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How to get a sore throat at home. Getting a sore throat quickly: a list of “harmful” tips

Acute tonsillitis, also known as a disease, is familiar to everyone. There is probably no such disease that is so well known among the general public. Sore throat manifests itself in various forms course and requires immediate treatment. Therefore, it is very important to know how you can get tonsillitis, how to treat it, diagnose it, and what to use in therapy.

is a disease caused by infection and manifests itself in the human respiratory system. Acute tonsillitis, the scientific name of the disease, is characterized by local damage to the tonsils or some area of ​​the nasopharyngeal zone, which manifests itself as inflammatory process. Bacteria various groups( , others), causing disease, also provokes general intoxication human body and feverish condition. A sore throat is dangerous because it can, as it progresses and weakens the immune system, cause some complications.

The basis of the etiological factors is the infectious-allergic cause of the disease and the development of acute tonsillitis. The source of the disease is often located in the area of ​​the tonsils, less often in some other areas of the nasopharynx. Why this part respiratory system so susceptible to infection? The answer is simple, it is the tonsils and the area around them that are the protective barrier for all respiratory tracts. This zone is rich in leukocytes - the body's main defenders against pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore, when, due to constant adverse effects, the protective forces fall, the inflammatory process begins and, as a result, develops, which often causes a number of complications, such as bronchitis or sinusitis.

There are not so many options for contracting a sore throat, but there is still some variety:

  • Airborne path. This type infection is the most common and is a consequence of contact with a patient with tonsillitis or with his things.
  • Contact and household. The second most common option. It occurs in cases where the human body is slightly weakened. Infection occurs through accidental exposure to the nasopharyngeal mucosa during inhalation.
  • Food. Most rare view infection, which occurs if a person eats food contaminated with staphylococci (less often with other pathogenic bacteria).

In principle, it doesn’t really matter how a sore throat was contracted, because if you start treating the disease on time, then no problems will arise. This may surprise someone, but various unfavorable microorganisms ( infectious bacteria, fungi, etc.) can live on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx for months and not cause any sore throat.

However, there are a number of provoking factors, the manifestation of at least one of which can accelerate the onset of the disease.

These include:

  • hypothermia
  • unfavourable conditions environment(high or too low humidity, cold, etc.)
  • constant contact with a sick person
  • decreased immunity
  • exposure to mucous membranes of irritants and allergens
  • oral diseases
  • ENT and chronic diseases

Important! If you want to minimize the risk of developing a sore throat, you must first protect yourself as much as possible from interaction with provoking factors.

Signs of a sore throat

In the treatment of any disease, the main thing is to recognize it in time. The main identifiers of angina are some signs that are manifested in humans and are easily recognizable.

Of course, depending on the type of sore throat, the severity of its course and the bacteria that caused the disease, the symptoms may differ slightly. In any case, the constant signs of the development of angina are:

  • pain and redness of the throat
  • discomfort when swallowing
  • inflammation, swelling of the tonsils
  • incessant headache
  • chills
  • spontaneous increase in body temperature
  • pustular discharge from the tonsils and nasopharynx as a whole
  • throat pain radiating to the neck or ear
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes
  • bad breath
  • loss of appetite
  • drowsiness and general weakness body
  • rarely – vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea

Important! If the above symptoms appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is worth understanding that accurate diagnosis and as much as possible correct therapy Only a doctor can prescribe it.

Medications to treat illness

- a disease that, if treated in a timely manner, does not pose any danger and quickly recedes. An indispensable part of the treatment of acute tonsillitis is taking medications.

It is important to understand that they will have an effect only if you follow the necessary general regimen, which includes:

  • bed rest- at least until the temperature drops
  • organizing housing conditions acceptable for a sick person (comfortable humidity and temperature, absence of dust, etc.)
  • rational use additional methods treatments presented traditional medicines, inhalations, rinses and so on
  • complete exclusion of physical stress loads, bad habits

There is no universal “pill” for a sore throat, and this is important to understand. Effective treatment will require the use of at least several medications, and sometimes a whole complex of them.

The main thing, regardless of whether you are being treated yourself or with a doctor, is to use the medications strictly according to the instructions.

