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The ears on the top of the head are a French bulldog. Description of the French Bulldog breed Animals French Bulldog

Fundamentally, keeping a French bulldog does not differ from the main rules for handling and caring for other dogs, although it has some differences associated with the qualities of the breed.

Place for a dog in the house

The boudoir of a “Frenchman” is sacred territory: here he rests and feels absolutely safe. As soon as the puppy appears in the house, the owner introduces him to the bed, patting it with the words “Place! Place!". It is highly undesirable to change it, as this will confuse the dog, making it more difficult to train.

Requirements for setting up a dog area:

  • the room should be dry, bright, with a small amount of furniture;
  • Small objects with sharp edges should not be lying on the floor;
  • It is better to place the rug in a corner, not far from the window;
  • You can’t place a bed near a door, a radiator, or in a draft;
  • you need to hide electrical wires;
  • Any sharp sounds should be excluded (for example, from working tools and slamming doors).

Be prepared for the puppy to persistently climb onto your bed, sofa or chair. If you don’t stop the attempts right away, you will always be forced to share your bed with an insolent dog’s face.

Caring for a French Bulldog

Don’t be fooled by a short coat: you won’t be able to get rid of the hairs that fall off a bulldog when shedding. The structure of the hair is such that it is firmly embedded in upholstered furniture and clothing.

To minimize the amount of hair falling out, buy a special mitten and brushes - hard and soft, large and smaller. Large ones will remove stuck debris, and small ones will add shine. During seasonal shedding, brush your dog 4 to 7 times a week.

Dog nutritional features

Any puppy must be immediately accustomed to unknown foods. You can’t follow his lead if he ignores fresh food and immediately change it or improve the taste. The cunning man will quickly realize that his whims are taken into account, and will constantly bargain for a tastier dish.

For eating, one place is allocated, equipped with a pair of low cylindrical bowls: for food and water. Along with the “Frenchman” itself, the volume of the feeding container also grows, in the role of which (at first) old frying pans, pots and cups can be used.

There are several prohibited actions in organizing dog food:

  • Do not use glassware (the dog may accidentally break it and get injured);
  • do not place a wooden cup (the puppy will try it on his teeth);
  • avoid containers with a spherical bottom (they are easy to tip over);
  • do not feed from a cup purchased for growing up (the puppy will smear food on the bottom and get used to getting into it with his paws);
  • do not teach people to eat from their hands (this is inconvenient for the owner, and the “French” will be spoiled by such serving of food);
  • Don't feed your dog wherever you have to (this is a recipe for bad behavior such as stealing and begging).

Important! All bones, except large raw beef bones, more often called sugar bones, are completely excluded. And these are given infrequently, so as not to wear down the teeth.

Don't worry about the apparent monotony of dog food - the main thing is that it is healthy and full of vitamins. The latter, as you know, are more abundant in raw foods. Your task is to maintain a balance (1/3 should be fiber, 2/3 should be animal proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese).

Everything that is cooked should not be too liquid/empty, nor too hot or cold (recommended food temperature is +20 +25 degrees).

Walking a French bulldog, clothes

This dog is a bundle of energy that requires systematic release. They walk with her 2-3 times a day and for a long time (preferably from 1 to 3 hours). The walk should be shortened if it is chilly and chilly outside..

Due to the breed's predisposition to spinal diseases, the puppy is not allowed to run up the stairs until six months, and while he is in vaccination quarantine, he is not allowed outside. If you notice that the puppy is tired, pick him up or put him in a bag.

You should not let your Frenchie off the leash near the highway or walk it near playgrounds: not all parents will like this. During walks, the leash is unhooked only when the dog has learned to unquestioningly obey your commands.

Outdoor walks (in rain, wind and snow) should become the norm, but to make them more enjoyable, use special dog clothing and shoes. Boots, booties and booties are worn extremely rarely to protect the paw pads from the reagents used in winter to combat ice.

Clothing is worn more often, as it performs two functions: to protect the pet from hypothermia and to save the energy of the owner, who no longer needs to wash his dog (the dirt will remain on the waterproof overalls).

Some dog handlers are against dog clothing, arguing that it has a bad effect on hair growth and disrupts the body’s natural thermoregulation. Their opponents claim that the statement is true only in relation to long-haired breeds, and those with short fur (including bulldogs) are characterized by increased heat-loving behavior.

Particularly caring people protect the large ears of their “Frenchies” from the cold by placing hats (either hand- or machine-knitted) on them, which the dogs don’t really like, but it keeps them healthy.

Dog vaccination

All dogs are vaccinated against common infections, including distemper, parvovirus enteritis, rabies, leptospirosis, infectious hepatitis and adenovirosis.

Adult animals are vaccinated once a year, young animals (to maintain strong immunity) - three times. The bulldog receives the first series of vaccinations at 1.5-2 months, the second at six months, and the third when he is one year old. During the period of teeth change (from 3 to 6 months), vaccinations are not recommended..

Conditions necessary for successful vaccination:

  • 10-12 days before vaccination, deworming is carried out;
  • 14 days before immunization, contact with dogs is excluded;
  • within 5 days before vaccination, daily thermometry is carried out (indicators must be stable);
  • the dog is fed properly, not forgetting vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • In order not to vaccinate a sick animal, it is carefully examined before the procedure, paying attention to behavior, appetite and the condition of the mucous membranes.

If you skip the latent period of development of the disease and get vaccinated, the dog can not only get sick, but also die.

Important! Immunity is formed 7-14 days after vaccination. Bitches are vaccinated 1-2 months before mating, so that an increased concentration of antibodies occurs with the appearance of colostrum, which protects puppies from infections.

After vaccination, the owner will need:

  • ensure that your pet does not become hypothermic;
  • keep other dogs (especially strays) away from him for 14 days;
  • do not treat the vaccinated animal with sulfonamides and antibiotics;
  • provide adequate nutrition.

For primary immunization, they usually take inactivated vaccines: they are easier to tolerate, but form shorter-lasting immunity, which is why they are vaccinated twice.

