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The gases that come out smell like rotten eggs. Frequent farting - is it normal or a disease?

The appearance of gases with the smell of rotten eggs may indicate the development of various pathologies digestive organs.

What is gas formation

IN human body, and in particular, the digestive organs contain gas, which includes:

Acidophilus bacteria absorb oxygen, the lungs absorb hydrogen gas and methane. As a result of the functioning of the intestines, nitrogen is released, as well as hydrogen sulfide.

Excessive gas formation provokes digestive disorders. The accumulation of gases is called flatulence. This condition causes pathologies in digestive process, sleep disturbance, heartburn, unpleasant belching, colic.

Flatulence is classified depending on the causes of gas removal disorders:

Flatulence is a manifestation of intestinal dyspepsia. Excessive accumulation of gases causes an unpleasant odor.

In an adult foul odor gases occurs as a result of the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas, indole, and skatole, formed during the work of the large intestine. When gas formation is impaired, foam appears on the intestinal mucosa, which disrupts the production of enzymes and the digestion process and complicates the absorption of nutrients.

Some people suffer from gas problems more often than others. This is due to genetic predisposition or the state of immunity.

  • pregnant women;
  • newborns;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with hormonal imbalance;
  • people suffering from pathologies of the digestive organs.

Typically, flatulence is diagnosed in people over 50 years of age or in patients suffering from various diseases gastrointestinal system.

Impaired gas formation cannot be ignored. It is necessary to find out the reasons for the appearance of gases with the smell of rotten eggs in order to avoid the development of dangerous complications.

Causes of smelly gas

To eliminate the smell of hydrogen sulfide released from the intestines, you should find the root cause of its appearance. This condition can be caused by poor egg intolerance, overeating and poor nutrition.

Gases may smell like rotten eggs when consumed following products a lot:

In addition, foul-smelling gas may occur when eating expired or stale food. Usually the problem disappears after the power supply is normalized.

However, gases that smell like rotten eggs are not always caused by food. Often this state occurs as a result of the development of diseases of the digestive organs:

  • with gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • for liver pathologies;
  • in case of gallbladder diseases.

All these diseases require immediate treatment, since in the absence of treatment others will arise. dangerous symptoms and seizures that threaten the patient's life.


Before treating foul-smelling gases, the doctor finds out the cause of their occurrence using the following diagnostic methods:

  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis and enzymes;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy.

In addition, X-rays are taken to identify possible obstacles to the passage of gases or food.

Manifestations of flatulence

The gas coming out of the stomach is considered a waste product of bacteria. As a result of the active production of enzymes, food that enters the intestines decomposes. This process provokes the formation of various gases.

Pathologies of the digestive organs usually occur with the following symptoms:

  • bloating of the intestines, a hard abdomen is noticeably enlarged in size;
  • smelly farts;
  • regular belching of air;
  • painful sensations and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • nausea and rumbling;
  • disruption of the process of excretion of feces (diarrhea or constipation).

In addition, flatulence may be accompanied by disturbances heart rate, sleep disorders, weakness and mood swings.

Flatulence in infants

According to statistics, flatulence occurs in most children in the first months of life. Very often, a child farts with the smell of rotten eggs as a result of a violation of the diet by the nursing mother, an incorrectly selected formula, constipation or dysbacteriosis. Most often, flatulence in infants is not treated with medications. If the disease is not caused by pathologies of the digestive organs, then the problem can be solved by changing the mother’s diet and replacing the formula.


Foul-smelling gas can usually be relieved with medication and traditional methods, as well as nutrition regulation.

Drug therapy

For the complex treatment of flatulence, the following are usually prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • carminatives;
  • painkillers.

In some situations, medications are prescribed to restore damaged intestinal microflora.

Drug treatment includes taking the following medications:

  1. Motilium. Available in the form of a suspension for the treatment of children and in tablet form for resorption. The dosage is calculated taking into account the patient's age. Contraindicated in case of liver pathologies and bleeding.
  2. Mezim forte. Available in tablets. Contraindications: childhood, spicy or chronic form pancreatitis. The dosage is calculated taking into account the severity of the disease.
  3. Motilak. Available in tablet form for resorption. Used to treat children over 5 years of age. Contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction or bleeding.
  4. Metospasmil. Available in capsule form. Not prescribed for children under 14 years of age.

Since medications have a number of contraindications, traditional recipes are often chosen for treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods effectively normalize the natural output of gases and improve digestion. In addition, such methods have almost no contraindications and are characterized by a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

One of the most effective recipes considered dill water.

To prepare it, leave 2 teaspoons of dill seeds in 400 ml of boiling water for half an hour. Afterwards, strain the product and drink 100 ml before meals.

Diet therapy

To get rid of foul-smelling gas, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods containing coarse fiber and foods that can provoke fermentation processes.

The following products are prohibited:

  • sour (apples, gooseberries, plums) and exotic fruits;
  • cabbage;
  • corn and beans;
  • red meat;
  • black bread and flour products;
  • canned food;
  • sorrel;
  • sausages;
  • fatty cheese;
  • rich meat broths;
  • dried fruits and sweets;
  • sauces;
  • raw vegetables;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee.

To avoid the appearance of foul-smelling gases, you should be attentive to your health, eat only high-quality and fresh food, exercise, and avoid stress. Since the smell of farts may indicate the development of pathology of the digestive system, it is recommended to undergo regular medical examinations.

How to get rid of gases?

As doctors say, it is quite normal to emit gas up to 14 times during the day. If this happens more often, there is reason to think and reconsider your lifestyle and diet. This is because they are often the root cause of this problem.

What causes gases?

Gases do not appear in the intestines; they are always there. This is because most foods release carbon dioxide during their breakdown process. The reason for this is the carbohydrates they contain and are not completely absorbed by the body. Let's take apples for example. They contain about 20% carbon dioxide. It is also found in bread and many other foods.

It is worth noting that not every organism affects foods in the same way. Therefore, in order to understand whether a dish is suitable for you or not, you need to try it and monitor your reaction. As a result, you will understand what needs to be excluded.

Why do gases smell like rotten eggs?

There are several types of products that cause not just the release of gases, but a real storm that can drive you crazy, because the smell is simply unbearable. Most often it is caused by legume products, cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), all types of onions, raisins and prunes. But the leader is egg yolk, which turns into hydrogen sulfide. It also adds a “special” smell. Only enzymes can cope with this, which means that you will have to visit the pharmacy.

How to get rid of gases?

First of all, you need to analyze your diet and understand what exactly affects it. It may take a long time, but you will understand your body better and be able to take control of it. To alleviate your condition, it is best to exclude from your diet foods that, according to doctors, cause increased gas formation. If it doesn’t help, you can use special drugs, but this is only a temporary solution.

The most effective way is to control and analyze the food you eat. After breakfast or lunch, monitor what happens in your body for an hour or four. To get the most objective conclusion, you should eat separately.

As practice shows, among harmful products Usually it turns out to be dairy and flour. This is because adults do not tolerate them well, especially lactose.

So what to do?

  • Eliminate foods that cause too much gas in your intestines.
  • If this flour products replace them with whole grains.
  • Don't overeat, as your stomach simply can't handle too much food. It will ferment and there will be many more gases.
  • Don't rush while eating. Chew slowly and thoroughly.
  • Don't wash down your food.

This is the simplest thing you can do. But if we talk about the most effective, then you should start by changing your habits. We recommend that you consult a doctor who will rule out possible diseases and infections, and also give recommendations regarding the adjustment of your eating habits.

Try not to overdo it with medications. Too much coal or modern sorbents with too much frequent use can harm the body.

Don't give up folk remedies. Dill seed, chamomile decoction, and mint will help cure flatulence. Brew tea, enjoy and receive useful material and natural sources.

Do not ignore the slightest changes in your body, as this can lead to negative consequences.

Why gases smell like rotten eggs, 5 reasons

Ilya, 32 years old, emits gases that smell like rotten eggs. Why is this happening, he is embarrassed to ask us. Let's answer him without sarcasm.

The young man loves to eat.

Not a reproach to him, but his body weight, with a height of 167 cm, is 85 kg.

It is common for any person to release gases.

In this case, we are discussing the smell of rotten eggs as a possible gastrointestinal pathology. intestinal tract.

I managed to collect 5 main reasons from the Internet that form the basis of this unpleasant embarrassment.

* If you eat a lot of eggs, they have the right to come out as rotten gases.

* Excessive consumption of boiled (including stale) sausage contributes to the formation and release of stinking gases.

Rotten meat can be accompanied by a whole series of exhausts, in which the stench does not disappear quickly.

* Many people have noticed that after drinking beer with shrimp in abundance, the next morning the body makes such loud sounds that the neighbors are drumming on the pipes.

During the night, carbohydrates accumulate and disturb a person with terrible gas formation and specific smell rotten eggs mixed with who knows what.