Medications used in the treatment of angina include:

  • . Depending on the severity of the course, they can be presented in the form of aerosols (mild sore throat) and tablets ( average severity), and in the form of injections (severe form of leakage). Before taking antibiotics, it is advisable to consult a doctor or at least a pharmacist from a pharmacy.
  • Antipyretic drugs. Necessary to lower the temperature, which should be dealt with only in cases where it exceeds 38-38.5 oC. For children, it is preferable to use such medications in the form of syrups, and for adults - tablets.
  • Sucking lollipops, aerosols local action. These drugs are used to treat inflammation in the throat and to relieve unpleasant forms of its manifestation (pain, soreness, etc.).
  • Nasal drops and sprays. Excellent help with, due to excessive mucous secretions.
  • Antihistamines. Aimed at mitigating allergic reactions of the body (if any) and generally normalizing the general physiological state person.

Important! It is highly inadvisable to prescribe to yourself medications, so it’s better to go to the doctor, at least for a consultation.

Folk recipes

Steam inhalation is one of the most effective traditional methods treatment of sore throat

Folk remedies are an excellent aid to medications in the treatment of sore throat. Of course, they can never become the basis of treatment, but they can more than complement the effect of drugs.

The main thing that is important to pay attention to when using this or that folk remedy, so this is possible allergic reaction, which can be caused by some components of a homemade medicine in a patient.

The most effective in the fight against sore throat are the following folk remedies:

  • Steam inhalation. To prepare, you need to boil half a liter of water, add 20 drops to it. menthol oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. It is important to inhale steam under a towel for at least 10 minutes; it is advisable to carry out the procedure before bed. You can also inhale potato, onion and other vapors.
  • Cocktail made of lemon, honey and salt. Prepared by mixing until smooth the juice of one lemon, 4 teaspoons of honey, 4th part of a teaspoon of salt in one glass boiled water. The mixture should be slightly warmed and drunk. One dose of this medicine is enough for a day.
  • Milk with turmeric or pepper. To help your body fight infection, you can drink a glass of warm milk, mixed with a pinch of turmeric or pepper. This procedure is not recommended for children.
  • . Helps a lot with sore throat. It is enough to distribute approximately 5 grams of pulp throughout the day, and eat a propolis leaf in small pieces, chewing thoroughly.
  • Compress on the throat. This tool It will not only soothe a sore throat and relieve pain, but will also significantly speed up the therapeutic process. To prepare, you need to boil 3-4 large potatoes, mash them thoroughly and wrap them in gauze. The compress should be placed on the sternum or neck area at night.

In addition to the above recipes, do not forget about regular tea drinking with vitamin teas, which perfectly tone the body and increase the effect of treatment.

Gargling and inhalation with a nebulizer

The use of systematic and inhalations will help to completely combat a sore throat. special device– . Their use requires compliance with certain rules, which are listed below.

Rinse. They have no contraindications and are excellent in fighting infection. It is advisable to carry them out following the following rules:

  • The rinse should not cause any discomfort to the throat, otherwise it can only make things worse.
  • Rinsing is carried out after waking up, before going to bed and after each meal without fail. If you do not eat often, then gargle every 2-3 hours during the day.
  • The rinse solution should not contain components to which the patient is allergic, and it is also necessary to exclude any small particles from the solution.
  • Gargle with each sip, preferably for 10-20 seconds, then spit everything out.
  • Rinsing should not be done with a solution that is too cold.

The most effective rinses are with special solutions from the pharmacy. If you use them, you must act in accordance with the instructions. You can also prepare a rinse solution with your own hands at home, the most effective of which are:

  • boiled water (a glass) plus a tablespoon of table salt
  • boiled water (a glass) plus: a teaspoon each of soda and salt, as well as 5-7 drops alcohol tincture iodine or
  • kombucha (glass)
  • (half a glass) plus boiling water (half a glass) - wait until it cools down
  • decoction (glass)

Important! Any rinsing solution must have a homogeneous structure, that is, it must not contain large and floating particles.

  • Narzan or Borjomi: 3-5 ml plus 3-5 ml saline.
  • : for inhalation, take 3-5 ml of a solution of one tablet with 80 ml of saline solution.
  • Propolis: 4 ml from a mixture with the composition: 40 ml of physiological solution with 1 ml of alcoholic propolis extract.
  • Important! Nebulizer inhalations for sore throat are extremely effective for children.

