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How do we help those addicted to alcohol? Methodological recommendations for the provision of therapeutic and preventive care to patients who drink alcohol


Treatment for alcohol addiction– this is a long and labor-intensive process. It is necessary to influence an alcoholic in a comprehensive manner, both with the help of medicines, and resorting to psychological help.

What is psychotherapeutic help for alcohol addiction?

First of all, it is important to determine the reasons for drinking alcohol: problems in the family or at work, unsuccessful relationships with the opposite sex, lack of self-realization, creative crisis, difficult financial situation.

An experienced psychologist can identify the exact cause of addiction. After talking with a specialist, the desire to drink fades into the background, giving way to pressing problems. And if the physical dependence on alcohol is weak, then the person is able to cope with the problem even after the first stage of psychological help.

Also, communication with a specialist may become relevant for decisions about treatment when loved ones cannot insist on the need to accept outside help. After sessions with a psychologist, a person will be able to independently identify his own problem and look for a solution.

In direct treatment, the patient needs to recognize the addiction and reject alcohol as the most easy way to a carefree life, so alcoholics are told about other possibilities when leading a sober lifestyle. They are shown how, under the current circumstances, they can find other ways to solve emerging problems, for example, if there is a lack of money, it is worth changing jobs or starting own business, if your personal life is unsettled, contact special matchmaking agencies.

It is also important to explain to an alcoholic that alcohol is evil. Therefore, they resort to the power of suggestion, instilling an aversion to all alcoholic drinks.

Programming patients to categorically refuse to drink alcohol helps prevent them from returning to the old habit after completing the course of treatment.

An experienced psychologist can identify the exact cause of addiction.

Psychotherapeutic assistance to relatives of an alcoholic

Support from family members or close friends is important when completing the course. But many relatives find it difficult to believe in a person’s sincere desire to give up alcohol, even after successful treatment. This mistrust does not allow them to build new trusting and warm relationships with the alcoholic, which can lead to further breakdown, psychological trauma and even suicide. Therefore, during the course of treatment, it is necessary to provide psychological assistance to the patient’s relatives.

Together with them, they bring special sessions where they help get rid of accumulated stress and fatigue. After all, living with an alcoholic is a real test that requires a lot of effort, nerves and time. Relatives need to throw off all the burden accumulated over many months or even years of regular drunkenness, scandals, and misunderstandings.

Why do you need psychological help when treating alcoholism?

To get rid of alcohol, medications alone will not be enough; even if they can get rid of physical dependence, psychological dependence will remain. For an alcoholic, alcohol is equated with a way to get pleasure. Forget yourself, get rid of problems. Therefore, when treated only with the help of tablets, at the first unpleasant situation or when tired, he will again resort to a proven method of distraction. To eliminate the very desire to drink on a subconscious level, it is necessary psychological treatment alcoholism.

So that even after several years a person does not have the desire to get drunk, it is necessary to influence the reason for his love for alcohol. Almost no one drinks for nothing; every story of alcoholism has its own beginning. Someone is unlucky in love and drowns his sorrows in alcohol; some people think this is a way to make friends, and they can communicate with people only with a glass in their hands; someone considers alcohol the only option for self-acceptance.

To eliminate this connection with intoxicating drinks, which is associated with certain experiences and fears of an alcoholic, you need to understand the reasons. Otherwise, treatment for alcohol addiction will be ineffective and extremely useless.

Methods of psychotherapy during the course of treatment

Psychiatry offers a range of methods, ranging from hypnosis and suggestion to group and individual sessions.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of alcoholism - the most effective methods:

  1. Group therapy. This psychotherapy for alcoholism is aimed at getting rid of feelings of loneliness. The alcoholic begins to interact with people who have the same problem, they share their experiences and impressions. The patient gets the opportunity to look at his own lifestyle from the outside, to see possible consequences, hear other people's stories and draw certain conclusions. During group therapy, special skits are also played out, where several patients find themselves in the role of relatives of an alcoholic. This helps addicts see from the outside how much their desire to drink affects the lives of other people.
  2. Individual therapy. Here, all the specialist’s attention will be directed to the patient, which will make it possible to better identify the main problem of alcoholism. Also, during individual sessions, it is easier for an alcoholic to make a suggestion to induce an aversion to alcohol. With the individual method, a cunning technique is often used - a regular conversation. At the same time, the doctor and the patient communicate as if they were acquaintances, sharing stories or discussing news. A specialist can joke, present information with a bit of irony and satire. At the same time, during dialogues, the specialist unobtrusively tells stories related to alcohol abuse that led to dire consequences. The information is presented unobtrusively, casually, but finds keen interest among the patient. After several such conversations, the alcoholic realizes how inappropriate his behavior was, and how harmful the habit of drinking alcohol is.
  1. TES therapy. This is enough new method, which involves influencing the human brain using electrical stimulation. The main point of influence is the pleasure center of the brain. After electrical stimulation in increased quantity endorphins (hormones of happiness) are produced, for some alcoholics good mood helps not to touch the bottle.

One of the supporting elements is game presentation. Play psychotherapy used in many types of treatment. With its help, you can clearly explain the consequences of regular alcohol consumption, identify the reason for drinking alcohol, prescribe the main stages for treatment, and understand the need for this treatment.

To eliminate the desire to drink on a subconscious level, psychological treatment of alcoholism is necessary.

Free psychological help

Sometimes it is not financially possible to get paid courses on getting rid of alcohol addiction, so it saves many psychological help alcoholics based state program. Please note that this type of treatment also has its drawbacks, for example, the patient must register with a local drug dispensary for at least three years. Also, when taking the course for free, you can get into an unpleasant company that is not trying to get rid of alcohol addiction, but is looking for a roof over their head and regular food. These are people without a fixed place of residence, local outcasts and criminals.

Addresses where you can get free help from a psychologist

Narcological clinics in Moscow:

  1. Sadovnicheskaya street, 73, building 2.
  2. Kuusinen street, 4, building 3.
  3. Shcherbakovskaya street, 57/20.
  4. Taimyrskaya street, 8, building 1.
  5. Marshal Chuikov Street, 24.
  6. Meshcheryakova street, 4.
  7. Barclay Street, 5, building 6.

Drug treatment clinics in St. Petersburg:

  1. Samoilova street, 28/11.
  2. Kuznetsovskaya street, 44.
  3. Krasnoputilovskaya street, 6.
  4. Ivanovskaya street, 32.
  5. Stakhanovtsev Street, 12.
  6. Rue Jacques Duclos, 6, building 2.


Getting rid of alcoholism is difficult for alcoholics and their families, so psychological help is extremely important at all stages of the course. An experienced psychologist will help you accept your own problem, find the main cause of alcoholism, find other ways for joy or experiences, and begin to look at the world not through a bottle of alcohol.

Psychological help for alcohol dependence is effective in combination with drug treatment, separately, these two directions do not give such a result - most patients return to alcoholic beverages again.

Psychological assistance for alcohol addiction - important element treatment for this insidious disease. After all, it is important not only to rid the body of the poisons that poison it, but also to determine the reason for this behavior. Very often, people with alcohol addiction do not admit their problems, which means that even after a course of detoxification and elimination of the consequences of poisoning, they can continue to drink alcohol.

In order for alcohol treatment to be comprehensive and most effective, it must include the work of a psychologist with a thirst for alcohol: finding out the patient’s degree of awareness of his condition, training volitional qualities, talking about possible, or even inevitable consequences a lifestyle that enables the patient.

Very often, in order to break through the “glass” of indifference, you need an experienced psychologist nearby. Psychotherapy for alcohol addiction - required element treatment in all modern clinics that fight alcohol addiction at different stages.

What is the help of a psychologist?

An experienced psychologist must find and eliminate the cause of this illness in a person. If the argument for picking up a mug was conflicts at work, the psychologist should remind the patient that he has a wonderful family/friends/close people who care about him.

The psychologist works to ensure that the negative is degenerated into stubbornness, willpower, and a thirst to prove that one is right. Anger, which is destructive in nature, leads to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, but if it is channeled in the right direction, it can achieve amazing results. And turn a broken person, accustomed to drowning his misfortunes in alcohol, into a professional who believes in himself, who knows how to overcome difficulties on the path to success.

In order for the patient to put effort into restoring his state of mind, he needs motivation. One of the most important tasks of a psychologist working with a patient with alcohol addiction is to show him why it is worth changing the usual way of things, for the sake of which he should strive to get rid of the disease.