* Gastritis and gastric ulcer.

You can exclude it only by visiting an experienced gastroenterologist.

* Together spoiled foods that you greedily consume.

In this case, gases can be called an irrepressible shooting range, which reminds us that saving is inappropriate here.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

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Intestinal gas with the smell of rotten eggs: causes and solutions

Gas formation in the intestines is an integral part of the functioning of the body. But what should you do if gases come out of it that smell like rotten eggs? Maybe this is a sign that your health is in danger? In any case, measures need to be taken. Indeed, with such a problem, unpleasant situations in society are possible, developing an inferiority complex in a person.

Carbohydrates, which are contained in most foods, cannot be fully absorbed - they turn into gases. Certain types of food (for example, meat and egg yolk) release too many of these compounds when they break down, in particular, a gas with the smell of rotten eggs - hydrogen sulfide. But the reason for the appearance of such gases is not always hidden in the menu features. If you eat right, but hydrogen sulfide is still actively released, it means that the digestive system is disrupted by digestive flatulence. This phenomenon occurs when enzymes fail to break down proteins and carbohydrates in the small intestine.

Safe “sources” of hydrogen sulfide in the body

To get rid of the formation of gases with an unpleasant odor in the intestines, you need to find the cause of this process.

Do not rush to attribute illnesses to yourself. After all, flatulence, accompanied by a “stress on the sense of smell,” can be the result of easily correctable errors in the construction of the diet.

Foul-smelling gases will begin to ruin a person’s life if he has poor tolerance to eggs or if he consumes a lot of:

  • legumes;
  • white and cauliflower, broccoli;
  • onions of any kind, raisins and prunes;
  • chicken eggs(it is this product that leads to the active appearance of gases in the intestines with a pronounced smell of rotten eggs);
  • boiled sausage;
  • beer with seafood.

Also, foul-smelling farts are guaranteed for those who decide to save money on food by buying expired food or gorging on dishes (especially meat) that have been languishing in the refrigerator for days.

How to get rid of this delicate nuisance is obvious: you need to stop using for a while. gas-forming products, and then introduce them into the diet very carefully and subsequently eat them in minimal quantities. This is a long-term solution to the problem. But what to do if the junk food has already been eaten, and in front of you is an invitation to a celebration or date? Of course, don’t give up on the joyful moments of life! Just stop by the pharmacy on your way to the holiday. Preparations containing digestive enzymes will help the gastrointestinal tract quickly cope with heavy foods.

"Strange" gases as a symptom of the disease

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It happens that a person strictly monitors his diet, but he continues to be “haunted” by gases with the smell of rotten eggs. The reasons for the obsession of this phenomenon, as a rule, are hidden in the development of diseases of the digestive organs, about which the patient can for a long time don't suspect. Hydrogen sulfide appears in intestinal gases when:

  • gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • liver pathologies;
  • gallbladder diseases.

You should not delay the treatment of these diseases, because, in addition to flatulence, other extreme diseases may soon arise. unpleasant symptoms and even severe attacks that threaten fatal. Get examined at the clinic, visit a gastroenterologist and start following his prescriptions.

The doctor decides what medications the patient needs based on the established diagnosis.

Of course, gases with the smell of rotten eggs cause a lot of trouble to a person and his environment. Having noticed such a phenomenon, you do not need to wait for it to disappear on its own - change your menu and check the functioning of the digestive system by visiting the clinic. These actions are usually enough to find the source of the problem and get rid of awkward situations.

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Gas in the intestines smells like rotten eggs

What is gas?

Gas is a side effect of a normal, functioning intestinal tract. Some have odorless gas and some have foul-smelling gas. Why is this happening? Why do some people's gases smell like eggs?

Why do gases accumulate in the intestines?

The unpleasant smell of gases has its reasons. Gas in the digestive system is either air (from external environment), or gases produced by bacteria inside the body. This is completely normal, although people may be embarrassed by belching (gas that is expelled through the mouth) or flatulence (gas that is expelled through the rectum).

Gas may be disconcerting, but it is part of the digestion process, whether you like it or not. You have a certain degree of control over how much gas you produce, and you can influence it yourself.

All good, what it really means is that your digestive system is doing what it's supposed to do: breaking down foods into the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

What is gas made of and why does gas smell like eggs?

What gas smells like rotten eggs? - methane. The main components of gas in the intestines include carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. These gases do not emit an odor, but gas that comes from the rectum may also include sulfur-containing compounds, which have an unpleasant and characteristic smell of rotten eggs. Some people also have methane in their flatulence, which is produced in the colon during digestion. A stinky smell doesn't necessarily mean you're sick, it's simply a function of what you eat and what your bacteria are doing in your gastrointestinal tract.

A foul smell means that the carbohydrates you eat are not digested well (fermented). Oddly enough, than healthier food the food you eat worse smell. Fiber-rich foods like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and quinoa produce bacteria in your gut and in turn, you naturally produce gas. Foods high in sulfur, such as red meat, milk or vegetable proteins, are the culprits in producing unpleasant odors. When we feed the bacteria in our guts high protein foods, they produce sulfur dioxide gas, which makes your gut gas smell like rotten eggs.

The end product of fermentation in our gastrointestinal tract is gas - carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane, all made from bacterial fermentation.

The common thread between rotten eggs and stinking farts is sulfur. If you've ever been in a natural spring that emits sulfur dioxide gases, you've probably recognized the stench. This is what hydrogen sulfide smells like.

Can gas in the intestines be prevented?

Gas in the stomach

Most of this gas is absorbed on its way through the intestines, but some of the gas may become flatulent and leave the body through the rectum.

Gas in the intestines

Flatulence is a byproduct of food that is not completely broken down by the small intestine. The enzymes and bacteria that do the job of digesting food are present in the digestive tract and do the job, but sometimes fail.

Some foods cannot be completely broken down by enzymes in the small intestine and passed on to colon. The colon contains a number of bacteria that continue the digestive process, but this process creates byproducts - carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. These gases then pass through the rectum as flatulence.

Pain or discomfort from gas in the intestines

Some people may have gas that makes them uncomfortable, such as bloating, and will want to change their diet or lifestyle to produce less gas. To do this, you should find out what foods you have difficulty digesting or even eliminate some foods that cause gas with the smell of rotten eggs. Keep in mind that everyone produces gas and should do so several times a day, but if you feel like you have excess gas in your gut and it smells like rotten eggs or it's causing you a disproportionate amount of pain, talk about your concerns to your doctor.

Summary of Gas in the Bowel

Your body must produce gas to break down food. This is an important process, even if it can be frustrating at times. While your body does need to produce gas, there are ways to reduce the amount of gas that is produced with bloating symptoms. Most people don't actually have too much gas, although it may seem that way to some. Some diet and lifestyle changes often help, but if bloating and gas that smells like rotten eggs continue to be uncontrollable, it's best to see a doctor.

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I apologize for such a piquant question. I regularly pass gas during the day (3-4 times a day), and the gas smells of the acrid and stinking smell of hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs). What could this symptom indicate? There's nothing else to worry about.

Three or four times is not much. Normally, the body produces about three liters per day. And many people pass gas much more often. Increased formation of gases above the norm - flatulence - with this question only consult a doctor.

In your case, you need to analyze the menu. Eating cabbage or meat, if they are poorly digested, can lead to the appearance of such a smell. Especially fatty meat.

In general, I recently read that gases with the smell of hydrogen sulfide can benefit the body. Small amounts of this odorous gas protect the cells. So a smelly fart will help in the prevention of stroke, dementia, arthritis and a number of other diseases (these are the results of the research).

Eliminate gas-forming foods from the menu for a while and if the smell does not change, then you need to check the large intestine for poor functioning.

But if a belch with the same smell appears next, then there is no need to experiment, go straight to the doctor.

Well, in fact, this is not a sign of absolutely anything.

Normally, intestinal gases are hydrogen sulfide. A more intense smell may be due to the banal consumption of a larger than usual amount of proteins, such as meat and legumes.

Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with this unless it's accompanied by other complaints.

If you have been tormented by gas for one or two days, most likely you have eaten too much pea porridge, salad with the presence of brain peas, chicken eggs, or sauerkraut.

But if this phenomenon is constant for you and ruins your life completely, run to the doctor!

These are signs of dysbiosis!

The average person releases approximately 500 to 1,500 milliliters of gas through the rectum every day. This gas typically consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. These gases are known to be odorless. An unpleasant odor may occur if other gases, as well as sulfates, are added. This happens in two cases. First, if gas remains in the intestines for a long period of time, bacteria begin to multiply, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

The second reason may be the consumption of foods high in sulfur, which cause excessive gas formation, such as beans, some fruits and vegetables, beans, peas, mushrooms. Try limiting your intake of these foods. In any case, this smell is usually not a sign of any serious problems.

