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Laboratory tests for female hormones during menopause. Female hormonal status (LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone, estradiol, DHEA sulfate), blood

Working smoothly endocrine system is the basis of any person’s health. A healthy and stable endocrine status significantly reduces the possibility of problems with blood vessels, skin and some organs.

You need to approach your health assessment in a timely manner. This is the only way to detect and correct hormonal imbalances in time. To do this, you need to know which hormones are responsible for certain functions in the body.

Clinically pronounced hormonal imbalance requires focused research during which a specific problem will be identified. In case of infertility, the hormones FSH and are assessed.

FSH is a standard gonadotropic hormone in the body of every person; its main function is procreation. The hormone is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. The functioning of the sex glands in women and men depends on it.

In women, it takes part during the formation of follicles, as well as the processing male testosterone V beneficial estrogen. The highest levels of LH and FSH are observed in the middle of the cycle during ovulation, this helps determine the activity of FSH - when samples need to be taken.

IN male body follicle-stimulating hormone affects the growth of the vas deferens and the synthesis of protein vital for sex hormones. The level of testosterone in the body also depends on its quantity.

FSH norm in the female body

The level of the hormone follitropin is measured in international units per liter. The analysis is carried out on days 3–5 of the cycle on an empty stomach. This norm is different for men and women. In the female body, the level of the substance changes throughout the entire cycle, so any research must be carried out under the guidance of a specialist.

For women, the norm is as follows:

  • luteal phase – 3–11 mU/l.
  • ovulatory phase – 6–21 mU/l.
  • follicular phase– 1.1–9 honey/l.

If there is not enough hormone in the female body, the following disorders may occur:

  • problems with menstruation;
  • atrophy of the genital organs and mammary glands;
  • infertility.

In women, hormone deficiency can occur due to dysfunction of the hypothalamus, polycystic ovary syndrome and obesity. Often, low levels of the hormone are observed due to insufficient function of the pituitary gland.

FSH norm in the male body

In men, FSH should be in the range of 1.4–13.6 mU/l. If there is a deficiency in the body, it negatively affects puberty. Low level LH and FSH may indicate that there are no sperm in the semen.

Also, a deficiency of the substance may indicate significant problems of the reproductive system:

  • libido disturbance;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • infertility.
  • before donating blood for LH or FSH, you should not eat or drink water for three hours;
  • A few days before the tests, you should not take any medications. There are situations when taking certain medications is simply necessary due to chronic illnesses. In this case, you should consult a doctor;
  • within 24 hours before donating blood, you must refrain from any physical activity;
  • you should decide on which days of the cycle you will donate blood;
  • you need to completely give up smoking and alcohol;
  • after fluorography, rectal examination, Ultrasound and X-ray tests cannot be taken.

You also need to provide the doctor with a list of all medications that were taken in the last few days before the test. The fact is that they can remain in the body and this will affect the results.

Therapeutic measures

Problems with hormone levels are not independent disease. All this is just one of many symptoms indicating a malfunction of the ovaries. Great danger arises in cases where the FSH level reaches 40. Because of this, serious problems with the conception of a child.

Therapeutic therapy consists of taking estrogens. They will help stabilize the amount of hormones in the body. The dosage of the drug must be determined by a doctor. It depends on the patient’s age, body weight and general condition.

Difficulties in treating disorders hormonal levels:

  • drug treatment may cause other health problems;
  • medications for the treatment of hormonal disorders are quite expensive;
  • medications taken orally affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Many medications only help while you take them.

Hormonal levels affect the health of men and women, so it is recommended to monitor its condition. Tests should be done regularly to determine the level of hormones, as well as the functioning of the organs that release them into the blood.

Even the slightest violations require special attention not only the patient himself, but also qualified specialist. Self-medication and indifference to symptoms equally have a negative impact on general condition person.

