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How to treat a cat sneezing at home. How to cure rhinitis in cats. More details about the reasons

Most pet owners are wary of any changes in the health and behavior of their pets. So the question may arise, “why does a cat sneeze?” Is treatment necessary and with what medications?

So, why does a cat sneeze - possible reasons.

First of all, sneezing in cats, like in humans, is a protective mechanism of the body that helps clear the airways. There can be two main reasons: physiological (dust or hair getting into the nose) and pathological (reaction to a disease or irritant). In the first case, the pet will sneeze briefly and no difficulties should arise. Don’t worry if after a couple of minutes your pet continues to play or sleep; most likely, he was able to clear his nose of dust or fur.

However, it is much more dangerous if the sneezing is prolonged; it can be caused by the body's reaction to a serious illness or allergy. It is necessary to establish the exact reason why the cat is sneezing.

The most common causes of sneezing are the following types of illnesses:

1) colds - a simple runny nose also happens to cats, which usually leads to irritation of the nasal mucosa and sneezing.

2) sinus infections and viruses. The most common are:

a) feline herpes virus (an animal could become infected through contact with another cat), b) calcivirosis (ulcers may appear in oral cavity and lacrimation, when exposed to the respiratory tract can even lead to pneumonia)

V) infectious peritonitis

d) feline immunodeficiency virus

e) feline leukemia virus

3) growths in the nasal cavity (polyps) - lead to difficulty respiratory process and can cause sneezing.

4) allergic reactions in all manifestations.

5) dental disease or sore gums– sneezing occurs as a complication of inflammation

6) cancer of the nasal cavity - the most dangerous reason, manifests itself with bleeding from the nose. You should definitely contact a veterinary clinic for examination.

7) asthma - manifests itself in difficulty breathing and sneezing

Allergy as a possible reason why a cat sneezes

Of the above diseases, allergies are the most common. It can be determined by the fact that sneezing appears only at the moment when the animal comes into contact with the allergen. The main allergens for cats are:

1) tobacco smoke

2) deodorants, perfume and eau de toilette

3) wildly flowering plants and their pollen

4) chemical household products– for washing dishes, cleaning baths, windows, etc.

5) some types of mold

Thus, when a cat was in a room with any of these stimuli, it is possible that its sneezing was a defensive reaction. It is necessary to ventilate the room or send the pet to another room.

How to determine why a cat is sneezing?

Once we have figured out what the existing causes are, we need to understand how to treat it? Home treatment or should I see a doctor?

First, carefully observe how the animal behaves and how often does it sneeze?

If you notice that your cat is touching its nose with its paw or scratching it, then it is possible that it cannot cope with getting into the nose itself. nasal cavity foreign objects or allergens. You can help the cat by rinsing the nose; it is better to do this together, as the cat may struggle. To rinse, it is necessary to heat the saline solution to body temperature, draw the liquid into a syringe without a needle or an intravenous casing, then secure the animal tightly, then lift the cat’s head up and slowly and carefully pour 0.5 ml of the solution into each nostril. It is important to take breaks so that the cat can rest and rest.

If the sneezing is persistent and accompanied by thick discharge from the nose, then most likely it is an infection or virus. In addition, you may have a fever, swollen tonsils, or a cough. It is impossible to help your pet at home, since only a veterinarian can determine the exact type of disease and prescribe correct treatment.

Also, nasal discharge, but now transparent, as well as watery eyes and swollen eyes are symptoms of an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine the allergen and exclude it. For example, you should not smoke near your pet. However, if you cannot find the cause of the allergy on your own, then it is better to consult a specialist.

From causes to treatment

Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. Let's look at the main types of treatment:

If tests reveal a herpes virus, then lysine is prescribed.

Different kinds infections with active bacterial growth are treated with antibiotics according to the type of infection. For example, maxidin or fosprenil (against inflammatory processes) or baksin or gamavit ( restorative effect).

Medicines in the form of ointments or gels are used against fungal infections.

If the cause of sneezing is a disease of the oral cavity, then the problem will go away with treatment of the teeth or gums.

The most complex treatment at cancerous tumors or polyps - medical intervention is necessary.