In your case, since there are no more complaints, this means absolutely nothing terrible or dangerous. After all, intestinal gases are hydrogen sulfide, and the smell can change depending on the food you eat. If the smell itself causes you discomfort, then reduce your consumption of products with high content protein (meat and legumes), then you will immediately notice the difference.

Gases with the smell of rotten eggs can be a symptom of not very pleasant diseases. These may be signs of dysbiosis, or symptoms of intestinal infections.

It could also be a normal physiological state, for example it could depend on what kind of food you ate.

In one case or another, additional examination is necessary.

This may be a sign of intestinal dysbiosis; in medicine it is not a disease, but a symptom.

In principle, it can be treated without much hassle.

But you need an experienced doctor.

Or maybe not a sign at all, but simply ate the wrong food (too fatty meat, sauerkraut, etc.), or not in the same quantities as usual.

On the seventh sky

In the clouds and under the moon

Burping rotten eggs

A small amount of hydrogen sulfide is found in the intestinal gases of humans and animals. Gases with the smell of rotten eggs can be a symptom of not very pleasant diseases. Hydrogen sulfide is known for its strong, foul odor of rotten eggs or intestinal gas.

If you have been tormented by gas for one or two days, most likely you have eaten too much pea porridge, salad with the presence of brain peas, chicken eggs or sauerkraut. As doctors say, it is quite normal to emit gas up to 14 times during the day. If this happens more often, there is reason to think and reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

This is because most foods release carbon dioxide during their breakdown process. The reason for this is the carbohydrates they contain and are not completely absorbed by the body. There are several types of products that cause not just the release of gases, but a real storm that can drive you crazy, because the smell is simply unbearable.

Gases. sorry, with a pungent smell of rotten eggs. A sign of what?

It also adds a “special” smell. Mitochondria in stressed cells treated with AP39 were protected and the cells remained alive. Normally, gases should regularly leave the human body. Flammable. The concentration limits of ignition in a mixture with air are 4.5-45% hydrogen sulfide. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide is formed in the body from cysteine ​​using the enzymes cystathionine-β-synthetase and cystathionine-γ-lyase.

It is still unclear to researchers how they are distributed physiological roles in regulating vascular tone between nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide therapy uses a hydrogen sulfide donor or precursor, such as diallyl trisulfide, to increase the levels of hydrogen sulfide in the blood and tissues of a patient with myocardial infarction.

When inhaling air with small concentrations, a person quickly adapts to the unpleasant smell of “rotten eggs”, and it ceases to be felt. Flatulence occurs when there is an imbalance in the processes of gas formation in the digestive tube and their removal through absorption and evacuation.

With an abundance of plant fibers and fiber (cellulose, pectin) in the colon, the growth of microflora and complex carbohydrates is activated with the formation of carbon dioxide, organic acids, and methane. Of lesser importance is the flow of gas (mainly nitrogen) from the blood into the intestinal tube due to the difference in partial pressure in the blood and intestines. Digestive flatulence occurs when the enzymatic breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates in the small intestine is impaired.

In your case, you need to analyze the menu. Eating cabbage or meat, if they are poorly digested, can lead to the appearance of such a smell. Small amounts of this odorous gas protect the cells. So a smelly fart will help in the prevention of stroke, dementia, arthritis and a number of other diseases (these are the results of the research). Eliminate gas-forming foods from the menu for a while and if the smell does not change, then you need to check the large intestine for poor functioning.

A more intense smell may be due to the banal consumption of a larger than usual amount of proteins, such as meat and legumes. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with this unless it's accompanied by other complaints. These may be signs of dysbiosis, or symptoms of intestinal infections.

Therefore, in order to understand whether a dish is suitable for you or not, you need to try it and monitor your reaction. As a result, you will understand what needs to be excluded. Most often it is caused by legume products, cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), all types of onions, raisins and prunes.

Only enzymes can cope with this, which means that you will have to visit the pharmacy. First of all, you need to analyze your diet and understand what exactly affects it. It may take a long time, but you will understand your body better and be able to take control of it. The most effective way is to control and analyze the food you eat. After breakfast or lunch, monitor what happens in your body for an hour or four.

As practice shows, dairy and flour products are usually among the harmful products. But if we talk about the most effective, then you should start by changing your habits. We recommend that you consult a doctor who will rule out possible diseases and infections, and also give recommendations regarding the adjustment of your eating habits.

Do not ignore the slightest changes in your body, as this can lead to negative consequences. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to the use of cookies.

Sulfite is further oxidized to thiosulfate and then sulfate by the enzyme sulfite oxidase. Most gases that form in the intestines do not have an unpleasant odor. The gas is formed in large quantities, but does not have a disgusting odor. They contain about 20% carbon dioxide. It is also found in bread and many other foods. In large quantities it is toxic, but in small quantities it helps protect cells and fight disease. Hydrogen sulfide is one of the odorous gases produced by bacteria when they break down food in the intestines.

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Why does gas in the intestines smell bad?

Constant gas with a bad smell from the intestines

The formation of gases is an absolutely natural process. In a healthy person, they pass through the rectum about 15 times a day. There should be no stench. Gas in the intestines with an unpleasant odor that constantly passes may be a sign of illness digestive tract. What to do in this case? How to treat foul-smelling flatulence?

Gases and their formation

The so-called farting, or passing gas, is not usually discussed in society. This is why many people have no idea what this is for. physiological process. Some even believe that passing gas is abnormal. However, it is not.

Even an absolutely healthy person constantly contains a certain volume of gas in the digestive tract (approximately 200 ml). Throughout the day, it slowly comes out through the rectum, which is popularly called a fart. On average, one portion of gas is 40 ml, and there are about 15 of them per day. It turns out that approximately 600 ml of gases pass through the human body per day (the norm is from 200 to 2000 ml).

Most of the gas (20–60%) is air swallowed when eating or talking. These are nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. All of them are odorless, just like carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen produced in the intestines themselves. The stench of the released gases is caused by ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, as well as traces of aromatic hydrocarbons - indole, mercaptan and skatole. The reasons for their increased content can be very different - from a specific product eaten to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main reasons for increased gas formation

Flatulence is an excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. This condition is often accompanied by bloating, loud farting (scientifically it is called “flatulence”), a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, and often belching. According to statistics, 100% of people periodically suffer from flatulence, and only 40% of them have any diseases of the digestive tract.

Excessive gas formation can occur at any age. In infants, this phenomenon is often associated with physiological immaturity enzyme digestive system. Older people suffer from gas accumulation due to age-related lengthening of the intestines. There is even such a thing as “high-altitude flatulence,” when increased gas formation is a consequence of low atmospheric pressure in the mountains or at any other altitude.

If we consider the most common reasons increased gas formation, then the leading role can be given to errors in nutrition. But let's look at all the main causes of flatulence:

  • consumption of products calling processes fermentation (these are cabbage, peas, bread, kvass, etc.);
  • excess proteins, simple carbohydrates in the daily diet;
  • lactose intolerance (dairy products);
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • intestinal infection;
  • fecal impaction, intestinal obstruction;
  • helminthiasis (worms);
  • neurosis, chronic stress.

Also, flatulence, especially foul-smelling one, can be a symptom of a digestive tract disease. Usually this:

  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastric atony;
  • paresis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastroptosis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • proctitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • colitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

If the process of formation, absorption and elimination of gases is seriously disrupted, they accumulate in the digestive tract in the form of foam. This leads to a decrease in enzyme activity, poor absorption nutrients, which further aggravates the situation with increased gas formation.

What to do?

The first thing you need to do if you have foul-smelling flatulence is to reconsider your diet. Following a diet is the basis for the treatment of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to improve digestion, normalize stools, and reduce the passage of gases. In addition, if there are other alarming symptoms It won’t hurt to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

If there is excessive gas formation, the doctor may prescribe tests such as:

If the results of the examination reveal a disease of the digestive tract, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating it. In other cases, it will be enough to reconsider your diet.


Increased gas formation is caused by products that contain raffinose, sorbitol, pectins, fructose and starch. Excessive consumption of mushrooms, goose, pork and other foods that are difficult for the stomach also leads to foul-smelling flatulence. They take a very long time to digest in the intestines and begin to rot.

Drinks such as beer and kvass can also cause a foul odor of gas; they enhance fermentation processes. You should exclude or strictly limit the consumption of such products as:

  • legumes, cabbage, radishes, onions;
  • pears, apples, grapes;
  • bread, baked goods;
  • pork, goose;
  • all cereals except rice;
  • milk and dishes containing it;
  • carbonated drinks, beer, kvass;
  • corn;
  • canned food, marinades, pickles;
  • sausage;
  • mushrooms.

It is recommended to change your diet. The number of meals should be increased to 6 per day. Portions should be small, it is important to avoid overeating. In addition, you need to eat correctly, chewing your food thoroughly, slowly, and without talking. It is also important that the food is warm. It is especially useful to include foods such as:

  • kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream;
  • low-fat varieties meat;
  • potatoes, beets, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • green tea, decoction of rosehip and bird cherry;
  • boiled fish;
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
  • overcooked rice porrige;
  • greenery.

