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What does infusion of pine cones cure? Use in folk medicine. Pine cone jam

A tincture of pine cones with vodka for blood vessels has gained popularity among patients undergoing the therapeutic stage of recovery after serious illness– stroke. Often the most basic methods work best because they are made from natural ingredients.

It’s not for nothing that this has been valued since ancient times useful tree. It turns out that with the help of young pine cones such serious illnesses as: tuberculosis, scurvy. The most valuable are the unripe pine cones that appear on the tree in early spring. They also help with colds, disorders gastrointestinal tract, gout, patients and weak vessels, weakened immunity. Yes, it’s impossible to list all the beneficial properties at once. But, of course, in addition to the benefits, they also have contraindications. But more on that later.

Healers make various potions, balms, etc. from green pine shoots. Probably few people know that honey is made from pine cones. It helps with exhaustion nervous system, for inflammation of the respiratory system and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What is so useful about these buds? It turns out they contain:

  • carotene;
  • vitamins: C, B, P, K;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • microelements (magnesium, iron, selenium);
  • antiseptic and antibacterial substances;
  • essential oils.

Important! All vitamins and useful material are formed in spring and summer and are stored for a very long time unchanged in young cones after collection.

What you need to know when collecting

Pine cones are collected only in spring or early summer. They should be young, unripe, green in color. The length of the cones should not be more than 4 cm. They are soft to the touch and easy to cut. It takes years for the buds to darken.

Before collecting pine cones, you need to carefully examine the pine tree on which they grew. The tree from which the cones are collected must be healthy, not damaged by ants and other pests. The fruits should be picked carefully so as not to damage the tree branches. It can still grow and be useful.

In the regions of Central Russia, pine cones are ready for consumption in July. And in the southern regions of the country you can collect them already in May.

Do not confuse pine cones with spruce cones. Spruce trees look longer than pine trees.

Advice: Pine cones should be collected only in ecologically clean areas, away from the city. It would be better if it was a forest or a dacha. IN as a last resort, this can be done in park areas. Otherwise, pine shoots may not be beneficial, but even harmful to the body.

What are the benefits of vodka tincture of pine cones?

Tincture made from pine cones has long been in demand. It has been noticed that it helps with:

  • anemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergies;
  • asthma;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • stroke and pre-stroke condition;
  • hypertension;
  • tonsillitis.

What is the effect of this vodka tincture? It was noticed that she:

  • has an antithrombotic effect;
  • strengthens brain vessels;
  • thins the blood;
  • restores brain cells well;
  • helps normalize speech after a stroke.

However, in acute period After a stroke, it is better not to use this tincture. But only in rehabilitation period. This tincture will also be effective in the pre-stroke state. It is useful for both hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. The tannins it contains restore damaged brain cells, improve microcirculation, and help brain cells and blood vessels become saturated with oxygen.

Interesting! Of course, you can use decoctions of pine cones for such purposes. However, in this case the efficiency is somewhat reduced.

Methods for preparing tincture

In fact, there are several ways to prepare pine cone tincture to strengthen blood vessels.

Recipe No. 1

To prepare the tincture you will need five young pine cones. They must be washed thoroughly and then crushed. Then place it in a prepared container and pour a glass of alcohol. You can use alcohol of any percentage for this, but regular vodka will do. Then the tincture is put away in a dark place. If the cones are filled with vodka, the infusion time will be 21 days. If alcohol is used, then 14 days is enough.

The container must be tightly closed with a lid. Every day you need to shake the tincture. After the specified time has passed, strain the tincture and take according to the scheme.

Recipe No. 2

You need to take 100 g of young pine cones. Wash them, cut them and put them in a bottle. Pour half a liter of vodka or alcohol. Place in a dark place. Storage temperature should be room temperature.

Every day you need to shake the tincture. If you poured vodka, then you need to keep it for 3 weeks. And if with alcohol, then 2 weeks is enough. Then strain the tincture and it is ready for use.

Recipe No. 3

Take pine cones and fill any jar with them up to the hanger. Pour alcohol or vodka on top. Infuse for a week. Strain and consume according to the instructions. Some people also add honey to this tincture if there are no contraindications.

