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Lipid panel. Deviations of blood cholesterol norms on the lipid spectrum. How to take a blood lipid profile

Violation fat metabolism and atherosclerosis are the main causes of heart and vascular diseases. You can find out the degree of risk of developing atherosclerosis or fat metabolism disorders while there are no intravascular plaques registered by ultrasound sensors using laboratory methods. In this case, a lipid profile comes to the rescue - this is a study of the entire lipid spectrum of the blood.

One of the components of fat metabolism in the body is cholesterol. It is its concentration that reflects the risk of developing vascular pathology. A blood test for cholesterol, carried out as part of a biochemical blood test, gives an idea of ​​the amount of this substance in a person. Data on total cholesterol do not always allow one to draw a conclusion about the presence of pathology. This is where a lipid profile comes to the rescue, which helps determine not only quantitative, but also qualitative characteristics of lipid metabolism.

Who is prescribed

  • Observation by a cardiologist. The test is almost always prescribed for people seeing a doctor for cardiovascular pathology. This does not have to be atherosclerosis - a lipid profile is also indicated for patients with heart defects or disorders of the structure of blood vessels.
  • Metabolic disorders. Using this analysis, we study the dynamics of the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus, pathologies thyroid gland, pituitary gland.
  • Smoking and alcoholism. These dependencies can aggravate all metabolic disorders and themselves lead to metabolic pathologies.
  • Arterial hypertension. Lipid metabolism disorders increase the risk of vascular accidents with high blood pressure.
  • Obesity, physical inactivity. These risk factors for development vascular diseases strengthen Negative influence lipid imbalance on the vascular wall.

If the patient has suffered a heart attack or stroke, then a lipid profile is recommended several times a year. For people with a genetic predisposition (stroke, heart attack in close relatives or hereditary lipid metabolism disorders), doctors advise that after 30 years of age, undergo an examination annually.

Preparing for research: on the way to reliable results

In order to study the lipid spectrum of blood, an analysis of venous plasma is performed. Blood sampling takes place in the morning. In this case, the person being examined must comply with strict restrictions before the procedure.

  • On the eve of the study. It is necessary to refuse fatty foods diet, alcohol and smoking, avoid physical activity, eliminate stress. If you had to drink alcohol, it is better to immediately reschedule the examination to another day.
  • 12 hours before the examination. You can't eat. You are allowed to drink only clean water.
  • In the morning before the analysis. It is advisable to completely relax and calm down. It is necessary to warn medical workers about medications you take regularly, as they can greatly affect the results.

What is a lipid profile: what do the indicators say?

A lipidogram shows the content of substances or fractions in the blood such as:

  • total cholesterol or cholesterol (TC);
  • high density lipoproteins (HDL);
  • low density lipoproteins (LDL);
  • triglycerides (TG);
  • atherogenic coefficient.

Cholesterol is one of the fundamental substances in the body. It takes part in puberty and is found in the membranes of all cells of the body. That is why the liver synthesizes 80% of the cholesterol determined by the analysis. And only 20% of the substance detected by the lipid profile is due to food intake.

Cholesterol is a fat-soluble substance. It cannot be transported by blood to pure form. That is why the body “packs” it into protein containers. Such protein-lipid complexes are called lipoproteins. There are two main types of these complexes:

  • high density lipoproteins- are responsible for the transfer of cholesterol from cells throughout the body to liver cells, they are also called “good” cholesterol;
  • low density lipoproteins- often linger on the vascular walls, which leads to the appearance cholesterol plaques on vessels with atherosclerosis, which is why they are called “bad” cholesterol.

The most important indicator of a detailed lipid profile is the amount of low-density lipoproteins. Since they contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, another name for them is “atherogenic”. High-density lipoproteins, on the contrary, are called “anti-atherogenic”. The risk of developing atherosclerosis depends on the ratio of these two fractions.

There are few triglycerides in the blood; they mainly perform storage and energy functions and are deposited in adipose tissue. However, they are part of low-density lipoproteins and very low-density lipoproteins. Therefore, this indicator must be kept under control.

The atherogenicity coefficient is also one of the important indicators. It is determined solely by calculation and is the ratio various types lipoproteins. Typically, the formula used to calculate it is: (TC-HDL)/HDL. The higher the number obtained, the higher the likelihood of vascular diseases.

When the analysis is normal

The following average values ​​can be considered as a normal lipid profile in adults:

  • atherogenic coefficient - 2.2 - 3.5;
  • TG level - up to 2.8 mmol/l;
  • HDL level - not lower than 1.0 mmol/l;
  • LDL level - up to 3.37 mmol/l;
  • total cholesterol - up to 5.6 mmol/l.

