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How to determine whether a mole is malignant or not. Dangerous moles

It's rare to see a person without small dark marks on their body. Is it worth paying attention to these points? Only a doctor will distinguish between dangerous and non-dangerous moles - malignant melanoma or harmless nevus - and give recommendations on what to do with them. Should I worry about the appearance of new formations when required? immediate appeal to specialists, what are the signs of cancer development - the answers to these questions remain to be found out. No one is immune from disaster, and early diagnosis will protect you from severe consequences.

What is a mole

The first tiny spots may appear in children in infancy. A mole is a small formation on the skin - a nevus - that is considered benign and harmless. The basis for their appearance is melanocyte cells that accumulate the natural pigment melanin. Depending on its quantity, a difference in color is observed. Available colors:

  • red;
  • black;
  • pink;
  • brown;
  • blue.

The shape of the tumors depends on the location and concentration of melanin. They may have a stalk or be located under the skin, be flat and convex. The most common type is round, but there are exceptions. The development of neoplasms provokes ultraviolet radiation– natural from the sun, in a solarium. Not excluded hereditary factors. Common reason education – hormonal imbalance, characteristic of the periods:

  • puberty;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

What types of moles are there?

One person may discover very different tumors. Types of moles are classified according to several criteria. This helps in correct diagnosis in case of changes. They differ in:

  • origin – congenital, newly acquired;
  • structure – pigmented, vascular;
  • place of formation - in depth, on the surface, in the boundary layer;
  • raised above the skin - flat - even, protruding as a hemisphere, on a stalk, birthmarks bigger size;
  • potential threats - dangerous, degenerating into melanoma, non-dangerous.

Safe moles

Those who have dark spots on their skin should be attentive to their changes. In time, detected signs of degeneration into melanoma contribute to the timely removal of the formation and preservation of health. Without dangerous moles differ:

  • the presence of a stalk – it cannot be formed by malignant cells that grow randomly;
  • long-term condition without changes.

Spots that appear soon after birth are not considered dangerous. It is important that they are small in size. Good – non-dangerous – signs of neoplasms include:

  • flesh tone;
  • unchanged pattern of the skin of the nevus and adjacent tissues;
  • soft consistency;
  • hair on the surface of the neoplasm - growing from the skin, indicates the absence of pathologies;
  • diameter no more than 5 mm;
  • symmetry;
  • nevus in the form of a spot.

Which moles are dangerous?

Why do people with nevi on their bodies need to monitor their changes? There is always a threat of degeneration of non-dangerous neoplasms into cancerous tumor. What moles are dangerous to health? Key signs you need to know:

  • change in shades dark side, the appearance of multicolor;
  • rapid increase in size - exceeds two millimeters per year;
  • occurrence of cracks;
  • the formation of asymmetry due to uneven growth;
  • lack of elasticity;
  • the appearance of itching, burning;
  • presence of discomfort.

The appearance of dangerous moles requires an immediate visit to a specialist to clarify the nature of the changes and the likelihood of developing skin cancer. Pathological transformations provoke:

  • injury to the nevus due to negligence;
  • self-removal;
  • abuse of exposure to the sun, use of a solarium;
  • location of the formation in places of frequent contact with clothing - on the neck, head, genitals;
  • placement in the hair, on the face, palms - where there is a high probability of injury;
  • previously removed melanoma.

Why are moles dangerous?

Not a single person is protected from the sudden proliferation of cells of a harmless mole. Melanoma is extremely serious illness. Changes not identified at the initial stage may end fatal. The provoking factor is unsuccessful independent removal of tumors. Moles are dangerous because of their ability to:

  • transform into an atypical – precancerous form;
  • grow to large sizes;
  • turn into cancerous;
  • for small external changes actively spread metastases throughout the body through the circulatory and lymphatic channels.

How quickly does melanoma develop from a mole?

The transformation of a nevus into a cancerous formation can occur in different ways. The process depends on the stage of the disease and the type of tumor. Instant metastases are dangerous. Begins:

  • height cancer cells into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • their entry into the blood and lymph;
  • penetration into the lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • growth in these organs;
  • complete damage to the body;
  • death.