Recipe No. 4

Pine cones put in a container and pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain and consume.

How to take the tincture

It is necessary to understand that this tincture is a medicine. And therefore, under no circumstances should you drink it in shot glasses. festive table. It should be used only in prescribed doses.

If the tincture is taken for the purpose of prevention and strengthening of blood vessels, then it should be taken in the morning, a teaspoon. Some people dilute the tincture in water. This is also possible.

For the purpose of treatment, you need to take this healing remedy one teaspoon three times a day. You should start with small doses to eliminate allergic reactions. If no negative consequences If it doesn't, then you can increase the dose. For example, you can start with one quarter of a teaspoon, gradually adding the amount.

Duration of treatment is from two months to six months. You can take a break for a week every month.

The tincture can also be used in the form of inhalations for coughs and runny nose. It also helps with diseases thyroid gland. It’s good to rinse it proudly when you have a sore throat or a cold.

For arthritis and arthrosis, it is necessary to apply rubbing and compresses using this wonderful remedy. The result will be noticeable very soon.

Contraindications for use

  • kidney diseases;
  • liver inflammation;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • frequent migraine attacks;
  • allergic reactions.

Important! You should also not increase the dose, otherwise an overdose may occur, which will negatively affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract. An overdose can also cause severe allergies. At alcohol addiction You can replace the alcohol tincture with decoctions of pine or fir cones.

Unfortunately, experts are currently observing a disappointing upward trend in the incidence of diseases. vascular system and cardiac muscle among the population of almost all age categories. If just a few decades ago such diseases were considered to be ailments of old age, now vascular pathologies are detected even in relatively young people. Read this article to the end to find out how an infusion of pine cones for vessels can be useful.

In order not to join the army of people suffering from vascular and heart diseases, it is recommended to pay attention to treatment methods that are not classified as traditional medicine. Storehouse folk wisdom, collected drop by drop by healers and healers, is incredibly rich in recipes, the use of which in practice will improve health, get rid of existing diseases, and restore joy and fullness of life.

For example, pine and fir cones for blood vessels are a unique gift from nature, which, if used rationally, will cleanse the vascular system of toxins, strengthen and increase the elasticity of tissues. How to use this treatment method in practice, are there any contraindications, how to avoid common mistakes? Let's consider these, as well as many other questions, in more detail.

Useful properties of pine cones

The amazing healing properties of spruce and pine cones, which make it possible to use this magical remedy for the treatment of many diseases, are due to the rich chemical composition of this tool.

List of microelements. Useful and medicinal properties.
Vitamin KIt has a beneficial effect on blood clotting, helps thin the hemolymph and reduce its viscosity.
Vitamin C.Ascorbic acid helps strengthen vascular walls and increasing their elasticity, effectively increases the body's immune strength and increases its resistance.
B vitamins.The combined combination of B vitamins, which includes twelve essential elements, helps improve metabolic processes and promoting health in general.
Tannins.They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and help eliminate inflammatory processes, affecting vascular tissue.
Essential oils.Essential oils or phytoncides help strengthen the body's immune forces and have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.
Rutin.Rutin or vitamin P helps relieve swelling, normalizes hematopoiesis, strengthens and increases the elasticity of vascular walls.

Pine or spruce cones are used to treat diseases of the vascular system, have a powerful immunomodulatory and antiviral effect, and help increase the body’s tone and resistance. Taken together, it is precisely thanks to these properties, which are also given in the video in this article, that traditional medicine recommends the use of cones for the treatment of vascular pathologies.

Indications and contraindications

Despite the wide range positive properties And amazing benefits pine cones, it is not always possible to use them for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are a number of specific contraindications that completely exclude the use of this type of technique, including:

  • inflammatory diseases of the excretory system;
  • persons suffering from pathologies of the liver and gall bladder;
  • women in a state of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • persons who have reached 60-65 years of age ( this contraindication is conditional, it must be confirmed by the attending physician);
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • risk of developing allergies or other reactions negative character on the components included in a particular home remedy.

It should be noted that almost all of the contraindications given above are conditional, that is, the use of pine cones is theoretically possible, but only subject to approval therapeutic technique specialist.