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    An alcohol addiction psychologist should stimulate an increase in the patient’s self-esteem; it is important that the patient believes in himself and regains a positive outlook on life. Alcohol addiction is most often led not so much by failures in life as by concentrating attention on them, when the patient stops noticing all the joys of life, stops appreciating what he has and completely dissolves in the problem.

    An important stage in a psychologist’s work with a patient is the specialist’s assistance in establishing relationships between the patient and loved ones.

    The psychologist should also help the patient establish his life goals, awaken his ambitions and formulate specific tasks for the year or several years ahead. Of course, in order for the sessions to be successful, the psychologist must establish contact and then a trusting relationship with the patient. This takes quite a lot of time, but psychological help is the key to a new life for a person with alcohol addiction.

    Psychological assistance for alcoholism is an integral part of a complete rehabilitation course. The patient is invited to a group psychotherapeutic session, to the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous, and personal conversations. Thanks to this, the alcoholic is faced with the idea that alcohol brings irreparable harm him and his family.

    A psychologist who communicates with a patient must create as much comfortable conditions. Consultations should take place in a friendly environment to earn the patient's trust.

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    Work should also take place with the family of an alcoholic, because he will need increased care and psychological support. A correct behavior relatives will protect the patient from drinking alcohol.

    Psychotherapy for alcohol addiction

    The first session is one of the most important, during which the psychologist establishes what events influenced the onset of alcohol addiction and what character traits should help overcome this very addiction. After a short conversation, the patient undergoes several psychological tests that help determine effective technique psychological assistance. After this, the psychologist will also have to choose a method of influencing the patient’s subconscious and agree on it with the patient.

    As we said above, it is difficult to determine exactly how long it will take before starting treatment - it all depends on the psychological stability of the patient.

    The help of psychologists is equally important for a person who is going through a period of rehabilitation. Avoid drinking alcohol within the walls rehabilitation center quite easily, but once the patient returns to normal life and the very first failure or temptation can break him.

    It is very important that the patient understands that he does not have to completely give up alcoholic beverages and not drink them even on holidays, we're talking about first of all, about the ability and ability to stop in time and say “no”.

    A person who already has a history of alcohol addiction must adequately assess his responsibility for perfect deeds and remember how much effort they and the doctors made to return him to normal life. Conversations with a psychotherapist help instill a sense of responsibility.

    If a person undergoes a full course of psychotherapy in parallel with measures to detoxify and eliminate the consequences of this terrible illness, the likelihood that even in his usual environment, the person will make the right choice and will not succumb to the provocations of friends, colleagues and even relatives increases several times.

    By the way, conversations with a psychotherapist are also necessary for the relatives of a patient with alcohol addiction. Many people, out of a feeling of pity, begin to offer a drink to a person who has just gotten rid of addiction and thereby can cancel out the entire acquired result. This should not be done, alcohol should not be a method of forgetting about problems, and the patient himself and his loved ones should erase this harmful habit from their consciousness.

    Psychological assistance to relatives

    There is a widespread belief that the relatives of the patient do not need any help. But this is not so, because warm family relationships are the key to sobriety for many alcoholics. Relatives should understand that giving up alcohol causes irritation and nervousness in the addict. And the understanding and support of loved ones will help you cope with this.

    If it was not carried out with relatives psychological work, then they do not understand their behavior and do not know how to properly communicate with their loved one. Therefore, if there is an alcoholic in the family, then those around him also need the help of a psychotherapist. The doctor will help you find mutual language and the necessary compromise.

    Psychological exhaustion of relatives occurs due to the constant search for solutions to the problem, feelings of guilt and scandals.

    What doctors say about alcoholism

    Doctor medical sciences, Professor Malysheva E.V.:

    I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

    It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from him. Today we will talk about a new natural remedy, which has proven to be incredibly effective, and is also involved in federal program"Healthy nation", thanks to which until 13.5.2018(inclusive) the remedy can be get it for just 1 ruble.

    Where can relatives of an alcoholic get psychological help?

    How to help a loved one with alcoholism? First of all, you need to learn how to behave correctly with him. Psychological courses will help with this, which will help you avoid conflicts and return to your old life.

