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Homemade dill water recipe for newborns. Dill water for newborns: recipe, benefits for children and dose. Dill water for mother while breastfeeding

It is impossible to avoid problems associated with digestion in newborns - the adaptation of the baby’s body to new living conditions, to mother’s milk and other foods is accompanied by stool disorders, gas formation, and colic.

To alleviate the baby’s condition, parents use a whole arsenal of official and traditional medicine, the most accessible of which is dill water for newborns. A similar remedy made from dried fennel herb has also proven effective.

Water brewed with dill seeds is useful not only for newborns, it helps overcome some digestive problems for older children and nursing mothers. But you should know how to prepare the remedy correctly and how much dill water to give to the baby.

Development of the baby's digestive system

In newborns skin and intestines are sterile at the moment the baby is born. But upon contact with the outside world, outside the mother’s belly, they begin to be actively populated by microbes, some of which are useful and help normal life organism, and the other part is conditionally pathogenic.

For kids on breastfeeding It’s easier to adapt to new living conditions, since they immediately get into their intestines from the skin of the mother’s nipple. beneficial microorganisms, colostrum, and then breast milk, which promotes the production of digestive enzymes.

Children who are fed from the first days artificial mixtures, it is more difficult because they lack immune components mother's milk. Their enzyme production is not as active, which prolongs the maturation of the digestive system, and digestive problems last longer.

In the first three months of a baby's life:

  • the intestines are populated by flora;
  • the tissues of the digestive system organs mature;
  • More and more enzymes are produced.

Until digestion is established, the child may be bothered by rumbling in the tummy, diarrhea or constipation. The color of the stool varies from bright yellow to dark green, and the consistency can be runny or even foamy. Discomfort in the abdomen affects the behavior of the newborn - he cries, is capricious, sleeps poorly, worries, and pulls his legs to his chest.

Indigestion has a depressing effect on appetite; the child may refuse to breastfeed or eat a smaller volume of milk, sucking out the front (watery) and not reaching the back, rich nutrients. As a result, there is poor weight gain and a slowdown in the rate of physical development.

All children face difficulties in adapting the body to new living conditions. To alleviate the baby's condition with colic, it is recommended to give dill water. This tool Helps both infants and babies who are fed breast milk substitute.

What is important to consider

Children on artificial feeding besides nutritional mixture Give additional fluid as needed plain water replaced with dill. In the first six months of life, breastfed infants drink foremilk and do not need additional water.

For kids on natural feeding Until they reach three months of age, large amounts of additional liquid should not be introduced into the diet because:

  • the child will consume less breast milk, due to this its production will decrease;
  • dill water is not sterile and the microorganisms it contains can themselves cause digestive upset;
  • If you give dill water from a bottle, this can provoke the baby to refuse the breast, since it is easier to drink from the nipple on the bottle.

To prevent colic in a baby, the mother should drink dill water between feedings. Beneficial substances that affect the digestive system will penetrate into the milk and then enter the baby’s body. But when severe discomfort In case of an infant, the remedy will still have to be given to him.

The healing properties of dill water

Dill water, which you can make yourself or buy, is an extract from dill seeds or fennel herbs. Indications for use of the drug are bloating and abdominal pain in an infant.

A decoction of dill seed has the following effects:

  • promotes the removal of metabolic products from the intestines;
  • creates a favorable environment for beneficial microflora;
  • reduces the intensity of spasms of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • relieves pain;
  • improves blood circulation in the walls of the intestines;
  • helps relieve gases.

Dill water also acts as sedative, an antispasmodic with a slight diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect.

Preparing the decoction

Dill water can be purchased at finished form, or prepare at home by purchasing at the pharmacy:

  • dried raw materials in bulk in regular packaging (dill seeds, fennel grass);
  • pressed briquettes for preparing decoctions;
  • filter bags for brewing;
  • packaged granules that dissolve in water.

Please note: the pharmaceutical solution is prepared under sterile conditions, so it is completely safe for the baby and can be stored in the refrigerator for a month. It is recommended to order this drug in advance, since it takes time to prepare.

IN home medicine cabinet It is useful to keep the raw materials for dill water so that if necessary, you can quickly brew it. It should be borne in mind that colic most often begins late in the evening or at night, when it is not easy to get to a working pharmacy on duty.