Advice! To avoid occurrence side effects You should take remedies from the cones only after consulting a doctor, even if there are no contraindications.

Basic rules for collecting raw materials

Prevention of diseases and treatment of blood vessels with pine cones is carried out mainly through the use of raw materials collected with one’s own hands. Finding spruce or pine cones on the open market is quite problematic; in addition, the price of such goods can be quite high.

To obtain positive treatment results, you should pay attention to Special attention on the rules for collecting cones:

  1. To create products at home, both green and red can be used, that is, mature buds. Raw materials should be collected at certain times of the year, depending on what type of buds is required.
  2. Green cones should be collected in May or June. It is advisable to take only unopened fruits coniferous tree, the length of which exceeds four centimeters.
  3. Red or mature buds should be harvested in August or September.
  4. You should choose a tree that is not too young or old, that looks absolutely healthy in appearance and has no visible damage.
  5. It is strictly not recommended to collect in close proximity to roads or industrial structures.

An undoubted advantage of collecting pine cones with your own hands is the possibility of obtaining truly high-quality and environmentally friendly pure product. It is these cones that should be used for medicinal purposes.

Recipes for strengthening blood vessels

The most popular remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system among recipe lovers alternative medicine is an alcohol tincture prepared from young green cones. However, no less effective means There are also those based on other variants of medicinal raw materials.

Infusion of green cones

For getting healing agent based on young green cones, use one of two options for preparing the tincture.

The difference between these drugs lies only in the amount of raw materials obtained at the end of the process:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash, dry and chop fifteen to twenty medium-sized cones. Cut the prepared raw materials into thin slices, place in a glass container equipped with a tight-fitting lid, then pour in a liter of high-quality vodka and put in the refrigerator. The product will be ready for use in ten days.
  2. Five large cones should be prepared by analogy with the previous recipe, pour a glass of high-quality vodka or medical alcohol, then place the liquid in a glass container of suitable volume and put it in the refrigerator.

Tincture of pine cones for blood vessels gently cleanses the body and activates internal reserves, helps cleanse and strengthen the vascular system. To treat existing diseases, you should drink one teaspoon of the product three times a day.

For getting preventive effect One small spoon is enough. Depending on your goals, you can drink the tincture in courses, the duration of which varies from two weeks to six months.

Infusion of red cones

No less effective properties has a tincture of red or mature pine cones. To prepare such a remedy, you can use cones of any length and width, it is only important that they are already open.

The tincture of cones for blood vessels is prepared as follows:

  • place ten large, pre-washed and dried cones in any glass container;
  • pour the prepared raw materials with a glass of high-quality vodka or medical alcohol;
  • seal the container and leave for two weeks to infuse.

After the tincture is ready, you need to add a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar. The product should be taken in accordance with the previous recipe, that is, one to three times a day, one teaspoon.

Advice! The use of alcohol tinctures is strictly prohibited for persons with individual intolerance to alcohol or diseases that prevent the use of this substance.

Cone extract in water

In the absence of the possibility of using such effective remedy, as a tincture of green pine cones for vessels, you can use recipes that exclude the use of alcohol-containing liquids. These include, for example, pine extract.

To prepare it you should:

  • thoroughly wash and cut into small pieces or otherwise chop two hundred grams of green pine or fir cones;
  • pour the raw material with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil again and cook until three-quarters of the original amount of liquid remains in the container;
  • remove the product from the heat and dissolve half a kilogram of sugar in it;
  • Cool the broth and mix it with half a kilogram of natural liquid honey.

The finished drink should be taken at least three times a day in the amount of one teaspoon. To improve the taste of the tincture, you can add a few cinnamon sticks or lemon zest to it.

Honey from pine cones

No less useful and very tasty remedy, which can be used for treatment and prevention vascular diseases, is natural honey from pine cones. To prepare such a delicacy, which has amazing beneficial properties, you should pour twenty cones with a liter of boiling water, first mixed with a kilogram of granulated sugar.

Pine cone jam

More pronounced taste and healing properties has jam made from pine cones. This product can be consumed as a treat, but we should not forget that it should be eaten in strictly limited quantities.