If a child is growing up in the family, and you decide to buy him a dog, then it is very important to carefully think about what you would like your future pet to look like. The opinion of each family member must be taken into account so that the long-awaited acquisition does not turn into quarrels and discord. If you have not yet decided which animal to connect your life with, then here is some good advice for you: get yourself a French bulldog. Charming, funny, affectionate and very smart, he will win your heart. Children and a French bulldog are the best duo you can imagine.

If you don't have a dog

It's hard to tell you how wonderful this is. You come home, and happiness awaits you there. The youngest members of the family are especially drawn to furry pets. For them, it is their best friend, play partner, comforter and endless source of joy. Children and the French bulldog are inseparable. It is impossible to separate them from each other.

This in itself is an amazing creation. It moves around the room with the grace of a hippopotamus, piercing you with the gaze of a fawn. A small but well-fed creature resembles both a whale and a tropical butterfly or bat. They have many human qualities. They are incredibly smart and loyal, always ready to support their owner, especially when they feel that he is not feeling well. Children and the French bulldog become very close, because this funny creature understands the mood of its friend with a sixth sense. However, it is not worth putting him in the bedroom, because this little creature snores in such a way that it does honor to a man.

Love for life

This is true. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of this baby, then you will definitely be faithful to him forever. Children are friends so warmly and reverently that it is very difficult to part with a pet when its life is coming to an end. But when the pain of loss subsides, they again buy themselves a small, eared miracle.

It is impossible to remain indifferent to the Frenchman's gaze. They are often called “little people” for their incredible intelligence. They hardly bark, they often make funny sounds, but at the same time they will selflessly protect their owner. Add to this unbridled courage and boundless love for children, and you will understand that you simply cannot find a better option.


To get a complete picture, the reader must imagine who we are talking about. This is a small, indoor and muscular dog, which, with a height of 30 cm, weighs from 8 to 14 kg. The bulldog's head is large, rectangular in shape, with a high erect ears. It is they who give the creature such a funny look.

The bulldog's muzzle is short, upturned, with folds on the bridge of the nose and wide-set eyes. The coat is smooth and shiny, emphasizing the athletic build. The color is most often spotted, but can also be brindle. The character of these creatures is cheerful and spontaneous. This is a very energetic, playful and agile animal.


Dogs, like people, are very different. Phlegmatic or overly active, balanced and temperamental, sometimes they are very similar to their owners, and sometimes, on the contrary, they are their complete opposite. The character of the French Bulldog is open and cheerful, this creature easily gets along with all family members. There are no lazy or nervous dogs among them. They react completely adequately to various environmental stimuli. This breed is unique, it exhibits behavior that is the golden mean between the fidgety dogs of the canine world (for example, miniature schnauzers) and the imposing Pekingese.

The best

If you are seriously thinking about taking home a charming creature, then you definitely need to find out what a French bulldog is. Character of the breed, upbringing, feeding characteristics, chronic diseases- all this important information for the future owner.

There are whole legends about the mental abilities of bulldogs. Especially often, owners and breeders strive to extol them. On the other hand, this is not surprising. Anyone will say that their pet is the smartest and smartest. But in the case of these dogs, this is exactly the case. The Frenchman is very smart and quick-witted, he learns the basics of training quickly and easily.

Little watchman

You can't call a bulldog a sofa ottoman. Despite his amusing appearance, you can’t deny his stubbornness. This is another reason why it is very important that the course general training every French bulldog passed. The character of the breed you will be raising is quite strong. This is a bright leader. Despite his boundless love for his owner, he will get his way if you give him the opportunity.

The French extremely dislike clutter, uninvited guests, and unnecessary noise. However, this rule does not apply when they are playing with children. Then the whole house can be turned upside down, and this will be accompanied by your pet's shining face. There is also such a trait as jealousy. This may extend to the host the Frenchman chose from the entire family. Most often they are jealous of other dogs. If you are going to keep several pets at home, then get ready for the fact that he will constantly claim leadership.

Uninvited guests who try to approach the owner will meet fierce resistance from the small eared creature. Despite their comical appearance, they are not inferior in guarding qualities even to a Rottweiler. Of course, they cannot compete in strength and height, but they are very similar in their wariness towards strangers. Even at night, when the little one is fast asleep and snores throughout the house, his beautiful ears do not let him down. The slightest rustle will not escape his keen hearing.

Content Features

What is it like, the owners unanimously claim that it is little lump happiness. A small, smart creature warms with its warmth for many years. The owner is the center of the universe, the bully suffers greatly if he is not given attention. Therefore for too busy man the best option will buy a cat or a hamster, than doom a loving heart to constantly wait for the owner to come home from work.

The Frenchman will demand attention to his person from the first days. You need to be mentally prepared for this. From the moment the dog appears in the house, you need to patiently accustom it to brushing, cleaning its eyes and ears, and trimming its nails.


French bulldog - small child in the family. He needs to be loved and protected, and he will answer you with boundless devotion. It’s very nice that caring for the coat is completely simple. Even they can handle it junior schoolchildren. The owners note that this breed practically does not shed, and the smell of a dog is not typical for it. For apartment maintenance, this is a very important fact. Experts advise brushing your dog daily with a soft massage brush. Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the coat. Have you noticed that it has become dull, as if covered with dust? There is a reason to contact veterinarian You may be feeding your pet incorrectly.

You will need to wash your dog as needed. A mild shampoo or baby soap is suitable for this. These dogs love water very much, but they need to be accustomed to it gradually so as not to turn this process into an execution.

How French Bulldogs behave with children

This question is often asked to dog handlers. The Frenchman is a real nanny, caring and responsible, who will never allow herself to offend the baby. He will entertain the baby, touchingly crawling in front of him and looking into his eyes. The Frenchman will be happy to play with older children.

However, a dog’s attachment to a growing child directly depends on the latter’s attitude towards it. That is why, if there is a small child in the family, then the responsibility falls on the mother to ensure that he does not harm the bulldog. These are small but heavy creatures, so you should not allow your child to pick them up. They can easily drop and injure your pet. The rules for handling animals can already be explained to a preschooler, and then their relationship will develop in the best possible way.

When purchasing a bulldog, you must remember that this is not a toy for a child. First of all, the responsibility for it lies with you. Think of it as the arrival of another child in the family, the smallest one. Now it will become clear how to explain to older children the rules of communication with him, as well as how to build the process of raising a puppy. They grow up quickly, and within the first six months of life they will master all the norms and rules of behavior. French bulldog and children will best friends, however, you definitely need to teach the younger generation how to treat our little brothers with respect.

