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Hyssop officinalis is an ancient medicinal plant. Hyssop - what is it? Hyssop: beneficial properties, application, photo

IN folk medicine has been widely used for many years medicinal herb hyssop. Mentions of it appear repeatedly in the Bible. The countries of the Mediterranean are considered to be the homeland. Another name is blue St. John's wort.

This plant is a subshrub and belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The stems reach half a meter in height and are highly branched. The leaves are practically sessile and arranged oppositely. Flowering is observed from June to the end of September. The inflorescences can be white, pink, purple or dark blue, depending on the variety.

How to prepare

First of all, it is worth noting that hyssop grass grows in Russia, countries Mediterranean Sea And Central Asia, giving preference to well-lit open areas with sufficient soil drainage. Currently, the plant is increasingly found among the herbs in the apothecary gardens of experienced gardeners and is used by them as a spice. It has a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of a mixture of sage and ginger, and has a slightly bitter aftertaste.

IN medicinal purposes the herb hyssop is also used. It contains about 1% essential oil, as well as tannins, organic acids (such as oleanolic and ursolic), flavonoids and

Blue St. John's wort is collected during the flowering period; only the tops of the shoots are cut off. Then they are dried, laid out in shaded places on fresh air or in rooms with good air circulation. Bunches are then formed and stored in a hanging position. Ready grass can be purchased at a pharmacy.

At the beginning of the 14th century, the famous physician Arnold of Villanova compiled the Salerno Code of Health, in verse, dedicated to medicinal herbs, flowers, fruits. And there it is said about Hyssop:

“The herb that cleanses the chest from phlegm is hyssop,
if it is boiled together with honey.
And they say that it gives the face an excellent color, and is called hyssop."

Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Botanical name: Hyssopus officinalis
Pharmacy: dry leaf extract - Hyssopus officinalis L., hyssop herb - Hyssopi herba (formerly: Herba Hyssopi).
Generic name: Hyssopus
Folk names : blue St. John's wort; forest hyssop, Dracocephalum, bee grass, fragrant hyssop

The Latin name Hyssopus officinalis comes from the Hebrew “esob” (azob), which means “sacred fragrant herb” (although in the Bible this is apparently the name for one of the types of marjoram)

More than three hundred varieties of hyssop are known, of which there are four main varieties, but it is Hyssopus officinalis that is mainly used to obtain aromatic oil. It has other names: common hyssop, blue St. John's wort, juzefka, susop, hysop.

The root is woody. Stems are tetrahedral, branched, almost glabrous or short-pubescent, lignified at the base, twig-like, 45 cm long. Leaves are opposite, almost sessile, lanceolate, short-petiolate, entire, 2-4 cm long and 0.4-0.9 cm wide; apical - smaller. The flowers are small, arranged three to seven in the axils of the leaves, forming a spike-shaped inflorescence in the upper part of the stem. The corolla is two-lipped, blue or purple, less often pink or white. The fruit is a nut.

Flowering grass is used, and only the upper, more tender parts of the shoots should be cut off. The taste of hyssop leaves is slightly bitter and slightly reminiscent of mint.


Hyssop, like many aromatic plants, contains essential oil from 0.3 to 1-2%, tannins up to 8%, glycosides, hesperidin, diosmin, hyssopin, resins, etc. Green hyssop grass, cut before flowering, is rich in ascorbic acid - about 170 mg per 100 g fresh leaves. It has bactericidal properties. Hyssop leaves contain ursolic and omanic acids, tannins, and the flowers contain flavonoids hyssopin and diosmin.

To obtain essential oil, hyssop is collected during the time of mass flowering in the second year of life.
With later harvesting, the essential oil content decreases. A good harvest is obtained within five to six years. Subsequently, it decreases, and the plantation is established in a new location.
The cutting of leaves for future use begins in the flowering phase.
To prepare raw materials, the beveled mass is dried in the shade under a canopy or in dryers, spreading it out in a thin layer. Dried raw materials are stored in dry, ventilated areas.
Hyssop is collected at the beginning of flowering, from June to August. The fruits ripen in August-October.

Hyssop is a good honey plant. . It is used to attract bees during swarming, for which the hives are rubbed with fresh grass. And pests, for example, the cabbage cutworm, are repelled by the smell of hyssop.