The growth phases of pigment cells are observed, along which melanoma develops from a mole. There are types:

  • horizontal - damage to the upper layers of the skin occurs, lasting up to 10 years, but metastases do not appear;
  • vertical – accompanied by the spread of cancer cells throughout the organs, can last two years, has an unfavorable prognosis;
  • nodular - especially dangerous - characterized by deep spread within two months.

The first signs of melanoma

The patient can only be helped once changes have begun to be identified. The diagnosis, research, and referral for surgical treatment save a person’s life. The first signs of melanoma:

  • increase in the height of the tumor;
  • bleeding;
  • the appearance of discharge;
  • redness;
  • burning, itching;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • softening of the nevus;
  • the appearance of a crust;
  • thickening;
  • hair loss;
  • expansion of pigmentation around the lesion.

With further development dangerous melanoma observed:

  • significant change in size;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • surface ulceration;
  • formation of new foci;
  • bleeding from places of pigmentation;
  • liquid separation;
  • skin thickening;
  • the appearance of an earthy tint;
  • signs of metastases – chronic cough, weight loss, cramps, headaches.

How to distinguish a mole from melanoma

To recognize which moles are dangerous and non-dangerous, you need to know what they look like. A person with nevi to rule out dire consequences, must constantly monitor the emergence of new formations and changes occurring. You can distinguish a mole from melanoma by its signs. Non-dangerous neoplasm:

  • symmetrical;
  • with smooth edges;
  • uniform in color;
  • with dimensions not exceeding 6 millimeters.

Features of dangerous melanoma that require seeking help from dermatologists:

  • growth over short term;
  • pronounced asymmetry of shape;
  • heterogeneity in color - the presence of inclusions of several shades;
  • lack of clear boundaries - the contour line is blurred, jagged, and looks like a shore on geographical map;
  • increased diameter over six millimeters;
  • variability of any parameters - color, size, shape.

What dangerous moles look like

What do nevi that are subject to pathological changes look like? Only a doctor can correctly distinguish between non-dangerous tumors. Dangerous formations look like this:

  • blue – seals under the skin with clear boundaries, with dimensions no more than 10 mm;
  • nodal – round, flat in shape, color – brown, black;
  • skin – often pale, convex;
  • halo nevus - pigment surrounded by a white ring;
  • Spitz - looks like a dome-shaped tumor of pink shades, with possible presence holes through which blood or liquid leaks;
  • connective - connect individual formations into a whole.

Mole with jagged edges

One of the signs of a non-hazardous formation turning into a dangerous one is a change in contours. It often has blurred edges and scalloped borders. There are non-dangerous types of nevi - dysplastic. Correct diagnosis Only a specialist can do it. A mole with uneven edges can be dangerous if there are additional signs of melanoma:

  • accelerated changes in size;
  • the presence of clearly defined asymmetry;
  • the appearance of highly indented boundaries.

Rough mole

Such a neoplasm is harmless if its diameter is no more than 5 mm and remains constant in size. Often its appearance signals a lack of vitamins and nutritional disorders. Doctors advise coming for a consultation if it is discovered that:

  • the smooth nevus turned into a rough one;
  • bothered by burning, itching, tingling;
  • irregularities and compactions appeared in the middle;
  • areas with different shades formed;
  • diameter has increased significantly.

A dangerous rough mole requires immediate examination if:

Large moles

Skin formations big sizedark spots. When they remain unchanged and do not cause inconvenience, this is a harmless phenomenon. It is important to constantly monitor their appearance, color, and size. To eliminate worries, you need to consult a dermatologist. During the visit, the specialist will conduct a diagnosis and give a forecast of the risk of developing a malignant neoplasm. Large moles become dangerous if they:

  • injured;
  • thickened;
  • started to itch;
  • were unsuccessfully removed independently;
  • changed in size, shape;
  • are bleeding.