    Sore throat by itself does not represent terrible disease and is quickly treated. But if you ignore its course, then there is a risk of getting a number of unpleasant and, most importantly, more serious complications:

    • phlegmon
    • throat abscess
    • different types
    • swelling of the larynx or other areas of the respiratory tract
    • tonsil bleeding

    IN in rare cases, acute tonsillitis may cause complications in the heart, lungs, kidneys and joints

    Therefore, it is very important to start treating a sore throat in time and not ignore the first signs of its appearance.

    And it’s even better, in the future, to prevent the onset of infection and progression of the disease at all; for this you just need to follow some preventive measures:

    • in places possible availability infections, it is advisable to wear gauze masks
    • strengthen immunity
    • exclude the appearance of vitamin deficiency
    • always follow-up treatment for various ENT diseases
    • carry out regularly
    • maintain personal hygiene
    • have less contact with sick people
    • carry out hardening
    • eat only proven foods
    • and generally take care of your health

    As you can see, it’s quite easy to get infected, but treating it later is a little more difficult. Best protection– this is an attack, so follow the above preventive recommendations and, if it was not possible to protect yourself from the disease, treat the disease in a timely manner. Otherwise, you can fuck much more serious problems with health.

    Everyone has heard about a disease called tonsillitis. Its scientific “name” is tonsillitis. For most people, the disease comes spontaneously, but some are interested in how to get a sore throat in one day and take a break from work.

    It is necessary to understand that sore throat is a consequence of a weakened body. As soon as your immune system weakens, you are already lying down with a high fever. Angina viral infection, so it is possible to get sick in the presence of a source within an hour. Even if the patient coughs or sneezes while you are nearby, you can be sure that you will quickly become infected. Sometimes it is enough to drink once from a glass of an infected person. At home, it is very easy to get a sore throat in just one day.

    There are several popular ways

    Ice bath

    We must remember that the body is individual. Don't be surprised if the methods mentioned may not cause illness. Even without getting a sore throat, the immune system will become significantly weakened. Try combining methods or do everything at once. The methods listed above are aimed at a general effect on the body. Let's move on to local ones, which will tell you how you can get a sore throat without drastic measures for the whole body.

    An infection called streptococcus is responsible for the disease. It exists in the body of every person and is waiting for the hour when it can manifest itself. You can help him if you influence his habitat - oral cavity. First of all, people suffering from caries, bleeding gums and other oral lesions obviously have a high chance of getting sick. It only takes one day for a sore throat to appear.

    Even after sucking on ice for a few minutes, you are already preparing the ground for the development of bacteria.

    Mandatory actions

    In addition, for a sore throat you need to do the following:

    1. Gargle ice water. You can wash down a refreshing mint candy (more than one), this will speed up the process of the onset of the disease.
    2. Eat a lot of ice cream. There is no need to limit yourself to just one serving. The more you eat, the higher the likelihood of getting sick. By the way, people with weak immunity, this action can develop a sore throat in one hour.
    3. Drink chilled drinks. Those who are of legal age are recommended to drink beer. In addition to the low temperature, it is an ideal environment for the development of streptococcus.
    4. Wet the scarf cold water and wrap it around your throat for about an hour. This procedure With high probability will make you sick.

    In winter, the carrier of a sore throat can be an ordinary icicle, which affects the throat and has a huge number of pathogens, including pathogens of sore throat.

    Many patients regularly seek advice on how to get rid of colds in several days. But some are tormented by the question of how to get a sore throat? In practice, there are several tips that will lead to severe pain in the throat and enlarged tonsils.

    Has anyone ever thought about how to get a sore throat? Most often, this question interests schoolchildren who skip a test due to unlearned material.

    The most simple method The disease is a sharp decrease in immune function. Therefore, the patient needs to ensure that the cells are less resistant to pathogens.

    In practice, there are still several general recommendations, which lead to a decrease in protective forces.