Pros of the breed

Very conditionally, we can highlight its positive and negative aspects, because the dog must be perceived as a whole, as it is. If a person begins to focus on what is good and bad about it, then he is unlikely to be ready to become the owner of this amazing creature. But still, let's try to summarize what it is like, reviews, all this will become useful information for the future owner, and will help you make the right decision.

  • These are small animals and can be kept in a small apartment.
  • The owners note that the bulldog rarely barks, which is very good for relationships with neighbors.

French bulldogs, like all their varieties, have a characteristic appearance, are distinguished by intelligence and courage. These are compact, affectionate dogs with an easy-going and cheerful disposition. They are loyal to their owner, love children and home environment, loyal to the weak.

French bulldogs inherited their structure from distant ancestors -. In the past, now they are decorative friendly bulldogs. Many famous people acquire pets of this breed.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the dwarf bulldog and boxer were fighting dogs- English bulldogs who participated in the popular English sport of bull baiting. After the ban on cruel competitions, they tried to train animals to participate in dog fights, but nothing came of it.

Forgotten in England, the ancestors of bulldogs unexpectedly took root in France, where many Englishmen emigrated in the mid-19th century in search of work, taking their favorite animals with them. Thanks to their ability to deftly destroy rats and mice, they have won popular love in the country.

European breeders decided to turn the ferocious dog into a good-natured ornamental animal. A few decades later, by crossing an English bulldog with a pug and a terrier, a dwarf bulldog breed was obtained. In America it has become one of the most popular and beloved. They paid a lot of money for the French and officially recognized them.

In Russia, an unusual dog appeared in the twenties of the last century and became a fashionable, expensive toy for rich people. And today many celebrities are delighted with funny little ears.

Gallery: French bulldog (25 photos)

Description of the breed and character of the French Bulldog

The Dwarf Bulldog is an ideal companion dog, family member and loyal friend. The standard - a description of the French bulldog breed - was changed several times, and in 1995 the final version was adopted.

Breed Features

This is the cutest animal with large rounded ears, a flat nose, numerous folds on a short muzzle, a forked upper lip and protruding incisors. The dog has large, slightly bulging eyes with a black rim around the eyelids and an attentive, lively gaze.

At the Frenchman's muscular torso, wide back and chest, short tail, docked by nature. The hind limbs are slightly longer than the front ones, which is why the dog looks like it is stooped. The jaws are powerful and wide. Height at the withers is 30-35 cm, the weight of an adult bulldog can reach 14 kg. Life expectancy is 10−12 years.

The characteristic flattened muzzle and short nose of the Frenchie classify him as a short-headed dog. Such animals have noisy, labored breathing and are not adapted to long runs and hot weather. The cute bulldog sniffs a lot and even snores often due to his physiological characteristics.


Character of the breed

Representatives of this breed, in addition to their pleasant appearance, have a wonderful character, but sometimes like to play pranks. They get along well with all family members, adore small children, and get along well with other pets. All owners give positive characterization French bulldog.

Little dog has a bold character and can, on occasion, stand up for his master, whom he loves very much. He senses the weather in the house well and adapts to the mood of his household. He will calmly wait for attention to show itself.

Bulldogs do not need long walks; they feel great in an apartment. But they really don’t like to be left alone for a long time and can play pranks. They love to sniff everything around, thus choosing by smell what and who they like.

French bulldogs are stubborn and therefore difficult to train. But, with patience, you can teach them to follow commands, rewarding them with treats, games, and affection. A child can easily cope with Frenchie training.

Advantages of the breed:

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • does not tolerate cold and heat well;
  • needed for walks special clothing;
  • swims poorly;
  • may snore;
  • often suffers from allergies;
  • there is often a problem with the third eyelid that requires surgery;
  • difficulty in reproduction.

Care and feeding

For dogs of this breed easy to care for. They don't have specific smell and they should be bathed no more often than once every three months, unless there is special contamination. Frequent bathing may dry out the skin. Brushing your bulldog's fur once a week is sufficient. It is necessary to check the pads on the paws to ensure there are no cracks, and trim the nails.

The folds on the bulldog's face require special care, as moisture and dirt accumulate there. You should wipe these areas with wet wipes more often. Must be checked regularly big ears and clean them. Dental care is needed: brush once a week with a special tooth powder for dogs.

An adult dog is fed 2-3 times a day, and puppies 4-6 times. It is better to train the animal to eat at the same time.

Natural food is lean meat, offal, sea ​​fish without bones. Additionally, you can feed eggs, cereals, dairy products, and vegetables. Fruits are a treat for the baby and can be a means of encouragement.

Dry food contains the necessary additives and it is wise to alternate both types of feeding.

Types of Bulldogs

Bulldogs can be easily recognized by their characteristic appearance. These are smart, brave and loyal dogs. Of the extant species American and English bulldogs stand out.

Choosing a puppy and keeping it

The Frenchie is a popular breed and puppies can be purchased without problems, preferably, of course, in a nursery. How much does a French Bulldog puppy cost? Without documents - from 2500 rubles, but with a pedigree it is much more expensive - from 20 thousand rubles.

Choosing a puppy in a kennel, you need to pay attention to the condition of the coat, skin, ears and eyes, whether the stomach is swollen. It is better to look through several options, make inquiries about the parents, the character of the bully, his behavior. Healthy puppies always active and sociable.

You should also examine the documents and availability of vaccinations. For reliability, you can resort to the help of an independent expert who understands dog breeds. The right choice will help avoid a lot of problems and a healthy animal will delight the whole family for at least 10 years.

The dogs are taken home at the age of 45 days. They are immediately accustomed to hygiene procedures and proper feeding:

  • at 1.5-2 months you need to feed 6 times a day;
  • at 3 months - 5 times;
  • at 4-7 months - 4 times;
  • at 8 months - 3 times;
  • after a year - 2 times.