Hormonal status is the ratio of biologically active chemical substances. HS is considered normal if the balance of hormones ensures a balance between androgens and estrogens. In this state, the processes of menstruation and ovulation proceed without complications. The hormones LH and FSH stimulate the functioning of vital glands that synthesize estradiol, testosterone and estrogens. A GS study helps determine the condition of the pituitary gland and ovaries. Read this topic in more detail to know how to prevent the development of hormonal imbalances.

What is FSH

It is known that FSH is a follicle-stimulating hormone synthesized by the pituitary gland, which performs important function stimulation of biological production of estradiol. Secretion of this biologically active substance carried out in pulse mode, at intervals from 1 to 4 hours. The duration of each ejection is about 15 minutes. During this period of time, the hormone level exceeds average rate 1.5-2.5 times. Knowing the current level of FSH in the body, specialists can determine the cause of hormonal imbalance.

What is LG responsible for?

Luteinizing hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, along with follicle-stimulating hormone. It is responsible for stimulating the synthesis of testosterone and estrogen. LH ensures the normal functioning of the reproductive system. A peak increase in luteinizing hormone levels in women triggers the process of ovulation. Determining this indicator will make it possible to assess the functions of the pituitary gland.

When to get tested

Only your attending physician can tell you about the need to study your hormonal levels. Such an analysis will help detect diseases associated with dysfunction of the organs and glands of the reproductive system. You need to donate blood for hormones early in the morning, on an empty stomach. To determine the level of this hormone in a woman, it is necessary to visit the clinic 5-8 days after the start of the ovulation cycle.

The ratio and norm of hormones

It is known that the hormones FSH and LH ensure the full functioning of the reproductive system only if their ratio is within normal limits. This indicator accurately determines a woman’s fertility – the body’s ability to fertilize. In addition, hormone tests allow high degree accurately determine the condition of the ovaries.

LH and FSH levels

In women, the follicular phase menstrual cycle(first) is accompanied by a significant change in hormonal levels. The FSH norm increases by 2-2.5 times, but this phenomenon is quite natural. After a few days, the second, luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins. The concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases to normal. At this time, the LH content in the blood increases with the same intensity.

Each of these parameters is taken into account when planning pregnancy, but where higher value has a relationship between them. Until full puberty, the levels of the hormones LH and FSH in the blood are the same. Upon completion of the formation of the reproductive system, the PH rate in women increases by one and a half to two times. The permissible ratio of these hormones takes on a value of 1.5-2 to 1. If the decoding of the tests shows a result that is within these limits, then the hormones are normal, and there is nothing to worry about.


The FSH norm in women is between 10-12 international units (IU) per 1 ml. With the onset of menopause permissible level rises. During reproductive age, increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone significantly complicate the process of fertilization of eggs. For this reason, women who cannot get pregnant have to have a blood test for the hormones LH and FSH.

An increase in LH levels in a woman’s body does not always indicate a problem. Such a change in hormonal levels may be a sign of upcoming ovulation. Increased quantity LH begins to be released by the pituitary gland 12-16 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. In men with normal conditions The concentration of luteinizing hormone is constant. An increase in LH levels is clearly a sign of serious disorders of the pituitary gland.


With a low concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone, there is a decrease in natural sexual desire, a slowdown in the formation of vegetation on the body, and the appearance of wrinkles on the body. In addition, due to a lack of FSH, impotence occurs in the stronger sex and the testicles atrophy. Semen does not contain sperm because the body lacks the hormone responsible for their formation. Women with low FSH concentrations face such dangerous problems as a dysfunction of the hypothalamus, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome

During pregnancy, the LH level in women decreases. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal. If there is no talk of pregnancy, low levels of luteinizing hormone may indicate problems with the pituitary gland. For men, a decrease in LH concentration may be a sign of insufficient sperm count in the semen. In such cases, infertility may develop.