A decoction prepared at home quickly deteriorates - it can sit in the refrigerator for a maximum of a day. If your baby’s digestive problems have become protracted, you will need to brew fresh dill water every day.

If you don’t have granulated or packaged raw materials on hand, where the proportions for brewing dill water are written on the packaging, you can prepare the product as follows:

  • place 1 teaspoon of dill seeds or dried fennel herb in a glass or ceramic container;
  • pour a glass of boiled water;
  • leave covered for 45-60 minutes;
  • strain the resulting broth.

Instructions for use

Dill water from raw materials in bulk or filter bags should be given to a newborn three to six times a day, one or two teaspoons. The newborn’s body should adapt to this product gradually, starting with one teaspoon of decoction three times a day.

In order not to accustom a breast-fed baby to a bottle, feed the baby the decoction from a spoon. If the baby is capricious because of the unusual taste of the broth, try giving dill water mixed with mother's milk.

The solution made from ready-made granules has a serious drawback - it contains sugar or additives that enhance the taste. Regular use of this drug causes the baby to become addicted to sweets and increases the risk of an allergic reaction. This dill water is not recommended for newborns under three months.

Ready-made solutions, released in the form of drops, are easy to use. Instructions for use allow adding drops to a spoon breast milk or mixtures for artificial babies or drop the drug directly into the baby’s mouth.

As soon as you notice that your baby is suffering from tummy pain, you should immediately prepare dill water or use ready-made drug. The effect of the product appears 10-15 minutes after application. If you give dill water regularly, the baby’s well-being improves even with severe attacks colic

Dill water good for eliminating colic and preventing constipation. It can be given to a baby almost immediately after birth. Making your own dill water is very easy.

Infants often have attacks of abdominal pain, increased gas formation, colic or constipation. Dill water for babies helps well with these ailments, alleviating their condition. You can buy it at any pharmacy at a low price or prepare it yourself using regular dill or fennel seeds.

Dill water for newborns with constipation

Constipation in babies - common occurrence. Many parents do not want to give their baby medicines V early age. For constipation in newborns, you can use dill water, which is natural and safe. It has a good laxative effect.

Dill water for colic

Increased gas formation or colic begins to occur in newborns at 2-3 weeks of life. Does dill water help with colic? - many mothers are interested. This remedy not only helps relieve the baby’s intestines of gases, but also prevents their occurrence.

How to brew dill water?

For the product to help, it must be prepared correctly. How to brew dill seeds for a newborn? There are two simple ways for preparing this product:

  1. One of which involves pouring 200 ml of boiling water over one teaspoon of dill or fennel seeds, closing the lid and letting it brew for about an hour.
  2. You can prepare dill water in a water bath. Pour dill seeds into a glass hot water and keep them in a water bath for half an hour. After this time, add water to a full glass. When the infusion is ready, it should be strained through cheesecloth.

How to take dill water?

To avoid colic, the baby should drink 1-2 teaspoons of infusion 3-4 times a day. Dill water should be offered before eating.

If the baby refuses to drink dill infusion, it can be added to expressed breast milk or formula.

If colic or constipation occurs frequently in a newborn, the amount of dill water drunk at one time should be increased. You can also increase the number of doses taken, but after consultation with your pediatrician.

At what age can you give your child dill water?

Colic usually occurs in babies at 2-3 weeks of age. At this age, doctors allow dill water to be given to the baby. Fennel and dill rarely cause an allergic reaction. But you need to monitor the condition of the newborn after he drinks the infusion. If tummy problems begin earlier than this period, you can consult a pediatrician, and then use dill water to eliminate digestive problems.

How often can you give dill water to a newborn?

Doctors advise giving an infusion of dill or fennel about 3-4 times a day as a preventive measure. If abdominal pain torments the baby frequently and severely, the number of times you take dill water can be increased. Usually, after 10-15 minutes after the baby drinks the infusion, colic decreases.

How much dill water to give to a newborn?

One glass of brewed dill infusion is designed for a child to take throughout the day.

The first time dill water should be given to the baby no more than 1 teaspoon. If allergic reaction does not occur, the dosage can be increased.

But not all kids can drink at once a large number of medicinal infusion. Therefore, the required amount of dill water must be divided into several frequent doses.

