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The two-word dog breed is small. Dog breeds are the result of purposeful human work. Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier

If we turn to antiquity, we can identify the main ancestor of all today's dog breeds - the wolf. Scientists have different opinions about the time of domestication of the wolf; according to various sources, this happened from 15,000 to 50,000 years ago. The reasons for the predator's attachment to human groups are not clear. One version says that nomadic peoples used wolves for hunting and personal needs (the meat of tamed wolves was eaten, and clothes were made from the skins). Another version is that wild animals themselves sought food from ancient people. Allegedly weakened and expelled from the pack, individuals independently joined human settlements and were used for the same hunting and home protection. The remains of dogs have been found on all continents without exception, their images are immortalized on ancient bas-reliefs and paintings, which indicates the long-standing popularity of these animals.

Boar hunting scene with a dog, ancient Roman sculpture

The oldest dog breeds formed on Earth at a time when no one knew about selection. These are individuals (aboriginal or primitive) whose DNA is closest to wolves - Akita and Shiba Inu, Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Shar Pei and others. Over time, in addition to native dogs, factory dogs began to appear - bred as a result of crossing animals of various primitive breeds. The formation of most factory breeds was based on inbreeding - intrageneric crossing of indigenous individuals, as well as the identification and elimination of its undesirable consequences (aggressive or fearful nature, irregular structure body, unattractive exterior). Dog selection reached its heyday in the 19th - 20th centuries, when most dog breeds were bred and approved by cynological organizations.

Types of dog breeds

According to the rules of the International Canine Organization, dog breeds can be divided into groups as follows:

    Companion dogs - these animals have become human companions in urban environments. They can live not only in an apartment, but also in an outdoor enclosure. However, all companions need long-term communication with the owner, games, and walks. These dog breeds can be of different sizes, they usually differ good character, gentleness, obedience. Companion dogs include poodles, pugs, and beagles, although most breeds proper education capable of becoming true friends modern man.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

Before purchasing a puppy, the future owner needs to clearly decide on the desired breed and the purpose of getting a dog. It is advisable to study the characteristics of the breeds so as not to get into trouble. The fact is that, through the long efforts of scientists, some breeds initially have a dominant function, aggression, for example, towards animals, wariness and distrust towards humans. Other dog breeds, on the contrary, are soft and cheerful character, the ability to get along with both people and animals. Therefore, the owner, first of all, needs to focus on his own needs and character future dog, and not at all on the appearance of the animal. So, before buying a dog you need to:

    Decide not only on the breed, but also on the size of the pet. A small living space is unlikely to allow keeping large breed dogs (mastiffs, Great Danes, etc.). In addition, many four-legged animals need air physical activity, which is usually only possible when living on the territory of private or country houses with fenced areas.

    Understand whether it is possible to care for a dog that sheds heavily or has long hair. If the dog owner has little time, then get an animal that requires daily care It’s quite unreasonable - both the pet and the whole apartment, covered with a layer of wool, will look untidy.

    Determine the age of the animal– puppies are usually purchased at the age of 2 months. In this case, you can shape the dog’s character by at will, while adult individuals, firstly, will have a more difficult time adapting to a new home, and secondly, will have habits instilled by a stranger(breeder).

    Select the gender of the dog. Typically, females are more good-natured and calmer than males. While males are more active, without proper education they can provoke fights with other animals - both at home and on a walk.

    Find out where exactly you plan to buy a puppy– at the poultry market, via the Internet, in a breeding nursery. The prices of dogs from the kennel seem high, but this is where you can buy a healthy and vaccinated animal with documents, born from dogs without genetic diseases.

    Before buying a puppy, you should make sure its health– look at the condition of the teeth, eyes, ears, palpate the belly, paws, examine the fur, and also be sure to ask the seller (especially when the animal is purchased at the market) about the dog’s parents, its character, and nutrition.

Whatever breed of puppy is chosen, the owner must always be clearly aware of his responsibility, which is: good care(walking, bathing, combing, hygiene procedures), in quality nutrition (natural food or prepared industrial feed), in daily communication with the dog (including games, education and training), in regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian, in organizing the dog’s place (home bed in a quiet and peaceful corner, outdoor aviary with an insulated booth), in own capabilities- a dog always takes a lot of time, it can be naughty and even act contrary to the owner, be disobedient at first. However, the owner’s reaction can be moderately strict; under no circumstances should you hit the dog or yell at it.