It is advisable to steam, stew or bake meat dishes without adding oil. You should do it at least once a month fasting days, for example, on kefir.


In some cases, when following a diet helps little, the doctor may prescribe medications that reduce flatulence. These include:

  1. Defoamers - “Espumizan”, “Bobotik”, “Sab Simplex”, “Infacol”. They reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles, which leads to their rupture and easy passage.
  2. Sorbents - “Activated carbon”, “Enterosgel”, “Polifepan”, “Smecta”. Absorb harmful toxic substances and then remove them from the body naturally.
  3. Antispasmodics - “No-shpa”, “Spazmol”. Eliminate spasms painful sensations, discomfort.
  4. Probiotics - “Linex”, “Enterol”, “Bifikol”, “Acipol”. They help restore the intestinal microflora and populate it with beneficial bacteria.

Many people are embarrassed by such a delicate problem as the constant release of gases with an unpleasant odor. This is quite natural; in our society it is not customary to discuss this intimate process. However, coming to see a doctor with a complaint of flatulence is quite normal.

You may just need to adjust your diet, and the increased gas formation will go away. And in case of diseases of the digestive tract, it is especially important to consult a specialist. A timely visit to a doctor will speed up recovery and avoid possible complications.


Why do farts stink? | What does their smell depend on?

The stench escaping from your anus, sometimes can be so caustic and stinky smell that can knock down a moose. Birds begin to fall from the trees, and leaves and flowers wither. What is the reason why the stench of your fart is so strong? After all, there are times when you fart, but there is no smell at all or it is almost not noticeable. Well, in this article we will try to answer this question, which, by the way, interests a fairly large number of the human population. Why farts stink and what determines the intensity of their stench.

What determines the intensity of the stench of a fart?

Before answering this question, let's understand a little about the basics and processes of the digestive system and some of the chemical reactions. The gases that appear in our body are produced directly within it and come from outside. When you talk or chew, air enters the esophagus. Also, as a result of digestion of food, they enter into a chemical reaction with gastric juice and gases are released. Then the digested foods leave the stomach into the intestines, where the process does not end with just getting rid of the digested food. There, liquids are absorbed by the intestinal walls. The intestines also contain a fairly large number of bacteria, which during their life processes produce a significant amount of gases. We described the entire process of gas formation and release in more detail in the article why people fart.

So, we found out where gases come from in our body. But initially the gases are odorless. Then where does it come from? Now about the main thing - why farts stink. The great science of chemistry will help us answer this question. The smell in our farts appears due to the content of gases such as mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide. Both of these gases contain a sulfur compound, which gives off an odor in the reaction. Hydrogen sulfide is known to smell like rotten eggs. It is precisely because of its contents that a fart smells like a rotten egg. Also bad smell our farts are caused by substances such as indole and skatole. Skatole is also called fecal gas. Both of these compounds are present in human excrement and intestinal canal. These gases begin to form to a greater extent during the digestion of protein foods. As you can see, the stench of farts is caused by the content of caustic gases, the formation of which depends on the foods consumed.

It happens that before your fart did not stink of anything, but recently it stinks quite strongly. Some people begin to associate this with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although this may not be entirely true. Almost everywhere, when diagnosing faults, they check the most banal things, which primarily lead to the described diagnosis. Eg computer wizard When asked why the computer does not turn on, he may ask - did you plug it into the socket? And believe me, in some cases this is the reason or it lies somewhere in this area. We will follow the same path. First of all, remember if your diet has changed. You may have started consuming foods that contain large quantities of sulfur, which in turn, when reacting with other inert gases, causes an unpleasant odor.

How to get rid of the stench of farts or reduce it?

We already talked above about why farts stink - these are corrosive gases. And they, in turn, tend to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. If you don't fart right away, but delay your fart, it will come back. The gases, in turn, do not disappear anywhere. But since our fart contains caustic and inert gases. And corrosive gases, in turn, have the ability to be absorbed, they will be absorbed into feces and intestinal walls. As a result, only inert gases will remain, of course not in pure form, but the content of corrosive gases will be less. And if you hold back your farts for a while, they will eventually have a less smelly smell.

You can also use special underwear that absorbs odors. And if you fart in the presence of other people, they will not smell your stinking fart.

Why do quiet, warm farts stink more than loud farts?

First of all, let's answer the question why are farts warm? The answer to this question will entail the answer to why they stink more. Most likely, many of you have noticed the fact that smelly and quiet farts can be quite warm. What is this connected with? We have already said that the stench appears as a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines. As a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines, smelly and caustic gases are formed, and heat is also generated. The gas bubbles that form in the intestines are small in size and teeming with these same bacteria. That's why they are warm and smelly. Why are they quiet? As you already know, our farts contain an inert and caustic gas. Caustic has the ability to dissolve or be absorbed, while inert does not. So, a quiet fart stinks very much for the reason that it contains a lot of caustic gas, and less inert gas, which is responsible for the volume and force of pressure.

It follows that loud farts stink less because they have great content inert gases and less caustic ones. Here's your answer. And if you do not let the fart escape for a long time, then there will be quite a lot of inert gases, and caustic gases will be absorbed into the intestinal walls. After which, if you fart sharply, the fart will be loud and not smelly. But you can try to fart quietly.

This, dear reader, ends our fascinating journey into the world of smelly farts. We hope the information you read in our article will be useful to you, and you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the right direction. We wish you success. Relief!


Foul flatulence

Flatulence itself is not a disease; it is only a symptom indicating a malfunction in the human body. The sensations are quite unpleasant and the list of diseases that cause flatulence is quite large.

A foul odor is a fairly common accompaniment of flatulence. This happens due to the release of carbon dioxide by gases entering the intestines as a product of its decay. Carbohydrates contained in food products are not completely digested and are released when they are broken down in the human stomach.

The human large intestine contains an abundance of plant fibers, pectin and cellulose. In such conditions, the intestinal microflora actively develops and complex carbohydrates promote the formation of carbon dioxide, methane and organic acids. In this case, the direct supply of nitrogen from the blood is of secondary importance. Nitrogen enters the intestinal tube due to a certain difference in pressure in the blood and intestines. Thus, the onset of flatulence with an unpleasant odor is explained by failures in the breakdown of enzymes of carbohydrates and protein compounds in the small intestine.

Foul flatulence causes

Intestinal dyspepsia manifests itself in the form of flatulence. As a result, the digestive organs functional disorder are not damaged. Flatulence is characterized by severe distension of the intestines with gases formed in it. In this case, it is possible that pain, feelings of discomfort and the release of gases with an unpleasant odor. The main causes of flatulence are poor nutrition, metabolic and circulatory failures, as well as difficulties in moving food through the intestines.

Three quarters of intestinal gases are products of bacterial activity. They produce enzymes that promote the decomposition of food that enters the intestines. The result is the release of gases. The main part of microorganisms is concentrated in the large intestine; they produce methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Increased gas formation promotes the consumption of certain foods that are poorly digested and therefore ferment in the intestines and decompose in it. In particular, this can be said about beer, black bread and milk. Also, the cause of foul-smelling flatulence may be disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system caused by changes in its bacterial composition (dysbacteriosis). In this case, fermentation in the stomach also increases, accompanied by secretion large quantity foul gases.

Foul flatulence treatment

In case of frequent manifestations of foul-smelling flatulence, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid the development of more serious illness. Only after an accurate determination of the causes of the condition can we talk about its treatment. This requires making changes to the patient’s diet and prescribing him a diet that involves excluding cabbage, fresh bread and legumes. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of foods high in starch, in particular potatoes, as well as flour dishes.

From medical supplies It is advisable to use drugs that cause adsorption of gases on the surface. This Activated carbon, Smecta and White clay.

When prescribing treatment for flatulence, the choice is determined by the cause that caused it. For example, if it is an enzymatic deficiency, it is necessary to take enzymes; if the cause is dysbacteriosis, restoration of full function is required intestinal microflora. If the patient suffers from pain, it is necessary to take medications to relieve muscle spasms stomach and intestines. This is No-shpa and antispasmodics. If the cause of flatulence is mechanical damage to the integrity of the stomach, surgical intervention is required for treatment.

The stench escaping from your anus can sometimes be so acrid and foul that it can knock out a moose. Birds begin to fall from the trees, and leaves and flowers wither. What is the reason why the stench of your fart is so strong? After all, there are times when you fart, but there is no smell at all or it is almost not noticeable. Well, in this article we will try to answer this question, which, by the way, interests a fairly large number of the human population. Why farts stink and what determines the intensity of their stench.

What determines the intensity of the stench of a fart?