Dill water for nursing mothers

Not only children can drink an infusion of dill or fennel seeds. Dill water is also useful for a nursing mother. In addition to the fact that through milk the baby receives beneficial substances from the infusion to eliminate colic and prevent constipation, the mother’s lactation improves. This remedy has long been known to be effective in improving breast milk production. The infusion from the seeds of the plant should be brewed in the same way as for a newborn. How should a nursing mother drink dill water? Mom can take the infusion 3-4 times a day, 50 ml before meals. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers start drinking dill water on the tenth day after the baby is born.

The intestines, like other organs of babies, are still poorly adapted in the first months of life, so after eating, sometimes children suffer from colic and bloating. Comes to the rescue ethnoscience, namely dill decoction.

To alleviate the suffering of babies, you need to know how to brew dill for newborns from colic and other misfortunes.

Why dill?

Dill is a plant component in which essential oils have medicinal properties:

  • anticonvulsant;
  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory.

A dill decoction for newborns can be a helper not only for the baby, but also for his mother. It has a property that helps enhance protective properties body, and also affect lactation, increasing milk flow.

In fact, the dill used to prepare dill decoction for newborns is called fennel. In common parlance it is called pharmaceutical dill, fragrant dill, garden dill. In the pharmacy you can find a specially prepared infusion of fennel, which helps relieve intestinal spasms in the baby and have a calming effect. This plant component also has an antimicrobial effect.

What mom needs to know

The causes of colic may be:

  • improper attachment to the breast when the baby swallows air;
  • mother's poor diet;
  • insufficient development of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dill decoction for newborns is given in the presence of certain symptoms:

  1. The baby screams from sharp pain during or after feeding.
  2. The attack appears in the evening and lasts about 20 minutes.
  3. The baby pulls his legs towards his tummy and tries to push.

To understand whether it is necessary to give a decoction of dill seeds to newborns or contact a doctor, the mother should start with herself - monitor her diet in order to adjust it, if possible. Doctors advise some mothers to keep a food diary to identify where the problem lies. Sometimes it is enough to exclude something from your diet so that you don’t have to resort to additional funds for the treatment of the baby.

If adjusting your mother’s diet doesn’t help, it’s time for dill water. How to brew dill water for a newborn is not a complicated process. At home, this can be done in two ways.

The first method, demonstrating how to brew dill water for babies, requires purified water and essential oil of fennel seeds. In a ratio of 1:1000, where 1 part is oil, 1000 is purified water, the medicine is prepared. The solution has a shelf life of up to 30 days if kept in the refrigerator.

How to brew dill water for a newborn from dill seeds

Another way to brew dill for a newborn requires caution. Before using fennel seeds, you need to consult with your pediatrician about what dosage to start giving it to your baby. A mandatory requirement is a freshly prepared solution:

  1. Crushed fennel seeds in an amount of 2-3 g are poured into 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes.
  3. The finished infusion is filtered through 2 layers of gauze.

Some parents change the dosage in the recipe - how to brew dill seeds for newborns at their discretion. This cannot be done. The main recommendation from professional doctors on how to properly brew dill for a newborn is mandatory requirementgradual increase number of seeds.

Doctors advise that when brewing dill water for babies, start with 0.5 tsp. This is approximately 1.5 g of seeds, gradually increasing this amount to 1 tsp. per glass of boiling water. In the method - how to brew dill seeds for newborns, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Dill decoction for newborns, the recipe for which requires use fresh infusion, can be stored for 1 day. If the baby is bottle-fed, then it is better not to teach him to drink the solution from a bottle with a nipple, but to give it with a spoon. If the child does not like the taste of the drink, after brewing dill seeds for newborns, you can mix the product in a spoon with baby food.

Dill water should be given starting with 1 tsp. Since fennel can provoke an allergic reaction, you need to look at the child’s skin and his well-being. If nothing causes concern, you can gradually switch to feeding up to 4 tsp. 2-3 times a day before feeding.

The effect of this relief agent occurs within 15 minutes.

Other types of dill water

There are other ways to brew dill water for a baby. There are situations when it is not always possible to get fennel seeds, then grandma’s old method comes to the rescue - 1 tbsp. l. chopped dill, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. The composition is infused for 30 minutes, filtered. The method of application is the same as with seeds.

If folk dill remedies It is difficult to prepare for some reason or the mother is not sure of their effectiveness, you can use its pharmacy equivalent.

Dill water Health

With this type of product, the question of how to brew dill seeds for newborns will disappear by itself. Another name for water is fennel tea. This is completely natural product, which includes only fennel.