Hyssop is known as a medicinal plant for at least since the time of Hippocrates (about 460 - 377 BC), who mentioned him in his writings. It was used by Dioscorides (about 40 - 90), Avicenna (about 980 - 1037) and many others no less famous doctors. For example, in the “Canon of Medical Science” Avicenna describes hyssop as a “hot”, liquefying and loosening agent, and recommends it for use in following cases: for thinning milk in nursing mothers, for “blockages” in the lungs in the elderly, for constipation, as a painkiller, for expelling pathogenic “matter” from the head, including memory loss and epilepsy, for night blindness, for asthma, pleurisy, inflammation respiratory system, for liver diseases and Bladder, at gynecological diseases leading to infertility in dentistry. By the way, it is very easy to feel the hot nature of hyssop. It is enough to chew its leaves to feel warmth in your mouth.

Much later, already in France, the Carthusian monks, based on many medicinal herbs and alcohol created the “elixir of longevity.” The drink was a huge success for its healing properties. The holy brothers constantly improved it, and as a result, in 1764, the famous Green Chartreuse liqueur was born. Recipe herbal infusion is still sacredly guarded by the three abbots of the monastery, but it is certainly known that one of the main herbs used in its production is hyssop.

Hyssop is one of those herbs that affects not just any individual organ, but the human body as a whole, regulating human energy. Light clean grass, which has a strong healing effect. It is sometimes even considered not a magical, but a sacred herb.


Hyssop is mainly used for gastrointestinal diseases and to stimulate appetite, the aerial parts also relieve flatulence and abdominal cramps; they were once widely used for constipation in combination with figs. And its anticonvulsant and weak diuretic effect is used in diuretic tea. In addition, hyssop is also used as an expectorant for dry coughs, bronchitis, severe cold And bronchial asthma. The above-ground parts also serve as a diaphoretic for colds and flu.

Essential oil is used as a tonic and soft depressant when exhausted nervous system. associated with fatigue or depression.
Civil service Germany's health authorities rejected the use of hyssop because healing effect it has not been proven.


In folk medicine, hyssop is used for angina pectoris and gastrointestinal diseases. It promotes digestion and stimulates appetite. Hyssop infusion is recommended for older people as a general health drink. He helps with chronic diseases upper respiratory tract, asthma, neuroses, excessive sweating.
A decoction and infusion of hyssop is used to wash the eyes for conjunctivitis, to rinse the mouth and throat when inflammatory diseases, as well as for compresses for bruises and rheumatism, for wound healing. And, if you have bruises or contusions, it’s time to steam the weed, wrap it in gauze (or another clean cloth) and apply it to the sore spot overnight, wrapping it in a bandage or strip of cloth. The wound can also be treated with this herb.

“The spirit or vapor of hyssop, if you hold your ears over it, drives the wind out of them.” William Turner, 1562

Hippocrates advised treating pleurisy with this herb, Dioscorides recommended it along with fragrant rue for asthma and colds. Hyssop is one of 130 herbs that flavor Chartreuse liqueur.


As for magical properties this herb, then it is one of the main herbs considered anti-demonic - added to a bag of aromatic herbs for bathing, bags and incense to protect against evil forces.
To protect against dark forces, the herb should be used exclusively in the form of smoking or water infusions. Just dried grass or alcohol infusions they won't help here.
The grass prepared in advance must be dried so that, having lost moisture, the grass acquires fiery energy power. The very power that will increase the ability of the herb to drive away not only all kinds of evil spirits, but also bad intentions and evil intentions that penetrate your thoughts. Smoke from smoking cleanses not only a person, but also his home.

In the Bible it is called bitter herbs, and brooms from it were used to anoint doorposts during Egyptian executions so that the Angel of Death would pass by and not take the firstborn, brooms from it were used during divine services by the Levites, the most frequently mentioned plant in the Bible after grapes.

If a child dreams bad dreams, then you can add weed to the mattress padding or prepare a small bag of this weed and put it under the pillow. The smell of this herb will protect a child from fright in his sleep, and incense prepared from hyssop will help against enslaving spirits.
By the way, if you dream of hyssop, it means that serious charges will be brought against you, and if a woman has a dream with hyssop, her reputation is at risk.