These lipid profile values ​​reflect the norm for middle-aged men.

What pathology does it reveal?

Most often, in the case of pathology, interpretation of the lipid profile in adults reveals high levels of cholesterol in the blood - hypercholesterolemia. If cholesterol levels are elevated, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lung diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • pancreatitis;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • kidney diseases.

But most often hypercholesterolemia reflects the presence of atherosclerosis. Moreover, the reason for its occurrence is not only poor nutrition. Since 80% of cholesterol is produced by the body itself, most often it is endogenous disorders of lipid metabolism, inherited or acquired during life, that cause high levels of the substance in the blood.

What do triglycerides and lipoproteins indicate?

When the concentration of triglycerides in the blood is more than 2.3 mmol/l, this often reflects developing atherosclerosis. Values ​​from 1.8 to 2.2 mmol/l indicate that the body is fine. Triglyceride levels are also high during the development of diabetes mellitus. An increase or decrease in the level of these substances relative to the norm may also indicate:

  • presence of lung diseases;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension.

If an analysis for HDL cholesterol reveals that the levels are lower than normal (below 1.0 mmol/l), this means that the person has atherosclerosis and, probably, coronary heart disease. An HDL lipid profile may also indicate symptoms of hyperthyroidism, hereditary disorder HDL metabolism (Tangier syndrome), hepatic encephalopathy (Reye's syndrome), anorexia, diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver diseases, chronic anemia, excess fat-containing foods.

Pathology can also be determined by testing for LDL cholesterol. This type of lipid profile helps to identify:

  • ulcers;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart attacks;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • kidney disease;
  • intestinal tumors;
  • alcoholism.

Why do you need an atherogenic coefficient?

If the obtained value is less than 3, therefore, the HDL content is high - the development of atherosclerosis is unlikely. If the coefficient falls in the range from 3 to 4, the occurrence of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease is predicted with high probability. If the coefficient is greater than 5, then the risk of developing diseases becomes critical.

The influence of gender and age on the result

Analysis values ​​will differ among people from different age groups, and also depending on gender. Lipid profile norms in women and men can be compared using the data in the following table as an example.

Table - Reference interval depending on gender

Depending on age, the content of the main types of lipids in the body also changes. According to statistics, at the age of 30 years the total amount of cholesterol in women is 3.4-6.3, and after 50 years it reaches 4.0-7.2. After 60 years, the cholesterol level should be 3.5-7.1. The content of all lipoproteins changes in a similar way.

Thus, the lipid profile occupies one of the most important places in diagnosis. general condition health. Using this analysis, the development of many diseases can be determined with great confidence. It is important to take into account the presence of many factors: the patient’s gender and age, weight and presence bad habits or special conditions. For example, the normal lipid profile in women during pregnancy increases very significantly. And for older people, the boundaries normal values will be very different from the expected indicators for young people.

Cardiovascular diseases are currently the leading cause of death in the world. Therefore, the fight against them requires a complex and multifaceted approach, both in treatment and diagnosis. One of the mechanisms for the development of heart pathology is a change in the walls of blood vessels and the formation of so-called atherosclerotic plaques on them. These formations are a section of the wall impregnated with lipid-like substances or fats - cholesterol and triglycerides. The leading factor in the development of this process is the high level fat-like substances in the blood, therefore, as part of the diagnosis of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, a lipid profile is often studied. This research method allows you to determine the amount of lipids in the blood and a number of other criteria for fat metabolism.

Some lipid profile indicators (cholesterol levels, the amount of certain fractions of lipoprotein complexes) are determined within the framework. However, this study does not provide a complete picture of the fat composition of the blood. In addition, if there are signs of atherosclerosis and other lipid metabolism disorders, it is more logical to conduct a highly specialized study than to determine many more not so important indicators biochemical composition blood.