Children can drink this tea from the first months of life, you need to start with 0.5 tsp. The way to properly brew dill water for a newborn from Health tea bags is very simple:

  1. Fill one filter bag with 1 glass boiled water, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Squeeze out the package.

The method of brewing dill for a newborn for colic and the method of using tea bags have the same method of application. Any of the ready-made infusions must be used within 24 hours. Dill water is not addictive and can cause allergies only if the baby or mother is highly sensitive to fennel components.

In order for this product to be beneficial, you need not only to know how to brew dill water for a newborn, but also how to store the product and how safe its components are. This tea has it all required tolerances and sanitary and epidemiological examinations. They talk about the safety and naturalness of the product.

Store tea bags at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees in a dark place.

Some mothers, before brewing dill water for their babies, drink it themselves for a while, thereby monitoring their body’s reaction.

Knowing how to brew dill water for a newborn, you can save not only the baby from painful symptoms, but also restore peace and tranquility to all other family members.

But one should not assume that dill water is a panacea for all a child’s ailments. If taking it does not help your baby, you should immediately consult a doctor. The reason may be dangerous to the baby's health.

With the help of dill water you can quickly and effectively get rid of infant colic, but for this to happen you need to know how to apply it natural remedy and how not to cause complications in the baby’s condition. Read these and other tips for preparing and using dill water in this article.

The first months of a child’s life are incredibly difficult both for the baby himself, adapting to life outside the womb, and for his parents, who are trying in every possible way to facilitate this adaptation.

The situation is also complicated by the fact that starting from 3-5 weeks, the baby may experience so-called colic - pain caused by bloating, during which the baby cries furiously and tightens his legs. An excellent carminative that came to us from the past - dill water - will help cope with excessive gas formation.

Beneficial properties of dill water for children

Dill water - effective remedy, which is used to combat various diseases gastrointestinal tract, but most of all she is known active use for newborns suffering from colic.

The effect of this natural medicine consists of relieving spasms, which promotes the release of gases accumulating in the intestines. Thus, thanks to dill water, you can get rid of bloating, colic and flatulence.

Dill water

In addition, dill water helps improve digestion, which is very important for the baby’s immature digestive system, and also has an antimicrobial effect.

Being a natural remedy, dill water does not cause side effects, like many medicinal suspensions used to combat colic.

Video: Why do you need dill water?

Preparation of dill water for newborns

Despite its name, dill water is not prepared from dill at all, but from its relative, fennel. The seeds of this plant are collected, dried and used in the pharmaceutical industry as a digestive aid.

Many mothers use regular garden dill as an ingredient in dill water and claim that it has the same effect as fennel.

The traditional component of dill water is fennel, but dill is also actively used for this

Dill water can be purchased ready-made in the prescription department of pharmacies. But since not everywhere there are similar departments and purchase ready-made remedy sometimes problematic, then a carminative drug can be prepared independently. One of the following components is suitable for this:

  • fennel essential oil
  • fennel tea
  • fennel seeds
  • Dill seeds

Fennel seeds

Depending on what component you will use, there are several recipes for preparing dill water:

  1. Based essential oil- 1 liter of distilled water requires 1 ml of fennel oil, which can be measured using a sterile syringe.
    2. Based on dill seeds - pour a teaspoon of dill seeds or greens with a glass of boiling water and leave the mixture for an hour, after which the mixture must be strained
    3. Based on fennel seeds - 2-3 g of crushed seeds, pour 250 g of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then filter through a fine sieve
    4. Preparing tea - 1 bag of fennel tea is poured with a glass of boiling water and left until completely cooled.

Fennel tea

It is important to use only distilled or special baby water when preparing dill water, because it will be used for a newborn baby.

Video: How to make dill water yourself?

How often should children be given dill water?

Dill water can be used to prevent gas formation and to directly combat it. For prevention purposes, dill water is given to the baby three times a day, and if colic occurs, the remedy is given once at the time of occurrence. painful sensations The baby also has problems with passing gases, which are accompanied by prolonged crying and bloating.

During colic, the baby cries non-stop

The dosage of dill water for infants is the same in any case: no more than 1 teaspoon of the product should be given at one time. If colic occurs frequently in a child, the frequency of administration can be increased to 6 times a day.

How to give dill water to a baby?