Before answering this question, let's understand a little about the basics and processes of the digestive system and some of the chemical reactions. The gases that appear in our body are produced directly within it and come from outside. When you talk or chew, air enters the esophagus. Also, as a result of digestion of food, they enter into a chemical reaction with gastric juice and gases are released. Then the digested foods leave the stomach into the intestines, where the process does not end with just getting rid of the digested food. There, liquids are absorbed by the intestinal walls. The intestines also contain a fairly large number of bacteria, which during their life processes produce a significant amount of gases. We described the entire process of gas formation and release in more detail in the article.

The main part of the answer to the question - why do farts stink?

So, we found out where gases come from in our body. But initially the gases are odorless. Then where does it come from? Now about the main thing - why farts stink. The great science of chemistry will help us answer this question. The smell in our farts appears due to the content of gases such as mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide. Both of these gases contain a sulfur compound, which gives off an odor in the reaction. Hydrogen sulfide is known to smell like rotten eggs. It is precisely because of its contents that a fart smells like a rotten egg. Also, the unpleasant smell of our farts is caused by substances such as indole and skatole. Skatole is also called fecal gas. Both of these compounds are present in human feces and the intestinal tract. These gases begin to form to a greater extent during the digestion of protein foods. As you can see, the stench of farts is caused by the content of caustic gases, the formation of which depends on the foods consumed.

It happens that before your fart did not stink of anything, but recently it stinks quite strongly. Some people begin to associate this with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although this may not be entirely true. Almost everywhere, when diagnosing faults, they check the most banal things, which primarily lead to the described diagnosis. For example, a computer technician, when asked why the computer does not turn on, may ask - did you plug it into the socket? And believe me, in some cases this is the reason or it lies somewhere in this area. We will follow the same path. First of all, remember if your diet has changed. You may have started consuming foods that contain large quantities of sulfur, which in turn, when reacting with other inert gases, causes an unpleasant odor.

How to get rid of the stench of farts or reduce it?

We already talked above about why farts stink - these are corrosive gases. And they, in turn, tend to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. If you don't fart right away, but delay your fart, it will come back. The gases, in turn, do not disappear anywhere. But since our fart contains caustic and inert gases. And caustic gases, in turn, have the ability to be absorbed; they are absorbed into the feces and intestinal walls. As a result, only inert gases will remain, of course not in pure form, but the content of corrosive gases will be less. And if you hold back your farts for a while, they will eventually have a less smelly smell.

You can also use special underwear that absorbs odors. And if you fart in the presence of other people, they will not smell your stinking fart.

Why do quiet, warm farts stink more than loud farts?

First of all, let's answer the question why are farts warm? The answer to this question will entail the answer to why they stink more. Most likely, many of you have noticed the fact that smelly and quiet farts can be quite warm. What is this connected with? We have already said that the stench appears as a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines. As a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines, smelly and caustic gases are formed, and heat is also generated. The gas bubbles that form in the intestines are small in size and teeming with these same bacteria. That's why they are warm and smelly. Why are they quiet? As you already know, our farts contain an inert and caustic gas. Caustic has the ability to dissolve or be absorbed, while inert does not. So, a quiet fart stinks very much for the reason that it contains a lot of caustic gas, and less inert gas, which is responsible for the volume and force of pressure.

It follows from this that loud farts stink to a lesser extent due to the fact that they have a high content of inert gases and less caustic ones. Here's your answer. And if you do not let the fart escape for a long time, then there will be quite a lot of inert gases, and caustic gases will be absorbed into the intestinal walls. After which, if you fart sharply, the fart will be loud and not smelly. But you can try.

This, dear reader, ends our fascinating journey into the world of smelly farts. We hope the information you read in our article will be useful to you, and you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the right direction. We wish you success. Relief!

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The appearance of gases with the smell of rotten eggs can indicate the development of various pathologies of the digestive organs.

What is gas formation

The human body, and in particular the digestive organs, contains gas, which includes:

Acidophilus bacteria absorb oxygen, the lungs absorb hydrogen gas and methane. As a result of the functioning of the intestines, nitrogen is released, as well as hydrogen sulfide.

Excessive gas formation provokes digestive disorders. The accumulation of gases is called flatulence. This condition causes pathologies in the digestive process, sleep disturbances, heartburn, unpleasant belching, and colic.

Flatulence is classified depending on the causes of gas removal disorders:

Flatulence is a manifestation of intestinal dyspepsia. Excessive accumulation of gases causes an unpleasant odor.

In an adult, the foul odor of gases occurs as a result of the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas, indole, and skatole, formed during the work of the large intestine. When gas formation is impaired, foam appears on the intestinal mucosa, which disrupts the production of enzymes and the digestion process and complicates the absorption of nutrients.

Some people suffer from gas problems more often than others. This is due to genetic predisposition or the state of immunity.

  • pregnant women;
  • newborns;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with hormonal imbalance;
  • people suffering from pathologies of the digestive organs.

Typically, flatulence is diagnosed in people over 50 years of age or in patients suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal system.

Impaired gas formation cannot be ignored. It is necessary to find out the reasons for the appearance of gases with the smell of rotten eggs in order to avoid the development of dangerous complications.

Causes of smelly gas

To eliminate the smell of hydrogen sulfide released from the intestines, you should find the root cause of its appearance. This condition can be caused by poor egg intolerance, overeating and poor nutrition.

Gas may smell like rotten eggs when the following foods are consumed in large quantities:

In addition, foul-smelling gas may occur when eating expired or stale food. Usually the problem disappears after the power supply is normalized.

However, gases that smell like rotten eggs are not always caused by food. Very often this condition occurs as a result of the development of diseases of the digestive organs:

  • with gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • for liver pathologies;
  • in case of gallbladder diseases.

All these diseases require immediate treatment, since if left untreated, other dangerous symptoms and attacks that threaten the patient’s life will occur.


Before treating foul-smelling gases, the doctor finds out the cause of their occurrence using the following diagnostic methods:

  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis and enzymes;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy.

In addition, X-rays are taken to identify possible obstacles to the passage of gases or food.

Manifestations of flatulence

The gas coming out of the stomach is considered a waste product of bacteria. As a result of the active production of enzymes, food that enters the intestines decomposes. This process provokes the formation of various gases.

Pathologies of the digestive organs usually occur with the following symptoms:

  • bloating of the intestines, a hard abdomen is noticeably enlarged in size;
  • smelly farts;
  • regular belching of air;
  • painful sensations and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • nausea and rumbling;
  • disruption of the process of excretion of feces (diarrhea or constipation).

In addition, flatulence may be accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances, sleep disorders, weakness and mood swings.

Flatulence in infants

According to statistics, flatulence occurs in most children in the first months of life. Very often, a child farts with the smell of rotten eggs as a result of a violation of the diet by the nursing mother, an incorrectly selected formula, constipation or dysbacteriosis. Most often, flatulence in infants is not treated with medications. If the disease is not caused by pathologies of the digestive organs, then the problem can be solved by changing the mother’s diet and replacing the formula.


Usually, foul-smelling gases can be gotten rid of with the help of drug therapy and traditional methods, as well as by regulating diet.

Drug therapy

For the complex treatment of flatulence, the following are usually prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • carminatives;
  • painkillers.

In some situations, medications are prescribed to restore damaged intestinal microflora.

Drug treatment includes taking the following medications:

  1. Motilium. Available in the form of a suspension for the treatment of children and in tablet form for resorption. The dosage is calculated taking into account the patient's age. Contraindicated in case of liver pathologies and bleeding.
  2. Mezim forte. Available in tablets. Contraindications: childhood, acute or chronic form of pancreatitis. The dosage is calculated taking into account the severity of the disease.
  3. Motilak. Available in tablet form for resorption. Used to treat children over 5 years of age. Contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction or bleeding.
  4. Metospasmil. Available in capsule form. Not prescribed for children under 14 years of age.

Since medications have a number of contraindications, traditional recipes are often chosen for treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods effectively normalize the natural output of gases and improve digestion. In addition, such methods have almost no contraindications and are characterized by a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Dill water is considered one of the most effective recipes.

To prepare it, leave 2 teaspoons of dill seeds in 400 ml of boiling water for half an hour. Afterwards, strain the product and drink 100 ml before meals.

Diet therapy

To get rid of foul-smelling gas, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods containing coarse fiber and foods that can provoke fermentation processes.

The following products are prohibited:

  • sour (apples, gooseberries, plums) and exotic fruits;
  • cabbage;
  • corn and beans;
  • red meat;
  • black bread and flour products;
  • canned food;
  • sorrel;
  • sausages;
  • fatty cheese;
  • rich meat broths;
  • dried fruits and sweets;
  • sauces;
  • raw vegetables;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee.

To avoid the appearance of foul-smelling gases, you should be attentive to your health, eat only high-quality and fresh food, exercise, and avoid stress. Since the smell of farts may indicate the development of pathology of the digestive system, it is recommended to undergo regular medical examinations.