To make jam, you need to finely chop or otherwise grind a kilogram of young spruce or pine cones, cover the resulting mass with the same amount of granulated sugar or, which is even more tasty and healthy, a mixture of honey and sugar. Leave the resulting mixture for at least twelve hours, then cook over low heat for two to two and a half hours.

Advice! A tincture of green cones for blood vessels can be successfully combined with jam or honey. A complex combination of such agents will quickly and effectively eliminate existing diseases and vascular pathologies.

Tincture or other remedies prepared by using pine or fir cones have wide range useful properties. They can be used to treat not only vascular diseases, but also for general strengthening body, providing antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

You also need to know that incorrectly applied dosage of drugs or using them in excessive quantities can cause multiple side effects. Most often, these include the appearance of dizziness and headaches, fatigue, decreased performance, lethargy and apathy.

These rules are especially relevant in relation to such a remedy as tincture of pine cones for blood vessels. Thus, only the competent use of home remedies will allow you to get positive results and completely eliminate possible negative consequences.

The healing properties of pine cones were known back in ancient Rus'. At a time when our usual medicine simply did not exist, healers widely used the entire available arsenal of remedies offered by nature. Scurvy, which was a true scourge of almost all segments of society, was cured almost instantly when coniferous raw materials were used. The invigorating effect of pine needles, coupled with its availability, made it the number one drug for both commoners and boyars.

What are pine fruits rich in?

It's rare to find a plant that provides such a wide variety of healing substances. The following were found in the cones:

  • Vitamins A and C, groups B, E and PP
  • - they improve blood circulation both throughout the body and in the vessels of the brain
  • Tanning agents are tannins, which help with diarrhea, bleeding and hemorrhoids. Tannins also have an anti-inflammatory effect and serve as an antidote to many poisonings.
  • Microelements: magnesium (among many important properties he is indispensable for normal operation nervous system), iron (part of hemoglobin, a life-forming compound that helps atmospheric oxygen penetrate the blood) and

For what conditions should you use pine cones?

The medicinal properties and contraindications of this product are distinguished by an abundance of beneficial effects and a very small number of possible negative consequences. We recommend that you use it if:

  • You feel a general lack of energy, fatigue and lethargy
  • You are facing periods of physical or mental overload
  • Would you like to improve men's health?
  • You have high blood pressure
  • You have suffered a stroke and need to improve the blood supply to the brain and restore damaged functions
  • You have a disease of the respiratory organs (trachea, bronchi, lungs), and it is important for you to thin the mucus and ensure its easy expectoration
  • You have loose stools
  • Do you have problems with unclean skin?

Since the most important medical principle requires protecting the patient from collateral damage, which carry medicines and potions, we advise you to refrain from using buds when:

  • There's something wrong with your kidneys
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are experiencing (to detect it in a timely manner, always start taking small doses and increase the amount of drugs taken smoothly and gradually)
  • You suffer from hepatitis
  • Your stomach lining is irritated and alcohol-containing substances aggravate this irritation
  • For one reason or another (religious beliefs, struggle with addiction), you abstain from drinking alcohol

For elderly people (65 and older) and children, any, even the smallest, doses of alcohol can be harmful - you should always remember this.

Harvesting cones for tincture

There are often recommendations to use moonshine to prepare the tincture. Alas, this advice only causes a smile of bewilderment. It is obvious that fundamentally not amenable to filtration in artisanal conditions fusel oils They will only undermine already weakened health, but will in no way contribute to its strengthening. Choose purified medical alcohol (70%) or the most filtered vodka without extraneous additives (honey, pepper, lemon, etc.) Here is a short step-by-step instruction:

  • We need about one hundred grams of fruit. We rinse them thoroughly with running water.
  • We chop the blanks: cut them into four, five and larger number parts. This will increase the surface area that comes into contact with alcohol and allow the liquid to absorb the maximum amount of useful substances.
  • Place the pieces in a glass container and pour half a liter of alcohol or vodka.
  • Close the vessel with a lid and place it in a dark place at room temperature.
  • It makes sense to shake the solution periodically (once or twice a day) to better dissolve the beneficial components.
  • Alcohol tincture is usually kept for up to two weeks, and vodka – up to three.
  • Strain the mixture using a fine strainer. The product is ready for use.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

From high blood pressure Not only older people suffer, but also young people. Stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, worries - all this can not have the best effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lead to increased blood pressure. You can normalize it using special drugs. But not everyone wants to take various pills, especially since in almost all cases they give only a temporary effect. Therefore, many resort to help, which advises using pressure cones.