Dill water is given to babies from the second week of life. Of course, like this Small child will not be able to drink the product from a spoon, so you can give dill water to your child like this:

  • mix into a small amount of expressed breast milk or formula in a bottle with nipple
  • pour the product itself into a bottle (teaspoon) without mixing with anything
  • try to give the remedy from a sterile syringe

Dill water can be mixed with milk or baby formula

If the child willingly agrees to drink dill water pure form, then it should be given between feedings or before meals.

How long does dill water last?

The beneficial properties of dill water are preserved for 30 days, provided that it is stored in the refrigerator.

This applies to products purchased at the pharmacy, but dill water prepared independently can “last” for so long only if it was prepared under conditions of absolute sterility, which is practically impossible.

For your baby, it is best to prepare new dill water every time - this way it will not lose its properties and will bring maximum benefits.

In addition, the preparation process is simple and convenient, so there is no need to prepare the product once a month and expose the fragile body to danger.

Why is an overdose of dill water dangerous?

  • At least the dill water is completely natural preparation However, its significant use has negative consequences
  • If you give your baby an increased dose of dill water or repeat the dose too often, this can lead to loose stools and too much gas.
  • There is also an opinion that dill water large quantities helps to reduce blood pressure

With an overdose of dill water, colic may intensify

Therefore, you should not overdo it with the use of the product, because immature children's body may react to it differently, and if colic does not go away after using dill water and relief does not occur within half an hour, then this remedy is simply not suitable for the child and preference should be given to other carminative drugs.

Allergy in newborns to dill water

Very rarely, a child may develop an allergic reaction to dill water. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of a traditional rash, red spots on the body, but other symptoms may also occur:

  • vomit
  • flatulence
  • loose stool
  • swelling of the mucous membrane

Manifestation of allergies in the form of pimples on the face
  • If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to stop giving the baby the remedy and switch to another drug for colic that does not contain fennel or dill.
  • Such an allergic reaction may occur due to the fact that digestive system the child is very immature and it is difficult for her to cope with certain substances that are not broken down and absorbed due to the weak production of the necessary enzymes
  • Also, we should not forget that dill, like fennel, is a plant capable of drawing from the soil heavy metals and other substances that are present in the soil on which the plant grows. They can cause poisoning, which will also be accompanied by vomiting and loose stools.

Contraindications to taking dill water

In order for dill water to have only positive effects, parents must strictly control the dosage

The cheapness and naturalness of dill water sometimes push parents to extremes in its use. For example, many compassionate mothers begin to fear colic like hell and, to prevent it from occurring, give the child dill water instead of regular water.

Since each body reacts differently to both food and medications, it is worth considering the possibility of individual reactions when monitoring the child’s condition after taking dill water.

If the mother notices changes in stool, rashes, or strange behavior in the child, the drug should be discontinued and consult a pediatrician.

Dill water is a time-tested remedy that has proven its effectiveness over more than one generation. But lately there has been more and more talk that the effectiveness dill broth exaggerated.

According to many doctors, a carminative can occur from drinking plain water, not necessarily dill. Experts also talk about the greater benefits of raisin water, which contains potassium, which is so necessary for intestinal function.

Disputes about the effectiveness of dill water are baseless if it helps your baby

Whether to believe the assumptions of some doctors or trust the experience of mothers and grandmothers is a personal matter for everyone. If you see a visible effect from dill water and the absence side effects, then there is no reason not to give this remedy to your baby. The main thing is that the mother should feel calm about her child, and that the baby should feel comfortable exploring the world and developing.

Video: Dill water for baby colic. Komarovsky

Methods for preparing and using dill water for adults.

If you ask a passerby about dill water, 90% of respondents will answer that it is a remedy for colic in babies. This is partly true. But dill water is often used in adults. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances.

The benefits of dill water for adults

Usually this water is sold in a pharmacy. The cooking method is different from that intended for babies. Fennel seeds contain a lot of components that suppress gas formation and promote the movement of feces.

Indications for use:

  • Flatulence
  • Tracheitis. With this disease, an obsessive dry cough is often observed. Dill water along with mullein and mallow decoctions suppress the cough reflex
  • In oncology. After rectal surgery, there is often an accumulation of gases that stretch the abdomen and cause pain. Dill water removes gases from the body
  • During lactation. This healing liquid increases the amount of breast milk

Making dill water at home. How to make dill water from dill seeds?