    • Immersion procedure required lower limbs into a cold bath. To do this, you should put it in a basin cool water and dilute it with ice from the refrigerator. Then lower your legs and wait for them to become hypothermic. This process will lead to an immediate disruption of temperature balance and weakening of immune function.
    • You can put socks on your feet that have been previously soaked in cold water. This method will only be effective if the temperature outside is sub-zero. To get results, you need to go out onto the balcony and walk on the floor in wet socks.
    • You can use a cool blanket or sheet. The sheet must be soaked in cold water with ice. Then undress completely and wrap yourself in it from head to toe.
      For better efficiency you need to go to the balcony or open all the windows wide. Thanks to this method You can get a sore throat in one night.

    How to quickly get a sore throat? There are other ways.

    1. Use conditioner. If on the street summer time year, then you can walk around under the scorching sun for several hours. In this case, you need to wear a warm sweater or shawl on your body so that your body can sweat a lot.

      Then go into an apartment or room where the air conditioning is turned on strongly. Stand for twenty minutes under a stream of cold air. The next morning the patient will wake up with a sore throat.

    2. Apply strong physical activity. The body needs to be given heavy load that he was not only sweating a lot, but also tired. After a thirty-minute workout, you need to drink two glasses of cold water.

      In such a situation, the heated body simply will not be able to withstand the stress and will weaken.

    Methods of local influence on the body

    How can you get a sore throat using local methods? There are techniques that lead to the activation of a bacterial infection in the form of streptococcus. It is generally accepted that the pathogen is in the body of every person, only in a sleeping state. While creating favorable conditions bacteria begin their active activity.

    To get a sore throat, it is enough to use ice-cold liquid. For this method to be effective, you need to add a few pieces of ice to your drinking mug. To increase your chance of catching a cold, take a mint candy with cold water.

    Ice can be used instead of cool liquid. It can be absorbed into large quantities or swallow in chunks. It is also recommended to apply ice to the neck area.
    If the patient is already an adult, then you should drink cold beer. In the summer heat, this drink has the same effect as water.

    Instead of all the above methods, you can simply eat a lot of ice cream. It is worth noting that with one treat this problem not solved. You need to consume at least four servings of ice cream.

    Before getting tonsillitis, the patient needs to assess the state of his immune system. If everything is in order with your immunity, then it will be quite difficult to catch a cold.
    One method may not work. Therefore, if the patient specifically sets the task of getting a sore throat, then you need to resort to several methods at once.

    It is also worth considering the time of year. It is generally accepted that in cold months the chances of getting sick increase significantly. Often in the summer, people suffer from sore throat. The reason for this is the abuse of ice cream and the flow of cold air coming from the air conditioner.

    It will be difficult for a sick person to quickly get rid of a sore throat, especially if it is bacterial in nature. At the same time, it is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but the complications that it brings with it.

    As you know, tonsillitis affects the development of internal organs. Often, after a sore throat, people suffer from heart and kidney diseases. The composition of the blood is also disrupted, which leads to a severe weakening of immune function and slow reproduction of antibodies.

    If the patient has never had a sore throat, then when using such methods, it can become chronic. Any hypothermia will lead to the activation of a bacterial infection.

    If a sore throat is catarrhal in nature, then it can be cured in three days if measures are taken in a timely manner. But in most cases it instantly acquires purulent character and lasts at least five days. Then healing process necessarily includes the use of antibiotics, which also negatively affect the digestive system.

    Duration of sore throat

    Experts say that sore throat is a fairly contagious disease. But only if the person has close contact with the patient, lives with him in the same apartment and uses things.

    In other cases, you won’t be able to get a sore throat so quickly. The minimum incubation period is ten to fifteen minutes, but such a process is observed extremely rarely. On average, this period ranges from two to five days.

    Even if the patient has tonsillitis chronic, then it takes at least three to four days for the disease to develop.

    You can get sick instantly only if the immune system The person is very weakened. But it’s better not to expose yourself to a sore throat. If a person wants to get sick and take sick leave for several days, then it is better to get rhinitis. This disease rarely causes complications, and you will be able to stay at home for five days.

    It is worth noting that the main symptoms include an increase in temperature to forty degrees, severe pain in the throat, soreness, and loss of voice. To completely eliminate symptoms, it is enough to stay at home for up to five days. In this case, you will have to take antibiotics and carry out procedures every hour. It is also impossible not to treat a sore throat, since it is dangerous due to complications and because of this, the patient is often admitted to the hospital.