A dog is one of the most beloved pets. A man who decides to start pet, sometimes lost in a huge number of rocks. A breed refers to a specific group of dogs that are similar in appearance. All individuals within the breed carry genetic features from an animal ancestor. Breeds are not the result of evolution, but “the work of man,” who bred many breeds for his own purposes.

All dog breeds belong to the subspecies Canis lupus familiaris, which, in turn, stands out from the species of wolves of the canine family. Characteristics of each breed are obtained as a result of selection. It is worth noting that dog breeds are not a category recognized by biological classification.

Interesting! The concept of breed does not apply to wild animals. It is correlated with the concept of subspecies, race, population in the classification of wild relatives of dogs.

All dog breeds have the following traits:

  • the composition of each breed is a certain number of individual animals that pass on morphological and beneficial properties for humans from generation to generation;
  • dogs of the same breed are similar to each other in appearance and behavior, since they are descendants of the same set of ancestors, which were artificially selected by humans during the selection process;
  • The dog's belonging to its breed is confirmed during genetic analysis or its written registration of its origin. Stud books are the name given to records kept by organizations, dog lovers clubs or individuals;
  • A dog breed is the result of animal domestication by humans. By working on a breed, a person can change it in the desired direction.

There are about 400 dog breeds on the globe. The number of animals within the breed is very diverse. There are breeds with a huge number of dogs distributed throughout the world, for example, German Shepherds, Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas. There are breeds that can number several dozen individuals, or dogs that are popular only in a certain area. So, Tibetan mastiffs You rarely meet acquaintances or friends on the streets or as pets. These animals guard monasteries in Tibet. A Portuguese water dog rarely seen even in Portugal. At the beginning of the last century, this breed was even on the verge of extinction, but thanks to the enthusiasm of one Portuguese businessman, a breeding program began.

What is a native dog breed?

An important condition for identifying a breed is its recognition by any canine service or dog lovers club. But there are groups of dogs for which no targeted breeding work has been carried out. These are the so-called natural, native dog breeds.

The appearance of specific characteristics of their exterior and behavior became possible due to the action of specific conditions. external environment influencing over a long period of time. The difference between these breeds is that they are not officially registered and documented, and are identified only by external signs and functions. Some native breeds have been recognized by canine organizations over time. This happened with the breed " alabai": she ceased to be aboriginal when she was recognized by dog ​​handlers as “ Central asian shepherd dog " This is one of the most ancient breeds that arose as a result of unconscious natural selection of folk selection. Alabai dogs appeared 4 thousand years ago and served to protect livestock and houses.

What distinguishes native dog breeds?

  • some experts note in similar breeds the absence of such traits as adaptation to urban conditions and sexual dimorphism (external anatomical differences between males and females);
  • the greatest genetic diversity and minimal corruption by human intervention is an advantage over selective breeds. The loss of genetic diversity has played a cruel joke on breeds that have been subjected to strong selection. Hereditary diseases and defects at the genetic level are one of their recognized problems.

Classification of breeds. Photos of dogs as evidence of the diversity of breeds

The classification of dog breeds is based on similarities in appearance and functions. After domestication, the first dogs helped humans in hunting and guarding homes. Guard and hunting breeds appeared earlier than decorative ones.

In modern times, the division into groups: guard, hunting and decorative is conditional. Thus, many hunting dogs have long become pets, that is, they perform a decorative function. And some hunting breeds are used, for example, in social sphere or the police.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale divides the existing 400 dog breeds into 10 groups. Specialists of the Russian Cynological Federation, which is a member of the IFF, adhere to the same principle.

  • Group 1. Sheepdogs and cattle dogs with the exception of Swiss cattle dogs

Representatives of these breeds are intended to guard livestock. First herding dogs appeared in the nomadic tribes of Asia. Their main function was to protect livestock from wild animals. After dog breeds became known in Europe, residents Western countries decided to improve the breed. So, collie dogs provide assistance not only in pastures, but can also look after children.

  • Group 2. Pinscher, Schnauzer, Molosser, Swiss Cattle Dog

This is a large and diverse group that includes dogs that perform security and combat functions. Molossians (Mastiffs and Great Danes) were used as bodyguards.

  • Group 3. Terriers

The group's name comes from Latin word terra, meaning "earth". It reflects the specificity of the breeds in this group: they are intended for hunting underground, in burrows. Conventionally, all breeds of the 3rd group can be divided into 4 sections:

  • toy terriers, literally toy terriers;
  • small bull terriers;
  • medium and large terriers.