Weight of small bulldogs by month. Table

Newborn puppy200−300 g
1 month1−1.5 kg
2 months2−2.5 kg
3 months3.3−5 kg
4 months4−6 kg
5 months4.8−7.5 kg
6 months5.5−9 kg
7 months6.5−10.5 kg
8 months7.2−11.5 kg
9 months8−13 kg
10−12 months9−15 kg

The size and weight of the Frenchie are determined by many factors, including genetics.

When feeding natural food, it is necessary to feed your small pet with vitamins and minerals for full development. If you have any problems, contact your veterinarian, who will always give advice.

Necessary teach your baby from the first days follow simple commands and let him know who’s boss in the house. No physical punishment, just an authoritative voice and obligatory encouragement if the puppy does everything right.

The adorable Mini French Bulldog is great for families with children and single seniors who need companionship. There won't be many problems with him. He easily tolerates trips and changes in environment, and can do without walking for some time. A healthy, well-groomed animal will be a loyal and cheerful friend.

Attention, TODAY only!

A controversial dog is the French bulldog: on the one hand, his ancestors are a ferocious fighter, an implacable opponent who fought not only with his relatives, but also with much larger enemies. On the other hand, he turned out to be an affectionate, devoted friend, capable of devoting himself completely to his adored owner. Big ears, smart big eyes, a variety of colors - all this allowed the French bulldog to become everyone's favorite.

It is still not entirely clear which country is the birthplace of the breed: England or France. Breeders from Foggy Albion claim that the “fraznets” was the result of changing toy bulldogs, which are mini-copies English bulldogs. “Frogs” claim that during breeding they used a rare, now extinct, breed - Spanish bulldogs. Experts from France say that only they are concerned with obtaining offspring from English and Spanish bulldogs.

At the initial stages of the development of the breed, these dogs could only be found in the French suburbs among the owners of small shops. Girls with free morals really loved “frazzatsyat”. It was the acquaintance with the ladies of the demimonde that made it possible for the breed to reach new level– go to the living rooms of bohemians. The writing fraternity has always been associated with the aristocracy, so soon the dogs managed to move even higher up the “career” ladder - to get into the homes of politicians and nobles.

Interesting fact! For quite a long period of time, the French bulldog was a favorite of aristocrats, a kind of canine elite. This was especially true for England and America.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a puppy could be purchased for $750 (at that time, this money could buy a small apartment in a bad area or a good car). However, there were copies whose cost reached up to $5,000! The mafia's friends loved dogs of this breed very much.

The breed was brought to our country at the beginning of the 20th century. In Moscow and St. Petersburg they were especially valued as the most fashionable breed. At all exhibitions, French bulldogs were greeted like show business stars. As before in France, in our country creative people are very fond of bulldogs. It is known that Fyodor Chaliapin had two dogs of this breed, and Mayakovsky also had a dog, which added to his popularity with women.

French bulldogs appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were considered the most fashionable breed.

It was not for nothing that breeders ate their bread at that time: their hard work significantly increased the number of French bulldogs around the world. From animals for the nobility, they became favorites for everyone. Nowadays, any family can buy such a puppy.

Purpose of the breed, appearance, photographs

The French Bulldog is a companion dog. She doesn't just love her owner - she lives for him. She needs to see the owner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She wants to “talk” with him, eat, sleep, walk.

French bulldogs adore children, they have no aggression, but also no fear, so they will be ideal companions for a child in mischief and games. Considering that this breed is insensitive to pain, it will not be afraid of a child’s “hugs.”

Characteristics and breed standard

The modern French bulldog, whose description allows us to imagine the cutest creature, is not a giant at all: his height is about 30-35 cm at the withers. The muzzle is short, the animal is muscular and strong. A distinctive feature of the breed is high, large ears, forked upper lip, flat nose and protruding incisors.

Photo. French bulldog

French bulldog in the photo

The coat color can be absolutely any, except black: white, white-fawn, brindle, cream, fawn. How much a French bulldog weighs depends on its appetite. On average, The weight of males is about 10-15 kg, females - 8-12.

The latest edition of the standard is valid from November 3, 2014.

Here are the characteristics of the articles of French bulldogs:

French bulldogs are very peaceful. They are moderately gentle and loyal. A dog with such a bright temperament will not allow the owner and his guests to get bored, since he feels great in a crowd of admirers. They care about attention and the opportunity to demonstrate charisma.

The pet is calm, although somewhat shocking. The psyche is stable - these animals do not know fear or panic. The dog is touchy, but if the owner takes a step forward, he is ready to forget about all disagreements.

French bulldogs get along well with everyone in the household and with pets.

The French Bulldog, whose character allows him to get along well in a family with children, is still more suitable for adults. The fact is that kids are rarely ready to constantly endure such an abundance of energy and emotions. In addition, the dog itself is not always polite with children, because it lacks patience.

“Frenchies” prefer to be the only pets, but if there are other animals in the house, they will get along with everyone. Despite their small size, bulldogs consider themselves responsible for the territory, which they jealously guard. They will definitely warn you if someone comes to the door.

Establishing contact and trusting relationships with a dog is very simple. Bulldogs love to spend as much time as possible next to their owner, fully justifying their purpose.

“Frenchies” are affectionate pets, loyal friends and cheerful companions.

Education and training

Even a first grader can do training. We are, of course, talking only about the basic commands: , “Fu,” etc. – any animal needs to know these commands, and teaching them to a French bulldog is not at all difficult.

French bulldogs, although a little stubborn, are very smart and quickly remember commands.

Training should begin from the day the puppy arrives at home. If you get an adult, untrained dog, don’t be upset - bulldogs are smart, so with some persistence, such an animal will learn everything it needs.

Raising a dog correctly is also not difficult. Of course It is advisable to begin theoretical training even before purchasing a puppy, but even without this you get well-mannered pet everyone can. The most important thing is to promptly correct behavioral deficiencies that appear in any animal.

With sufficient persistence of the owner, the bulldog will learn not to beg at the table, not to take food from strangers, not to bite the owner, and so on. Even a younger child can raise a dog school age, but parents should monitor his efforts and be ready to help.

Rules of maintenance and care

French Bulldog – perfect pet for keeping in an apartment. He does not need space for living and walking; he is quite satisfied with a small bed near the owner.

It is important to remember that the bed cannot be placed near heating systems or in a draft. The surface should be fairly hard, spacious and clean. Despite all the love for a pet, it is unwise to place it in your or your child’s bedroom - due to the structural features of the nasopharynx, the animal snores heavily during sleep.