Reasons for decrease and increase

Below is full list Factors that can cause a significant decrease in the level of the hormones LH and FSH in the human body:

  • luteal phase deficiency;
  • nicotine abuse;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Simmonds disease;
  • growth retardation (dwarfism);
  • obesity;
  • systematic application potent drugs;
  • Sheehan's syndrome;
  • disruption of the activity of the hypothalamus and/or pituitary gland;
  • Denny–Morphan syndrome;
  • increased concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood;
  • pregnancy;
  • cessation of menstruation after the establishment of a cycle.

Reasons for increased concentrations of the hormones LH and FSH:

  • starvation;
  • stressful state;
  • polycystic testicular syndrome;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • alcoholism;
  • insufficient function of the gonads;
  • ovarian wasting syndrome;
  • excessive exposure to x-rays;
  • endometriosis;
  • intensive physical exercise(often found in athletes);
  • renal failure.

How to increase or decrease luteinizing hormone

You have already learned about what PH is in women. It's time to understand how to correct imbalances in the level of this hormone. After passing the tests at the clinic, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment with hormonal drugs. Choice medicine depends on the nature of the problem. Women are prescribed treatment for hormonal imbalances during an IVF protocol and for polycystic ovary syndrome. Men take hormonal drugs as part of therapy aimed at restoring spermatogenesis.

To solve the problems described, doctors have in their arsenal pharmaceuticals containing estrogens, progesterone, and androgens. These substances help normalize the activity of the reproductive system organs and glands, and also help restore metabolic processes in organism. Provided timely access to specialists, men and women suffering from hormonal imbalances can cope with their ailments within a few weeks.

How to normalize follicle-stimulating hormone

Deviations in FSH levels from the norm can lead to serious consequences, so you must know how to deal with them. In such cases, a simple hormonal treatment, however, it must be prescribed by the attending physician after the examination. As a rule, people suffering from impaired FSH levels are prescribed replacement therapy. Patients are prescribed hormonal medications containing estrogens. Among other things, experts recommend avoiding stressful situations, sleep at least 8 hours a day and eat right.

Video about the hormone prolactin

You’ve learned a lot about what FSH is in women, so now it’s worth paying attention to a reliable remedy that will help maintain normal levels of this hormone. After watching this video, you will get basic information about the incredible effective drug, able to cope with serious hormonal disorders. Listen to the recommendations of specialists, and many problems will bypass you.

IN human body A large number of different hormones are produced that affect the quality of life. Very often, disruption of their interaction leads to infertility or problems with conception. In such cases, doctors often advise taking a blood test for some of them. For example, FSH, LH, estradiol.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

FSH is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It is formed in people of both sexes and affects the functions of the gonads.

Thanks to this hormone, women develop and grow follicles in the ovaries. During ovulation in the middle of the cycle, FSH levels become highest.

In men, follicle-stimulating hormone causes the seminiferous tubules to grow. In addition, its indicators affect the amount of testosterone in the body.

Luteal hormone (LH)

This hormone is also secreted by the pituitary gland.

Due to the presence of LH in women, the process of completing the maturation of the egg and subsequent ovulation occurs.

In men, luteal hormone increases the formation of globulin. Testosterone penetrates better into the seminiferous tubules, which leads to an increase in its level in the blood and the maturation of sperm.


This is a female hormone that is synthesized in the adrenal cortex, ovaries and placenta of a woman. He is responsible for proper development female reproductive system. In addition, it is necessary for normal ovulation and fertilization.

These hormones are very important for normal operation reproductive functions.

Why get tested for these hormones?

Doctors send a blood test for these hormones in cases where any disturbances in the functioning of the body are detected.

For example, there are certain reasons for women. These include:

  • infertility;
  • menopause;
  • suspicions of any diseases of the pituitary gland or ovaries;
  • if hormonal treatment is prescribed to control the required level of hormones;
  • in case of violation of sexual development - too fast or, conversely, slow;
  • for any genetic abnormalities.