    It is also worth noting that the above methods can not only lead to a sore throat, but also more serious illnesses in the form of sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and meningitis. It is much more difficult to treat them, and besides, the patient will have to rest at home for at least two weeks.

    You should not put yourself and your health in danger. Before you decide to get sick, you need to think about what consequences await the person.

    I write about how to fake an illness or how to get really sick. I hope these tips will help you solve your problems and you will not try to cause a real illness. I hope you avoid these tips and never get sick.

    Symptoms of an illness are mainly signs of how the immune system is fighting infection. Typically, immunity is activated only 3-4 days after the infection enters the body. Therefore, if you want to get sick quickly at home, you are better off faking the illness.

    How to get sick when your parents are at home so your mother will believe you

    1. Start simulating as early as possible. The longer you pretend, the sooner your parents will believe you.
      • It’s better to start complaining about feeling unwell (headache, stomach pain, bad feeling) the day before. The ideal time is after lunch. At the latest – 18:30
      • Only fake symptoms that you know. Have you been sick before? Have any of your relatives been sick recently? Just fake these symptoms
      • The first sign of a fever or cold is pink cheeks. Slap your palms on your cheeks or rub them
      • You should look tired, sad
    2. Stop doing what you love. This is a must! For example, if you refuse to play on the computer, your parents will immediately think that you are sick
      • Be sure to leave at least some food on your plate. Show that you have no appetite and will not eat even your favorite dish
      • Avoid meeting friends or going out
      • Avoid TV or computer games
      • Lie down, show that you are very tired
    3. Start doing your homework, but don't finish it. This will show that you really, really want to study, but you can’t because of your illness.
    4. Go to bed earlier than usual. This will greatly alarm parents and they will begin to worry.
      • Don't brush your teeth or get ready for bed, just go and go to bed
      • It will be best if you fall asleep dressed on the bed or right at the table
    5. Wake up in the middle of the night. Wake up your parents and tell them you don't feel well. Your stomach and head hurt.
      • Fake vomiting, at least a little. Go to the toilet and put two fingers in your mouth, close to your throat, to trigger the gag reflex.
      • Pull your lower eyelid firmly down and hold it in this position until tears appear in your eyes.
      • Don't forget to rub your face, especially your cheeks, to keep them red
      • You can fake a cough, but it's dangerous. If you are faking a cough, you need to do it very, very regularly, but not too much
    6. Don't stay up until the morning anymore. Then in the morning you will look sick - bags under the eyes, headache, sleepy, watery eyes
    7. Don't ask your parents to leave you at home until the last minute! Try to lead them to this idea. You need your parents to invite you to stay at home.

    How to get sick in 5 minutes if your parents are at home and don't go to school

    No known disease manifests itself so quickly, in five minutes. Therefore, it is better to feign injury rather than illness. Then your mother will be more likely to believe you and leave you at home and not let you go to school. There are two types of injuries that are easier and simpler to simulate:

    • Ankle sprain
    • Head injury

    To fake a sprained ankle:

    1. Make sure your parents can't see you.
    2. Simulate a fall. Remember - your leg twisted, your foot went up and your lateral ligaments were stretched. Be sure to scream and fall to the floor.
    3. Remember - your ankle now hurts a lot. You can't stand on it and you can't walk at all.
    4. Every step you take should feel painful.
    5. Show your tears. Just pull the lower eyelid down strongly and hold it in this position - tears will appear.
    6. Stretching mild degree has no visual signs at all, the leg looks healthy. Stretching medium degree accompanied by redness. And only in severe cases does the leg swell. No need to pretend severe degree- She is being treated by an orthopedic doctor. And the doctor will immediately determine that you are faking it.
    7. You may want to constantly rub your ankle until it becomes red. But just do it so that mom doesn’t see. After all, with a real sprain, the leg hurts very much, it is impossible to touch it.
    8. Be sure to limp very hard and do not step on the “injured leg.”
    9. Each movement should be accompanied by a slight groan, sob or other manifestation of pain.
    10. Show that you're really hurting by giving up some of your favorite things. For example, lie on the bed rather than sit at the computer. This will be the strongest argument for parents.