Walking with a bulldog can be of a calm nature - on the street the dog is not particularly active. You should not walk for a long time in hot or cold weather, since short fur does not protect the dog much. It’s better for her to buy clothes for the winter, and shoes for extreme cold.

French bulldogs have short hair, so they need warm clothing in cold weather.

It is advisable to walk the dog on uneven surfaces: sand, gravel, forest soil. Walking up stairs can damage a dog's spine, so it is better to climb the stairs with the dog in your arms. This is especially important for dogs under one year old, since their skeleton is not yet rigid enough.

Interesting! There is an opinion that there was a dog of this breed on board the Titanic. Witnesses claimed that after the sinking of the ship they saw a dog swimming towards the shore. This story is not so easy to believe, since this dog's legs are quite short and its head is too heavy. Most representatives of the breed cannot swim at all.

Care of the coat, paws and face

Caring for the “Frenchie” is quite simple. They need to be brushed once a week to remove dead hair. It is recommended to bathe your dog only if it is significantly dirty. It is not advisable to do this more than 2 times a year.

It is necessary to regularly trim the nails and ensure the cleanliness and integrity of the paw pads.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of your eyes and regularly wipe them with a damp cloth. It is important to wipe the folds on the face, where dirt and moisture accumulate, which can lead to infection. Wrinkles are wiped with cotton pads.

How to care for your ears

The ears of French bulldog puppies stand up on their own by 3-6 months.

It is enough to clean your ears twice a month. When discharge appears, unpleasant odor, redness, swelling and swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate.

A French Bulldog's ears should be erect, but you shouldn't worry about this until the dog is 3 months old. In some individuals with heavy, fleshy ears, this can happen by six months. However, even if the cartilages do not want to straighten, you can help them. For this you need: a bandage, a paper or medical plaster, cotton wool.

You should glue the ears like this:

  • prepare two rolls of cotton wool, the width of which is about 5 cm, the length exceeds the length of the ears by 2 cm;
  • wrap the rollers with a bandage so that they do not lose their shape;
  • place the resulting “doll” vertically in the ear, and “wrap” it around the ear. Secure the resulting shape with adhesive tape.

When setting the ears, not only verticality is important, but also symmetry. If the ears are in different directions, the judge will consider this a defect.

Therefore, additional efforts are required:

  • take two pieces of plaster, equal to length between ears + width of ears;
  • wrap ribbons around the ears front and back, gluing them together in the middle.

This design must be left for 7-10 days. If after this the ears do not stand up, it is necessary to repeat the gluing. Most often, two times are enough. To avoid damaging your dog’s ear cartilage, you should not stroke his head while touching his ears.

Many new owners are interested in... Experts do not have a consensus on this matter, but still most of the animals themselves vote for natural food. Of course, we are not talking about borscht and sausage: you need to feed your dog only food prepared for it.

Many owners feed bulldogs natural food, which necessarily predominates with meat (beef, lamb).

When feeding “natural”, most of the diet should be given to meat. It could be lean lamb or beef. You can give boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces. The poultry is given only boiled and only without bones. It is preferable to give a puppy scraper rather than minced meat. If you treat your pet with offal, it is better to boil or scald it. Only sea fish is allowed.

The diet should include buckwheat and rice porridge, and the yolk of a boiled egg is given weekly. Carrots, cabbage, and pumpkin are good for dogs. Fruits should be given raw, avoiding citrus fruits and grapes.

Health, life expectancy and breed diseases

“Frenchies” are not the longest-living dogs: the average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

In general, these are quite healthy and strong animals, but there are some medical problems, inherent in this particular breed:

The first vaccination is given at two months (Nobivak DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto). The second one is done a month later, the composition is the same. The third vaccination (against rabies) is given after all teeth have been replaced.

Every year your dog should be vaccinated against rabies, distemper and leptospirosis.

Buying a puppy: how to make the right choice

If you take a puppy “from hand”, its price will be low, but there is a high probability of acquiring a defective breed or an animal that is not a purebred at all. Sometimes you can find a really good puppy for as little as $100. The average price in the nursery is 200-500 dollars. Show-class offspring from titled parents will cost from $1,000.

It is best to purchase a puppy from nurseries.

Moscow region:

  • “Mini-crumbs” http://vs-marina.narod.ru/index.html;
  • “From fawn bulldogs” http://frbull.com/frbull/home_rus.htm;
  • “From Kuntsevo” http://iz-kuntsevo.narod.ru/news.htm.

Saint Petersburg:

  • "Dashin's House" http://dashindom.ru/;
  • "Amber Light" http://www.jantars.ru/news.


The French Bulldog is a dog with a strange exterior. Obviously, he is not as glamorous and showy as other breeds, but he has a huge army of admirers. Frenchie owners are sure that there are no dogs more beautiful and wonderful than their pets. They are ready to talk for hours about their pets, and will never exchange bulldogs for other dogs.

What is it about the dwarf French bulldog that captivates its owners? Why is the breed so popular? What's special about them? What are the pros and cons? We tried to answer these and other questions about the character, health and characteristics of maintenance and upbringing in this article.