    For families who suffer from a relative’s alcoholism, psychologists have developed special course. This is a free procedure for everyone. During the course, such people should change their outlook on life. These courses address the following issues:

    • psychotherapeutic foundations;
    • the concept that life changes are inevitable;
    • finding out the cause of alcoholism loved one;
    • recommendations for restoring joint relationships.

    An addict who receives help for alcoholism suffers from low self-esteem, guilt and many other things. strong feelings. Thanks to family psychology, relatives begin to understand the essence of the problem and learn to deal with it.

    What should relatives of an addict do?

    Help for alcoholism should be provided not only medical institutions, but also at home. Relatives of the patient need to stock up on a large amount of patience and endurance in order to motivate the addict and create a desire to be cured. The main measures that relatives should take when fighting alcoholism:

    1. Consultations with a psychotherapist. The purpose of visiting this doctor is to convince the alcoholic to change his life. Praying on your knees, quarreling and screaming will not yield any results. Experienced specialist knows how to find an approach to sick people himself.

    Stories from our readers

    Cured my husband of alcohol addiction at home. It's been half a year since I forgot that my husband ever drank. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant scandals, fights, I was covered in bruises... How many times did I go to narcologists, but they couldn’t cure him, they just ripped off the money. And now it’s been 7 months since my husband hasn’t drunk a drop at all, and that’s all thanks to. Anyone who has loved ones who are alcoholics should read this!

    2. Do not provoke an alcoholic to drink alcohol. The patient's environment should protect him from stressful situations, accusations, reproaches.

    3. Emotional support. The patient should not feel unwanted. The love of loved ones is best help with alcoholism.

    4. Avoid alcohol completely. Even if the other half does not suffer from alcoholism and knows how to drink in moderation, the presence of alcohol on the table can provoke an addict. And all help for alcoholism will be ineffective.

    5. Replace alcohol with another activity. An alcoholic drinks all his free time; this is his main entertainment. Help for alcoholism involves replacing a bad habit with a useful joint activity. This could be playing sports or going on vacation.

    First aid for an alcoholic

    The help of a narcologist for alcoholism is necessary at all stages of treatment. The first thing to do when removing a person from binge drinking or withdrawal hangover syndrome- This is a dropper. Narcologists from private clinics can administer it at home. Thanks to this, severe manifestations disappear and toxic substances are removed. That's it for the first time health care ends.

    The next step is treatment, but for this you need to obtain the patient’s consent, which is not always possible. When the painful symptoms go away, the desire to get rid of alcoholism also disappears. An addict can only agree to the injection of drugs.

    But the right approach and a friendly attitude towards the patient can motivate him for treatment. IN medical institution the patient will always receive drug treatment, psychological and psychiatric assistance for alcoholism. What will bring a person back to life.

    Help for alcoholism in the clinic

    State drug dispensaries provide free help for alcoholism. In such institutions, narcologists provide consultations and prescribe treatment. Depending on the stage of alcoholism, rehabilitation can be carried out in an inpatient or outpatient setting. Recovery for alcoholics is carried out in a complex way, using medications and psychological influence.

    Also today there are many paid clinics who provide assistance to addicts. Staying in them is much more comfortable than in free institutions. But treatment in them costs a lot of money.

    Drug therapy consists of:

    • removal from drunken states;
    • relieving hangover syndrome;
    • removal toxic substances from the body;
    • general restoration of the body.

    Thirst for alcohol - . While doctors will work to return the body to normal functioning, psychologists must do everything possible to exclude the possibility of the patient returning to his previous lifestyle. “Psychotherapy for Alcohol Addiction” is a book that will help you learn more about the options and methods of psychological assistance for patients with such addiction and become an assistant in helping your loved one overcome difficulties.

    For comprehensive and effective treatment of addiction, psychological help for alcoholism is required. This is a serious component of such a complex disease. For getting desired result It is very important to determine what caused the abuse of alcoholic beverages. By ridding the body of toxic substances, you will not deprive the patient of thoughts about alcohol. People suffering from addiction most often deny that they have this problem. This leads to the fact that after detoxification of the body they begin to drink alcohol again.

    What is the help of a psychologist?

    Sessions with a psychologist include the following questions:

    • Find out how much the patient understands his condition.
    • Training the patient's willpower.
    • Talk about possible serious consequences for the body.
    • Make the patient aware of the severity of his problem.