Within one group there is a wide variety of sizes. Thus, Airedale terriers, not for nothing called the kings of terriers, have a height at the withers of up to 60 cm, and Yorkshire Terrier It is distinguished by its tiny size, giving it a resemblance to house slippers.

All representatives of the Terrier group, despite their size, are characterized by incredible selflessness in the hunt, passion and perseverance in the face of opponents larger than them in size.

  • Group 4. Dachshunds

The word "dachshund" means "badger dog" in German. The breed began to be bred in the 16th century in Germany. Within the group, there are three sections of dachshunds: standard, miniature, and rabbit. According to the characteristics of the coat, short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired individuals are distinguished.

Brave, independent, with protective qualities– these are the exact epithets that can be applied to a dachshund. It is indispensable when hunting badgers, foxes and raccoons.

  • Group 5. Spitz and primitive breeds

The large group includes northern guard and herding dogs, northern hunting and sled dogs, Asian and European Spitz dogs. The group also includes 3 sections of primitive dogs, which are quite rare, for example, the Thai Ridgeback, the Podenco and the Canaan dog.

  • Group 6. Hounds and related breeds

The group includes a large number of hunting breeds, the main purpose of which is to find the trail of game and pursue until the pursued object is exhausted and until the owner catches up with it.

Hounds are characterized by loyalty, persistence in pursuit, loud barking, good scent and obedience.

  • Group 7. Pointing dogs

The group includes:

  • island cops, for example, English breeds: pointers, setters, Irish and Scottish setters;
  • continental. They are characterized by their origin in a specific country. Thus, in France there are 12 breeds of pointers, and in Germany – 8 breeds. In Russia, the most famous and widespread breeds are the German Shorthaired Pointer and Drathaar, the Hungarian Vizsla and Pointing Dog, and the Epaniol Breton.

The purpose of pointing dogs is to help in hunting and detecting game birds. All cops have a dry, strong constitution, have an average height of up to 70 cm, with drooping ears.

  • Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs

One of the most famous retrievers in the world is the Labrador Retriever. He, together with golden retriever, Flat-Coated Retriever, Chesabick Bay Retriever and Curly-Coated Retriever make up the 1st section of the group. The group also includes spaniels: German, American cocker, Clumber Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel (section 2). Section 3 consists of Lagotto Romagnolo (Italian water dog). It is worth noting that Russian hunting spaniel not recognized by the IFF.

Dogs of these breeds are designed to bring killed game from the water to their owners.

  • Group 9. Toy and companion dogs

It includes dogs of small stature and characterized by a strong attachment to humans. Among them: pugs, bichons, lapdogs, poodles, chihuahuas, Pekingese, Japanese Chins. Every country can boast of breeds decorative dogs, bred there.

These breeds are not intended for official purposes; their main task is to brighten up the leisure time of their owners, delight them and give positive emotions.

  • Group 10. Greyhounds

Breeds of greyhound dogs include hunting hunting animals intended for unarmed hunting: Saluki, Afghan hound, Irish wolfhound, Spanish Greyhound, Polish Greyhound.

They are distinguished by dry muscles, thin legs, a long body, and a long sharp muzzle. They can pursue prey for a long time: ungulates, wolves, hares, foxes - in open areas due to their endurance and high speed running.

In modern times, when hound hunting is rare, greyhounds take part in competitions, for example, chasing mechanical hares.

In the photos of all dog breeds presented on the site, you can get acquainted with all the diversity amazing world dogs.

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To choose four-legged friend you need to take it seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses. The chosen breed of dog determines its character, ability to train, and susceptibility to diseases.

Defining goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you are buying it. You choose pet, watchdog or companion? Answer yourself a number of questions that will help you choose the breed of your four-legged pet:

Choosing the gender of the dog

When purchasing a pet, keep in mind important nuance: Males and females require different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train and more flexible. However, bitches cause a lot of trouble to their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancy. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider having your dog spayed.

Males are emotionally more persistent, strive to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict education. Dogs show an active interest in females all year round.

Pet age

To purchase a puppy or adult dog has its pros and cons. The baby must be educated, accustom him to hygiene procedures, toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the behavioral norms you have instilled.

A well-mannered, mature dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or chew your shoes. But getting used to the new owners and home can be long and painful. The dog may yearn for its previous owners, refuse to eat and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for your new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected result.