In the blood of a healthy person, cholesterol and other lipids are a normal component - in particular, the cell membranes of absolutely all cells are built from fat-like substances. In addition, it is with the blood that fats are transported from the intestines to the tissues and from the body’s “reserves” to the place of their consumption - as is known, lipids are a very productive source of energy. That's why diagnostic value It is not the detection of lipids in the blood itself, but the excess of their level acceptable standards. At the same time, this indicator can undergo quite significant fluctuations under the influence of various types of external and internal factors. For this reason, to reflect the most correct picture of lipid levels, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  • Eating food, especially fatty foods, should be avoided on the eve of the test. Best to stick normal mode food and simply skip dinner before drawing blood the next day.
  • Strong physical and emotional stress the day before the study is undesirable - this causes the mobilization of the body's resources, which can affect the results of the study.
  • Smoking immediately before taking a lipid profile test also leads to an increase in the level of fats in the blood and a distortion of the diagnostic picture.
  • If you are constantly taking any medications, you must indicate this fact to your doctor. Row medicinal substances, such as some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers, hormonal drugs (including oral contraceptives) actively affect cholesterol and lipid levels.

After the analysis, the main indicators of the lipid profile are determined and interpreted.

Decoding the analysis results

The main blood lipids are cholesterol and triglycerides - analogues of ordinary fats. However, as is known, fat-like substances do not dissolve in water, which is the basis of blood plasma. In this regard, proteins are required for the transport of such compounds. They combine with fats to form special complexes called lipoproteins, which can be transported through the bloodstream to tissues. The absorption of these complexes by cells occurs with the help of special receptors on inner surface vessels.

Taking into account the fact that the density of protein approaches the density of water, and the specific gravity of lipids is much lower, the ratio of the amounts of these two components of the lipoprotein complex affects its average density. On this basis, a methodology was developed. As part of determining the lipid profile, the amount of cholesterol in each fraction is determined (which reflects the total amount of a certain type of lipoprotein), as well as the total amount of cholesterol and triglycerides. Based on the data obtained, another important indicator of the lipid profile is calculated - the atherogenic coefficient.

In some laboratories, an additional fraction of protein-fat complexes is determined - intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL). However, their number does not play a significant diagnostic role.

Characteristics of lipid profile indicators and interpretation of results

One of the main indicators of a lipid profile is the amount. IN last years a lot of materials have been published about its dangers to health and there are still calls to exclude foods high in cholesterol (for example, animal fats, egg yolk) from the human diet. However, there are two sources of this fat-like substance in the human body. One, exogenous, is caused by the consumption of fatty foods, the other, endogenous, which is the formation of cholesterol within the body itself. In some metabolic disorders, the formation of this compound occurs faster than usual, which contributes to its increase in the blood. It is estimated that the role of endogenous cholesterol in the development of atherosclerosis and other metabolic disorders is many times higher than its intake from food.

Not only metabolic changes, but also some diseases can increase the values ​​of this indicator. Yes, when diabetes mellitus a certain metabolic block is formed, which leads to the appearance of a large number of ketone bodies and cholesterol. For this reason, patients with diabetes often develop hypercholesterolemia. Another disease that causes an increase in this lipid profile criterion is renal failure and glomerulonephritis. With this pathology, there is a large loss of blood plasma protein in the urine due to impaired functioning of the renal filter. This leads to disruption rheological properties blood (viscosity, fluidity, oncotic pressure). In such a situation, the body releases compensatory a large number of lipoproteins, which help at least a little to preserve normal indicators blood systems.

Given that increased lipid levels are acute problem global significance, according to WHO recommendations, an international scale was developed for each lipid profile indicator, reflecting the danger of each level. For total cholesterol it looks like this:

  • the optimal value is no more than 5.15 mmol/l;
  • borderline elevated – 5.15-6.18 mmol/l;
  • high value – more than 6.2 mmol/l.

Usually in balance with the amount of cholesterol. That is, their growth at different pathological conditions happens almost simultaneously. This relationship occurs because these two fat-like compounds transport almost the same types of lipoproteins. In this regard, this indicator is usually considered in conjunction with the entire lipid profile, and also as an indicator of the correctness of the analysis. The thing is that in the case of an individual increase in triglycerides against the background of normal or not so high level total cholesterol test is considered unreliable. It simply means that the person has recently consumed a large amount of fat in food, which distorts the test results.

However, international outcome measures have also been developed for triglyceride levels:

  • normal value – no more than 1.7 mmol/l;
  • borderline elevated – 1.7-2.2 mmol/l;
  • high value – 2.3-5.6 mmol/l;
  • extremely high value - more than 5.6 mmol/l.

However absolute values both cholesterol and triglycerides directly depend on the number of lipoproteins containing these substances. And among them there are useful and more harmful fractions. As a matter of fact, it is the existence of these complexes and the peculiarities of their metabolism that owes its right to existence to the argument about the division of cholesterol into “good” and “bad”. Some of them perform useful function and provide fat-like substances to organs and tissues, while others (containing “bad” cholesterol) provoke the development of atherosclerosis.

