also contraindications that are worth considering in more detail. Before you start using this product, you should consult your doctor, especially if there are any types of chronic diseases. This product should be used with caution by people who have kidney disease. This “honey” is not recommended for acute hepatitis.

The risk group includes pregnant and lactating women, as well as the elderly. In addition, this product can cause allergic reactions, especially in children, so the child should try a small amount and then monitor his body’s reaction to the “honey” from the cones.

Experts strongly recommend remembering that pine “honey” cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. You should know when to stop, because if you do not follow this rule, reactions such as headaches, dizziness, and stomach problems are possible. And children under five years old should generally avoid pine cone jam.

How to use?

Each product, even created from natural raw materials, should be consumed in recommended quantities. Thus, it will bring exceptional benefits to the body. Experts do not recommend giving pine “honey” to children under 5 years of age, although if the child does not suffer from frequent symptoms allergic reactions, then the permissible daily dose is 1 tablespoon. You should take this product half an hour before meals, or better yet. daily dose divide by three.

Adults can consume 2 tablespoons of pine cone jam per day. It can be eaten as pure form, and use it instead of sugar, adding it to non-hot tea. You can use this product by first dissolving it in a glass of warm water.

To enhance the beneficial properties of pine jam, it is recommended to use it with lemon, onion or ginger.

How to cook?

To prepare pine “honey” you will need to collect raw materials from a pine or spruce tree. It should be located away from businesses and roads. It is worth collecting young shoots in early spring. There are several pretty simple recipes making pine jam.

From pine buds

To prepare one serving of healthy “honey”, you will need 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water for 80 young cones. Pine or spruce buds should be green. Lemon is also an important ingredient because it adds flavor and also slows down the thickening process, which is very important. For this portion of pine cones, only half a lemon will be enough.

The process of preparing pine “honey” includes the following steps:

  • First, the tree buds should be filled with water and rinsed thoroughly;
  • the water must be drained and the cones allowed to dry a little;
  • after the raw material should be poured with water, brought to a boil and cooked for 30 minutes;
  • water should be added to the initial volume;
  • after this you need to add sugar and cook the syrup until it begins to thicken;
  • when the “honey” acquires the required thickness, add lemon;
  • you should strain the mixture through several layers of gauze.

Pine “honey” should be poured into glass jars and then sealed. Although it is also possible to store it with a tightly closed lid in a dark and dry place.

From green shoots

Prepare pine jam can be made exclusively from green shoots, in this case, you should perform the following actions:

  • pine shoots should be thoroughly cleared of needles and washed;
  • after this you need to put them in a fairly deep pan;
  • the raw materials should be filled with water, and it should cover it by 1 cm;
  • The pan must be placed on low heat and cooked for no more than 20 minutes;
  • then the container should be removed from the heat and left in a dark place for a day to allow the broth to brew;
  • after 24 hours, the contents of the pan must be filtered and the liquid poured into another container;
  • you need to add sugar to the strained infusion, and the ratio should be 1: 1;
  • the container with the infusion must be put on fire and boiled for several hours, while making sure to remove the foam and stir;
  • When the broth begins to thicken, it should be removed from the heat and left to cool.

From green cones

To make jam from green cones, you should prepare 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water for 1 kg of raw materials. The preparation procedure includes the following steps:

  • pine cones should be thoroughly cleaned, sorted and washed;
  • selected and clean raw materials should be placed on the bottom of a large pan;
  • the contents of the container must be filled clean water, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • Then you should reduce the heat and cook for one hour on low heat;
  • after this, the broth should be placed in a secluded place for 8 hours so that it has time to brew;
  • Then the above procedure is repeated so that the cones become soft;
  • then you need to strain the broth through cheesecloth;
  • before ready-made decoction Add sugar and cook over low heat for another 30 minutes.

To increase the shelf life of pine jam, it is recommended to roll it in glass jars, but at the same time you should add citric acid or juice to each container. On liter jar Just 2 grams is enough.


Many experts recommend combining pine “honey” with its pollen, because such a tandem has a stronger effect on the human body. This combination is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, and it should be taken simultaneously with pharmaceuticals, after all natural product will enhance their effect on a weakened body.

So that the pollen has therapeutic effect, it should be collected exclusively during the flowering period of the tree. Typically, pine begins to bloom in early May, and it is covered with green inflorescences, ready for pollination. At this time, its inflorescences are very similar to small corn cobs. When the inflorescences begin to ripen, they acquire a yellow tint. This is a signal to collect them. The inflorescences should be carefully collected and laid out on paper until completely dry. Afterwards, crumbled pollen will remain on the leaf. It should be sifted and stored in a glass container.

This remedy should be consumed three times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is usually 60 days, with a two-week break required, but the attending physician can make adjustments. It is very important to adhere to the dosage, since abuse can only worsen the situation.


From young pine cones you can prepare an amazing elixir that has an invaluable effect on the human body. The collection of raw materials should be done at the end of June. The cooking process includes the following steps:

  • the cones should be washed and dried a little;
  • after that, place them in a glass container and add sugar, while 1 kg of pine raw materials will require 3 kg of sugar;
  • The neck of the glass container must be covered with a layer of gauze;
  • after this, the jar should be placed in a place where direct rays of the sun freely fall, for example, on a windowsill;
  • the container should be left for three months, and care should be taken to ensure that mold does not appear on the surface;
  • all fruits affected by mold should be thrown away;
  • The cones that remain in the liquid should be covered with a thick layer of sugar.

This elixir should be stored in a container with a tightly closed lid, and it is worth choosing a dark and cool place. Its shelf life, subject to all storage standards, is no more than one year. Elixir made from pine cones can be consumed with tea. Experts recommend taking 1 tablespoon half an hour before breakfast and before bed.

To learn how to make pine honey, watch the video below.