    To simulate a headbutt you need to:

    1. Make sure your parents can't see you
    2. Pretend you fell or hit your head on the door
    3. Fall or squat on the floor
    4. cry
    5. You now constantly feel dizzy and have a headache
    6. Don't forget exactly where you "hit"
    7. Pretend vomiting or nausea
    8. Refuse food
    9. Lie down and do nothing. No computer or friends, otherwise my parents will understand everything
    10. Don't be afraid if you are taken to a doctor. Keep saying the same thing over and over again - you feel sore and dizzy, you feel nauseous and really want to lie down. Most likely, the doctor will tell you that you have slight concussion brain and you need to lie in bed for a couple of days

    How to get sick overnight if your parents are at home

    The easiest way is to stay awake all night until the morning. Then you will look clearly sick and sleepy man and you don't have to simulate anything. Even if your parents send you to school, immediately complain to the teacher that you are feeling unwell and ask to see a doctor/nurse. When the doctor looks at you, he will see strange symptoms and send you home. The doctor or nurse simply will not want to take responsibility.

    The easiest and safest way to go to the hospital is to give yourself severe diarrhea (diarrhea). Diarrhea is a symptom of many serious infectious diseases. But remember - diarrhea must be really strong, causeless and frequent. You have to tell everyone that you didn’t eat anything unusual, that the portion size was also normal, but now, out of the blue, you started to have a strong and frequent diarrhea. At the same time, do not forget to drink a lot of liquid. Otherwise, you will cause dehydration and harm yourself. serious injuries. If despite severe diarrhea your parents send you to school, don't be afraid. It's even easier to fake diarrhea there. Ask the teacher to go to the toilet several times in a row. Complain about severe malaise– you feel nauseous, your stomach hurts, you constantly want to go to the toilet. The teacher or school doctor will not want to take responsibility and will send you home or call an ambulance and send you to the hospital.

    How to get sick in 1 hour - how to cause diarrhea or diarrhea:

    • Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods - fruits, vegetables, greens
    • Eat a lot of citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges, grapefruits
    • Eat a lot of prunes
    • Drink oil - olive, sunflower or flaxseed
    • Drink or eat as much as possible fermented milk products– yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk
    • Take a laxative, but don't overdo it

    How to get sick with a fever, how to raise your body temperature

    High temperature is considered the surest symptom of the disease, so it is best to imitate it.

    How to get sick with a temperature of 38 - fake a high temperature

    Take a towel and wet it in hot water. Place the towel on your forehead for 1 minute. Then show yourself to your parents and complain about your high temperature. Your forehead will turn slightly red and feel hot. Just remember to make sure your forehead is dry, otherwise they'll know you're cheating.

    Simulate high body temperature

    Under your shirt, wear things that do not allow heat to pass through. It could be:

    • Wool clothes
    • Nylon underwear
    • Thick silk linen

    Go to bed with this under the blanket and lie there for about 30 minutes. Then you can go to your parents and complain about the high temperature.

    How to get sick with a fever - eat foods that raise your temperature

    The easiest way to raise your body temperature is by drinking or eating hot foods. It could be soup, tea, porridge. All types also increase the temperature hot pepper– chili, tabasco, jalapeno. Consume more spicy and hot foods and your body temperature will rise.

    Body temperature depends on where you take it

    • Temperature in the mouth is one degree higher than in the armpit
    • The temperature in the rectum is two degrees higher than in the armpit

    Next I write about how to get a real disease. Try to avoid all of the following to avoid getting sick.

    How to lose your voice

    • Scream and sing for a long time. If you don't want to be heard, you can scream into your pillow. You can become hoarse faster if you play low notes and sing in a bass voice
    • Talk for a long time in a whisper. Whisper several times for 20 minutes, take breaks of about 5 minutes. After a few hours of such exercises, you will completely the voice will disappear. To whisper, you need to tighten the vocal cords, and this also leads to their tension. Just don't drink anything until you lose your voice.
    • Irritate vocal cords and you can also become hoarse if you gargle with something sour - orange juice, solution acetic acid or lemon juice. To avoid serious injury, pour no more than ¼ part vinegar or lemon juice into a glass.