Breed characteristics

  1. Attachment to family. Bulldogs love their family. They are very sociable and try to attract the attention of all family members at once. They demand adoration from their owners. If the owners pay enough attention to the dog and do not hold back love and tenderness, the Frenchie will respond to them with boundless devotion. The dog is happy when all family members are at home. He greets everyone joyfully, greeting them at the door as soon as he hears the sound of turning the key.
  2. Attitude towards children. The French Bulldog gets along well with children of all ages. Treat them tenderly and carefully. They love them and are ready to play for hours with the little ones. Dogs are friendly and do not divide children into theirs and theirs. The only negative that prevented me from giving the highest score is that the French can be jealous of the owner of newborn babies. If your four-legged friend If such jealousy towards the baby appears, try not to reduce the time you walk the dog. Strictly suppress “encroachments” on the child. The dog will have to put up with it, and over time it will get used to it and become attached to the new family member.
  3. Attitude towards strangers. French - good psychologists, they can sense the owner’s mood and his attitude towards a stranger. If a family friend comes to the house, the bulldog will be happy to see him, just like the owner. The pet will play with the guest, maybe climb into his arms or take a nap in the chair next to him. The bulldog greets uninvited guests with a loud bark.
  4. Security qualities. Boundless friendliness, delicacy and kindness do not allow using French bulldogs as guards. The only plus is appearance and the strength of the French inspires respect among others; you can not be afraid to walk with them in the evenings.
  5. Guard qualities. Guard characteristics are also completely absent from the breed. All that can be expected from a bulldog is a menacing bark from behind the door in response to a bell or knock.
  6. Hair loss. Bulldog shedding does not cause a big problem for owners. Short hair falls off during shedding and does not fly around the apartment - this is important if there are allergy sufferers in the house. It is enough to wipe the dog's fur with a soft, damp sponge to collect shed hair.
  7. General health. The breed is no different perfect health. The main problems are related to genetics and physiological structure. Dogs tolerate heat and cold very poorly. They can die from both overheating and hypothermia. Their heavy heads prevent them from swimming. Often there are problems associated with breathing patterns - “brachycephalic syndrome”, swelling of the throat and pharynx. Large bulging eyes are often injured and are susceptible to various inflammatory diseases. Pathologies of the development of the spine and diseases of a neurological nature are not uncommon.
  8. Playfulness. Representatives of this breed have a cheerful character. Bulldogs are happy to support games with children and the owner. But at the same time, they can sleep peacefully in a chair, waiting for an offer to play.
  9. Tendency to train. Dogs are easy to train. Easily remember the basic set of simple commands. Even a teenager can handle training a Frenchie. It doesn’t take much time to teach a dog not to pick up trash on the street or take food from strangers. However, they quickly understand the connection between following a certain command and receiving a reward for doing so. You will have to stock up on treats and conduct classes in the form of an interesting game.

History of the origin of the breed

The name of the breed does not indicate its origin. The first dogs, similar to English bulldogs, but more compact, appeared among English seamstresses in the city of Nottingham. They kept them company and helped them fight the rats. When in search better life Many English workers emigrated to France, they took their beloved dogs with them. This is how the French bulldog came to this country.

Modern French is the result of the selection work of poor Parisian breeders in the 80s of the 19th century. In those days, the owners similar to modern representatives The breeds of dogs were factory workers, cab drivers, poor traders and market loaders. However, after some time, Parisian aristocrats became truly interested in dogs with an unusual exterior. When they got to know the eared cuties better, the demand for them quickly grew. The first standard describing the characteristics of the breed dates back to 1898.

Description of the French Bulldog breed

The decorative companion dog is incredibly powerful in its compact size. It has a strong body, well-developed muscles, and a stocky build. An active and very smart animal has very expressive, intelligent eyes. Characteristic distinctive features Frenchie: large square head, upturned snub nose, funny erect ears, short tail.

Breed standard

According to the German breed standard FCI

  • Physique. Compact, stocky and powerful.
  • Back. Does not sag, strong and muscular. The sacrum is raised above the withers.
  • Limbs. Front – straight, vertical; the hind ones are longer than the front ones, muscular, very strong.
  • Paws. The front ones are “cat-like”, turned outward, with fingers tightly closed. Rear – round shape, compact size.
  • Gait. Smooth, free. During movement, the limbs are parallel. Paw thrusts are confident and powerful.
  • Breast. Deep, cylindrical, barrel-shaped.
  • Neck. Wider to the shoulders, short, very strong.
  • Head. Massive, wide. The shape resembles a square. The skin on the head gathers into characteristic folds.
  • Muzzle. Wide, short with symmetrical folds. Snub-nosed.
  • Scull. Wide.
  • Forehead. Dome-shaped, flat in the area between the ears. The groove between the eyes formed by the brow ridges.
  • Nose. With an upturned nose. The lobe is black and wide. Nostrils – well open, symmetrical, directed obliquely backwards.
  • Jaws/Teeth. The lower one is curved upward and protrudes forward relative to the upper one. The teeth are well developed. The lower ones protrude in front of the upper ones.
  • Ears. Erect, set high, medium size, rounded. They widen at the base.
  • Eyes. Large, round, dark. Open wide, set low. The expression is lively and attentive.
  • Tail. Short. Straight and thick. Set low.
  • Coat. No undercoat. The outer hair is short, smooth, and soft. Fits tightly to the body.
  • Color. Solid: brindle, light fawn, red. With white spots: brindle, light fawn, red. All species can have a black mask. Minor white markings are allowed.
  • Height at withers. Males – 27-35 cm, females – 24-32.
  • Weight. Males – 9-14 kg, females – 8-13 kg.
  • How long do they live?. Life expectancy is from 10 to 12 years.

Breed characteristics

The French Bulldog is similar to its English ancestors, but they are more good-natured, loving and gentle. This is the ideal companion dog. Frenchies cannot imagine themselves without people; they need contact, affection, attention. In return, these dogs, grunting like little piglets, will give their devotion and boundless love. Bulldogs become attached to their family members, love everyone, and do not choose their main owner. They are friendly and affectionate towards guests at home.

This love and devotion to a person outweighs protective instincts. The French don't make it watch dogs and security guards. The main purpose of the breed is to love a person, to be a companion and friend. Dogs experience loneliness and separation from their owners very painfully. They should not be left alone in the apartment for a long time. Therefore, the breed is recommended for single pensioners and large families, where someone is always at home.

Dogs are great at traveling with their family – you shouldn’t leave them at home when you can take them with you. They will not cause problems on the road; bulldogs tolerate any type of transport well. The only warning is that dogs should not be left alone in closed cars during the warm season. Dogs are sensitive to overheating - this can cause heatstroke, heart problems and lead to a sad outcome.

A typical Frenchie is an intelligent but freedom-loving dog. Therefore, some owners complain about the stubbornness and disobedience of their pets. Yes, the bulldog is ready to follow the owner and carry out his commands, but only when he understands why it is necessary. Not every dog ​​owner can easily and clearly motivate a dog to take the desired action.

It is worth mentioning separately about relationships with younger family members - French bulldogs adore children. They are ready to play with babies and treat them very carefully and tenderly. They keep teenagers company, listen to them and are ready to follow commands. Frenchy – good choice for families with children.

