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Why do doctors advise walking more and spending time outside? Walking in the fresh air: benefits

Medicine has come a long way, but modern world Due to constant stress, rush and high pace of life, there are still many health risks. All more people begin to think about this problem and monitor the work of their body. However balanced diet, regular exercise in the gym and refusal bad habits will not give the desired effect if an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the body. How is fresh air useful, where to find it and how to breathe it correctly? Let's figure it out.

Surely you have noticed how, when you get out of a stuffy room into the street, you become like a different person. Well-being improves, mental acuity returns and good mood, a surge of strength is felt. It is clear why this happens: after all, fresh air is necessary for the brain and every cell of the body. What other benefits does fresh air bring? Let's consider a few points:

  • Digestion improves. This benefit is very helpful if you want to get in shape and lose weight. excess weight, – of course, subject to activity on fresh air: walking, jogging or physical exercise.
  • If you find that a cup of coffee no longer helps you cheer up, don’t be surprised. Perhaps it is precisely what provokes it. When you give your brain more fresh air, your body can function more efficiently. Then you will think clearly and act with lightning speed.
  • If you have problems with blood pressure, fresh air is simply necessary. Many doctors advise leisurely walks to normalize blood pressure, especially for hypertensive patients.
  • Strengthens the immune system. To protect the body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses, leukocytes require a certain amount of oxygen, which can be found in fresh air. Therefore, many lovers of long walks, as a rule, are less likely to get colds.
  • Fresh air is good for health and strengthening the entire body as a whole: it improves the functioning of blood vessels, lungs, heart and other organs.

It becomes clear that the influence of fresh air on health is invaluable - for both adults and children. Irritability, overwork, lack of initiative, laziness, nervous breakdowns– all this disappears when we inhale the “right” air. Therefore, try to enjoy the time spent walking and gain from it maximum benefit. This can be difficult because sometimes we feel like we shouldn’t be distracted from important work on the boardwalk. But it is very important to take at least five-minute breaks from work and “get some air.” This will help you regain your previous concentration and allow you to work much more efficiently.

We spend almost all day indoors. Many people find themselves outside only for 5 minutes - when they leave the house and get into the car. But the benefits of walking in the fresh air are extremely significant:

  1. Firstly, as we said above, oxygen has a positive effect on our health and mood.
  2. Secondly, such gentle physical activity as ordinary walking will not take much effort, but the effect will still be noticeable.
  3. And finally, every walk brings new emotions! You can wander into Amazing places hometown, which you have never seen before, think about plans for the future or meet interesting people.

This is why regular hiking in the fresh air. Only they are often limited to going to the grocery store once a month. Meanwhile, scientists and doctors say that every day a person should walk at an average pace of at least five kilometers.

What to do if, due to your busy schedule, you can’t find time for a full walk on a working day? First, you should try to walk to work - or at least walk part of the way if your work is on the other side of town. Lunch breaks It’s also worth spending it actively, walking in the nearest grove and admiring nature. You can “get even” on the weekend: invite your friends or family for a walk, go out of town or to the country. Good way get not only the necessary dose of oxygen, but also a lot of new impressions - travel. It is not at all necessary to spend exorbitant amounts of money on luxury resorts - just go to a neighboring city for a change of scenery.

If you love animals, then get yourself a walking companion! Among the “dog lovers” there are often very fit and healthy people: after all, they walk a lot and play with their four-legged companions, thus showing physical activity.

If you are driving sedentary lifestyle life and are not used to physical activity, do not try to walk around the entire city in a day. Start with short walks of 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time. Then the walk will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure!

To find the load you need, use a pedometer. You can buy a smart bracelet that reads your physical activity, or download a special application to your smartphone.

Looking for fresh air: from the Caucasus mountains to your own home

Fresh air is not always the same as outdoor air. His search in major cities– not an easy task, since natural freshness is destroyed tobacco smoke, city smog, car exhaust, etc. So you need to choose the right place for a walk.

It's no secret that walking in the fresh air in a forest area is healthier than walking along a busy highway. After all, many trees (for example, fir, poplar, juniper) secrete phytoncides - substances with a strong bacterial effect. In Japan, for example, there is even a special term “shinrin-yoku”, which means “forest baths”. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, practicing “bathing,” claim that walks in the forest help improve health and mood.