    The psychologist is tasked with identifying the cause of this behavior and eliminating it. He must form the patient’s consciousness in such a way that he negative thoughts would be reborn into strong-willed qualities, stubbornness. A state of anger always leads to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. It is necessary to bring him to the understanding that all the close people around him are very worried about the patient’s condition.

    The patient needs to restore his peace of mind, and this requires strong motivation. Psychological help for alcoholism is to open the patient's eyes to a bright future. A person must understand why he needs to radically change his lifestyle. It is necessary to stimulate the patient’s self-esteem so that he believes in himself, his strengths and begins to look at life differently.

    Most often, failures at work and problems with your personal life lead to alcoholism. A person begins to focus too much attention on this, ceasing to notice the happiness that is in his life. One of the main points of psychology is to establish relationships between the patient and his family and loved ones.

    A patient with addiction should awaken healthy ambitions. And to do this, he must formulate goals for himself in life for two to three years in advance.

    For effective treatment, a trusting relationship must be established between the patient and the specialist, which will also take time. When a person is confident in the psychologist and trusts him, he can safely begin psychological help.

    Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

    What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

    How often do you drink alcohol?

    The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

    Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

    Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

    Help for relatives

    Relatives of a person with alcohol addiction are convinced that the support of a psychologist is necessary exclusively for the patient himself. This is their most common misconception.

    During treatment for alcoholism, a psychologist does a lot of work to restore a harmonious atmosphere within the patient’s family. After treatment, the patient develops irritability and nervousness. At this moment, he greatly needs understanding from his family and their support. But his relatives, in turn, cannot give him this due to a lack of understanding of how to behave correctly, what words are best to say.

    Relatives of an alcoholic need to be patient, because treatment takes a long time. Therefore, when a person is diagnosed with alcoholism, psychological help is equally required for those around him. We need to teach them to communicate with each other again, find compromises and help each other morally. Relatives, watching how a person dear to them is degrading socially, worry greatly, torment themselves with all sorts of thoughts, blame themselves, try different methods in order to bring the patient out of this state. As a result, they become psychologically exhausted.

    Psychological courses

    Relatives of an addicted person should enroll in psychological courses to learn how to talk with the patient, avoiding conflicts. In order to help the family, psychologists developed a special course. Anyone can receive this free help.

    The purpose of the classes is to teach relatives to approach their lives in a new way. The program consists of the following activities:

    • basics of psychotherapy;
    • assistance in accepting life changes;
    • concept of the cause of their loved one’s illness;
    • Tips for restoring common relationships.

    During the rehabilitation period, the patient experiences many strong, complex and contradictory feelings. Family psychology helps deal with these feelings and helps relatives understand them.

    Patient rehabilitation

    In the treatment of alcoholism, it is important not only to improve health, to restore... physical strength patient, but also direct him to the right way. Psychologists help determine values ​​for their patient, find meaning in life, what makes it worth getting rid of a bad habit and never returning to it. The main task of the specialist is to normalize family relations sick. A lot depends on relatives and their support. successful treatment and effective rehabilitation. We must provide for the patient positive emotions, then recovery will go faster.

    Success of any rehabilitation activities primarily depends on the calm home environment. Psychological condition the patient is very unsteady and any sharply thrown word can provoke a breakdown. If a person, not having fully recovered, starts drinking again in large quantities, then getting him out of this state will be even more difficult. And in some cases, such behavior can lead to completely disastrous cases.

    If possible, you should try to spend more time with the addicted person. He shouldn't feel alone. Otherwise, he will find himself alone with his problems, will begin to relive them, and this may lead to a relapse.

    Also, excessive care from relatives, endless guardianship and strict control over every step will be a bad help. The patient will be very annoyed by this. It is important to convey to the patient that he is the only one responsible for his recovery.

    Reasons for relatives seeking help

    When one person abuses alcohol, his close relatives need psychological help. Living day after day next to a dependent person is an unusually difficult test that leads the body to a state of severe stress. Relatives of an alcoholic inevitably become part of a nightmare situation when their life becomes completely connected with alcohol. From a long stay in this state, relatives develop a psychological complex called codependency. In this case it is required professional help. You can receive it anonymously by phone or contact one of the specialized centers in Moscow or your city. Relatives will be provided with free qualified support over the phone.