A stalk of hyssop placed in shoes protects against evil spirits; a twig tucked into your belt or clutched in your hand can add strength and relieve fatigue during long walking. An intelligent and knowledgeable magician who goes on a long journey always takes a sprig of this plant with him.

Magic recipes


3 parts of rue
2 parts rosemary
1 part vetiver
1 part hyssop
1 part mistletoe
Boil as usual, strain and coat every window and door in the house. Pour the remainder down drains and drains to contain them too.
Don't drink!


The leaves and the part of the twigs that are not woody are primarily used as a spice in hyssop. Spicy, somewhat tart and bitter in taste, they are a good addition to various dishes, improving their quality and enriching them with useful substances.

Fresh leaves with flowering tops of twigs in home cooking added to soups, minced meats and pates. Many people use hyssop when stuffing eggs and sausage. Hyssop is almost indispensable for preparing fried pork, stews, and beef zrazy. It is added very carefully to vegetable and bean dishes. Pairs with cottage cheese dishes (curd pastes). Improves the taste and adds aroma to cucumber and tomato salads, adds piquancy to pickles (use flowering twigs and add in small quantities). It can be used in the preparation of drinks; this is more often done in Eastern countries.
Dried hyssop sprigs are added to almost all dishes, as are dried leaves. The amount of dry herbs per serving is: 0.5 g for first courses, 0.3 g for second courses, 0.2 g for sauces. After adding hyssop, there is no need to cover the dish with the dish, otherwise the smell will spoil. Large doses You shouldn’t get carried away, hyssop is “friendly” to other simultaneous additives from herbs, such as dill, parsley, celery, fennel, mint, marjoram, basil.

Hyssop tea:
2 teaspoons chopped herbs pour 1/4 cold water, bring to a boil and leave for 5 minutes. After straining, the tea is ready to drink. Dosage: 2 cups per day.

10 g of flowers per 100 ml of boiling water and 15-20 g of sugar, take 100 ml per day. Drink for colds, chest pain and bronchitis

Boil 3 teaspoons of crushed hyssop herb in 1.5 glasses of water in a water bath for 30 minutes and add 3-4 tablespoons of red wine. For rinsing with stomatitis and diseases.

Essential oil:
A mixture of 10 drops of hyssop oil and 20 ml of sunflower oil. Pairs well with thyme and eucalyptus. For bronchitis and severe colds - rubbing.

At nervous exhaustion, depression and stress, take a bath by adding 5-10 drops of oil.

Add 5-10 drops of hyssop oil pre-mixed with 1-2 tbsp to a filled bath (37-38 g). l. emulsifier (milk, honey, sea or table salt). Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Aromatization of premises:- Add 4-6 drops of oil to an aroma lamp filled with water and light a candle. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes.

ATTENTION! The essential oil should be used with caution, as it contains the ketone compound pinocamphone, which high doses causes convulsions

Contraindications: individual intolerance to hyssop oil. Use caution during pregnancy and epilepsy. Avoid contact with eyes. Overdose is harmful.

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of medicinal hyssop.

Medicinal plant hyssop officinalis. From the family: Lamiaceae.
Hyssop officinalis- a perennial plant, grows in the countries of southern Europe, and is now cultivated even in gardens.

Hyssop is a spicy plant. Video

Hyssop officinalis. It is a small subshrub, fifty to sixty cm in height, with strongly branching and faceted stems. Short leaves, lanceolate green. The flowers are blue or purple at the top and form one-sided spikes that are approximately ten cm long. Hyssop blooms drug from mid-summer from July to September and exudes a pleasant strong aroma.





Medicinal hyssop root. Photo.

During daily work in the garden or vegetable garden, calluses are wet, after hardening, which they bring. To avoid this it is necessary wipe hands medicinal decoction. Tinctures and lotions of the plant help with joint dislocations; after this, the joint will no longer “pop out”, and subluxations will not form. Two spoons tbsp. Infuse the raw material in 0.5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove from the stove and wrap to keep warm (cook no more than 300 ml per day). Fatigue is relieved by washing the body in a bathhouse.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Will calm your nerves and eliminate fatigue in body pillow filled, petals and hops. Before going to bed, you just need to compact it well so that the medicinal plants are crushed and mixed. Your head will be drowned in a magical aroma at night and you will breathe healing essential oils.