Very often, doctors prescribe intranasal drops, which you will need to instill yourself according to the instructions. You should secure the cat by pressing it tightly to some surface or to your lap. The cat's head should be slightly tilted upward so that the nose “looks” at the ceiling. There is no need at all to try to hit the nostril with the pipette; you don’t even need to touch the nose. It is enough to hold the pipette over the nostrils and drop 2-3 drops into each. The medicine will flow on its own and you will not cause unnecessary discomfort to your pet.

It is important to remember that consultation with a specialist is necessary! Do not try to treat yourself without knowing accurate diagnosis and medications prescribed by a doctor.


To the question “why does our cat sneeze?” did not arise at all, it is necessary to carry out timely preventive actions- do necessary vaccinations. From the first days of your furry pet's birth, you need to take care of vaccinations.

1) antiviral

2) against cat flu

3) from rabies

4) from leukemia

If you initially monitor the health of the animal, you can subsequently avoid many problems; your cat will delight you with its active behavior and respond with love to your care.

Both humans and cats experience something similar when they sneeze.

But if your cat is sneezing frequently or there are additional symptoms, it may be a sign of a more serious problem.

The main reason for a cat's sneezing is exactly the same as for people. They use an explosive burst of air through the nasal passages to clear a blockage or whatever is causing irritation.

However, frequent sneezing may be a sign of infection and the veterinarian will need to take swabs from different places to determine the cause. Typically, swabs from the mouth, throat, eyes, and nose are sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Causes of sneezing in cats

Infection of the upper respiratory tract

One of the most common infections that causes sneezing is an upper respiratory infection. It is very similar to the cold that people are susceptible to. Most of the time this infection is not too serious, but in small kittens or those with reduced immunity, infection may be a more serious problem.
Herpes virus

Another common infection is the herpes virus, which is transmitted between cats and can be caused by stress. Herpes is treated in the main way and it cannot be transmitted to humans. Feline herpes is highly contagious between cats and a common symptom is mouth sores, and it can also lead to respiratory tract infections and even pneumonia in the most extreme cases.


This disease is characterized by sneezing and disturbance respiratory function in an animal. Dangerous due to the possibility of transmission from cats to humans. It poses a particular danger to pregnant women.


Characterized by all the inherent symptoms of an infectious disease. It is impossible not to notice if your pet is unwell. The cat is bothered by lacrimation and...
Feline infectious peritonitis

A few other diseases that cause sneezing are feline infectious peritonitis, immunodeficiency virus, and leukemia.


An eye infection also causes excessive sneezing. Accompanied by fever and lacrimation. This disease is dangerous for humans.


The disease is bacterial in nature, the cat coughs and sneezes, suffers from discharge from the eyes and nose, an additional symptom that complicates the course of the disease is an increase in body temperature.

Inhalant irritant or allergen

If you notice something like this, it is recommended to watch the cat sneeze. Does she sneeze immediately after spraying air freshener, for example, or after the cat's litter box has been removed or when you have used a special cleaner. Any of these may indicate a reaction causing allergies in cats. Can be an irritant cigarette smoke, perfumes, dust, cleaning products, pollen, mold and even sprays.

Receiving a vaccine is a common cause of sneezing, especially if the treatment was intranasal (through the nose). The sneezing period usually lasts from four to seven days.

Infections in the mouth can also cause problems that lead to sneezing.

In some cases, sneezing is simply caused by itching in the nose. However, if you see additional symptoms such as nasal and eye discharge, excessive fatigue, fever, drooling, coughing, then you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

What should an owner do if a cat sneezes?

  • Take a closer look at your pet, right? additional symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, runny nose, fever and watery eyes.
  • Contact your veterinarian for medical care, if you notice that your pet is clearly unwell.
  • Under no circumstances should you attempt to diagnose, much less treat, a cat on your own. Determine by external signs serious illnesses - at least not realistically. At the clinic, the veterinarian will perform a series of tests and make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if an animal sneezes with blood, or if blood is found in the respiratory tract. foreign body.


Random and single sneezing is normal occurrence, and there is no cause for alarm. Just like in humans, sneezing in cats is a sudden release of air through the nose and mouth - a common reaction of the body to irritants in the nasal passages. Sometimes, extreme excitement or movement can also cause sneezing in cats.

However, if your cat continues to sneeze or other symptoms occur, she may need veterinary help to determine the root cause of the sneezing.