What moles can be removed

Often nevi cause trouble for women when they are in a visible place - the face, neck. Even if they don't bother you, using removal will be the right decision - appearance will improve significantly. After the procedure, the doctor must send the tissues for histological analysis to decide whether a mole is malignant or not. If the neoplasm is not dangerous, does not bother you, and does not change in size, surgery is not required. What moles cannot be removed? Experts believe:

  • there are no contraindications;
  • It is important to choose the right excision technique.

You should be careful about skin growths; it is unacceptable to remove them yourself. Only the doctor will determine whether a nevus is dangerous or not and decide what to do with it. You can delete it if:

  • are injured from clothing - on the neck, in groin area, armpits;
  • cause pain when touched;
  • are located under the hair on the head and can be damaged when combing or cutting;
  • change color, shape, outline;
  • significantly increase in size;
  • characterized by the presence of burning, itching;
  • accompanied by inflammation and bleeding.

Photos of dangerous moles

Video: How to recognize melanoma

A mole can be a highlight, a piquant feature on human body. But, along with this, it can represent serious danger for a person. Today it's quite actual problem is the degeneration of moles into melanoma. Dermatologists remind people about this problem and ask them to pay more attention to it.

The rapidly increasing number of melanomas is associated, first of all, with the deterioration environment. It's good that modern medicine also does not stand still and today has quite broad capabilities to promptly diagnose the degeneration of an ordinary mole into a dangerous one, and save a person from this problem.

However, the statistics are daunting. In post-Soviet countries, melanoma is fatal in approximately 95% of cases. Whereas in America and Europe, about 5% die from melanoma, and 95% are cured.

Such a mystery high mortality lies in late diagnosis of this disease among residents post-Soviet space. People are used to paying little attention to themselves, so they ignore dangerous symptoms and often turn to a doctor when it is too late to help. As a result, late stages of the disease with numerous metastases are often diagnosed. And this, you see, does not make treatment easier.

If at the initial stage a dangerous mole (melanoma) can be simply removed (there are many ways for this - laser and radio wave method, evaporation, surgical intervention), then from malignant formation on last stage you can't just get rid of it without negative consequences for the body.

How to identify danger?

There are many moles on our body. Some have dozens of them, while others have hundreds. All of them different shapes and size: flat, convex, light and dark, small and large. This is the norm. The number of moles on a person’s body largely depends on heredity. Very often in children you can notice the largest and raised moles in the same place as the parents. On average, about fifty moles can be counted on the body of an adult, but this number is very arbitrary. Therefore, if there are more of them on your body, there is no need to sound the alarm. You just need to monitor the dynamics of their development. It is also worth noting each new mole appeared on your body.

You should know that in most cases, the appearance of new moles, especially dangerous ones, is facilitated by too much frequent stay exposure to the sun and sunburn.

If you have a lot of moles, you shouldn't spend an excessive amount of time in the sun. Also refrain from visiting the solarium. Believe me, the beautiful chocolate skin tone is incommensurable with possible risk appearance of melanoma. Before going to any sunny resort, it would be a good idea to consult with a dermatologist regarding the permissibility of natural and artificial irradiation.

The greatest danger is posed by large moles, the diameter of which is more than five centimeters. Particular attention should be paid to those moles that have been present on our body not since childhood, but, for example, appeared after next vacation on the sea beach. It happens that melanoma occurs through a small mole, about 1-2 millimeters. But those moles from which a hair grows are considered absolutely safe.

Rule "ACORD"

Here are the nuances that you should pay attention to first when checking a mole:

  • A (asymmetry). A normal mole should be symmetrical. If you conditionally divide a mole by a vertical or horizontal axis and you end up with two unequal halves, then there is a reason to visit a dermatologist.
  • K (edge). A normal mole should have smooth edges, without any irregularities or jagged edges.
  • O (color). It should be uniform and homogeneous. It is worth visiting a dermatologist if the mole is black or red, has various veins and inclusions, or any shades.
  • R (size). Larger moles are, accordingly, more dangerous. It is also worth monitoring the change in size of moles. If a mole grows quickly, this is a sign of potential danger. It is also dangerous when the total body area is covered big amount moles.
  • D (dynamics). Throughout life, moles on the body can appear and disappear; this is considered natural. However, it is worth paying attention to the rapidity of the appearance and growth of the mole. If you think this is happening very quickly, it is worth visiting a dermatologist, especially if the growth is accompanied by the following symptoms: scratching, peeling and bleeding.