The benefits of walking in the forest are obvious to everyone. Is mountain air healthy? Certainly! Surely you have heard some small stories in the news about long-lived mountaineers: after all, the mountain climate is practically free from dust, exhaust gases and industrial waste. However, due to low air pressure, there is much less oxygen in the mountains. Then why does a person feel full of strength when he goes to mountain resort or a hike to the snowy peaks? The answer is simple: when the amount of oxygen in the inhaled air decreases, the body's reserve forces come into play. Improves blood circulation, lung function and chest. But it’s better not to overdo it with altitude: there is always a risk of hypoxia, and it can lead to loss of consciousness.

If you stay in an enclosed, unventilated area for a long period of time, you will breathe the same air over and over again. Will rise

The benefits of walking in the fresh air.

Parents often try to limit the time their child spends walking, although pediatricians and child psychologists have long proven that children benefit from long walks in the fresh air.

To maximize the benefits of a walk, experts advise walking and breathing fresh air with your children. Such walks are very useful for children. Thanks to children, adults become more organized.

Walking is the simplest and surest way to harden a child.

It is necessary to walk with your child at any time of the year and in any weather, and the duration of the walk should be adjusted in accordance with weather conditions.

. Walk in the airis the best means of promoting health, increasing immunity, and therefore preventing colds in children and adults. Besides, walk helps increase the child's appetite. Metabolism improves nutrients are better absorbed. Thanks towalks in the fresh airnatural cleansing of the body occurs, the upper muscles function better Airways.

IN summer time a child can be outdoors all day long.It’s good if it’s a holiday in the country, where there is an opportunity to hide from the rain and scorching sun.

Walk is an excellent remedy prevention of visual impairment in children. After all, on the street, where there is so much space, the child constantly has to move his gaze from nearby objects to objects distant from him.

Walk - This the best remedy prevention of rickets in children. The body is saturated with ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the production of vitamin D in the body.

While walking The baby has many positive emotions and new impressions, on which both his intellectual and social development depend.

A properly organized walk is the key to a good mood.

In order for a child to be active outdoors, you need to choose the right clothes. It should not restrict the child’s movements, prevent him from jumping and running. Do not put too many things on your baby, this can only cause harm, lead to overheating, and then to a cold. Touch the baby's neck from the back. If it is dry and warm, everything is fine; if it is wet and hot, the child is hot and sweaty, then you need to go home. If the neck is cool, the baby is freezing and should be insulated.

In order for the walk to be interesting and fun, parents must know how to entertain the child.

In summer there can be games with a ball, skipping rope, word games, observations of the surrounding world (living and inanimate nature). In winter - with snow, sledding, solving riddles, ice skating.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Consultation for parents "The benefits of walking in the fresh air for children"

Walking occupies an important place in a child’s life. During a walk, the child learns about the world around him, learns to communicate with peers, and the walk also has health benefits. Will give birth...

The benefits of walking in the fresh air.

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Walking can be a complete workout. They have a big advantage over other sports - accessibility. After all, not every person can regularly ride a bike, swim or run, while everyone can take a little time for a walk. Walking has no contraindications and does not heavy loads on the body and does not require much effort, but at the same time it has the best effect on the condition of the body.

What are the benefits of walking?

The benefit of walking is that almost all muscles are used during it, which allows you to keep your body in good shape and maintain good health. physical fitness. They strengthen bones and joints and prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system. While walking, the lungs are ventilated, as a result the blood is saturated with oxygen and carries it to cells and tissues. Walking improves blood flow, strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of diabetes.

The benefits of walking include a beneficial effect on digestive tract, it improves digestion processes and removes toxins from the body. During walks, the body is tempered and the immune system is strengthened.

Even leisurely walking speeds up metabolic processes, which has a beneficial effect on all systems and organs, prolongs youth and slows down aging. It increases endurance and is good for vision. Walking and walking are beneficial mental health: improve mood, reduce anxiety, relieve stress and prevent depression.