MEDICINE RECOMMENDS HYSSOP MEDICINAL. If you decide to plant in your dacha medicinal hyssop, then you can use it together with thyme reproduce - they complement each other well and get along.

Be healthy!

Hyssop medicinal, treatment with hyssop medicinal. Video

Genus: Hyssopus.
Family: Lamiaceae.
Latin name: Hyssopus officinalis.
Common names: fragrant hyssop, bee herb.

Description, habitat

The medicinal herb hyssop is a prominent representative of the Lamiaceae family. It grows in the southern part of Siberia, the Mediterranean and Asia, central Russia, and the Caucasus. Most often, this plant is found in steppe areas, less often it can be found on dry, gentle hills, on rocky slopes. The order of species of this herb is known.

Hyssop is a subshrub or strongly fragrant herb. As for medicinal hyssop, it is a highly branched shrub, reaching a height of 50-60 cm, it has woody branches. Stems preferably have yellow color, leaves with drooping edges are colored green color, flowers grow from their axils. The latter can have blue, white and pink tones.

Collection and preparation

The miraculous herb hyssop blooms from July to September; upon completion of flowering, nut-shaped seeds are formed instead of flowers. Flowering grass is harvested, only the tender upper shoots are cut off. They are dried in small bunches in a well-ventilated place. Thanks to its pleasant aroma, beneficial properties and tart taste this herb found wide application not only in medicine, but also in perfumery, manufacturing alcoholic drinks. It is known to grow the plant at home.

Chemical composition

Hyssop contains essential oil, tannins, resins, diosmin, hesperidin, hyssopin. Grass cut before flowering is rich in ascorbic acid. Fresh foliage has a strong bactericidal effect.

Beneficial properties of medicinal hyssop

This herb has long been used in folk medicine. Even in Avicena’s treatise, it was stated that hyssop has antitussive, analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Today the plant is used for heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, and neurosis. Hyssop is very effective in treating inflammation oral cavity and pharynx, it is simply irreplaceable for indigestion.

The medicinal properties of medicinal hyssop are effective in chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, with catarrh of the respiratory tract and sore throat. The herb quickly relieves inflammation urinary tract. The use of hyssop does not end there; it is useful for conjunctivitis, rheumatism, and helps with increased sweating, helps to quickly get rid of worms.

The effective use of medicinal hyssop is known in the form of infusions. They are used to make lotions for a long time non-healing wounds, the mouth and throat are treated. Drinks are shown when poor appetite, they also strengthen the stomach and are recommended for older people.

Preparation and use of medicines from hyssop

Traditional medicine recipes

Medicinal and beneficial features medicinal hyssop is expressed in its decoctions. To make an effective potion, you need to pour 10 g of a mixture of inflorescences and leaves into 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. After cooling, strain the broth and consume several times after meals.

To prepare tea expressing everything medicinal properties medicinal hyssop, you need 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs, pour 250-300 ml of cold water, boil, leave. Take no more than two cups per day.

Suitable for treating bronchitis infusion herbs. It is prepared from 2-3 tbsp. l. raw materials and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The resulting composition is poured into a thermos and kept in it for at least 1 hour. A glass of this miracle drink, taken 20 minutes before meals, will relieve severe cough. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Hello, my dear summer residents!

I want to tell you about a wonderful spice plant- . Once you plant on your site, you will never regret it.

This plant first appeared in our summer cottage about 10 years ago. A friend of hers, a summer resident, gave my mother the “root” and told her about its beneficial properties and how to care for it.

We planted it and it grew beautifully for a whole year. And then, due to various other concerns and problems, we simply forgot about hyssop.

Without proper care, even though he doesn't need much, we eventually lost him.

And last year, while leafing through a catalog of seeds, I came across hyssop seeds. Of course, I immediately ordered them and, since then, several beautiful hyssop bushes have been growing on our summer cottage.

And now I never forget to look after them and devote time to them. Hyssop is a real decoration of my garden and a most valuable medicinal plant.