If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, you should find some free time and visit a dermatologist. Please note that malignant neoplasms in moles develop so rapidly that in this case it is absolutely stupid to risk your own health. Removing a dangerous mole, diagnosed in a timely manner, is a fairly accessible and simple process, in most cases without negative consequences.

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Comments on the material (28):

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I quote Elena:

Hello! Tell me, please, there is a congenital mole on my thigh, more than 6 mm in size, I injured it with a fingernail for 7-8 years, there was no blood, it cracked over time, but it didn’t cause any particular trouble. Now it’s starting to peel off, pieces are falling off, sometimes it itches or tingles, or my leg tingles, in general, I feel it. It’s true that my leg hurts, or rather the joints in the thigh and sole, could this be somehow connected with the mole? There is no liquid from the mole, the mole even has several hairs, is there a possibility of degeneration, how long can a malignant tumor develop on moles?
Thank you very much for your answer! With uv. Elena.

Hello, Elena.
Moles with hairs do not become malignant, so you don’t have to worry.

I quote Andrey:

He tore up the mole and a new one grew in its place, but it was a little larger, reddish in color and round in shape. Does not hurt. Is there any reason to worry?

Andrey, there is no particular cause for concern, but still it does not hurt to contact a dermatologist, it is advisable to examine the mole.

I quote Victoria:

Hello, Doctor! Please tell me. Since childhood, I had a mole on my arm, about half a centimeter in size. It grew with age, I am 21 years old, now the size is about the same, only the formation is convex and seems to consist of many small hills, the formation is round, light brown in color, but with dark inclusions, covered with small hairs. The mole was damaged 2 times until it bled, and it rubs against clothes, since it is on the shoulder. Six months ago I visited a dermatologist for cancer. He said that he couldn’t say anything 100 percent, but he was almost sure that the formation was benign, but if you detect what is damaged, it can degenerate. Yesterday I noticed that 6 new regular small moles appeared on my back, could this be related? And sometimes in that same mole there is a tingling sensation or a chill or something. Should I go for another consultation or just observe?

Hello, Victoria.
I agree with your doctor. There is no danger. You can observe the mole, but in general, moles with hairs do not degenerate into cancer.

I quote Anton:

Hello! I have a nevus in my left scapular region. Size 7^4cm. I'm 24. Boy. Never bothered. But a few days ago I noticed that its surface was cracked and a liquid began to emerge that made foul odor. A day later the bleeding started and stopped. I turned to oncologists and was diagnosed with DS: D23.5 congenital pigmented papillomatous nevus with skin keratosis of the left scapular region. We were about to delete it. Please tell me: 1. Should I delete it? 2. What is the cause of the smell and blood? 3. What is the probability of degeneration into melanoma after surgery?

Thank you in advance. Anton.

Anton, please tell me how is your nevus? I just have a similar situation

1 2

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In an effort to quickly cure the baby and alleviate his condition, many parents forget about common sense and are tempted to try traditional methods, co...

A mole or, as experts say, a nevus (lat. naevus maternus) is a benign change in the skin in a limited area of ​​the body. This is a collection of melanocytes (pigment cells). They, as a rule, do not have a specific location. Many people worry whether moles are dangerous. Facilities mass media sometimes provide conflicting information related to the origin of moles (nevi). Therefore, all information must be analyzed and verified.

Every person has nevi (on average, about forty pieces). They appear in childhood and adolescence (especially during puberty). It also happens that people are born with moles (statistics: 1 out of 100). They resemble little spots different color: yellow-brown, brown, black. The shape can be oval or round, flat or slightly raised above the skin. These are ordinary nevi. They are not dangerous. It is believed that the appearance of moles is genetic. This process cannot be stopped.