To fully experience the benefits of walking in the fresh air, they must be done regularly, preferably daily or 3-4 times a week for at least half an hour. If you have not exercised your body for a long time, you can start with short walks and then gradually increase the duration.

Start your walks at a slow pace to allow your muscles to warm up. After about 1/4 hour, switch to a fast one, but such that the pulse and breathing are stable. While walking, try to keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Choose shoes for hiking that are comfortable and lightweight, such as sneakers or sneakers.

Many parents underestimate the benefits of walking for a child, but walking is very important for a person, especially for children.

Walking in the air is the best way to improve health, and therefore prevent colds in children and adults. In addition, a walk helps increase a child's appetite. Metabolism improves, nutrients are better absorbed. Thanks to walks in the fresh air, the body is naturally cleansed and the upper respiratory tract functions better. Walking is the simplest and surest way to harden a child.

It is necessary to walk with your child at any time of the year and in any weather, and the duration of the walk should be adjusted in accordance with weather conditions.

In the summer, a child can be outdoors all day. The ideal condition would be to relax in a country house, where there is an opportunity to hide from the rain and scorching sun. It’s even better if there is a body of water nearby, and if not, you can always replace it with a children’s pool, in which kids love to splash. Here you will have entertainment, exercise, and hardening.

Staying in the air is especially beneficial for young children, because thanks to sunlight The body is saturated with ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the production of vitamin D in the body. This is the best remedy for children.

Also, a walk is an excellent way to prevent visual impairment in children. Indeed, on the street, where there is so much space, the child constantly has to move his gaze from closely located objects to objects distant from him - this is a wonderful exercise for the prevention and treatment of myopia, as training takes place eye muscles, and as a result, strengthening of vision. A very useful relaxation exercise is when you can just calmly look into the distance.

Winter walks are no less useful. Frosty winter air is best saturated with oxygen; when it enters the body, it stimulates brain activity. Thanks to winter walks, it increases physical activity body, sleep improves. Walking at temperatures below ten degrees is especially useful. This air is especially clean and the likelihood of contracting an infection is much lower. You probably noticed that the splash viral diseases most often happens when frosty weather gives way to thaw.

And for the walk to be fun and useful, parents should know...

Of course, adults should regulate the duration of winter walks and make sure that the child does not get too cold or overheat. Touch the baby's neck from the back. If it is dry and warm, everything is fine; if it is wet and hot, the child is hot and sweaty, then you need to go home. If the neck is cool, the baby is freezing and should be warmed. It is necessary to dress your baby correctly for a walk.

Improvement thanks to walking physical development child. Each walk is accompanied by physical activity of the baby. Training takes place during outdoor games various groups muscles, coordination of movements develops, as well as speed of reaction, strength, endurance, and the will to win.

Learning various types movements, the child actively engages in mental operations, which contributes to his mental development. Research recent years prove that the higher physical activity child, the faster his speech develops.

Also, in nature, a child has the opportunity to observe the world around him, natural phenomena, and learns to establish cause-and-effect relationships, for example, why a snowflake melts on his hand. It is very important to teach a child to see the beauty of the surrounding nature and natural phenomena. All this also contributes to the development mental processes: perception, attention, memory, imagination.

While walking with your children, play educational games to learn about the seasons, natural phenomena, animals, and plants.

Remember, a properly organized and conducted walk will ensure your baby’s health and harmonious development.

For a long time, people have used walking for more than just weight loss.

Walking is an effective way to protect your body from various diseases, which are inherent in every body as it grows older and increases fat mass.

The human body works in such a way that in order to maintain its proper functioning it is necessary to be in motion all the time.

Therefore, this fact has become the reason that people who spend most of their lives in a stationary position are much more prone to many diseases, including heart failure or disorders of the digestive tract.

Researchers who work with the prerequisites for obesity argue that excess weight is influenced not by the calorie content of food, but by an immobile, sedentary lifestyle.

Walking is beneficial physical exercise, thanks to which people can maintain their health and also look good in old age. Walking is a great way to manage your excess weight.

Slim figure

Systematic walking is in an effective way to get rid of extra pounds. People who have problems with weight in the gluteal and thigh areas begin to lose volume within a few weeks of starting training.