Do not use pine cones for blood pressure pure form. A tincture is prepared from them, which has positive effect for the entire body as a whole. It contains phytoncides and tannins, which help strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of arterial vessels blood clots and blood clots.

In addition, the tincture also contains pycnogenol, which also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. It helps cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol and normalize the nutrition of brain vessels.

It is the presence of pycnogenol in the tincture that makes it possible to use it to normalize blood pressure. Since this substance improves blood circulation and reduces the load on the walls of arterial vessels, as a result of which the effect of lowering blood pressure is observed.

It is surprising that the tincture of cones is quite often used by people not only to normalize blood pressure, but also as a prophylactic against heart attacks and strokes. Doctors recommend using the tincture after acute heart disease, for people who experience frequent headaches, as well as for those who have brain damage and speech disorders.

In short, the tincture of pine cones for pressure is universal remedy which helps fight various diseases and prevent their development in the future. So if you care about your health, you definitely need to drink a course of tincture at least once a year. And then you will definitely not be afraid of either hypertension or other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment of hypertension with pine cones gives very quick results that last for a long time. The tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy, but you can also prepare it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • dark glass bottle;
  • medical alcohol (can be replaced with regular vodka) – a glass;
  • apple cider vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • pine cones - 5 pieces are enough for this amount, if the cones are small, you can take a little more.

Chop the cones with a knife so that they can be placed in a bottle, and pour them medical alcohol. Close the bottle tightly and place it in a dark place. The refrigerator is not suitable for this purpose, since the product must be infused at room temperature. After 10 days, the infusion should be filtered and vinegar added to it.

It is necessary to take tincture of pine cones with vodka for blood pressure in the morning in the amount of 1 tsp. immediately after breakfast. The course of treatment is 6 months. If you have other health problems for which the use of vinegar is prohibited, then you can take the tincture without adding it.

It should be noted that to prepare the tincture it is better to use pine cones collected in summer period. It is believed that it is at this moment that they contain the highest concentration of beneficial substances.


Pine cones for hypertension should not be consumed by people who have problems with the liver and kidneys. In addition, taking the tincture during pregnancy and breastfeeding is highly discouraged, as it contains alcohol, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the quality of milk.

Remember that hypertension is dangerous disease, which can even lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. And even if you decide to take pine cone tincture, be sure to consult a specialist first.

Another important point! This tincture cannot completely replace complex treatment. Therefore, when using it, you should not refuse to take it. medicines.

Video with a recipe for a healing tincture of pine cones

Tincture of pine cones is an amazing remedy. It would seem that the ingredients are the most ordinary, natural, there is no overseas exoticism. Beneficial features ordinary pine trees reveal their healing qualities in the fight against many serious diseases and their consequences. The miracle tincture has gained popularity among patients undergoing the treatment stage of recovery from an insidious serious illness - stroke. Often the most basic methods help better, because they are created from plants growing in the native region of residence, and therefore are more effective.

The raw materials for the preparation of the drug should grow in ecologically clean areas, but it is not so difficult to find - we have a country rich in pine forests

After summer, a significant amount of substances that have healing qualities: vitamins, linolenic and oleic acids, rare essential oils, lipids, bioflavonoids... But the most valuable component is unique tannins, which block the process of death of brain cells during strokes that have already occurred.

For what diseases should the tincture be used?

It is known that the tincture of pine cones for stroke is a proven remedy that has a beneficial effect on the network of blood vessels in the brain, preventing death nerve cells, promoting the rehabilitation of a person after a stroke and heart attack (restoration of speech, coordination of movements).