    A patient with alcohol addiction must work with a psychotherapist during treatment, but his relatives need such help no less. has a destructive effect on the lives of his relatives. The following reasons should prompt relatives to think about the need to receive psychological support:

    • More time is devoted to the problems of the drinking person, thinking about how to help him.
    • An unshakable feeling of hope for a better future, that soon everything will end.
    • Endless care to ensure that the patient feels comfortable.
    • The persistent fear that the coded person will soon lose his temper.
    • Constantly being in despair, fear, anger.
    • Feeling helpless in the current situation.
    • A feeling of pity for the patient, a desire to help him all the time.

    Effective treatment of alcoholism should be accompanied by work with a family psychologist. He will teach his relatives to live their own lives, while helping the patient. Having sorted out all the problems, relatives will be able to get rid of the feeling of guilt in front of their loved one.

    What are the causes of alcoholism

    When a loved one gets into trouble, his relatives do not understand what could have caused such harmful changes. Often they begin to blame themselves for what happened, especially if this is an isolated incident in the family and no one has previously abused alcohol. The reasons for addiction to alcoholic beverages can be obvious or hidden. The main ones are the following situations:

    • Hereditary predisposition.
    • Lack of sense of proportion.
    • Dissatisfaction with one's own life.
    • Emotional immaturity, applies to youth.
    • Failures in work activity.
    • Family problems.
    • The desire to be in a cheerful mood.
    • Bad environment.
    • Reluctance to be a black sheep.
    • Desire to get rid of work stress.

    There are many other reasons for the development of alcohol dependence. To find out what exactly could throw you out of balance, you will need qualified help.

    Experts divide people with alcohol dependence into: different types. Most often there are patients with an indifferent attitude towards the world around them, their appearance, intellectual development. They begin to treat their relatives selfishly and lose direction in life. They exhibit aggression in relationships, anger, sudden changes moods.

    In the absence of qualified assistance to relatives, their continued residence with an alcoholic becomes unbearable. The patient has no desire to physical activity and work activity. Therefore, his relatives have to work several times harder to feed their family. All household chores fall on the shoulders of the alcoholic’s loved ones.

    You cannot believe the promises of a person with alcohol addiction and you should not hope for independent recovery. The sooner you turn to professionals for help, the more you can count on a positive treatment outcome.


    People with alcohol addiction, as a rule, refuse all kinds of treatment, as they consider themselves absolutely healthy. They are convinced that they drink solely at will and, if necessary, will easily refuse the next dose. But practice shows the opposite.

    Attempts to negotiate with an alcoholic about starting treatment constantly end in scandals. To convince the patient, his loved ones themselves must be in a balanced psychological state.
    Living in such conditions leads loved ones to a state of depression. Therefore, they are simply unable to correctly convey to the patient necessary information. Only a positive attitude and a confident tone can inspire an addicted person to make the right decision and push him to take the first step towards treatment on his own.
    A person who abuses alcohol experiences following problems psychological nature:

    • anxiety, fear;
    • state of depression;
    • irritability of character;
    • manifestation of aggression;
    • feeling of emptiness, loneliness;
    • feeling of shame;
    • state of depression.

    A rare drinker is able to cope with numerous problems on his own. It is better not to delay and immediately contact a specialist. Having received a consultation with a psychotherapist, it will become clear where to start treatment and how to proceed.

    It is very difficult to overcome the problem of alcoholism alone. An important role in this situation is played by the help of family and friends, psychological and emotional support of relatives. But those people who care about the fate of an alcoholic also suffer to a large extent, and some of them need no less help, and maybe even more, than the addict himself.

    Pulling a loved one out of the abyss of alcoholism is not an easy and far from quick task. To do this, you need to stock up on remarkable patience and endurance, sacrifice your principles and pride, hide your emotions and feelings. It is very difficult for any person to do this, but it is also unbearable to see how loved ones degrade. In such cases, close relatives of alcoholics simply need psychological help.