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) so named because the amount of fat in them exceeds the amount of protein, which leads to a lower specific gravity or density. It is these complexes, along with VLDL, that are considered the main culprits of atherosclerotic transformations in the vascular wall. This happens for the reason that there are quite a few receptors that serve as a landing platform for lipoproteins for this fraction in cells, moreover, most of them are functionally dependent on the work of receptors for HDL. This leads to the fact that when excessive education of these complexes (with an unbalanced diet, endocrine diseases, kidney pathologies) they do not have time to penetrate and be processed in the tissues and accumulate in the blood. At a certain critical concentration they are able to saturate weak spots vascular wall and cause the development of atherosclerotic plaque.

It is the level of this fraction of lipoproteins that makes the greatest contribution to the amount of total cholesterol. Being the most common class of these complexes, in the body of a healthy person it performs an important and useful function of transporting a significant amount of fat-like substances. However, this is only possible if they are adequately combined with lipoproteins of other classes - any imbalance in the system leads to the accumulation of these protein-fat compounds. The international scale for assessing the results of studying the amount of LDL looks like this:

  • the optimal value is no more than 2.6 mmol/l;
  • above the optimal value – 2.6-3.35 mmol/l;
  • borderline elevated – 3.36-4.12 mmol/l;
  • high value – 4.15-4.9 mmol/l;
  • very high value - more than 4.9 mmol/l.

Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) have an ambiguous assessment in the scientific medical community. Almost all experts unanimously consider them to be the main culprits in the development of atherosclerosis, along with LDL, but if it is proven with regard to the latter that normal quantities Since they are a constant and important component of blood plasma, this is not yet reliably known about VLDL. There are opinions that this type of complexes in itself is pathological form lipoproteins - this is indirectly proven by the fact that receptors for it have not yet been discovered. In general, we can say that high values ​​of this lipid profile indicator in any case indicate metabolic disorders. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the “status” of VLDL, international criteria for the safety of their quantities have not yet been developed.

High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are a physiological and important component of blood. It is this fraction of protein-fat complexes that has a pronounced anti-atherosclerotic effect - that is, it not only does not provoke fatty infiltration of the vessel walls, but also actively resists it. This effect is mainly achieved due to the interaction of receptors for various types of lipoproteins. There are a lot of such landing sites for HDL and they are able to “tear off” receptors for other fractions, facilitating their absorption by tissues and reducing the concentration of harmful lipids in the blood. Moreover, thanks to great content polyunsaturated fatty acids, this fraction plays a significant role in stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system. It also contains cholesterol, the “good” part. Therefore, when determining a lipid profile, a decrease in HDL levels is considered a more negative sign than an increase.

In view of this important role of high-density lipoproteins in blood fat metabolism, international assessments of the level have also been developed for this indicator:

  • Low value (high risk of developing atherosclerosis) – less than 1 mmol/l in men and 1.3 mmol/l in women;
  • Average value - ( increased risk development of pathology) – 1-1.3 mmol/l in men and 1.3-1.5 mmol/l in women;
  • High value (low risk of developing atherosclerosis) – more than 1.6 mmol/l in both sexes.

It is a kind of result of a lipid profile, which is calculated after determining all its indicators. Although to find out this value, only two criteria are enough - the level of total cholesterol and the amount of high-density lipoproteins. This coefficient reflects the ratio between the amount of LDL, VLDL and HDL - sometimes it is believed that it determines the ratio between bad good cholesterol, which, in fact, is also correct. After all, structurally and chemically cholesterol is different types lipoproteins are the same and only the structure of these fractions determines where this fat-like substance will be directed - into the tissues or onto the walls blood vessels. The formula for determining the atherogenicity coefficient looks like this:

The normal value of this indicator is approximately 2.2-3.5. An increase in the coefficient indicates the prevalence of harmful types of lipoprotein complexes, which increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Scientists' research has proven high efficiency and the validity of this lipid profile criterion for the diagnosis of many types of metabolic disorders.

A large number of doctors recommend that a lipid profile be determined for all persons over 20 years of age at least once a year. After all, the development of an atherosclerotic plaque against the background of a large amount of lipids in the blood takes many years, but when there are already pronounced changes in blood vessels, most treatment methods are no longer effective. And only timely determination higher level cholesterol and other fat-like substances will allow you to avoid this with fairly simple measures - adjusting your diet, changing your lifestyle. According to experts, a normal lipid profile is the key to a long and healthy life.