Dogs are guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. So, hunting dogs are completely unadapted to this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings towards all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

The following are great for protecting a private home:

They do an excellent job of securing the apartment:

Dogs for hunting

If you choose a four-legged friend for hunting together, then choose a pet of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept in both big house, and in a city apartment. Since they are hyperactive, they need daily active long walks.

Decorative dogs

Pets ornamental breeds ideal for apartment living. Most dogs are small in size and friendly in nature. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dog, need training. They need to instill basic behavioral skills.

When choosing a pet, study the characteristics of a particular breed, rules for caring for puppies, and susceptibility to diseases. Treat this issue wisely and then you will gain a devoted and loving friend.

What breed of dog to choose

Breeds, as researchers found, began to emerge after breeders tried to combine animals with the same abilities. Of course, they also paid attention to the dog’s appearance. By the way, this can be confirmed if you see puppies that were bred in Greece, in Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and not only.

Usually a person chooses a breed based on the following characteristics:

  • size;
  • body type;
  • head shape;
  • ear shape;
  • color;
  • nose shape;
  • leg length;
  • ear length;
  • wool length;
  • character.

Therefore in modern world such a large number of breeds.

How to choose a breed

To choose a breed, you need to be guided not only appearance an animal that can be very deceptive. Getting a four-legged friend of a certain breed is a must correct and thoughtful decision.

The breed of dog that you choose for yourself should be one that suits the rhythm of life that you follow. And also, you need to find out all the information about what inclinations your future pet has, which you have chosen, and about what is the way to keep it.

In the modern world of dog breeding, there are a huge number of breeds, among which are popular designer, rare and hybrids. There are many sites on the Internet where all dog breeds are listed with photographs and names, and they are also necessarily placed in alphabetical order and an exact description is given for each such note.

Experienced dog breeders believe that in order to get this animal, it is necessary to choose a breed that, in its activity, corresponds to the activity of the owner himself. Therefore, when purchasing a pet, you should consider a few simple but very important rules:

  • Decide whether you need a dog.
  • What breeds of dogs are there and what kind of puppy would you like to buy.
  • How tall would you like your pet to be?
  • You cannot get a dog under the age of 10, since such a person is still small and not independent.
  • The breed of a dog affects its behavior. It is necessary to choose a four-legged friend that would be suitable for the whole family. For example, Japanese puppies Ideal for home use.
  • It is also worth considering the habitat: city or countryside.

Breeds and types of popular dogs

Today in the modern world there are more than 450 breeds of dogs, which are divided into different groups: official; decorative; hunting Let us dwell in more detail on the breeds that are now considered the most popular among dog breeders.

Dogs no specific breed. The first animals that people domesticated around the 22nd millennium BC were wolves, which later became dogs. They helped humans in hunting, and then became excellent guards.

East – european shepherd came from German Shepherds. Now it is being reborn. The animal is classified as a service animal. By the way, any weather conditions are easily tolerated, but performance is always increased. The height with the withers is equal for a girl - 62-72 centimeters, and for a boy - 66-76 centimeters, and the weight for a female is 50 kilograms, and for a dog - 50 kilograms.

German Shepherd. In the 19th century, it was bred by Captain von Stefanitz by crossing shepherd dogs from different areas Germany. During the wars, she managed to establish herself as a brave assistant. The character is calm and balanced, a kind and sincere animal. This reliable protection and security.

Rottweiler. A hardy and balanced character is inherent in animals with a courageous appearance. Devotees and faithful dogs have been very popular lately.

Yorkshire Terrier. This lap dog was bred in the 19th century in England. The name of the breed comes from the area where it was bred.

Labrador Retriever. It is distinguished by thick but short black hair, and has floppy ears. This breed, brought to Russia at the end of the 20th century, is considered a hunting breed.

The Pekingese is considered not only a dog of Japanese origin, but also one of the oldest breeds. Her character is independent and confident. The dog is energetic, but most importantly, devoted and faithful. An animal of this breed is considered an excellent watchdog.

German boxer. This breed has been formed over many centuries, its original origin was associated with the ancient Littles. Then the Germans started breeding it.

Such animals were bred specifically for dog fighting, and after their ban, its popularity did not decrease. The coat of an animal of this breed is short, close-fitting, and most often brindle in color. The Boxer is considered an excellent guard and service dog.