After thirty-five years, dysplastic nevi also appear (in places protected by clothing). These are irregularly shaped pigment spots. The color can range from dark brown to reddish brown on a pink background. They are also not dangerous in themselves.

Sometimes, over time, moles hide in the deep layers of the skin, being pushed to the surface, they begin to bulge. Such nevi are called dermal nevi. When a white rim appears around a mole, this means that after some time it will resolve and disappear. But you need to keep an eye on nevi.

When are moles dangerous?

Due to various circumstances, nevi turn from benign to malignant tumors called melanoma (skin cancer). Beginning quite harmlessly, melanoma in stages III and IV gives a mortality rate of 80%-90%. But we must remember that with timely treatment (stage I), recovery is guaranteed in 95%.

For the degeneration of a nevus, of course, a certain impetus is needed. This is, first of all, excessive sun exposure and skin burning. Systematic ultraviolet irradiation is the root cause of changes in skin cells, and the risk of developing melanoma increases. For example, in Australia, skin melanoma is considered occupational disease for those who work outdoors in the sun.

The reason for the degeneration of a mole can be its damage. If you accidentally injured a mole (with a fingernail, a washcloth, or rubbing it with clothing), consult a doctor. Often the severity of such injury can only be determined by an oncologist.

When to sound the alarm

There are the first signs that should alert every person and force them to see a doctor:

  1. Peeling and itching in the mole area.
  2. The appearance of granules, inclusions, veins, nodules.
  3. Change in color, shape, size.
  4. Bleeding nevus.
  5. The appearance of small formations dark color around the mole.
  6. A purple or blue rim around the nevus.

Prevention measures

In order not to provoke the occurrence dangerous diseases for moles you must do the following:

  1. Wear loose clothing that does not put pressure on moles.
  2. Try to spend less time in the sun during active hours, use sunscreen with protection of at least 50 units.
  3. Systematically examine your body, monitor the appearance of new nevi and the condition of existing nevi.
  4. In case of injury to a mole, it is better to use prophylactic removal.

Removal methods

There are several removal methods:

Surgical. It is still considered one of the reliable methods. Allows the doctor to remove everything and obtain material for histology.

Removal using liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction). This method is good for small formations. The downside is the inability to obtain material for histology research.

Removal using an electric loop (electrocogulation). The method is easy to use, bloodless, there are no stitches, you can take material for a biopsy. Small rehabilitation period. The disadvantage is considered to be an unsatisfactory cosmetic effect. White spots often remain, risking the appearance of keloid scars.

Laser destruction (use of high-energy laser). This method is good for small removals. But it is difficult to obtain material for research.

Radio wave excision (use of equipment generating high frequency radio waves). Removes both small and large formations. Good cosmetic effect. You can take a biopsy. Short rehabilitation period.

Never remove a mole yourself. In any case, a specialist with oncological training should deal with the problem of nevi. Only a doctor can decide whether moles are dangerous. If nevi do not cause concern, there is no need to touch them. Be healthy!

Every person has birthmarks on their body different types, texture, color, shape. These harmless formations arise in the epidermis from melanocytes and grow in clusters. The scientific name of a mole is nevus. This medical term applies to all skin abnormalities. However, these so-called “floaters” can hide the most aggressive malignant tumor – melanoma.

Therefore, you should know what they are and be able to recognize the main differences between benign and malignant. Cancerous transformations most often occur on the basis of pigmented skin tissues.

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What moles are dangerous?

Cancerous moles, like regular ones, consist of melanocytes. But this is an aggressive form of tumor, prone to rapid spread and damage to other organs. In this regard, it is recommended to be careful with such pigmented skin formations as:

Atypical nevi:

From the very beginning, this type does not resemble an ordinary birthmark, since its size is larger than a pencil eraser, its shape is unclear, and its color is uneven. Moreover, the potential danger is posed by congenital formations, not acquired ones. Most of them are inherited and are larger than 1 cm.