Biochemical analysis for lipid spectrum- this is a study that determines the presence in venous blood cholesterol, high, low and extremely low density lipoproteins. Certain body conditions shift the established balance of these compounds, leading to plaque deposits in blood vessels and obstructing blood flow.

A blood lipid test determines not only the risk of disease of cardio-vascular system, but also evaluates the effectiveness of therapy for an already diagnosed diagnosis: myocardial ischemia, hypertension and diabetes. It is also important for monitoring the dynamics of patients on a lipid-lowering diet and patients using cholesterol-lowering medications.

Indications for a lipid profile are:

  • examination during medical examinations for people over 20 years old - once every 5 years;
  • detection of elevated cholesterol in a biochemical blood test;
  • an upward change in cholesterol concentrations in the past;
  • Availability hereditary diseases: atherosclerosis, fat metabolism disorder;
  • in smokers, diabetics, and overweight, increased arterial pressure, and age over 45 years for men and 55 years for women;
  • use of lipid-lowering drugs, adherence to a cholesterol-lowering diet (to monitor the effectiveness of treatment)
  • monitoring fat metabolism in patients with coronary heart disease after myocardial infarction;
  • vascular diseases of the brain.

Important! An analysis of the lipid spectrum is prescribed during the selection of the drug and its dose once every 3 months. In case of positive dynamics from drug therapy Once every 6 months.

How to properly prepare for a lipid test

An accurate determination of the lipid spectrum of the blood will be provided by steps to prepare for the analysis. Failure to comply with certain rules before the study can lead to incorrect diagnosis and false prescription of medications.

To obtain accurate results you must:

  • take the last meal 12 hours before blood sampling;
  • exclude from the menu the day before the analysis fatty foods, spicy, hot and salty;
  • stop drinking alcohol 24 hours in advance;
  • do not smoke half an hour before visiting the treatment room;
  • for an hour before taking blood, avoid physical activity and emotional stress;
  • Stop taking daily medications 48 hours before blood collection.

Important! If the patient uses medicines the cessation of intake of which is unacceptable, it is necessary to notify the attending physician, then he will take into account their effect on the readings of the blood lipid spectrum test.

Deviation of results from the norm is possible if a person experienced severe physical exercise the day before, in case of traumatic conditions, pathology of the liver and kidneys, during pregnancy and the use of beta-blockers, statins, androgens, fibrates and estrogens.

Decoding the lipid spectrum

There are different lipid fractions:

LDL- their composition is dominated by fats. Their protein content is low. The lipid compound is the most dangerous, since it is more prone than others to form atherosclerotic plaques. In the analysis of the lipid spectrum, this indicator displays the total amount of cholesterol (CH) in a person’s blood.

HDL- prevent the formation of lipid plaques, transfer free cholesterol to the liver for processing. An increase in its concentration is considered a good indicator.

VLDL- process the resulting cholesterol from high-density proteins into a low-density fraction.

TG– saturate cells with energy. An excess of the indicator is undesirable as it contributes to atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

The norms for HDL in a blood test for the lipid spectrum are given in the table:

Decoding the indicators of LDL, TG, total cholesterol in the blood lipid spectrum in adults:

What is dyslipidemia

Dyslipidemia is a congenital or acquired disease in which the synthesis, transportation and removal of fats from the body is impaired. For this reason, their content in the blood increases.

The disease has a detrimental effect on the condition of blood vessels, reduces their elasticity, and increases the likelihood of plaque growth. First of all, it is a factor in the progression of atherosclerosis. Accordingly, the condition increases the possibility of heart attacks and strokes, worsens the course of hypertension, and becomes possible education gallstones.

Fatty spots can form on the walls of blood vessels, which over time become overgrown connective tissue accumulating calcium salts. The result of such a “sandwich” is an atherosclerotic plaque.

What are the dangers of dyslipidemia?

The specialist learns about dyslipidemia from the transcript of the patient’s lipid spectrum analysis. Often a person does not suspect an imbalance in the body because the condition does not manifest itself in any way.

Deviations of blood cholesterol norms on the lipid spectrum

for the body normal functioning fats and similar substances are needed. Cholesterol is one such compound. It is necessary for all cells. The main part of it is formed in the liver and only a fifth comes from food. It participates in the structure of cell membranes, but cannot enter tissues with the bloodstream since it does not have the ability to dissolve in plasma. Therefore, carrier proteins deliver cholesterol into cells. The combination of proteins with cholesterol forms a complex - lipoproteins (LDL, HDL, VLDL, LDLP-intermediate).