Causes of sneezing

If your cat is sneezing a lot, your veterinarian can initially determine the cause based on her symptoms. One common reason why cats sneeze is infection. In some cases, your veterinarian may use a swab to take a swab of your cat's mouth, throat, eyes, or nose and send it to a laboratory to confirm the infection. Other major causes of sneezing are sprayed irritants or allergens.

Viruses, bacteria, and bacteria can cause sneezing in cats. fungal infections upper respiratory tract. Similar to colds in humans, these infections are more common in young cats, especially those that have been in animal shelters for some time. Many of these infections can be prevented through vaccinations.

Viral infections that often cause sneezing in cats:

Feline herpes virus. Cats get this virus from other cats. Severe stress may leave the cat vulnerable and even lead to an outbreak of disease. Treatment against the virus is aimed at relieving symptoms. The feline herpes virus is not transmitted to humans and is not dangerous for them.

Calcivirosis. This virus is highly contagious in cats. Cats often develop mouth ulcers and watery eyes. The virus also affects the respiratory tract and can even lead to pneumonia.

These infections, in addition to sneezing, usually lead to the development of other respiratory symptoms, which can make the sneezing itself worse. For example, a cat with herpes may become infected with a secondary bacterial infection. These cases are often treated with antibiotics.

A wide range of other infections can lead to sneezing, including:

  • FIP, or infectious peritonitis
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
  • Feline leukemia virus
  • Chlamydia, which often leads to an eye infection
  • Bordetellosis

Why do cats sneeze, other causes of sneezing

Allergens and irritants. If your cat does not sneeze constantly and quite rarely, then possible reason this is irritation of her nasal passages. Look at situations where your pet sneezes. Perhaps this happens after you light the candles? Or after you've cleaned and cleared the house?

All of this can lead to potential irritants or allergens (substances that cause an allergic reaction) in your cat:

  • Perfumes and perfumes
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Disinfestation spray
  • Toilet litter, especially one that creates dust
  • Cleaners
  • Candles
  • Pollen
  • Mold

Allergies in cats are less common cause sneezing than a person. If sneezing is associated with an allergic reaction, it is sometimes accompanied by itching.

Other less common causes of sneezing in cats include a recent vaccination, foreign objects in the nasal passages, and infection or inflammation of a tooth root.

Sneezing and other symptoms in cats

Symptoms that may accompany sneezing in cats may be the result of wide range various infections and other problems. These symptoms include:

  • Watery eyes, discharge from the eyes, swelling or ulcers
  • Nasal discharge that is yellow or green
  • Fatigue or depression
  • Heat
  • Excessive drooling
  • Decreased appetite and weight loss
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Shortness of breath and cough
  • Poor coat condition
  • Labored breathing
  • Diarrhea

When to contact a veterinarian

If your cat only sneezes a few times for short periods of time and has no other symptoms or only mild symptoms, then you can simply monitor her condition for a few days. Keep your cat indoors and monitor his condition for changes. If the symptoms become complicated, if your cat begins to sneeze frequently, especially with blood, or develops the symptoms described above, you should contact your veterinarian immediately, as such problems may be signs of a disease that requires veterinary attention.

Treatment for sneezing in cats depends on the root cause of the disorder. In mild cases, your veterinarian may provide symptomatic treatment, for example, using a humidifier. In more difficult cases The veterinarian may use antibiotics, nasal medications, and other medications.

Sneezing is a protective natural reaction of the body to the appearance of an irritant in the nasal passages. A long inhalation when sneezing precedes a sharp exhalation, due to which interfering particles leave the nasal passages.

This behavior is typical not only of cats, but of any animal. A single sneeze is not a cause for concern. However, if it occurs regularly, you should take care of your pet’s health.

There is no need to panic and immediately take the cat to veterinarian. It is necessary to observe the behavior of the animal and determine the presence accompanying symptoms. This will help the veterinarian determine correct diagnosis, begin timely, properly selected treatment.

Causes of sneezing

There are several reasons for this cat behavior: from quite harmless to quite serious ones that pose a danger to the cat’s life.

The listed causes and symptoms will help determine further actions the owner of the animal, the need to contact a specialist.

What to do at home

Depending on the symptoms accompanying sneezing, it is possible to help the animal yourself.

So, dust ingress is the most harmless reason defensive reaction. High-quality cleaning or removing the animal from a dusty room can solve the problem. Keeping your home tidy will prevent foreign matter from entering your respiratory tract.