For men, there are also certain cases when it is necessary to take tests for FSH and LH. For example, they need to be taken:

  • if there is underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • for infertility;
  • when a child has a delay in sexual development;
  • if there are any problems with the formation or development of sperm;
  • when treated with hormonal drugs.

In addition, specialists may prescribe such tests for other reasons.

When to take it?

FSH and LH levels have various indications V different phases cycle. That is why women are often concerned with the question: “When to take these tests so that the result is most correct?”

The doctor must prescribe the day based on the woman’s menstrual cycle. FSH must be taken on days 3-7 of menstruation. To determine the growth potential of the follicle, the analysis is prescribed on days 5-8.

LH levels are determined in the middle of the follicular phase, approximately 6-7 days.

A blood test to determine estradiol levels can be taken on any day of the cycle. Its maximum amount occurs during ovulation.

There are no such restrictions for men, they can take a blood test to determine their hormone levels any day.

Preparation for delivery

Exist certain rules that must be observed so that the specialist can correctly determine all indicators. For example

  • women should avoid physical activity a few days before the test;
  • smoking and alcohol affect hormone levels, so they must also be excluded;
  • You cannot eat before the procedure. The last meal should be approximately 12 hours before the tests;
  • the doctor must know about all medicines that a person takes. After all, they can also influence performance;
  • Age also has a certain influence on the result of a blood test.

Interpretation of analyzes

Only a specialist should decipher the tests; you should not try to figure out the results yourself.

For all hormones there is a certain norm. Therefore, their level either corresponds to it or differs more or less.

Estradiol norm in different periods the menstrual cycle will be different, for example:

  • in the follicular its indicator will vary from 198 to 284 nm/l;
  • in the luteal - from 439 to 570 nm/l;
  • after menopause – 51-133 nm/l.

If this hormone is elevated, then a woman may have ovarian tumors (testicles in men) and cirrhosis of the liver. By the way, when taking some contraceptives, the level of estradiol also increases.

If, on the contrary, the level of this hormone does not reach the normal value, then the patient may have diseases such as underdevelopment of the genital organs and the threat of miscarriage. In addition, with vegetarianism, diets with reduced content fat, but large quantities carbohydrates, estradiol levels also decrease.

The normal level of follicle-stimulating hormone ranges from 4 to 150 units/l. Increased content FSH usually occurs when renal failure, menstrual irregularities, exhaustion or ovarian cysts. In men, this indicator is increased with hypogonadism - underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

A low FSH value usually occurs with obesity, amenorrhea, high level prolactin, after surgical operations, disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland. In men, this is testicular atrophy, impotence, and lack of sperm.

The normal LH value ranges from 0.61 to 94 U/L. This figure is significantly higher than normal in cases of ovarian depletion, endometriosis, renal failure, problems with the pituitary gland, and fasting. Low LH levels occur with high prolactin, excess weight, if a person smokes or experiences stress, and luteal phase deficiency.

Doctors prescribe tests for FSH and LH at the same time, because their ratio in a person’s blood is assessed. The norm is considered to be their difference from 1.5 to 2.

Specialists will send you to donate blood for hormones if it is really necessary, so there is no need to be afraid of this. It is better to start treatment on time than to spend a long time restoring the body.

Throughout its entire life, the human body produces many hormones, the level of which affects its performance. The ratio of FSH and LH is especially important for the female body. Let's take a closer look at what these hormones are and what they are responsible for. What is their norm in the body and the consequences of insufficient production.

Hormones in our body are produced throughout life and are responsible for many processes. The mental and emotional condition person. Proper production of the hormones prolactin, estradiol, FSH, LA promote conception. They are also able to maintain the balance of the entire multi-level system.

Hormones in our bodies are produced in several stages. The endocrine system and reproductive systems are responsible for them, both in female and male bodies.

These hormones are closely related to each other, and their insufficient quantity leads to an imbalance in the body and affects health. On initial stage two very important hormones LH and FSH are produced.