Foul flatulence

Flatulence with foul odor

Foul flatulence causes

Foul flatulence treatment

The smell of gas in the intestines prevents cancer and other diseases

The smell of flatulence has healing effect and may prevent cancer, stroke, heart attack and dementia, scientists say.

Hydrogen sulfide is one of the odorous gases produced by bacteria when they break down food in the intestines. In large quantities it is toxic, but in small quantities it helps protect cells and fight disease.

When cells are stressed by disease, they try to attract enzymes to produce small amounts of hydrogen sulfide.

Smell of hydrogen sulfide

Specialists from the English medical school University of Exeter Hydrogen sulfide is believed to prevent or reverse mitochondrial damage, a key strategy in treating diseases such as stroke, heart attack, diabetes, arthritis, dementia and aging.

Scientists have created a compound called AP39 that gradually delivers small amounts of this gas to the mitochondria. Mitochondria in stressed cells treated with AP39 were protected and the cells remained alive.

The researchers conducted preliminary tests and found that up to 80 percent of mitochondria survived devastating diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

Hydrogen sulfide is known for its strong, foul odor of rotten eggs or intestinal gas. It is naturally produced in our body and may help treat many diseases in the future.

Gases in the intestines

Flatulence is a condition in which there is an excess of stomach or intestinal gases. This can lead to an unpleasant feeling of bloating, belching and gas.

Most people pass gas about 14 times a day.

You can read about what causes increased gas formation and bloating and what foods most often cause flatulence in the article:

How to get rid of sour smell from the intestines?

Hello! I really count on your help!

I am 24 years old, I live in the Moscow region. Eat serious problem, which haunts me. I didn’t think it could go to such an extreme, that’s why I’m writing. The problem is a fetid odor from the intestines, or rather it was fetid about three weeks ago or earlier, and has recently appeared new problem- the appearance of a pronounced sour odor from the intestines, which does not stop.

The gastroenterologist prescribed a full course of treatment. Initially, before the examination, pancreatin 2 tablets before meals, as well as ciprofloxicin, did not help. Stage 2 also pancreatin and bactisubtil - it began to help, the diet in general allowed me to practically get rid of flatulence, the foul stool and the smell disappeared, I already thought that I was recovering, I followed the diet strictly, did not eat pork, smoked, fried, ate only chicken, meat , occasionally beef, in small pieces in soup, chewed the food thoroughly.

7 types of intestinal gas that should promptly see a doctor

How do you know when your flatulence is harmless and when it is not?

Many foods, when digested, release large amounts of gases. First of all, these are foods with a high combination of fiber and protein (for example, legumes), followed by carbonated drinks.

In each case, we are talking not about a one-time attack, but about repeated ones.


You will be surprised, but our gases normally do not smell. Only 1% of all farts have the smell of hydrogen sulfide, and we simply don’t smell them.

If each of your farts starts to smell, and it is not associated with odorous foods like garlic, curry, etc., and lasts longer than a day or two, there is cause for concern.

If your farts become exceptionally smelly, it could mean bacterial growth in your gut or a food sensitivity like celiac disease or Crohn's disease. In these cases, help is needed as soon as possible.

PAINFUL bloating

If you experience abdominal pain that moves through your intestines, it means that gas is unable to escape. The cause of blockages can be tumors, ulcers, or inflammation of the appendix.

EXCESSIVE bloating

If your stomach periodically swells so much that it is visible to the naked eye, and this does not coincide with menstrual cycle- you may have irritable bowel syndrome.


If your bowel movements are intermittent and pass gas, or there are spaces in your stool where there was gas, you may have a problem with your pancreas.

CONSTANT Flatulence

When you walk around constantly trying not to fart, it means you have excess gas. The reason for this is the high fiber and sugar content in your food.

Another cause may be irritable bowel syndrome or colon cancer.



Any burning or pain associated with flatulence means anal fissures or hemorrhoids. The longer you ignore the symptoms, the more difficult it is to be treated later.


Of course, many will start with diet changes and over-the-counter medications. If this does not help quickly, in two or three days, or the symptoms recur after some time again, you should see a gastroenterologist.

Do not think that this is some particularly sensitive topic for a specialist, you can be completely frank, this will make the diagnosis easier.

Gases and their formation

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • intestinal infection;
  • helminthiasis (worms);
  • neurosis, chronic stress.

What to do?

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • coprogram;
  • colonoscopy;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS);
  • clinical blood test;
  • biochemical analysis of feces.


  • legumes, cabbage, radishes, onions;
  • pears, apples, grapes;
  • bread, baked goods;
  • pork, goose;
  • all cereals except rice;
  • corn;
  • canned food, marinades, pickles;
  • sausage;
  • mushrooms.
  • lean meats;
  • boiled fish;
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
  • boiled rice porridge;
  • greenery.


Intestinal gases. What is their normal composition and smell?

Often, some people are bothered by an unpleasant odor when passing gas, which can cause social discomfort. So why do gases have no odor in some cases, but in others they do? To do this, you need to know the composition of the gases released, which component causes the stench and what it depends on.

Composition of intestinal gases

In a healthy person, the composition of the gas mixture excreted through the rectum is as follows:

Intestinal bacteria and gas formation.

Some bacteria produce the gas, while others consume it. Food particles that the digestive system is unable to absorb are broken down into smaller, simpler particles by gas-generating bacteria. This process is called fermentation. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide are the gases released in this process.

Other types of gut bacteria consume large amounts of gas, especially hydrogen. They, in turn, emit small amounts of methane or sulfur-containing gases, which are responsible for bad smell associated with intestinal gas. Some of the gas that is absorbed into the blood is released through the lungs and can be detected using breath tests. This gives doctors the opportunity to evaluate various functions digestive system. The remaining gas exits through the anus.

Gas formation in the intestinal lumen occurs in different ways.

  • Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide come from swallowed air, while hydrogen and methane are by-products of the breakdown of food debris good bacteria(probiotics) living in the large intestine, i.e. are formed as a result of the enzymatic activity of bacteria. All of these gas components are odorless.
  • Hydrogen is generated during processing anaerobic bacteria fermentable substances (carbohydrates, amino acids). A lot of hydrogen is released after eating certain foods (wheat bread, potatoes, corn, beans, cabbage)
  • Methane is produced by the metabolism of certain intestinal bacteria. In approximately 1/3 of the adult population, the number of these bacteria and, accordingly, the concentration of methane in feces is increased. The ability of each individual to produce methane is a relatively constant value and does not change with age.
  • Carbon dioxide can also be formed in the colon as a result of the enzymatic action of intestinal bacteria on organic substances that are not absorbed in the small intestine - plant fibers and other components containing carbohydrates that are not hydrolyzed by amylases (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, lignins).
  • The source of carbon dioxide is also the interaction of bicarbonate and hydrogen ions in the stomach.
  • Ammonia is formed in the colon due to microbial degradation of urea or amino acids.
  • The amount and composition of gases depend on the types of bacteria present in the colon; everyone has unique composition bacteria from the moment of birth.

What causes the specific smell of intestinal gases?

The intensity of odors when passing gas is related to the percentage of various gases present at any given time.

The bulk of the gas is odorless. Gases that give stool an unpleasant odor are found in the intestines in small quantities.

An unpleasant odor is caused by sulfur-containing compounds - hydrogen sulfide, indole, skatole, methanethiol, which are formed during the digestion of food in the large intestine.

They are produced by specific bacteria in the colon during the decomposition of organosulfur compounds, and primarily during the decay of proteins, which include sulfur-containing amino acids (taurine, methionine and cysteine).

The point is that those who are not absorbed in upper sections In the digestive tract, proteins are used by pathogenic microflora of the colon as an energy substrate. The enzymes of these putrefactive bacteria break down amino acids and convert them into amines, phenols, indole, skatole, mercaptan, and hydrogen sulfide.

Therefore, the more sulfur-containing foods in the diet, the more of the above compounds will be produced by intestinal bacteria, and the stronger the odor will be. Products containing sulfur include colored and White cabbage, soybeans, meat, fish, eggs, grains, milk, beer, etc.

Hydrogen sulfide is a component that typically smells like rotten eggs, while methanethiol is reminiscent of the smell of rotten cabbage. This same compound is also responsible for other human body odors, including bad breath.

The human nose can detect hydrogen sulfide in concentrations of up to half a billion, so the passage of even very small amounts of this gas can be noticeable.


Why is there such a range in the amount of gases produced, their percentage composition and the level of stench depending on the individual?

This is due to the amount of air absorbed, the types of foods consumed, and the internal chemical reactions that occur in the gut microbiome during digestion.

Fermentation occurs when unabsorbed and undigested food remains enter the large intestine. Thus, diet is the main factor (even more significant than the composition of the microbiota) that determines the amount of gases produced.

Reduction diets food products, which can cause fermentation, significantly reduce the amount of gases produced and the intensity of the odor.