Hutchinson's melanotic freckles(lentigo):

Appear as flat spot containing two or more shades of darkening. They are quite common after the age of 50 and are localized particularly on the face. Gradually they become larger and darker, transforming into.

Skin neoplasms of unknown etiology:

Neoplasms that appear suddenly develop very quickly, are aggressive in appearance and do not at all resemble an ordinary “fly”. In 60% of all cases of melanoma, this type of pigmentation functions.

Dangerous moles: signs

Color Changes:

A mole that has begun to change color is potentially cancerous. For example, one-color pigmentation has acquired some other spots around or in the middle.

Height change:

An important feature is a change in the height of the previously flat spot and density (thickening).

Consistency changes:

For example, a mole softens, is divided into small pieces that break off easily, or resemble scratches that do not heal.

Which moles are potentially dangerous?

There are certain categories of birthmarks that tend to transform into malignant form. All of them refer to abnormal skin seals:

  1. Nodal pigmented nevi: Typically brown or round and flat.
  2. Skin pigmented nevi: have a raised appearance, pale color, and sometimes a hairy surface.
  3. Connective nevi combine elements of different formations.
  4. A halo nevus is a pigmented area of ​​skin surrounded by a discolored white ring.
  5. Dysplastic nevus (otherwise known as Clark) is a specific neoplasm.
  6. Spitz nevus: looks like a tumor-like growth on the skin. This spot is pink (but a connection is possible different colors), dome-shaped, prone to bleeding. May have a hole through which liquid leaks.
  7. A blue nevus has one of the shades of blue, shows well-defined borders, any size (but most often does not exceed 1 cm), looks like a lump under the skin.

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The main differences between benign moles and malignant ones

A number of characteristics allow you to accurately determine which moles are dangerous:

Benign formation is not asymmetrical. If you draw a line through the middle, then both sides will correspond to each other. A cancerous lump does not meet these requirements.

In contrast, a normal pigmented spot has smooth, rather than jagged, borders.

The presence of colors and brightness is another exciting symptom.

The formation changes size over time and becomes larger than 6 mm. Noncancerous nevi look the same. You need to be alert if or serves others unusual signals regarding her general condition.

The only way to accurately establish the diagnosis and confirm or refute is to conduct a histological examination of the cells using a biopsy.

Dangerous moles: symptoms of melanoma

Cancerous pigmentation can vary greatly in its symptoms. Sometimes a person is able to adequately assess only some of the features. You should pay attention to what a dangerous mole looks like:

Uneven edges, but a fairly clear border with healthy tissue. Diameter – 10 mm.

Blue-black newly formed melanoma that has irregular borders. It arose from a dysplastic nevus (pink-brown area on the left top corner). Size about 12 mm.

Oncological dysplastic nevus with black distant malignant extension, which was previously absent. It is only about 3 mm.

A malignant skin tumor consisting of three parts: a dark brown area on the left, a red area on the right and a light area on top. Size – about 15 mm.

Photos of dangerous moles on the body

Melanoma in dysplastic nevus: irregular contours, bright color at a relatively small size (1/3 inch).

Transformation of a single atypical pigmentation with the presence of black, brown and pink flowers(1/2 inch).

Tumor formation on the lower back demonstrates asymmetry, color saturation and changes in the borderline healthy skin zones.

Are you unsure of the correctness of the diagnosis and treatment prescribed for you? This will help dispel your doubts real opportunity take advantage qualified help the best of the best and not overpay for anything.

Every person should be attentive to the condition of their skin in order to promptly diagnose and prevent possible consequences that are detrimental to health and life. Remember that if detected early, skin cancer can be successfully treated.

Moles or birthmarks, scientifically called nevi, are either congenital or acquired formations on the skin. They can vary in size, color or shape, and be flat or convex. In some cases, nevi can degenerate into dangerous malignant neoplasms - melanomas, which, in the absence of timely treatment even lead to death.

1. Moles: dangerous and non-dangerous - why do they need to be distinguished?

Of course, not all moles are dangerous, but this does not negate the fact that when exposed to a number of factors, pathological changes, as a result of which an ordinary mole begins to change its shape, color or size, turning into an oncological formation.