The most interesting thing is that pharmacy dill water is not a decoction or tincture. In industrial conditions, essential oil is extracted from fennel seeds by pressing.

After this, the oil is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1000. But at home it is not possible to use this technology, so it is worth preparing a decoction.

Instructions for preparing dill water:

  • Place 15g fennel seeds in a large container
  • Boil water and pour boiling water over the seeds
  • Cover the liquid with a lid and leave for 10 minutes
  • Store liquid in the refrigerator
  • Do not prepare in advance, dill water does not last long

How to take dill water for adults?

The method of application and the amount of medicine depend on the purpose.

  • Nursing mothers should prepare a weak solution of dill water. It is enough to drink 400 ml of decoction per day. It is better to do this 40 minutes after eating
  • If you have bloating, then prepare a more concentrated decoction. To do this, pour 40 g of dill seeds into 500 ml of boiling water and keep in a thermos for 50 minutes. Drink 80 ml liquid before each meal
  • For tracheitis, pour boiling water over 15 g of fennel seeds and let stand. After this, a decoction of mullein and mallow is prepared. Mix the decoctions in equal quantities. Take 150 ml before each meal

Dill water during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes. The uterus quickly increases in size, which can squeeze and squeeze some parts of the intestine. Accordingly, pregnant women often experience constipation and bloating. In this case, take dill water regularly.

Benefits of dill water for pregnant women:

  • Prevents gas formation
  • Improves blood composition
  • Saturates blood vessels with beneficial substances
  • Removes headache and nausea
  • Improves sleep

During pregnancy you need to take a weak solution of water. 20 g of seeds per liter of water is enough.

Dill water for nursing

  • This simple herb can improve lactation. If you have a lactation crisis, then pour 15 g of fennel seeds into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes
  • Take a glass three times a day. This fluid increases the flow of milk to the glands and makes the nipple more pliable. Accordingly, the baby will not have to suckle at a tight breast
  • In addition, dill water has a beneficial effect on the mother's intestines. Some of the nutrients are transferred to the baby when feeding. The child gets rid of intestinal colic

Dill water for cystitis

During the course of the disease bladder pathogenic flora multiplies. To quickly combat infection, it is necessary to ensure timely outflow of urine.

Benefits of dill for cystitis:

  • Has an antibacterial effect
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Accelerates urine flow
  • Relieves painful sensations

To prepare dill water, it is advisable to use fresh fennel seeds. One spoon of seed is poured into 230 ml of boiling water and boiled for 2 minutes. Cool and take this entire decoction, dividing it into 5 parts.

Dill water for constipation

This remedy can also be used in children. Dill is depressing pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines, fermentation processes accordingly stop. No gas is released. Thereby feces become softer, which allows them to leave the intestines freely.

Use for constipation:

  • Pour 30 g of fennel seeds into 400 ml of water and leave for 30 minutes
  • Strain the liquid and drink 120 ml 15 minutes before meals

How much should you drink dill water?

The amount of liquid you take depends on why you drink dill water.

  • To stimulate lactation, drink 250 ml of decoction three times a day. The period of use depends on how quickly you achieve results. Usually a week is enough to stimulate lactation
  • For constipation, drink 120 ml of solution. In this case, the course of treatment is 1-3 weeks. The period depends on how quickly you feel the effect
  • At chronic illnesses intestines, drink dill water constantly

Analogues of dill water

Dill water is a natural substance made from plant materials. It is characterized by low price and efficiency. There are drugs that act similar to liquid:

  • Hilak. Preparation based on organic acids. It normalizes intestinal flora and prevents fermentation processes
  • Espumisan. This is a synthetic substance that simply absorbs gas, turning it into liquid. Completely harmless
  • Smecta. This drug is a scavenger. It absorbs gases and pathogens
  • Enterosgel. Adsorbent drug. It absorbs bacteria and harmful substances from the intestines

How and why to take dill water for adults: tips and reviews

Dill water is a natural remedy for intestinal ailments.

  • Often used by young mothers to stimulate lactation
  • Dill water is mainly used because it is cheap and natural. In addition, you can drink it for an unlimited amount of time. She is not addictive
  • Using the product you can cure cystitis

Dill water is prescribed for intestinal pathologies. To prevent excessive gas formation This liquid is just perfect.

VIDEO: How to make dill water?