FSH – “follicle stimulating hormone” affects the genital organs and their development. Due to FSH, follicles in the ovaries grow and develop in the female body. After the onset of the follicular phase, the egg is released from the ovary. In women, the period of the follicular phase may differ, it depends on the physiology of the body.

In men, due to the hormone FSH, the seminiferous tubules grow. Indicators that affect the amount of testosterone in the male body.

LH – “luteal hormone” secreted by the pituitary gland (in the brain). Due to it, the final stage of egg maturation occurs in the female body, after which ovulation occurs.

In the male body, LH promotes an increase in globulin. As a result, the hormone testosterone penetrates well into the testes, which contributes to the maturation of the sperm cell and increases its level in the blood.

In addition to the above hormones, there is one that is equally important and necessary for the development of reproductive organs - estradiol.

This is a female hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands, ovaries and placenta. The hormone estradiol is primarily responsible for the normal development of a woman’s genital organs, and is also necessary, like the above, for childbirth.

Why do you need to get tested: What hormones are tested?

As a rule, when a woman has problems conceiving or is planning a pregnancy, the doctor sends her to take tests for these hormones. They allow you to identify pathology in the body and promptly prescribe necessary treatment. There are many factors to check the body:

  • Problems with conception.
  • Menopause.
  • Suspicions of ovarian diseases.
  • Development of the pituitary gland.
  • When monitored during hormonal treatment.
  • Various genetic abnormalities.

Men are also subject to FSH and LH testing, this occurs in the following cases:

  • Not the possibility of conception.
  • Retarded development of the sexual sphere.
  • Testicular dysfunction.
  • Treatment with hormonal drugs.

In addition, to reveal the full picture, a woman may be required to take an additional test for estradiol and prolactin. Since all female body interdependent on each sex hormone. And to identify a specific reason, for example, the inability to conceive, there is a need to check all hormones: FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol and their relationship to each other.

Ratio of FSH to LH: Hormone norm

To determine the ratio of hormones to each other, blood serum is checked. Throughout the menstrual cycle, hormone levels may fluctuate. The cycle is divided into three phases, each phase has its own specific number of days before and after.

  • In the follicular phase - consisting of the beginning of the cycle and up to two weeks.
  • In the ovulatory phase, the process of hormone production can occur on the 12th or 14th day.
  • Luteal phase – the remaining days of the cycle.

The relationship of hormones to each other is revealed only on certain days of the menstrual cycle. In the follicular phase, a blood test is taken in the morning on an empty stomach from days 7 to 9, and in the luteal phase on days 22, 23, 24 of the cycle. So, the ratio of FSH and LH should normally be in the following values:

Based on these standards, the doctor checks the woman’s actual results, and in this regard can identify pathology, this may relate to the reproductive function of a woman or man, and also relates to the endocrine system.

For pregnancy to occur, it is important correct ratio hormones LH and FSH. For woman reproductive age The normal ratio is LH//FSH – 1.3//2.5 to 1.

If there is a deviation of at least 0.5, then this is already a violation in the body. And then a test is prescribed to check other hormones, such as prolactin, for example, or extradiol. Because their relationship to each other is completely interconnected.

Deviation from the norm: what threat does it pose?

If the initial tests revealed a deviation from the norm. To diagnose the disease, the doctor will write a referral for additional testing. It will be more extensive, since all hormones will have to be checked, these will include FSH, LH, prolactin, extradiol, testosterone.

The blood sample will be examined by ELISA, which can give an informative result regarding the relationship of these hormones to each other. If after this a deviation is detected, depending on the increase or decrease, various diseases are diagnosed.

The ratio of FSH to LH is greater than normal and can be caused by the following pathologies:

  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Ovarian failure.
  • Uterine bleeding.

It is worth noting that the test rate is higher than normal during menopause, this normal phenomenon, and there is no pathology.