Why does gas in the intestines smell bad?

Constant gas with a bad smell from the intestines

The formation of gases is an absolutely natural process. In a healthy person, they pass through the rectum about 15 times a day. There should be no stench. Gases in the intestines with an unpleasant odor that are constantly released may be a sign of a disease of the digestive tract. What to do in this case? How to treat foul-smelling flatulence?

Gases and their formation

The so-called farting, or passing gas, is not usually discussed in society. That is why many have no idea why this physiological process is needed. Some even believe that passing gas is abnormal. However, it is not.

Even an absolutely healthy person constantly contains a certain volume of gas in the digestive tract (approximately 200 ml). Throughout the day, it slowly comes out through the rectum, which is popularly called a fart. On average, one portion of gas is 40 ml, and there are about 15 of them per day. It turns out that approximately 600 ml of gases pass through the human body per day (the norm is from 200 to 2000 ml).

Most of the gas (20–60%) is air swallowed when eating or talking. These are nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. All of them are odorless, just like carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen produced in the intestines themselves. The stench of the released gases is caused by ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, as well as traces of aromatic hydrocarbons - indole, mercaptan and skatole. The reasons for their increased content can be very different - from a specific product eaten to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main reasons for increased gas formation

Flatulence is an excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. This condition is often accompanied by bloating, loud farting (scientifically it is called “flatulence”), a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, and often belching. According to statistics, 100% of people periodically suffer from flatulence, and only 40% of them have any diseases of the digestive tract.

Excessive gas formation can occur at any age. In infants, this phenomenon is often associated with the physiological immaturity of the enzyme digestive system. Older people suffer from gas accumulation due to age-related lengthening of the intestines. There is even such a thing as “high-altitude flatulence,” when increased gas formation is a consequence of low atmospheric pressure in the mountains or at any other altitude.

If we consider the most common causes of increased gas formation, then the leading role can be given to errors in nutrition. But let's look at all the main causes of flatulence:

  • consumption of foods that cause fermentation processes (these are cabbage, peas, bread, kvass, etc.);
  • excess proteins, simple carbohydrates in the daily diet;
  • lactose intolerance (dairy products);
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • intestinal infection;
  • fecal impaction, intestinal obstruction;
  • helminthiasis (worms);
  • neurosis, chronic stress.

Also, flatulence, especially foul-smelling one, can be a symptom of a digestive tract disease. Usually this:

If the process of formation, absorption and elimination of gases is seriously disrupted, they accumulate in the digestive tract in the form of foam. This leads to a decrease in enzyme activity and a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients, which further aggravates the situation with increased gas formation.

What to do?

The first thing you need to do if you have foul-smelling flatulence is to reconsider your diet. Following a diet is the basis for the treatment of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to improve digestion, normalize stools, and reduce the passage of gases. In addition, if you have other alarming symptoms, it won’t hurt to see a gastroenterologist.

If there is excessive gas formation, the doctor may prescribe tests such as:

If the results of the examination reveal a disease of the digestive tract, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating it. In other cases, it will be enough to reconsider your diet.


Increased gas formation is caused by products that contain raffinose, sorbitol, pectins, fructose and starch. Excessive consumption of mushrooms, goose, pork and other foods that are difficult for the stomach also leads to foul-smelling flatulence. They take a very long time to digest in the intestines and begin to rot.

Drinks such as beer and kvass can also cause a foul odor of gas; they enhance fermentation processes. You should exclude or strictly limit the consumption of such products as:

  • legumes, cabbage, radishes, onions;
  • pears, apples, grapes;
  • bread, baked goods;
  • pork, goose;
  • all cereals except rice;
  • milk and dishes containing it;
  • carbonated drinks, beer, kvass;
  • corn;
  • canned food, marinades, pickles;
  • sausage;
  • mushrooms.

It is recommended to change your diet. The number of meals should be increased to 6 per day. Portions should be small, it is important to avoid overeating. In addition, you need to eat correctly, chewing your food thoroughly, slowly, and without talking. It is also important that the food is warm. It is especially useful to include foods such as:

  • kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream;
  • lean meats;
  • potatoes, beets, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • green tea, rosehip and bird cherry decoction;
  • boiled fish;
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
  • boiled rice porridge;
  • greenery.

It is advisable to steam, stew or bake meat dishes without adding oil. At least once a month you should do fasting days, for example, on kefir.


In some cases, when following a diet helps little, the doctor may prescribe medications that reduce flatulence. These include:

  1. Defoamers - “Espumizan”, “Bobotik”, “Sab Simplex”, “Infacol”. They reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles, which leads to their rupture and easy passage.
  2. Sorbents - “Activated carbon”, “Enterosgel”, “Polifepan”, “Smecta”. They absorb harmful toxic substances and then remove them from the body naturally.
  3. Antispasmodics - “No-shpa”, “Spazmol”. Eliminate spasms, pain, discomfort.
  4. Probiotics - “Linex”, “Enterol”, “Bifikol”, “Acipol”. They help restore the intestinal microflora and populate it with beneficial bacteria.

Many people are embarrassed by such a delicate problem as the constant release of gases with an unpleasant odor. This is quite natural; in our society it is not customary to discuss this intimate process. However, coming to see a doctor with a complaint of flatulence is quite normal.

You may just need to adjust your diet, and the increased gas formation will go away. And in case of diseases of the digestive tract, it is especially important to consult a specialist. A timely visit to a doctor will speed up recovery and avoid possible complications.

Why do farts stink? | What does their smell depend on?

The stench escaping from your anus can sometimes be so acrid and foul that it can knock out a moose. Birds begin to fall from the trees, and leaves and flowers wither. What is the reason why the stench of your fart is so strong? After all, there are times when you fart, but there is no smell at all or it is almost not noticeable. Well, in this article we will try to answer this question, which, by the way, interests a fairly large number of the human population. Why farts stink and what determines the intensity of their stench.

What determines the intensity of the stench of a fart?

Before answering this question, let's understand a little about the basics and processes of the digestive system and some of the chemical reactions. The gases that appear in our body are produced directly within it and come from outside. When you talk or chew, air enters the esophagus. Also, as a result of digestion of food, they enter into a chemical reaction with gastric juice and gases are released. Then the digested foods leave the stomach into the intestines, where the process does not end with just getting rid of the digested food. There, liquids are absorbed by the intestinal walls. The intestines also contain a fairly large number of bacteria, which during their life processes produce a significant amount of gases. We described the entire process of gas formation and release in more detail in the article why people fart.

So, we found out where gases come from in our body. But initially the gases are odorless. Then where does it come from? Now about the main thing - why farts stink. The great science of chemistry will help us answer this question. The smell in our farts appears due to the content of gases such as mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide. Both of these gases contain a sulfur compound, which gives off an odor in the reaction. Hydrogen sulfide is known to smell like rotten eggs. It is precisely because of its contents that a fart smells like a rotten egg. Also, the unpleasant smell of our farts is caused by substances such as indole and skatole. Skatole is also called fecal gas. Both of these compounds are present in human feces and the intestinal tract. These gases begin to form to a greater extent during the digestion of protein foods. As you can see, the stench of farts is caused by the content of caustic gases, the formation of which depends on the foods consumed.

It happens that before your fart did not stink of anything, but recently it stinks quite strongly. Some people begin to associate this with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although this may not be entirely true. Almost everywhere, when diagnosing faults, they check the most banal things, which primarily lead to the described diagnosis. For example, a computer technician, when asked why the computer does not turn on, may ask - did you plug it into the socket? And believe me, in some cases this is the reason or it lies somewhere in this area. We will follow the same path. First of all, remember if your diet has changed. You may have started consuming foods that contain large quantities of sulfur, which in turn, when reacting with other inert gases, causes an unpleasant odor.

How to get rid of the stench of farts or reduce it?

We already talked above about why farts stink - these are corrosive gases. And they, in turn, tend to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. If you don't fart right away, but delay your fart, it will come back. The gases, in turn, do not disappear anywhere. But since our fart contains caustic and inert gases. And caustic gases, in turn, have the ability to be absorbed; they are absorbed into the feces and intestinal walls. As a result, only inert gases will remain, of course not in pure form, but the content of corrosive gases will be less. And if you hold back your farts for a while, they will eventually have a less smelly smell.

You can also use special underwear that absorbs odors. And if you fart in the presence of other people, they will not smell your stinking fart.

Why do quiet, warm farts stink more than loud farts?

First of all, let's answer the question why are farts warm? The answer to this question will entail the answer to why they stink more. Most likely, many of you have noticed the fact that smelly and quiet farts can be quite warm. What is this connected with? We have already said that the stench appears as a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines. As a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines, smelly and caustic gases are formed, and heat is also generated. The gas bubbles that form in the intestines are small in size and teeming with these same bacteria. That's why they are warm and smelly. Why are they quiet? As you already know, our farts contain an inert and caustic gas. Caustic has the ability to dissolve or be absorbed, while inert does not. So, a quiet fart stinks very much for the reason that it contains a lot of caustic gas, and less inert gas, which is responsible for the volume and force of pressure.