This means that walking promotes rapid metabolism, which, in turn, does not allow excess fat to accumulate in the body.

Full sleep

Walking helps reduce the level of the hormone cortisol, thereby improving sleep. Walking is best done in evening time, After dinner.

This will allow you to digest food efficiently and full stomach will not cause discomfort during sleep. Also, if a person is in a state of strong anxiety, then walking is a great way to get rid of stress.

Strong immunity

It has been scientifically proven that walking allows blood to circulate actively, delivering oxygen to all parts of the body. There are several elements in the blood that help the body fight various infections.

Blood circulation allows protective elements to circulate in the human body, destroying everything harmful bacteria threatening health.

Durable Skeleton

The most famous age-related problem associated with bone tissue, is osteoporosis. Natural wear and tear on the skeleton can be delayed by walking.

Walking is considered a moderate-impact exercise, which, combined with the calcium consumed, will have a positive effect on bone health.

Correct functioning of the heart

Cardio training combined with walking will help improve the quality of the heart and blood vessels. Walking helps train the heart muscles, allowing them to work harder and better.

Protection against hypertension

Suffer from hypertension a large number of people leading a largely sedentary lifestyle. However, morning and evening walks can protect the body from this disease.

Thanks to walking, the deposition of excess fatty tissue is prevented, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, so an abundance of blood passes through them with normal division. Additional adipose tissue constricts blood vessels, which causes high blood pressure.

Always in a good mood

Walking, like any physical activity, helps produce joy hormones, giving a person positive emotions and a feeling of happiness. Walking stimulates mental abilities as the brain receives more oxygen.

For this reason, a person begins to look at everyday things more logically and judiciously, understanding things much better. possible problems and the reasons for their decision.

Healthy lungs

The fresh air that a person breathes while walking can improve the functioning of the lungs and respiratory muscles. The air that a person consumes indoors contains a much lower concentration of oxygen.

Therefore, walking is much healthier than exercise in enclosed spaces.

No to diabetes

Diabetes, as is known, can be transmitted along hereditary lines. But systematic walking in the fresh air will help break this painful chain. Thanks to walking, metabolism improves, so blood sugar and insulin levels are much better regulated.

New acquaintances

While walking, you can easily meet like-minded people with whom you can later organize joint recreational walks.

Live communication with physical activitybest medicine from all problems.

Walking: where to start?

In order to start walking, you need to set specific goals for yourself. If your desire is to simply strengthen your muscles, then taking daily walks for half an hour will be enough.

If a person wants to get rid of extra pounds, then to regular walks you need to add brisk walking lasting 40-45 minutes several times a week.

Walking can replace traveling by transport over short distances. You can also refuse to use the elevator in favor of walking up the stairs - this is also a great way to burn calories.

You should start walking with a warm-up. The first five minutes the pace is slow, gradually developing into a brisk one. You should not ignore correct posture; you need to keep your back straight, your stomach should be pulled in a little, and your shoulders should be straightened.

The foot is placed on the heel, rolling onto the toe. The front of the foot helps push off the ground. In order to speed up, you don’t have to take a wider step, you just need to make it faster.

Keep your arms correctly bent elbow joint, moving them in the direction from the waist to the chest and back. The speed is also reduced gradually. The last minutes of walking pass at the same slow pace, while you need to breathe deeply and smoothly.

You can go hiking in any area, in any weather. Of course, it is best to do this in parks, since the air there is cleaner.

You should only walk on level paths, for example, on soft ground. This will ensure your feet have proper cushioning. Shoes should be of high quality, with soles that are not too thin and hard.

For this activity, a specialized sport shoes, which is designed specifically for this type of activity.

  • The championship in all Olympic distances in race walking is occupied by Russian athletes - Olympiada Ivanova, Sergei Morozov and Denis Nizhnegorodov.
  • The characteristic hip swings of walkers, which look a little unusual from the outside, help athletes increase their speed of movement.
  • The standard speed of a top-class walker is 15 km per hour. This is half the speed of a sprinter, however, 2 times the speed of a breaststroke swimmer and 3 times faster than ordinary walking.
  • Professional athletes can walk more than 30 km per day, and the weekly norm is almost 200 km.


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