Regarding melanomas, you should know that initial stages these oncological diseases usually identified during self-diagnosis. This means that people pay attention to the unusual appearance of birthmarks and other alarming symptoms and seek advice and a more thorough examination at a medical institution. Detection of melanoma on early stages– this is almost a 100% probability of successful treatment, since initial stages usually quite simple surgery, which can be carried out through laser or radio wave therapy.

The more late stage this skin disease diagnosed, the later treatment is started, the longer and more complex it will be, and the higher the risk of an unfavorable outcome. As a rule, at the fourth stage of melanoma, any treatment will not bring a noticeable effect; it can only slightly reduce the discomfort and painful sensations and briefly prolong the patient’s life.

That is why it is very important to know the main signs of malignant skin formations and be able to distinguish them from ordinary birthmarks that are not dangerous to health.

2. Dangerous and non-dangerous moles: main differences

Birthmarks can be either congenital or re-form during life. You need to pay more attention to new moles, since their appearance often indicates negative processes in the body.

2.1. Which birthmarks are safe?

If the birthmark is flat, small, does not bother you at all, the skin around it is healthy and does not change color, if the nevus does not increase in size, then most likely there is nothing to worry about. Safe nevi, as a rule, have the correct round shape and do not stand out above the surface of the skin.

If there is any suspicion of malignancy, if something bothers you or interferes, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for an examination.

2.2. Which moles are dangerous?

And birthmarks that are harmless at first glance may indicate the presence of a serious illness or high probability its occurrence. AND main danger here is melanoma.

To recognize dangerous neoplasms, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Asymmetry of shape - this may indicate degeneration of the nevus into malignant tumor, therefore, if a mole does not have a regular round shape, but a different one, and even more so if it has acquired this appearance over time, this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  • Uneven contours of a birthmark may indicate that it is a dangerous neoplasm.
  • The color of the mole should not change over time. If the color has changed, this is a cause for concern. Grayish or black birthmarks should cause particular concern.
  • The size of a safe nevus does not exceed 6 mm in diameter. Big sizes or gradual increase moles are a good reason to see a doctor and get checked for melanoma.
  • If over time the birthmark undergoes at least some changes, then you should be concerned about an urgent examination. Such changes include bleeding, cracks, crusting, softening or hardening, and peeling.

3. How to diagnose melanoma?

Every person has birthmarks, and regular self-diagnosis for their condition is very important. It is advisable to check whether there are any changes in moles at least once a month. When found alarming symptoms, you need to contact a dermatologist, who, if there are serious indications and suspicions, will refer you to an oncologist.

Doctors usually advise immediately removing interfering and causing discomfort moles. It is better to do this in a specialized medical institution, where after removal the nevus tissue will be sent for histological examination. This will reveal whether the tumor is benign or malignant.

4. Causes of pathological changes

Among the most common causes of melanoma development are the following factors:

  • excessive exposure to UV rays ( long stay exposure to the sun or abuse of solarium);
  • injury to the nevus or constant exposure to clothing and accessories (this is especially true for convex moles);
  • changes hormonal levels during pregnancy, puberty, menopause;
  • hereditary factor (the likelihood of melanoma is higher in those people whose close relatives have already been diagnosed with this);
  • Availability large quantities large birthmarks;
  • People with light skin, hair and eyes have a very high risk of developing skin cancer.

5. Treatment

In the initial stages of melanoma (first and second), treatment usually involves surgical removal neoplasm and surrounding tissues. If necessary, lymph nodes affected by the tumor are also removed. In some cases, radiation or chemotherapy is additionally used. The probability of a positive treatment outcome with early diagnosis and treatment is very high.

At the third stage, surgery is also used along with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As for the last, fourth stage, the prognosis is very unfavorable, with this disease surgically As a rule, only very large tumors and metastases are removed; when possible, a course of chemotherapy is mandatory. But this only alleviates the patient’s condition a little, and nothing complete cure there can be no more talk.

An excellent video from Elena Malysheva will tell you everything about this disease!