The French Bulldog does not need country life and contact with nature, like some other breeds. The dogs were bred in urban areas, so they feel great in city life. They don't need much space. Long walks are also not their thing. Even in the smallest city apartment they have enough space. They will not cause destruction there; they will behave civilly and carefully. In the absence of their owners, dogs sleep in a chair most of the time.

Representatives of the breed cannot be kept in enclosures or outdoors. A coat that is too short does not protect against the cold. For street walks in the cold season, special clothing and shoes are required. Shoes protect from the cold and harmful effects salt reagents that are sprinkled on ice. But it’s not just the cold that is taboo for outdoor living – dogs need constant contact with humans. Conscientious breeders of this breed do not keep their dogs in confined spaces.

Frenchies are clean dogs. But they are quite easy to care for. After a walk, pets' paws and belly are washed. Bulldogs have short hair on their paws - they don't get dirty very much. You can simply wipe the stained areas with a damp sponge. You can bathe your Frenchies as soon as they get dirty - they tolerate the procedure calmly. Just remember that this breed cannot swim - do not leave dogs alone in the bathroom. For washing, choose mild shampoos from veterinary pharmacies.

The breed's coat is very short; it does not need to be cut, trimmed, or combed out tangles and burrs after a walk. It is enough to comb it several times a week with a massage mitten or a brush with soft bristles. Bulldogs don't shed a lot. During seasonal molting Remove excess fallen fur with a damp foam sponge. The furs do not fly around the apartment, so they do not cause allergies in people predisposed to this.

The pet's eyes and ears need to be examined regularly - these are the weak points of the breed. If they become dirty, clean them with a damp cotton swab. If signs of inflammation appear, you should see a veterinarian. The bulldog's teeth require the same careful attention - due to the structure of the dog's jaws, the teeth are a weak point. They wear down quickly, so giving bones to bulldogs is prohibited. You need to brush your teeth and give your dog special treats for cleaning. oral cavity. Frenchies' claws wear down on their own during walks.


The breed, like other artificially bred ones, cannot boast of excellent health. French Bulldogs have a lot genetic diseases, which can be inherited. Therefore, you need to responsibly choose puppies, take an interest in the health of their parents, and demand the results of genetic tests from breeders.

What pathologies are most common in French cats?

  1. Brachycephalic syndrome. The reason is the structural features of the head, narrowed nostrils and an elongated palate. Symptoms include difficulty and noisy breathing. Snoring and grunting.
  2. Dysplasia hip joint. Genetic pathology manifested by pain and lameness of the hind legs.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Hemivertebra (hemivertebrae). Malformation of one or more vertebrae. May cause compression spinal cord and paralysis.
  5. Patellar instability. Congenital disease knee joints. Manifested by lameness.
  6. Intervertebral disc disease. Occurs with age or as a result of injury, jumping from a height.
  7. Cleft palate (cleft palate). It can only be treated surgically.
  8. Elongated soft palate. Manifested by difficulty breathing.
  9. Von Willebrand's disease. A blood disease characterized by poor clotting.


The breed is gluttonous and not squeamish - the French love to pick up trash and unwanted food. This may cause digestive disorders. Train your dogs and prevent them from eating outside of meals.


It is possible to train Frenchies, but sometimes it is difficult. Dogs are distinguished by their willfulness and stubborn character. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to the dog as early as possible who is in charge in the family (pack) and not allow the bulldog to gain a leading position. Puppies begin training at 3 months of age, choosing the simplest and most understandable commands.

The little Frenchman quickly understands that he cannot pick up trash and food on the street, chew on his owner’s things, or find his own toilet. French bulldog puppies can learn to relieve themselves in a litter box without leaving home. Raising bulldogs can be entrusted to teenagers and children from 7-8 years old, but adults should be ready to help difficult situations.

What to feed your French Bulldog

Frenchies often suffer from allergies, so you need to choose hypoallergenic products. The second thing to remember is that the breed has a tendency to become obese. It is unacceptable to overfeed dogs. Adult dogs need two meals a day: morning and evening. The owner decides what to feed the bulldog. A daily norm selected together with a veterinarian, taking into account physical condition dog, its age, weight and activity.

Natural feeding

When breastfeeding, the daily amount of food is calculated using the formula:

  • for puppies (up to 6 months) – 6-7% of body weight (excluding body fat);
  • for adult dogs (6 months and older) – 3-4% of body weight (without fat deposits).

The weight of body fat is calculated approximately.

Next, the resulting volume is divided in half - 50% should be meat food(fish, meat, offal, eggs), the remaining 50% should be fermented milk products. Raw vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil and bran are given in excess of the calculated volume, but not more than 15-20% of the weight of the meat ingredients.


An adult dog weighing 15 kg will need 600 grams per day. food. Of these, 300 gr. should be raw (frozen) meat, 300 gr. - cottage cheese and kefir. Additionally, you can give 1 tsp. unfiltered vegetable oil and 100 gr. chopped raw vegetables. Meat and dairy products do not need to be given at the same time.

The formula is not absolute. The amount of food increases or decreases depending on physiological state, age (2.5-3% of body weight is enough for aging animals), time of year (winter, summer), place of detention (street, house), health status (obesity, hormonal disorders), etc.

Ready-made feed

When choosing food for your pet, pay attention to brands for small breeds with at least a super-premium class. It is best to take original ones; food produced in Russia may be inferior in quality.

The daily allowance is indicated on the product packaging. For an adult, inactive Frenchie, 12-13 g/kg is enough, for an active dog – 14-16 g/kg. With this type of food, clean fresh water should be available to the dog 24 hours a day.