If an allergy occurs, the first aid should be to remove the allergen from the animal. You can change the cleaning agent or choose a different type of filler. If there is a reaction to pollen, remove the flowering plant from the cat’s access, or remove the stamens in a timely manner. Usually these actions are enough to eliminate the negative impact.

As preventative measure from colds, causing sneezing, you should give your pet multivitamins and feed him a balanced diet.

Any self-medication is dangerous for the cat; you should not postpone a visit to a specialist so as not to worsen his condition.

How to treat a sneezing cat

Any treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian. Any error in determining the diagnosis, as well as in the choice of therapy, can lead to sharp deterioration condition of the cat, incl. his death.

With strong allergic reactions You should contact your veterinarian to prescribe it for your cat. antihistamine, determining the type of allergen.

Polyps in the nasal passages can only be deleted in veterinary clinic, since the operation is performed surgically.

When hit by an object , which is not deleted naturally, also contact the veterinarian. Using a special instrument, he will clear the respiratory tract from the trapped particle, determine the presence of injury to the nasal passages, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Asthma therapy - always systematic, comprehensive. It includes antispasmodics (they relieve the animal from seizures), corticosteroids, and vasodilators.

In the presence of high temperature , apathetic state, suppuration, consultation with a specialist is required.

Some of the most dangerous symptom blood sneezing should be highlighted. Help for the animal must be provided immediately by contacting a veterinarian. The cause may be neglected helminthic infestation, oncology, foreign object that damaged the nasal passages.

Infectious diseases must be confirmed by laboratory tests.

As a result of making an accurate diagnosis, certain antibacterial drugs, antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. As a preventive measure against a number of infectious diseases Vaccinate your pet according to schedule.

When identifying dental problems - gum lesions - treatment is carried out at home as prescribed by a doctor. Dental treatment and tartar removal are performed only in the clinic.

Oncology - the most dangerous cause of sneezing. On early stages it is produced through chemotherapy or surgical intervention. Treatment of the disease in advanced stage difficult and unproductive.

Sneezing is a protective unconditional reaction of the cat’s body to an irritant that appears in the nasal passages. Its reasons could be: external influence(dust, allergen), and the presence of serious illnesses posing a danger to the life of the pet. In this case, contacting a veterinarian should be an emergency.

When a cat sneezes and this symptom is repeated very often, it is worth thinking about whether she has some kind of disease. Determine the severity of your condition pet Our article will help you, but to treat it (if necessary), still contact your veterinarian.

What reasons can cause a cat to sneeze?

Foreign bodies in the nose

Most often, cats begin to sneeze rhythmically due to contact with the nose. foreign objects. It could be either theirs own wool, or a piece of food that the cat just ate. In this case, there is no need to worry - during the sneezing process, the foreign body will very quickly fly out of the animal’s nose along with the snot.

But if your cat doesn't stop sneezing, there may be a large object stuck in the nasal cavity. In this case, you should definitely examine the animal and help it cope with the problem (if you cannot do this, you should contact a veterinarian).

Getting objects into the nasal passages is a common, but far from the only cause of sneezing in cats. Quite often, sneezing occurs due to dry indoor air or as a symptom of a disease.

Dry air

Cats may sneeze if the humidity in the room drops. Because of this, the animal’s nasopharynx can dry out and become inflamed, causing it pain.


Small kittens and adult cats often develop allergic reaction on external stimuli created by man.

It could be:

  • tobacco smoke,
  • purchased food,
  • tray filler,
  • perfumes,
  • Polish for hair,
  • air freshener,
  • cleaning products for home cleaning,
  • animal hygiene products,
  • mold,
  • pollen,
  • scented candles,
  • medications used to treat your pet.

Be sure to keep track of exactly when it occurs. frequent sneezing your cat or try to eliminate the impact of all these factors on him. If the sneezing stops, it means that the animal most likely has an allergy.

Abcesses and other dental diseases

When an animal's tooth root or gum becomes inflamed, inflammatory process can also affect the nasopharynx, thereby causing regular sneezing. In this case, the cat will also eat poorly or refuse to eat.

For this reason, it is extremely important to regularly carry out anthelmintic prophylaxis for pets, since they can become infected with heartworm even through a mosquito bite.

Viral diseases

Quite often, the reason why a cat starts sneezing is hidden in a viral disease, such as cat flu. One of the first symptoms of the disease may be sneezing.