Underestimated analysis results may be: physiological norm, or characterized by the following deviations:

  • Weak periods.
  • Inability to conceive.
  • Underdevelopment of the mammary glands.
  • Lack of libido

What factors influence deviation from the norm?

The relationship of homones to each other, their relationship and the normal values ​​of hormones such as prolactin, estradiol, FSH, LH, is mandatory for the full functioning of the body. There are many factors that can disrupt the rhythm of the body.

All these changes are regulated by hormones thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries and pituitary gland.

The connection between hormones and the menstrual cycle

There are several hormone regulation centers in the body.

There are three levels in total:

  • The first is the ovaries. They produce sex hormones that directly regulate the functions of the reproductive system.
  • The second level is the pituitary gland. It produces gonadotropic hormones. They regulate the activity of the gonads - that is, the ovaries.
  • Finally, the third level is the hypothalamus. He identifies releasing factors. These are statins and liberins - hormones that suppress or enhance the secretion of gonadotropins and other biologically active substances in the pituitary gland.

This organ contains more than 20 varieties glandular cells, which are responsible for the secretion of certain hormones. For example, growth hormone ( growth hormone) is produced by somatotropocytes, prolactin - by lactotropocytes, TSH - by thyrotropocytes, FSH and LH - by gonadotropocytes.

Most hormones in one way or another affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, the process of follicle maturation and rupture, and the condition of the endometrium. Because all hormonal processes are interconnected. The level of secretion of sex hormones depends not only on the function of the gonads. They are also influenced by prolactin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, aldosterone, cortisol and other substances.

However, there are only a few hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. These include LH, FSH, estradiol, progesterone.

Depending on the level of hormones, the concentration of which increases in the body, as well as on what occurs in reproductive system processes, the following phases of the ovarian cycle are distinguished:

Follicular phase

Its duration differs significantly among different women. It is the follicular phase that determines the length of the entire cycle, because other phases are more stable. At this time, the follicle matures and the endometrium grows, which is necessary for the reception of the egg. The follicular phase normally lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. On average it lasts 2 weeks. In case of menstrual cycle disorders, the duration of the phase can increase significantly.

Ovulatory phase

At this time, the dominant follicle matures and ruptures. It comes out of it and moves along fallopian tube an egg that can be fertilized by a sperm. In this case, pregnancy will occur. The ovulatory phase is characterized by an increase in the levels of FSH and LH. The duration of this period is about 5 days.

Luteal phase

Characterized by the transformation of the Graafian bubble into endocrine gland, producing progesterone. It's called the corpus luteum. Progesterone provides the conditions for successful implantation of the embryo, preparing the endometrium and reducing the overall reactivity of the body. If pregnancy does not occur, the concentration of LH and progesterone gradually decreases, which leads to degenerative changes endometrial vessels and the development of foci of necrosis in its thickness, followed by rejection (menstruation).


The menstrual cycle is influenced by prolactin. This hormone is produced during lactation. It suppresses the synthesis of FSH and hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing factor. Due to this, follicle maturation does not occur, and lactational amenorrhea occurs.

Normal values ​​of sex hormones in the blood

FSH level

  • Follicular phase – 1.3-9.9 mIU/ml.
  • Ovulatory phase – 6.16-17.2 mIU/ml.
  • Luteal phase – 1.1-9.2 mIU/ml.

LH level

  • Follicular phase – 1.67-15.0 mIU/ml.
  • Ovulatory phase – 21.8-56.5 mIU/ml.
  • Luteal phase – 0.60-6.12 mIU/ml.

Estradiol level (E2)

  • Follicular phase – 67-1270 pmol/l.
  • Ovulatory phase – 130-1650 pmol/l.
  • Luteal phase – 90-860 pmol/l.

Progesterone level

  • Follicular phase – 0.3-2.1 nmol/l.
  • Ovulatory phase – 0.6-9.3 nmol/l.
  • Luteal phase – 7.1-56.5 nmol/l.