    Very often, even the most loving people simply give up. After all, not everyone can live with an alcoholic, endure all his antics, swallow insults and insults. And besides psychological problems alcoholics also suffer from physical illnesses, because alcohol is a poison that destroys internal organs human body. These people lose their jobs, their friends turn away from them, their loved ones leave, unable to bear this heavy burden. Loneliness is a terrible sentence for alcoholics. Therefore, it is quite important to receive qualified psychological assistance in a timely manner, both for the addict himself and for his loved ones.

    How does alcohol addiction develop?

    With alcohol addiction, a person is almost always in a bad mood, suffers from depression and stress, and is prone to attacks of aggression and panic. Often its formation is influenced by financial or material disadvantage, lack of normal operation, problems with self-realization, family troubles.

    All this has scientific explanation. Ethanol has a special effect on nerve receptors that are responsible for a good mood. Drinking alcohol leads to additional production of endorphins, the so-called hormones of joy and happiness. This is why when drinking alcohol a person is euphoric and in a great mood. And each time the amount of ethanol required for this is more and more. This is the decisive factor for the formation of alcohol dependence.

    By the way, opioid analgesics act on the nervous system in exactly the same way, which is why it often develops.

    Of course, the lack of the next dose of alcohol causes attacks of aggression, irritability, alternating panic disorders, apathy and stress. All this leads to prolonged and severe depression, which in turn is often the cause of suicide in addicted people.

    Any help to the sufferer chronic alcoholism, whether psychological or medicinal, always directly depends on the stage of the disease. After all, if you can try to help at the very beginning to a loved one at home, among the family, resorting only to the advice of a psychologist, then during heavy drinking bouts, on late stages alcoholism will be required long-term treatment V specialized clinics under the supervision of qualified specialists.

    There are three stages of the disease, each of which has its own distinctive features.

    Psychological assistance during the rehabilitation period

    Almost always in families, when faced with such a problem, relatives believe that it is the alcoholic who needs psychological help. But almost always his family also needs such support. Such processes are interconnected.

    The process of treatment and recovery of the patient takes place with deep stress and personal changes that others sometimes cannot bear. In addition, at the end of the course of treatment, the patient becomes irritable and overly emotional. At such moments, he vitally needs the psychological support of his relatives and the supervision of a specialist. But in many families, loved ones simply do not understand this. But one of the stages of treatment for alcohol addiction is precisely the restoration of warm and trusting relationships in the family.

    Sometimes it is very difficult for the relatives of an addicted person to get over themselves, to forget all the insults and sorrows caused by the alcoholic during moments of heavy drinking, and sometimes they simply do not have enough patience. But just at this moment drinking man and you need understanding and love from loved ones. The process of patient rehabilitation is a difficult and painstaking process, and constant reproaches and endless reminders past life make him suffer and cause severe psychological trauma. After undergoing treatment for alcoholism, such people become very vulnerable, and the slightest awkward situation unsettles them. Sometimes, unable to overcome their own shame, they return to their addiction, but only then does it proceed in a more severe form.

    It is these situations that an experienced psychologist will help to cope with. Special free courses have been created for relatives of alcoholics, where they are taught to avoid conflicts and unpleasant situations, not simply to accept their fate, but to learn to live in a new way, reviving understanding and trust in the family.

    At such courses, specialists talk about what experiences a person experiences during the rehabilitation period, what contradictory thoughts and feelings overwhelm him. In addition, relatives are offered to undergo the basics of psychology and psychotherapy in order to help their loved one understand the problems if something happens.

    A psychologist is able to explain to the patient’s relatives what caused alcohol addiction and how to help him with rehabilitation period and how they themselves can endure this difficult time.

    At the same time, the person being rehabilitated also needs a specialist. It helps to concentrate on everyday values, return to full life without alcohol and regain its meaning. Also, the work of a psychologist is to establish normal relationships in the family of an addicted person, social adaptation and help in developing mental balance.

    Of course, first of all, a person who has undergone such therapy needs a calm environment in the family. At this time, it is necessary to try in every possible way to avoid conflicts and family troubles. It is very important to understand that any carelessly thrown word can provoke a breakdown and again plunge a person into the abyss of drunkenness.

    In addition, you should know that excessive intrusiveness and guardianship, constant control from loved ones also irritate a former alcoholic in a certain way. It is unlikely that anyone even from healthy people to like the fact that they rush around him like a foolish child, controlling his every step. And in a constant state nervous tension which an alcoholic often experiences during the period of rehabilitation, this is fraught with certain consequences. In addition, a person must understand that only he can help himself cope with such serious illness, to realize that all responsibility for what is happening lies with him.