In addition, tincture of pine cones can be useful in the treatment of many diseases, the occurrence of which is associated with circulatory system, because this remedy increases the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes their tone and restores capillary permeability. The use of pine cone tincture is indicated for the following: pathological conditions body:

  • heart attack, stroke, heart and vascular diseases (including for preventive purposes);
  • hypertension (normal blood pressure is restored);
  • post-stroke and post-infarction conditions;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer.

special instructions

Organisms different people perceive the influence of the same agent in “ individually" Therefore, it is important to listen to your feelings and protect yourself from negative impact funds “that have helped millions” of sick people.

Contraindications for using pine cone tincture in the treatment of circulatory disorders are:

  • painful sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug, allergic reactions;
  • children under 12 years of age and elderly age over 75-80 years old;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • prohibition of drinking alcohol and alcohol-containing products for medical reasons;
  • severe diseases - renal and liver failure.

Important: For those who have had a stroke in mild form, the great benefits of pine cone tincture and the absence of any deviations or ailments during the treatment process are noted. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the drug decreases if the stroke lesion has severe form and significant consequences. Those to me are less thanks to this remedy recovery period It is successful, but you need to remember that the result will not be immediate, you need consistent, systematic and long-term treatment.

How to prepare a miracle remedy?

The general rule for preparing buds is to carefully sort them out and rinse healthy specimens. cold water. Here are a few recipes that are most popular among practicing herbalists.

Recipe for tincture of mature (red) pine cones

Take glass jar suitable volume with a wide neck. 10 pieces. pour 0.5 l of cones. alcohol (70%) or the same amount of high-quality vodka. Open mature buds should close when exposed to liquid. You need to infuse the medicine in a dark place, after 10 days you need to strain it and pour 1 tsp into it. apple cider vinegar (can be grape).

Recommendations for use: Use this remedy in this way: every day at night you need to drink a mug of hot, weak tea (green is recommended), to which you should add 1 tsp. this tincture and a little honey. Thanks to the presence of vinegar in the tincture ethanol is partially neutralized, and the remaining traces of alcohol evaporate from the hot tea. Thus, only beneficial active ingredients remain.

The course of treatment with tincture of pine cones for stroke is long, about six months. After a short break, it is advisable to repeat therapeutic appointment tinctures. Then you can adhere to the rules of preventive intake - 1 tsp. in the morning after breakfast.

Recipe for tincture of green pine cones

To prepare a healing remedy that helps to gently support the body's immune forces, green cones are needed (they contain bioflavonoids). In our country they are collected at a time when they are just accumulating valuable substances, - in summer, approximately last decade June. You only need to take unopened cones about 4 cm wide.

The collected raw materials need to be washed and finely chopped, filling the jar to the top with the resulting “salad” (it is recommended to take a three-liter jar). Next, the cones are filled with vodka and covered with a tight polyethylene lid. The vodka tincture of pine cones will be ready in a week to 10 days; the liquid must be drained, strained and poured into a glass container convenient for storage and use. The rules of administration are simple: drink three times a day for 20-25 minutes for 1 month. before meals, 1 tbsp.

Recipe for tincture of green pine cones with vodka for stomach diseases

You need to take 100 g of whole green cones, place them in jars and fill them with proven vodka or 70% alcohol (0.5 l will be needed). Insist this version of the tincture for about two weeks. This remedy effectively fights stomach ulcers and gastritis. Take in the same way as described in the previous recipe.

Recipe alcohol tincture made from pine cones to treat goiter

Green cones should be infused in a dark glass container. The raw material, cut into pieces, is placed in a bottle, filled to the top with 90% alcohol and left to infuse for about a month. Once every few days you need to shake the medicine. When the tincture is ready, it should be strained and then stored in the refrigerator.

Recommendations for use: The treatment regimen is as follows: days 1-3 - three doses of 1 drop, days 4-21 - three times a day before meals, 5 drops. It is better not to drink the product, but to swallow it, holding it in your mouth for a while. After such a three-week course, you need to take a break, and if necessary, you can repeat it.

Of course the data medications cannot fully be a replacement for modern healing methods and medications official medicine. However, the strong auxiliary effect and positive action Many people who have used it have reported health benefits from taking pine cone tincture.

Read more about rehabilitation treatment after a severe stroke, you can learn from the video using tincture of pine cones:

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!