It follows from this that loud farts stink to a lesser extent due to the fact that they have a high content of inert gases and less caustic ones. Here's your answer. And if you do not let the fart escape for a long time, then there will be quite a lot of inert gases, and caustic gases will be absorbed into the intestinal walls. After which, if you fart sharply, the fart will be loud and not smelly. But you can try to fart quietly.

This, dear reader, ends our fascinating journey into the world of smelly farts. We hope the information you read in our article will be useful to you, and you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the right direction. We wish you success. Relief!

Foul flatulence

Flatulence itself is not a disease; it is only a symptom indicating a malfunction in the human body. The sensations are quite unpleasant and the list of diseases that cause flatulence is quite large.

A foul odor is a fairly common accompaniment of flatulence. This happens due to the release of carbon dioxide by gases entering the intestines as a product of its decay. Carbohydrates contained in food products are not completely digested and are released when they are broken down in the human stomach.

The human large intestine contains an abundance of plant fibers, pectin and cellulose. In such conditions, intestinal microflora actively develops and complex carbohydrates contribute to the formation of carbon dioxide, methane and organic acids. In this case, the direct supply of nitrogen from the blood is of secondary importance. Nitrogen enters the intestinal tube due to a certain difference in pressure in the blood and intestines. Thus, the onset of flatulence with an unpleasant odor is explained by failures in the breakdown of enzymes of carbohydrates and protein compounds in the small intestine.

Foul flatulence causes

Intestinal dyspepsia manifests itself in the form of flatulence. The digestive organs are not damaged as a result of this functional disorder. Flatulence is characterized by severe distension of the intestines with gases formed in it. In this case, pain, discomfort and the release of gases with an unpleasant odor may occur. The main causes of flatulence are poor nutrition, metabolic and circulatory failures, as well as difficulties in moving food through the intestines.

Three quarters of intestinal gases are products of bacterial activity. They produce enzymes that promote the decomposition of food that enters the intestines. The result is the release of gases. The main part of microorganisms is concentrated in the large intestine; they produce methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Increased gas formation is promoted by eating certain foods that are poorly digested and therefore ferment in the intestines and decompose in it. In particular, this can be said about beer, black bread and milk. Also, the cause of foul-smelling flatulence may be disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system caused by changes in its bacterial composition (dysbacteriosis). In this case, fermentation in the stomach also increases, accompanied by the release of a large amount of foul-smelling gases.

Foul flatulence treatment

In case of frequent manifestations of foul-smelling flatulence, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid the development of a more serious disease. Only after an accurate determination of the causes of the condition can we talk about its treatment. This requires making changes to the patient’s diet and prescribing him a diet that involves excluding cabbage, fresh bread and legumes. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of foods high in starch, in particular potatoes, as well as flour dishes.

Among medical preparations, it is advisable to use drugs that cause adsorption of gases on the surface. These are activated carbon, Smecta and white clay.

When prescribing treatment for flatulence, the choice is determined by the cause that caused it. For example, if it is an enzymatic deficiency, it is necessary to take enzymes; if the cause is dysbacteriosis, restoration of the full intestinal microflora is required. If the patient is in pain, it is necessary to take medications to relieve muscle spasms of the stomach and intestines. These are No-spa and antispasmodic drugs. If the cause of flatulence is mechanical damage to the integrity of the stomach, surgical intervention is required for treatment.

Medicines for flatulence

Causes of flatulence in women

Anti-gas tablets

Why did an adult develop a foul odor of gas?

Gas formation is a normal process for every person. Normally, air should leave the intestines about 15 times, and there should not be a strong foul odor.

However, it often happens that foul-smelling gases are released from the intestines. This indicates the development of gastrointestinal pathology.

Causes of flatulence

It is customary to speak of flatulence if a significant amount of gaseous products accumulates in the intestines. Their exit is accompanied by a specific unpleasant sound. Flatulence can occur in people of all ages.

The most common causes of excess gas formation are:

  • consumption of foods that activate fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased consumption of proteins, sugar;
  • lack of enzymes necessary to digest lactose;
  • dysbacteriosis;

Why do gases smell bad?

It appears due to the presence of indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and mercaptan in the air released from the intestines. Such compounds are formed due to the consumption of large amounts of foods rich in sulfur and proteins.

Mercaptan is synthesized in the case of bacterial decomposition of methionine.

However, it is not only poor nutrition that can provoke the formation of foul-smelling substances in the intestines. Some pathologies of the digestive tract also lead to this.

What diseases can cause foul-smelling gas?

The formation of a constant unpleasant fetid odor of gases in an adult can be the cause of the following pathologies:

  • Chronic gastritis with reduced acid-forming function.
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • Atony or gastric paresis.
  • Inflammation of the duodenum or large intestine.
  • Inflammation of the peritoneum.
  • Celiac disease is a pathology in which gluten is not digested.

A constant feeling of fatigue with a burning sensation or bloating indicates inflammation! There is an effective remedy. Read more.

  • Malabsorption is a disruption of the processes of normal absorption of nutrients from food.

Important! If the processes of formation and elimination of gases in the body are disrupted, they can accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract in the form of foam. This pathological process leads to a decrease in the activity of digestive enzymes and a deterioration in the absorption of nutritious foods.

Diet against foul-smelling gas

Unpleasant-smelling gases can form in humans due to poor quality nutrition. To prevent unpleasant odor from bothering you, you should adjust your diet.

A person suffering from a delicate problem needs to exclude the following foods, dishes and drinks from the diet:

Note! If there is a foul smell of gas, split meals are recommended: the number of meals should be at least 6 per day. You should chew your food thoroughly and do not talk.

  • soft-boiled eggs, as well as omelet;
  • rice porridge;
  • greenery.

It is advisable that meat dishes were boiled, stewed or baked. It is useful to drink tea from dill or fennel: it prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor and helps improve intestinal function.

Activated carbon tablets will help absorb foul gases.

Symptoms such as bloating and flatulence ( copious discharge gases) - may be signs of the presence developing inflammation! You can extinguish inflammation using a proven tool. Read more.

If a person is bothered by a foul odor, he needs to see a doctor to rule out dangerous diseases of the digestive tract.

Why did an adult develop a foul odor of 👃 gases Link to main publication

Our topic today is somewhat delicate and not entirely pleasant, but what can we do - someone has to cover it! To be honest, each of us has farted at least once in our lives! Yes Yes! This is also called “letting in the winds.” But that's not the point. We do not live in Germany, where frequent farting does not cause any inconvenience or misunderstanding, since there are no moral barriers imposed on it. You and I, friends, live in Russia! Here, in in public places I have to hold back. In order to protect people around us from the unpleasant (and sometimes fetid) smell of our own gases, we have to experience some physical discomfort, which is often accompanied by embarrassment. Sometimes things get out of control and a sudden (and sometimes loud) fart is heard! This must be terrible, friends...

Frequent farting. Causes

When our intestines digest food, during this process gases accumulate in it, leaving in small portions through the anus. Where do they come from?

  1. Along with food, we swallow a certain amount of air. Chewing gum and smoking also cause excessive air swallowing.
  2. When digestive juices interact with each other (and with water), anal farts are formed.
  3. In our large intestine live various beneficial microorganisms(bacteria). Gases are the result of their vital activity.
  4. If a person suffers, then frequent farting can be caused by dairy products.

In addition, in many cases, constant gases that torment a person throughout the day can be caused by a disease such as flatulence. We'll talk about this further.

Insidious flatulence

What is this?

Excessive and frequent farting is called flatulence. In human terms, this is an excess of intestinal gases, accompanied by belching and bursting pain with fairly strong flatulence (the release of these gases).

What is the norm?

There are certain standards by which we, excuse me, fart. Since the formation of intestinal gases is a completely natural process, their periodic release from the anus is quite normal. In general, doctors say that healthy man must fart 6 to 20 times a day! Renowned therapist and professor medical sciences Elena Malysheva stated in one of her TV programs that she “farts 2 liters of air a day” (quote)!

I'm tired of endless farting!

Do you often “let the wind go” and experience rather painful sensations? Gentlemen, see a doctor! There is some problem in your body. The fact is that frequent farting (flatulence) is the first “bell” indicating disorders and malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • pancreatitis,
  • constipation,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • helminthiasis,
  • colitis.

But flatulence is not always a symptom. Sometimes this is an independent phenomenon caused by some external reasons. Which ones? Read on!

Causes of flatulence

  1. Often the food you eat is to blame. After all, there are foods that brazenly provoke flatulence: legumes, cabbage, sparkling water, radish, various flour products.
  2. In addition, overeating is the most common. That is why doctors recommend eating often, but in small portions.