Low-density lipoproteins break down easily, releasing cholesterol. The higher the concentration of these fractions, the more likely it is that they will break down on the way to the liver and lose cholesterol in the bloodstream. “Abandoned” fat, wandering through the vessels, settles on their walls. Over time, the remaining “stray” compounds accumulate, forming an atherosclerotic plaque.

High density lipoproteins

An extended blood test for lipid spectrum rarely diagnoses increase in HDL. This fraction does not have a maximum concentration. The higher the HDL the better, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and all concomitant diseases. In exceptional cases, a significant increase in the indicator may indicate chronic hepatitis, alcoholism, intoxication, changes in the liver of a cirrhotic nature. Only this compound can cleanse vascular system from plaques and provide atherosclerotic prevention.

Low levels of high density compounds are much more common in advanced lipid analysis. The deviation is associated with diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders, chronic liver diseases, kidney pathology, and acute infectious processes.

Disorders of low and very low density lipoproteins

If the next blood lipid test reveals increased performance VLDL and LDL may be the cause of this:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory process of the gallbladder due to liver congestion - cholestasis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • oncology of the pancreas or prostate;
  • obesity;
  • alcoholism;
  • hereditary factor.

A decrease in the level of proteins in this fraction is less interesting to specialists, but critically low levels may indicate the presence of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, blood oncology, COPD, vitamin B 12 deficiency, folic acid. In addition, deficiency can be caused by extensive burns and injuries.

What does deviation from normal triglyceride levels indicate?

The chemical composition of triglycerides is an ester of glycerol and three molecules of high or medium fatty acids. Most often they contain oleic, linolenic, myristic or stearic acids. Simple compounds contain three molecules of one acid, mixed with two or three.

An increase in the required level of triglycerol in the lipid spectrum indicates the presence of diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, gout, and alcoholism.

Important! TG levels may increase when taken hormonal drugs and birth control pills.

Patients whose diet is insufficient in calories have lesions renal tissue or hyperthyroidism, the levels of a biological compound become below normal.

What should the atherogenic coefficient be?

The blood biochemistry form for the lipid spectrum contains an atherogenic coefficient indicator. The value is calculated using a special formula. Its norm ranges from 2-3 conventional units. Indicator 3-4 indicates the unfavorability of ongoing biological processes. If the value exceeds 4, then the patient requires a fat-lowering diet, periodic monitoring of this indicator on the lipid spectrum, and possibly drug treatment.

The norm of apolipoproteins in the analysis of the lipid spectrum of blood

Apolipoproteins are proteins that make up lipoproteins. The indicator is considered to assess the risk of heart disease. The results of the analysis are reflected as Apo A1 and Apo A2. In a healthy person, the level should not exceed more than 0.9 in men and 0.8 in women.

Lipid profile- This biochemical analysis blood, ​the results of which show the content of lipoproteins and lipids themselves in the blood. Lipoproteins are particles that have an insoluble core and a hydrophilic shell. They carry over circulatory system fats. There is an opinion that fats (cholesterol) cause only harm to the body, since a high lipid content carries a risk of atherosclerosis. However, we must remember that lipids are an integral part of a number of hormones, bile acids, and cell membranes. The functional significance of fats in the body is very high, so their deficiency is just as dangerous as its excess.

High density lipoproteins (HDL) participate in the formation of bile from cholesterol.

Cholesterol- the main fat in the blood, which partly comes from food and is partly synthesized by the liver. High concentration cholesterol indicates the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Triglycerides- neutral fats in blood plasma.

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2. What does lipid profile analysis show?

Lipid profile analysis helps to identify diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and gall bladder, as well as predictively assess the risk of these diseases.

When studying the picture of the lipid profile, the doctor analyzes not only the absolute values ​​of HDL, LDL, triglycerides and cholesterol, but also how these indicators relate to each other, since there is a complex mutual influence of the level of each component on the others.

Considered dangerous increased levels of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins, since these are the components that form on the walls of blood vessels body fat, thereby impeding the flow of blood through the circulatory system, complicating the work of the heart and disrupting the elasticity and patency of blood vessels.

Increased triglyceride concentrations also quite dangerous. They carry a risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. It has been noted that the concentration of triglycerides is high in patients with decreased thyroid function, liver disease, diabetes mellitus, and pancreatitis.

High density lipoproteins On the contrary, they reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Increasing their concentration in the blood plasma cleanses blood vessels, as HDL converts excess cholesterol into bile.