    Often, a person suffering from chronic alcoholism is absolutely sure that he is not sick and does not need any help. Most alcoholics do not consider themselves such and flatly refuse to undergo treatment.

    What should relatives do in such cases? Naturally, it is impossible to delay solving this problem, since the situation of the dependent person will worsen every day and the disease will drag him deeper and deeper. The main thing is to understand that the problem will not be solved by itself and in any case, qualified help will be required.

    But what to do if talking about treatment causes outbursts of aggression and irritability. Sometimes there is simply not enough strength or arguments to convince, and it all ends in another scandal.

    For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This natural remedy, which blocks cravings for alcohol, causing persistent disgust to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

    Psychologists recommend starting the process with yourself, that is, it is the relatives of the alcoholic who should first seek advice from a specialist. After all, the constant depression they are in is unlikely to contribute to making the right decision regarding the dependent person. In addition, timely psychological assistance will help stop the development depressive state, and also find an approach to an alcoholic.

    A person who becomes dependent on alcohol is often susceptible to the following mental pathologies:

    • depression and constant stress;
    • increased irritability and nervousness;
    • feelings of loneliness and shame for actions committed under the influence of alcohol;
    • increased anxiety;
    • panic states and fears.

    He himself cannot cope with such problems. Only timely and correct support from loving people will help you return to normal life and get rid of alcohol. But exactly how they need to do this, so as not to traumatize the patient’s already disturbed psyche, will be advised by an experienced and qualified psychologist.


    Alcoholism is a problem that worries the vast majority of people. Recently, young people and even teenagers have become susceptible to this disease. Any more or less unpleasant event can encourage a person to become drunk, but getting someone out of alcohol addiction is a long, difficult, but quite possible task. It is important in this case to make it clear to such a person that he is not alone, that he is still needed and loved, and that he will not be left to the mercy of fate. The main thing is the support of family and friends, and the help of an experienced and qualified psychologist will come in handy and will help in this delicate matter.

    Not everyone knows that alcoholism is a disease that damages the brain and nervous system as a whole, which is why, along with neurological treatment, alcoholism requires psychological help.

    Stages of disease development

    Tolerance to alcohol appears. An increase in the dose of alcohol taken is required. Constant memory lapses begin. The person avoids society and becomes depressed.

    Help and rehabilitation

    Help from a psychologist is very important factor in the fight against this worst disease, because he finds out the causes of the disease. The psychologist helps the patient look at himself and his condition from the other side and assess the real state of things. The specialist will show all the factors contributing to the severe course of the disease that provoked depression. In addition, it will indicate the motives for which it is worth returning to a normal lifestyle and building further relationships with family and friends. But it is impossible to completely recover in one session of psychotherapy; for this you need to work for a long time with desire and considerable effort. At the first meeting, the doctor will identify all the reasons for the patient’s being in this condition and outline a treatment plan that will lead to the best result, as well as terms agreed upon with the patient and his relatives. Support from loved ones plays an important role in the rehabilitation process. After all, a person returns to the place where he would have drunk without a doubt before alcoholic drinks. However, with proper treatment and an individually selected rehabilitation program, breakdowns are practically reduced to zero. In order to completely successfully complete the entire course, the patient himself must be determined and must believe in himself.

    Family support

    Psychological dependence on alcohol is often a disaster for the whole family. If there is an alcoholic in the family, the entire calm, measured way of life of all family members is disrupted. Children, spouses, as well as parents suffer from this terrible disease, so the whole family dreams of returning a loved one to the family. That is why it is very important to understand that treatment of alcohol addiction depends to a very large extent on the help and support of all family members. And after treatment, when returning home during the rehabilitation process, this will be the only help.

    Methods of psychological assistance

    Help for alcoholism has various methods : The most common and well-known psychotherapeutic method is the Dovzhenko method, which was widely used in the early 80s of the last century and has proven itself to be the most effective. Another eastern method is acupuncture, which is also used to treat alcohol addiction. The essence of this method is to apply needles to those points of the body that are responsible for psychological dependence. A proven treatment method is hypnosis. There are many options for suggestion, the most effective is recognized coding.

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