Hyssop is a perennial subshrub with a strong spicy aroma and taste, 50-70 cm high, with small blue, purple or even pink flowers.

In the wild, it is found in Mediterranean countries, the foothills of Altai, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.

In our gardens, hyssop is grown as a spicy and excellent ornamental plant. The popular names of this plant are blue St. John's wort, hyssop grass, susop, juzefka.

Hyssop bushes look very nice strewn with flowers, over which bees are constantly buzzing, since hyssop is also an excellent honey plant.

It blooms for a very long time from June to October, until frost. It is enough to plant only 4-5 bushes of this plant on the site and you will be provided with spicy herbs.

Hyssop is also good because it can be cut for drying several times during the season and it quickly grows back.

Young shoots with leaves and buds can be used for food; they taste and smell very pleasant.

I use hyssop as a seasoning for many salads, vegetable soups and sauces, as well as fish and meat dishes.

It is also very suitable for flavoring liqueurs, tinctures, all kinds of pickles and marinades.

Healing properties

Hyssop is also a very valuable medicinal plant, o healing properties which was known at the beginning of the fourteenth century.

Around 1305, the then famous physician Arnold of Villanova created the poem “The Salermo Code of Health,” which he dedicated to medicinal herbs.

And it contains these lines about this amazing plant:

“The chest is cleared of phlegm by a herb called hyssop.

Hyssop is beneficial for the lungs if it is boiled with honey,

And they say that it gives an excellent color to the face.”

For medicinal purposes, the tops of flowering shoots of hyssop, which are harvested at the beginning of flowering, are usually used.

To prepare infusions and decoctions, you can use them both fresh and dried.

Hyssop is used as a wound healing agent to treat eczema, bruises, bruises and wounds.

For example, to resolve bruises, we make lotions from an infusion of hyssop herb.

To prepare it, you need to place two teaspoons of dry raw materials in an enamel bowl, pour one glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then cool the infusion and strain.

Hyssop is also very helpful for coughs. Pour 2 teaspoons of fresh hyssop herb with one glass of water, bring to a boil over low heat and leave for 5 minutes.

If you are using already dried hyssop, then to prepare the infusion you need to take 2 teaspoons of dry raw material and pour 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain and take 0.5 glasses of this drink half an hour before meals or one hour after meals.

This helps not only to remove sputum, but also to reduce the temperature. And if you add 1 teaspoon of honey to this drink (decoction or infusion), this will significantly enhance the healing effect of hyssop.

The infusion can also be used at the first sign of a sore throat to gargle.

And fresh flowers and hyssop leaves stimulate the appetite.

It is also used for heart disease (angina), neurosis, problems with gastrointestinal tract, for rheumatism, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma.

Growing Hyssop

Growing hyssop is not at all difficult. This plant is extremely undemanding and grows well even on not very fertile soil, but you should not forget about it.

Hyssop reproduces both by seeds and by dividing the bush.

Growing hyssop from seeds is not difficult, but you still need to know a few subtleties.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground or grow hyssop through seedlings. I liked the method of growing through seedlings better.

In early spring, I sow hyssop seeds in the greenhouse in seedling boxes, lightly sprinkling them with soil.

If the weather is still cold and sometimes there are even night frosts, I additionally cover the boxes with film.

When the seedlings have grown and the threat of frost has passed, I plant the hyssop seedlings in the ground in a permanent place.

I dig up the soil for planting in advance and loosen it to a fine lump state.

I plant seedlings in the garden. You can, of course, plant hyssop on a flat surface, but I prefer to plant everything in beds, since it is much easier to process the plants.

The width between the rows is 25-30 cm, and the plants themselves are at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other.

It is very easy to care for hyssop; you just need to regularly weed it, water it, loosen it, and feed it (especially in the first months of life).

If hyssop growth is slow, it is recommended to feed it with a mixture mineral fertilizers(20-30 g per 10 liters of water), but I still prefer to feed with organic fertilizers.

In one place, hyssop can grow well for up to 4-5 years. It doesn’t even require shelter for the winter, although I still mulch it with peat (or other mulch) for the winter - just in case.

Dear summer residents, I highly recommend planting this wonderful plant on your site, I repeat once again, you won’t regret it!