4. Preparation and conduct of analysis

To obtain objective analysis results on lipid profile necessary before donating blood special training. Blood is drawn only in the morning on an empty stomach. The last meal before this can be no later than 12 hours. You can only drink water. It is recommended not to smoke for at least 2 hours before donating blood. The day before the test, you should avoid drinking alcohol. Physical activity and stressful situations on the day before the lipid profile study.

Blood for analysis is taken from a vein and sent to a biochemical laboratory. This study has no contraindications or any side effects. Moreover, its importance is great not only in terms of treatment of an already manifested disease, but also for prevention cardiovascular diseases, which often develop gradually, almost imperceptibly. To all adults It is recommended to undergo a lipid profile study from time to time.

Heart and vascular diseases are widespread among people of all ages. In this regard, research is constantly being conducted on the possibilities of their prevention and treatment. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases is closely related to the search and elimination of risk factors, the most important of which is maintaining normal level lipids in the blood, which include triglycerides, cholesterol, low- and high-density lipoproteins, as well as a number of apolipoproteins. A blood lipidogram includes all these tests, facilitating the selection and interpretation of the study.

Cholesterol is a lipoprotein, and in the human body it is present in the blood and cell membranes

Decoding the lipid profile obtained as a result of a blood test is the task of only the attending physician. You should not interpret the data yourself.

What does a lipid profile determine?

Carrying out this laboratory research, is aimed at identifying several parameters of lipid metabolism, which will be described in more detail below:

  • Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, obtained by the body both from food and as a result of internal synthesis in the liver tissue.
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL or the “good” form of cholesterol) is a complex mixture of proteins and fats used to transport lipids from peripheral vessels and tissues to the liver. HDL prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vascular bed.
  • Low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL, or “bad” cholesterol) are complexes of proteins and fats that transport lipids to the organs and tissues of our body. As a rule, they are responsible for the formation of atherosclerosis in blood vessels, due to the delivery of large amounts of cholesterol and other lipids there. However, they also exist healthy people with normal vessels.
  • Triglycerides – main source energy in our body. Mainly found in adipose tissue.
  • Atherogenic coefficient (AC) is a calculated indicator showing the characteristics of lipid metabolism in the blood. Reflects the ratio of factors that prevent atherosclerosis to factors that contribute to vascular damage.
  • Apolipoproteins A1 and B are components of HDL and LDL, respectively. Their amount in the blood on a lipid profile can reveal a violation of lipid levels at a time when other indicators are within normal limits.

Many people are interested in the question of how to decipher a lipid profile? For this purpose, there are specially defined norm indicators for different ages. However, only the attending physician should interpret the results and draw conclusions about the necessary treatment.

Indications for use

There are special indications for testing blood lipid levels in adults. These include:

  1. Overweight, obesity.
  2. Age over fifty years.
  3. Presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemia lower limbs) from close relatives.
  4. Previous diseases of the heart and blood vessels with ischemic origin.
  5. Presence of risk factors for these diseases: smoking, sedentary lifestyle life, alcohol abuse, etc.
  6. Preventive medical examinations.
  7. Control drug therapy aimed at reducing lipid content.

What is a lipid profile? This is a good method for monitoring and assessing the amount of fat in a patient’s blood, allowing one to assess the dynamics of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment and identify risk factors for cardiovascular pathology.

Preparation and conduct of the study

In order to obtain accurate lipid profile results, the patient must adhere to a series of simple recommendations in preparation for the study:

  • Blood donation takes place in the morning, on an empty stomach;
  • During the previous day, you should not engage in sports or any excessive physical activity;
  • You should not drink for two days prior to the test. alcoholic drinks and eat spicy, heavy, fatty foods;
  • Meals should be no closer than 8 hours before blood donation;
  • It is necessary to exclude smoking and stressful situations during the previous day.

To determine the lipid profile, blood from a vein is used, taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Compliance with these requirements allows you to obtain a correct, detailed picture of the patient’s lipid metabolism. In modern laboratories, studies are usually carried out on special hematology analyzers, which minimize the number of errors and speed up the entire procedure.

Decoding the results obtained

The main lipids in blood plasma are cholesterol and triglycerides, which play great importance V metabolic processes and contained in the body normally. However, all lipids are insoluble in water, so protein complexes - lipoproteins of varying densities - are used to transport them through the bloodstream. They are the ones who participate in the process of lipid transport.

The interpretation of the data obtained as a result of determining the lipid profile depends on the patient’s age and gender. Therefore, each of its components must be considered separately, depending on these parameters.