Except viral flu, a cat is also capable of contracting feline herpes virus, calcivirosis, feline leukemia virus and even chlamydia (it can affect the mucous membrane of the eyes).

At similar diseases you can observe in your pet:

  1. Tearing.
  2. Discharge of pus from the eyes.
  3. Runny nose.
  4. Formation of a crust around the nostrils.
  5. Sniffling when breathing.
  6. Poor appetite.
  7. Hot nose.
  8. Temperature increase.

If a cat has contracted a viral disease and the animal’s condition worsens, you should waste no time and contact a veterinarian.


When a cat suffers from bronchial asthma, from time to time it may be tormented by attacks of suffocation, due to which the animal will painfully stretch its neck, sniffle, groan, secrete mucus from the nose and sneeze.

In such a situation, you should visit a veterinarian as quickly as possible, since your pet may suffocate at any time.

Nasal cavity cancer

With cancer, tumors can form in the nasal cavity, preventing the cat from breathing normally. The tumors may cause pain or discomfort, and sneezing may produce bloody mucus. You can discover the tumor yourself during a physical examination, or your veterinarian can help you identify it.

What to do if your cat sneezes often?

Visit a doctor

If your cat is sneezing, do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Be sure to visit your veterinarian so he can determine the cause of the problem and tell you what to do to eliminate it.

If the doctor prescribes treatment, strictly follow all instructions received. Under no circumstances should you try to treat your cat with drugs for humans: you can very easily provoke an overdose, thereby causing poisoning or even death of the animal.

Avoid your cat's contact with possible allergens

If your cat has allergies, try to exclude any contact with the allergen, and also keep your home perfectly clean (after all, the animal can develop an allergy even to dust).

Maintain your own and your cat's hygiene

To alleviate your pet’s condition, regularly wipe its nose and eyes to remove secretions, especially for colds and viral diseases.

Don't forget to take care of your own safety. Even if you don’t yet know what exactly is the reason for your cat’s sneezing, maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands after every contact with your pet, do not let him rub against your face or walk near your food.

Cats and humans have a lot common diseases, so if your cat is sick, you can get infected too.

How to prevent a cat from sneezing?

We bear great responsibility for the animals we have tamed, and therefore all conditions for their living must be created in our home. Also you should exclude everything possible factors, which can provoke sneezing or diseases accompanied by this symptom in cats.

Keep your home clean

Constantly wipe the dust on the floor and furniture, and periodically run a vacuum cleaner over soft upholstery. Remember to wash and clean your pet's pad, and change the litter in his litter box regularly (and don't forget to wash the litter box).

Monitor air humidity

When the room becomes very dry (especially in winter), turn on a special humidifier or place vessels with water near the radiators, which will evaporate and humidify the air.

Also, the cat should always have a filled bowl with clean water so that he can independently support water balance in your body.

Protect your cat from allergens

If possible, use hypoallergenic litter trays. Also try to carefully choose cat food - if you can’t find a hypoallergenic one, buy different variants until you pick one that doesn’t make the animal sneeze.

Be careful when using cleaning and hygiene products. Some cats may become allergic and sneeze to the smell of bleach or as a result of pet shampoo getting into their mouth and nose.

Contact your veterinarian promptly

If you notice problems in your cat's mouth, contact your veterinarian immediately. The longer you leave the disease unattended, the more serious problems health problems can occur in a cat.

If the kitten is small, try to visit the veterinarian regularly. This will ensure that all vaccinations are received on time. The doctor will also recommend what kind of nutrition the kitten should receive to form a strong immune system.

Be sure to give your cat vaccinations

Timely vaccination will protect the animal from viral diseases, which not only can cause the death of an animal, but can also be transmitted to you.

It is important to promptly vaccinate cats against upper respiratory tract infections (cat flu) and against feline panleukopenia (“ feline distemper") and from feline leukemia. If an animal periodically finds itself on the street and may come into contact with yard animals, be sure to vaccinate it against rabies.

When a cat or kitten sneezes, and does it very often and for a long time, do not ignore this fact. Even if you can't immediately visit a veterinarian to find out how to treat your cat, at least examine him for oral problems and symptoms of other diseases.

Also try to protect your pet from exposure to irritants that could worsen his condition and be sure to take the time to show him to a doctor.

Video: What diseases can frequent sneezing in cats indicate?