    How to catch a cold quickly without leaving home

    The common cold is rhinitis, an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Colds are caused by microbes that already live on our mucous membranes, so you don’t need to come into contact with someone who is sick to catch a cold.

    How to catch a cold for a week:

    1. Dress warmly and sit in a warm room
    2. Do not ventilate the room, try to keep the air as dry and warm as possible
    3. Don't drink any drinks, including water
    4. Stay at home, don't go out
    5. Move as little as possible
    6. Try to get as warm and sweaty as possible
    7. Get out into the cold air or take a cold shower
    8. Freeze well
    9. Lie down and do nothing

    Sore throat is acute infection with local inflammation of the throat. It often begins after a cold, as a complication. The treatment is long, difficult and unpleasant. Therefore, you should not get a sore throat in order not to go to school. To get a sore throat you need:

    • Don't brush your teeth
    • Do not treat dental caries or mouth wounds
    • Do not treat a runny nose in all its manifestations
    • Communicate closely with those who already have a sore throat

    How to get ARVI

    ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. This is the name of all diseases caused by a virus that affects Airways. Accordingly, the only way to get sick from ARVI is to catch the virus from someone who is already sick. Sometimes the virus is transmitted to humans from animals, so those who work with animals and do not wash their hands and do not follow hygiene rules often get sick. To get ARVI you need:

    • Be in crowded places more often, especially on public transport
    • Do not wash your hands or observe other hygiene rules
    • Avoid close contact with sick people
    • Do not wear a gauze bandage
    • Sleep less and eat worse
    • Be in unventilated areas more often
    • Take as few vitamins as possible

    How to get pneumonia

    Pneumonia or pneumonia is a dangerous, fatal disease. In some cases, the patient may die in just a few days, even without severe symptoms. With pneumonia of the alveoli ( small organ in the lungs through which we breathe) fill with liquid and the person suffocates. To get pneumonia you need:

    • Having a cold or ARVI
    • Don't cure a cold
    • Smoke as much as possible
    • Do not treat chronic diseases lungs

    How to get chickenpox

    Chickenpox or chicken pox- This viral disease. Therefore, the only way to get chickenpox is to catch the virus from someone who is already sick. Most people have been vaccinated (vaccinated) against chickenpox. Therefore, they cannot get sick, even if they come into very close contact with carriers of the virus. A person who has already had chickenpox once receives immunity from the virus. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get sick again. To get chickenpox you need to:

    • Don't get vaccinated
    • Haven't had chickenpox before
    • Contact with sick people
    • Do not comply general rules hygiene

    How to get anorexia

    Anorexia is complete absence appetite. Most often it is mental disorder. Therefore, the easiest way to get anorexia is to go crazy. In other cases, loss of appetite is due to illness or external factors. To get anorexia you need to:

    • Exposure to strong radioactive radiation
    • Get poisoned
    • Take drugs
    • Get sick with AIDS, tuberculosis, Crohn's disease, hepatitis or cancer
    • Do not eat foods containing zinc
    • Do not drink any liquid for a long time
    • Taking too much vitamin D

    Otitis is severe inflammation ear, usually caused bacterial infection. May be accompanied by very severe pain. Treatment can be lengthy and unpleasant. To get otitis you need:

    • Cough, sneeze, blow your nose and do not treat a cold
    • When coughing and sneezing, try to get mucus into the ear canal. For example, tightly covering your nose and mouth
    • Don't wash your hands
    • Don't wash your ears
    • Frequently scratch your ears with dirty hands

    How to get sick? What not to do

    Whatever the reason that arouses your interest in the disease, remember, it is always better to fake the disease rather than to be really sick. Under no circumstances do the following:

    1. Don't take medicine to make yourself sick. You could get the dose wrong and cause serious injury or death
    2. Don't hurt yourself. You can always fake an injury without experiencing real pain.
    3. Do not eat or drink spoiled foods. It’s easier to cause diarrhea by drinking a glass of sunflower oil
    4. Do not eat or drink anything that is not intended for it. You could cause serious injury to yourself or cause severe poisoning. Then you will regret these actions for the rest of your life.

    It's better to fake illness and never get sick for real. Now you know what not to do to always be healthy