TSH levels remain constant, regardless of age and cycle phase. The norm is 0.4-4.0 µIU/ml.

The LH/FSH ratio is also determined. Normally, the resulting coefficient is in the range of 1.5-2.0. An excess of the LH/FSH ratio of more than 2.5 indicates possible development polycystic ovary syndrome or tumors in the pituitary gland.

Tests for gonadotropic hormones

The most important diagnostic value has determination of FSH and LH levels in the blood.

Follicle-stimulating hormone has the following physiological effects:

  • accelerates the development of follicles in the ovaries;
  • stimulates the formation of estrogens;
  • in men – stimulates sperm maturation.

Luteinizing hormone plays a crucial role in the second phase of the cycle. This is what they call the luteal phase. The hormone is responsible for the onset of ovulation. It releases the egg from the follicle and starts the formation process corpus luteum in the ovary - glands that synthesize hormones.

LH, FSH and estradiol regulate reproductive function. The level of these hormones can be used to judge a woman's fertility.

The hormones FSH and LH can be, according to data laboratory research normal, increased or decreased. Let's briefly look at what an increase or decrease in the concentration of these substances in the blood may indicate.

Gonadotropin levels may decrease if:

  • high levels of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin give the pituitary gland a “signal” that it is time to stop the secretion of FSH and LH;
  • The pituitary gland is not able to synthesize these hormones in sufficient quantities, even if the body needs them.

The first option occurs when taking medical hormonal drugs containing estrogens and progesterone. Estrogens are often included in products for oral contraception. Progesterone is prescribed to support pregnancy in the second phase of the cycle. The level of any hormones may increase due to the presence of hormone-producing tumors.

Sometimes the pituitary gland simply cannot secrete FSH, prolactin and LH. This happens when it is damaged. Necrosis of pituitary tissue can occur due to tumor process, autoimmune inflammation, radiation therapy. The pituitary gland can be surgically removed.

One of common reasons its necrosis becomes Sheehan's syndrome. This is a disease that occurs after childbirth. During pregnancy, the pituitary gland enlarges, but its blood supply remains the same. As a result, tissue death of vascular origin may develop. As a result, hypopituitarism occurs - the production of pituitary hormones decreases.

Gonadotropic hormones in the blood can be increased for the following reasons:

  • congenital diseases associated with insufficiency of the gonads;
  • menopause;
  • low ovarian reserve (premature ovarian failure, previous oophorectomy);
  • taking medications (clomiphene);
  • hormone-producing pituitary tumors.

Based on the FSH level in combination with other criteria, the following are assessed:

  • ovarian reserve;
  • predicted ovarian response to drug stimulation.

Ovarian reserve assessment is required for selection optimal method overcoming infertility. If it is very low, donor eggs have to be used for fertilization. If it is reduced, but retrieving your own oocytes is still possible, programs with minimal stimulation are often used or artificial insemination in a natural cycle.

Along with the FSH level, to assess ovarian reserve, the concentration in blood AMH, and also the number of antral follicles in the ovaries at the beginning of the menstrual cycle is calculated using ultrasound. With high FSH, the prognosis for retrieving your own eggs is unfavorable, especially in combination with low AMH and a low number of follicles according to ultrasound.

It is important to determine the ratio of LH and FSH. The ideal ratio is considered to be 1.5-2.0. The worst prognosis for reproductive function characterized by an increase in the coefficient above 2.5 or a decrease to 0.5 and below.

Reasons for increasing the ratio of LH and FSH:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • endometriosis.

The reasons for the decrease in the LH/FSH ratio is mainly because the FSH is very high. Such changes are characteristic of menopause or premature ovarian failure.

Violation of the normal concentration of hormones in the blood leads to infertility, which is called endocrine. In case of menstrual irregularities or impossibility of conceiving a child for a long time, contact the AltraVita clinic. Our doctors specialize in solving these types of problems. They have extensive successful experience in treating endocrine infertility.