The best food for French bulldogs:

  1. Orijen Original is a high quality holistic product made in Canada. Contains only fresh ingredients suitable for human consumption. Protein products represented by fish, poultry and eggs (85%), the remaining 15% are vegetables, fruits and herbs. Proteins – 38%, fats – 18%.
  2. Acana Heritage Adult Small Breed Grain-Free is a brand from Canada for small breed dogs of the “holistic” class based on high-quality fresh and dehydrated ingredients. Does not contain grains. The vitamin and mineral composition is completely balanced due to the high-quality composition. Additionally added - zinc and vitamin E. Protein content - 31%, fat - 17%.
  3. Guabi Natural Adult Dog Mini – for puppies from 10 months and mini dogs (up to 10 kg). Pelleted feed Brazilian made based raw meat chicken and rice. Does not contain grains or corn. Proteins – 28%, fats – 19%.
  4. Brit Care Adult Small & Medium Salmon & Potato Grain Free is a brand for dogs weighing from 1 to 25 kg. The composition is based on salmon and potatoes. Enriched with vitamins and minerals. Contains chondroitin and glucosamine. Proteins – 26%, fats – 15%.
  5. Royal Canin French Bulldog Adult is a breed brand for adult French bulldogs. The composition is based on rice and dehydrated poultry meat. Contains a vitamin-mineral complex, glucosamine and chondroitin. The granules have a shape that is easy to grab and eat.


It is necessary to ration the dogs' diet and control their weight - the breed is prone to obesity.



Coat color varies from light fawn to reddish. There are even dark brindle markings over the entire surface of the body. The presence of a mask on the face is encouraged


The color of the coat can be different: light fawn, dark fawn, red. The black mask on the face is one of the dog's virtues.

Brindle with white spots

White markings are located all over the body. The main color can be of different shades from light fawn to bright red.

Solid color with white spots

The base color varies from light fawn to rich red. On the body there are single spots of pure white color.


Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to keep a bulldog in a city apartment and not walk it at all?

Yes, bulldogs feel great in a city apartment, if you don’t leave them there for a long time completely alone. But short street walks are necessary for dogs for the normal development and good mental state of the pet.

Is it true that the breed does not require tail docking?

Yes, it's true. They have a short, broken tail from birth.

Are there black French bulldogs?

If you are offered to buy a pure black puppy, this is a marriage. The purebred black French bulldog has red spots all over its body.

Does a white Frenchie meet the standard?

No. To meet the established standard it must be fawn or darker. Yes, there are pure white individuals, but they are not allowed to reproduce. Such dogs can have serious hearing impairment and complete deafness.

Is it necessary to glue puppies' ears?

Puppies of this breed should have their ears erect by the age of 3-4 months. In some individuals this happens even earlier - at 2 months. During the “ear setting” period, the dog needs to be given food, rich in calcium: low-fat cottage cheese, cartilage, kefir. If the dog’s ears have not stood up for up to 6 months, then it is necessary to “glue them back” under the guidance of a specialist or on your own.

What eye color do purebred bulldogs have?

The only acceptable color is dark brown. Any other color: blue, red, gray, ash, purple, black or light blue is beautiful, but it’s a waste!

How do dogs of this breed behave with other pets?

Frenchies get along well with other pets. On the street, dogs get to know their relatives without a shadow of fear. With proper early socialization, dogs are very sociable.

The breeder offers to buy a blue puppy, says that he has a rare color - is this true?

Yes, you can meet dogs that are carriers of " blue gene", but these dogs do not fall under the standard. Blue French Bulldog is a marriage. Conscientious breeders do not breed such dogs and do not offer them for sale.

Why do French Bulldogs snore?

The breed has a brachycephalic type of breathing, associated with the structural features of the muzzle and respiratory tract. The French snore in their sleep and can grunt during games.

Is it true that French cats are fertilized artificially?

Mating “French girls” is not the easiest thing. French bulldogs have a special physique - the front outweighs the rear. Therefore, it is more difficult for dogs to settle down. Sometimes couples need human help. To avoid suffering and pain for dogs, many breeders choose artificial insemination.

We took a French girl, we heard that this breed cannot give birth on its own. This is true?

Yes, the breed has problems with labor. That's why many bitches have a caesarean section. This is due to the peculiarities of the physique, too short a body. But, some dogs, with the help of a veterinarian or owner, give birth on their own.

How long should you walk your bulldog?

The breed does not need long walks. One hour a day will be enough. You can divide this time into two half-hour walks or walk your dog three times for 15-20 minutes.

Will a bulldog make a good guard?

If you need someone to “answer” the doorbell in a respectable manner, then a bulldog will cope with this role perfectly. But they are not suitable for the role of a bodyguard - they are too kind and friendly by nature.

How do the French cope with winter?

In winter, they will need special clothing (overalls) and shoes for walking. A much greater danger to the health of pets is drafts in the apartment and prolonged lying in a cold place.

I've heard that French bulldogs' fur doesn't smell - is that true?

Of course, like every dog, bulldogs have their own scent. But if you care for and feed them properly, they don't stink.

Are Frenchies too slobbery?

No, the breed is not known for excessive salivation. The French have their own quirks - they snore and grunt.

Are kennels suitable for French bulldogs?

No. Exclusively enclosure keeping is unacceptable.

Do French Bulldogs need a muzzle?

Muzzles for Frenchies exist, but they are difficult to find. According to the law, Frenchies cannot be transported by land. public transport without muzzle or carrier. Carrying is preferable; the dog will have difficulty breathing in a muzzle. Only a carry-on bag is allowed on the metro.

Can a bulldog and a cat get along in the same apartment?

The Frenchman gets along well with his owner's cats. In this tandem, the cat will most likely command. Bulldog will have to live with this. The young Frenchman can, of course, chase other people's cats. Dog experts will tell you how to train a “cat hunter” into a gentleman who will behave politely with cats.

Do French Bulldogs bark a lot?

The breed is not classified as empty-husky. Dogs don't voice without reason. Moreover, they love it when it is quiet around them. Noise annoys the French.

Who is the breed suitable for?

  1. Lonely pensioners. Bulldogs can become a reliable friend and a great companion for a lonely person. Dogs are smart and quick-witted, and can sense the state of mind of their owner. A bulldog will always try to cheer up a sad owner.
  2. Families with children. The French are very gentle and affectionate with children. They become the kids' best friends and are ready to play and frolic with them for hours.

Who is the breed not suitable for?

  1. Athletes and very active people. Bulldogs will not be able to run for hours after their owner or his bicycle. The breed does not need long walking or heavy physical activity. Sports lovers should take a closer look at other breeds:, or.
  2. Busy working people. Frenchies painfully endure long separations. They need constant human attention. The purpose of this breed is to be with its family all the time, to love and be loved.