Cholesterol, LDL and HDL

A key component of cell membranes, determining their stability and the ability of cells to perform their functions. Behind last decades A large amount of scientific material has accumulated confirming the participation of cholesterol in the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis of any location, coronary heart disease, etc.). At the same time, the most important source of excess cholesterol is unhealthy diet with big amount fat In addition, diseases themselves can increase its amount, as is observed in diabetes mellitus or chronic renal failure.

Low- and high-density lipoproteins are the most important “regulators” of lipid metabolism. It is their content in the blood that affects the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. LDL transports cholesterol fatty acid and other lipids from the liver, where they are synthesized, in peripheral tissues. It is there that they can be deposited in the walls of blood vessels, causing and maintaining the atherosclerotic process and causing the appearance of diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, Leriche syndrome, etc.

HDL acts in the opposite way - they transport fats from blood vessels and organs to the liver, thereby cleansing the walls of blood vessels from accumulated lipids. It is believed that HDL is the main factor in the fight against atherosclerosis.

Depending on the age of the patients, the following indicators of the norm of cholesterol and lipoproteins of various densities are distinguished:

At the same time, the indicators of cholesterol metabolism in women are always at the lower limits of the specified norms, which is associated with the “protective” effect of female sex hormones on lipid metabolism. In the table we see that increasing age also leads to an increase in cholesterol and LDL levels in the blood.

When interpreting the results, it is very important to correctly select normal values ​​depending on the age and gender of the patient.


Triglyceride levels are closely related to cholesterol levels. This class of fats is the energy depot of our body and accumulates in adipose tissue. However, released fatty acids can also take part in pathological processes, therefore, the determination of triglycerides is included in the lipid profile.

Triglycerides, like cholesterol, are transported in the bloodstream as part of lipoproteins of different densities. Fluctuations in this lipid are very dependent on the patient’s food intake, and therefore it is important to follow the above recommendations for preparing for blood donation. Otherwise, the data obtained will not correspond to reality and will not have any clinical significance for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of a disease.

Age in years Male Female
0 to 10 0,4 – 1,1 0,4 – 1,2
11– 15 0,4 – 1,4 0,4 – 1,5
16– 20 0,45 – 1,8 0,4 – 1,5
21– 25 0,5 – 2,3 0,4 – 1,5
26– 30 0,5 – 2,8 0,4 – 1,65
31– 35 0,55 — 3,0 0,4 – 1,65
36– 40 0,6 — 3,6 0,45 – 1,7
41– 45 0,6 — 3,6 0,45 – 2,0
46– 50 0,65 — 3,7 0,5 – 2,2
51– 55 0,68 — 3,6 0,5 – 2,4
56– 60 0,7 — 3,2 0,55 – 2,6
61– 65 0,7 — 3,3 0,6 – 2,7
66– 70 0,6 – 3,0 0,7 – 2,7

Normal triglyceride levels also depend on the content of sex hormones, in particular estrogens. Therefore, their number is lower in females.

Atherogenic coefficient

This indicator is not determined directly when conducting biochemical research blood. Its calculation is based on the use of a special formula:

Atherogenic coefficient = (Total cholesterol - HDL)/HDL

The values ​​of this coefficient are used to assess the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and to interpret the content of fat metabolism indicators in the lipid profile.

Important diagnostic criterion the risk of developing atherosclerosis is an increase in the LDL fraction, which is called atherogenic, that is, contributing to the development of atherosclerosis

Normally, the value of this parameter should be from 2.5 to 3.5. If the coefficient is exceeded, it means that the body contains a large amount of “bad” lipids – cholesterol and LDL. This is one of the key parameters of the lipid profile.


Apolipoprotein A1 is part of HDL and is a connecting component between individual lipid molecules. It is this protein that determines the antiatherogenic effect of HDL on blood vessels.

Apolipoprotein A1 binds “bad” peripheral cholesterol and carries it to the liver.

Apolipoprotein B, in turn, on the contrary, is a structural component of LDL and VLDL, causing their atherogenic effect.

Normally, there should be a balance between these two proteins, as well as between HDL and LDL, allowing lipid metabolism to be maintained at a normal level.

So, what is a lipid profile? This complex method biochemical assessment of lipid content in the patient’s blood, facilitating early recognition of risk factors, as well as allowing diagnosis and monitoring of treatment of a number of pathologies. IN in capable hands Medical specialists, lipid profile is a very powerful and effective tool.